I don`t know if there is a policy against swimming in
I don`t know if there is a policy against swimming in
Save the Dates March March 20 First Day of Spring April “The Killearn Lakes ‘Lakes View’ Magazine is not partnered or affiliated with any other publications. KLHOA Board and Staff request you please support the advertisers who support your neighborhood.” 2012 Board of Directors (Elected by general membership) Directors Trina Searcy, President Dick Thoma, Treasurer Dan King, Director Joe Barnett, Director Mark Reichert, Vice President Joanie Trotman, Secretary/CONA Rep. Tom Martineau, Director April April April April April 1 1 7 8 12 April 22 April 26 April 28 May May 1 May 5 May 8 Administrative Staff Nancy C. Johnson Operations Director, Bookkeeper & Editor Anne Marshall Office Manager Anna Trudeau Assistant Office Manager, Assistant Editor & Graphic Designer Gregory Durant Field Manager Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. T: 850-668-3231 | F: 850-894-1477 E: Admin@killearnlakeshoa.org 7110 Beech Ridge Trail, Tallahassee FL, 32312 www.KillearnLakesHOA.org April Fool’s Day Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunt- Tekesta Park at 11am Easter Sunday General Board Meeting at the KLHOA Office at 7pm Earth Day Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Kid's Fishing Contest-Lakes Monkey Business at 8am May 13 May 19 May 28 May Day Cinco de Mayo Quarterly Open Members Meeting Bradfordville Historic Schoolhouse at 7pm- Program to be announced Mother's Day Armed Forces Day Memorial Day Observed Association Office Closed Important Numbers Fire Department Dispatch 891-4310 (non-emergency situations only) Talquin Electric (ex: Light out on your street) Bradfordville office: 893-6853 Outages (24-hour service): Cover Photo Contest Did you know that your photography could be showcased on our cover? If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, simply send it to admin2@killearnlakeshoa.org. All photos should be highest available quality (at least 300dpi) to be considered. All entries will be reviewed by the Board of Directors, and the selected photo will appear on an upcoming issue of the “Lakes View” Magazine. Call our office at (850) 668-3231 for any additional questions. Looking forward to showcasing your submissions! (1-888) 802-1832 Leon County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch: 922-3300 Leon County Public Roads (Limbs & Trees on KL roads): 606-1400 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: (1-800) 432-4770 Animal Control 606-5400 Leon County Mosquito Control 606-1400 Waste Management 574-3000 Leon County Storm Water Questions: 606-1400 No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. ~Proverbs Editor’s Note W elcome to Spring and Daylight Savings Time! The azaleas and dogwoods are in full bloom and bulbs planted earlier for their spring arrival have started to flower. For those of you who are allergy prone, all of the pollen that comes with spring can be overwhelming. This issue is packed with information to help you through the season with information on spring allergies, organization tips for your annual “Spring Cleaning” and much more! If you are anything like me, when you think of spring you think “spring cleaning”. As a descendent of many we call “pack-rats,” I stand accused. Spring is the perfect time to de-clutter and de-stress your life. I use this as an excuse to purge stacks of papers from previous years and then give ShredIt a call. De-cluttering my life means tackling the guest room closet that my family has dubbed “The Bermuda Triangle”. If you are in that “pack rat” group you know what I mean! Spring is the perfect I stand in front of the filing cabinet I spent so much time organizing a year ago and, for the life of me, cannot find that document I just know I filed in its de-stress your life proper place. So, do I go through all this Stuff to again see the back of my walk-in closet? Or do I just have my husband and son build more shelves so I can store more Stuff? THAT is the question. time to de-clutter and April is for our kids in the Killearn Lakes neighborhood! Mark your calendars for the following events this month. The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Tekesta Park on April 7th from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Don’t be late! The eggs are picked up fast! Epiphany Lutheran Church will hold the Annual Easter Sunrise Service at Tekesta Park on Sunday, April 8th. Church members prepare and serve breakfast after the service. Finally, the Annual Kids’ Fishing Contest will take place at Lake Monkey Business from 8:00am until 12:00pm on April 28th. Don’t forget to visit our website at www.killearnlakeshoa.org to view the Fishing Contest Rules under “Events”. This year we will also have our first “Lake CleanUp” following the fishing contest. We hope the lake clean-up will become an annual event. We appreciate all of you attending and supporting our events. We invite you to volunteer to help keep all these functions alive! If you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring any of our annual events, please contact our office at (850) 668-3231. Nancy C. Johnson Operations Director, Bookkeeper & Editor Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 1 B Bryan's Brief April 2012 I think you’ll agree we’ve had one of the mildest winters on record. The dogwoods and azaleas are blooming and I’m still raking leaves – In an attempt to keep you informed on County issues, I have some updates for you. Northeast Park As you may remember, Celebration Baptist Church has 100 acres of land, located at the intersection of Proctor Rd and Thomasville Rd that can be used as a Northeast Recreation Park. The Commission directed staff to conduct two appraisals and they both came back at $1 million. Celebration has provided two options regarding the purchase, with prices ranging from $750,000, if closing occurs by March 21, 2012 or $786,000, if paid over a three year period, inclusive of closing costs. If we are able to purchase the property, there are no funds for development of the Community Park. With the only District IV County recreation facility located in Miccosukee, this is a much needed amenity. Studies and analysis are being done at this time and the results will be brought back to the Commission sometime in April. I’ll keep you posted. Sales Tax Extension The existing one-cent infrastructure sales tax that is funding the Cascades Trail Project discussed above and many of the Capital Circle improvements was approved by referendum in 2004 and will expire on December 31, 2019. To prepare for the expiration of the levied tax, the County Commission has established the Leon County Sales Tax Committee, made up of citizen appointees. The 18-member Committee is charged with collecting public input and making recommendations on issues related to the proposed extension of the one-cent infrastructure sales tax. This group is holding public meetings to take input and will help us sort through almost $1 billion of infrastructure components, one of which is Bannerman Rd. Orchard Pond Toll Road This is a public/private partnership project proposed by the property owner Jeff Phipps, that has the potential to significantly improve the east/west connectivity between US319 and US-27 north of Lake Jackson and south of County Road 12, a distance of over ten miles, providing direct relief to I-10 between Capital Circle Northwest and US-319 north of I-10 and will provide a much needed economic benefit to this area. I understand surveys have been taken by contracted individuals to obtain citizen input into the development of to go information, more For project. this http://cms.leoncountyfl.gov/coadmin/agenda/view. asp?item_no= '10'&meeting_date=11/8/2011. 