CURRICULUM VITÆ Name : Birth : Degree : Nikolaus/Nicolae Adrian TEODOSIU 26th of October 1961, Bucharest, Romania Master in Computer Science & Electrotechnics Bachelor in Automatics & Computers Fixed: +40 (0)21 795 8180 Mobile: +40 (0)784 931 609 Email: Web: 2013-2015 Real Estate Investing, Paris & Bucharest. Participating from France at a real estate investment on capital and credit in Romania. 1993-2013 System and Software Consultant, Chantilly/France; Commissioners: 2008-2013 2005-2007 2000-2004 1997-1999 1993-1996 Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC), Japan. Advanced Simulation Technology of Mechanics (ASTOM) Corporation, Japan. Eurocopter/EADS, France. Regienov, GIE PSA Peugeot-Citroën and Eurocopter/EADS, France. GIE Renault Recherche Innovation, France. 1993 Master in Computer Science and Electrotechnics, Stuttgart University, with A grade. 1984-1991 System and Software Developer, Stuttgart/Germany. Commissioners: MetraVib, ACOEM Group, Stuttgart/Germany; Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO), Frauenhofer Gesellschaft, Stuttgart/Germany; Institut für parallele und verteilte Höchstleistungsrechner (IPVR), Universität Stuttgart; Institut für grafische Datenverarbeitung (IGDV), Universität Stuttgart. International Business Machines (IBM), Böblingen/Germany. 1983 Bachelor in Automatics and Computers, Bucharest Polytechnics University, with A grade. 1980-1981 Military Service in a special unit of the Romanian Army. 1976-1980 Graduated from the National College ‘Sfantul Sava’, Bucharest, with A grade. 1968-1976 Graduated from the ‘German School’, Bucharest, with A grade. Natural Languages Proficiency in: Romanian, German, French, English, Italian. Comprehension of: Spanish, Latin. Programming Languages Proficiency in: MATLAB, C/C++, Java, Smalltalk, Lisp, Prolog, SQL, Javascript, XML/HTML. Fields of Expertize Discrete and Continuous Systemics, Symbolics and Numerics, Graphics, Databases, Scripting, Object Orientation, Logical and Functional Programming, Compiling and Interpretation. Domains of Knowledge Classical and Modern Literature, History, Sociology, Politics, Philosophy, Physics, Linguistics.