iv2splus INFONET I2V, 2nd Call (2008) IONICRAIL I2V 2nd Call (2008) The rail head conditioning serves for applying a defined coefficient of friction on the surface of the rail head. This is important to provide constant traction between the wheel and rail. The disadvantages of the media currently in use for conditioning shall be avoided with a systematic/tribo-systematic approach with regard to the application of the media to the surface and the performance of the lubricant. The conditioning of rail heads serves for applying a defined coefficient of friction on the surface of the rail head. Effects caused by wear (debris and the modification of the wheel and rail profiles e.g.) and nasty acoustic effects (squeaking e.g.) shall be reduced or prohibited. Moreover a constant traction between the wheel and rail must be provided due to the conditioning. Therefore oils, greases and solid lubricants such as graphite can be applied. Due to environmental reasons mainly conditioning lubricants based on rapeseed oils are in use. Within this project feasible methods for the fast lubrication of the rail head will be studied taking into account the necessary performance of the lubricant within the special fields of application. The investigation of the potential rail lubricants ? after a pre-selection ? is based on field tests. Finally, a LCC estimation is carried out. Project coordination AC²T research GmbH (AC²T) Dr. Nicole Dörr Tel.: +43 2622 81600 150 E-Mail: doerr@ac2t.at Project partners Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG DI. Andreas Oberhauser Tel.: +43-01-7909-62000 E-Mail: andreas.oberhauser@wienerlinien.at Dr. Mittermayr Scientific Consulting GmbH (BAMM) Dr. Paul Mittermayr Tel.: +43-1-9949950E-Mail: paul.mittermayr@bamm.at psiA-Consult Umweltforschung und Engineering GmbH Dr. Manfred Kalivoda E-Mail: kalivoda@psia.at Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie Dr. Peter Gärtner E-Mail: pgaertne@ioc.tuwien.ac.at Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Eisenbahnwesen, Verkehrswirtschaft und Seilbahnen DI Paul Steckler E-Mail: paul.steckler@tuwien.ac.at HY-POWER Flexomatic Hydraulik-Handels-GmbH Vojislav Djurdjev E-Mail: v.djurdjev@hypower.at Quelle: iV2plus Vernetzungsplattform der FFG (www.ffg.at/verkehr) und des Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT), Abteilung Mobilitäts- und Verkehrstechnologien (Abt. III/I4) Page1/1