Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3


Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Import and Export of xml files from and to
Primavera P6 Web 8.3
(V 1.00)
Erlangen, 23.09.2013
proadvise GmbH
Brühlweg 4
73663 Berglen
Tel : +49 (0) 700 / 776238473
Fax : +49 (0) 7195 / 970885
Geschäftsführer: Ingo Betz, Andreas Kories
Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 264626
Ust. ID Nr. DE226366353
Volksbank Stuttgart eG
IBAN: DE47600901000507000005
Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Table of Contents
REVISION HISTORY AND APPROVALS ...........................................................................5
Revision History..................................................................................................................5
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................6
IMPORT .............................................................................................................................6
Required access privileges .................................................................................................6
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM XML .......................................................................................8
Microsoft Project XML ......................................................................................................24
EXPORT ..........................................................................................................................36
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM XML .....................................................................................36
Microsoft Project XML ......................................................................................................38
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Autor: Wölfel, Kristin
Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Abbildung 1 Required Global Privileges 1 .......................................................................................6
Abbildung 2 Required Global Privileges 2 .......................................................................................7
Abbildung 3 Required Global Privileges 3 .......................................................................................7
Abbildung 4 Illustration 1 Required Global Privileges 4...................................................................8
Abbildung 5 Menu Entry Import/Export ............................................................................................9
Abbildung 6 Import Project Tab 1 ....................................................................................................9
Abbildung 7 Import Project - Choose Project .................................................................................10
Abbildung 8 Define Import Action ..................................................................................................11
Abbildung 9 Define Import Location ...............................................................................................11
Abbildung 10 Multiple Project Import .............................................................................................12
Abbildung 11 Select Import Template ............................................................................................13
Abbildung 12 Import Options – Global Data...................................................................................14
Abbildung 13 Import Options - Project Data...................................................................................15
Abbildung 14 Import Options - Advanced Tab Codes 1 .................................................................16
Abbildung 15 Import Options - Advanced Tab Codes 2 .................................................................17
Abbildung 16 Import Options - Advanced Tab UDF .......................................................................18
Abbildung 17 Import Options - Advanced Tab Calendars ..............................................................18
Abbildung 18 Import Options - Advanced Tab Resources .............................................................19
Abbildung 19 Save Import Template..............................................................................................20
Abbildung 20 Select EPS Node .....................................................................................................21
Abbildung 21 Check Import Status Pending ..................................................................................22
Abbildung 22 Check Import Status Running ..................................................................................22
Abbildung 23 Check Import Status Completed ..............................................................................22
Abbildung 24 Display Log File .......................................................................................................23
Abbildung 25 Import MS Project XML ............................................................................................24
Abbildung 26 Select MS Project Import Template..........................................................................25
Abbildung 27 Modify Import Template - Resources .......................................................................26
Abbildung 28 Modify MS Project Import Template - Notebooks .....................................................27
Abbildung 29 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping Project.......................28
Abbildung 30 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping WBS..........................29
Abbildung 31 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping Activities ....................30
Abbildung 32 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping Resource Assignments
Abbildung 33 Select MS Project XML File .....................................................................................32
Abbildung 34 MS Project XML - Select EPS Node ........................................................................33
Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Import Status Pending ...........................................34
Abbildung 36 Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Import Status Running .....................34
Abbildung 37 Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Import Status Completed .................34
Abbildung 38 Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Log File............................................35
Abbildung 39 Import/Export Menu .................................................................................................36
Abbildung 40 Export Tab ...............................................................................................................37
Abbildung 41 Select Project to Export ...........................................................................................37
Abbildung 42 Multiple Project Export .............................................................................................38
Abbildung 43 MS Project XML Export............................................................................................38
Abbildung 44 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template ...............................................39
Abbildung 45 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Activities ..............................39
Abbildung 46 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Notebooks ...........................40
Abbildung 47 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping
Activities 1 .....................................................................................................................................41
Abbildung 48 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping
Activities 2 .....................................................................................................................................42
Abbildung 49 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping
Projects .........................................................................................................................................43
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Abbildung 50 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping WBS44
Abbildung 51 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping
Resources .....................................................................................................................................45
Abbildung 52 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping
Resource Assignments..................................................................................................................46
Abbildung 53 Select Project to export ............................................................................................47
Abbildung 54 Save Export File ......................................................................................................47
Abbildung 55 Save Export File 2 ...................................................................................................48
Abbildung 56 Save Export File 3 ...................................................................................................49
Abbildung 57 Open XML File .........................................................................................................50
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
1 Revision History and Approvals
Revision History
pa intern
File Name
Sharepoint ID
Kai Viessmann
23.09.2013 Initial creation
Description of Change
Made by
Kai Viessmann
Table 1 - Revision History
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Autor: Wölfel, Kristin
Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
In Primavera P6 8.3 it is possible to share project data with other databases or tools via importing
and exporting xml files. This document gives an overview of import and export functionality
regarding both Primavera and MS Project xml files. It focuses on P6 Web 8.3. P6 Professional
Client and xer file format are out of scope of this document.
