Curriculum vitae E-mail:


Curriculum vitae E-mail:
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Noura Kamal, MA
Palestinian Citizenship
Research Assistant, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Apostelgasse 23, 1030 Vienna, Austria
 PhD degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna. Topic: Cultural Survival
in a Palestinian city: an Ethnography of Nablus under Siege and Occupation. (7 October 2015).
 Master Certificate in Sociology, Birzeit University, Palestine. Topic: Palestinian student
movements during the First and the Second Intifada (October 2010).
 BA in Business Administration from Birzeit University (February 2004).
 Certificate of General secondary education examination (1999).
 Certificate for accomplishing the EU FP 7 Tempus Program “Capacity Building in Social Science
Methodologies for Palestine (CASOP)” at Birzeit and Vienna Universities, summer term 2009.
CASOP was a two-year Joint European Program (JEP) between the Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute
of International Studies (IALIIS) at Birzeit University, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the
Institut de Recherché et d’Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM), Aix-en-Provence
Work Experience:
 As of January 2016: Research Assistant at Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of
 Research Assistant at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty for Social
Sciences, University of Vienna. (May 1st – December 31 2015).
Researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences (February
2011 - April 2015).
Administrative assistant at Birzeit University – Institute of Law during the period of 16/June/2008
until 4/march/2009.
Administrator assistant at the Palestinian Institute for Financial and Banking Studies during the
period of 5/7/2004 until 15/June/2008.
Training in the central elections commission in the period 31/5/2004 – 21/6/2004.
During summer 2003 I did an internship at the Commercial Palestinian Bank for one month.
 Austria:
“Remembering a time with no end: Nablus under siege and occupation” A presentation in a
workshop organized by Barbara Götsch and Eva Kössner, Department of Social and Cultural
Anthropology, University of Vienna, “Recalling and imagining in social interaction” Tage der
Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie – Vienna Anthropology Days 2015.
“Reconstructing the present through memories of the past - Nablus under Siege and
Occupation”, Research Forum, Institute for Social Anthropology at the Austrian Academy of
Sciences, Vienna, 9.04.2015.
“Between the Past and Present: Survival Strategies During the Time of Siege” A presentation in
a workshop organized by Eva Kössner and Klaudia Rottenschlager, Department of Social and
Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, “Re-thinking Contemporary Anthropological
Perspectives in/on Palestine” Tage der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie – Vienna Anthropology
Days 2014.
“Past—present—fieldwork: Theoretical and methodological aspects of researching intersections
of memory, power, and culture”, workshop organized (together with Eva Kössner and Klaudia
Rottenschlager), Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, 6th June
“Conducting Fieldwork in Conflict Areas: Engaged observers and participating anthropologists,
taking Palestine as an example”, workshop organized (together with Eva Kössner and Klaudia
Rottenschlager), Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, 05. –
07. 12. 2011.
“Cultural Survival in a Palestinian City: An Ethnography of Nablus under Siege and
Occupation”, Research Forum, Institute for Social Anthropology at the Austrian Academy of
Sciences, Vienna, 29.09.2011
 Tunisia:
“Nablus under siege and occupation”, conference by the Arab Sociological Association
“Questions about the Arab Revolutions”, Hammamet, Tunisia, 22.07.2011.
 Lebanon:
“The Effects of the Practices of Student Movements at Birzeit University on Palestinian Social
Structure: A Comparative Study between the First and the Second Intifada”, conference of the
“Arab Sociologists Young Generation Forum”, Beirut, 20.07.2010
 2015: Co-authored book chapter: Smiles and Smallness: Jokes in the Yemen and in
Palestine (with Andre Gingrich, first author, and Zulfokar Al-Dubai), in: Hannerz, Ulf
and Andre Gingrich (eds.): Small Countries: Structures and Sensibilities, Philadelphia:
The University of Pennsylvania Press (under review).
 2014: Experiences from the Field: Nablus under siege and occupation, in: Kamal, Noura,
Fieldwork: Anthropological Contributions at the Intersection of Memory, Power, and
Culture. Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, Sondernummer KSA-Tage 2013, Vol.
2, URL:
 2013: Studieren bedeutet Widerstand: StudentInnen unter der Okkupation in Palästina, in
Maria Six-Hohenbalken (ed.): Aufwachsen im Ausnahmezustand: Sozialanthroplogische
Beiträge über Adoleszens in Unsicherheit und Gewalt. Vol. 1. Wien: 132–155.
(Translated into German from original English manuscript version by Maria SixHohenbalken).
Edited issue:
 2014: Kamal, Noura, Eva Kössner, and Klaudia Rottenschlager (eds.) Past-PresentFieldwork: Anthropological Contributions at the Intersection of Memory, Power, and
Culture. Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, Sondernummer KSA-Tage 2013, Vol.
2, URL:
Book review
 2012: Emerson, Robert, Rachel Fretz and Linda Shaw (2011): Writing Ethnographic
Fieldnotes. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Social
Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, August 2012, Volume 20, Issue 3: 320-21.
Social and NGO Activities:
Participating in voluntary work after the invasion had ended in Ramallah city, Palestine at the
end of March in 2002 with UPMRC (The union of Palestinian medical relief committees).
I volunteered 130 hours for a community work program in Birzeit University.
Participation in a 10-day workshop for writing prepared by A.M. Qattan Foundation during
the period 10/11/2005 till 18/11/2005.
Participation in a camp with students from all over Palestine in 1997 for one week in Jericho.
Arabic: native speaker.
English: very good spoken and written competence.
German: basic.

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