CURRICULUM VITAE Charles Brewer-Carias


CURRICULUM VITAE Charles Brewer-Carias
Charles Brewer-Carias
Charles Brewer-Carias. Explorador, escritor y fotógrafo, es considerado el mejor
conocedor de la guayana. Ha dirigido sobre 200 expediciones a la Guayana venezolana,
descubrió y exploró las cuevas del Cerro Autana en 1971, las Simas de Sarisariñama en
1974 y recientememnte una cueva que lleva su nombre en el Chimantá-tepui. Habla la
lengua indígena Ye‟kuana, ha escrito ocho libros sobre sus descubrimientos en
geografía, antropología, etnología, botánica y espeleología, y venticinco especies de
plantas, artrópodos y reptiles han sido nombrados como reconocimiento a su labor. En
la actualidad continúa organizando expediciones para estudiar la caverna de cuarcita de
mayor dimension en el mundo.
Venezuelan explorer, Brewer-Carías has been referred to as the Humboldt of
the twentieth century; trained as a naturalist he has led over 200 expeditions
in Venezuela’s Guayana highlands, making discoveries and publishing in an
astounding range of fields (botany, zoology, entomology, geology,
geography and anthropology) and has worked along side renowned scientists
from all over the world. He was born into a family of intellectuals in
Caracas, his grandfather having moved to Venezuela as a British diplomat.
Qualified as a dentist in 1960 he practiced for almost twenty years during
this time, travelling to the forests of the Orinoco basin to live with the
Ye'kuana Indian tribe and becoming active in the field of dental
anthropology. He has published on many aspects of anthropology; speaking
both the Ye'kuana language and understanding Yanomamö, he worked with
the famous geneticist James V. Neel and anthropologist Napoleon A.
Chagnon and was somewhat involved in the controversy surrounding the
studies of the latter, publicized by the book “The Darkness in El Dorado”. In
1979 he left dentistry and worked as the cabinet minister for youth affairs
and sports, giving him the opportunity to organize “frontier camps” for
young Venezuelans to experience the wild areas of their country. In 1981 he
was awarded the Land Army Cross and the Liberator Award for his
expedition into the Esequibo territory (former British Guyana) to gain
information about Russian and Cuban interests there. Brewer-Carías’
expertise in jungle survival is well acknowledged and he has led courses at
home; he bears a 2,7 second record on starting fire with sticks and his own
brand of survival knife is renown, receiving numerous publications and
interest from some of the world’s special armed and commando forces.
In 1961 started to study biology and since devoted his life to the
organization of expeditions in Venezuela’s wilderness areas, especially the
south-eastern forests and Tepuis (large, table topped, quartzite structures of
the Gran Sabana Area area) of which he has undertaken over 200 and at 70
shows no signs of stopping. His most famous discoveries are geological
features in the tepuis such as the giant sink holes on Sarisariñama, the
world’s largest quartzite cave on Chimanta- tepui (which bares his name)
and many other previously unexplored caves. However his expeditions are
multi-disciplinary and many discoveries of taxonomic importance have been
made by him and his associates. One expedition he led to Cerro de Neblina
spanned four years (1983-1987) in which hundreds of new species were
collected. Brewer-Carías has 25 species named after him, including plants,
reptiles, amphibians, insects and a scorpion, and the bromeliad genus
Brewcaria bares his name. He was also responsible for coining the phrase
“Islands in Time” (1974) now commonly used to describe the character of
these isolated peaks with their high levels endemism. Throughout fifty years
Brewer-Carías has worked with well over 260 scientists of many
nationalities from a range of fields, including important characters in
neotropical botany such as Julian Steyermark and Bassett Maguire. Add to
this the thousands of partners that have shared experiences with him in
mountaineering, sky diving, scuba diving and spelunking. From his
expeditions have come a staggering number of publications, including many
that he has personally written. His work with botanist Brian Boom on the
Yanomamö field of ethnobotany awarded him the title of Honorary Research
Associate at the New York Botanical Garden and Associate Researcher at
the Jardín Botánico del Orinoco in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela. An avid
photographer he has hundreds of thousands of photographs portraying the
culture, landscapes and biodiversity of Venezuela, displaying them in ten
illustrated books and has also filmed documentaries. Brewer-Carías has five
children from two marriages. In 2003 thieves broke into his family home and
he shot and killed one of the intruders, but sustained a considerable bullet
wound to his shoulder. His extraordinary stories have awarded him world
wide acclaim, including articles published in Venezuelan, British and North
American newspapers about his life and travels. Garrett, Katie.
Latin American Plants Initiative
Biographical database of botanical collectors
Natural History Museum in London
Dr David Sutton and K. Garrett
Katie Garrett <>
A More detailed Curriculum
Explorer and Naturalist
Considered in some german publications as the Humboldt of the 20 century because of
his vast knowledge and experience (In "Inseln in der Zeit" p 275. Uwe Geroge-GEO,
1988), he has developed an overall knowledge of nature but never the less his work is
well known in several fields of science and his fellow scientists have named 25 new
species of plants and animals with his name.
He has over 200 expeditions to the venezuelan jungles that have earned him one of the
highest positions among the expeditions leaders in the world, mainly after leading what
has been considered the “largest biological expedition carried in the world” to the
"Mountain of the Mists" (Cerro de la Neblina) that lasted four years (1983-87), where
hundreds of new species to science were collected at this 10.000 ft mountain in the
Venezuelan-Brasil most remote border. Other expeditions well known in the world over
were also led by him was the first exploration of a quartzite cave found in a table
mountain (tepui) of the Venezuelan Guayana at El Cerro Autana of the Estado Amazonas
in 1971. Afterwards in 1974, he discovered and led the first Expeditions to explore the
largest sinkholes on earth, found at the top of the tepui of "Sarisariñama" in the Estado
Bolívar, Venezuela, and more recently (since March 2004) ledded three expeditions to
explore the biggest quartzite cave in the world at the Chimanta- tepui that was named
after him.. He has also been considered as one of the most prolific naturalists in this
century, with more books published about Venezuelan jungles (Venezuelan Historical
Dictionary, Caracas,1988 Vol III, pp.1154-1155; “El Nacional” venezuelan newspaper,
August 3, 2001, Caracas , p.8). See interview in the New York Times August 26, 2006
and other biographical reports listed below.
It becomes difficult to pin him down and describe his profession, because he is prepared
in many fields.
He got his degree as a dentist in 1960 at 21 years of age, when he was also studying
Literature and Biology and, quit practicing dentistry when appointed as Minister of Youth
and Sports by the Venezuelan government in 1979
In 1961 he went to live with the Ye'kuana Indian tribe (also known as Makiritare) in the
jungle of the Orinoco basin and made some studies on Dental Anthropology that were
rewarded with a scholarship as Research Associate in Human Genetics at the University
of Michigan under the direction of famous geneticist and Professor James V. Neel (see
pages 146, 152, 408n,8 in: “Physician to the Gene Pool” by J,V, Neel John Wiley &
Sons. New York, 457p. 1994). Several scientific papers on dental genetics and
anthropology were published based on his experience among these indians.
He speaks the Yekuana indian language, understand the Yanomamö indian language
plus four european languages.
Cabinet Minister for Youth Affairs 1979-1982
When, appointed as Venezuelan Minister of the Cabinet for Youth Affairs and Sports
(1979-82). he structured a nation wide “Frontier camps” that enable 254.000 boys to
visit Venezuela‟s remote borders. Also organized the closure of some of the main traffic
avenues that were opened to people Sunday mornings so they could practice aerobic
sports, marathons, cycling and walking. He also prepared a nation-wide system of Civil
Protection programs and created Search and Rescue teams for every state main city .
Military awards
One of his more important actions being a Minister in 1981 was to organize a jungle
expedition into the Esequibo territory (former British Guyana), claimed by Venezuela.
He walked 40 miles into that foreign country to explore exploring and bring back
information that showed the Russian and Cuban interest in that area in the early „80.
Because of these activities he was awarded the Land Army Cross in it's highest degree,
and also the Navy award and the Liberator award (Orden del Libertador), the highest
Venezuela‟s governmental award for his services as Minister of the Cabinet of the
Baramita river Guyana border 1981
Survival expert and Knifemaker
As a natural response to his jungle experiences, Brewer designed the Brewer-Survival
Knife that was used by some of the world special armed and Commando Forces and
was considered a cornerstone in knife designs. The best award and credit to it, was that
Taiwan came out with a cheap copy !