3 Import
Importing data to Primavera may be necessary when receiving updated project schedules from
customers, partners or other departments. If the other side uses Primavera as well, Primavera xml
format should be used to transfer the data. If the other side uses MS Project, the transfer needs to
be done in MS Project xml format.
Required access privileges
To import XML files into primavera several privileges need to be granted. On the one hand there is
the privilege in the Global Security Profile to import XML file.
Abbildung 1 Required Global Privileges 1
The other privilege is on the project level. Here the Project Security Profile “ProjectSuperUser” is
Only the combination of these privileges will allow the user to import XML files.
Another important point is the privilege to “Add/Edit/Delete Microsoft Project and Primavera
Templates”. With this privilege it can be controlled who can create or edit import templates. With
these import templates a controlling of the imported data can be ensured. More about the import
templates will be described in the following chapters.
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Abbildung 2 Required Global Privileges 2
The Privileges Add/Edit/Delete Global Activity Codes/UDF/Calendar is not needed to import
projects with Global Activity Codes/UDFs/Calendars!
Abbildung 3 Required Global Privileges 3
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Abbildung 4 Illustration 1 Required Global Privileges 4
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM XML
For importing Primavera xml files, P6 Web 8.3 offers enhanced configuration options. For codes,
calendars, resources and UDFs it can be specifically selected how these items are to be handled.
Another new feature is the option to import multiple projects in a single Primavera xml file.
To import projects using Primavera XML format:
1) Click Projects.
2) On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
3) On the EPS page, click the Actions menu and select Import/Export , XML Project
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Abbildung 5 Menu Entry Import/Export
In the Import/Export Project dialog box, choose the Import tab.
Abbildung 6 Import Project Tab 1
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
In the File Upload dialog box, select a file and click Open.
Abbildung 7 Import Project - Choose Project
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Select an option for Import Action.
Abbildung 8 Define Import Action
Select a location for Import to.
Abbildung 9 Define Import Location
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
If there are more than one project in the .xml file, all projects will be displayed here.
Abbildung 10 Multiple Project Import
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Autor: Wölfel, Kristin
Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Select and modify import template
Abbildung 11 Select Import Template
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
In the template modification window, there are options for basic and advanced settings. In the
Basic tab, Global and Project Data can be selected. For Global Data there are options to “Insert
New”, “Keep Existing”, “Update Existing” and “Do not import”.
Abbildung 12 Import Options – Global Data
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
For Project Data, there are the options “Keep Existing”, “Update Existing” and “Do not Import”.
Additionally there is a Delete option for “Project Thresholds”, “Activities and Resource
Assignments” and “Activity Relationsships”.
Abbildung 13 Import Options - Project Data
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Under “Advanced”, new options are introduced in P6 8.3. They allow a detailed mapping and
renaming of Codes, UDFs, Calendars and Resources. This option does not exist for import of
multiple projects in one xml file.
For Global Codes there are options to “Keep” them Global, “Move to Project” or “Do not Import”.
Furthermore they can be mapped to another existing code which can be selected under column
“New Name”.
Abbildung 14 Import Options - Advanced Tab Codes 1
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Version: 1.00
The mapping option exists for Codes as well as for individual code values. These can be selected
under column “New Name” as well.
Abbildung 15 Import Options - Advanced Tab Codes 2
Basic Action allows to select “Insert New”, “Keep Existing”, “Update Existing” and “Do not Import”.
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Under “Select Subject Area” the different types of UDFs can be selected.
Abbildung 16 Import Options - Advanced Tab UDF
For Calendars advanced options allow to “Keep”, “Move to Project” and “Do not Import”. In
addition, calendars can be renamed.
Abbildung 17 Import Options - Advanced Tab Calendars
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Resources can be imported under any available existing resource. Furthermore they can be
mapped to the ID of an existing resource.
