Celebrate Aberdeen Event Manual 2015
Celebrate Aberdeen Event Manual 2015
CELEBRATE ABERDEEN 2015 EVENT MANUAL & CONTINGENCY PLAN SATURDAY 22nd & SUNDAY 23rd AUGUST 2015 UNION TERRACE GARDENS & UNION STREET Document Control Version Date 1 20/01/2015 2 04/05/2015 3 28/07/2015 4 07/08/2015 5 10/08/2015 6 10/08/2015 Author J Purcell R Holdsworth R Holdsworth J Purcell R Holdsworth J Purcell 7 13/08/2015 J Purcell Pages affected All 31 All All All 3, 27, 33, 34, 35 2, 24,26 8 9 19/08/2015 20/08/2015 R Holdsworth J Purcell 33-36 33-36 Comments following Police Scotland comments It is important when reviewing this document that it is the most up to date version available. If in any doubt please contact John Purcell at Aberdeen City Council, contact details below: Phone number: 01224 523575 Email address: jpurcell@aberdeencity.gov.uk 1 CONTENTS Section Title Page 1 Involved Organisations and Agencies 3 2 Abbreviations 4 3 Glossary of Terms 5 4 Statement of Intent & Health and Safety Statement 5 Introduction 6 Agencies Working Group 12 7 Roles and Responsibilities 13-18 8 Event Components and Facilities 19-22 9 Command & Control 23-27 10 Communications 28 11 Medical Resources 29 12 Traffic Management 13 Stewarding 14 Event Running Order 15 Radio Allocation 15 Appendix 1 Risk Assessment 2 Fire Risk Assessment 3 Contact Sheet 4 Parade Traffic Management Map 5 Union Terrace Gardens Site Map 6 Performance Programme 7 Parade Line Up 8 Traffic Management Implementation Plan 6-9 10-11 30-31 32 33-38 39 2 SECTION 1: Involved Organisations and Agencies CELEBRATE ABERDEEN Morven Mackenzie Rachel Holdsworth Jess Murphy Tom Simmonds Event Director Event Manager PR & Media Music Coordinator ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL- Office of the Chief Executive Daniel Parrott Senior Events Officer Kenny Luke Events Officer John Purcell Events Officer ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL- OTHER SERVICES Kevin Massie Roads Services Colin Thomson/Steven Davidson Roadworks Coordination Mark Yule Public Transport Unit Ian Mitchell Communities, Housing and Environment Stella Evans Publicity and Promotions Unit Sallie Antill Business Waste Louisa Snelling Marketing and Media POLICE SCOTLAND Heather Nelson Julie Ritchie Event Liaison and Planning Event Liaison and Planning BRITISH RED CROSS Stephen Wiseman Services Manager EVENT STEWARDING Tom Clements Specialized Security SOUND/PA/LIGHTING/STAGE Craig Drummond D Events TOILET CONTRACTOR Iona Clark Heilan Loos 3 SECTION 2: Abbreviations A&E ACC AIO BRC FCP FOCC GEPU GP HACCP HSE HSG IED Accident and Emergency Aberdeen City Council Ambulance Incident Officer British Red Cross Forward Control Point Force Operations Co-ordinating Centre Grampian Emergency Planning Unit General Practitioner Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Guidance Improvised Explosive Device 4 NHS PA PIO PTU PS UTG National Health Service Public Address Police Incident Officer Public Transport Unit Police Scotland Union Terrace Gardens RVP SAS SEWG Rendezvous Point Scottish Ambulance Service Special Events Working Group SFRS SIA VC Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Security Industry Authority Venue Control SECTION 3: Glossary of Terms Command and Control Co-ordination Cordon – Inner Cordon – Outer Dispersal Emergency Services Evacuation Evacuation Assembly Point Event Control Point (on site) Forward Control Point Major Incident People Union Terrace Gardens Rendezvous Point Triage Principles adopted by an agency acting with full authority to direct its own resources (both personnel and equipment) The harmonious integration of the expertise of all the agencies involved with the object of effectively and efficiently bringing the incident to a successful conclusion. Surrounds and protects the immediate scene of an incident. Seals off a controlled area around an incident to which unauthorised persons are not allowed access. A form of evacuation in which people are simply directed to move away from a particular location without the need for temporary accommodation. Police, Fire and Ambulance services who are liable to respond to an emergency. Removal of people, and where appropriate other living creatures, away from an actual or potential place of danger to a safer place. Building or area to which evacuees are directed for transfer/transportation to a reception centre or rest centre. The location on an establishment from which the management and coordination of response to an emergency is carried out. Each service’s command and control facility nearest the scene of the incident – responsible for immediate direction, deployment and security. This term is commonly used by emergency services personnel to describe an emergency as defined above. All persons including staff, contractors, visitors and members of the public. The event site located in the city centre accessible from Union Terrace and Denburn Viaduct. Point to which all vehicles and resources arriving at the outer cordon are directed. Process of assessment of casualties and allocation of priorities by the medical or ambulance staff at the site or casualty clearing station prior to evacuation. Triage may be repeated at intervals and on arrival at a receiving hospital. 5 SECTION 4: 4.1 Statement of Intent The aim of this Joint Statement of Intent is to ensure that a co-ordinated approach has been undertaken in the planning and delivery of this event. All organisations and agencies involved in the delivery of this event agree that all measures to be taken are considered reasonable in respect of ensuring the safety of those attending the event. This Event Plan covers the management, event and contingencies during Celebrate Aberdeen. This plan is based on the event sites at Union Terrace Gardens and Union Street, Aberdeen, following guidance detailed in the HSE publication HS(G) 195 – The Event Safety Guide (Revised 2014). 4.2 Health and Safety Method Statement The Health & Safety arrangements for this event will be based on best practice and previous experience. All preparations are geared towards ensuring that safety of the event is paramount at all times. In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of public attending this attraction, as well as the employees, contractors, sub-contractors, traders and performers, the health and safety must be managed. It is of rudimentary importance that the planning for effective health and safety management has been an integral part of all aspects of event planning. Planning for Celebrate Aberdeen has required the production of a full and comprehensive risk assessment and fire risk assessment of all aspects of the attraction, including technical and production, work on site, crowd management, transport management, fire, first aid and contingency planning. A full and detailed copy of this event specific risk assessment is an attachment of this manual. The methodology and operation of the event has been developed out of previous event evaluations, approved ACC Health and Safety guidance and The Event Safety Manual operational procedures. 6 4.3 Health and Safety Policy CELEBRATE ABERDEEN DATE: 22 & 23 AUGUST 2015 Celebrate Aberdeen, in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, will organise and deliver the Celebrate Aberdeen Weekend on 22 and 23 August 2015. This policy has been developed in terms of the Health and Safety Policy of Aberdeen City Council, which is the agreed procedure for both Partner Organisations as mentioned. 1. Policy Statement 1.1 It is the policy of the Event Organiser to provide and maintain safe systems of work, including safe premises and equipment, and ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to remove hazards at the event, and to safeguard the health and safety of employees and the public in so far as they may be affected by the Event Organiser’s authorised activities. 1.2 The Event Organiser recognises his/her responsibility to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all their employees and any third parties involved, whether contractors or members of the public. 1.3 The Event Organiser will provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of their employees and others affected by their undertakings and will publish detailed rules and regulations for particular activities where necessary. 1.4 The Event Organiser will consult with safety representatives officially appointed by recognised trades unions with a view to the maintenance of arrangements in promoting and developing measures to ensure the health and safety at work of its employees, and checking the effectiveness of such measures. 2. Responsibilities 2.1 Event Organiser The Event Organiser is responsible for ensuring, so far is as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all their employees, contractors and members of the public and for the creation and maintenance of a positive health and safety culture at the event. He will ensure that risks are assessed and that an event safety plan is created. In particular the Event Organiser will satisfy himself that any contractors engaged to provide services or contribute to the event will have a written health and safety policy, have carried out risk assessments relative to the event and have completed a method statement. 7 2.2 Site Owners Aberdeen City Council owns and occupies the site of the event. They are in control of the site and need to ensure that the venue is safe and without risk to anyone who uses the site. Aberdeen City Council has appointed City Events to have control of the site for the event. They will be defined as ‘the occupier’ under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957. Section 2 (2) of the Act states that the ‘occupier’ owes a common duty of care to all his/her lawful visitors. (In tort law, a duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. In this case, a duty of care is owed to the public - as invited attendants of the event - up to the point that they shall be safe when obeying any rules and regulations that are communicated to them by the organisers of the event. If an incident occurs beyond the ‘foreseeable’ then liability may not be placed upon the organiser). Duty of care is also owed under HASAWA 1974 Sections 3 & 4 to anybody affected by the employer’s undertaking including persons that are not invited or in this case cannot be classed as attendees. Therefore they must be safe even if they have no knowledge or intention to comply with rules & regulations in place for safety. Design, Information and Management should take this into account. 