WEB PAGES ABOUT THE KNIFE designed by Brewer:
Publications about the Brewer Survival knife:
Brewer-Carías, Charles 1984. "Cuchillo de Supervivencia Explora" (Libro de
intrucciones 96p). MARTO, S.L. Edita. Olias del Rey, Toledo España.
Smith, Jim E. 1984 "Survival Knives" pp. 13-15, 35-41 and 84. First Edition, EPJ & H
Enterprises, Inc. Statesboro, Georgia . USA.
Smith, Jim E. 1985 "Survival Knives and Survival", pp 12-13, 34-38, 59. Second
Edition. EPJ & H Enterprises, Inc. Statesboro, Georgia . USA.
Smith, Jim E. "Combat Fighting Knives" 1987, The Brewer-Marto knife is considered
the top knife in the Combat/ Survival category (pp 81). EPJ & H Enterprises, Inc.
Statesboro, Georgia . USA.
Domenech, Abel & Antonio Domenech 1996 "Cuchillo de Supervivencia MARTOBREWER" pp.243-247 en: "El Cuchillo Táctico". 375p. A.A. Domnech Ediciones
Internacionales. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In the book "Combat Fighting Knives" by J.E. Smith in 1987, the Brewer-Marto knife is
considered as the top knife in the Combat/ Survival category (pp 81).
In jungle survival Brewer has mastered the Ye'kwana and Yanomamö indians knowledge about
survival and has developed a fire making procedure with an improvised wooden drill that
produces ambers in less than three seconds.
Also recognized as conservationist he received the “Day of the Environment for the World”
award on june 23, 1990.
We should not forget to mention that Brewer has also being a Parachutist, a National and
International awarded Swimmer, Mountain Climber, Scuba Diver, Gymnast, Judoist, Survival
Instructor and has five children ranging from 40 years to 17 years old. He was born in Caracas,
Venezuela in Sept.10, 1938 .
As Anthropologist
Has written six scientific articles about Dental Anthropology, one of them published in the
Journal of Physical Anthropology. Another article was published in the Journal of Ethnobotany
and lead a project of study named "The Rain Forest as habitat of Man" (El Bosque Tropical
como Habitat del Hombre), that started a join venture with the renown anthropologist Napoleon
A. Chagnon, considered the most important anthropologist in this century. .As a result of several
anthropological expeditions with professor Napoleon A. Chagnon in august 1990, they gave the
world a new hope for the conservation of largest group of untouched human beings in the world
that lived at “The Eden”, as the Newsweek featured it (Newsweek, Dec. 3, 1990 pp 40-42), and
their efforts to obtain governmental protection was rewarded by the President of Venezuela with
a decree that declared the "Reserva de Biosfera Alto Orinoco-Casiquiare" (August 1991). .A
Biosphere reserve the size of Hungary or Portugal ( 80.000 square km) designed to protect the
ropical Forest and their Yanomamö dwellers.
One of the urgent goals to achieve with these studies in the Siapa river basin to avoid destroying
these people and they knowledge due to acculturation and a stubborn attitude of the religious
missionaries pretending the right to “save” their souls.
Foreign Newspaper references to these expeditions and studies are to be found in:
The New York Times Sept. 18, 1990 pp C-8
The New York Times Sept 25, 1990
Chicago Tribune, Oct 7, 1990
The Vancouver Sun, Sept, 14, 1991
The New York Times, Sep, 11 1991
The New York Times, Oct, 23 1993 (Editorial)
Also in "The Yanomamö" book by Napoleon Chagnon 4th Ed. 206 p. Hartcourt Brace
Jovanovich College Publications. Orlando Fl. June 1992 ( see pp 85, 211 and 235-6 ).
These expeditions and their findings plus other anthropological expeditions that Brewer had
joined with the University of Michigan in 1966-1970 aroused the world attention due to a hoax,
but famous book (“Darkness in El Dorado”. by Patrick Tierney. W.W. Norton. New York,
London. 417 p. 2000) that has stirred the anthropological world because it questioned the genetic
studies and procedures used by the members of the 1966-1970 expeditions, and a whole chapter
of this book (“That Charlie”) is used to mention Brewer‟s jungle knowledge.
Haximu indian massacre
In 1993 President Ramón J. Velásquez of Venezuela decreed “The Yanomamö Presidential
Commission” to investigate the mass murder of 17 indians supposedly killed by some "Brazilian
gold miners" (garimpeiro) at the headwaters of the Orinoco, and Brewer-Carías was assigned the
president of this research team, that include Professor Napoleon A. Chagnon. The results of their
research showed other results different from the one currently believed and showed that the
whole event had been triggered by some greedy military that were obtaining benefits from the
Brazilian garimpeiro. But this was such a shameful hot issue, that their report was silenced by the
church, the military , and finally also by the government officials (see Haximo and Hashimo-teri
in the national press). This political issue raised a very bitter quarrel and many newspaper
articles were published or mentioned the subject. This study was also demonized in Patrick
Tierney‟s book..
But other authors stood up aside with Brewer-Carías and Chagnon and since then a long debate
stirs the anthropological world :
-“Conspiración al Sur del Orinoco” by Issam Madi . Ed. Copy Press, Caracas. 153 p. 1998.
-“El Genocidio de los Yanomamis” by E. Cherubini , Editor. Documents from the Report and
Forum. Published by 258 p. Caracas. 2001 And also under: and
also see: -“Fighting the Darkness in El Dorad o” by Kate Wong in Scientific American,
March 2001 Vol 284, Nº 3 pp. 26-28.
Studies in Plant technology and a Honorary Research Associate New York Botanical
Due to his studies of Plant Technology among the Yanomamö indians, Brewer-Carías was
appointed as " Honorary Research Associate" at the New York Botanical Garden on october
16, 1991 after studying Yanomamö plant technology with the botanist Dr. Brian Boom at the
NYBG. This study also awarded him an appointment as Investigador Asociado del Jardín
Botánico del Orinoco in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela, by it‟s president Dr. Francisco Delascio.
Writer and Photographer
As a writer and photographer Brewer-Carias has published seven books about his Venezuelan
nature experiences with his own pictures. His photographs have been also credited by the
Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela as National patrimony. His whole photographic work is now
available and under the care and custody at the “Fundacion Cisneros”, a Venezuelan private
"Antropología Dental de los Indios Soto (Yekwana)"
Imprenta Grafos C.A., pp. 118, 51 fotografías
Caracas, 1.964, 15 cm x 22 cm x 1,5 cm
The first South American book on Dental Anthropology . Describes the
dentition characteristics of the Yecuana ( Makiritare or Soto) indians that lives in the
Erebato river in the Bolívar State. Venezuela
Editorial Arte, pp.220, 142 fotografías
Caracas, 1.975 y 1.978
This is a Book about Venezuela‟s seven natural regions, showing the
environment, the animals, the plants and the people that live in them. Seven authors
describe these regions and ilustrated with Brewer color photographs. Edition in english
and spanish.
"Las Simas de Sarisariñama y su Vegetación"
Boletín Extraordinario de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales (Nos. 132133)
Reeditado por Editorial Sucre, pp. 301 15 cm x 22 cm x 1,5 cm
Caracas, 1.976
This book is co-edited with the botanistJulian Steyermark and describes
the vegetaction of the most voluminouse sinkholes on earth. This sinkhole or “Sima”,
occurs in the top of a Sandstone mountain at 1.800 mts high. Is presented as a separate
edition from the original edition.
"Roraima, The Crystal Mountain" ( english ed.)
Editorial Arte, pp. 157, 126 all color photographs and maps
22 cm x 29,5 cm x 2 cm in Glace paper 150 gr x m2
Caracas, 1.978
ISBN 980-265-874-X
This book has a personal narrative and photographs about the
exploration of Mount Roraima in three expeditions 1976-1978 . This is a plateau
mountain of sandstone of 2.850 mts high, that is in the border of Venezuela Brasil and
Guyana. The pictures are in color to show the laberinths, the pit, the unique vegetation
described by the first explorers in 1884 and the crystal valley.
