October 2014 EDITION - The International Formalwear Association
October 2014 EDITION - The International Formalwear Association
International Formalwear Association Formal Times Newsletter October 2014 EDITION Announcing!! It sounds like the next IFA show will be in Louisville Kentucky the last week of July! Save the date. More details Next issue! Regional Shows Thank you to all of the great manufacturers who supported the IFA regional shows. We hope you had a chance to meet some new people and catch up with old friends. Thank you again for all of your support for these shows. Tips For Instagram Use The most frequent questions received on the IFA phone from members are about marketing and social media. The ever changing tangled web of choices and opportunities for online marketing and exposure is very hard to follow. A very popular site growing at a much stronger rate than Facebook is Instagram. The definition of Instagram according to Wikipedia is as follows: Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. A distinctive feature is that it confines photos to a square shape, similar to Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid images. Users can also apply digital filters to their images. Video may also be posted but the maximum duration for Instagram videos is 15 seconds So, is this site worth your attention and WHY should you be using it???? Over 200 million users love Instagram and Many of those are our target market for weddings. While Instagram displays a gender neutral bias, 68% of its users are female and 32% male. Instagram has been proven to attract the younger generation with 90% of the 200 million users under the age of 35 . Among these users 24% say they use it more than once daily. In Instagram the user shares pictures and video relevant to them. The number symbol on your device has a new name and that is a hashtag! And with the use of #hashtags# Instagram groups you together to connect to others with the same interests. By picking relevant specific hashtags rather than broader terms like wedding, you connect with those looking at photos of your product. #tuxedo #welldressedgroom #(your area)hotgrooms #(your top brand)grooms lots of possibilities….. This site is ALL visual and the dreamy well dressed couples you add to your site will hopefully catch the eye of your future customers. Now knowing more of the basics, how can you make this site Work for you? Here are few tips to maximize your business exposure on Instagram and a list of apps to help you stand out. Optimize your account to be public not private. Make sure your username pertains to your business. Be consistent to use the same profile photo for ALL OF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA SITES!! Your first impression for potential customers needs to be good. Make sure your bio is your manifesto. What do you do better than others in your field? Make some hyperlinks back to your website. Make sure the links connect back to the best page. Ask questions in your posts. Post 3-5 times per week Do not add too many small details to your photos since viewers cannot click on them and zoom in like on Facebook Look for and respond to feedback. Consider a promotion to create interest and additional followers. Instagram helpers: Instagram Apps are great tools to make your photos stand out among others and a fun way to create interest and gather followers. Check out the list and be sure and send your ideas for others! Most are available on Android and Apple and most are free. Instagram Notes Text Overlay or Textcutie is a photo editing tool that was designed specifically to allow you to create images with text that you can publish on Instagram (or, really, any other social network). Textcutie is a good image editing tool that allows you to create some very bright and colorful images to share on Instagram. Instaframe or now LiPix Helps you combine your photos and text to make great looking collages. They can be shared on all the other sites Gramgrab is a simple web application that displays your Instagram photo collection with hover-action to display details of a photo such as the number of likes, time uploaded and filter used. At a click, you can download the photo directly to your computer. Quickagram lets you browse through random Instagram photos listed on gallery and map. Clicking on the image will open the photo to its original size with options to like, share on Facebook or comment on Instagram directly from the page. OVER If you ever wanted to add text to your photos, than try Over. This Instagram powerhouse is an all-around favorite because it includes more than 225 fonts, numerous stock backgrounds and an endless amount of customization options so that you can add some appropriate words to your pictures. SuperImpose Superimpose gives users the ability to blend photos together