Curriculum of “Train the Trainers” seminar, script
Curriculum of “Train the Trainers” seminar, script
Project: CEPH (IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398) Curriculum of “Train the Trainers” seminar, script Deliverable 4.2 Submitted by: EIV Energieinstitut Vorarlberg Stadtstraße 33 6850, Dornbirn, Austria February 2010 With the support of: The sole responsibility for the content of this [webpage, publication etc.] lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 CEPH EIE-07-IEE-07-712-50039 Table of contents 1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................3 2. Course preparation ..........................................................................................................4 3. Course design..................................................................................................................5 4. Course implementation ....................................................................................................5 5. Main results and conclusion.............................................................................................5 Annexes...............................................................................................................................7 Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script”e Report Page 2 of 7 Page 2 of 6 Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 1. Introduction The Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) Project will elaborate the first intensive training course for Passive House Design at European level. To reach this ambitious task, the following project-specific objectives were defined: - Development of the first intensive training course for Passive House Design at European level (approx. 80 teaching hours) - Development of a comprehensive set of training materials for nine European countries (including a “train-the-trainer” course) - Implementation of training courses in all EU countries with developing passivehouse markets - Development of a highly transparent certification procedure - Long-term sustainability of the established structures. - Ensuring high visibility of the new training structure by means of a well-designed marketing campaign. Work Package 4: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg is the Leader of Work Package 4 of the CEPH Project (Implementation and certification of training course). The experiences of the pilot courses will be incorporated in the first courses in the core countries. Meanwhile the whole course and its materials will be translated in English. Then the first courses in English will be held with some English speaking referees. At this point a “train the trainer” course will be created and didactical worked off. In every course about 20 participants will be expected. 5-7 seats in every course will be reserved for participants of the partner countries, who will later on take part in the ”train the trainer course”. Afterwards the first courses in the partner countries will take part with mainly participants of the ”train the trainer course” as instructors. Passive house courses will be held in: • Core countries (Germany , Austria): in total 6 courses with 15- 25 participants per each course • Partner Countries (Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Scotland) in total 13 courses with 15- 25 participants per each course in their native languages This aim was reached by working out the contents in intensive collaboration with competent partners of the project. Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Course, seminar, script” Page 3 of 7 Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 Partners in Work Package 4 were the following institutes: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg - Leader of Work Package 4 - Leader of Task 4.2, Curriculum of two day “train the Trainer” seminar, script - Leader of Task 4.3 Evaluation of the “train the Trainer” seminar - Leader of Task 4.5 Template to all training course organisers for a course quality control - Leader of Task 4.6 Overview of courses in all 9 countries and Evaluation of the 19 courses Universtity of Strathclyde UoS - Leader of Task 3.9, 4.1, 4.4, Translation of the course UoS., EIV 4.1 First English Courses Passivhaus Institut, PHI - Leader of Task 4.4, Examination questions for each date of examination Passivhaus Dienstleistungs Gmbh, PHD - Leader of Task 4.7, Technical hotline Task 4.2 Curriculum of two day “Train the Trainer” seminar, script The experiences of the pilot courses were incorporated in the first courses in the core countries. Meanwhile the whole course and its materials were translated in English. Then the first courses in English were held with some English speaking referees. At this point a “train the trainer” course was created and didactical worked off. 5-7 seats in every course were reserved for participants of the partner countries, who later on took part in the ”train the trainer course”. Afterwards the first courses in the partner countries will take part with mainly participants of the ”train the trainer course” as instructors. 2. Course preparation For the development of the course some technical experts of the core countries have met a didactic expert in a workshop in the end of July 2009 and created a two day seminar and a folder, which shows the manner of knowledge spreading, the important rules of lecturing passive house specifics and specific technical characterises. The workshop was prepared with the help of the didactic expert Dr. Sabine Jasny, University lecturer at the University of Sydney and teacher trainer in the head office of the Goethe-Institute in Munich. Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Course, seminar, script” Page 4 of 7 Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 The intended Outcomes of the workshop were - Course structure (incl. timetable) - Outlines for the units of study (aim of the unit, timeframe, content, teaching material, method, further resources) - Teaching material for the units of study - Concept for the exam (including the guidelines for marking the exam) - Concept for the trainers manual (outline) The whole workshop description is attached as well as the minutes (Annex 4) and the photo protocol (Annex 5) In the months October to December 2009 the outcomes of the workshop were optimised in didactic way by Dr. Sabine Jasny and in the technical way by Energy Institute. 3. Course design In the workshop the “train the trainer course” got a new name. It is now called “Passive House Trainer Course” (PHTC). The aim in the course is to teach every unit in a different manner and didactic way. In this way the members learn different targets and in the same moment different ways of teaching. This two-day course provides ceph- training course leaders with the opportunity to get a total overview of the contents of the certified passive house planner courses and related documentation and handouts. The variety of methods that will be presented and practised will help course leaders to polish their teaching skills. The focal issues of the two-day course is an exchange of expert knowledge with reference to the ceph- documentation as well as the opportunity to compare questions of knowledge and to see where potential knowledge gaps could be filled. Additionally, the participants were shown how passive house knowledge can be transferred both practically and sustainable by means of different methods. Different forms of teaching methods and practice options will be demonstrated in the form of practical exercises, as well as conveying an overall picture of the curriculum. 4. Course implementation The first course took part in January the 7 th and the 8th in Dornbirn, Energy Institute. It was soon booked out and the participants mainly were partners in the Ceph project. PHD and Energy Institute organized some following courses in English and German through the year 2010. 5. Main results and conclusion The result of this workpackage is a 2 day course for future trainer in the Ceph courses in English. The PHI will give the course material to every institution for a moderate prize, but with the condition, that the trainer have enough knowledge to teach as passive house instructor and visit the Passive House Trainer Course (or the whole Ceph course). The PHTC Course exists so fare in English and German. For former submission the course Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Course, seminar, script” Page 5 of 7 Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 material PHTC could be offered to all partners and eventually other institutes for a fee to translate it and hold in all different languages. In this way it is possible to train new Course Trainers in all European countries. Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Course, seminar, script” Page 6 of 7 CEPH IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 Annexes Annex 1: CV Dr. Jasny.pdf Annex 2: Jasny_List of publications.pdf Annex 3: Jasny_List of teacher training.pdf Annex 4: Planung_2_Workshop.doc Annex 5: Ergebnisprotokoll PHTK Workshop 2009.pdf Annex 6: Overview of the 18 units of the Passive House Trainer Course” (PHTC). The course material of the Passive House Trainer Course” (PHTC) in 18 units was burned on CD Rom and submitted with this deliverable. Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script”e Report Page 7 of 7 Page 7 of 6 Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project Annex 1: CV Dr. Jasny Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script” IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 Dr Sabine Jasny Born 1966 in Munich, Germany Linguist, PhD, MA University of Munich (Go8) PROFILE 11/12 Cove Avenue NSW Manly 2095 Australia Phone: 02 9976 3871 E-Mail: University lecturer in German as a Foreign Language, researching on German linguistics as well as on methodologies and substance of teaching a foreign language. Professionally qualified teacher for German as a Foreign Language with 16 years experience in teaching, 9 years experience as an educational director and a teachers’ trainer of a private language school and 7 years experience as a teachers´ trainer in the head office of the Goethe-Institute in Munich. WORK HISTORY Mar 2007 – present Lecturer at the University of Sydney/Australia, Department of Germanic Studies Feb 2007 – present Teachers´ Trainer and Language Teacher at the Goethe-Institute Sydney and at the GoetheInstitute Melbourne/Australia Apr 2005 – Sep 2005 Lecturer at the University of Bielefeld/Germany, Department of German as a Foreign Language Responsibilities: Lecturing in Applied Linguistics, Intercultural Studies and Educational Studies (17 hours a week) Development and evaluation of teaching and learning material Support service for international students Supervision of DSH-courses and DSH-examinations (DSH = language entrance exam for German universities) 2003 – 2005 Application for and Management of EU projects on behalf of the dialoge Sprachinstitut/dialoge Language Institute, Lindau on Lake Constance, Germany ( Project: “Montanalingua II” ( as a project of SOCRATES: LINGUA II (; grant: 200.000 Euro Responsibilities: Official application (including description of the project, work and budget plans) Project management Development of content Evaluation and dissemination Project: “Montanalingua I” ( as a project of EJES 2004 (; grant: 10.000 Euro Responsibilities and achievements: Official application (including description of the project, work and budget plans) Project management Development of content Evaluation and dissemination Final report (including financial reporting) 2 2002 – 2005 Teachers´ Trainer: professional training for international teachers of German as a Foreign Language at the Goethe-Institute (head office, Munich) Responsibilities: Seminar content (support in curriculum development, information on new teaching methods, material, examinations and socio-cultural information about Germany, information on support services for the teaching of German, cultural and leisure programmes) Planning, timing and organization of the seminars Conducting seminars Evaluation and final reports 1996 – 2005 Educational Director, Teachers´ Trainer and Language Teacher at the dialoge Sprachinstitut/dialoge Language Institute Lindau on Lake Constance, Germany ( Responsibilities: School curriculum (international students) Curriculum development (German for special purposes) Testing, examinations and certificates Teachers´ training Quality assurance Supervision of trainees from the University of Munich (LMU) Responsibility for teaching and learning material (print and multimedia) 1996 – present Freelance Author for the Teaching Material (German as a Foreign Language), publisher KLETT International (Stuttgart) Publications: Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1997): Wirtschaftsdeutsch. Grundstufe. Zusatzübungen. Stuttgart (Klett). Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1998): Stufen International, Bd. 2. Handbuch für den Unterricht. Stuttgart (Klett). Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1999): Stufen International, Bd. 1. Zusatzübungen. Stuttgart (Klett). Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1999): Stufen International, Bd. 2. Zusatzübungen. Stuttgart (Klett). EDUCATION 2001 Academic qualification: PhD, University of Munich (Go8) Thesis: Separable Verbs in Spoken Scientific Language and the Consequences for Teaching German as a Foreign Language; Supervisor: Professor Dr. Angelika Redder, Munich; Final grade: cum laude Published in: Materialien Deutsch als Fremdsprache 64. Regensburg 2001 1994 Master of Arts, University of Munich (Go8) Thesis: Separable Verbs in Spoken Scientific Language and in Learning Material for German as a Scientific Language; Final grade: 1,33 (range: 1-5, best: 1) Published in: Materialien Deutsch als Fremdsprache 45, 205-223. Regensburg 1997. 1989 Internship in teaching German as a Foreign Language: at the University of Coimbra/Portugal 1986 – 1994 Studies: German as a Foreign Language (M.A.), Germanic Linguistics (M.A.), Portuguese Philology (M.A.) LANGUAGES: FAMILY: English – fluently Portuguese – conversational French – conversational Latin – MA-course Arabic – elementary - Married, Mother of 2 children, 7 and 10 yrs old Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project Annex 2: Jasny_List of publications Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script” IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 Dr. Sabine Jasny List of publications: Jasny, Sabine (2008): „Klammersprache Deutsch“ in der gesprochenen Wissenschaftssprache. In: GFL 2/2008 (in preparation). Jäger, Andreas/Jasny, Sabine (2007): Zur Lage der Germanistik in Australien. In: Info DaF 34/5, S. 472-486. Jasny, Sabine (2001): Trennbare Verben in der gesprochenen Wissenschaftssprache und die Konsequenzen für ihre Behandlung im Unterricht für Deutsch als fremde Wissenschaftssprache. [Separable Verbs in the Spoken Scientific Language and the Consequences for Teaching German as a Foreign Language] Dissertation. Regensburg: Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (= Materialien Deutsch als Fremdsprache 64). Jasny, Sabine (1997): Trennbare Verben in der gesprochenen Wissenschaftssprache und in den Lehrwerken zur Wissenschaftssprache. [Separable Verbs in Spoken Scientific Language and in Learning Material for German as a Scientific Language] Regensburg: Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (= Materialien DaF 45). Teaching material: Montanalingua (2007) Fremdsprachen lernen und Erlebnispädagogik. 24 praktische Vorschläge für Lehrer und Kursleiter. Stuttgart: Klett (u.a.). [Lingua 2 project of the EU Socrates programme: German as a Foreign Language] ISBN 978-3-00-020815-7 Montanalingua (2007) Apprentissage d'une langue étrangère et Pédagogie active. 24 conseils pratiques pour enseignants et pédagogues. Stuttgart: Klett (u.a.). [Lingua 2 project of the EU Socrates programme: French as a Foreign Language] ISBN 978-3-00-020817-1 Montanalingua (2007 ) Foreign languages and Outdoor learning. 24 practical lesson plans for teachers and outdoor instructors. Stuttgart: Klett (u.a.). [Lingua 2 project of the EU Socrates programme: English as a Foreign Language] ISBN 978-3-00-020816-4 Montanalingua (2007) Främmande språk och upplevelsepedagogik. 24 praktiska förslag och tips för lärare och kursledare. Stuttgart: Klett (u.a.). [Lingua 2 project of the EU Socrates programme: Swedish as a Foreign Language] ISBN 978-3-00-02818-8 Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1999) STUFEN International 2, Zusatzübungen. Stuttgart: Klett. [Vol. 2, Additional Exercise Book] ISBN 3-12-675273-x Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1998) STUFEN International 1, Zusatzübungen. Stuttgart: Klett. [Vol. 1, Additional Exercise Book] ISBN 3-12-675274-8 Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1997) STUFEN International 2, Lehrerhandbuch. Stuttgart: Klett. [Vol. 2, Teachers´ Handbook] ISBN 3-12-675286-1 Jasny, Sabine/Jäger, Andreas (1997) Wirtschaftsdeutsch für Anfänger Grundstufe, Zusatzübungen. Stuttgart: Klett. [Coursebook for Business German. Basic Level. Additional Exercises] ISBN 3-12-675133-4 Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project Annex 3: Jasny_List of teacher training Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script” IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 Dr. Sabine Jasny List of teachers´ trainings Datum Institution Seminars November 2007 Goethe Institut Melbourne Development of teaching material (in-house hands-on workshop) November 2007 Goethe Institut Sydney Development of teaching material (in-house hands-on workshop) August 2007 Goethe Institut Sydney Innovations in teaching GFL (in-house-training) August 2007 Goethe Institut Melbourne Innovations in teaching GFL (in-house-training) August 2004 Goethe Institut München (ZV) „Innovation und Tradition III“ (two-weeks seminar about German culture) March 2004 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Homework and language acquisition (in-house-training) June 2003 Goethe Institut München (ZV) „Innovation und Tradition II“ (a two-weeks seminar about German culture) March 2003 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Common European Framework and the concequences for teaching GFL (in-house-training) January 2003 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Teaching GFL: Concepts, methods and material (in-housetraining for new teaching staff) October 2002 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Introduction into the teaching guidelines of EQUALS (European language school certificate) (in-house training) August 2002 Goethe Institut München (ZV) „Innovation und Tradition I“ (a two-weeks seminar about German culture) April 1998 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Web-based projects for GFL (in-house-training) March 1998 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Phonetics for GFL (in-house-training) February 1998 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Concepts, strategies and material for self-managed studies in GFL (in-house-training) January 1998 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Error correction in the process of language acquisition (inhouse-training) September 1997 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Assessment and testing in GFL Herbst 1996 Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Introduction into the teaching guidelines of IQ (German language school certificate) Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project Annex 4: Planung_2_Workshop Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script” IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 I. Workshop zur Erstellung des Train-the-Trainer Kurses im Juli 2009 Ziel des Workshops: Das Ziel des 2 Tages Workshop ist die Entwicklung des Train-the-trainer Kurses Erwartete Ergebnisse: - Kursstruktur (incl. Stundenplan) - Überblick über die Lehreinheiten (Ziel der Lehreinheit, Zeitrahmen, Inhalt, Lehrmaterial, Methode, weitere Hilfsmittel) - Lehrmaterial für die Lehreinheiten - Konzept für die Prüfungsvorbereitung (incl. Richtlinien zur Bewertung der Prüfung) - Konzept für einen Trainerleitfaden (Kurzdarstellung) Überblick über den Workshop: In dem zweitägigen Workshop werden die Teilnehmer die erwarteten Ergebnisse ausarbeiten. Da nur 12 Teilnehmer und nicht, wie erwartet 16 Teilnehmer anwesend sein können, wird der Workshop in 3 Gruppen durchgeführt, die jede ca. 5 Lehreinheiten entwickeln. Am ersten Tag werden die Teilnehmer in die Gruppen eingeteilt. Jede Gruppe wird sich auf einen thematischen Teil der Lehreinheiten des Train-theTrainer Kurses vorbereiten und durch eine Reihe von Fragen geleitet werden. Die Gruppen werden zu Beginn die Fragen diskutieren und eine Liste von Lehreinheiten zu ihrem Bereich erarbeiten. Dann werden sie das bereitgestellte Material auswerten und erste Übersichten über ihre Lehreinheiten erstellen. (Ziel der Lehreinheit, Zeitrahmen, Inhalt, erforderliches Material, Lehrmethode) Zeit: drei 60-Minuten Einheiten: 9-10.00; 10.15-11.15; 11.30-12.30 Am Nachmittag wird jedes Gruppenmitglied in einer anderen Gruppe die erarbeiteten Materialien präsentieren und eine Rückmeldung erhalten. (Zeit: drei 45-Minuten Einheiten: 14.00-14.45; 14.45-15.30; 15.45-16.00). Die Rückmeldungen werden in den Ursprungsgruppen