Grand Athletic Contest
Grand Athletic Contest
5.Aetle.At-Cum.Ann tcit-Cte.Af dJ::;Ur RotultledC{;(\ nd ll-e111ednn. National Athletic and Cycling Association Grand Athletic Contest ,.,:' BETWEEN. ACHILLES CLUB·· (London) ...... '. AND .:',,: 7.lRELAND . ..On.Monday, August 5th, 1929 Commencing at 3 p.m. PARK ATCROKE PRICE SIXPENCE Corrigan and Wils0rt; Ltd •• Printers. Dublin OFFICIALS . TRACK Rejeree-s-B, f'Udges--DR. R. J. M. E. FLEMING, Corner Umpires-D. Field OjficersTT. V. Megaphone-G. Chief Stewards-C. E. F. F. Tveosurer=- J. DUFFY. P. NAVIN, P. INsP. RYAN. RYAN. BURTON. H.R. HENDERSON A. J. CASSlDY. BERGIN. NOLAN, INSP. HURLEY. SERGT.-MAJOR CORK. ROTHWELL, C. M. O·SHAUGHNESSY. MCCLELLAND. Steward-J. Starter-So Hon. M. RYAN, Registrar-W. Programme COLLINS. O'SULLIVAN. COAKLEY, LT. KEENAN. SUPT, J. LYNCH, x.c., M. N. J. M. HELY, T. Club). EVENTs. SERGT. DR. Timekeepers-W. P. ROWLETTE, Referee-DR. fudges-E. (Achilles ABRAHAMS FIELD ~. EVENTS: J. H. KENNY: CLARKE. 11on, Secr.eJgTI'-·. ]. J. McGIi.ioN. Grand Athletic Contest tIME TABLE ,I No.. Time Event 2A5 Photographing of Teams. 1. 3.0 100 Yards Flat Race. 2 3.10 High Jump. 3, 3.30 Half Mile Race. 4. 3.40 Throwing 5. 4.0 120 Yards Hurdles Race. 6;' 4.10 220 Yards Flat Race. the Hammer. 7. ~ 4.20 One Mile Flat Race. 8. 4.40 Putting 16 lbs. Shot. g. 4.50 Quarter Mile Flat Race. 10. 4.55 Long Jump. 11. 5.10 Three Miles Flat Race. ~2. 5.15 Throwing 13. . 0.30 the Discus. One Mile Relay Race. 3 - ~O,NDITIONS A Perpetual Challenge Cup is offered for competition. The Contest shall be won by the Team having the greater number of poin.ts, .thewinner in each .event to count two points and the second one point. Officials, uilien seats 1I0t actually which ·ei~gaied, aTe provided are requested to take on the ground. PROGRAMME Event No. 1-3 o'clock, 100 Yards Flat Race H. J, COHEN Achilles Club-l R. S. ROWLANDS" 2 J. B. EUSTACE, D.U.H, Ireland-3 and A.C . 4 . J. C. FARRELL, Donore Harriers Won by Achilles Event M. McAuNDEN, 5 Reserve ; 2nd / Club No. 2-3.10 3 points. Ireland-2 3 4 Reserve Won by Achilles /0 Time Ireland· I secs. points. Jump G. E. S. GORDON W. MORO EY, U.C.D.A.C. ~ C. O'CONNOR, D.M.G.A.C. W. SHANAHAN, D.M.G.A.C. 3 ; 2nd Club A.C. o'clock. High Achilles Club-1 Garda 0 If.. Height points, b . Ireland 4 feet ) inches. points. Event No. j-3.30 o'clock. Half';'Mile-FlatRace (Two Achilles Club-l Won by Achilles Laps).· T. HAlI1PSON 2 T. B. L. BRYAN Ireland-3 3 ;2nd I Club :~.i·; .;-I!~!·< E. HALE, Cr~ke A.C. G. MAGAN, D.M.G.A.C. W. A. DICKSON, North 4 5 R'eserve - Belfast Harriers Time.2 / points. Event No. 4-3.40 ~;'clock. min. 3 Ireland.2 secs. points. '£1;' Throwing 161h. Hammer (F ram 7 foot circle). Achilles Club-:;-71 M. C. NORES Ireland-2W. BRITTON, Cavan A.C. 3 4 Reserve Won by Achilles Event if-; ., .1.. DR. P._ O'CALLAGHAN, Duhallow W. GORE, D.M.G.A.C. ,2. 2nd Club Dist~nce points. IS if feet J Ireland • ~ A. C. !.f inch~s. points. No. 5-4 o'clock.