Exhibition 214X214 Exposé


Exhibition 214X214 Exposé
Exhibition 214X214
Concept of the exhibition
The famous „coffee house chair“ made of bentwood celebrated its 150th anniversary in the
year 2009, a unique era in the scope of furniture. The history of the modern furniture began
with model 214, former no. 14. It was the first chair which was industrially produced and
distributed worldwide. It is often called „Chair of chairs“ and this rightfully: with more than
50 million copies sold until 1930, it is not only the chair most built in the world, but it is
also considered to be the most successful industrial product of the 19th century. Even today,
it is produced by Thonet.
On the occasion of the anniversary, Thonet announced an amateur photo contest. More than
300 submissions from 19 countries documented that this chair is as contemporary as ever.
Collages with historical footage, modern presentations, humorous and emotional pieces
provide a diverse panorama from all over the world.
The exhibition shows all 20 winner photos and 16 motifs additionally honoured. Furthermore,
the exhibition comprises different chairs 214 of the current production (upon request) and
historical originals of the collection belonging to the Thonet museum. The Thonet film shows
sequences in the factory and places where Thonet furniture is applied. If requested, a mobile
bending machine which demonstrates the technique of wood bending can be added to the
The exhibition is suitable for dealer showrooms, for design centres and galleries.
Elements of the
36 framed photos
Size 40 x 40 cm, frame white,
with light-resistant prints,
size 214 x 214 mm. They are
delivered in safe transport
boxes. The frames are numbered so that the descriptions
can be easily placed.
Description of the motifs
Single sheet, in DIN A4 format
with description (sender, title,
short description of the main
winners). Thus, the visitors
are able to allocate the photos to the senders. This sheet
is available for download and
can be printed in black and
Elements of the exhibition
2 historical originals, loans from the Thonet museum
1 chair 214, from current production
Basis for the historical exhibits
80 cm width x 80 cm depth x 25 cm height, white lacquered
Ein einzigartiges Jubiläum der Möbelgeschichte:
der Stuhl 214 feierte 2009 seinen 150. Geburtstag.
Stuhl der Stühle wird er oft genannt, und das zu Recht. Es gibt
keinen anderen, der seit über 150 Jahren produziert wird und eine
so beachtliche Stückzahl erreichte – bis heute gibt es über
50 Millionen davon. Mit dem Stuhl Nr. 14, jetzt 214, begann die
Geschichte des modernen Möbels.
Eine Erfolgsgeschichte ohnegleichen. Die Basis war eine neue Technik, das Biegen von massivem Holz, das Michael Thonet in den
1850er Jahren perfektionierte und damit eine Serienfertigung überhaupt erst möglich machte. Und es gab eine geniale Vertriebsidee:
In einer Kiste wurden 36 zerlegte Stühle verpackt und in die ganze
Welt geschickt. Montiert wurden sie vor Ort – in Europa, Nord- und
Südamerika, Asien und Afrika. Deshalb gilt Thonet als Pionier des
Industrie-Designs und der Stuhl Nr. 214 als das gelungenste
Industrieprodukt weltweit. Noch heute wird er bei uns in Frankenberg gefertigt.
Wettbewerb anlässlich
des 150jährigen
Jubiläums des
Klassikers Nr. 214
Anlässlich des 150jährigen Jubiläums haben wir einen Fotowettbewerb ausgeschrieben und erhielten über 300 Einsendungen aus der
ganzen Welt. Die Ausstellung zeigt die 36 ausgezeichneten Motive.
For the entrance area
80 x 200 cm, with suspension
device. Suitable for shop windows or the entrance area.
Description of the project
80 x 200 cm, with suspension device. Best placed
near the photos.
Transport box with 36 disassembled chairs
100 x 100 x 100 cm, a replica of the historical wooden transport box.
Available on request, as it is a loan from the Thonet museum.
Thonet-Film (DVD)
Including the production of bentwood furniture in the factory.
The DVD player must be provided by the partner.
Further films:
– “Modern times”, Charly Chaplin (1936). A long sequence is set in a restaurant which is furnished with chairs 214.
– „The Apartment“, Billy Wilder (1960). Furnished with various Thonet bentwood classics. Billy Wilder was an avid fan and collector of Thonet
furniture. Both films are available commercially on DVD.
– „Thoneteando“, Pablo Reinoso, on YouTube. A short artistic tribute to chair 214.
Floor space required
Wall: Minimum 8 m length, if the frames are placed in two rows.
Floor: About 20 – 30 sq. m for the exhibition. It should be extended with a table
group of chairs 214.
The frames, the basis with the exhibits and the banner must be presented as a unity and
may not be spread over several places. This condition must be fulfilled; otherwise the exhibition can’t be handed over. A loan agreement regarding the exhibition must be signed as
Duration of the exhibition
A duration of three to four weeks is ideal. Six weeks are at least needed for the preparation
(e.g. print and shipping of invitation cards, shipping of press material).
