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A RG L A E S IN THE OR A N T I M I C R O B I A L S I lV e R T E C H N O L O GY Argl aes A n t i m i c r o b i a l S i lv e r T e c h n o l o g y MA EXT R A XORB MS C7 1 1 P 2E Argl aes A n t i m i c r o b i a l S i lv e r T e c h n o l o g y Medline Industries, Inc. first introduced Arglaes® silver The financial implications of this new payment dressings in 1997, and we’ve continued to be one of provision are tremendous. The table below lists the the leaders in silver antimicrobial technology ever since. additional costs of several different types of surgical site We’re more confident than ever before that Arglaes infections.3 Su rgica l Site In fection In ciden ce An d Cost Reported Cases (FY2007) Additional Cost Per Hospital Stay Mediastinitis after CABG 69 $299,237 Total knee replacement 539 $63,135 Laparoscopic gastric bypass & gastroenterostomy 208 $180,142 3 $66,355 estimates that approximately 290,000 surgical site deaths per year are associated with these infections.1 As of October 1, 2008, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has ceased reimbursing facilities at a higher diagnostic category for a number of preventable hospital-acquired conditions (HACs).2 Surgical site infections following coronary artery bypass graft, bariatric surgery and certain orthopedic procedures are included in the 10 categories of conditions that were selected for the HAC payment provision.2 mortality risk. In addition, the length of post-operative stays nearly tripled. The same study concluded that ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 (with Maxorb Extra MSC7112EP) contracted a SSI over patients who did not. 4 infection prevention strategy. infections (SSIs) occur each year.1 Roughly 8,000 patient infections were associated with a nearly 4 times greater hospital expenses nearly doubled for patients who silver film can be a valuable ally in your surgical site The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) In a study involving elderly patients, surgical site Infection Ligation and stripping of varicose veins Overall, patients who contract a SSI are 5 times more likely to be readmitted to the hospital.5 Programs that can limit the rate of SSIs can substantially decrease mortality rates and the economic burden on hospitals.5 It has never been more critical that SSIs are prevented. There is now a tangible cost for not implementing aggressive infection prevention strategies. This is why it has never been a better time to protect yourself and your patients by choosing Arglaes. References 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Surgical Site Infection – FAQ. Available at: dhqp/FAQ_SSI.html#D. Accessed January 28, 2009. 2 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. HospitalAcquired Conditions. Available at: http://www.cms.hhs. gov/HospitalAcqCond/06_Hospital-Acquired_Conditions. asp#TopOfPage. Accessed January 28, 2009. 3 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Medicare Program; Proposed Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 2009 Rates; Proposed Changes to Disclosure of Physician Ownership in Hospitals and Physician Self-Referral Rules; Proposed Collection of Information Regarding Financial Relationships Between Hospitals and Physicians; Proposed Rule. Federal Register. 2008;73(84):23552-59. 4 Kaye KS, Anderson DJ, Sloane R et al. The effect of surgical site infection on older operative patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2009;57(1)46-54. 5 Kirkland KB, Briggs JP, Trivette SL, Wilkinson WE, Sexton DJ. The impact of surgical-site infections in the 1990s: attributable mortality, excess length of hospitalization, and extra costs. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 1999 Nov;20(11):722-4. 6 Gonzalez VR, Segal CG, Tillmann C, Houston H, Pruitt V. Changing clinical practice to reduce sternal surgical site infections (S-SSI) in open bypass surgery. Presented at the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) conference in Seattle, Wash., June, 2001. 7 Independent study preformed by Wickham Laboratories Limited, Hampshire, England. 