afi: cse iaf: frankfurt rssff: otcqb
afi: cse iaf: frankfurt rssff: otcqb
AFI: CSE IAF: FRANKFURT RSSFF: OTCQB 1 DISCLAIMER ! ! ! Disclaimer - Confidential Draft, For Discussion Purposes Only • This presentation and its appendices (together the “Presentation”) have been prepared and delivered by AFFINOR GROWERS. (“AFI” or the “Company”). The Presentation and its contents are strictly confidential and may not be reproduced or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any other person than the intended recipient. • The Presentation is prepared for discussion purposes only. The Presentation does not constitute, and should not be construed as, any offer or invitation or recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities issued by the Company and does and will not constitute or form or be part of any offering material. • The Presentation contains information which has been sourced from third parties believed to be reliable, but without independent verification. The Presentation contains certain forward-looking statements relating to the business, financial performance and results of the relevant issuers and/or industries and markets. These statements may contain words as “will”, ”expects”, “anticipates”, ”believes”, ”estimates” and words of similar import. Any forward-looking statements and other information contained in this Presentation, including assumptions, opinions and views cited from third party sources are solely opinions and forecasts which are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual events to differ materially from any anticipated development. As such by the nature of any forward looking statement, relying on such statements involves risk. ! ! • This Presentation has not been reviewed or registered with any public authority, stock exchange or regulated market place. • No part of this document may be copied or duplicated in any form or by any means or redistributed without the written consent of the Company. The distribution of this Presentation is in certain jurisdictions is restricted by law, including (but not limited to) USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and Hong Kong. Persons into whose possession this Presentation may come are required to inform themselves about and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction in or from which it invests or receives or possesses this Presentation and must obtain any consent, approval or permission required under the laws and regulations in force in such jurisdiction. ! • By attending or receiving this Presentation you acknowledge that you will be solely responsible for your own assessment of the information herein, the market and the market position of the Company and the relevant securities and that you will conduct your own analysis and be solely responsible for forming your own view of the potential future performance of any relevant investments. Neither AFFINOR GROWERS nor any subsidiary undertakings or any such person’s affiliates makes any undertaking, representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information (whether written or oral and whether or not included in this Presentation) concerning the matters described herein. Neither AFFINOR GROWERS nor any subsidiary undertakings or any such person’s affiliates accepts any liability whatsoever as to any errors, omissions or misstatements contained herein and, accordingly, neither AFFINOR GROWERS nor any subsidiary undertakings or any such person’s affiliates, officers, employees, accepts any liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the use of this Presentation or the information included herein. ! • The Presentation speaks and reflects prevailing conditions and views as of April 2014. It may be subject to corrections and change at any time without notice. Neither AFFINOR GROWERS nor any subsidiary undertakings or any such person’s affiliates intend to, and neither the delivery of this Presentation or any further discussions with any recipient shall, under any circumstances, not create any implication that the Company assumes any obligation to, update or correct the information herein. Nor is this Presentation an implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since such date. AFFINOR: Transformation to a higher order 3 A ‘perfect storm’ has formed to make food security one of the preeminent challenges facing humankind. ! . . .”the dramatic rise in global food prices poses a threat to global food and nutrition security.” - The High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis and the World Health Organization 4 Mission ! Statement ! Affinor Growers (AFI) is a biotechnology company that is committed to solving the world’s food security problems with proprietary growing and cultivating systems capable of producing fresh, non-GMO delicious foods and nutraceutical / medicinal foods without pesticides or dangerous chemicals with near zero water waste. ! Globalization of Growing with Vertical Farms Efficient production utilizing minimum space and a quick growth system yielding maximum production per square foot 6 The Dark Side of Strawberries Testing on US grown strawberries found 54 different pesticide residues: ! 