diskutiert und daraufhin entscheiden die Gruppen, welche Lehreinheiten für den Train-the-Trainer Kurs ausgewählt werden. Die Ergebnisse werden von den Gruppen dokumentiert. (Zeit: eine Stunde) Am zweiten Tag wird der Stundenplan für den Train-the-Trainer Kurs im Plenum aufgestellt. Dafür wird jede Gruppe eine Karte mit dem Namen und der geplanten Dauer jeder ihrer Lehreinheiten vorbereiten. Die Karten werden gemeinsam an der Pinnwand fixiert. Durch verschieben wird der Stundenplan festgelegt. Zeit: 60 Minuten: 9.00-10.00). Danach werden die Arbeitsgruppen die entgültigen Versionen ihrer jeweiligen Lehreinheiten erarbeiten. In zweier Gruppen werden die Entwürfe des ersten Tages in eine entgültige Fassung gebracht, die benötigten Lehrmittel werden zusammen gestellt und dann alles in ein zur Verfügung gestelltes Formblatt eingetragen. Einige Gruppen werden zwei, andere drei Lehreinheiten bearbeiten. Zeit: zwei mal 60 Minuten: 10.15-11.15; 11.30-12.30; Ergebnis: 3 Gruppen mit zwei Lehreinheiten, 3 Gruppen mit 3 Lehreinheiten = 15 Lehreinheiten). Am Nachmittag wird besprochen, was hinsichtlich der Prüfungsdurchführung und der Prüfungsinhalte an neue Kursanbieter und Referenten weiter gegeben werden muss und nach welchen Regeln die Prüfung korrigiert wird. Zeit: 60-Minuten: 14.00-15.00 Danach werden die weiteren Planungsschritte und die Referenten im Train-the-Trainer Kurs festgelegt. Eine to-do-liste wird zusammen gestellt und ein Plan aufgestellt, wie die einzelnen Planungsschritte erreicht werden können. Zeit: 60-Minuten: 14.00-15.00 Gruppen und Inhalte: - Die Teilnehmer jeder Gruppe werden nach ihren Erfahrungen und ihrem Fachwissen ausgesucht. - Jede Gruppe soll 4 Teilnehmer haben. - Jede Gruppe benötigt einen Gruppenkoordinator - Die Materialien müssen vorliegen. - Ein standardisiertes Ergebnisformular wird vorbereitet. Gruppe 1: Wissen zum Thema “Passivhaus” Koordinator: 4 Teilnehmer: Material: - Experten zum Thema “Passivhaus” - Referenten aus dem Pilotkurs - Architekten und Planer, die den Kurs besucht haben - Kursmaterial - Dokumente über den “Passivhaus Lehrgang” (EU Vertrag, Entwicklungsgeschichte, Verbreitung Fragen: - Informationen über die Partner Institute - Was sind die Grundlagen die Trainer über das “Passivhaus” wissen müssen? - Welche Fragen zum Thema werden im Kurs zu beantworten sein? - Wieviel Zeit benötigt man um diese Grundlagen im Überblick zu lehren? - Gibt es irgendwelche Materialien um diese Grundlagen effizient zu vermitteln? - Wie können diese Inhalte in unterhaltsamer Weise vermittelt werden? - Welche Quellen können genannt werden, mit denen sich die Trainer im Selbststudium auf dem Laufenden halten können? ( - Sollten die Trainer etwas über die Enstehungsgeschichte der Unterlagen im Ceph Projekt wissen? - Was sollten sie über die Partnerinstitutionen wissen? Gruppe 2: Wissen über das Kursmaterial des “Passivhaus Lehrgang” Main question: Was müssen die Trainer über den Kurs wissen? Kursstruktur, Kursinhalte, Kursmaterial und Abschlussprüfung? Koordinator: ??? 4 Teilnehmer: - Teilnehmer, die die Kursstruktur und die Kursinhalte erarbeitet haben Material: Fragen: - Teilnehmer, die schon Referenten im Kurs waren - Weitere? - Kursüberblick (Kursziele, Ergebnisse, Zeitrahmen) - Aktueller Stundenplan - Curriculum - Kursmaterial - veröffentlichte Version einer Prüfung - Aktuelle Regelungen zur Prüfungskorrektur - …? - Was müssen die Trainer über die Kursstruktur wissen? - Was müssen sie über das Curriculum wissen? - Was müssen sie über die Lehreinheiten wissen ?(Arten, most Schwerpunkte, Lehreinheiten, die ausgelassen werden können, wenn die Zeit knapp wird, leichte Lehreinheiten, schwere Lehreinheiten, …) - Was müssen die Teilnehmer über die Abschlussprüfung wissen? - Welche Lehreinheiten können, als Beispiele genutzt werden? - Welche Übungen können im Training benutzt werden? - … Group 3: Die Didaktik im “Passivhaus Lehrgang” Hauptfrage: Wie sollte ein “Passivhaus Lehrgang” gelehrt werden? Koordinator Dr Sabine Jasny 4 Teilnehmer: - Teilnehmer die im Kurs referiert haben - Teilnehmer, die im Train-the-trainer Kurs lehren werden - Weitere? - Evaluation der Referenten von Kursteilnehmern - Videos des Pilotkurses Material: Fragen: - Erfahrungen der Teilnehmer, die im Kurs referiert haben - Was sind die positiven Erfahrungen aus der Evaluation? - Was sind die negativen Erfahrungen aus der Evaluation? - Was zeigt das Video? - Gibt es irgendwelche Beispiele im Videomaterial, das für den Train-the-trainer Kurs genutzt werden kann? (best practice/worst practice/lustige Szenen/Szenen die Erfahrungen in der Lehre zeigen/Szenen, die Probleme aufzeigen etc.) - Richtlinien für Trainer (erster Entwurf) - …? Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project Annex 5: Ergebnisprotokoll PHTK Workshop 2009 Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script” IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 Seite 1 von 37 2009-07-29/30 Energieinstitut Vorarlberg Passivhaustrainerkurs Workshop Seite 2 von 37 Gruppe 3: Dr Sabine Jasny (UNI Sydney) Karl Torghele (Referent EIV, Firma Spektrum) Beatrix Dold (EIV) Gruppe 2: Sabine Erber (EIV) Herbert Hanser (EZA) David Frick (EIV) Gruppe 1: Helmut Krapmeier (EIV) Martin Such (PHD) Michael Braun (EIV) Krauß Bernd (Referent EIV, Firma GMI) (nur zweiter Tag) Teilnehmer: Gruppeneinteilung mit Aufgabenstellung: Gruppe 1: Wissen zum Thema “Passivhaus” Koordinator: Helmut Krapmeier TN Martin Such, Michael Braun, Krauß Bernd Material: - Kursmaterial - Dokumente über den “Passivhaus Lehrgang” (EU Vertrag, Entwicklungsgeschichte, Verbreitung Fragen: - Informationen über die Partner Institute - Was sind die Grundlagen die Trainer über das “Passivhaus” wissen müssen? - Welche Fragen zum Thema werden im Kurs zu beantworten sein? - Wie viel Zeit benötigt man um diese Grundlagen im Überblick zu lehren? - Gibt es irgendwelche Materialien um diese Grundlagen effizient zu vermitteln? - Wie können diese Inhalte in unterhaltsamer Weise vermittelt werden? - Welche Quellen können genannt werden, mit denen sich die Trainer im Selbststudium auf dem Laufenden halten können? ( - Sollten die Trainer etwas über die Entstehungsgeschichte der Unterlagen im Ceph Projekt wissen? - Seite 3 von 37 Was sollten sie über die Partnerinstitutionen wissen? Gruppe 2: Wissen über das Kursmaterial des “Passivhaus Lehrgang” Koordinator: Sabine Erber TN Herbert Hanser, Annette Bähr Material: - Kursüberblick (Kursziele, Ergebnisse, Zeitrahmen) - Aktueller Stundenplan - Curriculum - Kursmaterial - veröffentlichte Version einer Prüfung - Aktuelle Regelungen zur Prüfungskorrektur - Lernzielkatalog und Prüfungsordnung PHI? - Was müssen die Trainer über die Kursstruktur wissen? - Was müssen sie über das Curriculum wissen? - Was müssen sie über die Lehreinheiten wissen ?( Arten, Fragen: Schwerpunkte, Lehreinheiten, die ausgelassen werden können, wenn die Zeit knapp wird, leichte Lehreinheiten, schwere Lehreinheiten, …) Seite 4 von 37 - Was müssen die Teilnehmer über die Abschlussprüfung wissen? - Welche Lehreinheiten können, als Beispiele genutzt werden? - Welche Übungen können im Training benutzt werden? Group 3: Die Didaktik im “Passivhaus Lehrgang” Koordinator Dr Sabine Jasny TN Karl Torghele, Beatrix Dold Material: - Evaluation der Referenten von Kursteilnehmern - Videos des Pilotkurses - Erfahrungen der Teilnehmer, die im Kurs referiert haben - Was sind die positiven Erfahrungen aus der Evaluation? - Was sind die negativen Erfahrungen aus der Evaluation? - Was zeigt das Video? - Gibt es irgendwelche Beispiele im Videomaterial, das für den Fragen: Train-the-trainer Kurs genutzt werden kann? (best practice/worst practice/lustige Szenen/Szenen die Erfahrungen in der Lehre zeigen/Szenen, die Probleme aufzeigen etc.) - Seite 5 von 37 Richtlinien für Trainer (erster Entwurf) Seite 6 von 37 Stundenplan: 16.30 - 17.00 Break 15.15 - 16.15 Break 14.00 - 15.00 Lunch 11.30 - 12.30 Break 10.15 - 11.15 Break 9.00 - 10.00 8.30 - 9.00 Working question: Working question: “How should a “Passivhaus Lehrgang” be taught?” Working question: Guidelines for teaching: Group 3: Group 2: Evaluation of feedback and Evaluation of feedback documentation of results and documentation of results Group 1: Evaluation of feedback and documentation of results Group 3: Presentation of the outcomes to members of other groups in order to receive feedback “What do the trainers need to know about the course material of the “Passivhaus Lehrgang”? Knowledge about the course material: Basic knowledge in the field passive house: “What does a trainer need to know about the topic “building shell and building equipement” (basic knowledge) and how can this be taught in the TTTC? Group 2: Welcome and overview Group 1: Wednesday, 29. July 2009 Development of 4 units of study for the TTTC 11.30 - 12.30 Knowledge and preparation for the exam 14.30 - 15.30 Final discussion and further planning 16.15 - 16.45 Seite 7 von 37 Content and suggestions for the extended TTTC 15.45 - 16.15 Break Referees for the TTTC in January 2010 14.00 - 14.30 Lunch Development of 4 units of study for the TTTC Guidelines for teaching: Knowledge about the course material: Basic knowledge in the field: Break Development of 4 units of study for the TTTC Group 3: (working in pairs) 10.15 - 11.15 Group 2: (working in pairs) Development of timetable for the TTTC Group 1: (working in pairs) Break 9.00 - 10.00 Thursday, 30. July 2009 Seite 8 von 37 Überblick: Struktur Inhalt Themendefinition Gruppenteinteilung Präsentation der Resultate Evaluation des Feedbacks Erster Tag: Seite 9 von 37 „Kompetenzen und Ressourcen“ Resultat Guppe1 Seite 10 von 37 Resultat Gruppe 2 „Überblick über Kurs, Vorbereitung auf Prüfung“ Seite 11 von 37 Resultat Gruppe 3 „Methodik, Didaktik, Englisch“ Zweiter Tag: Stundenplanbildung Einheiten konkretisieren Trainerhandbuch Referenten (Trainer) Stundenplan mit neuem Kursnamen: Seite 12 von 37 Seite 13 von 37 Seite 14 von 37 Trainerhandbuch: Trainer: Seite 15 von 37 To-do-Liste: Seite 16 von 37 Seite 17 von 37 Impressionen Unit outlines: Gruppe 1: Unit Overview Unit Title Introduction Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions Unit Summary The participants get to know each other and get information about the CEPH project and get an overview about the Passive House Trainer Course (PHTC) Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 45 min Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.1 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Internet resources Seite 18 von 37 VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Folders 1 + 2 + trainer, 5 moderation cards p.p., 1 yellow + 1 green self-adhesive dots p.p., 3 pin boards, word document „self assessment.doc“ (see