Glulam-Bulletin -


Glulam-Bulletin -
April 2013
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April 2013
Load bearing components made from glued laminated timber (Glulam) are designed and carefully
manufactured, top-quality construction components made from an improved material. In spite
of the fact that a harmonized European product
standard EN 14080: 2005 exists and the European
design­standard EN 1995-1-1 is to be used in Germany starting from 1.7.2012, Glulam to be used in
Germany still has to comply with DIN 1052: 2008,
Annex H. Glulam therefore may only be manufactured by companies who have a corresponding
certification concerning­the gluing suitability of
load bearing timber construction­components
according­to German­standard DIN 1052: 2008.
A list of companies who have provided this
certification can be found on the website In the following a few
generally accepted, material dependent
rules shall be explained, adherence to which
assures long-term stability of the structure and
preservation of the appearance.
The following standard qualities are available:­
GL 24c, GL 24h, GL 28c, and GL32c. If the strength
class is not specified, GL 24c is delivered.
With the ordering of GL 32c or h, in addition,­
one has to bear in mind that not all grading
machines required for the manufacturing­allow
for the grading of species­other than spruce/fir.
Table 1
Strength classes
DIN 1052:
Previous, no longer
applicable,­ designations
according to:
DIN 1052-1/A1: 1996
GL 24c, h
BS 11 GL 28c
BS 14 GL 32c
BS 16
Glulam without an Ü-Sign is currently not applicable in Germany
In addition a few important terms and definitions
for the quality determination of Glulam will be
Strength classes
Glulam is, according to DIN 1052: 2008, produced
and divided into strength classes. The strength
classes and correlation to the previous strength
classes according to DIN 1052-1/ A1: 1996-10 can
be taken from table 1. The numerical value of the
Glulam classes stands for the characteristic value
of the bending strength (for Glulam according to
DIN 1052: 2008) in N/mm². The „h“ and/or „c“
with the designation of DIN 1052: 2008-12 stands
for homogeneous and/or combined symmetrical
built up Glulam. A classification to a “combination” strength class GL XX c can be achieved by
the manufacturer of the glued laminated timber
by means of various cross sectional layups. Glulam
of higher strength classes can be exceedingly
economically manufactured with a combined layup
since the higher strength boards accumulated in a
grading process can then be directed to the areas
of greater tensile loads and the boards of lower
strength to the core or the compression loads.
Due to the high costs and greater lead times
required, homogeneous glued laminated timber
with strength class greater than GL 24 should only
be used in exceptional cases, e.g. for components
stressed primarily by normal forces.
Cross sectional layup of
members of various heights
Large volume, order related Glulam construction­
members manufacturing of a higher strength class
than GL 24 have, as a rule, a combined layup. At
the point of maximum bending stress M/W, the
layup required for the respective strength class
must be given. The reduction of the proportionate
height of a boundary area with higher strength
lamellae in the direction of the support is regarded as structurally unquestionable.
Reinforcements for tension
perpendicular­to the grain
DIN 1052: 2008 and DIN EN 1995-1-1 (Eurocode 5-1-1): 2010 permit the design of members
subjected to tension stresses perpendicular to
the grain either with or without reinforcements.
Designs with reinforcements for tension stresses
parallel to the grain according to DIN 1052: 2008
or DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA: 2012 (National Annex­to
Eurocode­5-1-1) are recommended exclusively­for
pitched cambered beams.
Components made from Glulam comply with the
building authorities requirements. They are
labelled by the manufacturer with the German
compliance mark (Ü-mark). At the time of this
bulletin‘s printing, Glulam labelled only with the
CE mark according to DIN EN 14080: 2005 is not
applicable in Germany.
Surface protection
To avoid non-beneficial moisture absorption­
during transportation and assembly as well as
for improving the cleanability, the surfaces,­with
larger construction components­and also the
cross-grained wood, should be provided with a
suitable temporary weather protection coating.
Surface qualities
Glulam components can be manufactured with
various surface qualities and thus fulfil variable
creative requirements. The desired surface characteristics are, in each case, contractually agreed
upon and are, for example, itemised in the technical specifications.­If nothing else is stipulated
visible quality is applied.
Transport and Assembly
Transport and assembly of Glulam compo­nents­
should categorically only be carried­out by
experienced and therefore fully equipped certified
specialists. Thereby, among other things, the
following is to be observed:
– Sufficient bracing, also whilst under
– Soiling prevention.
