2015 MGAA Newsletter – September
2015 MGAA Newsletter – September
MGAA TRADE SHOW MGAA TRADE SHOWBOOTHS NOW SELLING VENDOR NOW SELLING VENDOR BOOTHS **Attention Vendors** **Attention Vendors** Trade Show Hours: 6:00—9:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Trade Show Hours: 6:00—9:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Anderson Conference Center 5171 Eisenhower Parkway Anderson Conference Center Macon, GA 5171 Eisenhower Parkway Macon, GA Theme: Booth Information Registration Deadline: Booth Information Super Heroes Theme: fighting hunger Super Heroes Associate Members: $300 Non-Associate Costs: Members: $900 (includes 2 company reps, booth & meal) Associate Members: $300 $25 per each additional company rep Non-Associate Members: $900 (includes 2 company reps, booth & meal) For$25 more or to requestrep an application perinformation, each additional company by fax/email/mail: Email mgaaonline@gmail.com or For more information, or to request an application Call 478-994-8774. by fax/email/mail: Email mgaaonline@gmail.com or Call 478-994-8774. Winners will be FREEatADMISSION announced 7:30 p.m. to all owner/manager members and non-member apartFREE ADMISSION staff to include to all ment owner/manager mem-apartment owners, regional bers and non-member apart-managers, ment staff to on-site includemanagers apart- , personnel ment maintenance owners, regional man- & consultants. agers, leasing on-site managers , September 4, 2015 Registration Deadline: for fightingPrize hunger September 4, 2015 Booths open to MGAA members only. Best Decorated The only Vendors allowed at the show are those that Prize for Booth: Booths open to MGAA members only. Best Decorated 2016 Dues will be waived have reserved a booth. The only Vendors allowed at the show are those that Booth: Vendors are 2016 Dues will be waived a booth. Bothhave the reserved completed application AND encouraged to bring payment must be received to reserve a booth. a door Vendors areprize. Both the completed application AND Winners will be encouraged to bring payment must be received to reserve a booth. Costs: at 7:30 p.m. aannounced door prize. maintenance personnel & leasing consultants. 2015 Board Members Associate Vice President President Kirbi Suddeth Magnolia Crossing Apartments manager@highlandparkapthomes.com (478) 405-8848 Not Pictured Not Pictured Not Pictured Not Pictured VACANT President Elect Lindsay McCallum Riverstone Apartment Community riverstonemgr@greystar.com (478) 257-6044 Not Pictured Amanda Dawkins Apartment Guide adawkins@apartmentguide.com (478) 714-3956 Secretary Kayla Jones Lullwater at Bass K.jones0929@gmail.com (478) 919-8124 Not Pictured Natalie Culpepper Seagull Select natalie2244@comcast.net (770) 560-9346 Ben Mask Dannenberg Lofts, Sterchi Lofts & 572 Mulberry dl@provencere.com 478-318-7895 Not Pictured Shelly Campbell RiverStone Apartment Community riverstoneamgr@greystar.com 478-784-7922 Lisa Swem Stonehenge Apts. stonehenge@king-mgt.com 478-975-0200 Kacey Pike Pavilion at Plantation Way leasingpavilion@worthingse.com 478-787-6220 Kathy Turner Colony Furniture Leasing turnerkathy0@gmail.com (706) 561-9525 Susan Hewett, Executive Director mgaaonline@gmail.com (478) 994-8774 Good Day Everyone! I want to thank everyone who came to our August canned food drive kick off at Fish n Pig!! We an awesome turn out! For those who were unable to attend we had a great meeting! Thank you to our speakers, Niki Collins with the Macon Rescue Mission, and Jim Baker with the Code Enforcement Office of Macon who took time out of their schedules to come and be with us! If you are interested in participating in our Canned Food Drive, but were unable to sign up at the meeting please email Bridget bdaniel@redifloors.com or Susan at mgaaonline@gmail.com . This year our theme is Super Hero’s fighting hunger. Deadline to sign up is September 15th! Make sure to decorate your boxes for best dressed box and start collecting those cans!!! This year we will be holding our MGAA Inaugural Golf Tournament! If you are interested in playing please send in your registration form to Susan at mgaaonline@gmail.com! We have limited space for teams and we want everyone to join us! If you or someone you know are