attachment) Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.2 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: ____________________________ Unit step by step: Time Steps 1.1.3 5 min Intro: 20 min Introduction of the participants (“walk around”) 5 min Introduction of CEPH + partners 10 min Introduction of the timetable 5 min Self assessment Seite 19 von 37 Unit Overview Unit Title Technical questions small groups Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions Answer technical questions Unit Summary The participants answer the questions of the group members and give the open questions with priority to the plenum Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 45 min Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.4 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Flip charts, 6 pin board Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Printed Materials Questions papers of the participants (with priorities), prepared moderation cards with the headlines (course chapters) Internet resources Seite 20 von 37 Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.5 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: answer questions_____________ Unit step by step: Time Steps 1.1.6 5 min Intro: explanation of the group work 40 min Seite 21 von 37 Group work: answer alternately the questions of the group members, documentation of the answered questions, forward the open questions (max. 2 per group and chapter) to be answered in the plenum Unit Overview Unit Title Technical questions plenum Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions Unit Summary Open questions of the group work will be answered in the plenum. For still open question solutions will be suggested by the plenum Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 45 min Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.7 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials See previous group work Internet resources Seite 22 von 37 VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: 6 pin boards Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.8 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: answer questions_____________ Unit step by step: Time Steps 1.1.9 5 min The questions have pined to the board during the break 5 min Intro: explain the goal 10 min Read the questions individually and set priorities with self-adhesive dots 20 min Answer the questions by the plenum 10 min Feedback and passing over to the lecture (resources) Seite 23 von 37 Gruppe 2: Unit Overview Unit Title Überblick über das Kursmaterial Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions Welches Kursmaterial habe ich zur Verfügung und wie gehe ich damit um? Unit Summary Kennenlernen der Kursstruktur, der vorhandenen Unterrichtsmaterialien und der Umgang mit den verschiedenen Medien. Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 45 min Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.10 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Internet resources Seite 24 von 37 VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Trainerhandbuch, aufgefüttere Inhaltsangab, Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.11 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: ____________________________ Unit step by step: Time Steps 1.1.12 3 min Intro: trockener Keks 15 min Übersicht Kursinhalte, aufgefüttere Inhaltsangabe, Ordnerstruktur 15 min Folien erklären, Titelfolie, Referntenname auf erster Folie, Bildungsinstitut, Pflichten, Nummerierung, Einfügungen, Symbole, Ausblendungen, regionaltypische Einblendungen 5 min Information zum Trainerhandbuch 7 min Kernstoff ist nicht gekennzeichnet, Ergänzungsstoff meist hinten?, Hinweis auf Wiederholungsstoff, Auslassen, was nicht im Wiederholungsstoff vorkommt; Seite 25 von 37 Unit Overview Unit Title Übung zum Kursaufbau Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions Wie sind die LE im Ceph Kurs thematisch aufgebaut? Unit Summary Erstellen eines beispielhaften Stundenplans im Plenum Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 45 min Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.13 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Internet resources Seite 26 von 37 VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Karten und Pinnwand Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Auflösung mit einem ausgedruckten Stundenplan, 80 beschriebene Karten für die Pinnwand, vorbereitete Pinnwände Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.14 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: Gruppenarbeit__________ Unit step by step: Time 1.1.15 5 min 5 min Seite 27 von 37 Steps Intro: Erklärung der Übung, Kart e mit Übungseinheit vor der Brust, Austeilen der Karten für die 25 Teilnehmer, jeder stellt eine Lehreinheit dar, für mehrstündige LE warden mehrere Karten ausgegeben Auffüllen der vorbereiteten Stundenplanstruktur auf zwei Pinnwänden mit den vorbereiteten Karten, Unit Overview Unit Title Überblick über Übungen im Kurs Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions Wie und mit welchen Materialien werden im Kurs Übungen durchgeführt? Unit Summary Zeigen von verschiedenen Rechen- und Planungsübungen, Erklärung der Übungsziele und Arten, Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 45 min Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.16 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Internet resources Seite 28 von 37 VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Übungsbeispiele aus dem Ceph Kurs Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.17 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: _Dateien am Laptop verfolgen___________________________ Unit step by step: Time Steps 1.1.18 2 min Intro: zeigen der kürzesten und der längsten Übung (2 min /4 h) 3 min Überblicksfolie (muss noch erstellt warden) 2 min D-B.4 29 Frage, Antwort im Plenum 5 min D-B.1 30 und 31 U-Wert Berechnung homogener Bauteile, Einzelübung, Berechnung, Zeigen, 5 min Übung, kommt auch als Planungsaufgabe vor TN versucht Aufgabe zu erklären 5 min D-B.1 83 Entwurfsaufgabe in Gruppe, 45 min Übung TN versucht Aufgabe zu erklären 10 min neuer Planungsblock zur Planung der Gebäudehülle, 4 LE, Sockel, First etc. TN versucht eine Aufgabe zu erklären 10 min Lüftungsworkshop, Photos, Messprotokoll 8 min Fragen und Antworten Seite 29 von 37 Unit Overview Unit Title Überblick über Übungen mit dem PHPP im Kurs Curriculum-Framing Questions Unit Questions Wie wird das PHPP gelehrt? Unit Summary Kursbegleitende PHPP Übungen und ihre Einbindung in die Vorträge PHPP Übungstag, Umgang mit den Dateien und Dokumentationen Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 45 min Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.19 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Internet resources Seite 30 von 37 VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Übungsbeispiele aus dem Ceph Kurs Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.20 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: _Dateien am Laptop verfolgen___________________________ Unit step by step: Time 1.1.21 2 min Steps Intro: Filmausschnitt aus Fenstereingabe Kaffeepause zum exel laden nutzen 10 min Vorstellen der Dokumentationen, G.1.5 und G.1.2 kurz 20 min Übergang vom Vortrag Konstruktion zur PHPP Übung mit Vortrag Eingabe Gebäudehülle, üben der echten Lehrsituation mit Laptops und 2 Beamern und exel files 10 min Erklären der Exelfiles, Öffnen der Dateien, G.2.2 und G.2.3 3 min Fragen Seite 31 von 37 Facts for „overview exam and certification” Prüfungsblauf: Prüfungsvorbereitung: In Kurseinheit oder letzter Einheit (Wiederholung/Vertiefung) Prüfungstermine finden in vorab festgelegten regelmäßigen Abständen statt Prüfungsdauer: Bearbeitungszeit Prüfungsort: Bei Kursanbieter bzw. Kursteilnehmer kann auch bei anderen Anbietern an der Prüfung teilnehmen Verwendbare Unterlagen bei Prüfung: alle Kursunterlagen sowie Literatur bzw. Aufzeichnungen sind erlaubt Nicht erlaubt sind Laptop und Medien die eine Kommunikation nach „außen“ bzw. „unter den Teilnehmern ermöglicht! Lernzielkatalog: Lernzielkatalog vorstellen Wo finde ich den LZK Æ link angeben LZK ist Prüfungsrelevant Fragen zu LZK zuerst an den Kursteilnehmer stellen dann erst an PHI Prüfungsstrategie: Wie gehe ich bei der Bearbeitung der Aufgaben als Teilnehmer am besten vor? x x x Aufmerksam lesen Zuerst das was ich gut kann Punkteanzahlen beachten Zertifizierung: Wie erfolgt die Zertifizierung? 3x60min Welche Nachweise sind vorab erforderlich? Nachweis beruflicher Qualifikation, Anmeldeformular Wann und von wem erhalte ich das Zertifikat? Ca 6 Wochen nach Prüfung von PHI Wann muss ich mich wieder qualifizieren um das Zertifikat zu behalten? Bis spätestens 3 Jahre nach Prüfung Seite 32 von 37 Kosten für Zertifizierung und Fortschreibung? Legt Anbieter fest, verschiedene Gebühren Gruppe 3: Unit Overview Unit Title: LV Vorbereitung Zeitplanung, Strukturierung Curriculum-Framing Questions Welche Tools zur Zeitplanung einer Präsentation gibt es? Unit Questions Methodik Vorbereitung mit Folien - Tipps zur Zeitplanung Wie arbeite ich mit dem Formblatt? Welchen Nutzen bringt das Arbeiten mit dem Formblatt? Unit Summary Es wird die Notwendigkeit zur Vorbereitung und zeitlichen Strukturierung eines Vortrages vermittelt. Das Arbeiten mit dem Vorbereitungstool wird vorgeführt. Konkrete Hinweise und Erläuterungen zum Nutzen von Vorbereitungstools. Kürzen bzw. Streichen von Folien, ohne Verlust der wesentlichen Inhalte Herausarbeiten von Schwerpunkten und zentralen Inhalten Wie strukturiere ich eine Lehreinheit? Markierung der wesentlichen Inhalte Wo sind die Hauptbotschaften (zentrale Folien) Welche Folien vermitteln Vertiefungswissen (allenfalls kürzbar) Wie gestalte ich einen Spannungsbogen? Beginn, Benchmarks, Abschluss Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) 90´ Seite 33 von 37 Materials and Resources Required For Unit 1.1.22 Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Internet resources Seite 34 von 37 Liste mit Tipps, Formblatt VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Formblatt, Liste mit Tipps (Sabine Jasny), Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Unit Procedure Students will engage in: Students will: 1.1.23 (Click boxes) whole group instruction group work work in pairs Einzelarbeit other:___________________________ solve a quiz develop a quiz for another group make a poster make a presentation other: ____________________________ Unit step by step: Time 1.1.24 3´ Steps Intro: Zitat aus der Evaluation der 1. Veranstaltung „nach der 3. Folie Frage des Referenten: „Wie weit sind wir, wie viel Zeit haben wir noch?“, nach der 10. Folie: „Wie weit sind wir, wie viel Zeit haben wir noch?