2 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 County Commission Chair Appointments Each year the new Chair of the County Commission appoints County Commissioners to the various boards under his appointment authority. I’m honored to have been asked to serve on the Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Advisory Council, the Downtown Improvement Authority and the Tourist Development Council. In addition, I’m also serving as a member of the Capital Region Transportation Planning Authority; the Community Redevelopment Authority; Miccosukee Canopy Road Greenways Citizen’s Advisory Committee and serve as the Commission’s liaison to the Educational Facilities Authority. I’m honored to serve as the First Vice President of the Florida Association of Counties and was recently appointed to the National Association of Counties Board. These appointments provide the opportunity to actively work on issues that affect our counties on a state and national level. I hope you’ll consider offering your services to serve on one or more of our County advisory committees. We welcome all the help we can get in addressing the very important issues that these committees study and especially their recommendations provided to the Commission. For more information on the committee appointment process and the committees available, go to http://cms.leoncountyfl.gov/committees. As always, thank you for your continued support. I appreciate all of your calls, e-mails and letters advising me of service or operational issues in District IV. It's because of you and your continued contact with me that I am able to identify opportunities for improvement and make District IV the wonderful place it is to live. As many of you already know, I filed to run for the District IV seat again and would appreciate your support. My face book account is “Bryan Desloge for Leon County Commission”. I would be honored if you would “like me”. Please call me if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions - 606-5364 or deslogeb@leoncountyfl.gov. Bryan Desloge Leon County Board of County Commissioners Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 3 Organize Your Life the Real Simple Way 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 Shop Your Closet Grab a bunch of clothes from your crowded closet and try them on in front of a full-length mirror. Put the ones that you would actually buy again back in and donate the rest. Post-Date Your Products The first time you crack open a product in your fridge or pantry, write the month and year on a small sticker and place it on the bottom of the jar or bottle. Next time you reach for it, you’ll know just how fresh it really is. Stash Cleaning Supplies in One Spot Don’t waste even more time on your Saturday searching for the rags and disinfectant. If you don't have a whole closet to devote to cleaning supplies, part of a pantry, a nook under the staircase, or a corner of a room will work, too. Corral Cords and Eliminate Clutter Lose the wiry jumble around the outlet by cutting off the toe end of a stretchy trouser sock and slipping the cords through it. Recycle Your Kids’ Artwork Since there’s no room to possibly frame and display every finger painting ever made, get creative with all those finger paintings. Wrap gifts for aunts and grandparents with your kids’ masterpieces. Buy Birthday Cards in Bulk Forgot a birthday? Keep a stash for those occasions that just sneak up on you. Designate one day of each year to buy birthday cards for friends and family so you’ll never have to do a last-minute drugstore run. Keep a stash of stamps, too. Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 7 8 Stock up on Mini Toiletries Be ready for overnight guests. Collect small containers when you’re staying at hotels or when they’re on sale at your local pharmacy. The bonus to their mini size is the little space they’ll take up. Turn Kitchen Tools Into Bathroom Storage Certain products just don’t cut it in the bathroom. When your tub lacks wide ledges to leave bath products, hang a multilevel fruit basket for some added space. 9 10 Recycle Containers for Storage 11 Shelve Items by Subject Matter Take crates that once teemed with clementines or old flea-market finds originally used for wine bottles and convert them into storage for towels in the bathroom or T-shirts in the bedroom. Detangle Your Jewelry If your dresser top is a breeding ground for jumbled jewelry, try this: Hang inexpensive pin boards, add sewing pins, and dangle necklaces and earrings from the pins so they stay visible and tanglefree. Not only will it be easier to find the items—pots on one level, books on another―but it will also create a systematic look to your kitchen. www.RealSimple.com 12 Streamline Your Mail You don’t need an elaborate entryway to keep your inbox under control. Designate something as an in-box. It can be a basket, a storage box, a drawer―anything big enough to hold a week's worth of mail and no more. Locate it in a place that's convenient and not so out of the way that it's out of sight and mind. 13 Pretend Like You’re Moving 14 Keep Kitchen Necessities Within Reach You don't have to get rid of things you love or need―you just have to determine what those things are. Envision your home as a prospective buyer might: Uncluttered spaces make the best first impression. Buy containers and baskets only after you've decided what to keep. This way you'll have a much better sense of the kind of storage you need. Make a place in the zone around the stove and the sink for essentials: oil, vinegar, knives, cutting board. Put ingredients and tools near where you will be using them: Keep the basket of garlic near the cutting board, sugar and flour near the stand mixer, and your best-loved pan on the front burner. Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 5 6 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 New Sidewalks in Killearn Lakes Leon County Press Release Leon County held a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Killearn Lakes on February 24th to mark the completion of sidewalks and safety improvements to the area. Nearly five miles of sidewalk construction and bike lanes were completed along treatment system provided a significant cost savings to Leon County in the construction process. Additionally, the sidewalk was constructed around trees, which significantly reduced the number of trees that needed to be removed. Wetlands were This project is a great example of the County working hand-in-hand with the community to create something that is practical and enjoyable Deer Lake West and Kinhega Drive to provide safer transportation options for walkers and bikers, in addition to connecting neighborhoods to Deerlake Middle and Killearn Lakes Elementary schools. “This project was essential to supporting the priority of safety for children and families of Killearn Lakes,” said County Commissioner Bryan Desloge, who represents District 4. “This was one of four projects that involved maintaining a family-friendly environment rich with this community’s natural landscape that includes the beautiful canopied roads we’ve come to love here in Leon County.” The sidewalk and safety improvements took 17 months to complete and came in approximately $265,000 under budget. The full project included additional crosswalks with signs, bike lanes, restriped driving lanes and more school-zone markers. Roads were also narrowed to reduce vehicle speed and enhance pedestrian safety. A unique under-the-sidewalk stormwater also preserved in keeping with the overall character of the subdivision. “This sidewalk will serve as a vital connector for kids to their schools, walkers and bikers to the great outdoors here in Killearn Lakes and neighbors to each other,” said County Administrator Vincent S. Long. Area schools were considered well in advance allowing construction teams to lay the sidewalk during summer months when student populations would not be affected as much. “This project is a great example of the County working hand-in-hand with the community to create Photo by Anna Trudeau something that is practical and enjoyable,” said Commission Chairman Akin Akinyemi. “The positive outcome is a more livable community – one that provides safe and convenient transportation choices and recreational options to all citizens, especially our young ones, like the ones that use this area.” Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 7 About Allergies www.nasonex.com & www.singulair.com When you come into contact with an allergen, or a trigger, your body produces higher levels of certain types of substances. You may have heard of one type called histamine. Another type is called leukotrienes (loo-ko-TRYeens). Leukotrienes play an important role in causing allergy symptoms. These types of substances signal your body to respond to allergens with symptoms such as: ❀ Congestion ❀ Runny nose ❀ Sneezing ❀ Itchy nose The medical term for these symptoms is allergic rhinitis. You probably know it better as hay fever or, simply, indoor and outdoor allergies. Outdoor allergens Pollens and mold spores are outdoor allergens that float in the air and commonly trigger nasal allergy symptoms. During peak seasons, you may experience increased symptoms—congestion, sneezing, itchy nose or runny nose— depending on where you live and the specific allergens that are triggers for you. Weather factors such as sun, rain, and wind can also affect the amount and types of allergens in the air and their production. Pollen Pollen is a microscopic, powdery substance used by plants for fertilization and reproduction. Pollens are carried between plants by wind, water, animals, bees and other 8 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 The medical term for these symptoms is allergic rhinitis insects. Nasal allergy symptoms are more often triggered by plants with small pollens that are spread by wind currents such as trees, grasses, and weeds. Generally, the pollens from brightly flowered plants with larger pollen grains don't trigger nasal allergies. If your nasal allergy symptoms are worse in some seasons than others, it may mean you're allergic to pollen. Ragweed Ragweed can produce 1 billion grains of pollen per season and is able to travel hundreds of miles on the wind. It is often responsible for late summer and early fall symptoms. Consider using this time of year to enjoy indoor activities or vacation in an area with fewer ragweed plants. Indoor allergens Indoor, or perennial, nasal allergies are triggered by another group of allergens, including dust mites, animal dander and urine, cockroach droppings, and indoor molds. If you have indoor nasal allergies, you may have symptoms year round, and you may notice they get worse in certain situations; this can offer clues to the specific allergen or allergens you react to. If you experience symptoms like congestion, sneezing, itchy nose or runny nose, take notice of when and where they start and are at their worst. Animals Animals with fur or feathers can cause nasal allergy symptoms. Although many people think it's the hair or feathers that's causing the reactions, it is actually saliva, proteins in animals' dander (dead skin), and urine that cause nasal allergy problems. Symptoms of pet allergies can occur immediately or about 8 to 12 hours after exposure. The best way to avoid animal allergens is to avoid contact with furry or feathered animals or their bedding. Dust Mites Dust mites are microscopic creatures that live in dust and consume discarded flakes of human skin. Dust mite droppings are a common trigger of nasal allergy symptoms, and are found throughout homes, especially in parts of the home with high humidity or a concentration of human skin flakes, such as mattresses or pillows. Regular vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter can help reduce your contact with dust mites, as can covering mattresses and pillows. Indoor Molds Indoor molds thrive in dark, damp places such as basements and bathrooms. When these molds release airborne spores, they can trigger nasal allergy symptoms. Regular cleaning with a weak bleach solution can help eliminate mold and minimize future growth. If you see mold on a carpet or other item in the house, remove it promptly. Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 9 Easter Basket Cookies www.pillsbury.com Ingredients 1 roll (16.5 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated sugar cookies 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 bottle (2.25 oz) pink and blue colored sugar 1 container (12 oz) fluffy white frosting 2 cups flaked coconut Food colors Assorted jelly beans Pipe cleaners 1/4-inch pastel ribbon 2. Roll dough into 24 (1 1/4-inch) balls; roll in colored sugar. Place balls in muffin cups. 3. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until set and edges are light golden brown. Cool in pan 10 minutes; remove to cooling rack. 4. Add coconut to a 1-gallon resealable food-storage plastic bag. Add 3 to 4 drops food color and shake until well blended. It may be necessary to add 1 to 2 teaspoons water to help disperse the color evenly or additional food color until desired color is reached. 5. Frost top of each cookie. Decorate with colored coconut and jelly beans. Tie a small ribbon bow on 5-inch piece of pipe cleaner; insert into each basket for handle. Directions 1. 10 Heat oven to 350° F. Grease or spray 24 miniature muffin cups. In medium bowl, stir or knead cookie dough and flour until well blended. Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 “ No Swimming in the Lakes I don't know if there is a policy against swimming in LBH, but yesterday afternoon several teenage boys were diving off the rock wall at the country club 12th green. Bruce Sellers ran them off and advised them that they shouldn't swim in LBH, because of snakes, gators, parasites, etc. It apparently didn't register with them as this afternoon they are diving off their boats and loudly swimming/ playing around. It's certainly not a good idea for them to be doing so, and I wonder what the issue of liability would be if something happened to one of them? ” The above question prompted the below Reminder from your board: Now that our weather is getting warmer our board of directors thought we should post a little reminder that there is NO SWIMMING in the lakes: The Covenants & Restrictions under ARTICLE XXXSection 7 states the following: “No swimming shall be permitted from any lake or area deeded to the Killearn Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. Any owner of a lot or lots abutting upon any lake who swims or permits others to swim from such lot or lots shall do so at their own risk. Neither Killearn Properties, Inc., nor Killearn Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc., assumes any responsibility for the purity of the water in the lakes or any damage resulting from their use.” Dock owners also take heed. Have you posted a sign indicating by whom and when your dock may be used? Some owners have posted signs at their docks with specific rules and contact information. In order to protect your liability you may want to consider taking this extra precaution. Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 11 12 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 Healthy Water . . . Healthy Teeth MOST LOYAL ADVERTISER By Dr. Michael Hartley Living in Killearn Lakes has many advantages. We have beautiful lakes and parks and the area is well maintained. It’s a great neighborhood! Our water provided is clean and overall good quality. It does not however provide our children with the recommended quantity of fluoride. The Editor would like to thank Joan Raley for advertising with us so loyally in the “Lakes View” Magazine. Another loyal advertiser will be highlighted in our next issue. The World Health Organization cited fluoridated drinking water as one of 20 great health advantages of the last century Community water fluoridation has been policy in the United States since 1951. The World Health Organization cited fluoridated drinking water as one of 20 great health advantages of the last century. Their studies show a reduction in cavities by 20-40% due to fluoride, and until recently tooth decay rates have been falling. The most recent study by pediatric dentists shows tooth decay rates on the rise again most probably due to poor diet choices. This reminds us of the importance of fluoride and a good, healthy, low sugar diet. The current recommendation is that our water should have 0.5-1.0ppm of fluoride depending on climate. Recent cooperative water quality reports show our water having 0.2ppm. That is half the recommendation and bottled water typically has none. Since we live in a warm weather climate and drink lots of water we should have about 0.7ppm. The ingestion of fluoride is important for developing teeth until about the age of six (then the teeth are already developed). After age six, fluoridated drinking water continues to reduce decay because it coats the teeth while drinking or rinsing. As a dentist in the community, I’ve practiced in areas of the state without water fluoridation and have seen the difference! My suggestion is not to change our water, but if you have a child under six, ask your physician or dentist about prescription fluoride drops. As an adult, consider over the counter mouthwash with fluoride and make sure your toothpaste contains it as well. I get lots of really good questions, and if you have a dental health question please contact Dr. Michael Hartley at mhartleydmd@gmail.com. Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 13 S enior’sspot e Mighty Oak By Liz Sullivan, LPN, CSA that has surrounded them. Just as the branches of the oaks Springtime is my favorite time of the year. I am in awe reach out and provide refuge for others, our seniors have when I see the first little buds appearing on the barren tree carried us at one time, keeping us safe. branches. It is a reminder of the circle of life. It is the As we admire all the beauty that surrounds us, I reminder that although the tree was bare and seemingly encourage you to pay special lifeless, it comes back to life in the spring, ready to shade us for the hot Tap into their wisdom and attention to the oaks remembering their humble beginning and ageless summer ahead. How perfect. Oak trees have particularly allow patience for them to wisdom. Then, the next time you visit a senior ask them to share some of fascinated me. Think for a moment… recall and then just listen that wisdom with you. Ask them the these enormous, mighty pillars of best way to weather a storm, calm a frightened child or grow strength were once a tiny acorn. The large and majestic oaks the perfect tomato plants. Tap into their wisdom and allow we see in our beautiful neighborhood may be hundreds of patience for them to recall and then just listen…just listen. years old. Imagine what these mighty oaks have seen over At Comfort Keepers, we pride ourselves on Interactive the years. Caregiving and the art of listening. I use the illustration of the oak tree to remind us that we all begin as little “acorns”. Our seniors are the cherished 2709-3 Killarney Way “oaks” of our lives. They have weathered many storms and Tallahassee, Fl 32309 just as the wood itself, their skin may show the perfect “grain (850) 402-0051 in the wood” that we call wrinkles. Our seniors have seen contactus@comfortkeepers.com days filled with sunshine and nourishment from the richness 14 