May 2009
May 2009
MAY 2009 136TH EDITION Serving the North Shuswap, Sorrento , Chase, Adams Lake & Seymour Arm. Approximately 5000 distributed. Please help us expand our readership & recycle our newsletter - pass it on when you’re done enjoying it. Pig & Whistle Resounding Success By Jan Wojciechowski This year I was lucky enough to be the recipient of tickets to attend the Anglebay Entertainers 19th presentation of the Pig & Whistle performance, this year entitled “Mistrial by Jury”. It was most entertaining to say the least. These wonderful, creative talented individuals who put this all together, did a tremendous job of producing a riveting, humorous, musical that had everyone tapping their feet and reminiscing songs from the past. In addition, the plot was humorous and well acted by the cast of characters who played their roles without a hitch, unless of course you count the wig that went askew on “Get’em Offeasy (the defense Attorney). Audience laughter sent the jury members into such a bout of raucous laughter that the Defense Attorney, unaware of his askew wig, had to adlib his way through his lines. It is this kind of human reaction that adds enjoyment to any performance The audience was treated to music from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. There were choral renditions, solos and the occasional lip-synching and dance routines all forming the nights entertainment. The Tripods routine had the audience holding your stomachs in laughter. Elvis Now Open! Wed to Sun, 10 to 5 Dave Edwards Complete Drywall Service Dave Edwards Ph/Fax - 250-955-2122 Cell - 250-318-1704 L ANDSCAPING Snow Removal Back Filling Site Preparation · 30 years Experience · Reasonable Rates · Available Weekends 250-955–6467 Wayne Trueman (Continued on page 3) North Shuswap For all your Plumbing and Gas needs New Construction / Renovations Purification Water Pump In-Floor Gas and Pressure Tanks Boilers and Fireplaces Instantaneous Heating Hot Water Heaters Distributor of Humidex Dehumidifiers for the Shuswap Area Bill Bischoff Ph/Fax 250-955-2292 Cell: 250-371-1320 You Can Cook At Home . . . But Why? Hours: Daily 5:00pm 250-955-6110 Daily Features 4087 Squilax-Anglemont Rd Scotch Creek “The Best Dining in the North Shuswap” • Yard Care • House Checks • Power Washing Serving the North Shuswap since 1996 Leslie or Dale Jones 250-679-7652 SPOONER ELECTRIC LTD. Bus: 250-679-3373 Fax: 250-679-3655 Over 30 Years In the Shuswap Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Signs • Street Lighting • Poles 2 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER ....Kick-Back!! ...Jan Penner, Editor Recently, I was talking with someone about the impending technological changes that we have been told will make our old television sets obsolete. I did not feel that in this time of “Go Green”, that instituting a communications change that will potentially load landfills and recycling depots with out-of-date televisions was a wise decision. It seemed to me that governments, who regulate such things as telecommunications, should not have allowed the development of such technology. I think of HD vs non-HD as being much the same as Beta vs VHS, VHS vs DVD, DVD vs Blue Ray. Technology is constantly changing and promotes consumerism. Often, he who markets best, markets most. Whenever something new hits the stands, its replacement is seldom far behind. Manufacturers are producing products that do not have longevity in mind, and why should they. Consumers are going to want to replace with newer and better anyway, so why be concerned that a product is bound to break down? Anyway, as regards to my archaic t.v. set, apparently, I am safe. It turns out that all I need is an inexpensive doo-ma-hicky to plug in to my t.v. or black box or what have you, and the precious satellite signal will be mine! By the way, congratulations to those of you who manage to exclude television from your life. You are saving yourself from a lot of strife and strain. And, your children are better for it! Those of us who are connected, let’s try to unplug for a bit and enjoy the beauty of the North Shuswap with a walk on the beach, a picnic in the park, or a good book read on the deck. Happy Victoria Day North Shuswap! and Sonny and Cher had you believing they were the real thing. If you were unable to get tickets to this years sold out performance, be sure to keep your eye open for the 20th anniversary in 2011, get your tickets early. OPEN Mon-Sat 9 - 6, Sun & Holidays 10-4 H&V German Deli Your European