Abbildung 18 Import Options - Advanced Tab Resources
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Version: 1.00
After completing all settings, save the template needs to be saved.
Abbildung 19 Save Import Template
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Version: 1.00
Select the EPS node to import the selected project(s) to.
Abbildung 20 Select EPS Node
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
In the Status window, the status of the import process can be monitored. This window needs to be
refreshed manually to show the completion of the import.
Abbildung 21 Check Import Status Pending
To update the Status of the import process, the window must be refreshed manually, either
pressing F5 or clicking the resfresh icon in the import window.
Abbildung 22 Check Import Status Running
Once the import is completed, the import log can be opened via the button in the import window.
Abbildung 23 Check Import Status Completed
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 24 Display Log File
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Version: 1.00
Microsoft Project XML
For import of MS Project xml, select Import Type Microsoft Project xml.
Abbildung 25 Import MS Project XML
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Version: 1.00
Select and modify import template.
Abbildung 26 Select MS Project Import Template
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 27 Modify Import Template - Resources
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 28 Modify MS Project Import Template - Notebooks
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Autor: Wölfel, Kristin
Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Under the tab “Custom Field Mapping”, you can select Subject Areas “Projects”…
Abbildung 29 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping Project
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Version: 1.00
… WBS…
Abbildung 30 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping WBS
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Version: 1.00
… Activities …
Abbildung 31 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping Activities
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Version: 1.00
… and Activity Resource Assignments.
Abbildung 32 Modify MS Project Import Template - Custom Field Mapping Resource Assignments
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Version: 1.00
Then select the file to import …
Abbildung 33 Select MS Project XML File
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Version: 1.00
… and the EPS node to import to.
Abbildung 34 MS Project XML - Select EPS Node
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Autor: Wölfel, Kristin
Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
In the Status window, the status of the import process can be monitored. This window needs to be
refreshed manually to show the completion of the import.
Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Import Status Pending
To update the Status of the import process, the window must be refreshed manually, either
pressing F5 or clicking the resfresh icon in the import window.
Abbildung 36 Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Import Status Running
Once the import is completed, the import log can be opened via the button in the import window.
Abbildung 37 Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Import Status Completed
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 38 Abbildung 35 MS Project XML Import - Check Log File
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
4 Export
Exporting data from Primavera may be necessary to send data to customers, partners or other
departments. If the other side uses Primavera as well, Primavera xml format should be used to
transfer the data. If the other side uses MS Project, the transfer needs to be done in MS Project
xml format.
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM XML
With Version 8.3 the feature to export multiple projects into one .xml file was introduced. The
following steps are showing the main steps to export projects. How multiple projects can be
exported will be described starting with point 3.
1. To export a Primavera xml file go to “Import/Export” – “XML Export/Import” in the EPS –
Abbildung 39 Import/Export Menu
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
2. Select the “Export” – Tab and choose “Primavera XML”. Click “Browse” and select the
project you want to export. To easily find the project, you can type the project name in the
search bar and click search.
Abbildung 40 Export Tab
Abbildung 41 Select Project to Export
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Version: 1.00
3. If you want to export more than one project you can simply selecting another project the
same way.
Abbildung 42 Multiple Project Export
Microsoft Project XML
To export an MS Project xml file from Primavera, select Export Type Microsoft Project XML. Both
2007 and 2010 formats are available.
Abbildung 43 MS Project XML Export
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Version: 1.00
Select and modify the MS Project template. Note that the template includes both import and export.
Abbildung 44 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template
Abbildung 45 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Activities
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 46 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Notebooks
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
Every existing Primavera UDF can be mapped to an available MS Project Field.
Abbildung 47 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping Activities 1
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Version: 1.00
This mapping functionality is available for UDFs on Activities…
Abbildung 48 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping Activities 2
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 49 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping Projects
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 50 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping WBS
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 51 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping Resources
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Version: 1.00
…and Activity Resource Assignments.
Abbildung 52 Select and Modify MS Project XML Export Template - Custom Field Mapping Resource Assignments
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Autor: Wölfel, Kristin
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Version: 1.00
Select the project to be exported.
Abbildung 53 Select Project to export
Click “Export” and save the exported file.
Abbildung 54 Save Export File
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 55 Save Export File 2
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Version: 1.00
Abbildung 56 Save Export File 3
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Import and Export of xml files from and to Primavera P6 Web 8.3
Version: 1.00
4. If you open the .xml file in an editor you will notice, that for each project was exported into a
separate area within the XML File.
Abbildung 57 Open XML File
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