2 3 Argl aes A n t i m i c r o b i a l S i lv e r T e c h n o l o g y MA EXT R A XORB MS C7 1 1 P 2E Argl aes A n t i m i c r o b i a l S i lv e r T e c h n o l o g y Medline Industries, Inc. first introduced Arglaes® silver The financial implications of this new payment dressings in 1997, and we’ve continued to be one of provision are tremendous. The table below lists the the leaders in silver antimicrobial technology ever since. additional costs of several different types of surgical site We’re more confident than ever before that Arglaes infections.3 Su rgica l Site In fection In ciden ce An d Cost Reported Cases (FY2007) Additional Cost Per Hospital Stay Mediastinitis after CABG 69 $299,237 Total knee replacement 539 $63,135 Laparoscopic gastric bypass & gastroenterostomy 208 $180,142 3 $66,355 estimates that approximately 290,000 surgical site deaths per year are associated with these infections.1 As of October 1, 2008, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has ceased reimbursing facilities at a higher diagnostic category for a number of preventable hospital-acquired conditions (HACs).2 Surgical site infections following coronary artery bypass graft, bariatric surgery and certain orthopedic procedures are included in the 10 categories of conditions that were selected for the HAC payment provision.2 mortality risk. In addition, the length of post-operative stays nearly tripled. The same study concluded that ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 (with Maxorb Extra MSC7112EP) contracted a SSI over patients who did not. 4 infection prevention strategy. infections (SSIs) occur each year.1 Roughly 8,000 patient infections were associated with a nearly 4 times greater hospital expenses nearly doubled for patients who silver film can be a valuable ally in your surgical site The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) In a study involving elderly patients, surgical site Infection Ligation and stripping of varicose veins Overall, patients who contract a SSI are 5 times more likely to be readmitted to the hospital.5 Programs that can limit the rate of SSIs can substantially decrease mortality rates and the economic burden on hospitals.5 It has never been more critical that SSIs are prevented. There is now a tangible cost for not implementing aggressive infection prevention strategies. This is why it has never been a better time to protect yourself and your patients by choosing Arglaes. References 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Surgical Site Infection – FAQ. Available at: dhqp/FAQ_SSI.html#D. Accessed January 28, 2009. 2 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. HospitalAcquired Conditions. Available at: http://www.cms.hhs. gov/HospitalAcqCond/06_Hospital-Acquired_Conditions. asp#TopOfPage. Accessed January 28, 2009. 3 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Medicare Program; Proposed Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 2009 Rates; Proposed Changes to Disclosure of Physician Ownership in Hospitals and Physician Self-Referral Rules; Proposed Collection of Information Regarding Financial Relationships Between Hospitals and Physicians; Proposed Rule. Federal Register. 2008;73(84):23552-59. 4 Kaye KS, Anderson DJ, Sloane R et al. The effect of surgical site infection on older operative patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2009;57(1)46-54. 5 Kirkland KB, Briggs JP, Trivette SL, Wilkinson WE, Sexton DJ. The impact of surgical-site infections in the 1990s: attributable mortality, excess length of hospitalization, and extra costs. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 1999 Nov;20(11):722-4. 6 Gonzalez VR, Segal CG, Tillmann C, Houston H, Pruitt V. Changing clinical practice to reduce sternal surgical site infections (S-SSI) in open bypass surgery. Presented at the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) conference in Seattle, Wash., June, 2001. 7 Independent study preformed by Wickham Laboratories Limited, Hampshire, England. 2 3 THE t e c h n o lo gy b e h i n d A r g l a e s S-SSI RATES AT 3 MONTHS6 22% REDUCTION 6 5.4% 5 Medline has long been an innovator in silver dressing In one study, a hospital realized a 22 percent decrease technology, with more unique application methods in its overall sternal SSI (S-SSI) rate after implementing to utilize the antibacterial properties of ionic silver Arglaes Film as the standard of care for sternotomy in wound dressings than any other company. When incisions. Sternal SSI rates for the following nine-month Arglaes Film was introduced in 1997, it was the first period showed a continuation in the study results. 6 2 Arglaes is available as a transparent film dressing, with 1 6 Without Arglaes 4.6% With Arglaes 4 3.6% 3 antimicrobial, sustained-release dressing on the market. Arglaes technology utilizes ionic silver to create an and without an alginate pad, as well as a powder. The environment that is hostile to bacteria and fungi yet film has a high moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR) completely non-cytotoxic. Arglaes’ sustained-activity to help maintain an ideal moist wound environment. 0 FY99 Total Jan-Mar 1999 ARGLAES FILM MSC9169 being applied Jan-Mar 2000 ionic silver maintains full efficacy for up to seven days. Sustained Release7 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 Numbers of 10 viable bacteria I l l us t rat ion of C on t r ol l e d - Rel ea se Polymers Arglaes provides an antimicrobial barrier for up to seven days. Silver ions are released at a constant rate, providing a barrier that inhibits the growth of new bacteria and helps prevent the migration of already-existing bacteria. 