2.3 Employees of the Event Organiser All employees are required to comply with and abide by Part 1 Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act. It shall be the duty of every employee at work a) To take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself / herself and of others who may be affected by his / her acts or omissions at work. b) As regards any duty and requirement imposed on his / her employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him / her so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with. No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in so far as the interests of health, safety and welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions. 2.4 Contractors Persons supplying services, infrastructure or equipment for an event are responsible for the health, safety and welfare of their staff and members of the public within the confines of their allocated area. They will provide to the Event Organiser: a) A copy of their health and safety policy. 8 b) Copies of risk assessments relating to the provision of the service, infrastructure or equipment. c) If applicable, method statements relating to their involvement in the event. d) A copy of their appropriate liability insurance(s). 3. 3.1 Arrangements Management of Health and Safety Health and safety systems and procedures for this event will ensure the assessment of risk and the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventative measures to eliminate or control the risks. Details of these will be contained in an event/safety manual created for this event. Generic risk assessments will be attached as appendices to this policy and will provide a basis for these matters in the event/safety manual. 3.2 Safety Advice The Event Organiser and the Event Safety Co-ordinator will be advised on health and safety matters by a representative of Aberdeen City Council’s Health and Safety Section who will provide competent advice in respect of Council employees within the meaning of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. 3.3 Accidents and Incidents A system for the reporting of accidents / incidents is in operation within the City Council’s health and safety arrangements and it is the duty of every employee to report all accidents and incidents. Accidents and incidents within the confines of contractors’ allocated areas will be reported under their own arrangements with copies of details given to the organiser. This policy will be brought to the attention of all employees and will be reviewed and amended as necessary. 9 SECTION 5: Introduction As part of Aberdeen’s Summer Festival, Celebrate Aberdeen, in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, will arrange and deliver the Celebrate Aberdeen Weekend on 22 and 23 August 2015. The event will feature the Union Street Mile, Community Parade the full length of Union Street (Albyn Place to Castlegate) and a community music and food event in Union Terrace Gardens. The Union Street mile will take place at 1030-1100, with three races (Primary, Secondary and Adult) starting at the Music Hall involving up to 150 runners. The Civic parade starts at Holburn Junction at 1100-1230 and will involve approximately 3,500 people representing over 101 charities and voluntary organisations from the City. The community music and food event will take place between 1300-1700 on Saturday 22 and 1230-1730 on Sunday 23 August 2015. It will involve a community music stage, local food producers market, Streetsport and wrestlezone in Union Terrace Gardens (UTG). The weekend will also compromise of ‘pop up stage’s at various venues throughout the city. - Bon Accord & St Nicholas Shopping Centre (outside Costa Coffee) - St Nicholas Bandstand - Cobbled Area outside Marks & Spencer - Belmont Cinema (1 showing per day) These venues will host a range of acts including live music and one personal training session delivered by Rebel PT. Tom Simmonds of Captain Tom’s will manage the bandstand and UTG area. Scott Baxter will run the Bon Accord Centre and volunteers will be present at other venues. The Lord Provost will be in attendance for both the parade and the community event in UTG. Aberdeen City Council will put in place the necessary infrastructure arrangements systems and procedures to cater for and deliver the community stage element in Union Terrace Gardens. Programming at the multi performance areas will be the responsibility of Celebrate Aberdeen. Every care has been taken to reduce risk, increase safety and set up rigorous and robust procedures to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants and spectators alike. This Event Plan dovetails with risk assessment documentation for the event (which is included in a separate documents) with a view to reducing the overall risks of harm occurring to “as low as is reasonably practicable”. All participants and contractors have produced individual risk assessments, and copies of these are available from the event officer on the day. Recommendations within this document follow dialogue with internal and external agencies including Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. 10 Should a major emergency occur emanating from the event activities and impinge on the local community, the emergency services and other responding agencies, will invoke their own generic emergency response plans. In the event of a major emergency at the location, arrangements for management of the general public on this site will be managed by the Emergency Services with ACC and Celebrate Aberdeen assistance. However, in the first instance prior to Emergency Services arrival the ACC Event Officer and Celebrate Aberdeen Organiser will be responsible for immediate actions. Although Celebrate Aberdeen and ACC are the event organisers, the tri-services will be responsible for managing their equipment and infrastructure during the build, de rig and during an emergency. The build up for the event will start from Friday 21 August 2015 with the installation of event infrastructure within Union Terrace Gardens, including the stage, event control, waste bins, gazebos and toilets .The derig will begin immediately at the end of the final performance on 23 August, with a full de-rig and clear up completed by Monday 24 August 2015. 11 SECTION 6: Agencies Working Group To ensure that the Council can deliver a safe, enjoyable and successful Celebrate Aberdeen Weekend, all health and safety issues must be correctly addressed. The Council through its City Events Team will work closely with the following agencies, groups and organisations in order to advise and test the planning and safety measures for the event. Celebrate Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council – City Events Team, Wardens, promotions, PTU, Roads, Traffic Management and Housing and Environment Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Police Scotland Scottish Ambulance Service British Red Cross Specialized Security Terms of Reference a) Strive, in partnership, to deliver a safe and successful Celebrate Aberdeen Weekend on Saturday 22 and 23 August Union Terrace Gardens, Bon Accord Centre, St Nicholas Band Stand, Marks and Spencer cobbled area and the Belmont Cinema by addressing the issues of public safety to ensure that, as far as is reasonably practicable, the risk to public safety is minimised. b) Provide the forum for the exchange of information, issues and ideas about public safety at the event. c) Produce an operational and contingency planning manual, which is agreed by all partners, agencies and organisations. d) Co-ordinate all decisions made and present and promote the best standards of safety at the event. e) Promote adherence to all current guidelines and guidance on crowd management issues. Meetings Celebrate Aberdeen and City Events will meet with appropriate organisations, agencies and individuals on a regular basis to discuss, agree and implement decisions regarding the delivery of the event. A number of sub-group meetings have been set up to discuss and co-ordinate various aspects of the event, for example, Traffic Management and Emergency Planning. There will be a structured, formal De-Brief involving all agencies involved post event. 12 SECTION 7: Roles and Responsibilities 7.1 Event Organiser The event organiser is Citrus:Mix, who will co-ordinate and control this event. Their remit is to deliver the Celebrate Aberdeen event within the aims, content and resources set out. They are: ● Oversee and co-ordinate the planning and delivery of the Celebrate Aberdeen event ● Produce an event manual and contingency plan covering the management of the event and operational procedures and contingency planning. ● Responsibility and enforcement for all health and safety issues. ● Responsibility for crowd safety issues on the event site(s) ● Provision of stewards appropriate to safety issues and to effectively deal with public control at the event; ● Instigate all road closures and temporary information signs. ● Organisation of all the necessary and appropriate licences and permissions, including any temporary structures. ● Organisation of street sweeping after the event, if required. ● Organisation of medical and first aid services. ● Provision for lost persons. ● Lead agency in relation to the media unless it is a major incident, when Police Scotland will assume responsibility. 7.2 Aberdeen City Council Events Team Representatives of Aberdeen City Council’s events team will be present on the day to assist and support the event organizer with the parade and deliver the infrastructure within UTG. In particular the ACC events team will liaise with the City Council roads representatives to ensure that all roads are closed and reopened in a safe fashion. ● Support Citrus:Mix in the planning and delivery of the Celebrate Aberdeen event ● Produce an Event Manual and Contingency Plan covering the management of the event and operational procedures and contingency planning. ● Responsibility and enforcement for all health and safety issues. ● Responsibility for crowd safety issues on the event site(s). 