Specialty Store Quality Meats & Cheeses Imported Chocolates & Licorice Daily Lunches 250-675-2560 at Shuswap Lake Estates in the Blind Bay Market Place THE CENTRE YOGA STUDIO Yoga, tai chi, meditation, circle dance Sandra Spicer 250.955.8189 LewisRock UNIQUE STONE LANDSCULPTING Stairs - Walls - Benches - FirePlaces We also carry a selection of stone products Pig & Whistle Success cont. (Continued from page 1) 3 Kudo’s to the cast and crew, Producer Anne Chow, Director Judy Weller, Assisted by John Collier and everyone else behind the scenes that made this one of the entertainment high lights of the year. To see a photo collage of the event turn to page 54. PH. 250-955-0771 CELL 250-371-7003 Lewis Rock is a Division of G&M Cedar Ltd. PAINTING INTERIOR – EXTERIOR Tel: (250) 679-8714 Cell: (250) 319-1078 Chase / North Shuswap Employment Services 822 Shuswap Avenue, Box 1138, Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Phone: (250) 679-8448 Fax: (250) 679-8117 New Hours: 9:00 – 4:30 Effective April 6th, 2009 Scotch Creek: 3871 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy. Century 21 Building Phone: (250) 955-8188 Hours: 9:00 – 4:00 WEDNESDAYS ONLY Email: Website: "Funded in whole or part through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Development Agreement". Sponsored by: Chase & District Chamber of Commerce Where is it……. Calendar of Events .. ..... Chamber News .... .. ..... Church Listings .... .. ..... Classifieds ........... .. ..... Clubs & Organizations .. Computer Doctor . .. ..... Crossword Puzzle .. ..... Fire News ............. .. ..... First Responders . .. ..... Letters to the Editor ..... Lions Club News . .. ..... Naturalist News .... .. ..... RCMP Report ....... .. ..... Recipe of the Month ..... Sidekick ................. .. ..... Sudoku ................. .. ..... The Garden Coach . ..... Word Search ........ .. ..... Pg 57 Pg 20 Pg 56 Pg 60 Pg 57 Pg 15 Pg 59 Pg 39 Pg 23 Pg 36 Pg 26 Pg 34 Pg 31 Pg 58 Pg 13 Pg 62 Pg 43 Pg 58 4 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 CSRD Director’s Note Denis Delisle North Shuswap-Indian Point-Seymour Arm Representative, CSRD Area F 955-6175 KC Bookkeeping & Tax Services Personal and Business Taxes Full Bookkeeping Services Simply Accounting & Quickbooks Training and Setup of new Businesses B o x 3 4 3 Celista, BC, V0E 1L0 Tel: 250-955-6292 Fax: 250-955-6292 t k c h r i s @ t e l u s . n e t Kelly Christian Owner North Shuswap FLOORING 30 Years Experience Carpet ● Lino Ceramic ● Laminate & Small Reno’s Gord Jones 250-515-1584 Q&B CONSTRUCTION Git R Done Right Quintin Herzog Tel: 250-955-0922 Cell: 250-819-1772 One Call Does It All ICF Energy Efficient Homes New Homes Renovations Kitchens Bathrooms Decks O Joe & Gail Cal 604-807-3653 XCAVATING IMIT Best Rates in the North Shuswap! $70/hr Lot Clearing Foundations Driveways Landscaping You name it, we do it! Dustin Cal 778-388-3424 Ted Holmes, our Manager of Financial Services, was given a fond farewell. He threatens to come back to visit from time to time and is generously staying on as a volunteer to help with the Shuswap Emergency Program. The CSRD Board of Directors received a request for support for operation of a dedicated helicopter emergency medical service for the Shuswap area. Helicopter service does not exist outside of the Lower Mainland. BC is one of the few provinces without continuous helicopter medical evacuation (medivac) support, beyond the lower mainland. Thanks to the hard work of volunteers (our own Jake Ootes of Celista has worked hard for many years on this project) medivac has advanced to this stage. They hope to have a 212 Bell helicopter based in Kamloops, manned by volunteer paramedics with three medical advisory doctors available. The helicopter will be able to lift 14 people and travel 490 nautical miles at speeds of 120 knots (138 miles) per hour. The request was for general support; there was no mention of money at this time. The Board gave third reading to the North Shuswap (Electoral Area 'F') OCP. It will now go to the BC Government for approval by the Minister of Community Development, which can take anywhere from one to three months. Once it is approved, staff will bring it back to the Board for final adoption and afterwards, staff will be able to start forming zoning bylaws for those areas without the benefit of zoning (Seymour Arm, St Ives, Celista and Adams River East). The Board heard and gave third reading to a zoning amendment in Magna Bay for what was previously the Magna Bay Store