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 rough the Eyes of a ief By Deputy Tim Randolph Sheriff’s Office: 850-922-3300 They say your home is your castle and it is normally the most expensive investment you will make during your lifetime. Protecting it and its contents should be a top priority for you and your family. But, in many cases it is not a priority and the chances of you becoming the victim of a crime may increase. However, most residential burglaries are crimes of opportunity and in many cases can be prevented. Criminals are normally looking for the easiest target that will allow them to get whatever they can without a lot of hassle. When it When it comes to protecting your home against comes to residential burglaries, view protecting your home as if you were a criminal looking to break your home in. Start at the perimeter of the property such as the street or property line and against see how visible your home burglaries, is from the street or from adjacent houses. Visibility view your is a key deterrent against burglaries since the last home as if thing a criminal wants is for his actions to be you are the noticed by neighbors or deputies patrolling the criminal area. Ensure that all trees and shrubs adjacent to the home are not blocking the view of windows and doors. Make sure that all exterior lightning is functioning properly and is not obstructed. Make sure there are no items such as garden tools, large rocks or bricks, or other items left out that could be used as burglary tools to force entry into the home. By using these tips, you can remove or reduce the opportunity for someone to make your home a target of burglary. Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 15 History of Killearn Lakes Part 2 T he town of Tallahassee was surveyed and laid out in 1824, and promotion and sale of the surrounding lands began in the following year. By the end of the decade the rich soils of Leon County attracted many cotton planters. Land speculation resulted in large and small parcels changing hands in rapid succession. For example, Prince Archille Murat and William Nuttall once owned, for a short time, one eighth of a section (west ½ of northeast ¼ sect.9, township 2 The town of Tallahassee was North, range 1 East) now partly covered by Lake Dianna. surveyed and laid out in 1824 Perhaps it was near this spot that Murat fought a duel with Judge David B. Macomb. Macomb fired first, clipping off half of Murat’s right little finger. Murat then shot a hole in Macomb’s shirt, which he claimed later “scared out the lice”, but no other damage resulted. One of the first locally prominent homesteaders on Lake Iamonia was Dr. Isaac W. Mitchell, who established a home on the broad hilltop overlooking Mitchell Point. Mitchell many have been a medical doctor, although he apparently did not follow that profession. His extensive plantation landholdings were located mainly in Jefferson County and southern Georgia, but he was active in the early land speculations in Leon County. In 1829 he was elected to the Territorial Legislative Council, and remained active in political affairs thereafter. In 1833 he was appointed by the Governor to the board of appraisers of the Union Bank, (whose financial manipulations were later to end in chaos.) But in a few short years his household was hit by disease. His beloved wife Ann died on April 16, 1837, and was buried in the small cemetery near the homesite. Soon thereafter Mitchell moved to Thomas County Georgia, which became his permanent home. Early in the 1830’s the property now in the Killearn Lakes development became gradually incorporated into the extensive holdings of the three Bradford brothers. Other planters worked portions of this land at various times, including Frederick R. Cotton, biggest and most prosperous of all Florida planters. Captain William Lester, ex-Indian fighter and vigilante leader; and Robert Williams, Surveyor- 16 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 general for the Territory, all of whom continued to work adjacent properties. But eventually all present Killearn Lakes property was included in Dr. Edward Bradford’s Pine Hill plantation, Thomas A. Bradford’s Walnut Hill, or Richard H. Bradford’s Water Oak. All of the planters mentioned above seem to have been among the more progressive agriculturalists and more sincerely paternalistic (in the best sense) slave masters. Solon Robinson, a noted agricultural journalist of the day, vested some of them in March 1851, and found Robert Williams to be a leader in the use of fertilizers, improved equipment, sidehill ditching for erosion control, and other innovations. His neighbors laughed at him, Robinson reported, but were quick to follow him in anything successful. Perhaps this is one reason why abolitionist agitators, active here as elsewhere in the South, were not very successful on these plantations. The Bradford brothers took turns hosting an annual holiday celebration, for the slave populations of the three plantations every 4th of July. This included a massive barbecue and, when held at Water Oak, fishing parties on Lake Iamonia. No whites were allowed to partake of or interfere with these festivities. The Civil War put an end to large scale cotton production, and turned agricultural attention to the production of foodstuffs for both the military and home fronts. The Bradford plantations followed this pattern. Bradford sons and sons-in-law followed their conscience and went to war, among them Richard H. Jr. of Water Oak, Captain of a company of the 1st Florida Regiment. He left with his regiment for Pensacola in the fall of 1861. On the night of October 9, 1861, while leading an attack column in the assault on Federal positions on Santa Rosa Island, he was shot and killed by a sentinel of the 6th New York Volunteers. His body was returned for a hero’s funeral, and was buried in the cemetery at Pine Hill plantation. He could well have been the first Floridian killed in Confederate action. Bradford County, Florida was later named in his honor. The economic dislocation of war, emancipation, and reconstruction resulted in the diversification of agriculture and farm tenancy, with continued emphasis on corn and other cereal grains. Attempts were also made to develop production of fruits, vegetables, and tobacco for northern markets. But Tallahassee had no direct rail connections to the North, and no nearby seaport, shipments being made by rail to Jacksonville or Fernandina for transshipment by sea. Sporadic interest in rail connection between Tallahassee and Thomasville and thence to the North developed. One proposed route via Bradfordville would have passed across the southeast corner of the Killearn Lakes property. But local interest was fragmented by other projects, and a meeting held at Bradfordville in May 1883, well attended by representatives of Georgia interests, failed to attract a single delegate from Florida. The rail connection with Thomasville never did materialize. Part III History of Killearn Lakes will continue in the June issue. Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 17 Long Live Flowers! By Kristi & Courtney of At Last Florals “Salutations!” from Kristi & Courtney of At Last Florals. vase and restrict water flow. Cutting them under Spring is in the air, birds are chirping, bees are buzzing and water helps prevent air bubbles in the stem. women everywhere are throwing bridal brunches ❀ Always keep your flowers in a cool area and baby showers. If you are generously hosting out of the direct sunlight, or any other Women a gathering, chances are you’re going to purchase source of heat. If your arrangements will everywhere fresh flowers to adorn your event. be out doors for an event, you can Whether you’re buying the flowers a few revitalize them in the fridge overnight. are days in advance, or looking to sustain their ❀ Flower food does wonders. Though there throwing beauty for your own enjoyment after the party, are many myths and rumors concerning this information will help you get the most out home remedies for this sort of thing, bridal of your blooms. flower food is the only tried and true ❀ Keeping the water clean is essential. brunches method. Visit your local flower shop to get No foliage should be submerged as it some for yourself. and baby will die and begin to decompose, Aside from optimal care, you can also compromising the quality of the water. choose longer lasting flowers. Any sort of orchid, showers lily, daisy, carnation or mum will offer longevity. ❀ Change the water often (about every So happy celebrating to all of you! And if you’re looking three days). Be sure to always use cool water; for a professional florist to bring beauty to your event, please warm water will encourage blooms to open faster. do contact us. ❀ Trim your stems (about every 3 days). Use a sharp knife and cut your stems under water at an angle. Kristi Sanders Cut only the bottom inch or two to give the flower 850.519.2305 a clean and clear stem. The angle ensures that the www.AtLastFlorals.com stem won’t become flat against the bottom of the 18 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 19 Spring Cleaning Tips from By Charita Bullard, President Molly Maid of Leon County Spring is here – but don’t panic about your spring cleaning projects! Molly Maid has been cleaning homes for over 25 years and we’re experts at the annual deep cleaning routine. Besides, dusting and de-cluttering may also be a matter of health Spring cleaning can seem like an enormous task, however, the professionals at Molly Maid offer the following basics to help you clean up for spring: Vacuuming Although you may think vacuuming is as easy as running it over an area, there’s a trick to maximizing the machine’s capabilities. Getting under furniture is a big thing for most people. On a semi-regular basis, you’re going to want to move furniture from its location and get underneath the larger pieces. Don’t forget to vacuum underneath area rugs, too.. Dirt actually collects there, so you have to get under them as well on top of them. Tools on a vacuum, such as extension hoses, also work well to remove hair and dust from furniture. When the sun begins to shine into your home, you will notice dirt that was not so visible during the winter months Dusting is a must The right tools can help you complete this job: ✯ Use a wool duster of microfiber-type cloth for most of your dusting ✯ If you’re an indoor smoker, you may have a little more buildup of dust and yellowing due to the tobacco. So you may have to resort to using a damp cloth or even “magic eraser” to remove caked-on dust, dirt and grime. While you might remember to dust the furniture and frames on the wall, you won’t want to forget to swipe your duster across these often-missed areas on a regular basis (at least monthly): ✯ Fan blades ✯ Baseboards ✯ Molding, wainscoting, door frames ✯ Windowsills ✯ Blinds and shades ✯ Walls When dusting, you want to move from top to bottom, left to right in a room. 20 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 Floor Care If you have wood, natural stone or linoleum floors, Molly Maid home service professionals will likely use the same methods to clean them. We use a product specifically created for floors in 95% percent of homes. Home owners should seek information from the installer to use on manufactured floors as some floor cleaner products may actually damage or decrease the life span of these floors. Every person has to pick the right cleaner they feel suits their home. The same goes for picking out the perfect mop; however, Molly Maid home service professionals use a flat mop most often. Before you even get to the “wet” stage, you should use something to pick up the dust. Then, you can use a reusable cloth or a microfiber cloth that adheres to the end of an extendable wand. This tool can also be used to dust down walls. Disposable microfiber cloth systems can be used, as well. In some cases a vacuum will work to pick up lint balls off floors, too. For those tough spots, like caked-on dirt or dried jelly, you might need to get down on your hands and knees for some one-on-one stain-fighting time. Simply spray on a little cleanser and use a hand-held scrub sponge — the kind you might use on tough kitchen dishes — to remove sticky messes. Remember to allow your floors to completely dry before replacing the area rugs and mats, otherwise you’ll end up with yellowed stains on your floors from the rubber backing. When mopping, use a small amount of cleanser diluted with about a third of a bucket of cold water (you don’t want to heat up the floor’s finish with hot water). Change the water and cleanser mix often; you don’t want to mop a floor with dirty water. Go with the grain of the floor to minimize streaking and always vacuum or mop your way out of an area. Window (Glass) Cleaning When the sun begins to shine into your home, you will notice dirt that was not so visible during the winter months. The old stand-by of vinegar and water with a lint free cloth will work well to clean glass. There are also some commercial products that work well. You may want to utilize a squeegee and use dish soap in the place as a commercial cleaning product . It is important to work quickly and to completely dry the glass checking for spots. A trick in bathrooms is to turn off the light for a few minutes and then turn them back on. Any streaks will be more apparent upon the second inspection. Happy Spring Cleaning!!! Tally Award for Best Cleaning Service 2012! Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 21 Lake Friendly Yard of the Season By Joe Barnett We are now in our second year of the “Lake Friendly Yard of the Season” program, designed to protect, maintain and enhance the natural environment of Killearn Lakes. While taking my Lakewatch samples, I always notice one yard which makes me feel good. It has a canoe and a row boat. There is a fire pit, a swing, and two Adirondack chairs among the heavily wooded shoreline. It is beautifully natural, like living in a state park, as our covenants were designed to promote. I bicycled up to the home of Ken and Dyanne Ifland and asked them about their yard. Dyanne said they used to live on Copperfield Circle until about 5 years ago. They loved it there. She even started the popular 4th of July bicycle and fire truck parade while there. But they needed a larger home and wanted to stay in Killearn Lakes. Ken was told about this lot on Petty Gulf. He saw all the hardwood trees along the shore and immediately purchased it. They put large windows on the lake side of their home just to enjoy the beautiful view. When the leaves are out they can’t even tell there are other homes on the lake. They thinned just enough to see the lake. Their son grew up loving to fish. Ken sometimes will take his boat into the middle of ✁ 22 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 ✁ They have protected our lakes from pollution with their lake friendly yard the lake at night to watch the moon reflect across the lake or to look at the many stars easily seen from the lake. Dyanne mentioned the many birds they can see like Carolina Chickadee’s, red headed wood peckers, the giant pileated woodpeckers, egrets and herons. They have planted some of the native trees the county gives out free each winter and especially love the oak which has bright red leaves in the fall. They planted a row of evergreen cedar trees along the sides of their lot. One big oak has a limb that stretches right in front of their back deck. They said birds fill the branch which sits at eye level. It’s like living in a tree house. They don’t understand why some homeowners would want to clear-cut their lot. I asked if they have to do much to take care of their “forest”. They laughed and said they have to do nothing. They let it be natural. No fertilizer and nothing to mow! I asked why they moved to Tallahassee. Ken was transferred here as an air traffic control manager for our airport. They immediately fell in love with Tallahassee. Dyanne was an airline flight attendant for 12 years and Ken lived all over the country and in Germany. They said there is no place like Tallahassee. It is a utopia in the middle of nowhere. Our neighborhood offers great schools, churches and with events like the Kids’ Fishing Contest and the Fall Festival, it is just a great community! Ken does many triathlon events and two ironman events. He also took the beautiful sunset photo that appeared on a past magazine cover. Dyanne has her dance studio “Killearn Kids Dance Troupe” that entertains us at the Fall Festival every year. Dyanne and Ken was a fun couple to meet and are active in our Killearn Lakes community. Best of all, they have protected our lakes from pollution with their lake friendly yard. As winner, the Iflands will be presented a special yard sign, $100 gift certificate from a local nursery and a photo and recognition in the June issue of the “Lakes View” Magazine. I will make this presentation at Tuesday’s May 8th Quarterly Open Members Meeting at 7pm. Congratulations Ifland family! Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 23 Cyndy’s Ruminations By Cyndy Reichert “Half-Past Dawn” By Richard Doetsch Jack Keeler, District Attorney of New York and a former Cotis priest, whom Jack has never met, comes to his aid, as cop, is 39 years old, blissfully married to Mia Keeler, who is well. The ancient Asian priest comes from an intensely an FBI agent, and has two “Irish Twin” daughters, 5 and 6. spiritual culture that resides deep in a jungle where their He awakens on a Friday morning at 6 a.m., not knowing that beliefs are founded in harmony with nature, with the earth, he is about to experience the and with the afterlife. Outside “nightmare” of his life. of the walls of this isolated Within the next hour he society, the Cotis people are Between life and death, grabs a Coke from the fridge thought to be made out of myth between the deepest dark of (his fix) and heads upstairs to and legend, repelling the brush his teeth. Leaning over outside world from night and the first rays of the sink he finally looks up in encroachment with magical confusion and is surprised to dawn, in that moment where we skills that include defying see a scabbed-over wound death. Jack is not religious, but begin to drift from sleep to above his right eye, and cuts he will take any help that he and scratches on his face. His wakefulness, is where anything can get. confusion and shock continue Doetsch, the author, is possible. . . to escalate as he finds an provides unpredictable plot intricate tattoo on his left twists, psychological puzzles forearm (words written in a and startling discoveries as Jack foreign script) and, what begins to recover bits and suspiciously looks to be, a pieces of his memory. He bullet wound on his shoulder takes on the fragility of the that has been haphazardly human mind and memory - our stitched up. He has absolutely most important asset - and yet no memory of how, when, or when we start to doubt it., the why any of this happened. thin line of reality begins to be Racing down to the kitchen questioned. The story deals to call Mia, he finds the with guilt and regrets, the gift newspaper and zeros in on the of a precious blue stone night-time photo of a bridge, necklace, a jeweled dagger and the guard rail missing, and two diaries; one which foretells black tire marks on the road the future. The ending…I had disappearing over the edge. He to read twice as it was then sees the headlines…”New absolutely, wildly remarkable York City District Attorney Jack how all the plots and twists Keeler Dead.” It is then that came together. With a host of Jack acknowledges that there is characters; including a selfsomething very wrong in the made terrorist, FBI agents, world. cops, doctors and attorneys, Now it’s up to Jack to reDoetsch’s thriller will keep you claim the bits and pieces of his wondering and doubting reality shattered mind, find his missing till the very end, which won’t wife who is also suspected to take too long as you’ll be be dead, protect his daughters, and do it all before dawn of unable to put the book down! Jack Keeler has seen his fate, the next day. and has only until dawn to change it. Jack enlists the aid of Frank, a retired cop; Joy, his “Between life and death, between the deepest dark of secretary; Charlie, a cop in the Tombs; a professor in the night and the first rays of dawn, in that moment where we Asian