13 ● Provision of stewards appropriate to safety issues and to effectively deal with public control at the event. ● Supply, erect and collect crowd control barriers. ● Develop and implement a crowd control plan. ● Provision of a toilet and waste facility within UTG. ● Provision of medical and first aid services for Union Street Parade and UTG. ● Check vendors have current and appropriate documentation in place. ● Liaison with the emergency services and provision of technical advice and support. ● Liaise with contractors on site and check for compliance with legislation. ● Check safety method statements and risk assessments. ● Comment on the event ingress/egress system. ● Monitor site safety rules. ● Check appropriate certificates relating to electrical supplies. ● Liaise with ACC Building Control regarding any temporary structures. ● Communicate safety information to contractors on site. ● Monitor and co-ordinate safety performance at the event. ● Advice on safety responses in the event of a major incident. ● Provide advice on crowd dynamics and the monitoring of crowds. ● Liaising with ACC Health and Safety representatives and event staff. ● Conduct walkthrough prior to opening of event, advise partners when site is deemed safe to open. ● Manage matters relating to health, safety and welfare of those involved and attending the event. ● Implement layout of infrastructure is consistent with event safety guidance. ● Engage competent and reputable suppliers. 7.3 British Red Cross Responding to the needs of those who become injured or unwell at a public event is part of the normal work of the British Red Cross. Their role and responsibilities encompass the provision of first aid, care and comfort and the provision of support to the Scottish Ambulance Service. The BRC will advise ACC and Citrus Mix of any incident which occurs as a direct result of the event and 14 they will provide information of an incident which requires investigation and reporting. Their roles and responsibilities may be summarised as follows: ● To provide first aid (to the level of competence as described by the Standard First Aid qualification), care and comfort. ● To alert the Scottish Ambulance Service to injuries or illnesses that requires more advanced medical care via the BRC Team Leader. ● To provide sign posting as appropriate (i.e. to patients own GP etc). ● To provide support to the Scottish Ambulance Service as requested. ● Produce a legible log that would be acceptable in a court of law and submit to the event organiser at the end of the event. ● To provide these services within the dedicated event arena. The Role of the British Red Cross Event Team Leader The main role of the Event Team Leader will be to delegate and deploy first aiders as required to meet the needs of those who require our assistance. They will also be responsible for liaising closely with the Scottish Ambulance Service. The Team Leader will not be part of the site medical team and will not be involved in treatment of casualties other than in exceptional circumstances where intervention is essential to preserve life. ● In the event of a major incident being declared, the Team Leader will assume the role of Incident Officer. 7.4 NHS Grampian and Aberdeen Royal Infrimary Emergency arrangements have been made by NHS Grampian to deal with the treatment of large numbers of casualties, public health incidents and the treatment of casualties contaminated with radiation or toxic materials. In responding to an emergency incident, the responsibilities of NHS Grampian may be summarised as follows: ● Provision of a Medical Incident Officer and Site Medical Team when required. ● Treatment and care of casualties and those affected by the incident. ● Provision of public health advice to those managing the response. ● Provision of psychological support, in conjunction with the local authority to victims and those responding to the incident. ● In consultation with Police Scotland press office regarding the release of media information as required. 15 7.5 Police Scotland Police Scotland will provide a presence to support the delivery of a safe and successful Celebrate Aberdeen, they will: ● To work together with the organisers, Stewards and other appropriate agencies to maintains a safe environment for members of the public attending the event ● To maintain a presence to deter and detect crime and antisocial behaviour, whilst also providing public reassurance ● To deal promptly and effectively with all incidents requiring Police attention. 7.6 Stewarding Company Specialized Security is the company that has been selected to provide security/stewarding for the event within UTG. In order to support the delivery of a safe and successful Celebrate Aberdeen, the Company will: ● Be recognised by the SIA. ● Be ISO accredited. ● Provide level of stewards, experience, roles and positions as agreed with ACC events and Celebrate Aberdeen and in line with the Security Industry Authority’s licensing regulations. ● Ensure all staff are trained and competent to carry out their expected duties. ● Provide a full and detailed event risk assessment and crowd management plan. ● Take cognisance of the guidance given in the Health and Safety Executive’s “The Event Safety Guide, A Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music and Similar Events”, commonly known as the “Purple Guide”. The “Safety Guidance for Street Arts, Carnival, Processions, And Large Scale Performances “and “Managing Crowds Safely” also apply. Provide an event operational structure detailing names and lines of command. ● Provide a robust, effective and tested communication system including hand held radios, earpieces, headsets (where required). A back up facility will also be in place where an Independent system will be provided by SIA. The use of mobile phones will also offer extra communication options. Appendix 3 of this plan lists all mobile telephone contact numbers. ● Provide stewards who will have an appropriate level of competency in line with the duties to be carried out. ● Provide an appropriately identified (high viz) uniform. ● Provide stewards who have a good command of the English language and be able to communicate with the general public, event organisers and their partners. 16 ● Base a senior member in the. Venue Control ● Arrange briefings for all event stewards and cover areas in event safety and security, audience profile and crowd dynamics, fire training, emergency procedures, customer care & conflict resolution, emergency first aid and reporting procedures. ● Position stewards in order to monitor the audience and allow immediate action to ensure safe dispersal and prevention of overcrowding. ● Continuously monitor for signs of distress, paying particular attention to crushing, surges and sway resulting in people becoming at risk, notifying the VC of any problems, for immediate action. ● Monitor the ongoing health and welfare of all categories of audience, including children and those with special needs, as well as other event staff. ● Investigate all disturbances and incidents and report to Police and/or VC as necessary. ● Brief and issue aides-memoir in order to provide accurate information to assist the audience with event layout, including toilets, first aid and lost persons and facilities for people with special needs. ● Provide an effective radio communications system. ● Assist the Emergency Services in the event of an incident. ● Advise the Event Organiser of any identified health and safety hazard during their normal duties. ● Produce a legible log that would be acceptable in a court of law and submit to the event organiser at the end of the event. 7.7 Event Stewards Citrus:Mix has asked the Aberdeen Lions Club to provide an event steward service for the parade. After a full formal meeting, the following was agreed: ● 50 stewards and 4 supervisors will be employed. ● Ensure all agreed traffic management points are maintained during the parade. ● All stewards will wear high vis uniforms suitable to event requirements. ● Radios will be provided to enable all key personnel to communicate during the event. ● The role of the steward is primarily that of crowd control vis a vis the spectators but also to help create a zone to allow the safe passage of the parade along the designated route. ● Assist at the end of the event with the dispersal of all event participants. 17 7.8 ACC Road Services Aberdeen City Council Road Services will provide traffic management service for the Celebrate Aberdeen parade: ● Instigate and implement all road closure orders and temporary information signs. 7.9 Sport Aberdeen Sport Aberdeen will organise the Celebrate Aberdeen Union Street races, which does not fall within Citrus:Mix’s remit. It will therefore be Sport Aberdeen’s responsibility to recruit the runners to take part on the day, and to ensure that all runners are fully briefed as to how the runs will operate, understand the route that they are to follow and ensure the race finish is clear before the parade reaches the Town House. ● Manage registrations ● Set up, Marshall and de-rig the start, route and finish areas for the run ● Provide appropriate First Aid for the race participants 18 SECTION 8: Event Components and Facilities 8.1 Parade Route The route is as follows: Setting off on Albyn Place travelling eastwards to Holburn Junction – Union Street (whole length) – and finishing at the Castlegate. This will be known as the ‘Parade Route’. The set up will commence at 10am on Saturday 22 August 2014 on Albyn Place. See Appendix 4 Parade Traffic Management Map. 8.2 Parade Zone The ‘Parade Zone’ will be the whole length of the parade starting with the Celebrate Aberdeen Union Street runners and finishing with the ACC Road Services Crash Cushion and bounded on both sides by event stewards. Parade participants will not use any bus lanes on Union Street. However, those collecting funds will walk down both sides of Union Street and therefore within the bus lanes. Additionally, street-collectors may (and are licensed to) collect on Schoolhill and Belmont Street where they will be using pavements only. 8.3 Union Terrace Gardens Site Public Access There is no public access during the setup or de-rig of the event. All infrastructure build will be sterile by means of barrier and stewarding. Public access on event day will be from all access/egress points surrounding the Gardens on Union Terrace, Rosemount Viaduct and off Skene Street. Disabled access Disabled access is from Skene Street to Lower Denburn, located at the rear of His Majesty’s Theatre. There are no designated parking areas for disabled patrons on-site, but disabled persons being transported to the event shall be allowed vehicle access to the Archway leading into Union Terrace Gardens. However, such vehicles will then be directed to the disabled bays situated at the Denburn Car park. All such disabled bays are free of charge, and are on a “first come, first served basis” 8.4 Site Visit A site survey and visit will be carried out by the Citrus:Mix team and ACC Event, prior to the event. The visit will discuss and agree the following: ● The organisation of the event and in particular the parade route, parade zone and UTG Event. ● Access and egress to and from the parade route, parade zone and UTG Event 19 ● The identification of any factors which could affect any part of the event ● The decision making process with regards to the cancellation or delay of the event. 