9 known Cancer causing carcinogens 24 suspected Hormone disruptors 11 Neurotoxins 12 Developmental or reproductive toxins 19 honeybee toxins. Plus . . . Fungicides, captan and pyraclostrobin 7 OPPORTUNITY Affinor’s mission is to industrialize and automate a profitable system to mass-produce nutrient-rich foods, free of pesticides and chemicals. "I sampled a 53 gram fully vine-ripened strawberry produced by Affinor, and it was better than another strawberry I have ever tasted, including our local summer berries." ! -‐ Rick Easthom, former Manager of Retail Development for Choices Markets/Financial Press 8 OPPORTUNITY ! ! ! ! ! ! • Affinor’s mission is to industrialize and automate a profitable system to mass produce nutrient-rich foods, free of pesticides and chemicals. • Affinor is ready to introduce new patent-pending vertical farming technology. • Affinor is positioned to become a major food producer • Track record of growing and selling lettuce, spinach and herbs • Strong strategic alliance with retail distributors • Potential for very strong gross margins and economics ! 9 MARKET SUMMARY Vertical Farming Strawberries – Turn Key Opportunity ! Proprietary technologies in vertical farming equipment and custom proprietary software control precise combinations of light, temperature, water and nutrients to create specific growing conditions that result in optimum crop production, product quality and shelf life. ! Exclusive technology to mechanically pollinate plants ! State of the art greenhouse technology with vertical growing equipment and proprietary cultivation processes results in year round, perpetual harvesting. ! Fully intergraded Standard Operating Procedures, including cultivation methods, bio-security, employee hygiene, sanitation protocols and food safe coupled with automation and software manuals are designed specifically for the fruits and vegetables, pharmaceutical and medical marihuana markets. ! 10 MARKET SUMMARY Strawberry consumption in Canada has been on the rise fairly consistently over the last 20 years, raising around 94% since 1991, 73% of which increased in the last 10 years 11 MARKET SUMMARY At the same time as strawberry consumption in Canada has been increasing however, so have the amount of berries imported. ! ! !In specific, Canadian !production in 2011 !accounted for only around 14.3% of total percent available to market, with 85.7% coming from imported berries MARKET SUMMARY Taking a look at the strawberries that are produced in Canada, we find that most provinces have been experiencing an overall decline in production, aside from those located in Quebec who are all members of their province’s producer group (547 farms). ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MARKET SUMMARY Furthermore, the Canadian Industry’s capacity to grow and provide for the population dwindles throughout the winter and spring months, when imports from USA to Canada are at their highest once most household’s frozen storage of strawberries are down, and summer weather and health-campaigns kick in for spring. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Globalization of Growing with Vertical Farms ! Pesticide Free, Non GMO, Zero Water Waste Efficient production utilizing minimum space and a quick growth system yielding maximum product per square foot. 15 OPPORTUNITY Present methods of agriculture and food production are facing multiple pressures. The rising cost of fossil fuels, the negative environmental impact of fossil fuels, the decrease in arable land; the unsustainable use and pollution of fresh water resulting from the use of chemical inputs such as fertilizers and the inability to stop the spread of genetically modified seeds, as the world’s population grows exponentially, all threaten the future of conventional agricultural production and food security worldwide. Other factors increasingly that threaten crops include: - Pollinating plants naturally with bees as climate change and disease threaten populations world wide - Climate change is the largest to food security including long droughts and infertile soils. - Viruses and insect infestations - Rising price of fossil fuels to transport and import products ! The environmental challenges posed by agriculture are huge, and they will only become more pressing as we try to meet the growing need for food worldwide. It is time for a change in the way we grow our food. 16 BUSINESS CONCEPT ! Affinors’ vertical growing technologies, use and control precise combinations of light, temperature, water, and nutrients to create specific growing conditions that result in optimum crop production with maximum product quality and shelf-life. ! The Affinor system can be used to produce a number of high quality agricultural products including herbs, lettuce, spinach, and plants that require pollination such as strawberries. ! It is the mission of Affinor Growers to be the world-wide technology and market leader in creating and commercializing the most economical vertical farming technologies that use the least possible resources (e.g. land, water, and energy resources) to produce the highest quality pesticide-free produce year-round, regardless of environmental conditions. 