energy natural gas water
energy natural gas water
energy natural gas water Estado actual y perspectivas de la situación energética-industrial en Colombia y las posibilidades para la Cooperación Internacional en el sector Fact-finding mission Renewable Energies Export Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy “Off-grid Colombia“ Juan Fernando Higuita Peña Múnich, 1 de julio de 2014 Agenda 1. Characteristics of Colombia’s electricity sector 2. Supply side • • Current situation and expansion plan Electricity prices and Tariff scheme 3. Demand side • • • Current situation and energy forecast Industrial sector Energy efficiency 4. Renewable Energy Law • Renewable energy targets 5. Opportunities for International Cooperation Colombian electricity system Installed capacity 14,559 MW Export: 662,3 GWh/year International Electricity Transactions Import: 28,5 GWh/year Transmission 24,309 KM Operators Generating companies 43 Transmission companies 9 Distribution companies 29 Commercialization companies 67 Source: XM, 2013 Colombian National Transmission System – 2011 Source. (UPME, 2012) Colombian electricity market (cont’d) Source: Schematic of Colombian Electricity System. Source (XM, 2013, own translation) Supply side – current situation 2012 Resources (MW) 2013 (MW) Share (%) Hydro 9,185 9,315 64.0% Thermal 4,426 4,515 31.0% 2,122 1,972 997 997 307 307 678 917 46 46 Gas-Jet A1 276 276 Small capacity 693 662 Hydro 591 560 Thermal 83 83 Wind 18 18 Cogeneration 57 66 14,361 14,559 Gas Coal Number 6 fuel oil Diesel fuel Jet1 Total SIN 4.5% Hydro Thermal Small capacity 0.5% Total installed capacity in the National Interconnected System, December 31 st 2012 – 2013 Source: (XM, 2014) cogeneration Supply side – Power generation expansion plans Name Capacity [MW] Type Starting date Amoyá 78,0 hydro apr-13 Cucuana 60,0 hydro oct-13 Gecelca 3 164,0 thermal dic-13 Termocol 201,6 thermal dic-13 Sogamoso 800,0 hydro may-14 19,9 hydro jun-14 El Quimbo 420,0 hydro dic-14 San Miguel 42,0 hydro dic-15 Ambeima 45,0 hydro dic-15 Carlos Lleras 78,1 hydro dic-15 Tasajero II 160,0 thermal dic-15 Gecelca 3.2 250,0 thermal dic-15 Termonorte 88,3 thermal dic-17 351,8 hydro dic-18 2.400,0 hydro jul-22 El Popal Porvenir II Ituango 83.3% Hydro 16.7% Thermal Source: (UPME, Plan de expansión de referencia Generación- Transmisión 2013-2027, 2013) Tariff scheme CUvn,m,i,j = [(Gm,i,j + Tm + Dn,m + Cv m,i,j + PRn,m,i,j + R m,i) 32% Generation cost 7% Transmission (STN) 37% Distribution (STR & SDL) 13% 7% Variable trading cost Recognized losses 4% Restrictions Components of the regulated tariff, current tariff formula, CREG resolution 119 of 2007. Source: adapted from (Santa María, et al., 2009) 8 Categories for users Category percentage Social stratum 1 subsidized 60% Social stratum 2 subsidized 50% Social stratum 3 subsidized 15% Social stratum 4 neutral Social stratum 5 and 6 Pay contribution Industry total consumption Commerce Pay contribution Public buildings total consumption Subsidies: m.a.s.l: 1000m or above m.a.s.l: below 1000m 20% 20% 0-130 kWh 0-173 kWh 9 Average household electricity consumption Source. (Vélez Álvarez, April 2014) Subsidies: m.a.s.l: 1000m or above m.a.s.l: below 1000m 0-130 kWh 0-173 kWh Electricity prices: Spot market and contracts Source. (XM, 2013b) 1 US$: 1,900 COP 1 EUR: 2,500 COP 11 Demand side – current situation 60.000 50.000 45.768 47.017 48.829 50.815 52.853 53.870 54.679 56.236 57.150 59.366 GWh- año 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Annual evolution of electricity demand Source: (UPME, Plan de expansión de referencia Generación- Transmisión 2013-2027, 2013) Demand side – Energy forecast (GWh) Source: (UPME, Proyección de demanda de energía eléctrica en Colombia, 2014) Demand side – Peak load (MW) Source: (UPME, Proyección de demanda de energía eléctrica en Colombia, 2014) Demand side – electricity consumption per capita Source: (UPME, Proyección de demanda de energía eléctrica en Colombia, marzo 2014) Industry – energy demand Source: (UPME, Proyección de demanda de energía eléctrica en Colombia, 2014) Industry – tariff Source: (Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-Firjan, 2014) 1 USD = 2.25BRL ; 1 EUR = 3.1019 BRL (Average 12 months, Exchange Rates UK) Energy efficiency – PROURE 2010-2015 Strategic Subprograms SPE-1 Institutional Strengthening SPE-2 Education, R+D+I, Knowledge management SPE-3 Financial strategy and Boosting market SPE-4 Consumer protection and Right to information SPE-5 Monitoring indicators and targets SPE-6 Promotion of the use of Non-Conventional Energy Sources Residential Industrial Commerce, Services and Public sector Transport Lighting Refrigeration Burners Buildings Motors Lighting Boilers Combustion Cogeneration Energy management SME’s Cold chain Lighting Refrigeration Air conditioning Buildings Street Lighting Conversion technology Transport modes Good practices Industry – energy efficiency Industrial sector Subprogram Objective Optimizing energy use in driving force Promote the replacement of existing motors by high-efficiency motors. 14.000 kW >> 6 million USD Optimization of combustion processes Promote the use of waste heat generated in combustion processes. Training programs and applied research >> 500.000 USD Efficient lighting Replacement of lights in the near 500 industries >> 5 million USD Comprehensive management of energy in industries with emphasis on cleaner production Promote standardization and renovation of electrical grids and overall minimization of energy losses. 500 enterprises >> 35 milion USD Cogeneration and self-generation Develop training programs, applied research and development of standards >> 15 million USD Rational and efficient use of energy in Small and Medium Enterprises – SMEs Promote capacity building in energy management; technological innovation; develop credit lines for project financing >> 15 million USD Optimization of the use of boilers Promote good operational practices aimed at better use of boilers or technological conversion >> 30 million USD Optimization of the cold chain Strengthen education on sizing, operation and maintenance of air conditioning systems and refrigeration >> 1 million USD Source: (UPME, May 2010, own translation) Renewable Energy Act – 1715, 2014 o Object: - Promotion and development of non-conventional energy sources (mainly renewable energy sources) in the national energy system, by integrating them to the electricity market. o Purpose: - To establish the legal framework and instruments for the promotion of nonconventional energy sources. - Establish lines of action for the fulfillment of the commitments undertaken by Colombia on renewable energy, energy efficiency management and reduction of GHG emissions. - Encouraging investment, research and development of clean technologies for energy production, energy efficiency and demand response Renewable Energy Act – 1715 (cont’d) - Non-Conventional Energy and Energy Efficiency Management Fund (FENOGE) This Fund aims to finance programs designed for residential sector levels 1, 2 and 3 and for the implementation of self-generation solutions and energy efficiency improvement projects, studies and energy audits. The Fund will be ruled by the Ministry of Mines and Energy- MME. - Reduction of diesel consumption in ZNI by promotion of hybrid solutions Renewable Energy Act – 1715 (cont’d) Price instruments Fiscal incentives Reduction in income tax Reduction in VAT Customs duty exemption Acelerated depreciation of assets Guaranteed acces to the grid Net-metering (bi-directional meters) Renewable energy targets Share of FNCE in the National grid and off-grid systems Year Off-grid Grid connected 2015 20% 3.5% 2020 30% 6.5% Source: (UPME, 2010, p. 10) Opportunities for International Cooperation 1. Promote the development of public-private partnership (PPP) programs. 