Verena Kast - Envy and Jealousy
Verena Kast - Envy and Jealousy
Verena Kast Envy and Jealousy Challenging Unpleasant Emotions -----------------------------------------ISBN: 978-3-530-40007-6 Patmos Paperback 216 pages EUR 12.9 ------------------------------------------ Envy and jealousy are socially proscribed emotions. We prefer to repress them or project them onto others (shadow projection). If unattended to, these repressed feelings can be very destructive. They corrode our self-esteem, cause relationship problems, reduce our creativity and inhibit our individuation process. Yet if we learn to face, understand and acknowledge our unpleasant emotions, argues Verena Kast, we will be able to overcome the feelings of envy and jealousy and develop into more tolerant and open-minded beings. The integration of our shadow will enable us to improve our personal relationships, reactivate neglected potentials and expand our horizons. • Best-selling author • Long-selling title • Case studies drawn from the author's counseling practice About the author Verena Kast is a former Professor of Psychology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Today she is a lecturer and teaching analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, as well as a psychoanalyst in private practice. She has published numerous books on subjects including emotional psychology, principles of psychotherapy, and the interpretation of fairy tales and dreams. Her works – many of them long-sellers – have been translated into numerous languages. To view this title online, please go to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact: Verlagsgruppe Patmos der Schwabenverlag AG Claudia Stegmann, Foreign Rights Manager t: +49 711 4406 148 f: +49 711 4406 177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact: Verlagsgruppe Patmos der Schwabenverlag AG Claudia Stegmann, Foreign Rights Manager t: +49 711 4406 148 f: +49 711 4406 177 Powered by TCPDF (