Englische Pressemitteilung Picasso - Picasso


Englische Pressemitteilung Picasso - Picasso
Der spanische Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), ist einer der bekanntesten Künstler des
20. Jahrhunderts. Die Ausstellung „Hommage à Picasso“ präsentiert 48 Originalgrafiken von Pablo Picasso,
davon 24 Illustrationen zu Honoré de Balzac „Le Chef d´oeuvre inconnu“, sowie 71 original grafische Arbeiten
seiner namhaftesten Zeitgenossen, wie Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Andy Warhol, Eduardo Paolozzi oder Niki de
Saint Phalle.
Die von Wieland Schmied (1988-1993 Rektor der „Akademie der Bildenden Künste“, 1995-2004 Präsident der
„Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste“) ins Leben gerufene Huldigung zu Picassos 90. Geburtstag, war
das ehrgeizigste Projekt der zeitgenössischen Grafik. Nie zuvor war in einer Mappe so viel Prominenz vertreten.
Picassos Beschäftigung mit Balzacs berühmter Künstlererzählung geht auf die Anregung des Kunsthändlers und
Verlegers Ambroise Vollard selbst zurück. In seiner Erzählung um das Schicksal eines Malers, der nach
Vollkommenheit strebt, dessen ideale Zielsetzung sich für ihn selbst aber als unerfüllbar erweist, vermittelt Balzac
seinen Lesern die neuen Kunstanschauungen seiner Zeit und seine eigene kunsttheoretische Philosophie.
Darüber hinaus ist die Erzählung aber auch eine Liebesgeschichte. Picasso greift mit zwölf Radierungen den
Aspekt der Geschichte auf, der für ihn zeitlebens von großer Bedeutung war: Die Beziehung zwischen dem
Künstler und seinem Modell. Vor diesem Hintergrund entstand ein Werk, das zweifellos zu den schönsten der
von Picasso illustrierten Bücher gehört.
Die Ausstellung, die im Münchner Künstlerhaus erstmals in Deutschland in dieser umfangreichen
Zusammenstellung zu sehen sein wird, ermöglicht somit einen faszinierenden Blick auf die verschiedenen
Schaffensperioden Picassos und auf die Kunst des 20./21. Jahrhunderts.
Der spanische Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), ist einer der bekanntesten Künstler des
20. Jahrhunderts. Die Ausstellung „Hommage à Picasso“ präsentiert 48 Originalgrafiken von Pablo Picasso,
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) and his works have defined the art of the 20th century.
The exhibition “Hommage à Picasso” presents 48 original graphics by Pablo Picasso,
24 of which are illustrations for Honoré de Balzac’s “Le Chef d´œuvre inconnu”, as
well as 71 original graphic works by some his most renowned contemporaries, such
as Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Andy Warhol, Eduardo Paolozzi or Nikki de Saint Phalle.
This homage for Picasso’s 90th birthday, initiated by art historian Wieland Schmied,
was the most remarkable project of contemporary graphic arts.
Picasso’s work for Balzac’s famous story about an artist was inspired by a suggestion
from the art dealer and publisher Ambroise Vollard himself. In his story about the
fate of a painter who strives for perfection, but whose idealistic goals prove to be
unachievable for himself, Balzac explains the new concepts of art of his time and his
own philosophy of art theory to his readers. Beyond that, his tale also is a love story.
In twelve etchings, Picasso deals with the aspect of the story which was of great
importance to him all his life: the relationship between the artist and his model. On
this basis, a work was created which undoubtedly is one of Picasso’s most beautiful
illustrated books.
The exhibition from the German collection of Richard H. Mayer, Kunstkontor
Bamberg, which is very rare in it’s comprehensiveness, provides a fascinating view on
Picasso’s era and on the art of the 20th and 21st century.