2. Identify Colombian companies, which are interested in setting up joint ventures. 3. Take advantage of the off-grid areas (ZNI) to develop small and medium pilot projects to supply the energy needs of communities and/or industries that are making use of fossil fuels for electricity generation. 4. Develop suitable business models of mutual advantages for utility companies and rural/urban communities. Opportunities for International Cooperation 1. Case 1: Rural electrification in “Vigía del Fuerte and Bojayá” 2. Case 2: Thermal district “La Alpujarra” 3. Case 3: Urban solid waste management. “Environmental park” Rural electrification: Vigia del Fuerte & Bojayá - Hybrid system: solar + diesel + battery system - 10 million USD - International cooperation programs - National funds Thermal district 28 Environmental Park Contexto Proyecto Parque Ambiental en la gestión integral de residuos sólidos Componente 1 Estación de transferencia Recolección y transporte Generación y gestión en la fuente Transferencia, tratamiento y aprovechamiento EDS Disposición final Reincorporación de subproductos a la cadena Tecnologías de conversión biológica y química Compostaje, digestión anaeróbica, codigestión, hidrólisis , fermentación, otros Tecnologías de conversión térmica Incineración, pirolisis, gasificación, RDF, desactivación, otros Tecnologías de clasificación y conversión mecánica Plantas de clasificación de materiales Cadena de valor servicios de aseo - visión de futuro gestión integral residuos Tecnologías de conversión Mecánicobiológicos/químicos Combinación de tratamientos Componente 2 Viabilización de negocios valorización de residuos sólidos References o EPM. (2013). Centro de documentos. Tarifas de energía de años anteriores. Retrieved June 8, 2013, from EPM website: o Firjan (2014). Compare o custo da energia para indústria. Ranking: Países, Ranking de tarifa média industrial de energia elétrica, em R$/MWh, dos países selecionados. Retrieved 2014-31-May from o Ley 1715 (2014, 13 de mayo). Por medio de la cual se regula la integración de las energías renovables no convencionales al sistema energético nacional. Bogotá D.C., Colombia. o Santa María, M., Von Der Fehr, N.-H., Millán, J., Benavides, J., Gracia, O., & Schutt, E. (2009). El mercado de la energía eléctrica en Colombia: características, evolución e impacto sobre otros sectores. Fedesarrollo. Bogotá D.C: La Imprenta Editores Ltda. o UPME. (2010). Programa de uso racional y eficiente de energía y fuentes no convencionales – PROURE. Plan de acción indicativo 2010-2015, resumen ejecutivo. Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética - UPME. Bogotá, D.C: Ministerio de Minas y Energía. o UPME. (2012). Plan de Expansión de Referencia Generación Transmisión 2012-2025. Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética - UPME. Bogotá D.C: Ministerio de Minas y Energía. o UPME. (2013). Plan de Expansión de Referencia Generación Transmisión 2013-2027. Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética - UPME. Bogotá D.C: Ministerio de Minas y Energía. o UPME. (2014). Proyección de demanda de energía eléctrica en Colombia – Revisión marzo de 2014- UPME. Bogotá, D.C: Ministerio de Minas y Energía. o Vélez Álvarez, Luis G. (2014). Sobre el consumo de subsistencia en la tarificación de los servicios públicos domiciliarios. Retrieved 2014-31-May from XM: o XM. (2013). Descripción del Sistema Eléctrico Colombiano. Estructura del mercado. Retrieved 2014-31-May from XM: o XM. (2013b). Informe de operación del SIN y administración del mercado. Retrieved 2014-31-May from XM: o XM. (2014). Informe de operación del SIN y administración del mercado. Capacidad efectiva neta. Retrieved 2014-31-May from XM: Thank you Juan Fernando Higuita Peña Development & Innovation Department Phone : (+57) 4 3804836 Email: Choosing digital media over printing is acting in harmony with the environment