with seamless, professional quality. The app includes more than 10 different masking tools and 18 blending modes. Furthermore, Superimpose has the ability to remove all that extra work you’ve been doing while attempting to erase part of a photo, which you can choose to use as a background image. Afterlight Equipped with 27 fully adjustable filters (including real and natural light leaks),75 unique frames and the ability to easily share your art on not only Instagram, but also Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and email, this is hands down one of the more useful apps for Instagram users. Picstitch Pic Stitch allows users to create collages using one of the 232 different layouts, customizable border widths, and easy fix filter. Images are easily exported to Instagram Instrarchive Chances are that all of your images are safe and sound on Instagram, but a backup plan never hurt anyone. If you want to store your images on your computer, you can do that with Instarchive. It’s an easy-to-use web tool where all of your Instagram photos are downloaded as a convenient zip file to your PC. Statigram Statigram is very important if your brand is on Instagram. The app gives you access to vital analytics ranging from the total number of likes received, your most liked photos, your average number of likes and comments per photo, and your follower growth charts. Other useful features include setting up and monitoring contests, promoting your Instagram feed across other social media accounts and managing conversions. With the help of some of these apps you can create fun interesting posts to add to your site. Let us know what is working well for you… editor@formaltimes.com Super Powers in Customer Service! For most stores in our industry the next few months make up our downtime. This time of year is when we have a small window of time to clean, straighten, organize, inventory, repair and regroup. Part time help is not needed to the same degree and you are now hopefully surrounded by your Super Heroes. People who throughout the year time and again went WAY above and beyond to create customer experience to be bragged about among friends of each bride and groom. This slow time is the perfect time to acknowledge your Super Heroes, tell them thank you. What could you do in a small way that would make a BIG difference? Here is a list to look over: 1. Create a Hall of Fame wall with photos of outstanding employees that your customers can see. 2. Cover the person’s desk or work area with balloons. 3. Establish a “Behind the Scenes” award specifically for those whose actions are not usually in the limelight. 4. Present “State of the Department” reports periodically to your employees acknowledging the work and contributions of individuals and teams. 5. Create an Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD) Award. 6. Give Mr. Goodbar (candy bar) Awards 7. Use 3x5 cards to write “You’re special because…” statements. People can collect the cards and refer to them when things aren’t going perfectly. 8. Give a note reading, “Thank you. You are a ______!" Attach a roll of Lifesavers 9. At an employee meeting, randomly tape gift cards to the bottom of chairs. 10.Award a Super hero t shirt. Acknowledging exceptional customer service sets the bar for others to follow. What has worked well for your business?? Let us know editor@formaltimes.com Industry News In keeping the integrity of the brand FWI/Jean Yves has sent the following information to accounts: Help a fellow Member : Question from Nancy Sarno of Sarno and Sons: I am looking for copies of Old Paul Greenwald letters that discuss depreciation of formalwear… Can anyone help her??? Does anyone have copies of Paul’s newsletters? If so contact Nancy nsarno@sarnotux.com and copy us editor@formaltimes.com Request for information from another member: Asks about black canes. Has anyone found another source for them since most of the sites were out?? Where did you find them? Also, where are you finding gray socks??? What source and How much??? Send information to editor@formaltimes.com and please use canes or socks as the subject. Wants and Offerings NEW WANTS AND OFFERINGS POLICY: ADS WILL NEED TO Be RESUBMITED EVERY MONTH! YOU MAY HAVE THEM IN AS LONG AS YOU LIKE, THEY JUST HAVE TO BE RESUBMITTED MONTHLY TO BE SURE TO KEEP LIST CURRENT! CHECK YOUR ADS BELOW! PLEASE RESEND ANY ADS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE IN NEXT MONTH editor@formaltimes.com Call us at 309-721-5450 with any questions I would like to sell 100 brand new white tux shirts that are unfolded. Lay down & wing. Many large sizes. Pleated & flat front. $2.00 per shirt. A steal! White and ivory dinner jackets, 2-button notch, fwi, excellent condition, $35 Ira Coleman Coleman's Tuxedos 973-258-1948 iratux@aol.com FOR SALE. Modern Time shoes all sizes $1.00 