8.5 Viewing Areas The main viewing areas for the parade are all the pavements along Union Street. Spectators are not encouraged to view from the road (Union Street). The main viewing area for the UTG Music and Food event will be the lower level of the gardens on the flat, grassed open area directly accessible from the Rosemount Viaduct entrance of UTG. 8.6 Public Parking Normal parking areas will be available in and around the city centre area. There are no special parking areas set up and no parking facilities available within any road closure. However, the road closure at Queen’s Cross can be used as an access point drop off for those parade participants displaying an authorised disabled badge. This access will be controlled by event stewards. 8.7 Residents and Businesses Citrus:Mix will endeavour to restrict the impact of the road closures on residents and businesses along the parade route. Access and egress will be allowed only if safe to do so. The normal advertising of road closures for this event will be in place. A letter drop has been carried out to inform residents and businesses that could be affected by the music and food event in UTG. Liaison has taken place with the managers of the His Majesty’s Theatre, St Marks Church and Central Library to discuss programming, access and egress issues and involvement in the event. The noise levels within UTG will be kept below??? at all times. A Noise Control Officer will be on call to deal with any complaints from concerned residents and businesses in and around the event arena. The appropriate telephone contact numbers for this service can be found in appendix 3. 8.8 Weather Forecast Citrus:Mix and ACC Events will obtain regular weather reports in the lead up to the event. This will start on Friday 14 August 2015. 8.9 Public Toilets There will be no additional public toilet facilities provided on the parade route. However, parade participants will be able to access toilet facilities within Harlaw Academy during the set-up phase of the event. 20 An additional 4 single and 2 Disabled units will be available in UTG. A chemical toilet will be available within event control for event staff. 8.10 Food and Non Alcoholic Refreshments Citrus: Mix has appointed the following contractors to provide refreshments throughout the event: ● ● ● ● The Store (x2 units) Cafe2u (mobile van) Made2Taste Cafe di Gelato (ice cream bike) All contractors HACCP, gas, insurance and risk assessment forms will be held within VC. Any unauthorised catering vendor within the event arena will be removed. An initial approach will be made by the organisers in conjunction with Specialized Security asking the vendor to leave the site. 8.11 Litter and Refuse Parading organisations are being allowed to carry any leaflets, if handed out while walking down the pavements alongside Union Street rather than on the road itself. However, it was agreed that there is no requirement for any road sweep deployment after the parade. 4 x 1280L bins will be sited within the main event arena at UTG in addition to the park waste facilities. Litter picking will be carried out as and when identified on-site by all. 8.11 Information All partner agencies and organisations will receive a copy of the event manual. 8.12 Lost Persons The first aid point & VC in UTG The VC within UTG will act as Lost persons point for the music and food event. Any lost person will be dealt with by Specialized Security in conjunction with Police Scotland. 8.13 Staff Welfare There will be a staff welfare area within event control cabin. 21 8.14 Accident / Incident Reporting Any accident or incident resulting in injury to any person and/or damage to any equipment or property must be reported to VC (control cabin in UTG) as soon as it is practicable. All the necessary forms will be completed and signed off. 8.15 Power Event power will be provided through existing supply within UTG. Distribution to the stage and stalls will be by D Events the appointed contractor only. 8.16 Fire Extinguisher Locations Fire extinguishers for the event are located within the event arena as follows: Area CO2 Event Control Stage Water Foam Powder 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 SECTION 9: Command and Control 9.1 Event Control There is no event control for this event. All decisions will be taken on the ground by Citrus:Mix and ACC Events in conjunction with the event police officer in charge. They will act as a mobile event control and manage the administration and routine issues associated with the event. The Stand By Control Room at Police Scotland Grampian Headquarters, Queen Street, will fulfill the role of Event Control and in the event of a major or significant incident occurring at the venue will assume the role of Tactical Command. Should this happen, a senior member from the Emergency Services may be required to attend Queen Street as a member of the Tactical Group. 9.2 Venue Control Celebrate Aberdeen will be co-ordinated from Venue Control (known as VC). portacabin unit which will be situated within UTG. VC will be a VC should house a representative from each of the following organisations who will be responsible for managing their own communications (See Appendix 5 UTG Site Area Map): 1. 2. 3. 4. Citrus:Mix / Celebrate Aberdeen ACC City Events Specialized Security British Red Cross Independent radio communications systems will be used by Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service and British Red Cross. Citrus:Mix, Specialized Security, Sport Aberdeen, Lions Club and ACC will operate on the same communication system but use different channels as outlined in section 9.12 of this plan. In the event of breakdown of any systems, the affected party would then use mobile phones. 9.3 FORWARD CONTROL POINT (OPERATIONAL) (FCP) The position of the FCP will be dependent on the nature of the incident, but in the first instance, Venue Control should be considered. 9.4 Cordons Any inner or outer cordon will be incident dependent and be set up in conjunction with the Police, Ambulance and Fire and Rescue Incident Officers. 9.5 Rendezvous Point(RVP) The Rendezvous Point (RVP) for emergency services will be decided on the day by the PIO. 23 9.7 POLICE OPERATIONS CO-ORDINATING CENTRE (POCC) If a silver level response is required to an incident, a Tactical level of management will be set up within Police Scotland’s Force Operations Co-ordinating Centre located at their King Street annexe. 9.8 Casualty Clearing Station / Ambulance Loading Point These will be designated by the Ambulance Incident Officer dependent on the nature and scale of the incident. 9.9 Rest/Reception Centres In the event of a requirement for an emergency rest/reception centre(s), Police Scotland will contact the Duty Council Emergency Planning Officer as per normal procedures. 9.10 Media For any major incident occurring at the event, all media releases will be coordinated by Police Scotland in conjunction with Celebrate Aberdeen, ACC Media representative and the senior officer from ACC City events on duty. 9.11 Emergency Access and Egress Emergency access and egress points can be facilitated via any existing road in and around the site as all road barriers will be facilitated through ACC Road Services throughout the event. For speed of deployment and unless otherwise directed by their control room, Grampian Fire & Rescue Service will however respond to incidents at the event. For emergency planning purposes, all road closure barrier points will be identified by road junctions. Refer to Appendix 4 Parade Traffic Management Map and Appendix 5 Union Terrace Gardens Site Map Emergency Service access and egress to UTG will be maintained via Skene Street/Lower Denburn through the His Majesty’s Theatre car park and into UTG. Access will be maintained around the lower level of the site up to the stage. 9.12 Cancellation of the Event Any decision to suspend or cancel the event is the responsibility of the senior Citrus:Mix and ACC City Events Officer on duty, who will also consult with Police Scotland. Cancellation due to weather (predominantly high winds) will also be carried once full information is gained from the relevant metrological agencies in order for the decision to be made. In the event of a major incident, other incident or crime which has or is likely to have a significant impact on the event, Police Scotland will co-ordinate the required response and take such action as 24 is considered necessary for the circumstances, assisted where appropriate by Citrus:Mix and ACC Events. Citrus:Mix and ACC Events will ensure that all personnel in the contact telephone list under Appendix 3 are advised of the suspension/cancellation. In the event of cancellation, the event compere will relay the appropriate message(s) to those at the event via the PA system at UTG. Event stewards will contact entertainers, catering units and street vendors to pass on all appropriate information. Loud hailers will be available for staff to convey messages to all on site advising on cancellation and orderly dispersion. Liaison with be made with press team and Corporate communication to convey messages through multi media outlets. 9.13 Bomb Threat The Venue Control staff and the stewards at its disposal must be aware of the potential, however negligible, of bomb threats and the ensuing actions that must be taken should such a threat be made. Anyone involved in the management of the event, the media or the Police may be the recipient of a telephoned bomb threat. In the event of a bomb threat being received at or being passed on to the Venue Control, the Event Organiser and the Police Operational Commander must be informed immediately. The Event Organiser in consultation with the Police Operational Commander will be responsible for the co-ordination of the response to a bomb threat in accordance with agreed Police Scotland procedures. 9.14 Suspicious Packages and Vehicles Even without the receipt of a specific bomb threat, stewards must remain vigilant as regards the possibility of the discovery of suspect packages or vehicles and should make a cursory check of their area of responsibility when they patrol the site. If a suspicious package or vehicle is discovered, it should not be touched or moved. Venue Control should be informed as soon as possible. (Note: Radios and mobile phones should not be used within 25 metres distance of suspect packages or vehicles). The VC will notify the Event Organiser and the Police Operational Commander immediately. The Police Operational Commander will be responsible for the overall co-ordination of the response. 