24 HRS 48 HRS 7 DAYS Staphylococcus aureus Greater than 90% reduction in viable bacterial numbers after 48 hours. nil 0 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 Numbers of 10 viable bacteria 48 72 96 288 nil 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 Numbers of 10 viable bacteria 48 72 96 Time (hours) 288 Faecal streptococcus nil 8 48 72 96 Results from all six studies confirmed Arglaes’ antimicrobial activity against the pathogens commonly associated with wound infections.7 Pathogens tested included Staphylococcus Greater than 90% reduction in viable bacterial numbers after 48 hours. 0 to test the in vitro activity of controlled-release controlled-release compound.7 Greater than 90% reduction in viable bacterial numbers after 48 hours. 8 Six separate experiments have been completed Arglaes and adhesive that also contains a Escherichia coli 0 Illustrations shown here are representations of sustained-activity antimicrobial barrier effect. 8 Time (hours) Anti mi c r o bi al A c t i v i t y Time (hours) 288 aureus, Escherichia coli and Faecal streptococcus.7 Independent study performed by Wickham Laboratories Limited, Hampshire, England 4 Powerful antimicrobial activity-up to 6 logs of reduction (in vitro studies) 5 THE t e c h n o lo gy b e h i n d A r g l a e s S-SSI RATES AT 3 MONTHS6 22% REDUCTION 6 5.4% 5 Medline has long been an innovator in silver dressing In one study, a hospital realized a 22 percent decrease technology, with more unique application methods in its overall sternal SSI (S-SSI) rate after implementing to utilize the antibacterial properties of ionic silver Arglaes Film as the standard of care for sternotomy in wound dressings than any other company. When incisions. Sternal SSI rates for the following nine-month Arglaes Film was introduced in 1997, it was the first period showed a continuation in the study results. 6 2 Arglaes is available as a transparent film dressing, with 1 6 Without Arglaes 4.6% With Arglaes 4 3.6% 3 antimicrobial, sustained-release dressing on the market. Arglaes technology utilizes ionic silver to create an and without an alginate pad, as well as a powder. The environment that is hostile to bacteria and fungi yet film has a high moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR) completely non-cytotoxic. Arglaes’ sustained-activity to help maintain an ideal moist wound environment. 0 FY99 Total Jan-Mar 1999 ARGLAES FILM MSC9169 being applied Jan-Mar 2000 ionic silver maintains full efficacy for up to seven days. Sustained Release7 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 Numbers of 10 viable bacteria I l l us t rat ion of C on t r ol l e d - Rel ea se Polymers Arglaes provides an antimicrobial barrier for up to seven days. Silver ions are released at a constant rate, providing a barrier that inhibits the growth of new bacteria and helps prevent the migration of already-existing bacteria. 24 HRS 48 HRS 7 DAYS Staphylococcus aureus Greater than 90% reduction in viable bacterial numbers after 48 hours. nil 0 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 Numbers of 10 viable bacteria 48 72 96 288 nil 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 Numbers of 10 viable bacteria 48 72 96 Time (hours) 288 Faecal streptococcus nil 8 48 72 96 Results from all six studies confirmed Arglaes’ antimicrobial activity against the pathogens commonly associated with wound infections.7 Pathogens tested included Staphylococcus Greater than 90% reduction in viable bacterial numbers after 48 hours. 0 to test the in vitro activity of controlled-release controlled-release compound.7 Greater than 90% reduction in viable bacterial numbers after 48 hours. 8 Six separate experiments have been completed Arglaes and adhesive that also contains a Escherichia coli 0 Illustrations shown here are representations of sustained-activity antimicrobial barrier effect. 8 Time (hours) Anti mi c r o bi al A c t i v i t y Time (hours) 288 aureus, Escherichia coli and Faecal streptococcus.7 Independent study performed by Wickham Laboratories Limited, Hampshire, England 4 Powerful antimicrobial activity-up to 6 logs of reduction (in vitro studies) 5 A r g l a e s IN THE O P ER ATING ROOM in dications · Surgical wounds Arglaes Film and Arglaes Island offer protection to post-operative incision sites by providing a barrier that inhibits the growth of new bacteria and helps prevent the migration of already-existing bacteria for a period of up to seven days. · Donor sites · Grafted wounds (Arglaes Powder only) ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 being applied on a sternal incision · Central