The book has had as many as 8 reprints included Spanish, English and French versions
and besides it, Brewer-Carías have publish many others. Among them the most
interesting for naturalists, botanists, geographers and explorers are:
"La Vegetación del Mundo Perdido" or “The Lost World of Venezuela and its
vegetation”( Engl. Ed.)
Ed. Fundación Mendoza, pp. 248, 167 all color photographs and b & W maps.
22 cm x 29,5 cm x 2 cm in Glace paper 150 gr x m2
Caracas 1.978
Awarded as “The most beautiful book in color” by the Venezuelan National Library
in 29.07.79
This books describes the vegetation discovered on the surface of five sandstone
“tepuy” mountains. Illustrated with color pictures.
Editorial Arte, pp. 228, 200 all color photographs and b & W maps
22 cm x 29,5 cm x 2 cm in Glace paper 150 gr x m2
Caracas, 1.983
This book describes the discovery and exploration and descent to the most voluminous
sinkholes on earth, it‟s plant life and also includes as apendix, David Nott‟s novel
about the expedition. “ Into the Lost World”. In Spanish.
"CERRO DE LA NEBLINA, Resultados de la Exedición"
Charles Brewer-Carías , Editor., pp. 922, b & W photographs, drawings and maps.
22 cm x 29,5 cm x 4,5 cm in Glace paper 70 gr x m2
Caracas, 1.988
This book describes de geography of the area, and supplies an account and
environment at the 12 camps mounted during the expedition. Maps, SLAR images and
photographs are used to pin point the camp places for their future location. Also a
collection of reprints from the results and many of the original camp notes of the
scientists that participated in the exploration of this mountain are printed.
"La Sierra de Lema“
A Book sponsored by the Won-ken Foundation as part of "Ricardo´s World" Series.
Editorial Arte, pp. 228, 200 all color photographs in 22 cm x 20 cm format (In
Spanish). Caracas, Oct. 2007
This book describes the biogeography and shows with photographs the biodiversity at a
mountain range that is still very poorly collected.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles and Marek Audy
"Entrañas del Mundo Perdido“
A Book about the discovery of the largest Quartzcite caves in the world on Churi-tepui
of the Chimantá massif. Guayana Highlands, Venezuela. 300 pages and 500 pictures all
color photographs in a 30 x 30 cm format and 2,5 kgs.. Caracas, 2011.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1972)
"Observaciones sobre el nicho ecológico de Heliamphora Planta Carnívora del
Cerro de La Neblina". Natura Nº 48-49 pp.4-7. Caracas, 1.972
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles. (1972)
"Cerro Autana, Elite descubre otra maravilla del Mundo" (Cerro Autana, ELITE
mag. discovers another wonder of the world). Revista Elite #2.457. pp. 36-43. 27
de Octubre de 1972, Caracas.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles. (1973). "Las Cuevas del Cerro Autana" (The Caves
from Cerro Autana) , Diario El Nacional. Suplemento Séptimo Día p. 5. Caracas,
25 de 1973.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1973)
"Mesetas de Jaua, Guanacoco y Sarisariñama" (Jaua, Guanacoco and Sarisariñama
Plateaus) 32p. Separata del Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias
Naturales. Tomo XXX, Nº 127
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1973) "Plantas carnívoras del Cerro de La Neblina.
Estudio y fotografías sobre tres mecanismos de trampas" Revista Defensa de la
Naturaleza, Nº 6; pp.17-26 Caracas.
Brew er-Carías, Charles. (1973) "Plantas Carnívoras d el Cerro d e La N eblina"
Revista Dinners N º 44, p. 18-20 Caracas. (14 fotografías)
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1974)
"En Busca de los Origenes, relato libre de ciertos procesos observados en algunas
Islas del Tiempo" (Searching for the Origins, free talks about some processes
observed at some Islands in Time) Revista El Farol, La Calidad de la Vida-1 pp 1823 and 8p of pictures. Creole Petroleum Corporation, Caracas.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1974)
"Expedición Científica al Alto Caura" (Scientific Expedition up to the High Caura
river) Revista RESUMEN # 17, Vol II, : 33-36 . Caracas, 3 de Marzo de 1974.
Encarte en pag. centrales 12 fotos Color.
"La Vegetación de la cima del Macizo de Jaua"
Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, Tomo XXII, Nº 132-133;
pp. 181-405, Caracas.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1976)
"Las Simas de Sarisariñama"
Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, Tomo XXII, Nº 132-133;
pp. 549-625. Caracas.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1976)
"Cuevas del Cerro Autana"
Natura, Revista de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle, Nº 58, pp. 33-48.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1976)
"Genetic Structure of a tribal Population, The Yanomama Indians"
Dental Microdiferentiation, American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Vol.44
(Nº 1), pp. 5-14, U.S.A.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles and Julian A. STEYERMARK (1976)
"Hallucinogenic snuff drugs of the Yanomama Caburiwe-teri in the Cauaburi
River, Brazil" Economic Botany, Vol. 30 (Nº 1) pp. 57-66, U.S.A. 1.976
and J.A. BRUNELLE (1977)
"Plaque, caries, periodental diseases and acculturation among Yanomamo Indians,
Venezuela" Community Dental Oral Epidemiology, Vol. 5, pp. 30-39 U.S.A.
Brew er-Carías, Charles. (1978) Plantas Carnivoras (H eliam phora, Drosera y
Utricularia) en "La Vegetación d el Mund o Perd id o" pp.194-223. Crom otip,
248p. Caracas.
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1990)
"With Bassett Maguire on the Islands of Time"
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 64: 34-44, Dec 1990.
Maguire, Steyermark y Brewer en la Sierra Marutani
CHARLES BREWER-CARIAS ( 28 species at Feb 15, 2011))
* Campylopus breweri sp. nov. (Mosses)
Bartram. sp. nov. Boletín Sociedad Venezolana de
(106) pp: 35-37, Caracas 1.963
Ciencias Naturales, Tomo XXV
Pitcairnia breweri sp. nov. (Bromeliad) sp. nov L.B. Smith en "Phytologia"
9:246, pl.2
figs.1 y 2 . 1963 and in: "Bromeliaceae", por L.B. Smith; Edición
Especial del Instituto Botánico, pp: 47-48 Caracas 1.971.
Navia breweri sp. Nov
* Navia breweri sp. nov. (Bromeliad)
Smith, L.B. y J.A. Steyermark (1967) . Dos especies Bromeliaceae nuevas para la
Ciencia. Acta Botanica Venezuelica, vol. 2, No 5,6, 7 y 8, pp: 380-382, Caracas.
Maguireothamnus jauaensis var. breweri
Bolet. Soc. Venez. Cien. Nat. Nº 32, Caracas 1.976
* Stegolepis breweri
Maguire sp. nov
Bolet. Soc. Venez. Cien. Nat. Nº 32, p278 Caracas 1.976
* Cybianthus breweri
Caracas 1.976
Agostini sp. nov Bolet. Soc. Venez. Cien. Nat. Nº 32, p384
* Psammisia breweri Steyermark y Maguire sp. nov
Bolet. Soc. Venez. Cien. Nat. Nº 32, p377 Caracas 1.976
* Thibaudia breweri Steyermark y Maguire sp. nov
Bolet. Soc. Venez. Cien. Nat. Nº 32, p378 Caracas 1.976
* Chorisepalum breweri Steyermark y Maguire sp.
Venez. Cien. Nat. Nº 32, p392 Caracas 1.976.
Raveniopsis breweri Steyermark. Brittonia 32: 48. 1980, and: Flora of the
Venezuelan Guayana Vol. 9 p.28. Missouri Botanical Garden 2005
L.B. Smith, Steyermark y
GENERA (Bromeliad) Acta Bot. Venez. 14(3): p10 .
Brewcaria duidensis L.B. Smith, Steyermark y
Bot. Venez. 14(3): pp10, 11, , 35, 48, figs. 1a-j,6a-e. 1984 .
gen. nov.
Robinson sp. nov Acta
Brewcaria marahuacae L.B. Smith, Steyermark & Robinson. Ann. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 73: 714, figs. 24, 31u-y. 1986 [1987] .