Campsite. It was changed from a public campground to a private campground. Social Planning and Research Council of BC is asking that we make people aware of those with disabilities. They want to encourage businesses to consider hiring people with disabilities, and for everyone to be aware of the need for accessibility and inclusion of citizens with disabilities. The 911 Emergency Reserve fund currently holds $ 279,000. A radio sys- tem redundancy program has been budgeted for 2009. The CSRD’s VFDs have no back up radio system should the present emergency alerting system fail. Because of the need for this, $125,000 has been budgeted. This will not improve the present situation in which Anglemont VFD is not able to communicate with the other North Shuswap VFDs. The Anglemont radio issue will be corrected when a new central dispatching arrangement is formalized. The Canada BC Building Fund is being applied to for funding of up to 66% for the construction of a local septage receiving facility in Seymour Arm. The estimated total cost for the project is $338,000. The remaining costs would come from the Seymour Arm taxpayers. This project would only go ahead if the residents agree to the septage facility, through a public assent process. The cost to them would be a parcel tax of $20.00 per year for each of the 600 area property owners. The Seymour Arm transfer site will be getting a portable toilet and office/ storage area. The structure will be a modified shipping container (8’x 20’). Celista VFD is removing from its reserve fund of $316,000 the sum of $150,000 for the expansion of the Celista Fire Hall. Scotch Creek/Lee Creek VFD are removing $155,000 from their reserves of $300,000, for the purchase of a mini-pumper, a smaller version of a fire truck used in the attack of small bush fires. The beauty of mini-pumpers is their ability to quickly access fires in areas with difficult access. Tidbits - The new hours and charges for the Scotch Creek transfer station will not be in effect until July 1st, 2009. Some time ago the CSRD Board approved an application to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), to exclude one property and include another, within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The resulting ALR boundary created a more useable block of land, rather than the original, thin, triangle piece of ALR property. The ALC recently accepted the proposed boundary adjustments, in the Magna Bay area, east of Ross Creek. MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Zoning Amendment Considered Covering Docks and Buoys By Denis Delisle The Board considered a zoning amendment for Scotch Creek/Lee Creek, Magna Bay & Anglemont, to cover foreshore uses. Primarily, this bylaw deals with docks and buoys and is intended to clarify what the rules are from here on. Once the OCP is adopted, we will start preparing a zoning bylaw for the other areas in the North Shuswap. Once complete, (probably a year from now), it will likely include these same foreshore regulations and we'll have the same rules on the foreshore for the entire North Shuswap. Some months back, the Electoral Area Directors, CSRD staff, Transport Canada and Integrated Land Management Bureau had a discussion about docks and buoys and what bylaws could be made to deal with the issues we are having on the lake. The Shuswap Mapping Project will help supply evidence of the impacts and location of buoys and docks. The mapping information will have photos of the lake in its present form (buoys and docks) and will be able to compare that information to any changes that could happen to the lakeshore in the future. When the mapping information is complete (sometime this summer), it will show high to low sensitivity areas on the lake. Staff has advised that the foreshore zones will probably be amended soon to protect the high-sensitivity areas and allow for more uses in the low sensitivity areas. If you want a comprehensive presentation of the proposed foreshore zoning, go to, click on the “Meetings & Minutes” tab on the left hand side of the site, then go to “Board Agendas” then to 2009 list, scroll down • • • • Septic Systems Lot Clearing Driveways Foundations to April and the agenda will come up. Scroll down on the right side of the page until you find EAD 51- 58 and click on it for more detail. The bylaw there is specifically for Anglemont, but the bylaws for Scotch Creek and Magna Bay are also included a little further down and they are identical. The new zoning will allow one dock and one