studies department at Columbia and his estranged begin to drift from sleep to wakefulness, is where anything is father, whom he always felt was disappointed in him. An old possible…” 24 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 2012 Flball Schedules 09/01/12 09/08/12 09/15/12 09/22/12 09/29/12 10/06/12 10/13/12 10/20/12 10/27/12 11/08/12 11/17/12 11/24/12 vs. vs. vs. vs. at at vs. at vs. at at vs. Murray State Savannah State Wake Forest Clemson USF NC State Boston College Miami Duke (HC) Virginia Tech Maryland Florida 09/01/12 09/08/12 09/15/12 09/22/12 09/29/12 vs. vs. at vs. vs. 10/06/12 10/13/12 10/20/12 11/03/12 11/10/12 11/17/12 vs. at at at at vs. Tennessee State Oklahoma Hampton Delaware State Atlanta Classic Southern University Howard Savannah State (HC) South Carolina State North Carolina A&T North Carolina Central BCU - Fla. Classic 09/01/12 09/08/12 09/15/12 09/22/12 10/06/12 10/13/12 10/20/12 10/27/12 11/03/12 11/10/12 11/17/12 11/24/12 vs. at at vs. vs. at vs. vs. vs. vs. at Bowling Green Texas A&M Tennessee Kentucky LSU Vanderbilt South Carolina Georgia Missouri UL-Lafayette (HC) Jacksonville State Florida State Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 25 Killearn Commons Update Killearn Commons will be opening its Pool Complex on March 17th, St. Patrick’s with a St. Patrick’s Day theme to include green dyed water, green balloons and green streamers. In addition the grill will be started up so homeowners can bring something to coke, eat and drink and hang out with other Killearn Commons neighbors. The annual pool complex clean up day will held on March 10th. The Pool Complex Building is currently getting a fresh coat of paint. 26 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 Field Manager’s Reminder No Dumping Please... By Gregory Durant, Field Manager Sometimes the quickest way to empty that lawn mower bag of all the grass clippings is to dump it back in the green space area or an easement or even a vacant lot. That vacant lot is some owner’s property – not yours! And as far as dumping in the green spaces and easements the covenants are quite specific. Your Covenants under Article IX- Section 6 states the following: “No dumping, burning, or disposal in any manner of trash, litter, garbage, sewage, woodlands, or any unsightly or offensive material shall be permitted in or upon such Green Area, except as is temporary and incidental to the bona fide improvement of the area in a manner consistent with its classification as Green Area. Fires of any and all kinds shall be prohibited except in designated and controlled areas as specified by the Association.” Killearn Lakes & Killearn Commons Architectural Control Committee Request ✁ ✁ Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 27 ank You Killearn Lakes Homeowners Association would like to thank Gumby’s Pizza for so generously providing their delicious pizzas at the General Quarterly Meeting in February. We appreciate their involvement and dedication to our community. As a reminder the next Quarterly Open Members meeting will be held on May 8th. 28 Lakes View / Issue 52 / April 2012 een Corner Classifieds Note: These ads are complimentary and available to student teens of our community involved in weekend and after school entrepreneurial projects. Ads must be renewed for each issue. Please call the office at 668-3231, if you want to edit or continue your ad. Thank you. BABYSITTER – Need a break? Want to go shopping ALONE on the weekend? Want to enjoy a night out with your husband? I am a mature, responsible student (15 years) who loves kids. I'm a Chiles High School Student and live in the Summberbrooke Neighborhood. I am very enthusiastic, punctual and reliable. I love bringing games, books, videos and ideas to your house! Sport is my specialty so I’ll kick a ball or play a game of soccer. I am a certified babysitter. I have previous babysitting experience and available references. Give me a call… (850) 894-8378. BABYSITTER – Mature and responsible high school freshman. Available to babysit weeknights and weekends. Own transportation provided. Please call Jessica at (850) 877-0080. PETSITTER – Reliable and experienced 17 year old petsitter. I have my own transportation. Please call Christine at 545-4612. BABYSITTERS – Experienced 12-year-old Sitter and Mothers Helper. Prefer watching ages 4-9yrs. I love kids and I am very responsible. Bonus: household jobs such as folding laundry, dishes or tidy up your home. $3-5/hour. Available weekdays from 4-8 p.m. Sat. 10:30-4:30 p.m. and Sun. 1-8 p.m. Summer hours are more flexible. Can provide my own transportation. Call Emily at (850) 894-0421. BABYSITTER & PETSITTER – Looking for a summer Nanny? Im here for you! TMH babysitter's course/CPR certified, 16 years old and am able to provide transportation. Call Brittany at (850) 688-4287, or email barnett_bab@hotmail.com. BABYSITTER & PETSITTER – ATTENTION to anyone who needs a reliable, hardworking, and responsible baby or petsitter! My name is Rachel Stadtfeld and I would love to come and watch your precious kiddos or pets! Call me anytime, even on short notice, for any occasion you may need to go out for! I am 17 years old and have much experience with children (past nanny) and pets (have 3)! I attend school at Chiles High and live in Golden Eagle. I am a licensed driver and a great student. For a fun and safe time for your children (of all ages) and pets (of all types) please don't hesitate to call me at 727742-3856. :) BABYSITTER & PETSITTER – Responsible, mature and enthusiastic 15 & 16 year old Chiles High School students, TMH certified available for babysitting and/or pet sitting. Please call Gabby & Claudia (850) 893 2342. Teen girl, pet owner,experienced in pet sitting and loves animals! Available during the day and evening. Call Bethany at 893-9313. BABYSITTERS – Killearn Lakes Mother and twelve year-old daughter duo available for babysitting evenings and weekends. Available to care for your children birth and up. We will provide our own transportation. Contact Tracy at 508-5468. MOTHERS HELPER & BABYSITTER ANIMAL SITTER – At LYDIA Inc., I do animal sitting, dog walking, dog washing, dog playing, and all at great prices. I’m a responsible, caring, mature, 14- year-old Killearn Commons resident. You can call me and make a reservation, or call when you unexpectedly need me. Call LYDIA at 509-8071. PIANO LESSONS – Aya Octan, 12 years old 894-1151. Experienced 11 year old babysitter and mothers helper! Loves kids and very responsible. Available Saturdays and Sundays anytime! Ages 3- 8 only. Will provide own transportation. Please call Maisy Ivory at 850-385-7717 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID 7110 Beech Ridge Trail Tallahassee, FL 32312 Tallahassee, FL PERMIT NO. 498
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