interested in donating a raffle prize for the Golf Tournament please get in contact with Lindsay or myself as soon as possible! All proceeds for the raffle will go to The American Red Cross! We are starting to implement a new text alert system! If you or anyone on your staff are interested in getting text message alerts from MGAA regarding meetings, events, etc., please send in your cell phone number to Susan so she can add you to the list! If you are interested in becoming a MGAA board member or just more involved in MGAA please get in contact with any of our cur rent boar d members or Susan and let us know! We are always looking for enthusiastic people to join our board and our committees! Please remember to do business with our MGAA vendors! If you are cur rently using someone who is not a MGAA vendor please encourage them to join! Just think how much MORE business they will receive once they are in our newsletter!! We hope to see everyone at the Trade Show at the Anderson Conference Center September 15th! Again the theme is Super Hero’s so please feel free to join our vendors with the theme and dress up! And remember, the Winner of the Best Dressed Display has their 2016 membership dues waived. It’s going to be a fun night with giveaways! If you have any questions or suggestions please contact Susan or me!! Best Regards, Kirbi Suddeth President BIBB CO. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE MGR JOHN BAKER MACON RESCUE MISSION August 2015 aa partment MIDDLE GEORGIA BTV MAGAZINE earch THE COST OF 1 LAWSUIT COULD BE THE SAME COST OF FIXING ALL YOUR TRIP HAZARDS… Georgia Safe Sidewalks Ad— YOU MAKE THE CALL AFFORDABILITY Sidewalk repairs typically save you 70% - 90% compared with sidewalk replacement. Our repairs: Are ADA compliant Remove the liability Don’t cause disruption Make sidewalks safe We saved our customers over $75,000,000 last year! 770.702.0766 Office 941.773.4902 Mobile Todd@GASafeSidewalks.com www.GASafeSidewalks.com Attention Vendors In efforts to help you manage your bar tabs, MGAA encourages you to bring business cards or some sort of tickets to pass out for drink purchases. If you have questions regarding this, please contact Susan at mgaaonline@gmail.com. Welcome New Members One Call Commercial Services, LLC 1756 Wyngate Circle Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466 843-860-6159 Barry Hillebrand Member Update Info: Georgetown Village Apartments in Milledgeville has changed their name to: 49 West Apartment Homes All other info remains the same. Highland Park Apartments has changed their name to Magnolia Crossing. Their management company is now Wiregrass Multifamily. All other info remains the same. Prompt Dependable Quality – VISIT US ON that’s PDQ Services. We solve your problems and make your job easier. Whatever your needs, we’re here to help you with: PDQ Ad PDQ Ad > Credit Reports > > > > > Criminal Background Checks Dispossessory Services Evictions Collections Judgment Recovery Contact us today at 478-781-6779 or on the web at www.pdqservices.net and we’ll help you improve your bottom line. G O L D PAT R O N 600 Churchill Court • Woodstock, Georgia 30188 MID GEORGIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION Make sure to “LIKE” us! Scenes from the Holiday Party and Star Awards More scenes from the Holiday Party/Star Awards Star Award Categories Categories below are judged by essay content Property of the Year Judged on total points for all criteria listed in other awards categories Manager of the Year Judged on knowledge of solving resident conflicts, legal issues, marketing, management of on-site staff, telephone technique, qualifying of potential residents, demonstration of property, follow-up, and property overview including appearance Assistant Manager of the Year Judged on telephone technique, greeting, qualifying, demonstration & follow-up Leasing Professional of the Year Judged on knowledge of fair housing laws, telephone technique, demonstration, follow-up, qualifying candidates and closing Maintenance Team of the Year Judged on condition of property, safety, and all repairs and maintenance functions Maintenance Individual of the Year Judged on problem solving abilities, and time management Beautification