9.15 Deomonstrations and Protests There is currently no intelligence to suggest that any individual or protest group intends staging a demonstration at the event. Should a protest take place prior to or during the event, Police Scotland and the Event Organiser will determine a suitable area for the protest to take place based on the nature of the demonstration and the numbers involved. 25 9.16 Evacuation If the PIO, following consultation with the Event Organiser, decides that the appropriate response to an emergency situation is to activate a partial or full evacuation, guidance pertinent to the implementation of the evacuation should be as follows. A coded message should be transmitted to police personnel and stewards with radios. This coded message will be: “Safety Officer Eris report to (Insert location)” This message is intended as an ‘Alert Only’ and officers and stewards should remain vigilant in readiness for specific instructions which will follow. Whenever practical, evacuation should be outward from the affected areas towards identified exits. The Venue Control will broadcast over the Public Address system clear and concise instructions to the crowd to move in accordance with the appropriate evacuation procedure. Crowd co-operation should be requested and some reasoning behind the need to move from the site should be explained. Event stewards and Police Officers should actively encourage the crowd to move in accordance with the Public Address announcement. They must attempt to reassure and calm the crowd. In the event of a failure of Public Address systems the stewards and Police Officers will use alternative means to instruct the crowd. If a bomb is a real threat, care must be taken to be alert for secondary devices. These might be aimed at the emergency services or moved/evacuated crowds. 26 9.17 MAJOR INCIDENT CASCADE DIAGRAM INCIDENT Public First Aid Team Security Police EVENT CONTROL POINT Event Organiser City Events / Citrus MixTeam Event Announcer ACC Roads and Traffic Management ACC (On Call) Communications Officer British Red Cross & SAS Fire City Promotions Manager Emergency Planning Manager (or Officer on Call) will initiate the ACC Major Emergency Plan if appropriate 27 SECTION 10 10.1 Communications Radios There will be dedicated radio channel communications for each of the following agencies and organisations: ACC, Citrus:Mix, Lions Club,Sport Aberdeen Specialized Security Channel 1 Channel 2 • Emergency services will use their normal communications systems • Citrus:Mix staff and volunteers, ACC, Sport Aberdeen and all parade stewards will use radios supplied by North East Telecommunications (NET). • A list of contact mobile telephone numbers for key personnel is listed under Appendix 3 and will also be available to all key personnel and within VC. • BRC will use their normal communication systems. • Event stewards will control radio communications to their own staff from the VC. 10.2 Communication Protocol • • • Radios should be used for short messages only. Radios are to be used for event business only. No personal messages or chat is to take place on radio channels. 10.3 Mobile Phones • Mobile phones will be used as a last resort in the event of radio communication breakdown. • Appendix 3 lists all mobile telephone contact numbers. (This list will also be available at Venue Control) 10.4 Pre-Publicity A number of advertising tools have been utilized to pre-publicise the Event These include: Citrus Mix Press, Marketing, design, promotional, Social Media and advertising teams Aberdeen City Council websites and social media “word of mouth” advertising; 28 SECTION 11 11.1 Medical Ambulance Services There will be no dedicated Accident and Emergency vehicle at the event. 11.2 First Aid Resources Following a risk assessment the first aid provision will be will be 4 first aiders and 1 vehicle for the parade and 4 first aiders and 1 vehicle for the music and food event in UTG undertaken by the BRC. The BRC team leader will be situated in the treatment area next to the VC. The BRC vehicle will act as a first aid post. There will also be a number of First Aid Patrols in UTG both Lower and Upper levels. The first aiders will triage people brought to the posts. People will be assessed and treated for minor injuries. If the injury requires hospital treatment, BRC will contact SAS and the patient will be transported to the to the nominated A&E hospital. 11.3 Operation Times BRC will be in position at 10:00 at Albyn Place until the completion of the parade and at 11:3017:30 in UTG on both Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 August. All services will be stood down at a time agreed in conjunction with the Venue Control. 11.4 Casualty Treatment Protocol Where practical First Aiders will initially deal with all casualties, and where further treatment is necessary, casualties will be transferred to the nearest First Aid Post, where triage and treatment will take place. Except where casualties are suffering from life threatening injuries, none will be taken direct to Hospital. Those with life threatening injuries will be taken directly by ambulance to the nearest A&E .Department having the capacity to deal with the injury, taking into account other incidents occurring within the city. 29 SECTION 12: 12.1 Traffic Management Meetings have been held with the appropriate organisations and Aberdeen City Council to draw up the traffic management plan. In the interests of public safety and to maintain access and egress to and from the event, there will be a number of road closures, road restrictions and no waiting restrictions in place. NOTE: Any vehicular obstruction will be dealt with by ACC City Wardens under their vehicle recovery scheme. 12.2 Pedestrian Routes Pedestrian access is maintained along the parade route. Pedestrians will have access to the UTG event from the following points: ● Union Terrace ● Rosemount Viaduct ● Skene Street/Lower Denburn - Disabled Access 12.3 Schedule of Temporary Traffic Orders Road Closures From 1000 to 1200 on Saturday 22 August 2015 ● Albyn Place from its junction with St Swithin Street and Carden Place to its junction with Holburn Street and Union Street From 1030 to 1300 on Saturday 22 August 2015 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Union Street full length Netherkirkgate just east of Flourmill Lane Broad Street at Queen Street (Access only for residents/businesses) Castle Street – full length King Street from its junction with East and West North Street to Castle Street Union Terrace from its junction with Rosemount Viaduct to its junction with Union Street. Bridge Street from its junction with College Street/Wapping Street to its junction with Union Street. Revocations From 1030 to 1300 on Saturday 22 August 2015 30 ● Revoke ban on right turn from Holburn Street into Willowbank Road FOR BUSES ONLY ● Revoke ban on right turn from King Street into West North Street. Taxis The following taxi ranks will be closed Chapel Street – Closed as not possible to re route The following rank listed below will have a restriction on use From 1030 to 1300 on Saturday 22 August 2015 Back Wynd – The front of this rank will be moved back to its junction with Little Belmont Street which will allow taxis to exit by Little Belmont Street, right on to Belmont Street and onwards to Schoolhill. Hadden Street – Taxis will exit the rank using a right turn only on to Market Street. The taxi ranks will be open for business. 31 SECTION 13: Stewarding Union Terrace Gardens The Stewarding Company that has been appointed via public contracts Scotland to provide all security and stewarding within UTG is Specialized Security (see section 7.6 for roles and responsibilities). The total numbers of working stewards, including supervisory stewards are 10. There has been ongoing discussion and contact with Specialized Security in the lead up to the event in order that we have in place a stewarding service that will support the event and ensure public safety at all times. The roles undertaken by Specialized are ● ● ● ● ● Entry/Exit points Front of House Backstage General site Overnight security Parade Aberdeen Lions club will provide all event stewarding for the parade (see section 7.7 for roles and responsibilities). The total numbers of working stewards, including supervisory stewards are 54. The roles undertaken by these stewards are: ● Identified traffic management points ● Parade Marshalls 32 SECTION 14: Event Running Order Date/Time Action Owner Friday 14 August Weather forecast monitoring commences City Events Friday 21 August City Events / J Purcell D Events / ACC 7:30am ACC onsite 7:45am Load in: D Events Staging 7:45am Groundguard delivered 8:00am Citrus Mix on site 8:00am 10:0011:00 am Stage Build commences C, H & I Rachel Holdsworth (RH) D Events Toilets Delivered Heilan Loos 10:30am Collection of gazebos (x5), weights, fire extinguishers, tables. Transport: City Events Collect from: UTG Collection point: Bridge of Don Drop off: UTG Collection of Radios from Net Ltd: City Events / MM (on standby if required) 133A Victoria St, Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 7BJ Job Number: 1507H2595 Collection: Fri. 21/08/15 To be returned: Mon. 24/08/15 10:30am RH Collection of helium canister from: Ellon Road, Bridge of Don. AB23 8BU Job Number: BHW 125286 To be returned: 24/07/15 Erect event gazebos FOH 3x3 Backstage 6x3 Store 6x3 for two pitches 12noon Made to taste 3x3 Evening Express 3x3 Fat Hippy Records 3x3 Casa di Gelato (bringing their own) Caf2u (bringing their own) 12:00noon- Bins delivered 4:00pm 7 x cases of water delivered (5 x CME & 2 First Aid) 1:00pm Copies of Public Liability available in VC 33 City Events / RH Business Waste Deeside Water RH 2:00pm 2.00pm 2:05pm 3:00pm 3:50pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:00pm Radio Schedule Updated RH Stage Build Complete Banners erected around city: - Central Library - St Marks on Granite railing opposite side from their banner - Railings adjacent to Wallace statue facing up Rosemount - Entrances to UTG from Union Terrace and Viaduct - The Academy - St Nicholas railing on corner across from Alex Scott - St Nicholas Church entrance on Union Street - Railing to upper deck schoolhill across from Wordies - Railing above screened out SAinsburys’ window