boat lift per waterfront parcel. Buoys would be one per 49.21 feet of water front frontage to a maximum of 3 per parcel. Docks and setbacks will reflect ILMBs best management practices. Further regarding lake use, of possible interest to us in the North Shuswap is Turtle Bay at Mara Lake, which has an application for a “water ski slalom course”. The slalom was granted through Transport Canada (TC) with seemingly little consultation with the public. Concerns from the public range from inadequate public notification, incomplete environmental assessment findings, and potential negative social, environmental and economic impact in Turtle Bay. The main concerns voiced by local residents were heightened noise, boat traffic and people, in an area with a lot of wildlife. The application would put log booms in to prevent wakes and outline the racing courses. It was mentioned that on most of the lake, slalom of any sort can be done because there are no prohibitions for this sort of use. BIG EYED BOOKS quality used books buy~sell~credit gift certificates~online ordering games~puzzles~videos~audio books NORTH SHUSWAP MASONRY For all Your Masonry Needs Gunnar Keuris Tel: Cell: Fax: 250-955-0944 250-833-6107 250-955-0947 250-679-8811 621– 1st Ave, Chase, BC The Right Brand for the Job • Auto • Industrial • Marine Parts • Accessories Stump Removal Trenches for Electrical, Sewer, Water, etc. Dump Trailer Interlocking Pavers Retaining Walls Concrete Finishing Len Barker LOCAL R&S Excavating authors~photography~prints Paintings ~bookmarks~cards fobs~jewellry~woodwork Rick Wideman Phone: 250-955-2284 Fax: 250-955-0112 REAL CUBAN CIGARS Licensed and Insured Serving the North Shuswap since 1989 5 3-3970 squilax-anglemont road scotch creek, b.c. 250-955-2141 winter hours: friday - sunday, 10-5 (weather permitting) JAKE’S Bobcat Services Leveling & Backfilling Mini Excavator Grapple Bucket Auger Fully Insured Snow Plowing Jake Wideman Ph: 955-0113 Cell: 250-319-3838 6 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Village U-Brew 722 1st. Ave Chase BC 250-679-8885 May Specials Winery Series, 18L including grape pack. Varieties include Cabernet Sauvignon, Washington Merlot, Italian Valpolicella and Rosso Grande Eccellente A great wine to start for Xmas Reg $129.95 Sale $118.95 German Gewurztraminer Australian Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc $99.95 $99.95 $94.95 Vinting fee of $49. includes corks, labels and sleeves. MAY 2009 T-Birds Rolling into Scotch Creek By Jan Penner The Okanagan Classic Thunderbird Club is holding its 11th Annual 3 Day Tour, May 24th, 25th and 26th. This year’s theme is Rolling Down Country Roads. On Tuesday, May 26th, participants will be traveling from Quaaout Lodge to St. Ives, with a stop for lunch at Friends in Scotch Creek. If you are a Classic Car enthusiast, or you just appreciate a “sweet” ride, keep your eyes open and enjoy the view! The tour is part of the Club’s 17th Annual Show and Shine taking place in Kelowna, starting on May 22nd, with cars on display May 23rd at City Park. Fireworks Sponsors Sought CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Robin Bristow, CA CFE Phone: 955-0029 or 1-888-333-2922 Email: Shykat contracting Trevor Fischer 250-679-2787 or 250-319-1358 Rock Retaining Walls Landscaping Demolition Services Driveways Welding Free Estimates/Fully Insured/References Palace Painting & Decorating Painting / Staining Clear coating Drywall repairs Decorating Assistance Quality workmanship 15 years experience Chad Lissel 250-819-3890 250-955-0905 By Jan Penner With Canada Day fast approaching, the Canada Day Fireworks at Magna Bay committee is looking for sponsors. They are purchasing a new firing mech and are aiming to have the best show on the lake! Individual or Corporate Sponsorships of Gold - $500, Silver - $300 and Bronze - $150, will be advertised in the Kicker. FMI or to register your sponsorship, contact Ben Boileau at Take Precautions to ensure Security and Safety We at the Kicker have had reports not confirmed by the RCMP that people are returning to their cottages/ summer homes to find they have been burglarized/vandalized over the winter/ spring season. As the vacation season approaches, remember to take precautions to ensure the security of your home and vehicles. Always lock your vehicles. Antitheft devices such as a factory installed disabling mechanism or steering wheel immobilizer can be beneficial. Theft is less likely to occur if there are deterrents. Ensure your doors and windows are