Award (Awarded to the Property & Landscape Contractor) Judged on beautification & curb appeal, one award for each category Categories Include: 1 – 150 units 151 – 250 units 250 + units Associate of the Year An individual that sets a positive example within our industry. One that provides support to membership and is actively involved Associate Company of the Year A company which provides outstanding and timely service to your community Reaching for the Stars A property that, over the past year, has had the most improvement in one or more of the following Appearance: interior and/or exterior Safety improvements & resident benefits Profitability & management of the property Bottom line improvement, education accomplishments You may submit photos, statistics, or other illustrations to show evidence why your entry should receive the award Best of the Best (This category is owner/manager members or associate members.) An individual that you consider best qualified to represent your community or company. Provides leadership with a positive attitude and whom continues to reach for the stars. Judge 50% on the essay content and 50% on MGAA participation Best Amenities Judged on overall amenities offered to residents, accessibility, appearance, cleanliness, and packages offered 2015 Star Award Nomination Check the category your nomination is for: ☐Property of the Year ☐Assistant Manager of the Year ☐Maintenance Team of the Year ☐Beautification Award ☐Associate Company of the Year ☐Best of the Best ☐Manager of the Year ☐Leasing Professional of the Year ☐Maintenance Individual of the Year ☐Associate of the Year ☐”Reaching for the Stars” Best Amenities Name of Nominee:_____________________Email Address:___________________ Community/Company:_______________________________ # of Units:_________ Nominated By:________________________Email Address:___________________ Please tell us how your nominee has gone above and beyond the call of duty and contributes to the success of their company, and why you believe this Nominee should win this award. (150 words or less) Please print or type. If your nomination is not legible, it will not be considered. Deadline for entries is November 6th.. Please send completed form to mgaaonline@gmail.com or fax to 478-994-8774. The Susan Hewett Annual GAA Scholarship Award In appreciation of 25 years of dedication and service by Susan Hewett to MGAA, it was announced at the 25th Anniversary Celebration on May 9, 2013that MGAA will create this Scholarship Award to be presented annually to an outstanding & deserving owner/manager member (s) of MGAA so that they may attend the GAA Education Conference. The Scholarship Award is to be initially funded in the amount of $1000 by the donations in the amount of $250 each from following member donors: Colony Furniture Leasing; Cook’s Carpet Maintenance; Landmark Landscapes; and Redi-Floors. In the event that other vendors may want to be included in donating to the scholarship award, or if a vendor decides to no longer participate in donating to the scholarship award, the amount of the award may vary. Donors will be announced at the meeting when the award is presented, on Facebook, and in the newsletter. The scholarship award funds will be used to pay for registration, travel & lodging for the GAA Education Conference for the winning owner/manager member. At the August 2013 Board meeting, the board voted that the Scholarship Award would be based on essays received from members in good standing with MGAA, and must include the following: Why I want to attend the conference; Show of enthusiasm about wanting to win and attend the conference; and Why I should be the winner. OR: The Boar d can nominate a deser ving per son who has not applied for the scholar ship. The essays will be judged by board members based on: 30% - based on attendance at MGAA functions (participant must keep a record of their participation which can be verified by the Executive Director); 30% - based on the required essay; and 40% - based on volunteering for MGAA, i.e. committees, board, PAC Fundraiser, Canned Food Drive, Star Awards, etc (participant must keep a record of their volunteering in MGAA functions, which can be verified by the Executive Director). The