Brewcaria duidensis gen.nov. 1981
* Tapeinostemon breweri Steyermark y Maguire
sp. nov . Acta Bot. Venez. 14(3): pp.24, 42, 51 Caracas 1.984
* Psychotria breweri Steyermark sp. nov
Acta Botanica Venezuelica, vol. 14, Nº 3,.25,43. Caracas 1.984
* Chinolaena breweri Steyermark y Maguire sp. nov Acta Bot. Venez. 14(3): pp.
26, 27 y 46 . aracas 1.984
* Tyleria breweriana Steyermark., sp.nov. colectada en la Meseta de Jaua en 1981 a
2.020 msnm. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol.71, Nº1, pp.322-324.
* Selaginella breweriana A.R. , Ann Missouri Botanical Garden, 77:266, fig 8E-H.
1990. also in: Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Vol 2 p.303. fig 261, p. 313. Missouri
Botanical Garden.1995
* Todirostrum margaritaceiventer breweri, W. Phelps
Nueva Sub-especie (pp: 33-36) Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias
Naturales, Tomo XXXIII, Nº 134, Marzo, Caracas 1.977
* Anadia breweri (Lizard) McDiarmid & Harris sp. nov. (1992) (pp.276 y 310) in
"Chimantá" by Otto Huber Edit. Oscar Todtmann Editores C.A. 343 pp. Caracas, 1992
Stefania breweri (frog). Barrio-Amorós, Cesar & Oswaldo Fuentes. (2003) "A
New Species of Stefania (Anura: Hylidae : Hemipractinae) from the Summit of Cerro
Autana, Estado Amazonas, Venezuela". Herpetologica, 59(4), 2003. Pp.506-414, by
The Herpethologists´League, Inc
_* Colostethus breweri Cesar L.Barrio-Amoros. (2006) “A new Dendrobatid frog
(Anura: Dendrobatidae: Colostethus) from Aprada tepui, southern Venezuela”.
Zootaxa 1110: 59-68 (2006). Magnolia Press. ( (The
Cueva de El Fatasma picture is published for the first time).
Colostethus breweri sp. Nov.
Tepuidessus breweri Spangler sp. nov. (pp.17)
"Aquatic Insects",
vol. 3, Nº1 International Journal of
Freshwater Entomology, U.S.A. 1.981
* Heteragrion breweri spec. nov. De Marmels, 1988. (Damselfly)
Academia de las Ciencias Físicas, Matematicas y Naturales Vol XXV pp. 17, fig 2229. Caracas, 1988.
*Dyscolus (Brewerites) audi sp. n.
Dyscolus (Brewerites subgen. n.) audy sp. n. , a new troglophile of Platinini
(Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae) from Venezuela . Moret, Pierre, Roman Mlejnek
& Josef Moravec (2008) Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 72 ISSN 1211-376
Dyscolus (Brewerites) audyi sp. n. , is a new subgenus Dyscolus (Brewerites subgen.
n.) and new species of the tribe Platynini is described from the Cueva Charles Brewer
(Guayana Highlands: Chimantá Massif) in Venezuela.
Hydrolotus breweri sp. Nov.
Derka, Tomás & Peter Fedor (2010) Hydrolutos breweri sp. n., a new aquatic Lutosini
species (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) from Churí-tepui (Chimantá Massif, Venezuela)
ZOOTAXA, 2653: 51–59 . Magnolia Press.
Tityus breweri. spec. nov.
Gonzalez-Sponga, M.A., (1997). En: “Arácnidos de Venezuela. Tres especies de
Escorpiones de la Region Amazonica-Guayanesa (Buthidae: Chactidae)” Memoria
Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle, Tomo LVII, número 148, pp.55-64 Julio/dic.
1997.. "The longest species of scorpion in Venezuela, collected in Santa Rosa plateau
720 mts high in the headwaters of Parapapoy river, affluent of the Supamo river at the
Esequibo river basin. Estado Bolívar, Venezuela. N 06º37'12" y W 62º27'17".
Also in:
Fet, Victor, W, David Sissom, Graeme Lowe and Matt E. Braunwalder 2000
“Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758-1998)” The New York
Entomological Society, 690p. NY. USA. (ver: pag. 229 androcottoides speciesgroup).
Plekocheilus breweri sp. n.
Breure, Abraham S.H. & Jan Schögl (2010). Additional notes on Orthalicidae from the
Chimantá massif, Venezuelan Guayana, with descriptions of new species of Plekocheilus,
Guilding, 1828 (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Zootaxa 2416: 51–60 (2010). Magnolia Press.
CUEVA CHARLES BREWER - The largest quartzite cave in the world is al 2100
masl on Macizo del Chimantá. it has 4820 m in length but is volume is extraordinary
Bibliography about the largest quartzite cave in the world that now bears his name.
Aubrecht, R., Ch. Brewer-Carías & B. Šmída. 2005. Opálové biospeleotémy z pieskovcovej
jaskyne Cueva Charles Brewer, masív Chimantá, Venezuela – petrografická anal za (predbežné
vysledky). In: Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías & M. Audy (Eds.). Speleoexpedície do masívu
Chimantá 2004, Venezuela. Cueva Charles Brewer – Najväčšia kvarcitová jaskyňa sveta.
Spravodaj Slovenskej speleologickej spoločnosti 36(3) (mimoriadne číslo): 84-96.
Liptovsk Mikuláš.
Aubrecht, R., Ch. Brewer-Carías, B. Šmída, M. Audy & Ľ. Kováčik. 2008a. Anatomy of
biologically mediated opal speleothems in the world‟s largest sandstone cave Cueva Charles
Brewer, Chimantá Plateau, Venezuela. Sedimentary Geology 203: 3-4, 181-195. Amsterdam.
Aubrecht, R., T. Lánczos, B. Šmída, Ch. Brewer-Carías, F. Mayoral, J. Schlögl, M. Audy, L.
Vlček, Ľ. Kováčik & M. Gregor. 2008b. Venezuelan sandstone caves: a new view on their
genesis, hydrogeology and speleothems. Geologia Croatica 61(2-3): 345-362. Zagreb.
Audy, M., B. Šmída & F. Mayoral. 2004. The Worlds largest Quartzite Cave. (Speleologie v
kvarcitov ch masívech). In: Geršl, M. (Ed.). 3rd National Speleological Congress. Extended
Abstracts. 8.-10.10.2004, Moravsk•• kras, Sloup. Czech Speleological Society, Prague, pp: 1-6.
Audy, M. & B. Šmída. 2005a. The largest quarzite cave of the World – Cueva Charles Brewer.
Speleofórum 24: 58-62. Praha.
Audy, M., B. Šmída. 2005b. Jeskyně Charles Brewer. Mamutí jeskyně v kvarcitech Guyanské
vysočiny. Vesmír 84(135): 20-29. Praha.
Audy, M., B. Šmída & F. Mayoral. 2005. Cueva Charles Brewer (Chimantá). Cueva Ojos de
Cristal (Roraima): the greatest quartzite cave of the World (Table-mountains Venezuela). In:
Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías & M. Audy (Eds.). Speleoexpedície do masívu Chimantá 2004,
Venezuela. Cueva Charles Brewer – Najväčšia kvarcitová jaskyňa sveta. Spravodaj Slovenskej
speleologickej spoločnosti 36(3) (mimoriadne číslo): 3-10. Liptovsk••Mikuláš.
Audy, M. & B. Šmída. 2006. Tepui 2005 – 4th expedition of discoveries of the World largest
caves in quartzites. Speleofórum 25: 25-28. Praha.
Audy, M., R. Tásler & Ch. Brewer Carías. 2008. Tepui 2007 – Sistema de la Araña. Speleofórum
27: 44-49. Praha.
Audy, M. & Ch. Brewer-Carías. 2009. Tepui – speleological expeditions to the quartz caves of
Venezuela. In: Motyčka, Z. & V. Vlčková (Eds.). Czech Speleological Society 2005-2008. Česká
speleologická společnost, Praha, pp: 44-50.
Audy, M., Ch. Brewer-Carías & R. Bouda. 2010. Tepui 2009 – Sistema Muchimuk – nejdelší
křemencová jeskyně světa. Speleofórum 29: 42-48. Praha.
Audy, M. & P. Kalenda. 2010. Nástin geneze jeskyní silikátového krasu Guyanské vysočiny.
Speleofórum 29: 161-165. Praha.