locked when you leave your home. Ask a friend or neighbour to make frequent checks on your home when you are on vacation. Make sure someone is aware that you are away and that they know how to contact you in an emergency. Report any suspicious incidents to the RCMP. Spring Fling Until May 31, 2009 $75 per person including cart, range balls and taxes. Book your Tee time now 250-679-3090 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 7 CENTURY 21 Lakeside Realty Ltd. 3871 Squilax Anglemont Hwy Scotch Creek, BC Phone: (250) 955-0307 Fax: (250) 955-0308 Lakeside Realty Ltd. Al Christopherson - Representative Office: 250-955-0307, Direct: 250-955-2188 Jeff Tarry – Representative Office: 250-955-0307, Direct: 250-955-5333 Email: Web: Toll Free: 1-877-959-5333 Email: Want To Own Some Shuswap Beach! Lee Creek – North Shuswap Web: Great Waterfront 5232 Squilax Anglemont Hwy $599,000 $425,000 340 feet of beach is yours across the street from this Semi-Lakeshore 3bedroom mobile with small guest cottage & large fenced yard of 0.98 of an acre. Call 1-800-507-4218 ext 6737 for a FREE 24-hour recorded message with details about this property. MLS® 9187157 Prepaid lease for approx. 180 years. Two buoys for your water toys. Lots of upgrades to make this home very comfortable. Large boat garage. Priced for the smart buyer to use this summer. Call for more details. MLS®#9211563 Sonja Vernon-Associate Broker Office: 250-955-0307, Direct: 250-318-4344 Cynthia Bentley – Representative Office: 250-955-0307, Direct Line: 250-955-2256 Email: Web: Email: Web: Caravans West The Best Living in BC! $215,000 Charming, Comfortable & Cozy 2718 Fraser Road $269,000 Lot 220 backs on to Provincial Park. This lot features 1990 Chaparral (12x44) park Model, finished quest cottage & upgraded appliances. MLS® 9212292 This delightful 2 bedroom home has open design with 2 freestanding fireplaces and a large deck to enjoy the Lakeview! Use recreationally or for full time living. Nicely landscaped with raised garden beds, perennials, shrubs, & fruit trees. Close to lake and golf. MLS® 9212573 We’re the Local Experts With the only Real Estate Office in the North Shuswap to serve you Each office independently owned and operated 8 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 20+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BUILDING EXCAVATIONS Site Preparation Stump Removal Water Services Lot clearing Driveways Cell: 250-318-7157 Phone/Fax: 250-955-2173 Email: nspirations in olor 250-319-0496 Certified Colour & Décor Consultant Blind, shade & shutter sales professional Free in-home consultation Destree LANDSCAPING Service Spring Turf Booster Includes Turf Evaluation Power Raking Cut Lawn Core Aeration Application of Spring Fertilizer Reserve Now 250 250--371 371--2690 Government Licensed Applicators Road Non-Maintenance ? By Jan Penner There are reports of private residents, fed up with the condition of local public roads, who are taking matters into their own hands. These are taxpayers who, after years and years of dealing with roads that are not properly maintained, including a lack of materials being added to maintain a proper surface, are doing what they can to ensure safe, viable transportation routes. The steps being taken include adding materials to prevent the deterioration of the roadbed, and cleaning off excess materials such as sand and gravel left over from winter applications. In some instances, this has to be done very carefully, because of possible repercussions from road maintenance contractors. It is also done through complicated channels to obtain permission to do so. Any road, no matter what substance it is constructed of, needs to be properly maintained on a regular ba- sis, by personnel who know what methods and machines to use and who know how to operate these machines properly. Despite what many may think, anyone cannot run a snowplow or grader, at least not satisfactorily. It takes skill and training to do it well. In many cases, main and secondary roads are not being maintained properly. It is only when enough people complain repeatedly that patching and repair is done. Case in point was the potholes on Highway 446 last year. When the holes were finally fixed, many drivers were surprised to come unexpectedly upon a maintenance truck in their lane, late at night, driving back and forth over newly placed cold patch, to pack it down. We called Argo regarding the spring schedule of road cleaning and maintenance but at the time we went to press our call had not been