schoolhill - Pedestrian railing at BOS facing St Nicholas Centre - Main Stairs to upper deck, where old post office top left - Steps up from markies area either side - Railing above entrance to St Nicholas from Markies square D Events Sound and Light Install Items to come from Citrus:HQ to UTG - 4 x bean bags - 22 bales of Programmes Sound and Light complete D Events Stage Test D Events Flasks dropped off at UTG for water Scott Baxter Event Security arrives on site Specialized Feather flags put together and bases ready to go out in morning Items to come from Citrus:HQ to Rach Car overnight - Feather flags Citrus:Mix Items to come from Citrus:HQ to Morven car over night and to Harlaw in AM - 2 x boxes balloons - 1 x box of high visibility jackets - 1 x box of lanyards - A-Z letter information - copy of radio schedule - copy of volunteer rota - 7.5 bales of programmes - 2 x boxes of hand waving flags 34 MM / Citrus:Mix MM / Citrus D Events RH Saturday 22 August 7.30am RH, MM, NB City Events – J Purcell Onsite - UTG Delivery of bases for feather flags to drop off positions as per below NB + Adrian (8.30am) 7.30AM 8.00am 8:30am Collection of 60 x volunteer lunches from - Upperkrust on Schoolhill - Flourmill lane (Marks and Spencer) Deliver to UTG StreetSport arrive to set up Access to Harlaw Academy. Items to go to Harlaw from MM house (MM. / RH/ NB) - volunteer lanyards - volunteer schedule - hand waving flags - high visibility jackets - event programmes (5.5 bales) 35 Suz Bird Street Sport MM, NB, RH - banners (delivered by Shore Porters) - Helium canister for balloons - balloons (2 x boxes) - Radios (brought by Nick) & Radio check in/out sheet - A-Z Parade letters Load in: Banners to Harlaw 9:00am Tom Simmonds drop off main stage equipment 9:00am Helium balloons blown up at Harlaw 9:30am Tom Simmonds drop off band stand equipment Shore Porters Kenny Luke / D Parrott Tom Simmonds Emma Stephenson / Suz Bird Tom Simmonds 9:45am Registration for Union Mile Opens, Music Hall Sport Aberdeen 9:45am Collection of banners from Harlaw Academy 9:45am Steward briefing in Harlaw 10:00am Pipeband arrive Albyn Place - Syd Jaffrey Citrus:Mix Kenny Luke / Morven Syd Jaffrey 10:30am Union Street Mile Union Street Mile finished. Photographs outside townhouse. Area cleared. (Radio to confirm) Celebrate Aberdeen Parade commence City Events on site at Harlaw Academy 10:55am 11:00am Sport Aberdeen Sport Aberdeen CA Collect water from St Marks Church 11:00am Sound check main stage TS / D Events 11:15am Set up complete - stall holders. All vehicles removed from UTG Parade finish – all move from Castlegate to Union Terrace Gardens Official Opening Union Terrace Gardens. Officials present: 1. Lord Provost George Adam 2. Morven Mackenzie Stalls 12:30pm 1:00pm City Events Parade Staff stand down 1.15pm 1.30pm Activities in Union Terrace Gardens commences 1. Street Sport Football Cages (x 2) available in gardens 2. Food & Drink 3. Live Music a. MCs Pete McIntosh & Hope Webb Entertainment commences at other venues in city 1. Central Library 2. Bon Accord Centre 3. Marks & Spencer 4. Bandstand, St Nicholas 36 CA CA / City Events / D Events K Luke and D Parrott CA / Streetsport / D Events / Catering / Northsound CA / individual venues 5.00pm 5.15pm Event Day 1 Close CA/City Events Each venue pack down feather flags for night. Venues Feather flags collected around town returned to UTG NB Load out: Union Terrace Gardens 5:30pm Event Stewards stand down and security begins Specialized 6.00pm Civic Reception (sponsors & volunteers ONLY) Townhouse 7:30pm Civic Reception Finish Townhouse Sunday 23 August 8:00am 9:00am 9:0010:00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00noon 12.15pm 12.30pm 12.30pm RH onsite RH Feather flags distributed as per Saturday plan RH / NB City Evetns on Site D Parrott Toilet clean Heilan Loos Wrestlezone arrive Wrestlezone Load in – stall holders stalls Collect volunteer food from Marks and Spencer RH / NB St Marks Celebrate Aberdeen Service St Marks Upperkrust deliver volunteer food to UTG Upperkrust Event security ends and stewarding begins Specialized All stalls set up complete - UTG. Vehicles off site Stalls Collect water for handwashing units from St Marks Volunteers arrive at UTG for brief & to collect - high visibility jacket - lanyard - 1 x lunch each - hand waving flags - event programme - radio (if at a venue) Service finishes Union Terrace Gardens Open 1. Zumba Session delivered by Aberdeen Sports Village (own mic) 2. Wrestlezone Scotland 3. Live music a. MCs Micky & Suzie (northsound) & Samyouel Entertainment commences at other venues in city 1. Bon Accord Centre 37 RH / MM St Marks CA / City Events \ D Events CA / individual venues 1:30pm 2. Marks & Spencer 3. Bandstand St Nicholas Nick to Bon Accord Centre to cover for Scott while performing 5.30pm Event Close NB Event Load out 6.00pm 7:30pm Feather Flags collated and brought back to Citrus HQ Citrus Team Banners removed from city and ROLLED up. Return to Citrus HQ Citrus Team Power, Lighting & PA D Events Gazebos dismantle and pack away CA / City Events Event Stewards Stand down and security begins Specialized Site Clear D Events City Events Stand Down D Parrott Items return to Citrus (citrus staff helping out on Sunday to assist) - Banners x 20 - Feather flags x 20 - Leftover programmes / balloons / hand waving flags - High visibility jackets - Left over lanyards - 4 x bean bags - 1 x large flag from parade Monday 24 August 07:45am City Events arrive on site City Events Specialized Security stand down Specialized Stage De-Rig commences D Events Gazebos returned to BOD depot CA / City Events Toilets Heilan Loos Bins Business Waste Return helium cylinder & radios to Bridge of Don RH 11:00am Thank you social media RH 11:30am Stage de rig completed D Events VC cabin collected from UTG D Events Groundguard uplifted C,H&I 12:00noon Return Hire Van to Kittybrewster J Purcell 3:00pm Thank you emails / letters RH 08:00am 10:00am 12:00noon 38 Celebrate Aberdeen | Radio Allocation NET Ltd Radios Volunteer: Nick Broere Parade Pick up: Harlaw Academy Parade Drop Off: Venue Control Event Pick Up: Venue Control Event Drop off: Venue Control Name 1 Rachel Holdsworth 2 Morven Mackenzie 3 John Purcell 4 Nick Broere (control) 5 Harlaw Academy (parade only) 6 Kenny Luke (parade only) 7 Kevin Massey (parade only) 8 Lions (parade only) 9 Lions (parade only) 10 Lions (parade only) 11 Lions (parade only) 12 Security (parade only) 13 Security (parade only) 14 Sport Aberdeen (parade only) 15 Sport Aberdeen (parade only) 16 Venue - Bon Accord 17 Venue - Bandstand 18 Venue - Library (sat only) 19 Venue - Marks & Spencer Radio No 20 39 Radio Out Radio Back APPENDIX 1 RISK ASSESSMENT Celebrate Aberdeen 2015 Assessment Reference No. Celebrate Aberdeen 2015 Area or activity assessed: Assessment date 10/08/2015 Celebrate Aberdeen Total number of sheets used: Union Terrace Gardens Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 August 2015. 7 Section One - Identified Hazards or Activity 1 Slips, Trips and Falls 2 Outdoor Working 3 Extreme Weather 4 Staff Welfare Facilities 7 General Illness 8 Lone Working 9 Violence towards staff 10 Major Emergency 11 due to crowds 13 Fire Hazards 14 Emergency Access Blocked 15 Public Welfare Facilities 16 Lost / Found Persons 17 Lack of Event Planning 20 Contractors 21 Lack of Communication 22 Bomb Threats / Suspicious Packages 19 25 26 27 28 (S) Severity: Insignificant = 1; Minor = 2; Moderate =3; Major = 4; Fatal = 5 (P) Probability: V. Unlikely = 1; Unlikely = 2; Possible = 3; Likely = 4; Almost Certain = 5 5 Loss of key personnel Congestion Temporary Electrical Connections 6 Public disorder / Protest 12 Manual Handling 18 Noise 23 Entertainment 24 29 30 (R) Risk rating = S x P Low = 1-5; Medium = 6-10; High = 11-15; Very High = 16+ Section Two – Who may be harmed Person/s who may be harmed or affected by the activity: Staff, Public and Contractors List any groups vulnerable persons/staff Section Three – Evaluation of the risks, decide on control and preventative measures No Describe the What are you already doing to control the risk Hazard & consequences 1 Slips and Trips. Major/minor injuries Operate a clean site policy with regular inspections prior and during. Residu What else (if anything) do you Reduc al need to do to control the risk ed risk risk S L R S L R 3 1 3 3 1 3 All cabling to, where possible, be overhead and if unable will have matting to cover. 2 Outdoor Working. Major/Minor injuries. 3 Extreme Weather. Structural damage, low attendance, Major/Minor injuries pot. Fatality. 4 Staff Welfare Facilities. All staff to be dressed appropriately for weather predictions. 2 2 4 High winds and other extreme weather conditions will be monitored by the Event Officer prior and during. 2 1 2 Contingency plan for extreme weather conditions of cancellation and rescheduling in Event Plan. 2 2 4 4 2 8 A decision to cancel due to extreme weather will be made prior by the manager. Staff welfare facilities can be accessed within venue control. 2 1 2 2 1 2 Changing facilities for performers will be located in a 6x3m gazebo backstage and details will be given to the performers prior to the event. 5 Loss of Key Personnel Key roles for the event have deputies, outlined in the Event 3 1 3 Plan. 6 Public Disorder Protest Public protests will be facilitated and provisions to call Police Scotland if needed. 3 2 6 Police to be called if evidence of 3 1 3 disorder likely 7 General Illness In the event of any general illness, provision to call 3 1 3 Minor/Major injuries emergency services where needed. 3 1 3 3 1 3 8 Lone working. Injuries/loss of key personnel. Staff to work in pairs where possible and to have contact details on the day. All staff to have radios and mobiles will be used as a last resort. 4 1 4 4 1 4 9 Violence towards staff Provisions to call 999 in the event of an emergency. All 3 1 3 3 1 3 Stress/Major/Minor injuries. 10 Major Emergency Major/Minor Injuries pot. Fatality. Major damage and impact on emergency services. 11 Congestion due to overcrowding Major/Minor injuries/crushing 12 Manual Handling Major/Minor injuries/crushing Staff to be in radio contact. In the event of an emergency the Event Officer is to enforce 4 2 8 All staff and guests to remain 4 1 4 the Event Plan and set procedures. calm and co-operate with the coordination of emergency The Event Control Point and access will be relayed to the response. No staff or guest is to emergency services by the Event Officer. Cordons of the put themselves in any inner and outer perimeter of the incident/venue by staff to immediate danger. stop re-entry and ease of access for emergency services. Security to monitor attendance to ensure capacity is not exceeded. Venue will be closed off to the public once capacity is reached. 