17 BUSINESS CONCEPT ! Advantages over traditional growing methods include: ! • Year-round production anywhere in the world and on land otherwise not suitable for food production, • Mechanical pollination as bee shortages continue to grow as an issue, • Increased yield per square foot of land estimated to be 10 to 15 times depending on the crop, • Significantly reduced growth-cycle due to optimal lighting, nutrition and air flow, • Dramatically reduced spoilage and extended shelf life estimated at up to 100% depending on the crop – a large competitive advantage for distributors, retailers and a significant benefit to customers, • Greatly reduced shipping (e.g. most spinach sold in Ontario is imported and shipped over 2,000 miles from California), • Minimized environmental impact in terms of water use, land, and power, • Eliminating the use of pesticides and other chemical inputs, other than organic-based fertilizer, • Improved market-based pricing with consistently available local product, and • Reduced capital requirements in terms of expensive to maintain large scale farming equipment. ! 18 BUSINESS CONCEPT Affinor is introducing new vertical farming technology for growing fruits and vegetables 19 BUSINESS CONCEPT A vertical farm of one square block, 30 stories high could produce the same amount of food as 24,000 acres of farmland. ! Significant advantages of the Affinor system, over what has previously been considered to be the market leading system, include: ! • Optimized and automated air flow, temperature and CO2 at every vertical level allowing plants to breath properly and more rapid and proper tissue development, • An estimated 60-70% estimated labour advantage using • Reduced risk related to watering times due to unique irrigation systems, • Dramatically improved lighting design for faster growth and significantly higher yield, • An estimated 25-35% reduction in equipment costs by mass producing components, • An estimated 30% reduction in space required to product the same output, • A patent-pending pollination technology allowing Vertical Designs facilities to grow crops like strawberries that require pollination (e.g. by bees). 20 BUSINESS CONCEPT Affinors’ vertical growing technologies, use and control precise combinations of light, temperature, water, and nutrients to create specific growing conditions that result in optimum crop production with maximum product quality and shelf-life. The Affinor system can be used to produce a number of high quality agricultural products including herbs, lettuce, spinach, and plants that require pollination such as strawberries. ! It is the mission of Affinor Growers to be the world-wide technology and market leader in creating and commercializing the most economical vertical farming technologies that use the least possible resources (e.g. land, water, and energy resources) to produce the highest quality pesticide-free produce year-round, regardless of environmental conditions. ! 21 SPINACH, LETTUCE, HERBS ! • Affinor is positioned to become a major food producer • Track record of growing and selling Lettuce, Spinach and Herbs • Operational growing facilities with land acquisition in progress • Strong strategic alliances with retail distributors • Potential for very strong gross margins and economics • Experienced professional management team 22 BUSINESS CONCEPT Affinor has optimal “return on investment” by focusing on a system that minimizes the largest costs to traditional and other vertical farming: ! The cost of land: it generally does not make sense to build vertical farms in premium retail or downtown space. There are vast amounts of less expensive land in areas close to city centers, including environmentally contaminated sites that are well suited to vertical farming. ! Labour: intelligent automation reduces labour by up to an estimated 70% over competing vertical farming systems, ! Waste: The amount of produce typically thrown away by a retail store can be as high as 30%. The consumer can also throw away a large portion because it likely only lasts a few days. The Affinor system was designed to produce the highest quality products with the longest shelf life and best flavour. Importantly it reduces hard costs and increases value making it a preferred product of retailers and consumers, even at top end prices. ! Electricity: intelligent automation optimizes the impact of light on the growth cycle and improving the quality of the product. The use of alternative energies such as wind and solar, combined with recent advancements in energy storage can further increase efficiencies. ! ! ! All of this translates into superior value for everyone in the value chain. 23 ! BUSINESS CONCEPT ! Affinor has targeted Quebec as a prime location to start growing strawberries. The high percentage of annual sunlight coupled with its proximity to national produce distributors makes it a prime location for industrial greenhouses to operate. ! ! 