1 Rzym, 27.01.2012 Dnia 28 stycznia rozpoczynamy nowennę do bł


1 Rzym, 27.01.2012 Dnia 28 stycznia rozpoczynamy nowennę do bł
Rzym, 27.01.2012
Dnia 28 stycznia rozpoczynamy nowennę do bł. Marii
materialne, a w szczególny sposób przedstawiamy jej
następujące intencje:
Małgorzata Baranowicz prosi o zdrowie i błogosławieństwo dla całej rodziny.
O łaskę wyzwolenia z alkoholizmu dla Anny i w intencji całej jej rodziny
O potrzebne laski dla Anny
W intencji Marcina, aby mógł samodzielnie chodzić oraz w intecji Stanisława o powrót
do Pana Boga i rodziny.
Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mego brata aby się pojednał z Panem Bogiem przed
śmiercią, bo jest bardzo chory.
W intencji Toli, która ma guz na mózgu, i teraz także zapalenie płuc.
Per Aldo Camino malato di leucemia. L'organismo ha rifiutato la chemio.
Per la guarigione di Irene da una grave malattia.
Per Nicola, nato con problemi, perché possa guarire e vivere.
Per la guarigione di Elly, malata di tumore al pancreas.
Per tutte le intenzioni di Laura e per suo figlio Carlo Domenico, perché migliori il suo lavoro.
Per guarigione di Barbara e perché possa continuare il suo lavoro con serenità.
Per Giuseppe perché possa riconciliarsi con i suoi fratelli.
Per salute e grazie necessarie per Alba.
Per la conversione e la guarigione di Radek.
Per Irene, perché possa ricuperare la salute e lavorare tranquilla e serena.
Per Rosella perché possa trovare un lavoro fisso e perché il Signore le conceda tutte
le grazie di cui ha bisogno in questo momento della sua vita.
Per Giuseppina, perché possa ricuperare la salute e trovare la serenità nel lavoro, nei
rapporti con sua figlia e tutta la famiglia.
Per Anna perché trovi la giusta strada nella vita e diventi forte nella fede.
Per la guarigione di Giorgia, bambina malata di una rara malattia.
Per Maria e Maria, la grazia della salute.
For healing for Teresa Hoang Maria Huong from a strange disease and for her interior peace.
Please pray for Janet Braun to be healed from a stroke.
Please pray for Joe 47 years old, who had surgery today, Jan. 25th. He has bladder
cancer and he will have to go through chemotherapy.
Pray for my daughter Lori who is going through the difficult time with divorce.
Please pray for me and my family and above all for my 90 years old friend Claire
Rutkowski, she had fallen down the stairs and had injured herself with broken bones.
Please pray for my late husband Robert Zieg and for me.
Pray for harmony and peace in my family.
Please pray for my wife who is sick in the hospital.
Please pray for my daughter Mary Grace and her husband William that they may
have a baby.
Pray for the conversion of my close relatives (lapsed Catholics): Veronica, her son
Alfred, Sharon and Alan.
Pray for the recovery from a stroke of my dear husband George.
Pray for my family that their problems will end peacefully.
Please remember my brother, Bernie, and my friend Jeanne in your prayers as they
are battling cancer.
Pray for me as I struggle with liver cancer.
Please, keep me in your prayers.
Please pray for me as I have my ups and downs with my breast cancer.
Please pray that Craig's new job will be successful also for good health for me and
my family through 2012.
I ask prayers for:
 My good friend Jerry Burrows and his upcoming radiation treatments to remove a
couple of cancer spots. He has been through a liver transplant five years ago and
cancer surgery in 2011. He is a dynamic Catholic man and I pray, with you, that
he be allowed to remain with us for many years to come. Our faith needs men like
 For my daughter Emily and Ben, her husband, newly married in March of this
year; they have had some early obstacles, nothing horrendous but a bit of
goodness would be most helpful.
 Finally, pray for me and my ongoing financial condition; that I can maintain my
tithes, and after a heavy expense year 2011 be able to achieve some savings and
Please pray for my special intentions.