3 2 6 A separate Fire Risk Assessment 3 1 3 has been carried out for the event (see Appendix 2). No staff member to perform manual handling tasks without appropriate training. 2 1 2 2 1 2 Contractors are responsible for following their own policies and procedures for Manual Handling and monitoring their staff to ensure it is followed. 13 Fire Hazards A separate Fire Risk Assessment has been carried out Major/Minor injuries/burns/damage (see Appendix 2) to property. All electronic installations and equipment will be provided 3 2 6 All staff to remain vigilant and 3 1 3 report any incidents to the Event Officer. by a competent contractor and safety documentation will be provided prior to the event. 14 Emergency Access Blocked Access for emergency services to Union Terrace Gardens will be under Rosemount Viaduct from Skene Street into His Majesty’s Theatre car park. Paths within the gardens will be kept clear with access available to the event stage at all times. 2 2 4 Staff to report any blocked access2 1 2 routes and familiarise themselves with the area and access points. 15 Public Welfare Facilities The public facilities within the Union Terrace Gardens are 2 1 2 available for use during the event and the levels are in line with the HSG 195 Purple Guides provision recommendations. 2 1 2 16 Lost Found Persons Any reports made to staff of a lost child or person must be made immediately to the Event Officer. ACC Lost Person report must be completed by the Event Officer. If the child or person is not reunited within 30 minutes then Police Scotland will be called to coordinate a response. This will also be done if the child or person is reluctant to go with presented guardian. 3 1 3 3 1 3 17 Temporary Electrical Connections All electrical work is to be carried out by a competent contractor who has the relevant safety documentation regarding the equipment and installation. 4 1 4 See fire risk assessment 4 1 4 18 Noise The noise levels will be controlled by the sound desk provided by the production contractor and kept below 65db at all times. 2 1 2 2 1 2 Major/Minor Injuries/Public Disturbances. Any reports of excessive noise will be reported to the Event Officer and actioned by the production contractor. 19 Lack of Event Planning Major/Minor Injuries, pot. Fatality A robust Event Plan has been created in conjunction with Citrus Mix, the relevant legislative guidance, agencies and departments to ensure that the planning of the event is sufficient and information can be shared easily concerning the event and its procedures. 20 Contractors Major/Minor Injuries, pot. Fatality 21 Lack of Communication Major/Minor Injuries, pot. Fatality 22 Bomb Threats / Suspect Packages All contractors have been appointed and have deemed themselves to be competent for their contractual obligations. Supporting documentation has been supplied concerning safety and insurance and is available from the Event Officer on the day. 4 2 8 A host of supportive 4 1 4 documentation has been produced and a full list can be seen in the attachments section of the Event Plan. 3 1 3 3 1 3 Radios will be used by all staff working at the event. In the 2 1 2 event of a communications failure the procedure (outlined in the Event Plan) is that mobile phones will be used as a last resort and all contact details have been provided to staff and contractors. 2 1 2 Staff to remain vigilant throughout the event period. In the event of a discovery of a potential bomb threat then the 4 3 12 Event Officer to follow 4 1 4 procedure set out in Event Plan Major Emergency/Major-Minor injuriesEvent Officer must be informed immediately and Police Scotland will be contacted to advise on credibility of threat. /Damage to businesses and property. 23 Entertainment Entertainment will be managed by stage manager provided 2 1 2 by Citrus Mix. RISK LEVEL RISK RATING MATRIX Severity Likelihood Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Fatal Very 1 2 3 4 5 unlikely Green Green Green Green Amber Unlikely Possible Likely Almost certain and if any immediate danger to public is discovered then the evacuation procedure will commence. 2 4 6 8 10 Green Green Amber Amber Red 3 6 9 12 15 Green Amber Amber Red Red 4 8 12 16 20 Green Amber Red Red Red 5 10 15 20 25 Amber Red Red Red Red Risk rating Risk level 1–4 green Low 5–9 amber Medium 10 – 25 red High 2 1 2 Risk score and description Risk score Risk level Category Description 1–4 Low Acceptable No further actions needed. 5–9 Medium Tolerable/Adequate But ensure at the review that there is nothing else which could be done. 9 – 15 High Undesirable Immediately look at reasonably practicable ways to reduce the risk. 16 – 25 Very High Unacceptable Stop activity and make immediate improvements. Section Four – Monitoring and action plan Section 1- Risk assessor to complete and discuss with manager Hazard number Risk rating Action required Section 2 - Manager to complete, monitor and review Action assigned to Cost/ resources required Target date All above Monitor site prior and during Event Officer 22.8.15 & 23.8.15 All above Site inspection during the event and ensure good housekeeping throughout. Event Officer 22.8.15 & 23.8.15 Move control Monitor measure into Date action action current completed until (date) controls and reassess risk Section Five – Review Record Date of review Name of Reviewer Reason for review Next review date Comments Assessor and manager declarations Assessor I confirm that this risk assessment has been created using the available publications, legislative and general guidance available at the time of completion. I confirm that this risk assessment is an accurate reflection of the event, risk and controls in place. Name of assessor/s: John Purcell Signature: Name of others involved with assessment: Directorate: Office of the Chief Executive Service area: City Events Team Managers declaration I confirm that this risk assessment is an accurate reflection of the risks and controls in place Yes No I will endeavour to ensure that the actions outlined in the action plan are progressed and completed by the agreed target dates Yes No Managers comments: Managers name (print): Managers signature: Date: APPENDIX 2 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Celebrate Aberdeen 2015 OVERVIEW On Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd August 2015, Aberdeen City Council will be joining with Citrus Mix to deliver the Celebrate Aberdeen event in Union Terrace Gardens. Celebrate Aberdeen is a free event that showcases various local talent, with performers and community groups taking to a 10x8m stage. The event is marketed as a family event to as wide an audience as possible. STAGE / POWER DISTRIBUTION Risk: Electrical fault At Risk: ACC staff, invited guests, contractors and members of the public. D Events will provide power throughout the site and be on site at all times. Appropriate fire extinguisher will be available on site. VIEWING AREAS Risk: Public overcrowding At Risk Public and invited guests There are three pedestrian access/egress points from Union Terrace/Rosemount Viaduct leading to the gardens and one disabled/vehicle access/egress point from Skene Street into Lower Denburn. The maximum capacity crowd of Union Terrace Gardens, allowing for safe access/egress of Emergency Vehicles, a sterile area for Front of Stage and Stalls is 3600 (based on 2 per sq m) 4 x Union Terrace Gardens access/egress points at 4m per gate width x 82 people per meter per minute 4 x 82 x 4 = 1312 per minute On the basis of the above formula, the maximum emergency evacuation time for an audience capacity of 3600 in the gardens is as follows: 3600 divided by 1312 per minute = 2.74 minutes The unknown and so far unmeasured element is the time taken from the lower gardens level to street level on Union Terrace. However it is reasonable to expect given a steady flow from the event arena, through all four access/egress points, shouldn’t exceed four minutes. Total attendance per day in 2014 was 1000 per day and never more than 250 at any one time. Attendance will be monitored by event stewarding to ensure event is not over capacity. Event: Celebrate Aberdeen Number 1 Hazard Electrics main source providing power to Stage and trade stalls. Assessment Date: 10/08/15 Persons at risk ACC Staff, public, contractors and invited guests Risk Level: Medium Level Low Catering vehicle Ignition sources Vehicle fuel Electrical fault 3 Fire caused by carelessly discarded cigarettes ACC Staff, public, contractors and invited guests Medium ACC Staff, public and invited guests Med 4 Emergency Evacuation ACC Staff, public and invited guests Low Total number of pages: 3 Safety Measure Ignition sources Electrical shocks/failure Damage Fire through electrical failure Radiated heat from equipment usage. 2 Venue: Union Terrace Gardens, Aberdeen Only the contractor D Events will supply the power distribution and equipment. Appropriate classification of Extinguishers to be located in the area All electrical cabling to be protected by suitable coverings or flown by D Events. Vehicles to be positioned in accordance with site plan as not to block emergency access routes or clear ways for evacuation. No additional fuel to be stored on site All staff will be advised of no smoking in Union Terrace Gardens during the event times Members of the public will be advised by stewarding company of no smoking in Union Terrace Gardens during the event ACC events staff will advise stewarding company to create a safe cordon immediately Guests and public will be escorted from the Union Terrace Gardens using the existing paths network. ACC events will advise emergency services All staff to be identifiable in hi viz waistcoats 5 General event fire safety Fire Service Low The Event Officer with the support of the stewarding company shall liaise and assist the emergency services Scotland Fire and Rescue Service to be notified and briefed about event prior Access to the site for vehicles would be via Skene Street into Lower Denburn. Access around lower gardens path up to the stage will be maintained at all times. 