Curriculum Vitae Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerald Hoefler


Curriculum Vitae Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerald Hoefler
CV G. Hoefler
Curriculum Vitae
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerald Hoefler
Institute of Pathology, Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 25, A-8036 Graz; phone: +43-316-380 4435,
fax: +43-316-384329, email:
Personal data
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
January 6, 1959
Graz, Austria
University education
1977 - 1984
University education in Medicine, University of Graz, Austria
M.D. at the University of Graz, Austria
Career history
since 1993
Department of Pediatrics, Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and Metabolism,
University of Graz, Austria
Compulsory military service
Erwin-Schrödinger fellowship of the FWF at the Kennedy Institute for
Handicapped Children, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Otto Loewi fellowship at the Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of
Graz, Austria
Assistant at the Department of Pathology, University of Graz, Austria
Associate professor for Molecular Pathology, University of Graz, Austria
Head, Working group of Molecular Oncology, University of Graz, Austria
Board certification for Laboratory medicine
Board certification for Pathology and Genetics
Associate Professor for Pathology at the Department of Pathology, Medical
Faculty, University of Graz, Austria
Full Professor for Pathology, Department of Pathology, Medical University of
Chairman, Department of Pathology, Medical University of Graz
Career related activities and memberships
Scientific advisory board, Section for Molecular Pathology, German society for
Steering Group on “Quality Assurance and Proficiency Schemes for Molecular
Genetic Testing in OECD countries”
Austrian Society for Biochemistry, board member
EU-working group: “Genetic Testing (Quality Assurance, Networking, Rare
since 2006
European Society for Pathology, European Group for Molecular Pathology,
board member
since 2007
Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), board member
since 2010
Speaker of the Doctoral College “Metabolic and cardiovascular disease” of the
Medical University of Graz
Honors and awards
1992 and 1996
Research award Hoechst foundation
Research award of the Styrian government
Research award of the Styrian physician’s association
Research interests
Lipid metabolism; Molecular pathology; Tumor pathology.
Peer reviewed publications (present - 2005)
1. Moustafa T, Fickert P, Magnes C, Guelly C, Thueringer A, Frank S, Kratky D, Sattler W, Reicher H,
Sinner F, Gumhold J, Silbert D, Fauler G, Höfler G, Lass A, Zechner R and Trauner M. 2011.
Alterations in Lipid Metabolism Mediate Inflammation, Fibrosis, and Proliferation in a Mouse Model of
Chronic Cholestatic Liver Injury. Gastroenterology, in press (Epub ahead of print).
2. Betge J, Pollheimer MJ, Lindtner RA, Kornprat P, Schlemmer A, Rehak P, Vieth M, Hoefler G and
Langner C. 2011. Intramural and extramural vascular invasion in colorectal cancer: Prognostic
Significance and Quality of Pathology Reporting. Cancer, in press (Epub ahead of print).
CV G. Hoefler
3. Chandak PG, Obrowsky S, Radovic B, Doddapattar P, Aflaki E, Kratzer A, Doshi LS, Povoden S,
Ahammer H, Hoefler G, Levak-Frank S and Kratky D. 2011. Lack of acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol
acyltransferase 1 reduces intestinal cholesterol absorption and attenuates atherosclerosis in
apolipoprotein E knockout mice. Biochim Biophys Acta, in press (Epub ahead of print).
4. Jahn SW, Winter G, Stacher E, Halbwedl I, Gattenlöhner S, Stockinger R, Spreitzer S, WaldispuehlGeigl J, Geigl JB, Offner F and Hoefler G. 2011. Multiple intratumoral KRAS mutations can clonally
segregate to different lymph node metastases in colon cancer. Histopathology 59(2):342-345.
5. Haemmerle G, Moustafa T, Woelkart G, Büttner S, Schmidt A, van de Weijer T, Hesselink M,
Jaeger D, Kienesberger PC, Zierler K, Schreiber R, Eichmann T, Kolb D, Kothbeck P, Schweiger M,
Kumari M, Eder S, Schoiswohl G, Wongsiriroj N, Pollak NM, Radner FP, Preiss-Landl K, Kolbe T,
Rülicke T, Pieske B, Trauner M, Lass A, Zimmermann R, Hoefler G, Cinti S, Kershow EE, Schrauwen
P, Madeo F, Mayer B and Zechner R. 2011. ATGL-mediated fat catabolism regulates cardiac
mitochondrial function via PPAR-α and PGC-1. Nat Med 17(9):1076-1085.