applicant must meet with the committee prior to winner being selected. The winner will share their experience of attending the conference, and what they got out of the conference. This will be shared in the newsletter and on social media. The Board voted to award the 1st Scholarship Award for the 2014 GAA Education Conference. Deadline for essays to be received each year will be June 30th. September 15th Annual Trade Show Anderson Conference Center Theme: Super Heroes Fighting Hunger October 2nd MGAA Golf Tournament At Barrington Hall November 17th Election Night at Edgar’s December 4th Star Awards at Cox Capital Theatre 2015 Mid Georgia Apartment Association Annual Vendor Trade Show Date: Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 Location: Anderson Conference Center Table Set Up: 12:00 p.m. day of show Show Hours: 6:00p.m. – 9:00p.m. Visit Displays: 6:00p.m. – 8:00p.m. Dinner Served: 7:00p.m. Door Prizes: 7:30p.m. The Trade Show is available to all paid Associate Members and Non-Associate Members who would like to join the Mid Georgia Apartment Association. We encourage all current Associate Members to take advantage of this opportunity to display your products and services. Only Associate and Non-Associate Members who have purchased a table will be able to attend the Trade Show. Costs: Associate Members: 1. $300.00 per table, which includes two company representatives, booth and meal. 2. $25 for each additional rep in attendance. Non-Associate Members: 1. $900.00 which includes two company representatives, booth, meal and also your membership dues for the remainder of 2015, and for 2016. 2. $25 for each additional rep in attendance. Registration: If you have a location preference, please mark it on the enclosed diagram and return with the enclosed registration form on or before September 1st . Be sure to enclose a check for the appropriate amount. Upon, receipt, we will contact you to confirm the availability of your table location. Table cloths and skirting will be provided. Theme: Fighting Hunger / Super Heros Decorate your booth in “Fighting Hunger / Super Heros” theme and you could be a winner for best decorated booth. The best decorated booth will receive your 2016 membership dues waived. Drawings: Each Associate Member is encouraged to bring a door prize. Winners of the door prizes will be announced at 7:30p.m. Attendees: All Middle Georgia Apartment Association owner/manager members and non-owner/manager members to include apartment owners, regional managers, on site managers, maintenance personnel and leasing consultants. There is NO CHARGE for attending the show. This should greatly increase participation. Please make your reservation no later than Thursday, September 1st to Susan Hewett @ mgaaonline@gmail.com. We need your reservation to plan for food. 2015 Trade Show Registration Form Company Name: ___________________________________________________________ Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________ Fax Number: ______________________________ Email Address:_____________________________________________________________ Names of Attendees: ________________________________________________________ Number of attendees: _________ The deadline to reserve your booth is September 1st . Registration cost: Includes 2 company representatives, booth, and meal. Each additional rep is $25 Associate Members - $300.00 Non-Associate Members - $900 Display Tables: Will be assigned by date of payment received. Table Skirts will be provided if needed. o Yes______ No______ (Order Deadline is September 1st ) Booth Location Preference (see trade show layout diagram) o 1st choice _______ o 2nd choice ______ o 3rd choice ______ If you desire more than one display table, please indicate total number desired:_______. Make Checks Payable to: Mid Georgia Apartment Association Mail Registration form & Check to: MGAA Attn: Susan Hewett P O Box 1443 Forsyth, GA 31029 If you would like to pay by credit card, please send your registration form to mgaaonline@gmail.com, and ask for a Credit Card Authorization Form. Questions? Susan Hewett at mgaaonline@gmail.com or 478-954-5366 Tina Layton at tinalayton@pdqservices.net or 478-781-6779 Please insert the 2015 Trade Show Diagram Layout