Barrio-Amorós, C. L., J. Mesa, Ch. Brewer-Carías & R. W. McDiarmid. 2010. A new
Pristimantis (Anura, Terrarana, Strabomantidae) from Churi-tepui in the Chimanta massif,
Venezuelan Guayana. Zootaxa 2483: 35-44. Auckland.
Breure, A. S. H. & J. Schlögl. 2010. Additional notes on Orthalicidae from the Chimantá massif,
Venezuelan Guayana, with descriptions of new species of Plekocheilus Guilding, 1828
(Mollusca: Gastropoda). Zootaxa 2416: 51-60. Auckland.
Brewer-Carías, Ch. 2005. Las Espeleotemas de la Cueva Charles Brewer. In: Michelangeli, A.
(Ed.). Tepuy, Colosos de la Tierra. Fundación Terramar, Altolitho, Caracas, pp: 311-327.
Brewer-Carías, Ch. 2006. Lo que importa es la Ciencia. Carta-respuesta al Dr. Palacios Pru.
Revista Zeta Venezuela, junio 30, 2010: 61. Caracas.
Brewer-Carías, Charles and Marek Audy 2011. Entrañas del Mundo Perdido . 300 p. and 500
pictures. Altolitho, Caracas
Chacón, A., J. Mesa & F. Mayoral. 2006. La Cueva Charles Brewer. Faces. Ecotourism &
Adventure 3(13): 28-53. Caracas.
Chiappe, G. 2006a. Pequeños arbolitos marcianos viven en una cueva venezolana. El Universal,
(octubre 18, 2006): 3-7. Caracas.
Chiappe, G. 2006b. Ecosistema de cueva guayanesa simula a Marte. El Universal, (octubre 20,
2006): 3-6. Caracas.
Davies, V. 2008. La vida más antigua del planeta. Descubrimiento, el Explorador Charles Brewer
encontró una cueva dentro de un tepui. Las bioespeleotemas parecen piedras que crecen. El
Nacional, Martes 19 de agosto de 2008: 3-6. Caracas.
Derka, T., M. Svitok & J. Schlögl. 2009. Massartella hirsuta sp. nov. (Ephemeroptera:
Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) and new data on mayflies of Guyana Highlands. Aquatic
Insects, International Journal of Freshwater Entomology 31: 83-94. London.
Derka, T., J. M. Tierno de Figueroa & M. Gamboa. 2010. First records of Plecoptera from
Pantepui biogegraphical province, with the first record of genus Kempnyia for Venezuela
(Insecta: Plecoptera). Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología 33(3-4) [2009]: 493502. Madrid.
Derka, T. & P. Fedor. 2010. Hydrolutos breweri sp. n., a new aquatic Lutosini species
(Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) from Churí-tepui (Chimantá Massif, Venezuela). Zootaxa 2653:
51-59. Auckland.
Hernandez, D. R. 2005. EXPLORACION / La formación fue bautizada como Charles Brewer
Carías. Una cueva sale del anonimato. El Universal, (octubre 02, 2005): 4-6. Caracas.
Lundberg, J., Ch. Brewer-Carias & D. A. McFarlane. 2010a. Preliminary results from U-Th
dating of glacial-interglacial deposition cycles in a silica speleothem from Venezuela. Quaternary
Research 74(1): 113-120. Washington.
Lundberg, J., D. A. McFarlane & Ch. Brewer-Carias. 2010b. An extraordinary example of
photokarren in a sandstone cave, Cueva Charles Brewer, Chimantá Plateau, Venezuela:
Biogeomorphology on a small scale. Geomorphology 121(3-4): 342-357. Amsterdam.
Marbach, G. & L.-H. Fage. 2006. Cueva Charles Brewer. In: Marbach, G. (Ed.). Le Continent
invisible. Trésors et mystères du monde-souterrain. Voyage et Nature. Glénat Editions, Grenoble,
pp: 38-43.
Mayoral, F. 2006. La cueva de cuarcita más grande del mundo. Entre Socios, Abril 2006: 58-65.
Moravec, J., R. Mlejnek & R. Guerrero. (In prep.). Dyscolus (Brewerites, subgen. nov.) audyi sp.
nov., a new endogean Platynini (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae) from the Sistema Charles
Brewer (Churí-tepui, Chimantá Massif) in Venezuela. Zootaxa. Auckland.
Palacios Pru, E. 2006. Polémica sobre la cueva Charles Brewer. (Una Carta del Dr. Palacios Pru
criticando los descubrimientos). Revista ZETA, junio 23, 2006: 44. Caracas.
Palmitesta Riveros, R. C. 2006a. El mayor descubrimiento científico del siglo, La Cueva Charles
Brewer en Venezuela. Revista ZETA, mayo 5, 2006: 58-61. Caracas.
Palmitesta Riveros, R. C. 2006b. En Bolívar encuentran muestras de vida Marciana (cueva
Charles Brewer). Revista ZETA, junio 21, 2006: 34-36. Caracas.
Palmitesta Riveros, R. C. 2006c. El misterio de la cueva (Cueva Charles Brewer y Carta del Dr.
Palacios Pru criticando…). Revista ZETA, junio 23, 2006: 42-43. Caracas.
Palmitesta Riveros, R. C. 2006d. Ratificada la similitud de la Cueva Charles Brewer con Marte.
Revista ZETA, julio 21, 2006: 46-47. Caracas.
Ramos Zibert, L. R. 2006. Cueva Charles Brewer, La cueva de cuarcitas mas grande del mundo.
Nuevas Fronteras, Marzo (31): 34- 40. Long Beach, CA.
Robovsk , J., M. Audy, J. Schlögl, A. Díaz de Pascual & P. Havelková. 2007. Additional report of
brown-nosed coati (Nasua nasua vittata) on the tepuis-Chimantá massif, Churí tepui, Venezuela. Lynx,
N. S. 38: 115-117. Praha.. Sánchez, Y. & L. A. Carnicero. 2005. Viaje a las entrañas de un gigante.
La cueva mas grande del mundo en cuarcita está en Venezuela. Sala de Espera, Marzo 2005, Nro.
26: 33-35. Caracas.
Šmída, B. 2009. Obrovská jaskyňa Cueva Muchimuk vo Venezuele – ako bola objavená a
preskúmaná. Spravodaj Slovenskej speleologickej spoločnosti 2: 52-59. Liptovsk••Mikuláš.
Šmída, B., M. Audy, F. Mayoral & L. A. Carnicero. 2004. The expedition Chimantá 2004, an
exploration of the Cueva Charles Brewer – the largest quartzite cave in the world. Spravodaj
Slovenskej speleologickej spoločnosti 35(2): 3-14. Liptovsk••Mikuláš.
Šmída, B., M. Audy & F. Mayoral. 2005a. Cueva Charles Brewer: Largest quartzite cave in the
world. NSS News, January 2005: 13-14, 31. Tampa.
Šmída, B., M. Audy & F. Mayoral. 2005b. Cueva Charles Brewer – la plus importante grotte du
monde creusée dans les quartzites (massif du Chimantá, Venezuela). Spelunca 97: 27-35. Paris.
Šmída, B., M. Audy & F. Mayoral. 2005c. Cueva Charles Brewer. The largest quartzite cave in
the world (Chimanta massif, Venezuela). The Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society 49(1):
3-12. Sydney.
Šmída, B., M. Audy & F. Mayoral. 2005d. Into the Lost World. Descent, The Magazine of the
Underground, April-May 2005(183): 36-38. Abergavenny.
Šmída, B. & Ch. Brewer-Carías. 2005e. Descripción, Morfología, Génesis, Hidrología y
Perspectiva de la Cueva Charles Brewer (Resumen). In: Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías & M.
Audy (Eds.). Speleoexpedície do masívu Chimantá 2004, Venezuela. Cueva Charles Brewer –
Najväčšia kvarcitová jaskyňa sveta. Spravodaj Slovenskej speleologickej spoločnosti 36(3)
(mimoriadne číslo): 26-30. Liptovsk••Mikuláš.
Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías & M. Audy. 2005f. Speleoexpedície do masívu Chimantá 2004,
Venezuela. Cueva Charles Brewer – Najväčšia kvarcitová jaskyňa sveta. Spravodaj Slovenskej
speleologickej spoločnosti 36(3) (mimoriadne číslo): 1-178. Liptovsk••Mikuláš.
