Doane`s easy approach to pulses and herbs


Doane`s easy approach to pulses and herbs
Glacisstraße 7, 8010 Graz, Österreich
+43 316 37 40 50
Fax + 55
Graz 24.09.2014
Doane's easy approach to pulses and herbs
(following the pulsynergy system, Jimmy Chang)
KURSZEITEN: Mittwoch, 24.09.2014, 09.00–17.30, 8 UE ; 8 DFP
(09.00-10.30; 11.00-12.30, 14.00-15.30, 16.00-17.30)
KURSORT: Vorklinik der Universität Graz, Harrachgasse 21, A-8010 Graz
PROGRAMM: Robert Doane's easy approach to pulses and herbs (following the pulsynergy
system, Jimmy Chang). The pulse reveals more than the eye can see. Learn from one of the most
successful acupuncturists in the United States, as he teaches you how to easily make diagnoses by
the pulse, and treat the findings with herbal extracts.
Bob Doane a top student of master pulse diagnostician and herbalist, Jimmy Chang, is strongly
committed to patient and practitioner education. Over 100 patients a day are seen in his
acupuncture and wellness clinic. Attend this unique course to expand your clinical experience and
improve your effectiveness. Bob shares with you an unambiguous approach on how to efficiently
diagnose a patient through pulse taking, what the pulse can reveal about a patient's health, and
how to prescribe herbal extracts to treat conditions shown by the pulse.
Upon completion of this course, practitioners will: Have resources to effectively identify and
address different types of disorders via pulse diagnosis , Begin to approach the treatment of
commonly-seen disorders in the acupuncture clinic with pulse diagnostics and herbal medicine
REFERENT: Robert DOANE, EAMP, L.Ac., Dipl.C.H.
He owns and operates the Acupuncture and Wellness Center, P.S. in Poulsbo,
Washington (U.S.A.). Mr. Doane's clinic is believed to be the largest Chinese
medical practice in the United States and has been for 9 years. His clinic routinely
treats 100 to 140 patients a day, 5 days a week. He runs one of the only residency
training programs in the United States for Chinese Medical interns. Mr. Doane
lectures extensively on Chinese Medicine throughout the United States. He has
been invited to speak at hundreds of forums on the benefits of Chinese Medicine and has twice
addressed the prestigious American Academy of Pain Management on the scientific explanation of
acupuncture and its usefulness in treating chronic pain. Mr. Doane has a degree in physics from the
University of Washington and a Masters of Oriental Medicine from Santa Barbara College of
Oriental Medicine. Mr. Doane spent 10 years of his life as a meditative monastic. He spent 2 years
in silence and travelled the world teaching over 2000 people in America and India the art of deep
Österreichische Gesellschaft für
Kontrollierte Akupunktur und TCM
Glacistrasse 7, 8010 Graz
Tel.: +43(0)316-374050, Fax:+43(0)316-374050 55
SEMINARGEBÜHR für den Tageskurs: € 200,00 für Mitglieder
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Anmeldung bis zum 30. Juni 2014 erfolgt. Sollte bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt die erforderliche
Teilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht werden, muss der Kurs leider abgesagt werden.
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Für die Seminarorganisation bitten wir um Anmeldung bis spätestens 30. Juni 2014
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☯ Pulses and Herbs
Österreichische Gesellschaft
für Kontr. Akupunktur und TCM
A-8010 Graz
Tel +43 (0)316 37 40 50
Fax +43 (0)316 37 40 50 55
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