Thonet: The exhibition including the exhibits as well as delivery and collection is free available. All elements are covered. Templates for invitation cards, advertisements as well as
press texts and footage are available. On the website of Thonet, the exhibition is indicated.
Partner: He is responsible for the quality of the exhibits and the costs for setup and removal, for print, shipping and advertisement placement. A dining table group with chairs 214
should be presented in the showroom of the trade partner. The relevant member of staff arranges the terms of choice. Regarding the re-acquisition, Thonet has a special offer, subject
to withdrawal.
The contact person who cares about the preparation is the relevant member of staff in the
sales department. The internal contact person is Victoria Rogalla, Tel. +49 6451/508-165,
Email victoria.rogalla@thonet.eu
m 150jährigen Jubiläums des
bel-Klassikers Nr. 214 wurde
internationaler Fotowettwerb ausgeschrieben. Wir
präsentieren die ausgezeichneten Motive in
unserem Showroom.
Ausstellung vom xxx
bis xxx.
Eröffnung am Donnerstag,
den xxx
Communication tools
Print data and text templates
Available for download on http://www.thonet.eu/en/service/214x214
Invitation card: A four-sided card which can be folded, in DIN format long/high
(105 x 210 mm). The individual data must be added.
Wettbewerb anlässlich des 150jährigen
Jubiläums des Klassikers Nr. 214
Ein einzigartiges Jubiläum der Möbelgeschichte:
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur Eröffnung der
der Stuhl 214 feierte 2009 seinen 150. Geburtstag.
Stuhl der Stühle wird er oft genannt, und das zu Recht.
Es gibt keinen anderen, der seit über 150 Jahren produ-
am Donnerstag, den 26. August 2010, um 19 Uhr
ziert wird und eine so beachtliche Stückzahl erreichte –
bis heute gibt es über 50 Millionen davon. Der Stuhl
in unserem Showroom
Nr. 14, jetzt 214, gilt als das gelungenste Industrie-
in der Schneiderstrasse 7.
produkt, mit ihm begann die Geschichte des modernen
Peter Thonet wird mit dabei sein.
Bitte geben Sie uns telefonisch oder
per Email Bescheid, ob Sie Zeit haben.
Anlässlich des Jubiläums wurde ein internationaler
Fotowettbewerb ausgeschrieben.
Die Ausstellung zeigt die prämierten Motive.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Die Ausstellung wird bis zum 18. September gezeigt.
Advertisements: Templates in black/white and four-coloured, with two or three columns
(90 and 135 mm wide). The individual data must be added.
Zum 150jährigen Jubiläums des MöbelKlassikers Nr. 214 wurde ein internationaler Fotowettbewerb ausgeschrieben.
Wir präsentieren die ausgezeichneten
Motive in unserem Showroom.
Ausstellung vom
xxx bis xxx.
Eröffnung am
Donnerstag ,
den xxx
Zum 150jährigen Jubiläums
des Möbel-Klassikers Nr. 214
wurde ein internationaler
Fotowettbewerb ausgeschrieben. Wir präsentieren die
ausgezeichneten Motive in
unserem Showroom.
Zum 150jährigen
Jubiläums des MöbelKlassikers Nr. 214
wurde ein internationaler Fotowettbewerb
ausgeschrieben. Wir
präsentieren die ausgezeichneten Motive in
unserem Showroom.
Zum 150jährigen Jubiläums
des Möbel-Klassikers Nr. 214
wurde ein internationaler
Fotowettbewerb ausgeschrieben. Wir präsentieren die
ausgezeichneten Motive in
unserem Showroom.
Ausstellung vom xxx
bis xxx.
Eröffnung am Donnerstag,
den xxx
Ausstellung vom xxx
bis xxx.
Eröffnung am Donnerstag ,
den xxx
Ausstellung vom xxx bis xxx.
Eröffnung am Donnerstag,
den xxx
Raffle card: In DIN format long (210 x 105 mm), printed double-sided,
with questions about the history of Thonet. Production via digital print.
Contact person regarding the costs is the responsible member of staff in
the sales department.
Wettbewerb anlässlich
des 150jährigen
Jubiläums des
Nr. 214
1. Preis: 1 Kinderstuhl 14 K
2. Preis: 1 Silberanhänger Motiv 214
3. Preis: 2 Kaffeebecher mit Stuhl-Motiven (Arzberg Porzellan)
Bitte kreuzen Sie die richtigen Antworten an und werfen Sie die Karte ein.
Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
Viel Glück!
Description of the motifs: With names, titles and short summary, printable in black and
Press documents: The word text file (see print) and the footage can be directly forwarded
via e-mail to journalists
Printed matter
Postcard set: In DIN A6 format, consisting of 10 post cards.