-: 120 Yards Hurdles Race Achilles Club-l LORD BURGHLEY X 2 Irelaad~3 Reser-ve Won by Achilles .: 4 5 -Ai - F. CLARRF;,- Belfast -- .:, A. NOLAN, D.M.G,A.C. W.]. MALONEY, Carda A.C. _ 5' " ; 2nd Club ~ " i.~ G. C. R. CLAY I I Time 'points. Ireland,Z 5 'ii':, /S -% secs.. - points. Event No. 6--1.10 o'clock. 220 Yards Flat Race Achilles Club-l 1. H. BORLAND R. S. ROWLANDS 2 X Ireland-3 P. C. MOORE, U.C.D.A.C.)( EUSTACE, D.U.H. and A.C.)( ;) L. D. CULU~N, Ctonliffe Harriers 4 J. B. I; 2nd Reserve Won by Achilles Event -2.'. Club S 23 -} secs. Time points. Ireland /' points. No. 7-4.:W·o'clock. One ,Mile Flat Race (Four Achilles Clull-1 C. E. G. GREEN R. L. TRAPNELL 2 Ireland-3 D. W. COARD, Donore Harriers W. NOLAN, Knocknacurra A.C. D. A.WALLIS, D.D.H. and A.0. 4 o Reserve .3 Won by Achilles Event Club No. Laps). 2nd Z. I .points, 8-4.40 Time 4- min.lf/-% Ireland.z X secs. points. o'clock. Putting 16tb.· Shot (From Achilles Clull-1 7 foot circle). R. L. HOWLAND M. C. NOKEs X 2 Ireland-3' A. L. COLHOUN, Ulsterville Harriers 4 DR. P. O'CALLAGHAN, Duhallow A.C. 5 T. HEALY, D.M.G.A.C. Reserve Won by Achilles /.; ·2nd Club 2 5.· Distance'l-'I- points. Ireland 6 feet I , X. inches. points. X Event No. 9-4.00 o'clock. Quarter-Mile Flat Race Aehilles Club-l 2 Irellftd-3 4 P. C. MOORE, U.C.D.A.C. L. D. CULLEN, Clonliffe Harriers D. C. CUSACK,D.U.H. and A.C. '-f ; Reserve Won by ;; Achilles Club· Event F. A. C. GIBSON C. 1<;. D. GOODHEART 3 2nd Time ..• \ 'points. "Treland, So X -% secs. 3"·points. No. 10-4.55 o'clock. Running Long Jump Aehilles Clu'-1 H. J. COHEN 2 W. T. SARTAIN Irelaftd-3 W. J. MORONEY,U.C.D.A.C. P. ANGLIM, Garda A.C. !'i F. B. MOYNIHAN,D.U.H. X 4 RfSe'T1.Ie I ; 2nd b' Won by Distance" 2' .points. Achilles Club 2· and A.C. feet / I Ireland t inches. points . . Event No. ll-!'i.l() o'clock. Three Miles Flat Race (Twelve Laps). Awltes Clull-l 'Ireland-2 Reserve Won by 3 4 D. M. WILSON T. KINSELLA, Army Metro A.C. C. C. WALKER, Clonliffe Harriers P. COYLE, Bohermeen A.C. X 2' ; 2nd Achilles Club .•. 3: Time/5 points. Ireland 7 mins27-isecs. 3, )( points. Event No. 12-5.15 o'clock. .~,'Throwing the "'Discus (From .' : 8 ft. 2 in. circle)," ,.., .1"' Achilles Club- 1 M. C. NOKES 2 R .. L. ,HowLAND • ,r', Ireland - 3 T. HEALY, D.M:G.A.C. 4 5 Reserve Won Lf ; by Achilles Event P. J. BERMINGHAM, D.M.G.A.C. G. WALSH, Depot A.C. X 2nd Club No. .3. Distancel35 points. feet // Ireland inches. points. 13-,;Q.30 o'clock. -: '.~' '-." One Mile Relay Rac~ __i: ;i;jf!A,;;", (Two Furlongs, Quarter Wile,., Half Mile):' J. GOHEN, I.. H .: BORLAND" F: A. C. GIBSON, T .. HAMPsoN, . R. S. ROWLANDS.X Achilles Club-H. Ireland~j.B. EusTAcE, D.U.H. and A.C, L. D, <;:YLLEN,Clonliffe Harriers X P. C. MOORE, U.C.D.A.C. E'~ HALE Croke' A.C. ..... J Won t4 by Achilles Time Club ~ J Ireland points. . k mins.Cf)isecs. . points' .. .: ,:; ~~~-.. _:·~i~}i.'~ =: '. RESULT - l .,..~.. ACHILLES CLUB . IRELAND points 8 r points
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