lines, CVPS and PICC lines (Arglaes Film only) · Partial- and full-thickness wounds Arglaes post-op dressings can be used over any · Sutures · Steri-strips · Surgical adhesive ARGLAES ISLAND MSC9145 Arglaes Island applied on a minimally invasive incision for saphenous vein harvesting “I highly recommend using Arglaes antimicrobial silver barrier dressings for any program addressing post-op sites.” —Rafael Concepcion, Associate Nurse Manager Adult & Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery & Transplant Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Fla. 6 C HANGE FREQUENCY · Staples C on tra in dication s routine form of surgical wound closure, including: · Third-degree burns · Patients with a known sensitivity to silver · As a surgical implant (Arglaes Powder) · Do not use topical antibiotics in conjunction with Arglaes Powder ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 being applied on a sternal incision Arglaes Film: May be left in place for up to seven days Arglaes Island & Arglaes Powder: May be left in place for up to five days Dressing change frequency will depend on the amount of exudate. ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 applied to a sternal incision 7 A r g l a e s IN THE O P ER ATING ROOM in dications · Surgical wounds Arglaes Film and Arglaes Island offer protection to post-operative incision sites by providing a barrier that inhibits the growth of new bacteria and helps prevent the migration of already-existing bacteria for a period of up to seven days. · Donor sites · Grafted wounds (Arglaes Powder only) ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 being applied on a sternal incision · Central lines, CVPS and PICC lines (Arglaes Film only) · Partial- and full-thickness wounds Arglaes post-op dressings can be used over any · Sutures · Steri-strips · Surgical adhesive ARGLAES ISLAND MSC9145 Arglaes Island applied on a minimally invasive incision for saphenous vein harvesting “I highly recommend using Arglaes antimicrobial silver barrier dressings for any program addressing post-op sites.” —Rafael Concepcion, Associate Nurse Manager Adult & Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery & Transplant Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Fla. 6 C HANGE FREQUENCY · Staples C on tra in dication s routine form of surgical wound closure, including: · Third-degree burns · Patients with a known sensitivity to silver · As a surgical implant (Arglaes Powder) · Do not use topical antibiotics in conjunction with Arglaes Powder ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 being applied on a sternal incision Arglaes Film: May be left in place for up to seven days Arglaes Island & Arglaes Powder: May be left in place for up to five days Dressing change frequency will depend on the amount of exudate. ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 applied to a sternal incision 7 HO W A r g l a e s I S DI F F ERENT Man ag e s b a c t e r ia l b u r d e n No kn own resista n ce Arglaes is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria No medically relevant bacteria have shown any and fungi, including MRSA, VRE and E. coli. It also acts resistance to ionic silver, including MRSA and VRE. A DDITION A L A r g l a e s U S E S Ar g laes on li n e s i t es Arglaes Film provides an easy-to- as a physical barrier to potentially dangerous bacteria. Create s an ideal use and effective barrier to bacteria P r o v i d es c o n s ta n t wou n d- hea l in g en v iron men t at line sites. Simply apply as you ant i m i cr o b ia l p r o t e c t io n Arglaes applies the principles of moist wound healing to would a transfer film. Arglaes contains The sustained-activity ionic silver maintains its full create an ideal environment for the body to heal itself. controlled-release silver, inhibiting the efficacy for up to seven days. The dressings also help protect periwound skin from growth of bacteria and fungi for up to maceration. N o n - cy t ot o x ic ARGLAES POWDER MSC9210 Small amounts of non-cytotoxic controlled-release silver Hel ps to i mprove ions are present in the dressing, providing a barrier to patien t comfort a n d mobil ity bacteria and fungi without harming healthy tissue. Arglaes dressings are comfortable. Patients can Ar g laes In WOUND CARE even shower without compromising the dressings’ Any size. Any shape. Any depth. No matter the size, effectiveness. use Arglaes Powder for difficult-to-dress wounds. Ex t e nde d w e a r t im e seven days. Arglaes remains effective for up to seven days. This extended wear time also helps to protect wounds from Utilizing controlled-release polymers, Arglaes Powder the trauma of frequent dressing changes. provides a continuous level of antimicrobial silver ions protecting the wound bed for a period of up to five R e duce d c os t s days. Fewer dressing changes can translate to decreased supply costs and time savings for your staff. Arglaes Powder contains alginate to aid in fluid ARGLAES FILM MSC9045 applied on a line site handling. As the powder mixes with wound exudate, it turns into a gel that adheres to the wound bed and (MSC9023 can also be used to protect line sites) is easily removed during wound irrigation. 