Waitsfield Elementary School Mail


Waitsfield Elementary School Mail
Waitsfield Elementary School Mail - WES News for the week
6/13/13 8:53 AM
Kathi Orr <korr@waitsfieldschool.org>
WES News for the week
1 message
Waitsfield Elementary School <kkorb@waitsfieldschool.org>
Reply-To: Waitsfield Elementary School <kkorb@waitsfieldschool.org>
To: Kathi <korr@waitsfieldschool.org>
Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 8:51 AM
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Dear Parents & Community,
This is the time of year when we find ourselves
reflecting upon the accomplishments, and the
challenges, of the past year. In addition to the work
of supporting each student in reaching his or her
potential every day, this year our school staff have
worked collaboratively on a variety of areas to
continually improve ourselves. Some of those
collaborative endeavors include:
- improvement of our school website and schoolwide
communication systems (creation of schoolwide
electronic calendar and consistent staff email
- staff development on the instructional shifts and
key concepts of the Common Core state standards
through monthly staff meetings.
- development of common writing assessments and
Our school calendar, with all events for
the year, can also be found on our
website www.waitsfieldschool.org.
6/13 Pre-K 3 year old program
graduation, 11:00
6/13 6th Grade Graduation; 6:007:00pm
6/14 Pre-K 4 year old program
graduation, 11:00
6/14 5th/6th Grade Trip to Hosmer
6/14 3rd/4th Grade Trip to Stowe
6/17 Field Day, 12:40 - 2:25
6/18 AWARDS Assembly 8 a.m.
6/18 Last Day of School:11:50 a.m.
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Waitsfield Elementary School Mail - WES News for the week
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further coordination of our writing instruction
program across grades
- increased coordination and oversight of our
5th and 6th Grade
Health Classes
educational support services for students who do not
qualify for specialized education but who are
struggling to meet grade level expectations,
including further development of the system of
supports available to students with social/emotional
- implementation of the Google Applications for
Education tools.
We have found, just as students find, that
meaningful learning and growth only comes after
investing some hard work, but we continue to be
committed to improving ourselves to support strong
learning experiences for every Waitsfield student.
This evening, our current class of 6th graders
graduates, marking their transition into a new phase
of their lives. We celebrate the learning they have
done, the skills they have gained and the stamina
and self-discipline they have developed to carry them
through the new challenges that lie ahead. We will
miss you all!
Next week will bring closure to the 2012-2013
school year. Field day will be next Monday afternoon.
All are invited to join us for our end of the year
assembly on Tuesday at 8 a.m.; it will include
awarding of our Carbon Cup Challenge Award. For
those of you who can't attend, we'll make sure it is
filmed for Mad River TV.
May you all have a wonderful, relaxing and
enjoyable summer vacation!
From the Library
This year, astoundingly, 6 Waitsfield students in
grades 4-5 managed to read all or almost all of the
30 books on the DCF list. Congratulations to Isabelle
Maranda, Julia Brophy, Alliza Jernigan, Anda Gully,
Ayla Fidel, and Talia Frankel for taking up the
challenge! Last week, on Tuesday, these avid
readers reaped their reward, joining 500 other DCF
readers at the annual DCF Award Day at VTC in
Randolph Center for an interesting and fun day.
The Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award, named for a
fine Vermont author of chapter books, is the second
oldest children’s choice book award in the nation.
The author of this year’s winner, The Running
Health classes are wrapping up in
and 6th grade classes this
week. During the trimester we covered
a variety of health topics, including the
Safety with over the counter
The effects of caffeine on our bodies
Risk taking and decision making
Various safety topics and online
research of them
The health benefits of antioxidants and
eating from the rainbow
Using goal setting to make healthy
nutrition choices
Prevention of Lyme disease
Human growth and development –
puberty related classes
Summer sun safety information
Health classes are taught in
grades K-6 in our school. Grades 1-6
are taught in two-year looping
sequences in order to cover the six
content areas and six health skills that
make up the curriculum. In health
education at the Waitsfield School,
each year builds on the next, is
coordinated, research based, data
driven and follows VT State Standards
for health education.