6 Arson ACC Staff, public and invited guests Ignition sources Excess build-up of refuse Wheeling bins near catering units Low Original Assessment Date: 14/08/15 Assessor: John Purcell Signed: Revised Assessment Date Assessor: Signed: Manager: Signed: Security monitoring crowd behaviour Regular site inspections to reduce build op of litter Police Scotland to be called if reports are received of suspicious activity. CELEBRATE ABERDEEN Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd August 2015 APPENDIX 3 – CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBERS NAME ORGANISATION ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL CONTACT NO. Daniel Parrott Senior City Events Officer (Sat Parade and Sun UTG) City Events Officer (Sat UTG Only) City Events Officer (Sat Parade Only) ACC Press Officer (on call) ACC Roads Business Waste ACC Grounds Harlaw Academy 07801 791 686 John Purcell Kenny Luke Stella Evans Kevin Massie Sallie Antill Ian Mitchell Ernie Reid 07827 983 358 07739 001 883 07834 198 818 07825 533549 01224 489474 07834 199 166 07801 129 518 CELEBRATE ABERDEEN Morven Mackenzie Rachel Holdsworth Coral Smith Jess Murphy Tom Simmonds Event Director Event Manager Event Coordinator (SUN) PR & Media Music Coordinator 07855 526 773 07896 808 587 07773 423 809 07800 548 423 MEDICAL Stephen Wiseman British Red Cross 07850 643 711 STEWARDING Tom Clements Alan Sayers Specialized Specialized – Event Supervisor 07774 269 456 07799 691 865 STAGE, PA, LIGHTING, POWER and BARRIERS Craig Drummond D Events 07525 373 763 TOILETS Iona Clark Heilan Loos 01479 872 800 Alan Fulton Wendy Stokes Stephen Dawn Peter Karen Ogg Tom Simmonds Hannah Bryan McKellar CATERING / STALLHOLDERS Café2U Made to Taste Casa di Gelato The Store Evening Express Fat Hippy Records Streetsport Wrestlezone 07761 959 474 07875 419 890 07853 992 477 07969 780 599 07870 302 653 07764 255 119 07866 791 922 07981 477 560 SCOTTISH AMBULANCE SERVICE Control Room 01463 667 598 Emergency 999 POLICE SCOTLAND TBC Control Room Emergency Parade Sgt on the Day 01224 306 405 999 TBC SCOTTISH FIRE AND RESCUE Control Room Emergency 01224 633 768 999 OTHER Carole / Rev Diane Hobson Amanda Matheson Jessie Atkinson Sam Begg St Marks 01224 640 672 Library Bon Accord Centre Sport Aberdeen 01224 652 525 01224 651 193 01224 578 704 Appendix 4 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MAP Appendix 5 – Celebrate Aberdeen – Union Terrace Gardens Site Map, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd August 2015 KEY Toilets First Aid Venue Control Waste Bins Backstage (6x3m)/ FOH (3x3m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Sun) Stalls / Activities (3x3m) The Store The Store Casa de Gellato Made to Taste Café 2 U Fat Hippy Records Evening Express Streetsport (Sat) Wrestlezone 5 6 4 7 3 2 1 Entry / Exit Points Heras Fencing Waist high barriers 8 APPENDIX 6 PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME APPENDIX 7 PARADE ORDER Organisation Marker Position on Albyn Place NORTHSOUND LANDROVER THE LORD PROVOST NEWTON HILL PIPE BAND CHARITY MASCOTS (x13) PARADE 1 PARADE 2 PARADE 3 PARADE 4 Aberdeen & District Battalion Boys' Brigade Aberdeen & District Fibromyalgia Support Group Aberdeen City Youth Council Aberdeen Chinese School Aberdeen Chorus of Sweet Adelines Aberdeen Cyrenians Aberdeen District Scouts Aberdeen Division, The Girls’ Brigade Aberdeen FC Community Trust Aberdeen Forward CFINE Aberdeen Science Centre Aberdeen Seafarers centre Aberdeen Sikh Sangat Aberdeen Strathspey & Reel Society Aberdeen Thai Arts Academy Aberdeen Unitarians Absafe Aberdeen Academy Of Performing Arts Aberdeen Acrobatic Gymnastics Club ACT Aberdeen Action For Children ACVO Addaction Scotland Alcohol Support Alzheimer Scotland Barnardo's Scotland Befriend A Child Bethany Christian Trust Bosies Breast Cancer charity Dezibel Drummers Cancer Research UK Charlie House Appeal CHAS Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland Childline in Scotland Children 1st Christ Embassy Aberdeen CLAN Cancer Support CLIC Sargent Cornerstone Create Aberdeen Dads Care Denis Law Legacy Trust – Streetsport Diabetes Scotland DISSC Dreams Come True A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 B1 B2 B3 B4 ENT 1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Drugs Action Fairytale Events (1 character) Fisherman's Mission Friends of Anchor Friends of Hazlehead Friends Of Special Nursery Future Choices Gay Mens health Glencraft Aberdeen Grandparents As Parents Granite City Roller Girls Haemophilia Society (The) Homestart Aberdeen Iceberg Print & Design Inspire ptl Inspired Ventures Instant Neighbour Tracten Bavarian Brass Band JDRF Macmillan Maggies Aberdeen Make-A-Wish Marie Curie Mental Health Aberdeen Momentum Skills MS Society Aberdeen branch Love Rara Ltd (10 Characters) Nepalese Himalayan Association Scotland NESDVA (North East Scotland Disabled Veterans Assoc) North East Sensory Services (NESS) Northsound Cash For Kids NSPCC Childline Old Torry Community Centre PAMIS Polish association aberdeen Prakash GC Reach Out / WEA Guarana Street Band RGU Nightline Royal College of General Practitioners Royal Voluntary Service Aberdeen Salvation Army (The) SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) SensationALL Shopmobility Aberdeen Silver City Surfers Sport Aberdeen Station House Media Unit (SHMU) Sue Ryder Techfest Thai Buddharam Temple & Cultural Centre The Shack @ Newlife Charity The Spark Torry St Fittick's Lunch Club VSA YMCA Rock Choir D6 ENT 2 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G1 G2 G3 G4 H1 H2 I1 I2 I3 I4 ENT 3 J1 M1 M2 M2(a) M3 M4 M5 M6 ENT 4 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 O1 P1 P2 P3 R1 ENT 5 R2 R3 R4 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 V1 Y1 ENT 6 APPENDIX 8 Celebrate Aberdeen Parade, 22 August 2015 Traffic Management Implementation Plan Location Materials (TM a) Albyn Place from its junction with Carden Place, Fountainhall Road, Queens Road and St Swithin Street (TM b) Albyn Terrace from its junction with Albyn Place (TM c) Prince Arthur Street from its junction with Albyn Place (TM d) Albyn Grove from its junction with Albyn Place (TM e) Albyn Grove from its junction with Albyn Place (TM 1) Albyn Place from its junction with Albyn Grove. Inc Hospital Exit Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Action Implemented by Date / Time Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August Celebrate Aberdeen x2 12.00 noon Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 12.00 noon Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 12.00 noon Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 12.00 noon Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 12.00 noon Road Ahead closed sign x1 Road to Right closed sign x1 Road closed sign on barrier x1 Barriers x3 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August Celebrate Aberdeen x2 12.00 noon (TM 2) Rubislaw Place from its junction with Albyn Place. (TM 3) Victoria Street with its junction with Albyn Place (TM 4) Holburn Street with its junction with Justice Mill Lane. (TM 5) Chapel Street with its junction with Thistle Street. Road Closed sign on barrier x1 Barriers x 4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August Celebrate Aberdeen x1 12.00 noon Road to Left Closed sign x1 Road to Right Closed sign x1 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.00 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 12.00 noon Road Ahead Closed sign x1 Road closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Saturday 22 August Stewarding: 13.00 pm Stewarded by TM (TM 6) Justice Mill Lane with its junction with Bon accord Crescent (TM 7) Summer Street with its junction with Union Row. (TM 8) Bon Accord Street with its junction with Langstane Place (TM 9) Union Wynd with its junction with Union Row. Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Remove Saturday 22 August 13.00 pm Saturday 22 August 10.30 am Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Remove Saturday 22 August 13.00 pm Saturday 22 August 10.30 am Stewarding: Stewarded by TM ACC Traffic Management Stewarding: Celebrate Aberdeen x1 ACC Traffic Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August Celebrate Aberdeen x1 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Saturday 22 August 13.00 pm Saturday 22 August 10.30 am Road Closed sign x1 Road ahead closed x2 Road to left closed x1 Barriers full length of road at Remove a slight curve. Saturday 22 August 13.00 pm Stewarding: Celebrate Aberdeen x1 ACC Traffic Management Stewarding: Celebrate Aberdeen x1 & Police Scotland (TM10) Silver Street with its junction with Diamond Lane. (TM11) Crown Street with its junction with Langstane Place. (TM12) Diamond Lane with its junction with Diamond Street. (TM13) Union Terrace with its junction with Rosemount Viaduct. (TM14) Slip Road with its junction with Rosemount Viaduct. (TM15) Union Terrace with its junction with Union Street. (TM16) Bridge Street with it junction with Union Street. Both sides of the road. Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x6 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Saturday 27 June once cushion lorries have passed. Stewarding: Stewarded by TM & Police Scotland (TM17) Bridge Street with its junction with Bridge Place/Bath Street. (TM18) Bridge Street with its junction with Wapping Street. (TM19) Back Wynd with its junction with Gaelic Lane. (TM 20) Market Street with its junction with Hadden Street. (TM21) Adelphi with its junction with Union Street. Hold traffic until road is reopened. Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August Celebrate Aberdeen x1 once cushion lorries have passed. (TM22) Flourmill Lane with its junction with Netherkirkgate. Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised once cushion lorries have passed. Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Saturday 22 August Stewarding: once cushion Stewarded by TM lorries have passed. Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x2 Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised once cushion lorries have passed. (TM23) Ship Row with its junction with Shore Brae. Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Sign {Access to NCP car park only} x2 Barriers across road after entry to NCP. (TM24) Broad Street with its junction with Queen Street. Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 (TM25) Marischal Street with its junction with Castle Street. (TM26) King Street with its Junction with East/West North Street. Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Saturday 22 August Stewarding: 13.00 pm Stewarded by TM Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Stewarding: Saturday 22 August unsupervised 13.00 pm Road Closed sign x1 Barriers x4 Saturday 22 August ACC Traffic 10.30 am Management Remove Saturday 22 August Stewarding: 13.00 pm Stewarded by TM
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