6. Mühlfeld C, Das SK, Heinzel FR, Schmidt A, Post H, Schauer S, Papadakis T, Kummer W and
Hoefler G. 2011. Cancer induces cardiomyocyte remodeling and hypoinnervation in the left ventricle of
the mouse heart. PLoS One 6(5):E20424.
7. Patankar JV, Chandak PG, Obrowsky S, Pfeifer T, Diwoky C, Uellen A, Sattler W, Stollberger R,
Hoefler G, Heinemann A, Battle M, Duncan S, Kratky D and Levak-Frank S. 2011. Loss of intestinal
GATA4 prevents diet-induced obesity and promotes insulin sensitivity in mice. Am J Physiol
Endocrinol Metab 300(3):E478-488.
8. Pinent M, Prokesch A, Hackl H, Voshol PJ, Klatzer A, Walenta E, Panzenboeck U, Kenner L,
Trajanoski Z, Hoefler G and Bogner-Strauss JG. 2011. Adipose triglyceride lipase and hormonesensitive lipase are involved in fat loss in JunB-deficient mice. Endocrinology 152(7):2678-2689.
9. Betge J, Pollheimer MJ, Schlemmer A, Hoefler G and Langner C. 2011. Gastric cancer and
concomitant renal cancer: a systematic immunohistochemical and molecular analysis. Oncol Rep
10. Das SK, Eder S, SChauer S, Diwoky C, Temmel H, Guertl B, Gorkiewicz G, Tamilarasan KP,
Kumari P, Trauner M, Zimmermann R, Vesely P, Haemmerle G, Zechner R and Hoefler G. 2011.
Adipose triglyceride lipase contributes to cancer-associated cachexia. Science 833(6039):233-238.
11. Guertl B, Senanayake U, Nusshold E, Leuschner I, Mannweiler S, Ebner B and Hoefler G. 2011.
Lim1, an embryonal transcription factor, is absent in multicystic renal dysplasia, but reactivated in
nephroblastomas. Pathobiology 78(4):201-209.
12. Grill C, Guelly C, Ebner B, Leuschner I, Hauser-Kronberger C, Hoefler G and Guertl B. 2010. Loss
of PTEN/MMAC1 activity is a rare and late event in the pathogenesis of nephroblastomas. Hum Pathol
13. Schoiswohl G, Schweiger M, Schreiber R, Gorkiewicz G, Preiss-Landl K, Taschler U, Zierler KA,
Radner FP, Eichmann TO, Kienesberger PC, Eder S, Lass A, Haemmerle G, Alsted TJ, Kiens B,
Hoefler G, Zechner R and Zimmermann R. 2010. Adipose triglyceride lipase plays a key role in the
supply of the working muscle with fatty acids. J Lipid Res 51(3):490-499.
14. Radner FP, Streith IE, Schoiswohl G, Schweiger M, Kumari M, Eichmann TO, Rechberger G,
Koefeler HC, Eder S, Schauer S, Theussl HC, Preiss-Landl K, Lass A, Zimmermann R, Hoefler G,
Zechner R and Haemmerle G. 2010. Growth retardation, impaired triacylglycerol catabolism, hepatic
steatosis, and lethal skin barrier defect in mice lacking comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58). J
Biol Chem 285(10):7300-7311.
15. Pichler M, Beckendorf J, Winter E, Kleinert R, Kniepeiss D and Hoefler G. 2010. Quantitative
short-tandem repeat analysis of recipient-derived cells as an additional tool for diagnosing cardiac
allograft rejection. Transplantation 89(6):749-755.
16. Hartmann S, Gesk S, Scholtysik R, Kreuz M, Bug S, Vater I, Doring C, Cogliatti S, Parrens M,
Merlio JP, Kwiecinska A, Porwit A, Piccaluga PP, Pileri S, Hoefler G, Kuppers R, Siebert R and
Hansmann ML. 2010. High resolution SNP array genomic profiling of peripheral T cell lymphomas, not
otherwise specified, identifies a subgroup with chromosomal aberrations affecting the REL locus. Br J
Haematol 148(3):402-412.