TRADE SHOW LAYOUT DIAGRAM 10 9 8 7 6 5 11 4 12 3 Restrooms 1 3 2 Dinner Tables 1 14 Sign In 1 Bar 15 16 Dinner Tables 3 1 17 3 0 18 2 9 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 5 27 28 Remembertotodo doBUSINESS BUSINESSwith with MGAA MGAA Members Members !! Remember Access Control Access Control BTV Systems BTV(478) Systems 788-5281 (478)Jimmy 788-5281 Shepard Jimmy Shepard Alternative Security Deposit Alternative Security Deposit Screening Reports (678) 836-5393 Screening Reports Jason Montgomery (678) 836-5393 Jason Montgomery Apartment Advertising Apartment Advertising Apartment Search (478) 757-3280 Apartment Search Ev Peterson (478) 757-3280 Ev Peterson Apartment Finder of Middle Georgia (912) 230-2184 Apartment of Middle Georgia ChristieFinder Medley (912) 230-2184 Christie Medley Apartments.com (678) 357-6530 Richlynne Rocker Apartments.com (678) 357-6530 Cox Communications Richlynne Rocker (478) 314-3510 Oneal Cox Charletta Communications (478)Rent 314-3510 Path Charletta (877)Oneal 756-4057 RentAmanda Path Dawkins (877) 756-4057 Amanda Dawkins Appliance Parts and Sales Chadwell Supply Appliance Parts and Sales (678) 395-1358 Frank Shea Chadwell Supply Appliance Parts of Macon, Inc. (678)Fox 395-1358 Frank(478) Shea788-1793 David Maddox Fox Appliance Parts of Macon, Inc. Supply (478)HD 788-1793 (478) 998-1305 David Maddox Jeff Barron HD Supply (478)Maintenance 998-1305 Supply Headquarters (478) 494-5590 Jeff Barron John Adams Maintenance Supply Headquarters Southeastern Appliances and More (478)(770) 494-5590 786-2330 JohnNick Adams Oklesson or Roger Boyd Southeastern Appliances and More (770) 786-2330 Nick Blinds Oklesson or Roger Boyd Marietta Drapery (678) 429-9854 Blinds Chris Martin Marietta Drapery HD Supply (678)(478) 429-9854 998-1305 ChrisJeff Martin Barron HD Supply (478) 998-1305 Collection and Credit Services Collection and Credit Services PDQ Services PDQ Services (478) 781-6779 (478) 781-6779 tinalayton@pdqservices.net tinalayton@pdqservices.net Tina Layton Tina Layton Professional Debt Mediation (888) 676-9873 Professional Debt Mediation jlefforge@pdminc.net (888) 676-9873 John Lefforge jlefforge@pdminc.net John Lefforge Screening Reports (678) 836-5393 Screening Reports Jason Montgomery (678) 836-5393 Jason Montgomery Construction Construction American Painting and Renovations, Inc. (770) 995-8787 American Painting and Renovations, Inc. John Garza (770) 995-8787 John Garza H&H Construction Group, Inc. (770) 504-9548 H&H Construction Group, Inc. Jennifer Clark (770) 504-9548 Jennifer Clark OxBuilt Construction (770) 485-3698 AudreyConstruction Grant-Lott OxBuilt (770) 485-3698 Audrey Grant-Lott Electrical Mr. Electric Electrical (478) 476-9926 Tidwell Mr.Clay Electric (478) 476-9926 Clay Tidwell Evictions PDQ Services Evictions (478) 781-6779 tinalayton@pdqservices.net PDQ Services Tina Layton (478) 781-6779 tinalayton@pdqservices.net Tina Layton Fire Alarms BTV Systems Fire Alarms (478) 788-5281 Jimmy Shepard BTV Systems (478) 788-5281 Jimmy Shepard Flooring Services Cook’s Carpet Maintenance 478) 956-5287 Flooring Services David Cook Cook’s Carpet Maintenance Redi-Floors, Inc. 478) 956-5287 (404) 668-6324 David Cook Redi-Floors, Inc. (404) 668-6324 Flooring Services cont’d Flooring Services cont’d Seagull Select Seagull Select (770) 425-9727 (770) 425-9727 natalie2244@comcast.net natalie2244@comcast.net www.seagullselect.com Natalie Culpepper www.seagullselect.com Natalie Culpepper Sherwin Williams (478) 342-222 Sherwin Williams Ty Jackson (478) 342-222 Ty Jackson Fitness Equipment Fitness EquipmentSales Fitness Equipment (770) 908-0000 Fitness Equipment Sales Matt Warren (770) 908-0000 Matt ReadyWarren Fitness (404) 576-5670 Ready Fitness Lance Gauntt (404) 576-5670 Lance Gauntt SOFITCO (404) 697-5366 SOFITCO Kevin Handzel (404) 697-5366 Kevin Handzel Furniture, Accessories and Rental Furniture, Accessories and Rental Colony Furniture Leasing (800) 962-8875 Gene Kemp Colony Furniture Leasing (800) 962-8875 Gene Kemp Gutters Gutters Gutter Gophers, Inc. (478) 464-3000 Todd Randall Gutter Gophers, Inc. (478) 464-3000 Todd HVACRandall Parts & Services Fox Appliance Parts of Macon, Inc. (478) 788-1793 HVAC Parts & Services David Maddox Fox