Ultimately, our goal for health
education is to provide students with
health and safety information as well as
teaching the health skills necessary to
live healthy and safe lives. We also
prepare students for any health
education they will be receiving in
middle and high school. Health and
guidance topics are covered in health
classes as well as guidance classes,
taught by Katie Babic. Each student
receives one trimester’s worth of
classes of health and guidance (or
approximately 24 classes) per school
Best wishes to our sixth grade
graduates and we’ll see the rest of you
in August. Wishing you all a safe and
healthy summer!
- Sue Dillon, RN
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Dream, was not able to attend the event this year,
and was replaced by 4 Vermont authors whose books
are featured on the 2013-14 DCF list. Each of these
very different folks gave a short talk about her book,
and how she came to write it. Following the
speeches they fielded questions from the
enthusiastic and curious readers in the audience.
After the event at VTC, the Waitsfield group
joined with the DCF readers from Warren and from
Thetford and had a picnic at the nearby Allis State
Park, where they enjoyed smores, tackled the
slightly scary fire tower, and generally let off steam.
Waitsfield and Thatcher Brook penpals
cruised Lake Champlain this Tuesday.
Thanks to Eva Frankel and June Winhold, who drove
the readers, and got them back in time for the
Summertime books: Students who have all
their books returned may check out up to 5 books
over the summer during their last library time. They
must sign a contract promising to take good care of
them and return them the first week of September.
Please help your kids remember to bring them
back by posting the contract in a prominent
place at home: the fridge, a bulletin board,
Parents are welcome to come in and check out
books for reading aloud over the summer as well--we
love recommending great family read alouds!
The school library’s DCF books will be moved
down the street to the Joslin Library for the summer
to accommodate our voracious DCF readers. We
hope that all of you will take advantage of the small
but excellent collection of children’s books there this
Slackline donated to W.E.S.
Thank you to Madame Brennan and
Ed Brennan for the donation of a
slackline to our school. Slacklines are
great for building strength, balance,
inner calm and FUN! Our slackline will
be used during P.E. classes and teambuilding activities. For more
information on slacklines, or to
purchase one for yourself,
visit slacklines.com or Madame's shop
Proud Flower in Waterbury, where this
product is available.
Story Walks, at a path near you!
Take some time this summer to enjoy the
StoryWalks on the Mad River Path. Invented by avid
reader and hiker Anne Ferguson, a StoryWalk posts
pages of picture books at intervals along the path, so
you can get your exercise and enjoy a story at the
same time---and keep your kids engaged in literacy.
. .and happy and active.
For the first time, two StoryWalks will be installed
at the Path off the rec field in Warren. From June 6June 19, the featured book is Gem, by Holly Hobbie,
an almost wordless gem of a story about a toad who
is observed and captured by a curious girl, who
This past Saturday, our Girls on the
Run (a program that ALL of our 3rd and
4th grade girls participated in!)
successfully completed a 5k race.
Congratulations to them all and thanks
to their dedicated coaches: Susan
Koepplinger, Leigh Stockton, Amanda
Whitehead, Susan Hans, Erin Liston,
and Rachel Rosenblum.
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realizes she needs to let it go free. From June 20July 3, the posted book will be Stella, Fairy of the
Forest, by Marie Louise Gay, a charming story about
two young siblings exploring the forest.
From July 11 to August 22, 3 more StoryWalks will
be installed on the West Greenway, starting in back
of Small Dog and finishing at the riverside gazebo.
Featured stories will be: We Went Looking by Aileen
Fisher, Gossie and Gertie,by Olivier Dunrea, and
Elusive Moose, by Joan Gonnij and Clare Beaton.
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or
screened by school staff; as always, families should use their own standards and review
processes to determine appropriate activities.