each buyer pay's shipping and Square Toe Pattern Leather $1.00 each. Wanted to Buy I'm looking for some gently used 2 button black Notch Suit Jackets. Angelo from Rose Tuxedo 602 299-1743 asbrocca4@aol.com Looking to Buy Rex Formal Wear in San Antonio is looking for Grey Savoy pants,vests and coats. Also looking for good used One button black notch coats, and black wool tuxedo pants. Contact Quincy Barnes at 210-710-5275 or quincy@rexformalwear.com Wanted: Black or Gray Parisian tuxedos Tailcoats Cutaways Extra Long Coats (Knee Length) Small size mens coats (size 34-39 1 or 2 button) For Sale: Group of 115 Watermelon Synergy Vests new w/o tags. Sizes range from Boys Small up to 5XL. Take all price is $500 Black Ecko Contender 3 button w/ Pants all sizes White Ecko Contender 2 button w/ Pants all sizes Contact Matt Pinkston Formalwear Outlet 919-644-8243 Looking to Buy A FORMAL YOU! INC/ THETUXXMAN----WANTS: *Black Wool Pleated and/or Flat Front Tuxedo Pants *Tuxedo Tailcoats- Any Color Any Style- Black, White, Grey, Silver, Red *Longer Style Coats- 'Da Vinci', Claiborne 2.0, or any other Longer style Coats *Cutaway Morning Coats- Gray or Black *Hickory Striped Morning Trousers *Gray or Black Wool Double Breasted Vests *Vintage Ruffled Tuxedo Shirts or Vintage Tuxedo Coats *Vest/Tie Collections in Good condition *Tuxedo Shirts- Black or White- Polycotton or Micro PLEASE CONTACT: BRANDON STEWART 239-481-7875 239-281-4496 TUXXMAN@AOL.COM Offered for Sale L.W. Steel Grey Barrington 106 coats 20$ 75 pants 10$ or all for 1,000$ L.W. Light Grey Barrington 55 coats 20$ 60 pants 10$ or all for 1,000$ F.C.G.I. Joseph Abboud 2B Notch 64 coats 25$ FLOW tan 2b suit 36 coats 10$ 15 pants 5$ 2B notch 70 coats 20$ buy all or some Black Adjustable Pleated pants 125 pairs 10$ buy all or some Black ecko tennis shoe 45 pais 5$ All items are in good RENTABLE condition! Please contact Steve at Duckys Formal Wear 309-716-1039 Looking to sell black micro lay down collar shirts $4.50 ,Ivory shawl jackets,$7.00 black wool pleated pants size 31 adj.$12.50. Call Sal 504-340-4544 J & L FW Offered FOR SALE 47 TOTAL(SIZE 36-54) PERRY ELLIS ONE BUTTON VANGUARDS EXCELLENT CONDITION -ONLY $470 PLUS UPS PLEASE CALL MIKE 570-829-4999 Offered For sale: Chocolate Parisian 83 coats ranging from Boys 4 to 64L $15 ea coat 62 pants $5 ea Latte Parisian 25 coats 36L to 54R $15. ea. 28 pants $5. ea You can contact Teresa or Bernardo Bernardo's 574-255-8818 info@bernardos.com Milroy's Tuxedo Used Items Milroy's Style # 162 P162 159 173 PJA 164 P164 V164 Most Items will be sold in bulk buy November 7th Call or Email ASAP Description Color Manuf. Latte Parisian Coat Latte Parisian Pant Joesph Abboud 2 Btn Notch Super 120 Joseph Abboud 2 Btn Peak sat edge Carlyle Super 120 Joseph Abboud Pleated Pants Casino White with Black Stripes Coat Casino White with Black Stripes Pants Casino White with Black Stripes Vest Latte FWI Latte FWI Black FCGI Black FCGI Black FCGI Whit Bk St FLOW Whit Bk St FLOW Black FLOW Black FLOW PCL Ralph Lauren 2 btn Peak Dream Fialle Lapel Super 100's Ralph lauren / CK Super 100'd Pants Black FLOW VFA501 Filale Black Fullback Vest 5 btn Black FLOW VFA202 Filale White Fullback Vest 5 btn White FLOW VFA303 Filale Ivory Fullback Vest 5 btn Ivory FLOW 129 Black FLOW V Con Chaps Country 3 button Peak Chaps Country Vest Line - Black White, Silver, Ant Gold, Ivory Aries Vest, Windsor, Bow, PS Line - Black, WHt, Ivy, Silver, Gold, Burent Orange, Buttercup, Coral, Ginger, Pink, Claret, Burgundy, Grape, Espresso, Fuchsia, Kiwi, Turquoise, Hot Lime, Celesterial Blu Celedon, Perywinkle, Lilac, Aqua, Sapphire, Lavender, Platinum Joseph Abboud Windsor Tie Line Most of the Same colors as Aries Energy Windsor Ties - Muli Dot 24 Colors Zelente Vest, Windsor, Bow, PS Line - 5 button solid satin Apple, Red, Persimmon, Latte, Canary, Honeydew, Tropic, Oasis Cornflower, Champagne, Platinum, Black, White, Ivory STBK Jazz Oxford Shoes Black Black STW Jazz Oxford Shoes White White SWIV Jazz Oxford Shoes Ivory Ivory SRG Grey Barclay Grey Gateway 216 Radio City Shoes Grey Gateway Grey Fill in Shoes for Radio City 2014 buy Black Madison Reduction Coats and Pants Black FCGI 219 220 Black Illusions Coats Recuction White Illusion Coats ALL Black White FWI FWI 210 VLT VAR VAR CON VAR CON WJA WE V V Con SRGG FLOW A6 FCGI BG Chaplin Milroy's Tuxedos, Dennis Schmidt, dennis@milroystuxedos.com, 800-7474889 Go to www.MilroysTuxedos.com - Click Catalog Veiw for Pictures and Color Selection. Will sell these Items Off by November 7th. Call ASAP if wanting any of these products. Thoughts for the Weeks Ahead “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” — Jim Rohn “Two things define you…Your patience when you have Nothing and your attitude when you have everything.” --- Unknown
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