17. Guertl B, Leuschner I, Guelly C, Ebner B, Kronberger C and Hoefler G. 2010. Is predisposition for
nephroblastoma linked to polymorphisms of the WTX gene? Pathol Oncol Res 16(2):189-191.
CV G. Hoefler
18. Bonin S, Hlubek F, Benhattar J, Denkert C, Dietel M, Fernandez PL, Hofler G, Kothmaier H,
Kruslin B, Mazzanti CM, Perren A, Popper H, Scarpa A, Soares P, Stanta G and Groenen PJ. 2010.
Multicentre validation study of nucleic acids extraction from FFPE tissues. Virchows Arch 457(3):309317.
19. Zebisch A, Haller M, Hiden K, Goebel T, Hoefler G, Troppmair J and Sill H. 2009. Loss of RAF
kinase inhibitor protein is a somatic event in the pathogenesis of therapy-related acute myeloid
leukemias with C-RAF germline mutations. Leukemia 23(6):1049-1053.
20. Vesely PW, Staber PB, Hoefler G and Kenner L. 2009. Translational regulation mechanisms of
AP-1 proteins. Mutat Res 682(1):7-12.
21. Pichler M, Balic M, Stadelmeyer E, Ausch C, Wild M, Guelly C, Bauernhofer T, Samonigg H,
Hoefler G and Dandachi N. 2009. Evaluation of high-resolution melting analysis as a diagnostic tool to
detect the BRAF V600E mutation in colorectal tumors. J Mol Diagn 11(2):140-147.
22. Kratzer A, Buchebner M, Pfeifer T, Becker TM, Uray G, Miyazaki M, Miyazaki-Anzai S, Ebner B,
Chandak PG, Kadam RS, Calayir E, Rathke N, Ahammer H, Radovic B, Trauner M, Hoefler G,
Kompella UB, Fauler G, Levi M, Levak-Frank S, Kostner GM and Kratky D. 2009. Synthetic LXR
agonist attenuates plaque formation in apoE-/- mice without inducing liver steatosis and
hypertriglyceridemia. J Lipid Res 50(2):312-326.
23. Jahn S, Minai-Pour MB, Speicher MR, Reiner-Concin A and Hoefler G. 2009. Comprehensive
screening for Lynch syndrome: who can be the driving force in daily clinical practice? J Clin Oncol
24. Gurtl B, Kratky D, Guelly C, Zhang L, Gorkiewicz G, Das SK, Tamilarasan KP and Hoefler G.
2009. Apoptosis and fibrosis are early features of heart failure in an animal model of metabolic
cardiomyopathy. Int J Exp Pathol 90(3):338-346.
25. Czermak C, Wallner SJ, Kresse A, Schauer S, Aigner R, Hoefler G, Lehofer M and Liebmann PM.
2009. Baseline plasma epinephrine levels predict Wisconsin Card Sorting Test scores in healthy
volunteers. Psychoneuroendocrinology 34(4):625-628.
26. van Krieken JH, Jung A, Kirchner T, Carneiro F, Seruca R, Bosman FT, Quirke P, Flejou JF, Plato
Hansen T, de Hertogh G, Jares P, Langner C, Hoefler G, Ligtenberg M, Tiniakos D, Tejpar S,
Bevilacqua G and Ensari A. 2008. KRAS mutation testing for predicting response to anti-EGFR
therapy for colorectal carcinoma: proposal for an European quality assurance program. Virchows Arch
27. Schuller-Petrovic S, Wolkart G, Hofler G, Neuhold N, Freisinger F and Brunner F. 2008. Tissuetoxic effects of phosphatidylcholine/deoxycholate after subcutaneous injection for fat dissolution in rats
and a human volunteer. Dermatol Surg 34(4):529-542; discussion 542-523.
28. Reiner-Concin A, Regitnig P, Dinges HP, Hofler G, Lax S, Muller-Holzner E, Obrist P and Rudas
M. 2008. Practice of HER-2 immunohistochemistry in breast carcinoma in Austria. Pathol Oncol Res
29. Rahner N, Hoefler G, Hogenauer C, Lackner C, Steinke V, Sengteller M, Friedl W, Aretz S,
Propping P, Mangold E and Walldorf C. 2008. Compound heterozygosity for two MSH6 mutations in a
patient with early onset colorectal cancer, vitiligo and systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Med Genet
A 146A(10):1314-1319.