Summer Art Camp at Fayston School
Students entering grades 1-6 are invited to get creative this summer! Join us for a wide variety of art
exploration, outdoor play and time with friends. We will work with all different types of arts media, from paint
to clay to fabric. I will do my best to accommodate specific interests and all different abilities. Children will
discover hidden talents and new passions while they work at their own pace and let their creativity soar. The
camp will take place July 22-26 9 am-1 pm(Additional childcare available). The cost is $120, which includes all
For more information, or to sign up, please contact Nora at Nora@madriver.com
Full-day camps run from 8am-4:30pm for children ages 6 and up (please contact us about younger
children.) Need to stay till 5:00…or drop off by 7:30? Extended care offered. Times available from 7:305:00pm Half-day camps for younger campers (ages 4+) run from 8-11:30am. All ages welcome to do half
day. Full-day campers will enjoy swimming and picnic lunch every afternoon* at the Waterbury Reservoir
(*weather-permitting).Full Day Week $200 and Half Day week $125. ALL 9 WEEKS FULL DAYS FOR $1,000
SIGN UP DIRECTLY BY VISITING OUR WEBSITE: www.cvtga.com For questions contact us at:
Julia@cvtga.com or info@cvtga.com or call (802) 882-8324.
Story Walks Coming to the Mad River Path
The Warren Path beginning at the Brooks Field will host a story called Gem June 6-June 19th as well as a story
called Stella Fairy of the Forest on June 19-July 3rd. The West Greenway beginning at the Meadow Road
parking area will host a story called We Went Looking July 11-July 25, a story called Gossie and Gertie July
25-August 8, and a story called Elusive Moose August 8- August 22nd. For more information, please visit
Equine-Guided Boys and Girls Summer Day Camp Programs at Horses
& Pathfinders
This interactive program focuses on various skills as well as adventure and exploration with
horses, nature and beyond. Boys camp takes place July 8-12, 9:30-5:00 and girls camp
takes place July 22-26, 9:30-5:00, at the Horses & Pathfinders Equine Center on Route
100B in Moretown. The cost is $245 if registering 4 weeks prior and $295 regular rate.
Scholarship is available. For more information contact Lucinda Newman at 223-1903.
Calling All Reading Lovers In Grades 3-6
This summer the Joslin Memorial Library will be continuing it's successful R.E.A.D program
with some great opportunities for students to get together and discuss books. This
program is free and open to all Valley students. No preregistration is required and snacks
are provided. First meeting is on Wednesday, June 26th from 4-6 at Joslin Memorial
Library. Participants should come prepared to discuss CHOMP by Carl Hiassen. Subsequent
meetings are on July 24th and August 14th, also from 4-6. Don't miss this wonderful
opportunity to get together with fellow readers and writers and do some great reading and
discussing. Any questions? Call Lisa Italiano at the Joslin Library or email Rachel
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Rosenblum at ray@madriver.com
Free Community Dinner
All are welcome to a community dinner at the Waitsfield United Church on Friday June 28th
at 5:30pm. Families are welcome. This month's dinner is hosted by the MRV Rotary Club.
Dinners will also take place the last Friday evening in July and August.
Calling All Hockey Players!
Harwood Youth Hockey Registration will be on Wednesday, July 17th at 6:00
pm at the Ice Center in Waterbury. Online registration will also be available
at harwoodhockey.org. Registration is open to all hockey players, male and
female, as well as new and experienced. Ages range from the Learn to Skate
level (age 4+) through Bantams (age 14). Please visit the Harwood Hockey
web site form more information.
Mad River Valley Television VIDEO CAMP
Come learn how to plan, shoot and edit a short video piece for airing on Mad River TV! Mad River Valley
Television is offering another week long video camp this summer. The camp runs from 9am-12pm, Monday
through Friday July 22nd-26th at the studio offices of MRV TV in the Village Square. We are looking for kids to
come learn how to plan, shoot and edit a short video piece for airing on Mad River TV's channel 44.
Participants should be between 9-14 years and can plan on having lots of fun as well as learning new skills.
The price is $50 for the week and there is a scholarship available. To sign up or get more information call Tony
at MRVTV @ 583 4488, ext 2.
The MRVSA’s Fall Recreational Program is open to players of all ability levels, K – 6th
grade. The emphasis is on learning the game, developing skills, and having fun. Please
visit www.madriversoccer.org for info about our programs, fall schedule, and the
registration link. Register here: https://www.gotsport.com/asp/application/easyreg/
Default.asp?ProgramID=21722. Contact the Fall Registrar
(registrar.mrvsa@gmail.com, 793-3575) with questions or for assistance with your online
registration. Registration deadline is July 15th. Fees are as follows: Kindergarten - $35
(Saturday practices, no games); Grades 1-6: $55 ($70 after July 15th).
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