Šmída, B., M. Audy, H. Biord & F. Mayoral. 2005. 0-173. Cueva Charles Brewer (Chimantá),
Cueva Ojos de Cristal (Roraima) the greatest quartzite caves of the world (table-mountains,
Venezuela). Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Speleology, 21-28 August 2005,
Kalamos, Hellas. Hellenic Speleological Society. Table of Contents Vol. 2: 21-28. Athens.
Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías, F. Mayoral, L. Vlček, R. Aubrecht, T. Lánczos, E. Kapucian, J.
Schlögl, I. Elorsa, M. Kuhta, R. Dado & C. Barrio. 2008. Speleoxpedícia TEPUY 2007 (stolové
hory Chimantá a Roraima, Venezuela). Speleofórum 27: 49-57. Praha.
Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías, M. Audy, F. Mayoral, L. Vlček, D. Bakšić & J. Stankovič. 2009.
O systemie jaskiniowym na Churí-tepui (Wenezuela). Jaskinie 4(57): 12-16. Kraków.
Šmída, B. & L. Vlček. 2010a. O najväčších kvarcitov••ch jaskyniach sveta v súvislosti s objavom
Cueva Muchimuk-Colibrí (8 km) vo Venezuele. Spravodaj Slovenskej speleologickej spoločnosti
41(1): 75-79. Liptovsk••Mikuláš.
Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías, M. Audy, F. Mayoral, D. Bakšić, L. Vlček & J. Stankovič. 2010b.
CHURÍ-tepui 2009 (expedície január/február a máj). Objav 2. najväčšej kvarcitovej jaskyne
sveta: Cueva Muchimuk- Colibrí (8 km). Speleofórum 29: 49-58. Praha.
Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías, M. Audy, F. Mayoral, D. Bakšić, L. Vlček & J. Stankovič. 2010c.
La cueva Muchimuk- Colibri, deuxième plus longue cavité de quartzite du monde, et autres
réseaux du Churí-tepui (Venezuela). Spelunca 118: 27-36. Ed. Fédération Française de
Spéléologie, Lyon.
Šmída, B., Ch. Brewer-Carías, M. Audy, F. Mayoral, D. Bakšić, L. Vlček & J. Stankovič. 2010d.
Churí-tepui Cave System: Inside the second largest quartzite cave in the world. NSS News, July
2010: 16-23. Tampa.
List of researchers and writers that have published the results of their work
acknowledging that these were obtained in expeditions led by Brewer-Carias .
(Revisado Agosto 2009)
Agh, Zoltan
Altamirano, Luis
Anderson, Sidney
Anderson, William
Anduze, Pablo
Arends, Tulio
Arias, Raúl
Arnold, Christopher
Attenborough, David
Aubert, Richard
Aubrecht, Roman
Audy, Marek
Autiero, Alfredo
Baksic, Ana
Baksic, Darko
Ball, George
Barabáš, Povol
Barandiarán, Daniel
Barrio-Amorós, Cesar
Barrouclough, George
Beitel, Joe
Bell, Deborah
Benzing, David
Bermúdez, Pilar Antonio
Blonston, Gary
Boom, Brian
Bouda, Richard
Brako, Lois
Breure, Abraham S. H.
Brewer Capriles, Charles
Brewer Carias, James O.
Brewer, Karen
Brewer, Roberto
Brewer-Carías, Allan
Brewer-Carias, Charles
Brewer-Carias, John
Brooke, James
Brown, Richard
Buck, William
Burkhard, Elizabeth
Cannel, Peter
Carías, Alberto
Carnicero, Luis Alberto
Carreño, Victor
Carrillo Batalla, Francisco
Carrillo Batalla, Vicente
Castillo, Otto
Chacón, Alfredo
Chacón, Anibal
Chacón, Richard
Chagnon, Darius
Chagnon, Napoleon
Charles, HRH Prince of England
Chase, Mark
Cherubini, Edgar
Chumaceiro, Alejandro
Cisneros, Adriana
Cisneros, Patricia
Cisneros, Ricardo
Clavijo, Jose
Clifford, Barry
Coats, Sadie
Cocroft, Adele
Coler, Charles
Colvée, Pablo
Cracraft, Joel
Croat, Thomas
Cruxent, Jose M.
David , Nott
Davidse, Gerrit
Davies, Donald
Davies, Vanessa
de Bellard-Pietri, Eugenio
De la Fuente, Roberto
De Marmels, Jurg
Delascio, Francisco
Derka, Thomas
Diaz Portocarrero, Jesús
Dickerman, Robert
Domenech, Abel
Dunsterville, G.C.K.
Dunsterville, Nora
Duque, Luis Angel
Erwin, Terry
Eustache, Pedro
Faitoute, Robin
Febres-Cordero, Foción
Fernandez, Justa
Ferraris, Carl
Flint, Oliver Oliver
Ford, Linda
Foster, Mercedes
Funk, Vicky
García Berrizbeitia, Leopoldo
Gardner, Alfred
Gentry, Alwyn
George, Uwe
Ghosh, Santosh K.
Givnish, Thomas
Godayol, Juan Carlos
Gómez, Berenice
Gonzalez-Sponga, M.A.
Gonzalez, Jorge M.
Griflick, Marcel
Guariglia, Mario
Guerrero, Barbara de
Guerrero, Ricardo
Guidice, Diego
Gula, Viliam
Halling, Roy
Hemmings, John
Henderson, Andrew
HIbjan, Andrés
Highton, Alan
Hochmuth, Zdenko
Holmgren, Noel
Huber, Otto
Hulett, Jesús
Infante, Otto
Irazábal, Victor Hugo
Irons, William
Iturriaga, Teresita
Jackson, Donald
Jaffe, Klaus
Jam, Pedro
James, Ian
Jiménez, Thamara
Joly, Luis Jose
Jugo, Lionel
Kapucian, Erick
Kennedy, Robert F.
Koesling, Ricardo
Kosel, Vladimir
Kral, Robert
Kutha, Mladen
Lander, Romulo
Layrisse, Miguel
Lescarboura, Julio
Liesner, Ronald
Louton, Jerry
Lundberg, Joyce
Luteyn, James
Machado, Antonio
Madden, Bob
Madi, Issam
Maguire, Bassett
Maguire, Celia
Majerčák, Marian
Manrique, Roger
Marbach, Georges
Marcano, Cristina
Marcano, Vicente
Martin-Cuervo, Enrique
Mayoral, Federico
Mc Cabe, Timothy
McFarlane, Donald
Mc Pee, Sara
McDiarmid, Roy
Medina, Ernesto
Méndez-Arocha, Alberto
Mendoza, Fanny
Mesa, Javier
Michelangeli, Armando
Michelangeli, Fabián
Migliaza, Ernesto
Miller, James
Mlejnek, Roman
Moffett, Mark
Moore, John
Moore, Terence
Moravec , Josef
Moret, Pierre
Mori, Scott
Myers, Charles
Namens, Faitha
Naranjo, Carlos Julio
Naranjo, Orlando
Nee, Michael
Neel, James V.
Nelson, Gareth
Noblet, Kelvin
Noonan, Robert
Nott, David
Nukanen, Ernest
O´Hanlon, Redmond
O´Neil, John
Ochoa, José
Ojasti, Juhani
Oliva-Esteva, Fransisco
Orejas Miranda, Braulio
Osuna, Eduardo
Otto, Huber
Padula, Hector
Palmitesta, Roberto
Paolillo, Alfredo
Paul, Luis Eduardo
Pavlík, Jan
Pérez Chinchilla, Gilberto
Pérez, Emilio
Pérez, Jose Miguel
Phelps, Kathy
Phelps, William H.
Plowman, Timothy
Poylleaau, Michael
Quesada, Antonio
Ramirez, Alirio
Ravard, Maximiliano
Renner, Susanne
Rivero-Blanco, Carlos
Robbins, Robert
Roche, Luis Armando
Rockefeller, Peggy
Romero, Simon
Rosmann, Amy
Royero, Ramiro
Roze, Janis
Rozen, Jerome
Saenz, José Antonio
Samuels, Gary
Sanabria, Tomas
Sanchez, Yesmín
Santodomingo, Roger
Sastre, Inez
Schlogj, Jan
Smida, Branislav
Smith, Jasper
Smith, Jim
Spangler, Paul
Spangler, Phyllis
Spielman, Richard
Stankovik, Jarfoslav
Stannard, Brian
Stein, Bruce
Steiner, Warren
Steyermark, Julian A.