30. Grill M, Heinemann A, Hoefler G, Peskar BA and Schuligoi R. 2008. Effect of endotoxin treatment
on the expression and localization of spinal cyclooxygenase, prostaglandin synthases, and PGD2
receptors. J Neurochem 104(5):1345-1357.
31. Weber-Mzell D, Urban C, Benesch M, Rojacher T, Zois B, Hofler G and Schwinger W. 2007.
Durable remission following a third allogeneic stem cell transplantation in a patient with repeatedly
relapsing SAA. The importance of stroma cells for sustained engraftment? Pediatr Transplant
32. Wackernagel A, Massone C, Hoefler G, Steinbauer E, Kerl H and Wolf P. 2007. Plasmacytoid
dendritic cells are absent in skin lesions of polymorphic light eruption. Photodermatol Photoimmunol
Photomed 23(1):24-28.
33. Staber PB, Vesely P, Haq N, Ott RG, Funato K, Bambach I, Fuchs C, Schauer S, Linkesch W,
Hrzenjak A, Dirks WG, Sexl V, Bergler H, Kadin ME, Sternberg DW, Kenner L and Hoefler G. 2007.
CV G. Hoefler
The oncoprotein NPM-ALK of anaplastic large-cell lymphoma induces JUNB transcription via ERK1/2
and JunB translation via mTOR signaling. Blood 110(9):3374-3383.
34. Schratl P, Royer JF, Kostenis E, Ulven T, Sturm EM, Waldhoer M, Hoefler G, Schuligoi R, Lippe
IT, Peskar BA and Heinemann A. 2007. The role of the prostaglandin D2 receptor, DP, in eosinophil
trafficking. J Immunol 179(7):4792-4799.
35. McGovern MM, Elles R, Beretta I, Somerville MJ, Hoefler G, Keinanen M, Barton D, Carson N,
Dequeker E, Brdicka R, Blazkova A, Ayme S, Schnieders B, Muller CR, Dalen V, Martinez AA,
Kristoffersson U, Ozguc M, Mueller H, Boone J, Lubin IM, Sequeiros J, Taruscio D, Williamson B,
Mainland L, Yoshikura H and Ronchi E. 2007. Report of an international survey of molecular genetic
testing laboratories. Community Genet 10(3):123-131.
36. Zebisch A, Staber PB, Delavar A, Bodner C, Hiden K, Fischereder K, Janakiraman M, Linkesch W,
Auner HW, Emberger W, Windpassinger C, Schimek MG, Hoefler G, Troppmair J and Sill H. 2006.
Two transforming C-RAF germ-line mutations identified in patients with therapy-related acute myeloid
leukemia. Cancer Res 66(7):3401-3408.
37. Staber PB, Noehammer C, Durkop H, Schauer S, Kenner L, Linkesch W and Hoefler G. 2006.
mRNA expression patterns indicate CD30 mediated activation of different apoptosis pathways in
anaplastic large cell lymphoma but not in Hodgkin's lymphoma. Leuk Res 30(3):343-348.
38. Neuhaus O, Manda VS, Scarpatetti M, Hofler G, Hartung HP and Archelos JJ. 2006. New
diagnostic options in tuberculous meningitis? Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 10(8):944.
39. Langner C, Rupar G, Leibl S, Hutterer G, Chromecki T, Hoefler G, Rehak P and Zigeuner R. 2006.
Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR/P504S) protein expression in urothelial carcinoma of the
upper urinary tract correlates with tumour progression. Virchows Arch 448(3):325-330.
40. Haemmerle G, Lass A, Zimmermann R, Gorkiewicz G, Meyer C, Rozman J, Heldmaier G, Maier R,
Theussl C, Eder S, Kratky D, Wagner EF, Klingenspor M, Hoefler G and Zechner R. 2006. Defective
lipolysis and altered energy metabolism in mice lacking adipose triglyceride lipase. Science
41. Guertl B, Leuschner I, Harms D and Hoefler G. 2006. Genetic clonality is a feature unifying
nephroblastomas regardless of the variety of morphological subtypes. Virchows Arch 449(2):171-174.
42. Lackner C and Hoefler G. 2005. Critical issues in the identification and management of patients
with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 17(3):317-322.
43. Lackner C and Hoefler G. 2005. Clinical and genetic criteria are important for identification and
management of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 17(10):11431144.

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