returned. Watch for possible road maintenance schedule updates next month. Call 9-1-1 for EMERGENCIES PLAYGROUND Ribbon Cutting Everyone is welcome to join in the celebration of the Grand Opening of the new Playground at the North Shuswap Elementary School. May 15th, 1 pm MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Buyer Activity Picks Up As Affordability Improves ($336,242) is 25% less than a year ago due to lower interest rates and house values.” Carrying costs quoted are based on 10% down, 25-year amortization, posted 5-year fixed rate (March 08 = 7%, March 09 = 5.55% semiannual compounding) – principal and interest only, and do not include property taxes or mortgage insurance. “Increased affordability combined with a good supply of homes is adding up to much more Buyer activity as spring rolls in and the weather continues to improve,” Cliffe says. “The guidance of a REALTOR® to help determine market value in this competitive marketplace is important for both Buyers and Sellers.” The Shuswap Zone of OMREB includes the areas of Salmon Arm, Sicamous, Sorrento, North Shuswap and east along Highway 1 to Revelstoke. Sorrento, BC -The Shuswap Zone of the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) reported March 2009 sales activity of all MLS® property types continued to pick up steam – increasing by 90% from 20 sales in February to 38 in March. In particular, single family residential units sold in March increased by 100% from February – up from 7 units to 14. “Putting this into perspective, the increase in residential units sold in March over February for the past seven years (2002 to 2008) has been 52% on average,” notes Bob Cliffe, OMREB President and REALTOR® in the Shuswap Zone. “The current increase in spring Buyer activity has likely been boosted by improved affordability and record low interest rates.” He adds, “The monthly mortgage payment ($1,856) on an average priced detached family home today JENSEN MCBAIN Lawyers Preferred areas of practice: Personal injury Civil litigation and family law Prenuptial agreements 250-9 5 5–2 3 1 3 Groceries Bakery Deli Liquor Store Saturday May 16th 9 am – 1:30 pm Scotch Creek Fire Hall Tables – $10.00 each Pancakes, Hot Dogs Hamburgers, 50/50 Draw FMI Contact: 955-0569 Brought to you by Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Volunteer Firefighters HEATING AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION & VENTILATION Cohabitation agreements Mediation Adoption 614 Battle Street Kamloops, B.C. Tel: 250-372-2225 Fax: 250-372-3010 Scotch Creek Office 250-955-0383 Sunnyside Supermart Fundraiser Tempo Gas Regular gas and premium marked for boats & snowmobiles Movie Rentals Lottery Ticket Centre Hardware Plumbing & Electrical supplies Regular Hours: 8 am - 8 pm 7 Days a week 5328 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy, Celista C D L MECHANICAL SYSTEMS For a Free Estimate Call Don 250-955-2236 9 10 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 GEOTHERMAL Solutions BC Geothermal Solutions, based out of Kamloops is the Shuswap’s newest and best geothermal heating and cooling choice. Owner, Wes Reusse and his staff of geothermal technicians and sheet metal journeyman have over 100 geothermal installs to their credit. With their focus on the Shuswap Lake area, BCGS looks forward to your calls and emails regarding any geothermal questions or inquiries you might have. BCGS specializes in two types of installations: 1. New Construction - BCGS is a Next Energy, Climate Master dealer; the #1 geothermal system available, and will install a complete duct work system or a complete radiant floor system. BCGS will install a horizontal or vertical ground loop for your geothermal system. 2. Retrofits - BCGS will replace your existing propane, oil, gas or electric furnace with a 2 stage Next Energy Geothermal unit and ground loop; saving you up to 75% on your current heating and cooling costs. Federal Government grants of $3,500 are currently available for geothermal retrofits. Please call for more info. Wes Reusse 250-851-5169 West Beach Protest By Jan Penner The proposed development at the former Cottonwood Campsite has changed, but continues to move forward on the environmentally sensitive piece of land. Jim Cooperman from Shuswap Environmental Action Society, has a copy of the disclosure statement for a 159 unit RV Park, plus motel, plus 3 single dwellings at West Beach, and is happy to email it to anyone interested in seeing it. He has also issued a plea to anyone with a