List of artists on display:
Pierre Alechinsky
Gerhard Altenbourg
Shusaku Arakawa
Enrico Baj
Hans Bellmer
Joseph Beuys
Max Bill
Pol Bury
Jorge Castillo
Lynn Chadwick
Eduardo Chillida
Allan d´Arcangelo
Alan Davie
Walter De Maria
Niki de Saint Phalle
Jim Dine
Öyvind Fahlström
Dan Flavin
HAP Grieshaber
Renato Guttuso
Richard Hamilton
Hans Hartung
David Hockney
Alfred Hrdlicka
Robert Indiana
Allen Jones
Donald Judd
Ronald B. Kitaj
Jiří Kolář
Nicholas Krushenick
Wifredo Lam
Roy Lichtenstein
Jacques Lipchitz
Heinz Mack
Giacomo Manzù
André Masson
Roberto Matta
Joan Miró
Henry Moore
Robert Motherwell
Louise Nevelson
Claes Oldenburg
Blinky Palermo
Eduardo Paolozzi
Edouard Pignon
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Robert Rauschenberg
Larry Rivers
James Rosenquist
Bernard Schultze
Emil Schumacher
Frank Stella
Kumi Sugai
Antoni Tàpies
Hervé Télémaque
Joe Tilson
Walasse Ting
Jean Tinguely
Ernest Trova
Cy Twombly
Günther Uecker
Victor Vasarely
Jan Voss
Andy Warhol
Stefan Wewerka
Fritz Wotruba
Dates and facts
Opening hours:
Monday: 10 am - 10 pm
Tuesday through Sunday: 10 am - 7 pm
€ 9,- Adult
€ 7,- Concession
€ 5,- Pupils, students, severely handicaped persons
Mondays from 8 PM (Box office): € 5,Children aged up to 6 years are admitted free of charge
Groups10 persons minimum, per person € 7,School classes, per pupil € 3,Guided tours:
The Munich Künstlerhaus offers daily guided tours during the 8 week exhibition –
tours start at 11 AM
€ 7,- Adult
€ 4,- Pupils and students
Plus admission fee to the exhibition
Special guided tours on request
(Phone: +49 (0)89/ 59 91 84 14)
Flamenco y Picasso – De Málaga à Paris
Tuesday, 26.07.2016 | Wednesday, 27.07.2016 | Wednesday, 03.08.2016
19:30 PM, inner courtyard
After last year’s very successful „Flamenco y Goya“, Flamenco-dancer Gisa Michelón, Singer
Estela Sanz Posteguillo and their musicians dedicate their new stage performance to Pablo
Picasso – another exceptional Spanish artist. In dance and song, they follow his life and his
creative periods and by that take a musical journey from Picasso’s Spanish home in Malaga to
his stays in the artist-metropolis Paris. Surprising moments and unexpected turns of events
await the spectator during this journey – a Flamenco evening as multi-facetted as Picasso
Flamenco puro
Wednesday, 07.09.2016 | Friday, 09.09.2016
19:30 PM, inner courtyard
The internationally acclaimed Flamenco-dancer Montserrat Suárez presents – together with
dancer Mawi de Cádiz, guitarist Alejandro Suárez (both from Cádiz, Andalusia) and singer
Granados from Jeréz de la Frontera – the traditional Flamenco: Passionate, temperamental
and captivating.
Admission Flamenco-Evenings: Adults € 22,- / Concession € 11,Combination ticket with Picasso exhibition: Adult € 29,- | Concession € 15,-
Monday, 05.09.2016 | Tuesday, 06.09.2016, 19:30 PM, ballroom
The Munich Way of Dance by the „Dance Theater of Munich“ and his choreographer
Mathias Schwarz.
In the full-length production ABUSED WITH LOVE Janine Gomig’s dance-company uses
dance to find answers to the question “How do I survive love”
Admission: Adult: Cat. I € 28,- / Cat. II 24,- | Concession € 11,Combination ticket with Picasso exhibition: Adult Cat.I € 35,- /Cat.II 31,- | Concession € 16,-
A puppet theatre grotesque by Georg Jenisch
4th of August 2016 at 19.30 PM
Further dates:
August: 05.08. / 06.08. / 18.08. / 19.08. / 20.08.
September: 01.09. / 02.09. / 03.09. / 16.09. / 17.09. / 18.09.
19.30 PM, ballroom
Picasso and the women!
Bulging with life and revelling in the joy of playing, Georg Jenisch brings the obsessions of the
iconic artist to the stage, marking his 8th puppet theatre production for Munich
Künstlerhaus. The focal point of his grotesque is Picasso himself, depicting how he stumbles
from one amorous adventure to another. The women are muse, model, lifeblood – and
become a motor for his body of work.
An experimental theatre evening which blurs the lines between biography, theatre and fine
arts by means of majestic puppets - which are up to 4 metres in height – a variety of forms,
abstractions and wondrous metamorphosis. Following Picasso’s motto: Others write diaries,
I paint.
Georg Jenisch created a musical collage of musical pieces by composers who wrote for the
legendary „Ballets Russes“ – one of the most outstanding ballet ensembles of the 20th
century. In cooperation with visual artists, ballets with a strong focus on stage design were
created. Picasso created stage sets and costumes too. Composers like Strawinsky and de
Falla stand side by side with Respingi and Satie and give an insight into how vital the strive for
new musical expressions was back in those times.
Admission: Adult € 22,- | Concession € 11,Combination ticket with Picasso exhibition: Adult € 29,- | Concession € 15,-
with C. Bernd Sucher
The theatre-connoisseur, critic and author C. Bernd Sucher over the course of 6 evenings
engages with Picasso’s work and life and will present choice treasures from the literature
about Picasso.
Pablo Picasso the poet
»Actually, all kinds of art form a single kind of art«
28.07.2016 and 16.08.2016, 19:30 PM, Club
C. Bernd Sucher and actor Jakob Tögel
Pablo Picasso and his women
»Love betrays its weapons«
11.08.2016 and 08.09.2016, 19:30 PM, Club
C. Bernd Sucher with actor Ines Hollinger
Pablo Picasso and his friends: Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, Guillaume
Apollinaire and Henri Rousseau
02.08.2016 and 25.08.2016, 19:30 PM, Club
C. Bernd Sucher with actor Sebastian Griegel
Admission: Adult € 22,- | Concession € 11,Combination ticket with Picasso exhibition: Adult € 29,- | Concession € 15,-
Chansons by Edith Piaf
Friday, 26.08.2016, 19:30 PM, inner courtyard
Edith Piaf – that means myth, legend and pure passion. Supported by Christoph Pauli at the
piano and Maria Reiter playing the accordion, Kerstin Heiles follows the footstep of the
admired chansonnière. She sings her way into the audience’s hearts by means of a voice
which makes you feel that legendary Edith Piaf is alive again.