– During the lifting process, as a rule, the entire
section should be encompassed with heavy duty
binding or some other suitable device.
– Duly storage on site. Attention should be paid
to the fact that coverings for transport have to
be removed in order to avoid condensate and
blue stain. The members should be protected
by suitable coverings against moistening and
contamination subsequently.
– Suitable protection of edges.
– Precise axial orientation of glulam members­
and temporarily bracings until the bracing is
– Final alignment of construction.
– Proctetion against corrosion should be carried
out before the steel elements are mounted in
order to avoid contamination of glulam surfaces
by rust.
– If steel is cut or welded on site the nearby
glulam surfaces should be covered in order to
avoid contamination of the glulam surfaces­
by discolouration and rust.
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April 2013
Table 2
Surface qualities of Glulam
Industrial quality
Visible quality
Selection quality
Firmly grown knots 2,3
Fallen and loose knots 2, 3
Up to ø < 20 mm 4
permitted from ø > 20 mm
to be replaced in the works 4
To be replaced in the works
Resin gall 3, 5
Resin galls are permitted
up to 5 mm
Resin galls are permitted
up to 3 mm
Knots and faulty points improved
by means of knot hole plugs or „ships“ 3
Not necessary
and resin galls improved
by means of filler compound 3
Not necessary
Permitted 6
Permitted 6
Insect attack 3
Permitted are burrows
up to 2 mm
Permitted are burrows
up to 2 mm
Not permitted
Pith visibly on the outer
lamellas is not permitted
Cracks caused by shrinking 3, 5, 7
No limit
Up to 4 mm
Up to 3 mm
as a result of blue stain,
rote und braune nagelfeste Streifen 5
No limit
Up to 10 % of the visible
surface of the whole
construction component
Not permitted
Mould 5
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Contamination of the surface 5
Not permitted
Not permitted
12Distance between fingerjoints
No limit
No limit
On visible remaining outer
lamellas, the distance between
one another has to be at least 1 m
13 Surface
Levelled out
Planed and camfered
chatter permitted up to
a depth of 1 mm
Planed and camfered
chatter permitted up to
a depth o,5 mm
1 Deviations from the limit values defined in the following in lines 2, 3,
6-9, 12, 13 are to be tolerated to the following extent: maximum
of three deviations/m² visible surface for the quality of vision,
maximum of one deviation/m² visible surface for selection quality.
2 Permissible knot size according to DIN 4074: 2012
3 Without limitation of the number
4 Measurement of the diameter of the knots analogue to the
measurement of the diameter of individual knots for scantlings
according to DIN 4074-1: 2012,
5 Delivery condition
6 Filler compound which can be painted over is to be demanded
7 As in all constructional solid wood products cracks can be present.
The depth of the crack, measured with a 0.1 mm thick feeler gauge
and independent of the quality of the surface for construction components, may be, for members not being subject to tensile-stresses
perpendicular to the grain up to 1/6 of the width of the construction component, for members being subject to tensile-stresses
perpendicular to the grain, up to 1/8 of the width of the component
from each side. With deeper cracks the non-critical state should be
checked by an expert.
A more comprehensive and illustrated description of the surface
qualities can be found in the article RADOVIC/WIEGAND „Oberflächenqualität von Brettschicht­holz“ [Surface quality of glued
laminated timber, German language only], which is located in the
download area of the website
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April 2013
Table 3
Maximum permitted deviations
Maximum permitted deviations
Straight members
Curved members
Cross-sectional width
for all widths
± 2 mm
Cross-sectional height
h ≤ 400 mm
h > 400 mm
+ 4 mm to – 2 mm
+ 1 % to – 0,5 %
Maximum deviation of the angles of
the cross section from the right angle
Length of a straight member or
developed length of a curved member
2 m ≤ ℓ ≤ 20 m
ℓ > 20 m
Longitudinal warping measured as the maximum gauge
over a length of 2 000 mm without consideration of precamber
Deviations of the gauge of curved
members per developed length in m
Deviation in sizes
Deviations in sizes determined by DIN EN 390:
1995 for a reference moisture content of 12%
must not exceed the values listed in Table 3. In
addition to the specifications of DIN EN 390:
1995, Table­3 also contains maximum permitted
deviations for curved members. A curved member
here is a member with a precamber of more than
one hundredth of the span.