suggestion or any kind of assistance to stop this area from being damaged through development. It has been reported that the BC Government has, indeed made an offer for the land, which concerned citizens would like to see absorbed into neighbouring Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park. Details are not forthcoming and there has been no deal agreed upon near the mouth of the Adams River, after a plan for a marina was turned down. Further reports imply that government agents may not be fully aware of the developer’s plans and actions. Protests from the public at a public meeting and at a beach side rally do not appear to have had an effect on the developer’s plans, despite the fact that both were well attended. The main concern raised is that the alteration of terrain and the increase in boat traffic at the site, will cause irreparable environmental damage to this sensitive ecosystem, which is vital to the health of the Adams River Sockeye Run. Assurances from the Ministry of Environment and the Premier that the protection of this area was a top priority, lent hope to the protesters that this parcel of land might be saved. With continued development, those hopes are waning. Docks and dock accessories. Authorized dealer for EZ-Port, docks, floats and PWC-Lifts Protesters at West Beach from Jim Cooperman between the government and project developer Mike Rink and New Recreations. Construction is obviously taking place on site, including the installation of up to 70 buoys, which appeared in the waters 22” Marine Grade Aluminum float tubes, all aluminum construction, finished with –Thruflow – a tough and durable plastic decking. Stainless Steel deck cleats, and rubber dock edges and corners. A fantastic addition to your waterfront property! Earth Day saw another rally on the beach, attended by all four area electoral candidates. All expressed advocacy, but no solid commitments to solving the issue. MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Start your spring with a Clever Clean home Surf the Internet at High Speed Since Telus land line's regular high speed internet isn't available in most areas, Telus Mobility now offers their high speed through the cellular network. They are called air card or mobile keys, which run internet as long as there is 2-3 bars of reception to be had. Changes in the last 6 months have made these increasingly affordable. You can get Telus Mobility's Mobile Key from TAC Mobility Salmon Arm. Plans start at $31.95/month. Keys from $0 with one year term. Speeds reach up to 800kbps. It is compatible with most Macs and PC's . Call us in Salmon Arm at: 250-833-1868 or 1-888-333-8848 Located at 40 Lakeshore Dr NE. JUNE DEADLINE Deadline is May 29th. We hit the stands on June 12th. Quality Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning Serving the North Shuswap Truck Mounted Unit for Optimum Cleaning Power Deodorizing & Stain Removal Residential & Commercial Flood Control Certified Cleaning Professionals Pressurized Steam Cleaning for Equipment, Siding & Driveways Insured and Bonded Office 250-955-0866 cell 250-572-0001 Call Dave & Diane for a free estimate Custom Wood Cutting With Portable Band Saw - Wood Mizer LT 28 Log Work Timber Frame Cutting Length up to 30’ Sunset Loghomes Ltd. Uwe Ziegler Phone/Fax 955-0012 Locally owned and operated - Serving you since 1986 Groceries Meat Produce Bakery Deli Lotto Post office Movie Rentals Flowers / Plants Gift Certificates Government Agency Liquor Store Cold Beer and Wine GO GREEN and SAVE 5¢ discount for each reusable cloth shopping bag used! SuperValu Mugs $12.99 Re-use your SuperValu mug and receive your coffee at a reduced price! Large Selection of Domestic & Imported Beer, Coolers, Cider, Hard Liquor and Wine ONE STOP SHOPPING - 7 DAYS A WEEK Store Hours: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm (7 days) Post Office: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Monday - Saturday) Liquor Store: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm (7 days) ~ Plenty of RV Parking ~ 955-2253 11 ATM 12 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 "Poisoned Waters" B-3871 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy, Scotch Creek BC V0E 3L0 tel 250 955-0089 fax 250-955-0098 Your local Mortgage Specialist! Jolene Polischuk, Mortgage Specialist Cell: 250 320-9020 Making Mortgages Easier Purchasing a home Refinancing Secured lines of credit Mortgage renewals Construction mortgages Commercial mortgages 2nd mortgages for: home reno’s, debt