24 BUSINESS CONCEPT ! Within the greenhouse, Affinor will use “growing towers” to grow crops. Plants will be exchanged in the greenhouse 4 times a year at which point flowering will already be initiated when they are transferred to the towers. Each plant site in the greenhouse are planned to produce a set of flowers every 1-2 weeks continually. Therefore, fruit production will be perpetual (year round) with a harvest every month with an estimate of 475,000 lbs shipped per year. ! ! ! 25 TECHNOLOGY Affinor’s licensed patent technology and patent pending technology coupled with its in-process acquisitionn of new patent pending technology all vertical growing systems, positions the company like no other in the vertical farming industry. ! Affinor can offer software driven growing solutions that can produce high quality, scientifically engineered products at a fraction of the price than traditional growers in any location. ! The following patent portfolio describes the different technologies that would be used in the business concept. 26 TECHNOLOGY Vertical Farm 27 TECHNOLOGY ! Patent portfolio description Affinor licensed patents includes “Method and Apparatus for Automated Horticulture and Agriculture” - international publication number: WO 2013/113096 A1 ! ! 28 TECHNOLOGY ! Patent portfolio description Affinor licensed patent pending technology includes “Method and Apparatus for Automated Vertical Horticulture and Agriculture” (patent pending, no international publication number) ! ! 29 Vertical Strawberry Growing Machine ! Grown on a similar machine 30 TECHNOLOGY All of Affinors’ vertical growing technology can be used for a wide variety of products and industries. Leafy Greens – traditional lettuce, spinach and herbs with quick growth cycles and superior shelf life using Affinor technology. ! Natural Health Products – over the past few decades, the world has witnessed the explosive growth of a multi-billion dollar nutraceutical industry – food and food products providing health and medical benefits. Example crops that can be exploited using vertical technology include: alfalfa, aloe vera, peppermint, ginger, sage, arina. Flowering fruits – Affinor’s rotating design and proprietary pollination process allows crops like strawberries and other flowering fruits requiring pollination to be grown vertically. ! Cannabis and Marihuana – seed to flower quickly, under controlled conditions to produce maximum yields, high quality marihuana in a safe secure location using vertical technology. 31 COMPETITION Affinor has reviewed available information on existing installations in the vertical farming sector including those of SkyGreen, Alterrus Systems, Verticorp, AeroFarms, FarmedHere, Omega Gardens, Urban Barns and Terrasphere Systems. Affinor believes it has developed whole solutions that are superior in maximizing food quality while minimizing costs and maximizing productivity per square foot of growing space. ! SkyGreens - Any dependency on sunlight can result in cell elongation on cloudy days resulting in inferior shelf life and lower nutritional value. Without supplemental lighting the growing cycle can be longer when natural growing seasons shift. Alterrus / Verticorp - Use of sun radiation hydroponically can result in cell elongation, unless growing “baby” products, inferior shelf life and lower nutritional value. Spraying feed increases susceptibility to high bacteria count and increasing possibility of washing to pass food safety regulations. If washed, then possibility of damage rises because of cell elongation. Supplemental lighting is likely insufficient in winter or if cloudy for 5 or more days which can negatively impact quality. Aerofarms - Largely shelves with pumps and misters. More of a home type set up and poorly suited for large production as it would be too labour intensive. Farmed Here - Appears to grow products by floating them in oxygenated water. It appears labour intensive and lacking automatic lighting and process automation with seeding and packaging by hand. Urban Barns - Many moving parts and in the video the lettuce appears to not be forming properly due to insufficient airflow. The use of space appears to not be optimized. Plants appear to be continuously moving which can vary the distance from light and negatively impact quality. Omega Garden - Rotation creates stress on the plants which can result in ethylene gas and negatively impact the organic chemistry. Water running to the surface of roots and dripping onto leaf tissue provides potential for stalk rot. The design has significant relative inefficiencies from seeding to harvesting. 32 STRAWBERRIES Summary Summary ! • Exclusive technology to mechanically pollinate plants • Large purchase orders for strawberries pending • Scientific plant and berry experts on advisory board • Strong strategic alliances with retail distributors • Potential for very strong gross margins and economics • Experienced professional management team 33 COMPETITION Within BC, Canada and the world, it is likely that Affinor Growers will face competition from both commercial strawberry suppliers and those committed to growing their own food. This sections seeks to first understand key risks Affinor may experience in industry, followed with mitigation efforts currently planned or underway. To begin, a list of growers by province currently producing strawberries in Canada is listed below with locations and comments on their facilities/companies. A list of strawberry growers by province as well as the 9 growers associations available to Canada are listed below. 