Varying Fertility Behaviour in Urban and Rural Areas
Varying Fertility Behaviour in Urban and Rural Areas
16.04.2013 PRESSEMITTEILUNG Nr. 4/2013 Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 4 65185 Wiesbaden Veröffentlichung gegen Quellenangabe honorarfrei, um ein Belegexemplar wird gebeten. Für Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: Dr. Stephan Kühntopf Tel.: 0611 / 75 - 2752 Chart of the Month Varying Fertility Behaviour in Urban and Rural Areas Women living in large cities show different fertility behaviour than women in rural areas: They become mothers at an older age and consequently have fewer children. In more detail, women living in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants are on average 31,6 years old at the birth of their first child, whereas women in rural areas are only 29,8. This information has been released by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB). When looking at fertility behaviour in the context of age, the following can be found: Between 20 and 32 years, women in rural areas consistently show a higher birth rate than women in urban areas. On the other hand, women in large cities have more children as teenagers and then again starting from the age of 33. There are also differences regarding the number of children. Women in large cities give birth to 1,3 children on average, whereas in rural areas, women have slightly more with averagely 1,4 on average. “The low birth rate in cities is primarily the result of high childlessness. In rural areas, there are significantly fewer women without children”, says BiB-researcher Dr. Stephan Kühntopf. The difference in fertility behaviour between urban and rural areas can also be explained by differing population structures. In cities, there are more single and unmarried women, who postpone having children to a later point in life. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Comparison between Urban and Rural Areas (Live Births per 1,000 Women, sorted by Age, 2009) 120 100 Rural Areas 80 Urban Areas 60 40 20 Weitere Daten zum demografischen Wandel in Deutschland und Europa finden Sie auch auf unserer Webseite unter 0 15 25 [Age in years ] Source: Statistical Offices of the Länder, BBSR; own calculations: BiB 35 45