“ nach der 15. Folie: „Wie weit sind wir, wie viel Zeit haben wir noch?“ Was haben Sie für einen Eindruck vom Referenten? 7´ Aufgabenstellung für die Gruppenarbeit, Strukturierung und Gliederung zum jeweiligen Fachbereich der Gruppen. Es sollen die ersten 90´ strukturiert werden. 25´ Gruppenarbeit zur Aufgabenstellung 20´ Feedback, Reflexion aus den Arbeitsgruppen Was hat funktioniert, wo sind offene Punkte, welche Probleme treten auf 30´ Inputs und Tipps, Lösungsvorschläge, Verweise auf die ausgearbeitete Liste (Beilage) Ausarbeitung anhand von offenen Fragestellungen 5´ Abschluss – Zusammenfassung Was wurde gelernt/vermittelt Seite 35 von 37 Tipps zur Vorbereitung Wie kann ich die Vortragszeit planen? Beachte! Je Folie im Schnitt etwa 3 Minuten mindestens aber 2 Minuten. Für 90 Minuten daher keinesfalls mehr als 40 Folien Die Regel gilt für Info-Folien Fotos die lediglich Eindrücke und Stimmungen wiedergeben dürfen auch mehr sein. Eine Folie sollte aber nie kürzer als 10 Sekunden sichtbar sein. Wie kann ich als Vortragender den zeitlichen Überblick im Vortrag halten? Setze in der Vorbereitung Benchmarks. Wo will ich nach 15, 30, 45 etc. Minuten sein. Wie kann ich den thematischen Überblick behalten Finde die zentralen Folien. Markiere diese (zB grüner Punkt). Bringe diese Folien in Einklang mit den Benchmarks Was ist ein Hilfsmittel als Vortragsunterlage zum Überblick über die Folienfolge? Mache eine einen Ausdruck mit allen Folien zum Themenblock auf eine Seite (zB Screenschot der Folienübersicht) Bringe mit dem Leuchtstift Markierungen zu den Meilensteinen (zeitlich und inhaltlich an) Was tue ich, wenn ich die Zeit aus den Augen verloren habe? Orientiere dich an deinen Meilensteinen, streiche Folien zur Vertiefung, bringe Deine Folien zum Hauptwissen. Don´t Do: Es ist schlecht, die Sprechgeschwindigkeit und den Folienablauf zu beschleunigen. Keine Aussagen hinsichtlich des Zeitmangels gegenüber den Teilnehmern Nicht durch Folien blättern, sondern gezielt hinklicken (Nummer der Folie muss dafür bekannt sein! – Vorbereitung!!!) Überziehen ist nicht erlaubt. Es wird dir keiner Danken, wenn du Ihm die Zeit stiehlst! Wie gehe ich mit Fragen um? Ist die Frage zum Vortrag oder zum Verständnis einer Folie, dann lasse Sie zu. Beantworte Sie ganz gezielt in 1 bis 2 Sätzen. Gehe auf keine Diskussion ein – Verweise notfalls auf Pause Fragen, die dich nicht weiter bringen, müssen nicht im Plenum behandelt werden. Verweise auf die Pause. Seite 36 von 37 Fragen nur zur persönlichen Problemlösung eines Teilnehmers zB im Bezug auf ein konkretes Projekt/Baustelle an eine Referenten sollten auf die Pause verschoben werden. Wie kann ich den Plenumsvortrag auflösen? Biete offene Fragen an? Gib die Möglichkeit / Zeit zum Nachdenken? Stelle Fragen zur persönlichen Erfahrung zum Themenblock. Wie kann ich in den Vortrag einsteigen? Seite 37 von 37 Certified European Passive House Designer (CEPH) project IEE / 07 / 712 / SI2.500398 Annex 6: Overview of the 18 units of the Passive House Trainer Course (PHTC) Deliverable 4.2 “Curriculum of the Train the Trainer Seminar, script” 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW Welcome to the Passiv-Haus-Trainer-Course (PHTC) 8QLW6XPPDU\ This unit is intended to welcome all participants. They will get to know each other in both ways: personally and professionally. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 30 Minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW • Worksheet: Partner interview (1 copy per participant: 50% on yellow paper and 50% on orange paper) • The participants need to bring their personal photos (1 photo (work) + 1 photo (hobby) in an envelope labeled with their name) • Pin boards (ca. one board for 9 participants) + 3 pins per participant 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 5 min Trainer welcomes the participants and introduces himself/herself. 5 min Trainer hands out the worksheets and asks all participants with a yellow worksheet to find a partner with an orange one. Trainer instruction: “Please interview your partner and write down the answers. We have about 15 minutes for this interview. So please, try to make it in time.” 20 min The participants interview their partners. 10 min each 10 min The trainer stops the interviews and asks all participants to pin the worksheet and the photos of their partner on the pin board. Trainer instruction: “Please pin your material on the pin board. During the brake, we all get the chance to read about all participants. The photos will help us to connect the info with the person.” PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 1 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW Introduction to the CEPH project and to the PHTC 8QLW6XPPDU\ The participants get information about the CEPH project (background, partners, ceph course folder I and II) and get an overview of the Passive House Trainer Course - PHTC (overview, timetable, PHTC folder). This unit ends with a self-assessments session in order to state the participants’ knowledge about passiv housing. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software PPP: CEPH project PPP: PHTC overview Digital Camera PPP: PH knowledge Ceph course folder I + Ceph course folder II PHTC folder Poster: self assessment chart 1 (A3, landscape) Other Materials Poster: self assessment chart 2 (A3, landscape) 2 pin boards (one per poster) 1 red + 1 green self-adhesive dot per participant 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 Preparation before class Pin the 2 posters on the pin boards turn the boards so that the participants can’t see the charts 20 min Expert presents PPP: CEPH project in a plenary session 15 min Trainer presents PPP: PHTC overview in a plenary session 10 min Trainer instruction: “ In the very first part of our course we will focus on the knowledge of PH-Technique. We will collect open questions from you and answer them. Furthermore, we will introduce resources to you, resources that we provide in order to keep you informed. Therefore, we first need a raw picture of what we all know. And we need to work out, what we do not know yet. Gaps that can be closed in this course or by self study after this course. In order to get this picture, I want you to do a self-assessment. This assessment is anonymous.” Trainer asks a participant for assistance. Trainer and assistant hand out two self-adhesive dots per participant. Trainer turns the two pin boards around and explains: Assessment 1: “Please rank your knowledge in your field/profession on a skale from 1 (= basic knowledge) to 10 (expert knowledge) and write down the appropriate number on the red dot.” Assessment 2: “Please rank your knowledge in all other areas of PHtechnique (not regarding your core competence) on a skale from 1 (= basic knowledge) to 10 (expert knowledge) and write down the appropriate number on the green dot.” Trainer asks two more participants for assistance and the team collects the dots from all participants and sticks all red dots to chart 1 and all green dots to chart 2. Trainer summarizes the results and refers to the next two units where questions can be asked and will be answered. Furthermore, he/she refers to the INFO POOL that is provided by the project and will be introduced later on in this course. Trainer takes photos of the assessment results. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ Knowledge of PH-Technique: Open questions (small group sessions) 8QLW 8QLW6XPPDU\ The aim of this unit is to answer participants’ questions concerning the PH technique. Before the course, the participants have been asked to prepare questions that they cannot answer themselves – questions they have about PH technique. In this unit the participants will bring these questions into a small group of participants and the other group members will answer them as far as possible. Questions that cannot be answered within the group will be collected for unit 4 and 5 where they will be answered in the plenum. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Computer(s) Projection System Digital Camera Internet Connection Technology – Software Internet Web Browser PPP: Chinese proverb Other Material The participants need to bring their 5 prepared questions to class. Ceph course folder I and II (one set per 4-5 participants) PPP: Chinese proverb 6 pin boards (one board for each chapter of the Ceph course folders) 6 prepared moderation cards with the headings for each chapter, pinned as headings on the pin boards Lots of pins per group 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 Preparation before class Trainer places the 6 pin boards with headings along the walls of the classroom 5 min Trainer presents PPP: Chinese proverb and creates a positive climate for asking questions. 5 min Trainer forms groups of 4-5 participants. The group members should cover different areas of knowledge (as far as possible). Each group needs a table, chairs, a Ceph course folder I and II and a flip chart that can be used for notes or drawings. Trainer instruction: Step one: “Please rank your personal questions from “most important to me” to “less important to me.” Step two: “ Please ask your questions one by one (clockwise). Start from the most important ones. Try to find answers within the group. Write down the answer at the bottom of the question sheet and maybe, you can even add the right page of the Ceph course folder where the answer can be found. After that, pin the sheet on the right pin board. We have one pin board per chapter as you can see in the headlines. We just have 25 minutes for this step. So, please don’t spend to much time on one question. Collect all questions that you cannot answer within the group and save them for later (unit 4). 25 min Participants work in groups. The expert and the trainer walk from group to group, help out and take photos. 10 min Trainer stops the group work (no matter how far the participants could go). Trainer instruction: “Please have a look at the pin boards and see how many questions we could answer!!! But there are still open questions as well which means that we can go even further. So, please have a look at these questions in your group. Rank them and choose 2 most important ones per chapter.” PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ Knowledge of PH-Technique: Open questions (plenary session, part 1) 8QLW 8QLW6XPPDU\ The aim of this unit is to answer the open questions from unit 3 in a plenary session. In unit 3 each group has selected 2 open questions per chapter. They will be answered partly in this unit 4 (chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4) and partly in the following unit 5 (chapter 5 and 6). $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Internet Connection Digital Camera Technology – Software Internet Web Browser Other Material The participants need to bring their open questions from unit 3 (maximum 2 questions per chapter). Ceph course folder I and II (one set per 4-5 participants) 6 pin boards (one board for each chapter of the Ceph course folders) with the question and answer sheets from unit 3 Lots of pins per group 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV Preparation before class Trainer moves the question and answer sheets from unit 3 to the underparts of the pin boards in order to gain space for the new questions. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 5 min Trainer instruction: “We are now moving to our next step. Each group is having a set of open questions that should be answered. Maybe one of you has the answer or maybe our expert can answer them. We will do that chapter-wise whereby we will spend 10 Minutes per chapter. We are starting with group 1 and question 1 (than: group 2, question 1 and so forth). Please write down the answers on the question sheets, add – if possible – the relevant page of the Ceph course folder and pin the sheets on the pin board.” Trainer moderates the session and the expert controls the content. 10 min General Passiv House 10 min Building shell 10 min Windows 10 min Ventilation PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ Knowledge of PH-Technique: Open questions (plenary session, part 2) and Info Pool 8QLW 8QLW6XPPDU\ The aim of this unit is to continue with the plenary session of unit 4 and to answer the open questions to chapter 5 and 6. Furthermore, the location of information will be presented as a resource for self study during the workshop and for the time when the participants need to prepare themselves for teaching the Ceph course. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Internet Connection PPP: Info Pool Digital Camera Technology – Software Internet Web Browser Other Material The participants need to bring their open questions from unit 3 (maximum 2 questions per chapter 5 and 6). Ceph course folder I and II (one set per 4-5 participants) 6 pin boards (one board for each chapter of the Ceph course folders) with the question and answer sheets from unit 3 and 4 Lots of pins per group 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 10 min Trainer instruction: “We are now continuing with our planery session and moving to chapter 5 and 6.” Trainer moderates and the expert controls the content like in unit 4. Heating 10 min Economy PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 20 min Expert presents PPP: Information Pool 5 min Mini evaluation (Blitzlicht) after part I of the PHTC: Knowledge of PH technique Trainer instruction: “We are now finishing part I of the PHTC in which we focused on the knowledge of the PH technique. How do you feel now? Please make a short statement (1-5 words). Feel free to say what you want to say. No one will comment on the statements.” Trainer asks participant by participant and prevents the whole group from commenting. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ Information about the Ceph course: Content and curriculum 8QLW7LWOH 8QLW6XPPDU\ The aim of unit 6 and 7 is to get an overview of the Ceph course curriculum and the course material. Unit 6 focuses on the curriculum and unit 7 on the material that is built on the structure of the curriculum. In unit 6, the participants will get familiar with the Ceph course curriculum and gain insights in its thematic structure. Questions will be: What is part of the curriculum, what comes when and why is it important to follow this structure while teaching. The participants will discover this structure by working out a timetable of the Ceph course (small groups). The outcome of this group work will be compared with the original timetable of the Ceph course and the differences will be discussed with the expert. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 min 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) PPP: Cartoon curriculum PPP: Ceph course curriculum Other Material Pin boards (1 board per 3-4 participants) Lots of pins (a set per 3-4 participants) Sets of cards: Units of the Ceph course (one set per 3-4 participants) 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV Preparation before class Set of cards for group work: Trainer copies the document set_of_cards.doc on A3 and cuts the copies into cards (one set per 34 participants). PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 5 min Intro: Trainer explains: “We have finished part I of the PHTC and we are now staring with part II. Part II focuses on the Ceph course itself - on its content, its curriculum and on the course material which you are provided as a basis for your teaching. Let’s start with the curriculum:” Trainer presents: PPP: Cartoon curriculum Trainer forwards the question of the cartoon to the plenum and works out the answer: “The curriculum frames the required knowledge, limits it and structures the knowledge into units in order to make the content teachable. Furthermore, it is the basis for the Ceph course-Exam. The curriculum forms the thread through the course and is your guideline for teaching. An understanding of the curriculum helps you to know why you teach what, when and to what extent. Let’s have a closer look at the Ceph course curriculum:” 5 min Trainer forms groups of 3-4 participants. Each group gets a pin board, a set of cards and pins. Trainer instruction: “The aim now is to understand the thematic structure of the curriculum. The curriculum is composed of units and the question is what comes first or better: what needs to come first, what should follow and what should be placed at the end. There is a logical structure that we will discover now. The names of the units are written on theses cards. Can you please try to place them in a logic order and pin them on the pin board? Please discuss the possibilities in the group and work out the best solution. Choose one participant in the group who notes down the most important arguments for this best solution. We have 25 minutes for this step.” 25 min The participants work in groups. The trainer and the expert go from group to group and listen to the discussions. They make sure that the participants do not copy the timetable from the Ceph course folder. 10 min and break After 25 minutes, the trainer stops the group work. Expert explains the principle of “marketplace” One member of the group stays by his time table; the others walk around and ask questions: “Do you start with this unit as well? Why? Which group does not start like this? Why? Which unit needs to follow? Why? Etc. The differences will be discusses in different groups and the structure of the original timetable (= curriculum) will become transparent and intelligible. You can take the break for it and get a coffee. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW7LWOH Information about the Ceph course: Course material 8QLW6XPPDU\ Unit 7 is thematically connected to unit 6. In unit 6, the participants discovered the curriculum structure. In this following unit 7, they get introduced to the Ceph course material (folder I and II) that is built on the curriculum structure. Furthermore, they will get familiar with the PHTC handbook. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) PPP: Ceph course: Course material Other Material Very dry cookies (one cookie per participant) Ceph course folder I and II (one set per 1-2 participants) PHTC folder (one per 1-2 participants) 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 5 min Expert hands out the cookies, one cookie per participant. While the participants are eating, the trainer explains: “The following unit is as “dry” as this cookie is. But on the other side it is very “nutritious” like this cookie because it will give you an overview of and insights into the whole PH-course material which is important for teaching the Ceph course. So please, enjoy!” 40 min Expert presents the PPP: Ceph course course material. He presents the slides and connects the information on the slides with the material in the classroom (Ceph course folder etc) in order to help the participants to get familiar with the provided material. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 1 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW Information about the Ceph course: Exercises 8QLW6XPPDU\ This unit focuses on the exercises of the Ceph course. The participants will get an overview of the different types of exercises and they will learn how to deal with them as trainers. They will get familiar with different kinds of calculation exercises as well as planning exercises. They will learn how to explain the exercise in front of a class and how to work out the solution in cooperation with a class. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software PPP: Ceph course Exercises Word Processing Other Material Printed exercises of the PPP: Ceph course Exercises (1 set per participant; provided in the PHTC handbook) 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 2 min Intro: Experts presents PPP: Ceph course Exercises with the the shortest (2 min) and the longest exercise (4 hours) of the Ceph course and explains that he exercises vary in length and complexity, slide 1-7. 5 min Expert presents: Types of exercises – overview (Überblicksfolie) and explains the different types of exercises PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 30 min Expert presents slide by slide with example exercises and asks different participants how they would teach this exercise. Questions: “How would you introduce this exercise?” “How would you explain it?” “How would you solve it?” Example 1 (2-3 min): E-B.4 27 10/09 Frage, Antwort im Plenum Example 2 (3 min): E-B.6 23 10/09:U-Wert Berechnung homogener Bauteile Typ: Einzelübung, Berechnung, Zeigen, 10 min Übung, kommt auch als Planungsaufgabe vor TN versucht Aufgabe zu erklären Example 3 (5 min): D-B.1 83 Entwurfsaufgabe in Gruppe, 45 min Übung TN versucht Aufgabe zu erklären Example 4 (10 min): E-C.1.6 02 10/09 Planungsaufgabe von Folie 20-einschl. 28. TN versucht eine Aufgabe zu erklären 8 min Expert summarizes the rules for “teaching exercises” PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ Information about the Ceph course: Exercises with PHPP 8QLW 8QLW6XPPDU\ This unit focuses on the PHPP exercises of the Ceph course and how they can be implemented into the presentations. The participants will learn how to deal with them as trainers. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 min 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software Video: Coffee break Word Processing Laptops of participants PPP: PHPP Exercises Other Material Evtl?: Printed exercises of the PPP: PHPP Exercises (1 set per participant; provided in the PHTC handbook) 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 2 min Intro: Filmausschnitt aus Fenstereingabe Kaffeepause zum exel laden nutzen 10 min Vorstellen der Dokumentation Freunddorfer 20 min Übergang vom Vortrag Konstruktion zur PHPP Übung mit Vortrag Eingabe Gebäudehülle, üben der echten Lehrsituation mit Laptops und 2 Beamern und exel files 10 min Erklären der Exelfiles, Öffnen der Dateien, A-G.2.4_2_U-values 3 min Fragen PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 1 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW Information about the Ceph course: Exam 8QLW6XPPDU\ The aim of this unit is the introduction into the Ceph course Exam. The following questions will be answered: • How is the exam organized (test institutions, dates, duration, conditions)? • What kind of knowledge is most important for the exam? • Are there any strategies that can be recommended? • How is the certification processed? $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) PPP: Ceph course: Exam Other Material Copy of info “about exam.doc” (one copy per participant provided in the PHTC handbook) Model test for the Ceph course Exam (incl. Key) (one copy per participant provided in the PHTC handbook) Quiz: “FAQ about the Exam” and prices if available 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 5 min Intro: Trainer presents a copy of the original certificate that should be the outcome for the students of the Ceph course. Trainers introduction: “ In this unit, we will go through all the facts about the exam and what you need to know about it as a future trainer of the Ceph course. Please listen carefully and at the end of this unit you can test yourself: Can I answer the FAQ about the exam?” 20 min Trainer presents PPP: Ceph course: Exam (Dauer: ca. 20 Minuten) 20 min: Trainer hands out the quiz “FAQ about the Exam” (one quiz per participant): no paper on the table. Trainer instruction: “Now, test yourself. Can you answer the FAQ about the exam? You have 10 minutes to answer the questions.” After 10 minutes he stops and writes down the solution. Participants who reached 100% get a price. Trainer draws the attention of the participants to the PHTC handbook containing the model test and the info about exam.doc. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW How to teach: Plan a unit 8QLW6XPPDU\ This unit opens part III of the PHTC which focuses on the topic: How to teach the Ceph course. In unit 11 as well as in the following unit 12 the participants learn to plan a unit. By using a EXCEL worksheet for planning they learn how to develop a step by step plan for teaching. This involves: • • • • • Time management Choice of content (MUST be taught/CAN be taught) Choice of transperancies/slides How to control my teaching (setting milestones) How to create an interesting start and a strong ending In unit 11, they will work out a plan for a choosen unit without much help. They will experience how difficult it is and in the following unit 12 they will get help so that they can overcome the difficulties (induktive Methode). $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes´ 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software EXCEL Worksheet: Plan a unit Other Material • Ceph course folder I or II (1 set per 2 participants) • Laptop with the EXCEL worksheet: Plan a unit (1 per 2 participants) 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 5 min Intro: Trainer tells the following story from the pilot course: A trainer was doing his presentation and after the third slide he asked the participants: „Excuse me, what is the time? How much time do we have left?“ After the tenth slide he asked: „Oh, what is the time? How much time do we have left?“ After the fifteenth slide he asks again: „How much time do we have left?“ Trainer asks the participants what they would think as participants of this course. 10 min Trainer instruction: „It is important to be prepared and to keep control over the teaching process. This requires that you plan your units in detail before teaching. Now we are going to learn this and we are planning a unit. We will do this in pairs. So, please choose a 90 minutes unit of the Ceph course and find a partner who would like to plan the same unit.“ Trainer helps the participants to find a partner. Trainer presents the EXCEL worksheet and explains: „ For planning, we will use a prepared EXCEL worksheet. This sheet gives you a frame for your planning and as you can see, you just can plan for 90 minutes. So please be realistic. Plan your unit and fill in the form. You have 25 minutes for this step.“ (The trainer should not explain the sheet in detail; this can be discovered by the participants while working). Each pair needs: - Ceph course folder I or II - Laptop with the EXCEL worksheet for planning 25 min The participants work in pairs and plan their units. The trainer supervises the process. If the participants cannot fill in a field, they can leave it blanc. The gaps will be filled in the following unit. 5 min Trainer stops the pair work and asks: „How are you going? Could you do it or do you have problems? If yes, what kind of problems do you have?“ Trainer collects the difficulties/problems on the white board (for the following unit 12). PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW How to teach: Practical tips for planning In unit 12 the participants learn to overcome the difficulties they have experienced in unit 11 when they planned a unit. They will receive guidelines for time management and planning as well as ideas for good starters and strong endings. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 45 minutes´ 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software EXCEL Worksheet: Plan a unit (from unit 11) Other Material • • White board with the comments from unit 11 (planning difficulties/problems) Ceph course folder I or II (1 set per 2 participants) • Laptop with the EXCEL worksheet: Plan a unit (1 per 2 participants) from unit 11 • INFO: Guidelines for time management and planning (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) • INFO: Good starters (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 15 min Trainer refers to the “INFO: Guidelines for time management and planning” in the participants’ PHTC handbooks and explains the guidelines. 10 min Trainer focuses on the body part and asks the participant (grouped in pairs as in unit 11) to work out a final choice of MUST and CAN slides (max: 30 MUST and max 10 CAN). PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 10 min Trainer focuses on the openings: Trainer instruction: „Now, as the body part is planned, please develop a good opening for your unit. For some ideas, please see the „INFO: Good starters“ in your PHTC handbook.“ 10 min Trainer asks the pairs to present their openings in the plenum (as many as possible). Based on these examples, he summarizes the criteria for good starters. If time: The pairs work out their endings. One ending can be presented in the plenum. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 Unit Overview How to teach: 5 types of slides and how to present them professionally Unit 13/14 Unit Summary The aim of these two units is to introduce the five types of slides that are used in the Ceph course. Each type should be presented differently and the participants will learn and practice how they can present the material professionally. Approximate Time Needed 90 Minutes Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software Internet Web Browser PPP: Five Types of Slides PPP: Lets Practice Other Material • Flip chart • Handout of PPP: Five Types of Slides (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) • Ceph course folder I and II Unit Procedure Unit step by step: Time Steps PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 10 min Intro: Trainer introduces: “In the last two units we focused on the time planning and the time management. By doing so, we had to choose the important slides out of the full set of slides. In the following two units we will learn how we can present the slides professionally. The aim is to prevent your audience from the following:” Trainer shows the you tube video: How NOT to use PowerPoint: See: Trainer: “Before we start practicing with examples from the Ceph course folder I and II, I will give you an overview of the five types of slides we can find in the material. Furthermore, we will see how we can present them professionally.” 30 min Trainer presents PPP: Five Types of Slides. The implemented examples per type should be used for illustrating the given tips; as a model for best practice: if possible presented by the expert). 40 min Trainer explains: “Let’s practice all five types. We will start with type 1: figures. I am going to show you a slide. Then, you have 5 minutes time to prepare. Remember the tips from the presentation. After five minutes one of you can come to the screen and present it to the course.” Trainer presents the first slide of the PPP: Lets Practice, the participants prepare their presentation and after 5 minutes, one of the participants comes to the screen. The trainer blanks out the screen by pressing “w”. It is important, that the participant can start with a white screen. So, he can first make the statement and than show the figure as suggested in the previous PPP. The trainer guides from slide to slide, gives as much positive feedback as possible and helps the participants to improve. 10 min Ending: Trainer asks the participants in plenum: “We got some tips in the presentation at the beginning of this unit. What can we add from the experience we just have made? The tips will be captured on the flip chart. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 Unit Overview Unit 15/16 How to teach: Basics for teaching Unit Summary The aim of this unit is to focus on the basics for teaching. The unit covers the following topics: • How to create positive atmosphere in the seminar (how to break the ice, how to establish the trainers’ credibility; etc.) • Presentation do’s and taboos. Approximate Time Needed 90 Minutes Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software Internet Web Browser PPP: 8 mistakes with PPP Other Material • Flip chart • INFO: Positive atmosphere (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) • INFO: Ice breakers (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) • Handout of PPP: 8 mistakes with PPP; three slides per page plus lines for notes (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) • INFO: 8 mistakes with PPP (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) Unit Procedure Unit step by step: Time Steps PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 10 min Intro: Trainer introduces: “Let’s move on to the seminar itself. What do we need to know about how to run a seminar professionally? And the first question we will focus on is: How can we start the seminar?” Trainer shows the you tube video: How not to start a presentation: See: Trainer asks the participants: “What do you think? How was that?” The participants express their thoughts and the trainer focuses on the following: • No emotion • No interaction • Cold atmosphere (body language, no eye contact etc.) Trainer explains: “The start is very important. So let’s see what we can do in order to start professionally” 20 min Trainer presents the information from the INFO: Positive atmosphere by using the flip chart. He/she writes down just the headings and presents the information orally. The participants listen and take notes. After the presentation, the trainer refers to the INFO: Positive atmosphere in the PHTC-Handbook) 20 min Trainer explains: “We will know focus on two elements which you can use on the first day of your seminar: “Establish your own credibility and reveal something from yourself” Trainer forms groups of three participants. Trainer instruction: Please prepare a 5 minutes presentation of yourself that does two things: a) establishes your own credibility and b) reveals something from yourself. You have 5 minutes to prepare.” After 5 minutes the trainer asks the participants to present their results in the small group of three participants. The trainer controls the time strictly (3 minutes presentation time per participant plus short feedback). 25 min Trainer presents: PPP: 8 mistakes with PPP by using palm cards for the tips. The participants follow the PPP and use their PPP Handout for taking notes. After the presentation the trainer refers to the INFO: 8 mistakes with PPP in the PHTC-Handbook. 10 min Ending: Trainer asks the participants in plenum: “Do you know of other mistakes? How can we correct them?” (Questions and answers out of the plenum). PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2 8QLW2YHUYLHZ 8QLW How to teach: Break up the monologue! In unit 12 the participants will learn why it is important in seminars to break up the trainers’ monologue and they will learn how to do. A way for breaking up the monologue is the implementation of “collaborative tasks”. Unit 12 will focus on two kinds of those tasks which can be easily implemented in most lectures: 1. Q&A session 2. Presentations by students (Impulse presentations) $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 90 minutes´ 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW Technology – Hardware Computer(s) Projection System Technology – Software PPP: Why to break up the monologue? Other Material • • • • • INFO: Why to break up the monologue? (one copy per participant in the PHTC-Handbook) Further Reading: Why to break up the monologue? (one copy per participant in the PHTCHandbook) PHTC-Handbook (1 per participant) Flip charts (one per 3 participants) Ceph course folder I and II (one per participant) 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 5 min In plenum, trainer lets the participants make associations with the term: “monologue” (positive and negative) 15 min When finished, he refers to the INFO: Why to break up the monologue? and to the article: Further Reading: Why to break up the monologue?, both are in the PHTC-Handbook. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 3 20 min Trainer explains: “A way for breaking up the monologue is the implementation of “collaborative tasks”. In this unit, we will focus on two kinds of those tasks which can be easily implemented in most lectures: 1. Q&A sessions 2. Presentations by students (Impulse presentations) Let’s start with Q&A sessions. We had many Q&A sessions in this course so far. Let’s go back and reflect on what we’ve done so far. Let’s see how we’ve used this strategy so far. Let’s compile a list of methods than can be used by you when teaching the Ceph course. Trainer summarizes on a flip chart: 1. Bring prepared questions to class (Unit 3-5) • Can be answered in small group work (Unit 3) • Can be answered in plenum (Unit 4+5) • Set up a Q&A board (ongoing knowledge exchange) Let prepare questions for the seminar, for single units of the seminar, for the next day of the seminar, over the weekend of a two-weeksseminar etc. 2. Organize group work and let the groups collect questions that occur. After group work, let the groups bring their questions into a final discussion (Unit 6: Curriculum; Unit 11/12: Time management). 3. Ask direct questions in the plenum • Closed questions (Unit 8) • Open questions (Unit 9) 4. Design a quiz (Unit 10) !!!: Asking a lot of questions will not by any means guarantee stimulation of interaction. Certain types of questions may actually discourage interactive learning. Beware of the following (adapted from Kinsella, 1991): - Too much time spent on display questions (=questions that attempt to elicit information already known by the trainer) – students can easily grow weary of artificial contexts that don’t involve genuine seeking of information. - A question that insults participants’ intelligence by being so obvious that students will think it’s too silly to bother answering. - Vague questions that are worded in abstract or ambiguous language (e.g. “Do you pretty much understand more or less what we do?”) - Questions stated in language that is too complex or too PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course wordy for aural comprehension (e.g. “Given today’s discussion, and also considering your previous experience, what would Page 2 of 3 you say are the ramifications of, or the potential developmental impacts on…) - - Too many rhetorical questions (that you intend to answer yourself) that students think you want them to answer, they get confused when you supply the answer. Random questions that don’t fall into a logical, well-planned sequence, sending students thought patterns into chaos. 10 min Trainer explains: “Let’s now focus on the second type of “collaborative task”: The participants present knowledge that can be acquired by self study and than be presented by them to other participants. Advantage: Change of method, less focus on you, more activity in the class and most important: knowledge will be deeply processed by the brain. And: it is fun! Let’s try this now.” Trainer divides the class in small groups of 3 participants. The subject is: “The shell of a passive house”. Within each group, each participant can choose one of the following three subtopics: 1. Quality of the building envelope 2. Air tightness 3. Lack of thermal bridges Trainers’ instruction: “Prepare a mini presentation in order to speak about these subtopics. You can use the flip chart for your presentation. Calculate with 5 minutes speaking time. Make the most out of it. Preparation time: 10 minutes.” 10 min The participants prepare their mini presentations. The trainer goes from group to group and supports where possible. 20 min Trainer stops the preparation phase. Trainers’ instruction: “Let’s start with the presentations. Please decide within the group who is the first, second and third speaker. Speaker 1 starts. He/she has 5 minutes to present. Than I will stop all speakers and we will move on to speaker 2 (and so forth).” The participants do their presentations in groups. The trainer controls the time. After 20 minutes, trainer stops the group presentations. 10 min In plenum, the expert guides the participants through the Ceph course folders I and II and shows the participants which parts of the Ceph course are suitable for presentations by students. The participants label them. Trainer ends this unit by referring to the other ideas for “collaborative tasks” in the article: “Further reading: Why to break up the monologue?” in the PHTC-handbook. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 3 of 3 8QLW2YHUYLHZ Evaluation of the Passiv-Haus-Trainer-Course (PHTC) and farewell. 8QLW 8QLW6XPPDU\ The aim of this unit is the evaluation of the PHTC. The outcomes of the course and the positive atmosphere that has been created by using an interactive approach within the course will be fokused. The unit will close with a warm farewell. $SSUR[LPDWH7LPH1HHGHG 30 Minutes 0DWHULDOVDQG5HVRXUFHV5HTXLUHG)RU8QLW • One Postcard per participant and one backpack • A prepared flip chart paper with a diagram with an x-and y-axe. The title is “I improved my knowledge”. One axe named with “How to teach?” (Methodik/Didaktik) and the other axe is named with “What to teach?” Expert knowledge. The cross down is marked with “0” and the end of the lines are marked with “100”. • One self-adhesive dot per participant for the marking on the flipchart. • Drinks and some snacks for an ending in a warm atmosphere 8QLW3URFHGXUH 8QLWVWHSE\VWHS 7LPH 6WHSV 0-5 min Trainer instruction: We come to the final part of the course and will end with two different activities to have a brief feedback. 5-20 min Trainer shows the participants the variety of postcards and asks them to choose one. Trainer instruction: “You are going to write a postcard to yourself and we will send this card to your home address in some days. The title of your postcard should be “What am I taking home from this course?“ You have about 10 minutes to write. So please, try to make it in time.” PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 1 of 2 20 – as long as you want to drink and eat - Trainer hands out one self-adhesive dot per participant. Trainer instructions: “Our course is coming to its end. We have spent two fantastic days together, full of information about the passiv house technique and the PH-Lehrgang. We learned how to teach successfully and we practiced a lot of helpful skills. We have had lots of fun and laughter which has created an enjoyable atmosphere. And maybe, this course will change your professional future. We are now coming to the evaluation. Your thoughts and comments are very important to us and they will help us to make the PHTC even better. Furthermore, it gives you the chance to reflect upon those two special days. We are now inviting you to snacks and drinks and we are asking you to reflect upont the PHTC. (Trainer explains the diagram.) Please have a thought about what has happened in the last to days and stick your dot on the diagram. Your feedback is highly appreciated.” While the participants are drinking and chatting the trainer has to make sure, that all participants do the marking. PHTC – Passive House Trainer Course Page 2 of 2