Admission: Adult € 22,- | Concession € 11,Combination ticket with Picasso exhibition: Adult € 29,- | Concession € 15,-
On Monday nights during the exhibition the Künstlerhaus presents regularly exceptional
artist biopics of Pablo Picasso
Monday, 01.08.2016: Picasso - L'inventaire d'une vie
Directed by: Hugues Nancy, Screenplay by: Hugues Nancy and Olivier Widmaier Picasso
Documentary 2013, 110 Min.
Monday 08.08.2016: Picasso & Braques go to the movies
Directed by: Arne Glimcher; Documentary 2008, 60 Min.
Monday 15.08.2016: Surviving Picasso
Directed by: James Ivory; film 1996, 125 Min.
Monday 22.08.2016: Le mystère Picasso
Directed by: Henry-Georges Clouzot; Documentary 1956, 78 Min.
Monday 29.08.2016: 13 days in the life of Pablo Picasso
Directed by: Pierre Philippe; Documentary, 2002, 186 Min.
8 PM, ballroom
Tickets exclusively at the box office
Adult € 8,- | Combination ticket with Picasso exhibition € 15,-
Lithography workshops for adults: ‘Gravure Painting – Flat Printing’
During the workshops, the participants can try the techniques of etching and lithography
under professional guidance for a whole morning. Both techniques will be explained and
there is the possibility for the participants to do their own prints with both of them.
Saturdays 10 AM to 3 PM
August: 06.08. / 13.08. / 20.08. / 27.08.
September: 03.09. / 10.09. / 17.09.
Prices & Registration
€ 60,- for the 5-hour workshop including admission to the exhibition and expenses for
materials used. Register under info@kuenstlerhaus-muc.de or Phone 0049 – (0)89 - 5991
Lithography workshops for kids and young people:
» Heavy stones, polished sheet and delicate print «
What is the difference betweenan original and a copy? What does the word lithography
mean? How does an etching come together? During a print demonstration the kids will be
able to try their hand on the techniques of lithography and etching. Both techniques will be
explained and we'll put together a piece of art which the kids can print themselves. The kids
experience, how much time and craftmanship is needed. During the demonstration we'll
discuss aboute the timliness of those techniques in comparison to computers and printers.
The surface of the printing plate will be divided inti equal sections. The finished sheet of
paper will be cut, making sure every child can take his own, self-created print home.
2-hour workshops
Children 6 to 9 years, Mondays: 08.08./ 15.08./ 22.08./ 29.08./ 05.09. || 10 AM - noon
Children 10 to 14 years, Saturdays: 06.08./ 13.08./ 20.08./ 27.08./ 03.09./ 10.09. || 4 PM-6 PM
5-hour workshops
Children 6 to 14 years
Tuesdays: 09.08./ 15.08./ 23.08. /30.08. || 10 AM-3 PM
Prices & registration:
• Lithogrophy workshops for children (2 hours) € 7,- / € 11,- incl. admission to the
exhibition / € 4,- with holiday pass / € 7,- with holiday pass incl. admission to the
• Lithogrophy workshops for children (5 hours) € 17,50
max. 9 children per workshop / Registration min. 3 days in advance under
info@kuenstlerhaus-muc.de or phone: +49 (0) 89/ 59 91 84 14
Who is a Picasso here?
Introduction to the graphic work of Picasso and art workshop
"As a child everybody is an artist. The problem is to stay one as an adult." Picasso
After a tour of the "Hommage à Picasso" exhibition at Munich Künstlerhaus, the kids will
create ink drawings with calligraphy brushes and drawing pens. Inspired by Picasso's line-dotdrawings and the graphics created for Balzac's novel "Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu" the kids
create their own artistic masterpiece. The kids can also leave the creation of their works to
chance in Picasso's spirit: "If you know exactly what you want to do, why should you do it?"
Dates & prices:
22. July to 30. September 2016: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 AM to 11.30 AM
(Please request additional dates under e.janker@little-art.org)
Child € 7,-; School classes and groups of 12 or more € 5,-; Suitable for children 5 of age or
older. Please register under info@kuenstlerhaus-muc.de or phone +49 (0) 89/ 59 91 84 12
Pablo Picasso - Honoré de Balzac: Le Chef d´oeuvre inconnu
Pablo Picasso: Femme nue cueillant des fleurs
Niki de Saint Phalle: Hommage à Picasso
Pablo Picasso: Le vieux roi
Roy Lichtenstein: Still Life with Picasso
Those and other pictures are available in high resolution in our Dropbox. Those
pictures can be used without license only in connection with media coverage of
the exhibition at Munich Künstlerhaus.