34 COMPETITION Threat of New Competition As Affinor is successful in growing and providing quality strawberries, other farming and tech companies will no doubt spark interest in similar forms of operations. Affinor’s success may attract new companies/organizations interested in developing similar programs in BC and Canada. Both new and existing suppliers distributing agricultural products in Canada could reduce Affinor’s market share and jeopardise its ability to become self-sustaining. Entrance of new companies/organisations into the BC market for strawberries is an ongoing possibility Affinor is keenly aware of. Barriers to entry are moderate, given the extensive capital involved in most farming operations and pricing of farmland in BC (+/- 100k/acre). However, Affinor is already in the process of securing a purchase order for its products to ensure a streamline income. Rather than seeing others as producers to compete with, we will see them as partners to collaborate with and share resources with, working to secure our positions as leaders in the industry. In addition, while the focus of Affinor is growing plants and food crops, our advisory team is uniquely composed not only of plant and food production expertise, but also of drug and neutraceutical specialists. Working with a diversified advisory team will allow Affinor to access additional industries for product sales that may otherwise not be available. Diversifying its income stream will allow Affinor to remain stable in the face of income challenges from any one given source. ! Threat of Substitute Services When seeking to purchase strawberries for food consumption in BC and Canada, there are countless other providers retailers, distributors and consumers can consider. Consumers look for strawberries that are affordable, available, non-GMO, organic and most importantly, that taste good. Many of the berries available on the Canadian market today (84% on estimate) have been imported from California and other southern parts of the world. Berries shipped are often picked early before ripening and left to either ripen en route or chemically supported applications. Water shortages and climate change effects are beginning to prevail in the southern parts of N America where most of our berries are currently imported from. Affinor will work with various berry associations, ministry groups and retail grocers across the province to ensure promotions of local and Canadian strawberries are heard, enhancing consumer awareness of their availability and the importance of supporting local growers. While others may enter the realm of vertical farming to compete with Affinor’s yield and quality, Affinor will continue with our R&D facility exploring and continually enhancing our designs and production methods; we will keep on top of all industry news and our competitors to ensure our products will always be the best quality at an affordable price. 35 MARKET - Strawberries Strawberry Consumption increases while Canadian production decreases. ! Pesticide laden imports on the rise ! 36 The Opportunity Affinor Growers is ready to capitalize on the Marihuana market 37 Affinor Growers plans to conventionally grow high quality plants at competitive prices. 38 OPPORTUNITY Affinor’s plan is to industrialize and automate a profitable system to package products that adhere to Health Canada’s rigid standards. 39 MEDICAL MARIHUANA Summary ! • Affinor is positioned to become a premiere marijuana producer • MMR Licensed Producer status pending • Secure, established and operational growing facilities in Canada • 49% ownership of existing Marijuana facility in Washington State • Strategic alliances with world-‐class marijuana producers • Potential for very strong gross margins and economics • Professional management team and scientific advisors 40 MEDICAL MARIHUANA • Natural health product market on the rise • Medical Marihuana now public and legal for purchase • Proclaimed the gold rush or “Green Rush” of our generation • Encouraging trends away from synthetic pharmaceuticals • Helping those in pain to find relief 41 MEDICAL MARIHUANA Summary Affinor Growers sets itself apart from other Canadian MMPR-‐ focused firms, with it’s ability to grow other profitable crops like strawberries and lettuce. ! Leveraging its management experience and vertical farming technology, the company will be able to produce fruits and vegetable crops at a competitive price and quality. 42 FACILITIES Port Coquitlam Marihuana Facility ! Currently growing and selling to regular patients on a monthly basis FACILITIES Washington State Marihuana Facility ! Currently growing and selling to regular patients on a monthly basis MARKET - Marihuana Estimated Usage of Marihuana in Canada • Expected to expand to 58,000 users in 2014 • Health Canada estimates that there will be 450,000 by 2024 • Projected industry revenues of $1.3B in 2024 45 MARKET - Marihuana 46 Affinor Growers intends to leverage its unique expertise and industry connections to capitalize on both market opportunities. ! Investors benefit from exposure to the cannabis industry without as much risk because revenue will be derived from other divisions. 