Please keep me and my family in your prayers, especially my father George.
Please pray for peace and unity in my family.
Please pray for Jackie Weidig who is receiving treatment for breast cancer. Pray that
the Lord guide doctors to cure her cancer.
Pray for a very ill Cathy Wiethop who suffers for several months with kidney cancer
and has been in the hospital since October.
Pray for conversion of my uncle and aunt. Both are very old and sick.
Pray for reconciliation and peace in my family.
Pray for my conversion and faithfulness to God's grace.
Please pray for a very sick Cumming Paton.
Please pray for sons-in-low Jon Bartosik, Shannon Wygant, John Baile and Ed Walker.
Ed is at the beginning of rehab for the 3rd time to overcome alcohol addiction.
Pray for Dr. Joseph Lauber who suddenly became very sick.
Please pray for peace of mind of my son, Thomas, who is troubled by several
personal/professional issues. He needs God's loving and merciful intercession and
help at this time, too.
Please pray for my 80 years old mother who is sick and alone.
Please pray for my friend Sandy Logus who just received a terrifying result of her
tests that she has a pancreatic cancer.
Pray for Sandy Carter who goes through many tests as they found 6 spots on her
liver and they suspect that she may have a cancer.
Please pray for my grandson Jimmy who is very ill.
I ask your prayers for my wife Lizanne that she has the will to quit smoking and that
her hormone issues stop causing her so many problems. She is very depressed and
even though a faithful woman, feels God has abandoned her.
For Francis who has a heart problem, and now is very seriously ill, dying.
For Camilla who is sick and elderly
For Audrey, who is also elderly and sick.
Please pray for Kevin for a solution.
Darf ich Sie um Ihr unterstützendes Gebet für unsere Familie bitten, besonders für
unseren Sohn Siegfried, dass er im Glauben gestärkt wird, sich von seiner
Erschöpfung erholt und wieder gesund wird an Seele, Geist und Körper, so dass er
ohne Medikamente leben kann. A.K.
Bitte ums Gebet für meinen kranken Schwager, der im Sommer 2010 mit Kopftumor
operiert wurde. Er fährt jetzt wieder jeden Sonntag zur hl. Messe und singt im Chor.
Als er zur Kontrolle ging, zeigte sich jedoch eine Verschlechterung. Beten Sie mit mir
um Heilung! Th.E.
Bitte ums Gebet für die Familie meines Sohnes Rupert, die fast keine Beziehung mehr
zum Glauben hat. Bitte auch den kleinen viereinhalb Jahre alten Enkel Leon besonders
einzuschließen. Er schreit und gebärdet sich oft ganz fürchterlich. Bitte, unterstützen Sie
mich mit Ihren Gebeten. Ich habe großes Vertrauen auf Gottes Hilfe. I.K.
Bitte ums Gebet für eine Freundin meiner Tochter, die an der Hüfte operiert wurde.
Es sind aber große Komplikationen eingetreten. Sie würde schon so gerne wieder
ihren Beruf als Krankenschwester und als Hausfrau und Mutter erfüllen. M.W.
Bitte ums Gebet für meinen Sohn, der nach einem Schiunfall an der Schulter operiert
wurde. A.S.
Monika Schmid: Für die Mitglieder der Fam. Schmid - um die Gnade der Umkehr zum
Glauben und zu den Sakramenten.
Adolf Mück: Wir Eltern haben ein schwerwiegendes Anliegen, weil unser Sohn
Thomas (43) zur Zeit unter einer massiven Depression zu leiden hat. Auch seine
Frau ist schon ganz verzweifelt und weiß nicht wie es weitergehen soll. Seine Frau
betet mit ihm und ihren beiden Kindern.
Für den Mario. Er ist 14 Jahre alt und fast blind - damit er nicht ganz sein Sehen
verliert, und Vertrauen und Stärke des Geistes in dieser schwieriger Zeit.
Błogosławiona Mario Tereso, módl się za nami!
Siostry Misjonarki św. Piotra Klawera