8 9 HO W A r g l a e s I S DI F F ERENT Man ag e s b a c t e r ia l b u r d e n No kn own resista n ce Arglaes is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria No medically relevant bacteria have shown any and fungi, including MRSA, VRE and E. coli. It also acts resistance to ionic silver, including MRSA and VRE. A DDITION A L A r g l a e s U S E S Ar g laes on li n e s i t es Arglaes Film provides an easy-to- as a physical barrier to potentially dangerous bacteria. Create s an ideal use and effective barrier to bacteria P r o v i d es c o n s ta n t wou n d- hea l in g en v iron men t at line sites. Simply apply as you ant i m i cr o b ia l p r o t e c t io n Arglaes applies the principles of moist wound healing to would a transfer film. Arglaes contains The sustained-activity ionic silver maintains its full create an ideal environment for the body to heal itself. controlled-release silver, inhibiting the efficacy for up to seven days. The dressings also help protect periwound skin from growth of bacteria and fungi for up to maceration. N o n - cy t ot o x ic ARGLAES POWDER MSC9210 Small amounts of non-cytotoxic controlled-release silver Hel ps to i mprove ions are present in the dressing, providing a barrier to patien t comfort a n d mobil ity bacteria and fungi without harming healthy tissue. Arglaes dressings are comfortable. Patients can Ar g laes In WOUND CARE even shower without compromising the dressings’ Any size. Any shape. Any depth. No matter the size, effectiveness. use Arglaes Powder for difficult-to-dress wounds. Ex t e nde d w e a r t im e seven days. Arglaes remains effective for up to seven days. This extended wear time also helps to protect wounds from Utilizing controlled-release polymers, Arglaes Powder the trauma of frequent dressing changes. provides a continuous level of antimicrobial silver ions protecting the wound bed for a period of up to five R e duce d c os t s days. Fewer dressing changes can translate to decreased supply costs and time savings for your staff. Arglaes Powder contains alginate to aid in fluid ARGLAES FILM MSC9045 applied on a line site handling. As the powder mixes with wound exudate, it turns into a gel that adheres to the wound bed and (MSC9023 can also be used to protect line sites) is easily removed during wound irrigation. 8 9 P ROD U CT IN F ORM ATION ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 P ROD U CT IN F ORM ATION A r gl a e s Bo r der ed Gauze Controlled-release, ionic silver for antimicrobial protection. A water-resistant, easy-to-use secondary dressing. Item No. Description Packaging Item No. Description MSC9023 3 Film, 2 /8” x 3 /8” (6 x 8 cm).............................10/bx, 100/cs MSC3222 2” x 2” (5 x 5 cm)............. 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC9045 Film, 4” x 4 ¾” (10 x 12 cm).............................10/bx, 100/cs MSC3244 4” x 4” (10 x 10 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC9069 Film, 4 3/4” x 10” (12 x 25 cm)...........................10/bx, 50/cs MSC3245 4” x 5” (10 x 13 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC9314 Film, 3” x 14” (8 x 36 cm), post-op style..........10/bx, 50/cs MSC3248 4” x 8” (10 x 20 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC3266 6” x 6” (15 x 15 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC32410 4” x 10” (10 x 25 cm)....... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC32414 4” x 14” (10 x 36 cm)....... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs 1 3 1 Alginate Island, 2 /8” x 3 /8” (6 x 8 cm)............10/bx, 100/cs MSC9123 MSC9145 Alginate Island, 4” x 4 ¾” (10 x 12 cm)............10/bx, 100/cs MSC9169 Alginate Island, 4 ¾” x 10” (12 x 25 cm)..........10/bx, 50/cs MSC9205 Powder, 5 gm bottle.........................................5/bx, 20/cs MSC9210 Powder, 10 gm bottle.......................................5/bx, 20/cs BORDERED GAUZE MSC3222 Packaging Str ataso r b ® A convenient, waterproof secondary dressing. ARGLAES POWDER MSC9205 Maxorb ® Extra STRATASORB MSC3044 Fast-acting absorption without lateral wicking. Item No. IItem No. Description Packaging MSC3044 4” x 4” (10 x 10 cm)......... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC3066 6” x 6” (15 x 15 cm)......... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC3068 6” x 7.5” (15 x 19 cm)...... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC30410 4” x 10” (10 x 25 cm)....... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC30414 4” x 14” (10 x 36 cm)....... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs Description..................................................Packaging MSC7112EP 1” x 12” (2.5 x 30 cm), post-op rope................5/bx, 20/cs MAXORB EXTRA MSC7112EP Opt if o a m ® AG + Post- Op Strips A transparent film dressing with an absorbent silver foam pad. This post-op dressing has ionic silver technology as well, but utilizes a non-adherent foam rather than the adhesive on the film. OPTIFOAM AG STRIP MSC96316 10 Item No. Description Packaging MSC96316 Film, 3” x 16” (8 x 41 cm).................................10/bx, 100/cs ARGLAES ISLAND MSC9169 being applied on a sternal incision 11 P ROD U CT IN F ORM ATION ARGLAES FILM MSC9314 P ROD U CT IN F ORM ATION A r gl a e s Bo r der ed Gauze Controlled-release, ionic silver for antimicrobial protection. A water-resistant, easy-to-use secondary dressing. Item No. Description Packaging Item No. Description MSC9023 3 Film, 2 /8” x 3 /8” (6 x 8 cm).............................10/bx, 100/cs MSC3222 2” x 2” (5 x 5 cm)............. 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC9045 Film, 4” x 4 ¾” (10 x 12 cm).............................10/bx, 100/cs MSC3244 4” x 4” (10 x 10 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC9069 Film, 4 3/4” x 10” (12 x 25 cm)...........................10/bx, 50/cs MSC3245 4” x 5” (10 x 13 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC9314 Film, 3” x 14” (8 x 36 cm), post-op style..........10/bx, 50/cs MSC3248 4” x 8” (10 x 20 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC3266 6” x 6” (15 x 15 cm)......... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC32410 4” x 10” (10 x 25 cm)....... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC32414 4” x 14” (10 x 36 cm)....... 15/bx, 10 bx/cs 1 3 1 Alginate Island, 2 /8” x 3 /8” (6 x 8 cm)............10/bx, 100/cs MSC9123 MSC9145 Alginate Island, 4” x 4 ¾” (10 x 12 cm)............10/bx, 100/cs MSC9169 Alginate Island, 4 ¾” x 10” (12 x 25 cm)..........10/bx, 50/cs MSC9205 Powder, 5 gm bottle.........................................5/bx, 20/cs MSC9210 Powder, 10 gm bottle.......................................5/bx, 20/cs BORDERED GAUZE MSC3222 Packaging Str ataso r b ® A convenient, waterproof secondary dressing. ARGLAES POWDER MSC9205 Maxorb ® Extra STRATASORB MSC3044 Fast-acting absorption without lateral wicking. Item No. IItem No. Description Packaging MSC3044 4” x 4” (10 x 10 cm)......... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC3066 6” x 6” (15 x 15 cm)......... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC3068 6” x 7.5” (15 x 19 cm)...... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC30410 4” x 10” (10 x 25 cm)....... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs MSC30414 4” x 14” (10 x 36 cm)....... 10/bx, 10 bx/cs Description..................................................Packaging MSC7112EP 1” x 12” (2.5 x 30 cm), post-op rope................5/bx, 20/cs MAXORB EXTRA MSC7112EP Opt if o a m ® AG + Post- Op Strips A transparent film dressing with an absorbent silver foam pad. This post-op dressing has ionic silver technology as well, but utilizes a non-adherent foam rather than the adhesive on the film. OPTIFOAM AG STRIP MSC96316 10 Item No. Description Packaging MSC96316 Film, 3” x 16” (8 x 41 cm).................................10/bx, 100/cs ARGLAES ISLAND MSC9169 being applied on a sternal incision 11 OR TA B LE & S TRETC HER PAD S STERILLIU M ® Prevention is key. Medline’s pressure redistribution Sterillium Rub’s high alcohol content delivers a stretcher pads and operating room table pads can devastating blow to microorganisms – not your help redistribute pressure before, during and after skin. Its balanced emollient blend leaves hands surgery. feeling soft and smooth, never greasy or sticky, and makes gloving a breeze. But that doesn’t mean that Sterillium Rub makes any sacrifices in efficacy! Medline Industries, Inc. One Medline Place Mundelein, IL 60060 12 Medline United States 1-800-MEDLINE (633-5463) Medline Canada 1-800-396-6996 | Medline México S. De R.L De C.V. 01-800-831-0898 www.medline.mexico | ©2009 Medline Industries, Inc. We reserve the right to correct any errors that may occur within this brochure. Not all products are currently available for sale in Canada. Please contact your Account Representative for additional information. Not all products are currently available for sale in Mexico. Please contact your Account Representative for additional information. Medline, Optifoam, Maxorb and Stratasorb are registered trademarks of Medline Industries, Inc. Sterillium is a registered trademark of Bode-Chemie GmbH. Arglaes is a registered trademark of Giltech Limited Corporation. MKT209096/LIT315R/10M/TKZ/13