47 CAPITALIZATION ! Fully diluted share capital of Affinor following completion of all of the transactions. Number of Affinor Shares Percentage of Fully Diluted 66,653,656 83.5% 7,482,636 9.4% 215,465 0.3% Affinor Options 5,450,000 6.8% Total Number of Shares (fully diluted) 79,801,757 100% Affinor Shares issued and outstanding Securities Reserved for Future Issue: Reserved for issuance pursuant to the Affinor Warrants Affinor Broker Options BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nick Brusatore, Director and Chairman Director and Chairman Nick Brusatore is known globally for being a top designer and leader in vertical farming technology. He was the Chairman of the Applied Research Committee for BCIT for several years and was nominated for the AGRI Award of Excellence for Canada in 2012. Nick was a keynote speaker at the International Conference on Marihuana in New York City and the moderator in San Fransisco and regularly sits on discussion panels as an expert in this industry. Nick is the original designer of Terrasphere Systems started in 2001 and currently the major shareholder and designer of Vertical Designs Ltd started in 2010. Nick brings over 14 years experience in AGRI Designs, plant physiology and the manipulation of metabolic pathways to achieve organic chemistry. No current expert or company compares to Brusatore or his ability. It will be hard to compete with the quality and depth of knowledge to automate, industrialize and drive the marihuana markets in Canada and the USA. Nick recently worked in the Biotech sector growing transgenic Tobacco for a large pharmaceutical giant as well as transgenic Safflower to create insulin’s for medical use. Sebastien Plouffe, Director Director Mr. Plouffe graduated in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with honor (B.A.A.) from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (H.E.C.-‐Montreal). Former successful VP Senior Investment Advisor from 1995 to 2003 with such as the Canadian brokerage firm Nesbitt Burns and Canaccord Capital, for which he achieved the Chairman’s Club level for his performance and superior portfolio management. Since then he co-‐founded and financed various private and public companies in different sectors and get specialized internationally. He’s fluent in French, English and Spanish. Former President and CEO of Chevalier Resources, a company with copper projects in Republic Democratic of Congo. Former Director, VP and Chairman of the audit committee of X-‐Terra Resources. Mr. Plouffe dedicates all his time for the success of Affinor and is presently building a very solid team of experts and management in order to become the leader in agriculture vertical farming. Through the years he as built and developed a huge recognition on management skills in different sectors and difficult areas, which shall be key and helpful for the success of Affinor. 49 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Martin Nicoletti, Director Director Mr. Nicoletti is a certified general accountant with 24 years of experience. He graduated from the Quebec University in Trois Rivières in 1987 with a bachelor degree in business administration. He joined Price Waterhouse where he spent the next 4 years serving several clients in the mining industry. He spent the next 11 years with companies as a controller or chief accountant. Since 2004, he has been involved with public junior mining companies carrying exploration activities worldwide, with responsibilities in financial controls and financial reporting. Dr. Alan Boyco, Director Alan R Boyco B.Sc., O.D. is a practicing Optometrist in Coquitlam, British Columbia with his expertise focused on anterior segment / glaucoma. Dr. Boyco is a member of the NHLTPS “National Hockey League Team Physicians Society” and the Official Optometrist to the Vancouver Canucks and Rogers Arena. He is also the Official Optometrist to the B.C. Lions and B.C. Place Stadium and the Official Optometrist to the Vancouver Giants and Pacific Coliseum. Director Dr. Boyco has a Bachelor of Science (Biology & Psychology ) From the University of Alberta and is a graduate of the Pacific University School of Optometry. He appears on morning television as authority Eye specialist in a segment called "Eyes of Vancouver" 50 MANAGEMENT TEAM Sebastien Plouffe, CEO Mr. Plouffe graduated in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with honor (B.A.A.) from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (H.E.C.