Stuart, Michael
Stupakoff, Ian
Suárez, Enrique
Sugiyama, Larry
Takisawa, Hiroyuki
Tamayo Lavié, Fernando
Tello, Jaime
Tenreiro, Jesús
Thomas, Wayth
Thompson, Alfred
Tierney, Patrick
Tovar, Alberto
Ulloa, Angel
Vareschi, Volkmar
Vari, Richard
Velazco, Ignacio
Velazco, Pamela
Vizcarret, Txomin
Vlcek, Lukas
Walden, John
Wallis B., Eduardo
Warren, Adrian
Weithcamp, L.
Willard, Dave
Williams, Ben
Wolfenson, James
Wong, Kate
Zalzman, Jayka
Zuloaga, Nicomedes
Zweifel, Richard
Botanical Associated collectors:
Botanical Groups : S. Organisations: F, GH, INPA, MO, NY, RB, U, US, VEN.
Collected: (1974-1981) Tropical South America: Venezuela (Bolívar). Associates: Boom,
B.M. (1954-) (co-collector), Brewer, C. (synonym), Buck, W.R. (1950-), Carreño E., V.
(fl.1978-1991), Liesner, R.L. (1944-), McDiarmid, R.W. (fl.1978-1999), Maguire, C.K.
(1919-), Steyermark, J.A. (1909-1988), Weitzman, A.L. (1958-) (co-collectors). Also
associated with Davidse, G. (1942-), Delascio Chitty, F. (1950-), Dunsterville, G.C.K.
(1905-1988), Dunsterville, N., Funk, V.A. (1947-), Gentry, A.H. (1945-1993), Guarigla,
M., Henderson, A.J. (1950-), Holmgren, N. H. (1937-), Huber, O. (1944-), Lescarboura,
J., Luteyn, J.L. (1948-), Maguire, B. (1904-1991), Miller, J.S. (1953-), Mori, S.A. (1941), Stannard, B.L. (1944-), Plowman, T.C. (1944-1989), Samuels, G.J. (1944-), Stein, B.A.
(1955-), Thomas, W.W. (1951-), Vareschi, V. (1906-1991),
“About Islands in Time “ definition
Like Islands in Time.
In the Curriculum you find that the idea of “Islands in Time“ was coined by
Brewer in 1974 (, just to give the idea that in each tepui, organisms
developed and speciated in its own time-lapse mode so, one could see the
advance of the distribution of species accordingly to space and time.
These two publications shows when I used this idea to describe life rithm on
the tops of the tepuis . You very well might use it, giving the proper credit in
the interview...
BREWER-CARIAS, Charles (1974)
"En Busca de los Origenes, relato libre de ciertos procesos observados en algunas
Islas del Tiempo" (“Searching for the Origins, free talks about some processes
observed at some Islands in Time“) Revista El Farol, La Calidad de la Vida-1 pp
18-23 and 8p. of pictures. Creole Petroleum Corporation, Caracas.
George, Uwe (1989)
Venezuela´s Islands in Time. National Geographic Mag. May 1989, pp 526-561
Quote in p. 539:
-In the distance other tepuis rise like “islands in time,“ in the words of Charles
Brewer-Carias, a Venezuelan writer who knows the region well.-
Aditional biographical information about Brewer-Carías:
Bello, Alex. 2000. Jungle Fever The Guardian, February 11, 2000. pp. 6-7 London
Wong, Katie 2001. Fighting the Darkness in El Dorado. Scientific American, March
2001 Vol 284, Nº 3 pp. 26-28.
Hibjan, Andres 2001. Charles Brewer-Carias. Pioneros en Rutas Venezolanas . Revista
RUTA´s Año 3 No 16.pp 44-48. Caracas (muy bien ilustrado)
Moffett; Mark. 2001. Travels with Charlie. International Wildlife Mag., Vol 31, Nº 2
March/ April 2001 pp. 44-51.
Romero, Simon 2006. For an ex-dentist, the Age of Exploration Treks On.
The New York Times. August 26, 2006.
Nahmens, Faitha. 2006 . Discovery Charles Revista Exceso # 202, pp.42-51, Nov. 2006
, Caracas.
Figueredo, Ivarelys Charles Brewer Carias. Un Indiana Jones Venezolano. Revista Fun
Race Life No 12 pp.89-92. Caracas (Bien ilustrado)
James, Ian. 2007. Explorer blazes new trails in Venezuela. Associated Press Writer Thu
May 10, 2007. 10:47 PM ET.
Velasco, Pamela. 2008 . Charles Brewer-Carias Quijote selvático. Revista CG
Cosmoguayana Latin Magazine, Año 7, Nº 51 p. 61, Puerto Ordáz. Venezuela.
Marcano, Cristina. 2008. Mi Motivo de Existir es el Descubrimiento . Diario EL
NACIONAL Edicion Aniversario p2., 01-08-2008. Caracas
Davies, Vanessa 2009. La Vida Mas Antigua del Planeta. Diario EL NACIONAL 1908-2008. Caracas
Ruiz-Letaoud, Valentina. 2009. La Cota Mil ¿De quien fue la Idea?
Diario Ultimas Noticias Revista Dominical. 15-03-2009. Caracas. Foto: David Maris.
Ramirez, Johan M. 2009 La Caracas de Charles Brewer-Carias. Revista Estampas,
Diario El Universal 29-03-2009. pp 18-19. Caracas. Foto: Natalia Brand.
Carrol, Rory 2010. The British gentleman who became Venezuela´s Indiana Jones. The
Guardian, London April 6th, 2010.
Schulz, Roland 2010. Irre? We rich ? GEO Macazine. Germany pp.48-58.
Timoteo da Costa; Marianna. 2010. Desbravador da America pp 6-11.
Urbina, Jenic (2010) Impresiontes Imágenes de un Descubridor. Revista COSAS,
Unicasa. No 59. Edic. 8 Anivers. pp 231-240. Caracas.
Associated Press article:
Explorer blazes new trails in Venezuela
By IAN JAMES, Associated Press Writer
Thu May 10, 2007, 10:47 PM ET
CHIMANTA TEPUI, Venezuela ˜ Charles Brewer Carias has discovered
giant sinkholes, collected new species of plants and scorpions, and
rappelled into unexplored caves on his nearly 200 expeditions into
the flat-topped mountains and jungles of Venezuela.
The mustachioed 68-year-old says his passion for discovery makes him
a throwback to the 19th century explorers who once trekked through
South America. And he has found his modern-day Eden among the
sandstone plateaus of Venezuela, known as "tepuis," which tower above
rain forests and savannas.
Brewer has spent much of his life learning to spot subtle anomalies
in this rugged landscape, which is home to Angel Falls ˜ the world's
tallest waterfall ˜ and was the setting of Arthur Conan Doyle's
famous dinosaur novel "The Lost World."
"The idea of discovery is to see things that no one has seen before,"
says Brewer, who calls the tepuis "islands in time," each of them
isolated much like the Galapagos Islands, allowing evolution to run
its distinct course on every mountaintop.
His knowledge and keen abilities of observation have made Brewer the
best-known explorer and naturalist in Venezuela.
Flying by helicopter, he gazes down at the tepuis searching for
changes in vegetation, rivers disappearing into holes or other clues
that could point to a landing spot for his next expedition.
This time he is headed to the site of one of his grandest
discoveries: a giant quartzite cave in the belly of a plateau, which
he is exploring with the help of scientists from Slovakia and Croatia.
Five years ago, he spotted a river emerging from this cave while
flying past. He returned with a team to hike into it, and found what
experts believe to be the world's biggest quartzite cave. The group
named it after Brewer.
Measured at nearly 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) long, the cave runs
along a river through chambers at times up to 40 meters (130 feet)
high. The explorers pause to examine amphibious crickets, rare
scorpions and odd mineral deposits called speleothems that grow like
coral reefs from the cave floor.
"That's a beautiful piece," Brewer exclaims, squatting to photograph
one of the chalky opal speleothems, which scientists believe are
built up by bacteria over time.