Christa und Martin Schönherr, Berlin (D)
Kay Block, Bochum (D)
Christina Römer, Wien (A)
Patrizia Scarzella, Milano (I)
Maxime Delvaux, Bruxelles (B)
Jona Laffin, Hamburg (D)
Peter Rumohr, Münster (D)
Lea Langlet, Paris (F)
Marcel Kabisch, Frankenberg/Sachsen (D)
Maria Scarzella Thorpe, San Francisco (USA)
Monographie 214: In DIN A6 format, 24 pages, in German and in English. It contains
information about the chair and its history.
Michael-Thonet-Straße 1
D-35066 Frankenberg
Telefon +49 - 64 51 - 508 - 119
Telefax +49 - 64 51 - 508 - 128
Die Klassiker aus Bugholz
The bentwood classics
werden von Thonet noch immer im
Classics for Kids.
Kindermöbel haben bei Thonet eine lange
Classics for Kids.
Children’s furniture has a long tradition at
the traditional processing and well-proven quality. You can recognize the
Geschichte. Bereits die Lagerliste von 1873 enthielt kleine Stühle und Tische,
Thonet. The stock list from 1866 already included small chairs and tables,
original by the embossed Thonet logo with the year on the bottom of the seat
im Katalog von 1884 ergänzt mit Betten und Wiegen aus Bugholz. Aus dieser
complemented in the 1879 catalog with bentwood beds and cradles.
Unterseite des Sitzrahmens.
Tradition heraus fertigen wir heute wieder klassische Entwürfe für den
Today, we again produce classic designs for children in the spirit of this
”Noch nie ist Eleganteres
„Never before was something
und Besseres in der Kon-
more elegant and better in
zeption, Exakteres in der
its conception, more precise
Ausführung und Gebrauchs-
in its realization and more
tüchtigeres geschaffen
fit for practical use created“.
worden” (Le Corbusier)
(Le Corbusier)
are still produced by Thonet today with
traditionellen Verfahren und in bewährter Qualität produziert. Das Original
erkennen Sie am eingebrannten Thonet-Signet mit der Jahreszahl auf der
84 cm
84 cm
46 cm
46 cm
43 cm
52 cm
43 cm
52 cm
Press handout
XXX in XX presents the photo exhibition 214x214 of Thonet:
Impressive results of the contest on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the classic
coffee house chair 214
Date (Opening and duration of the exhibition)
Opening hours
In 2009, the company Thonet announced an amateur photo contest on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the famous
bentwood classic 214 (former no. 14). More than 300 submissions from 19 countries documented that the famous coffee
house chair 214 is as contemporary as ever. The jury awarded a picture showing two generations, an erotic snapshot and a
common situation with the first three prizes. The exhibition shows all 20 pictures of the winners and 16 motifs additionally
honoured. Different chairs 214 from the current production as well as historical originals from the collection of the museum
Thonet are part of the exhibition, too.
Photo contest 214x214
From April 15th until December 31th, 2009, Thonet was looking for photographs of the classic 214 within the competition
“214x214: A chair goes around the world”. Fans of the classic were invited to send not only a photograph of the coffee house
chair but also the personal history of the relationship between it and its owner. Historical footage, modern presentations, humorous and emotional pieces provided a diverse panorama from all over the world. The opinion of the jury: „It was really great that
each photographer focused differently on the work. We received snapshots as well as staged photographs. There were black and
white or coloured takings, collages and still lifes. People and nature motifs and even photo reportages were represented.”
The chair of all chairs and its anniversary
When Michael Thonet presented his „Consumsessel no. 14” in Vienna in the year 1859, he could not guess that he developed the
chair most built ever. Since then, this classic made of massive bentwood has been continuously produced. Chair 214, as it is
called today, is still produced by the descendants of Michael Thonet at the company’s headquarter in Frankenberg, North Hesse,
Germany. Chair 214 was revolutionary because its production based on the division of labour. Its pieces could be space-saving
packed and stowed into a box one cubic metre large. 36 disassembled chairs were stowed in such a transport box. They were sent
to places all over the world and locally assembled – in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. Chair 214 is the most
successful product in the world – with this chair the history of the modern furniture began.
(Images: 3 motifs of the winners, chair 214, transport box)
Press contact:
Backround information/training document
Michael Thonet was born in Boppard, Rhine in 1796. He
completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter and cabinet
maker. In 1819, he established his own workshop. Between
1830 and 1836, he succeeded in the invention of “furniture
made of bent wood”. In 1842, Prince Metternich employed
him in Vienna. In the beginning, he worked for several
companies and improved continuously his technique of wood
bending. In 1849, he founded together with his five sons a
furniture workshop of his own. In 1853, he signed over his
property to his sons – this company was recorded as the
“Gebrüder Thonet”. It was very successful: the furniture was
prized on world exhibitions, e. g. in London in 1851 and in
1862. Sales branches were opened in major cities worldwide,
from Amsterdam to New York. The export market boomed.