-‐Montreal). Former successful VP Senior Investment Advisor from 1995 to 2003 with such as the Canadian brokerage firm Nesbitt Burns and Canaccord Capital, for which he achieved the Chairman’s Club level for his performance and superior portfolio management. Since then he co-‐founded and financed various private and public companies in different sectors and get specialized internationally. He’s fluent in French, English and Spanish. Former President and CEO of Chevalier Resources, a company with copper projects in Republic Democratic of Congo. Former Director, VP and Chairman of the audit committee of X-‐Terra Resources. Mr. Plouffe dedicates all his time for the success of Affinor and is presently building a very solid team of experts and management in order to become the leader in agriculture vertical farming. Through the years he as built and developed a huge recognition on management skills in different sectors and difficult areas, which shall be key and helpful for the success of Affinor. Martin Nicoletti, CFO Mr. Nicoletti is a certified general accountant with 24 years of experience. He graduated from the Quebec University in Trois Rivières in 1987 with a bachelor degree in business administration. He joined Price Waterhouse where he spent the next 4 years serving several clients in the mining industry. He spent the next 11 years with companies as a controller or chief accountant. Since 2004, he has been involved with public junior mining companies carrying exploration activities worldwide, with responsibilities in financial controls and financial reporting. Jarrett Malnarick, COO Jarrett Malnarick ran his own successful consulting company for over 10 years assisting companies with acquisitions, product development, design costing and ROI analysis, organizational budgets, developmental funding through grants and tax credit programs, new facility process planning, quality engineering and product regulatory compliance to Health Canada and international standards through the design and implementing operational systems. He originally worked with Vertical Designs Ltd. as a consultant and later joined their team in 2011. Jarrett Malnarick has held a number of executive positions and has earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Victoria. 51 MANAGEMENT TEAM Colin Wiebe, Marketing Director Colin Wiebe has over 25 years experience as a Creative Director and marketing professional. Colin began as a graphic artist and illustrator for the Vancouver Sun and The Province newspapers. He quickly became the Creative Director of advertising for both papers working on projects such as the Vancouver Sun Run, The Province Golf Classic, The Molson Indy plus continuous promotions for the BC Lions and the Vancouver Canucks and many more. He worked with the Pacific Press team which pioneered the digital advertising methods adopted by many major daily newspapers around the world. Colin founded, the world’s first virtual marketing department, and has worked with a variety of clients ranging from pro audio, insurance, digital online advertising, banks, entertainment, public companies, non-‐profits and many others. Colin is an experienced copywriter, designer and direct marketing specialist and brings his unique knowledge of web development, lead generation and marketing strategies to the Affinor team. Colin is also well known as a musician. He has 4 nationally released albums and toured the world with Canadian legend Randy Bachman (Bachman Turner Overdrive and The Guess Who) for over 17 years singing all the Guess Who material and playing guitar and keyboards. Colin still performs at corporate and fundraising events and is the Musical Director for the Legends of Rock'n’Roll. Greg Dennison, Director of Operations Greg Dennison has over thirty years of experience in the residential and commercial construction industry, successfully operating both small businesses and large corporations. This experience has produced a variety of skills. He has proven leadership abilities and strength as a business administrator, with a great capacity to solve problems. Greg has the ability to set tasks and work effectively with a variety of people; persevering to accomplish goals often beyond expectations. He is known to have integrity in all his business dealings and personal relationships. He regularly attends a local church and has been overseas on many short term mission trips to help third world communities. He currently resides in Langley BC with his wife Patti and two of their six children. Carl Macaulay, Security Director 52 OUR ADVISORS Sr. Sazzad Houssain Sazzad has more than 20 years of academic and industrial experience in new drug discovery, natural health product development. He was Group Leader and Senior Scientist at Bio-‐technology Research Institute of National Research Council Canada, Government of Canada’s prime biotechnology research organization where he set up pharmacology laboratory to evaluate safety and efficacy of new drugs under development in the areas of cancer, cardiovascular and ocular diseases. Prior to joining the National Research Council Canada, he was at Xenon Pharmaceuticals in Vancouver, B.C, where was Associate Director of Pharmacology and led pharmacology teams targeting pain, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. Sazzad received his PhD in Biology from Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine & Biotechnology and received post doctoral training in the Department of Nutritional Science and Department of Medical Genetics of University of British Columbia. He was associate professor of pharmacology at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil between 1988-‐1996. He is the author of more than 40 peer-‐reviewed papers, primarily in the pharmacology, genetics and nutritional sciences. Dr. Hyder A Khoja Dr. Hyder A. Khoja is a growth focused individual with extensive experience in a broad range of life sciences, combined with functional expertise and experience in general business management. He has strong adaptive abilities in leading diverse regulatory program areas with a solid experience both in science and policy domains. Currently, he is serving as an Advisory & Executive for several International companies. His industrial experience spans from initiation, operation, advising and contribution towards developing several Research and Technical proposals including: Renewable resource, Biofuels & Feed-‐stock, Agri-‐Food Safety, Sovereignty & Security, Agri-‐Land Management, Field Exploration, Hydroponics, Breeding & Genetics for medicinal plant compounds based on geographically isolated strains and their cyto-‐ morphological studies, Herbal Drugs Development focusing on Natural Health Products from Plant extracts. In past, he held several senior advisory roles where he dealt business and research operations. He successfully led multi-‐disciplinary teams from (professionals-‐biologists, engineers, planners and scientists) at different organizations which resulted in consistent delivery of a broad range of products in a timely fashion. His work was also shortlisted for US-‐DOE multi-‐million dollars grant. While working with a team of experts; he built a foundation of strong cross-‐functional skills including Research & Business development. Dr. Khoja holds a Ph.D., in Cellular & Molecular Biology from the INP-‐ENSA Toulouse, France and Post-‐Doctoral training from Michigan State University. Later, he served as a Faculty for Virginia-‐Tech, University of Wyoming, and Texas-‐Tech respectively; where he demonstrated an “Out-‐of-‐Box” approach for R&D. His work was presented many times in government and academia and was recognized by the United Nation's-‐FAO Environment & Natural Resources Management. Most prominently, he has an authorship in over 18 peer-‐reviewed papers. 53 OUR ADVISORS Andrew Riseman Andrew Riseman, Ph.D. an influential UBC Senator and Associate Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics to its advisory board. Dr. Riseman is in the Applied Biology Program within the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at UBC. His areas of expertise include plant breeding, genetics, cultivar development, agroecology, organic production, sustainable production systems, and horticultural and agricultural technologies. Dr. Riseman is also the Academic Director, Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (CSFS) and the co-‐chair of the CSFS Steering Committee. He earned his Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University and has strong interests in Community Based Action Research (CBAR) and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Thomas Baumann Thomas Baumann is a member of the North American Strawberry Growers Association, the American Society Of Horticultural Sciences and current Director of the Pacific Berry Resource Centre at UFV to its advisory board. Thomas Baumann taught at the UBC Department of Plant Science in Small Fruit Culture, Tree Fruit Culture, Vegetable Production, and Protected Culture (Greenhouse) and continued as Sessional Lecturer at UBC as well as Kwantlen University College. He is a Professor at the University of the Fraser Valley, Agriculture Technology Department, for Vegetable, Fruit, Greenhouse, Pest Management, Nursery Production and Propagation, Introduction to Computers, Advanced Computer Training and Introduction to Horticulture Lab, responsible for a modern range of greenhouse research and teaching facilities.He is also a member of UFV Senate and Chair of the UFV Senate Awards and Honours Committee,and a member of the Senate Appeals Committee. Rick Easthom Rick Easthom's previous experience as Director of Corporate Brands for the Overwaitea Food Group, and Manager of Retail Development for Choices Markets, will give Affinor Growers an instant advantage in the merchandising and distribution its products. Mr. Easthom has extensive grocery retail experience. He is an authority in developing products, packaging, launching and merchandising them at retail while maximizing sales and profit. He has a comprehensive background in management and brings superior skills as an analyst, negotiator and planner. Rick has the unique ability to lead and direct merchandising teams. As Director of Corporate Brands for Overwaitea, he used his people skills and his negotiating talents to develop a dynamic team that created new products to meet changing market demographics and improve on old products by re-‐packaging. These changes and his new team focus, helped to deliver exceptional increases in sales and profit. 54 CONTACT Sebastien Plouffe, CEO -‐ Phone: (514) 947-‐2272 ! Nick Brusatore -‐ Phone: (604) 356-‐0411 • • • • Head Office in Montreal, Quebec Western Office in Vancouver, BC Marijuana Production Facility in Port Coquitlam, BC Marijuana Production Facility in Washington State 55