A total of 22 species ˜ plants, reptiles, insects and a scorpion ˜
have been named in Brewer's honor, including an entirely new genus of
bromeliad, with glossy leaves and white flowers, which he found in
He also has explored underwater, leading a 1998 scuba expedition to a
sunken fleet of 17th-century French ships off Venezuela's Las Aves
Some scientists accuse Brewer of excessively seeking credit and
attention for discoveries.
But he sees a simple reason for their complaints: "Jealousy, sheer
Brewer has long been captivated by Sir Walter Raleigh's writings
about his travels in Venezuela more than 400 years ago. And citing
stories related by Raleigh, Brewer is convinced that the lost city of
El Dorado, named after an Indian headman who covered himself in gold
dust, remains hidden in Venezuela's jungles.
He hopes to prove it by returning to explore a site in the Amazon
where in 1990 he unearthed a find of pottery shards, made of clay
mixed with gold dust.
Brewer, the grandson of a British diplomat who married a Venezuelan,
has always been fascinated by subjects from botany to anthropology.
While growing up in Caracas, his father urged him to specialize, so
Brewer became a dentist like his dad.
But he soon gravitated to broader interests. In 1961, he went to live
with the Yekuana Indians, performing dental anthropological studies
and learning their language. He did similar work among the isolated
Yanomami Indians.
The author Patrick Tierney takes a critical view of Brewer in his
book "Darkness in El Dorado," accusing him of clandestine gold mining
and saying repeated expeditions involving him, scientists and
journalists were harmful to the Yanomami.
Brewer calls them false accusations prompted in part by his own
complaints that Catholic missionaries have harmed the Indians. He
acknowledges trying to get involved in gold mining elsewhere but says
he gave up because he couldn't obtain permits.
Instead, he has excelled at other pursuits. He designed his own
survival knife, gathered rare plants for collections and published
eight books with photographs taken during his forays.
The government used to support his expeditions, but today he
struggles to obtain funding and asks scientists to pay their own way
on rented helicopters.
Brewer, who has five children from two marriages, sometimes regrets
his decision in 1978 to give up dentistry ˜ and the financial
security it brought.
His most harrowing experience came when he was shot during a 2003
burglary. Wounded in the shoulder, he shot and killed one of the
intruders. Bullet fragments remain lodged in his shoulder, but he has
not let the injury limit him on outings, boasting he can go for long
periods without food or water and still swim faster than most men
half his age.
His boyish enthusiasm shows as he collects ferns and flowers outside
the cave, reciting their Latin names as he presses them into his log
"You have to have a childish, inquisitive nature," he says. "I'm
discovering new caves, places where people never imagined before. I'm
getting answers where no one ever asked questions before."
This report was published in Revista C-G en Puerto Ordáz. Julio 2008
It has been a good week for Charles Brewer-Carias. He caught a highly venomous snake.
He had a snail named after him. His discovery of a new species of frog was confirmed.
And he came a step closer to unveiling what he reckons is the world's oldest living
organism. If that sounds implausible it is because Brewer-Carias is implausible: a
septuagenarian explorer, naturalist, author and adventurer who belongs in a Victorian
novel but lives on a hill overlooking Caracas and plans, among other things, an
expedition to El Dorado. "This is what keeps me going: discovery," he said, from a home
decorated with butterflies, tarantulas and huge bugs in glass cases. "It's about transmitting
information that has been shielded from humans for aeons." Arguably modernity and its
rules have been shielded from Brewer-Carias, the grandson of a British diplomat, since he
decided more than half a century ago to explore Venezuela 's jungles and live a life less
ordinary. He had trained as a dentist and ended up using those skills to treat and study the
Yekuana tribe, whose language he speaks fluently, and lead expeditions of botanists and
geographers. The results are striking: a shelf full of books he has written and illustrated;
the discovery of the world's largest quartzite cave and 27 plants, reptiles, insects and a
scorpion named in his honour; a raft of diseases including malaria and leishmaniasis in
his system; and a record for starting fire with sticks (2.7 seconds). In the process, BrewerCarias has also earned a reputation for seeking glory, abusing Indians and clandestinely
mining gold and uranium, charges he strenuously denies. "Scandalous stuff. Uncouth
smears," he said, the English accented with a slight Spanish lilt. There are suggestions the
71-year-old partly inspired the character of Charles Muntz, the sinister explorer in the
Oscar-winning computer-animated film Up which is set amid Venezuela's Guayana
highlands where Brewer-Carias has made more than 200 expeditions. "I've not seen the
film but apparently Charles is an evilish character," he says. Married twice with five
children, he lives in a house he built himself high above Caracas's concrete sprawl. He
greets visitors, including the Guardian, by inviting them to listen to a creature inside a
wooded mound. The host then clambers up a vine, stamps, and sends a shower of seeds
raining on their head. "Got you!". He also challenges male visitors to match his chin-ups
on an exercise bar. On an average workout, he does 70. "To show off, I do 100." In a jar
on the porch is curled a small brown snake: Bothrops venezuelensis, also known as
Venezuelan Lancehead. Highly venomous, potentially deadly, and caught just a few days
earlier in the garden. Brewer-Carias will take it to a laboratory for the venom to be
milked. Last week, a species of snail he found on the peak of Mount Chimanta, amid a
landscape which inspired Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, was named Breure in
his honour. He is not a professional taxonimist but was struck by how the snail gnawed
the surface of a pineapple-type leaf by night and hid inside the plant by day to avoid
predatory birds. "I see something in a plant or an insect or a frog, something odd, the
colour, or the shape, or the way it moves, and I compare it to my stock of memories."
Recently, near his home, he caught a frog of a type he had never seen before. A
taxonomist has confirmed it is a new species and will name it later this year. Only a small
fraction of the species Brewer-Carias has discovered bear his name, he said, with a tinge
of regret. The biggest prize may be yet to come: coral-type silica growing from rock in a
cave amid Venezuela's table-top "tepuis" mountains. It is a living organism which dates
back at least 317,000 years, according to scientists and could be over one million years
old. "This could be the world's oldest living organism," said the explorer, his voice
dropping to a dramatic low. "This has never existed for man. But I'm going to make it
exist. It's a kind of magic." A former youth minister who holds the Order of the Liberator
award, he occupies an awkward position in today's Venezuela. Intruders broke into his
house back in 2003: he was shot in the shoulder and killed one of the trio with his
shotgun. President Hugo Chavez's socialist revolution has not warmed to an apparent
Victorian relic. Brewer-Carias receives no government funding and has little regular
income. He drives a battered old car and relies on friends to pay his bills and subsidise
expeditions. When he located a 17th century French shipwreck, the government froze his
team out of the salvage, he said. He will wait for an "honest government" before
launching an expedition to El Dorado: a real place which spawned the legend of a city of
gold. "The name refers to a man who lived by a lake near Manoa. I know the site very
well." he said. "I've been there, picked up ceramics. I will go back there with my son and
two companions. We have made our plans. Together we will discover El Dorado.
REVISTA COSAS, UNICASA No 59. Noviembre 2010. pp 231-240. Caracas
Bibliografía sobre el resultado de nuestras expediciones a las Simas de
Brewer-Carías, Charles (1973). Proyecto de la Exploración de las Mesetas de Jaua,
Guanacoco y Sarisariñama. Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 30(127,
Brewer-Carias, Charles (1974) En Busca de los Orígenes, Recuento libre de ciertos
procesos observados en algunas Islas del Tiempo. El Farol, Vol: La Calidad de la Vida,
1-El Ambiente Ecologico, pp. 18-23. Caracas.
Roche, Luis Armando (1976) Como Islas en el Tiempo (film 16 mm) 55 min.
Steyermark, Julian A. Y Charles Brewer-Carías (1976) La Vegetación de la Cima del
Macizo de Jaua. Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 32(122123):179-405.
Brewer-Carias (1976). Las Simas de Sarisariñama. Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de
Ciencias Naturales 32(122-123):549-624.
Brewer-Carías, Charles (1983). Sarisariñama. Editorial Arte, Caracas. 228 p.
Barrio-Amoros, Cesar & Charles Brewer-Carias (2008) Herpetological results of the
2002 expedition to Sarisariñama, a tepui in Venezuelan Guayana, with the description of
five new species Zootaxa 1942: 1–68 (2008). Magnolia Press. New Zealand.