Later, 6.000 employees produced about 865.000 chairs in
seven factories each year. In 1871, Michael Thonet died in
Vienna. Family tradition was the principle most important to
him. Today, the 5th generation of the family Thonet manages
the company in Frankenberg, Germany, where its headquarter
was founded in 1889.
The Thonet principle. The brilliant invention to produce
furniture of massive bentwood marks the beginning of the
modern furniture par excellence. With this technique, serial production was possible for the first time. During this
process, massive wooden bars made of beech are steamheated. Due to the water vapour, these bars become flexible
and can be bent into a metal mould. The wood bars dry in
these moulds and remain there for several days. After being
removed, they keep their shape.
Thonet – A pioneer in design history. The single elements
of a model can be combined with parts of other models. With
this module principle, Thonet established the basis for the
model variety of the later industrial production already in
mid-nineteenth century. Regarding transport and storage,
there was an exemplary concept: A box with a capacity of
one cubic metre had room for 36 disassembled chairs which
were locally assembled. In these boxes, products have been
exported to the whole world, to North and South America,
Africa and Asia.
A chair conquers the world. With more than 50 million copies already sold until 1930, chair 214, bearing model number
14 in former times, is the chair most built in the world. It is
as well the epitome of the modern mass consumption article
and it is considered to be the most successful industrial
product of the 19th century.
The bentwood classics are still produced with the traditional
technique and in reliable quality by Thonet. You can identify
an original thanks to its burned-in signet with date on the
bottom of the seat frame.
“Never has anything been created that is more elegant and
better in the concept, more exact in the execution and more
functional” (Le Corbusier)
1. Preis
Martin und Christa Schönherr, Berlin (D)
„Als wir nach Architekturstudium 1969 heirateten, hatten wir
eine große Wohnung in Berlin aber keine Möbel. Verwandte
betrieben im Dorf Trebel eine Gastwirtschaft. Der Saal stand
voller Holzstühle. Nach inständigen Bitten bekamen wir sechs
Stühle, einer davon war ein Thonet Nr. 14. Durch den rauen
Kneipenbetrieb war er ziemlich ramponiert, wir renovierten ihn
sorgfältig und der Sitzrahmen wurde neu eingeflochten. Seit
dieser Zeit wird der 14er jeden Tag genutzt...“
4. Preis Ursula Simon, Frankfurt (D)
5. Preis Gaby Fecken, Huizen (NL)
6. Preis Peter Rumohr, Münster (D)
7. Preis Chloe Salgado, Paris (F)
8. Preis Sebas Peters, Vinkel (NL)
9. Preis Patrizia Scarzella, Mailand (I)
10. Preis Judit Konopas, Budapest (HUN)
11. Preis Christina Römer, Wien (A)
12. Preis Carolien Sturm, Wien (A)
13. Preis Beat Stahlberger, Aesch (CH)
14. Preis Jona Laffin, Hamburg (D)
15. Preis Maria Scarzella Thorpe, San Francisco (USA)
2. Preis
Maxime Delvaux, Brüssel (B)
“Thonet VS Arianne - Everything suits my girlfriend, even
the funny marks she gets when she stays too long on my
grandfather‘s 214. I like photography and furniture design
16. Preis Emanuel Gollob, Großklein (A)
17. Preis Katrin Dommermuth, Hamburg (D)
18. Preis Anne-Marie von Sarosdy, Düsseldorf (D)
19. Preis Dr. Ralph Schubert, Eppstein (D)
20. Preis Cornelis van Vlijmen, Amsterdam (D)
of all age and kind but I always feel better when I mix those
occupations with Arianne.”
21 Charlotte Bugdoll, Münster (D)
3. Preis
Marcel Kabisch, Frankenberg/Sachsen (D)
„Umzug von Frankenberg/Eder nach Frankenberg/Sachsen“
22 Kay Block, Bochum (D)
23 Mariana Macedo, Jardim Europa (BR)
24 Christina Römer, Wien (A)
25 Peggy Heinhuis, Heikenszand (NL)
26 Christa Kleewein, Arnoldstein (A)
27 Reginaldo Fernandes, Curitiba (BR)
28 Jan Hans Dürr, Almere (NL)
29 Hans-Wilhelm Janssen, Mönchengladbach (D)
30 Roberto Basile, Mailand (I)
31 Uwe Bresan, Stuttgart (D)
32 Ruta Goussard, Kapstadt (ZA)
33 Jadikan Lightning Projekt, Clamart (F)
34 Peter Kok, De Kwakel (NL)
35 Lea Langlet, Paris (F)
36 Christina Römer, Wien (A)