Limiting values for deflections
As in the former national standard DIN 1052: 2008
the limiting values for deflections given in DIN EN
1995-1-1: 2010 and the respective National Annex
DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA are only recommendations!
Clients and designers have to agree upon the
limiting values for deflections for each specific
building. On the basis of long-term experience the
Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau e.V. recommends the following values (values in brackets
apply for cantilevered members).
± 2 mm
± 0,1 %
± 20 mm
4 mm
± 4 mm
± 2 mm
≤ 6 Laminations
> 6 Laminations
Table 4
Recommended limiting values for deflections for beams
w inst
w net,fin1)
w fin
Members other than
members according to line 2
l/150 2)
l/150 2)
l/100 2)
Precambered members or members of minor
importance such as members for agricultural
buildings, rafters and purlins
l/100 2)
l/125 2)
l/75 2)
1) Deviating
from DIN EN 1995-1-1: 2010 but in
accordance with DIN EN 1990: 2010 and the
future DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA/A1 wnet,fin is calculated as follows:
for cantilevered members
wnet,fin = winst,G +
i ≥1
· w inst,Q,i
1 + k def – wc
April 2013
Subsequent block outs, notches,
openings,­drilled holes and cuttings
In every case they call for a new static analysis.
Structural-physical analysis
Predominantly the outer layers of the Glulam,­
under construction, absorb moisture. This moisture must be gradually dispersed, until a uniform
cross-sectional moisture is achived. Careful
heating and ventilation­and the resulting accompanying slow reduction­of the relative humidity of
air and the corresponding wood moisture serves
this purpose.
On the surfaces of the Glulam components and
also along the glued joints Shrinkage cracks can
appear. As in all constructional timber products
cracks can be present. The depth of the crack,
measured with a 0.1 mm thick feeler gauge and
independent of the quality of the surface for construction­components,­may be, for members not
being­subject to tensile-stresses perpendicular­to
the grain up to 1/6 of the width of the construction component, for members being subject to
tensile-stresses perpendicular to the grain, up to
1/8 of the width of the component from each side.
With deeper cracks the non-critical state should
be checked by an expert.
With direct exposure and strong changing
climatic conditions the inclination towards crack
formation increases. Even during the planning,
protective measures are also provided­for the
construction in progress. These are, in particular,
coverings and backwater free drains.
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Priority is given to constructional means of wood
protection over preservative treatment.­To this
belongs, for example, prompt closure of the
roof and outer wall surfaces immediately after
assembly and also removal of building moisture
by venti­lation. For reasons of environmental
and health protection, constructional means of
wood protection measures should be taken that
render additional use of preservative treatment
unnecessary. Accor­ding to DIN 68800-1: 2011,
in service classes 1 and 2 (moisture content
permanently < 20%), no preservative treatment
against fungi or insects is required with kiln dried
solid wood products such as glulam. Depending­
on the use class according­to DIN 68800-1:2011,
you can resort to durable softwood species (with
no or limited­sapwood) in service class 3. Pine
heartwood can be used up to use class 2, larch
and Douglas fir heartwood up to use class 3.1. If,
in exceptional cases,­preservative treatment is
required, then products according to a German
technical­approval applicable to the respective­use
class shall be used.
Prior to application, however, a written opinion of
the preservative agent manufacturer containing
the following points should be requested:
ecessity of surface coating and other moisture
protection measures until
the members are protected against
– C ompatibility of preservative treatment with
surface coating;
ecessity of pre-treating the surface, in particular in the case of kiln dried spruce wood, to
reach the required penetration quantity and, if
applicable, penetration depth;
– F undamental suitability of a surface application­
with large volume glulam timber­components.
Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau e.V.
Elfriede-Stremmel-Straße 69
42369 Wuppertal
02 02 · 978 35 79 Fax
1. Circulation published: Januar 1998
2. Revised edition: August 2001
3. Revised edition: April 2005
4. Revised edition: November 2009
5. Revised edition: December 2010
6. Revised edition: May 2012
7. Revised edition: April 2013
Title photo: Wiehag GmbH
Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau e.V.
Elfriede-Stremmel-Straße 69
42369 Wuppertal
+49 (0)202 · 978 35 79 Fax