Appliance Parts of Macon, Inc. (478) Greene788-1793 & Associates, Inc. David Maddox (478) 743-9383 Chip Greene Greene & Associates, Inc. (478) 743-9383 Insurance Chip Greene Allstate (478) 994-0850 Insurance Jane Pennington Allstate (478) 994-0850 Internet Listing Service Jane Pennington Apartments.com (678) 357-6530 Internet Listing Service Richlynne Rocker Apartments.com (678) 357-6530 Richlynne Rocker Remember to do BUSINESS with MGAA Members ! Remember to do BUSINESS with MGAA Members ! Access Control Janitorial Service Collection and Credit Services Moving Companies BTV D&CSystems Janitorial Service (478) (478)788-5281 225-9699 Jimmy Shepard Winston Ellison PDQ Services Allstar Moving (478) (478)781-6779 475-4545 tinalayton@pdqservices.net Dan Couey Tina Layton Good Guys Moving & Delivery Professional Debt Mediation (706) 656-6344 Garrett Smith (888) 676-9873 jlefforge@pdminc.net Premier Moving by Pam, LLC John Lefforge (478) 256-7756 Kevin Davis Screening Reports (678) 836-5393 Jason Montgomery Office & Marketing Supplies Construction HD Supply American Painting and Renovations, Inc. (478) 998-1305 (770) 995-8787 Jeff Barron John Garza Laundry Sales & Service Alternative Security Deposit Caldwell & Gregory Screening Reports (404) 883-4182 (678) 836-5393 John Montgomery Steinhofer Jason Coinmach/MacGray (770) 717-1618 Mark Rosenswike Apartment Advertising Apartment Search Landscaping (478) 757-3280 The Brickman Group Ev Peterson (478) 745-3550 Chance Rolley Apartment Finder of Middle Georgia (912) 230-2184 Landmark Landscapes Christie Medley (855) 446-0044 Bobby Harmon Apartments.com (678) 357-6530 U.S. Lawns Richlynne Rocker (478) 919-6650 Ronnie Christopher Cox Communications (478) 314-3510 Charletta Oneal Maintenance Rent Path (877) 756-4057 Gutter Gophers, Inc. Amanda Dawkins (478) 464-3000 Todd Randall Appliance Parts and Sales One Call Commercial Services LLC (843) 860-6159 Chadwell Supply Barry Hillebrand (678) 395-1358 Frank Shea Fox Appliance Parts of Macon, Inc. Maintenance (478) 788-1793& Repair Supplies David Maddox HD Supply HD Supply (478) 998-1305 (478) 998-1305 Jeff Barron Jeff Barron Maintenance Supply Headquarters (478) 494-5590 Marketing & Training Tracking John Adams Apartments.com Southeastern Appliances and More (678) 357-6530 (770) 786-2330 Richlynne Rocker Nick Oklesson or Roger Boyd Rent Path (877) 756-4057 Blinds adawkins@apartmentguide.com Amanda Dawkins Marietta Drapery (678) 429-9854 Chris Martin HD Supply (478) 998-1305 H&H Construction Painting Service Group, Inc. (770) 504-9548 Jennifer Clark American Painting and Renovations, Inc. (770) 995-8787 OxBuilt Construction John Garza (770) 485-3698 Sherwin Williams Audrey Grant-Lott (478) 235-6700 Lauren Grogan Electrical Pest Control Mr. Electric Atlanta Pest Control (478) 476-9926 (866) 874-7378 Clay Tidwell Jordan Wells info@apccompanies.com Evictions Knox Pest Control (478) 405-9147 PDQ Services Billy781-6779 Sheffield or John Lindhorst (478) tinalayton@pdqservices.net Tina Layton Plumbing Fire Alarms Greene & Associates, Inc. (478) 743-9383 BTV ChipSystems Greene (478) 788-5281 Jimmy Shepard Pool Supplies and Maintenance HD Supply Flooring Services (478) 998-1305 Cook’s Carpet Maintenance Jeff Barron 478) 956-5287 Original 7, Inc. David Cook (770) 794-8511 Devin ByrdInc. Redi-Floors, (404) 668-6324 Crimson Casual Furniture (205) 486-5102 Jon Bennett Flooring Services cont’d Renovations Seagull Select American Painting and Renovations, Inc. (770) 425-9727 (770) 995-8787 natalie2244@comcast.net John Garza www.seagullselect.com Natalie Culpepper Creative Multicare, Inc. (770) 478-8728 Sherwin Williamsext. 260 Megan Griffith (478) 342-222 Ty Jackson HD Supply (478) 998-1305 Fitness Equipment Jeff Barron Fitness Equipment Sales H&H Construction Group, Inc. (770) (770)908-0000 504-9548 Matt Warren Jennifer Clark Ready Fitness One Call Commercial Services, Inc. (404) (843)576-5670 860-6159 Lance BarryGauntt Hillebrand SOFITCO (404) 697-5366 Kevin Handzel Roofing Furniture, Rental AmericanAccessories Painting andand Renovations, Inc. (770) 995-8787 John Garza Colony Furniture Leasing (800) H&H962-8875 Construction Group, Inc. Gene (770)Kemp 504-9548 Jennifer Clark Gutters L.E. Schwartz and Son, Inc. (478) 745-6563 Joe Hanson Gutter Gophers, Inc. (478) 464-3000 Todd Randall Scent Marketing HVAC Parts & Services Scentair Technologies (478) 319-8604 Fox Appliance Parts of Macon, Inc. Kari788-1793 Schmutzler (478) David Maddox Security Greene & Associates, Inc. (478) 743-9383 Signal 88 Security Chip Greene (770) 274-8333 Jeff Valentour Insurance BTV Systems (478) 788-5281 Allstate Jimmy Shepard (478) 994-0850 Jane Pennington Screens Internet Listing Service HD Supply (478) 998-1305 Apartments.com Jeff Barron (678) 357-6530 Richlynne Rocker Remember to do BUSINESS with MGAA Members ! Remember to do BUSINESS with MGAA Members ! JanitorialSidewalks Service GeorgiaService Safe Sidewalks D&C Janitorial (941) 773-4902 (478) 225-9699 702-0766 Winston (770) Ellison Todd Fulk Disposal, Laundry Waste Sales & Service Equipment and Removal Caldwell & Gregory Valet Waste (404) 883-4182 (404) 992-7982 John Steinhofer vwillard@valetwaste.com Coinmach/MacGray Vanessa Willard (770) 717-1618 Mark Rosenswike Video Surveillance Landscaping BTV Systems (478) Group 788-5281 The Brickman (478) 745-3550 Jimmy Shepard Chance Rolley Landmark Landscapes (855) 446-0044 Bobby Harmon U.S. Lawns (478) 919-6650 Ronnie Christopher Tenant Screening Moving Companies Renovations AllstarScreening Moving Reports (678) 836-5393 (478) 475-4545 Jason Montgomery Dan Couey American Painting and Renovations, Inc. (770) 995-8787 John Garza Good Guys Moving & Delivery (706) 656-6344 Garrett Smith Utilities Creative Multicare, Inc. (770) 478-8728 ext. 260 Megan Griffith PremierGA Moving Pam, LLC Powerby Company (478) 256-7756 (478) 784-5956 Kevin Davis mkwhite@southernco.com Kevin White HD Supply (478) 998-1305 Jeff Barron Technologies Office OnePoint & Marketing Supplies (678) 391-3999 Wendy McMillan HD Supply (478) 998-1305 SCANA Energy Jeff Barron (478) 405-2300 Helen Stembridge Painting Service American Painting and Renovations, Inc. (770) 995-8787 John Garza Sherwin Williams (478) 235-6700 Lauren Grogan Maintenance Pest Control Gutter Gophers, Inc. (478) 464-3000 Todd Randall Atlanta Pest Control (866) 874-7378 Jordan Wells info@apccompanies.com Maintenance & Repair Supplies Knox Pest Control (478) 405-9147 Billy Sheffield or John Lindhorst HD Supply (478) 998-1305 Jeff Barron Marketing & Training Tracking Apartments.com (678) 357-6530 Richlynne Rocker H&H Construction Group, Inc. (770) 504-9548 Jennifer Clark Roofing American Painting and Renovations, Inc. (770) 995-8787 John Garza H&H Construction Group, Inc. (770) 504-9548 Jennifer Clark L.E. Schwartz and Son, Inc. (478) 745-6563 Joe Hanson Scent Marketing Scentair Technologies (478) 319-8604 Kari Schmutzler Security Advertise with MGAA (478) 508-2750 Plumbing Signal 88 Security Jeff Carson Inc. Full Greene Page & Associates,$50/month $500/year BTV Systems (478) 743-9383 1/2 Page $35/month $350/year (478) 788-5281 Chip Greene Jimmy Shepard 1/4 Page $25/month $250/year Business Card Size $20/month $200/year Pool Supplies and Maintenance Rent Path Screens (877) 756-4057 Contact Susan at mgaaonline@gmail.com or 478HD Supply adawkins@apartmentguide.com HD994-8774 Supply (478) 998-1305 Amanda Dawkins if you Jeff areBarron interested in placing your Ad in(478) the998-1305 Jeff Barron Original 7, Inc. (770) 794-8511 Devin Byrd newsletter. Crimson Casual Furniture (205) 486-5102 Jon Bennett Floor-by-Floor Efficiency – It’s All-Electric. Building or renovating a multifamily development is complex enough. Simplify with all-electric construction. There is no piping or flues to build in. No extra inspections. Just easy, flexible installation – and happy tenants that enjoy year-round comfort with the reliability of electric water heaters and heat pumps. All this, plus you may qualify for energy efficiency upgrade rebates of up to $1,100 per unit and additional rebates of up to $500. If you are ready to streamline construction and complete projects fast, learn more about The Electric Advantage® in multifamily developments at georgiapower.com/multifamily, or call 1-800-524-2421. ©2015 Georgia Power Company. All rights reserved. Mid Georgia Apartment Association P.O. Box 18184 Macon, GA 31209 Your continued support is appreciated 1403850
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