consolidation mortgages Mortgage Specialists are paid by the lender NOT the borrower on most CMHC and conventional mortgages. Private Come visit me in my Scotch Creek office to see what product fits you! Verico LendingMax Mortgage Corp. From the Shuswap Water Action Team Society (SWAT) The KCTS9 TV Special, "Poisoned Waters", is a "Must -See" and is now available online at On April 21 KCTS9 aired a "Frontline Special" called "Poisoned Waters" about waterway pollution being experienced in the US. It provides valuable information and is a must-see for Shuswap Watershed residents, and especially for our community and political leaders and media. It is a balanced review of water pollution issues and potential solutions that apply to BC waterways and the Shuswap watershed, its residents, our economy, and our lifestyle. It interviews scientists, government regulators, municipal leaders, businesses, and public advocacy groups. This is an opportunity to see the depth of the potential problems of not protecting our waterways, the difficulties of cleaning them up, and solutions being tried elsewhere. More than ever we need strong political leadership in BC to protect our waterways. The video can be viewed at the following website: pages/frontline/ poisonedwaters/ SWATS MISSION- "To protect the health and well-being of the people and the community of the Shuswap Lake Watershed by advocating for safe water practices through the coordination of interested community groups and individuals". We believe that together we can protect our waterways and drinking water while strengthening our local economy. No More Fireworks Both year round and summer residents need to be aware that fireworks are officially banned in the South and North Shuswap. The CSRD passed final reading of a bylaw which forbids the sale, purchase or letting off of fireworks and firecrackers. Fireworks displays are allowed only by special permit and by a certified pyro technician. According to North Shuswap Director Denis Delisle the RCMP is in full support of the bylaw. Enforcing it may help them in other areas as fireworks related complaints are often linked to drunk & disorderly behaviors. A fireworks complaint gives RCMP justification for entering a property. "Specialized Landscape Solutions" ROCKWALLS TERRACING GENERAL EXCAVATING ROCKSCAPING ALL ASPECTS OF SITE FINISHING 4 YARD DUMP TRAILER SERVICE (removal of yard rubbish, wood, equipment etc.) Visit our website or contact us for further information Alan 250-320-3969 Competitive Rates Free Estimates Fully Insured Mark Zanders Fully Licensed and Insured MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER ..SideKick By Jan Penner Focus on Kicker Advertisers & Supporters CKL Contracting is owned and operated by Len Barker. Len and his wife Krista purchased property in Caravans West 10 years ago. They were living in Williams Lake at the time. Five years ago, Len sold his business there, a gas station and convenience store he had had for 31 years. Krista, Len and 10 year old son Colton, moved to Salmon Arm. Being in retirement mode, the Barkers spent a lot of leisure time at Caravans West, enjoying the beautiful North Shuswap. Len put down some paving stones for a neighbour and then was asked to do the same for someone else. One thing led to another and Len found himself purchasing a mini excavator. Now semi-retired, Len and his family spend most of their time in Scotch Creek. Len finds he is quite busy with CKL Contracting. Because his Kubota is a mini, he can maneuver in tight spots, such as small lots and jobs which require digging in yards with established flora and buildings. He also has a dump trailer for hauling away materials from job sites. Len finds that most people who contact CKL Contracting, do so because they have talked to someone else that he has worked for. Word of mouth and his ad in the Kicker keep him occupied. There is not much spare time in Len’s schedule. When he gets a chance though, he enjoys golf, boating and travelling with his family. The Kicker thanks Len Barker and CKL Contracting for their advertising support. Our best wishes for continued success for this small, local business. Chuckles A man is recovering from surgery when the surgical nurse appears and asks him how he is feeling. ‘I’m OK but I didn’t like the four letter‐words the doctor used in surgery,’ he answered. ‘What did he say,’ asked the nurse. ‘Oops!’ 13 Pro Tech Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd Your Carrier Dealer for Chase, Sorrento & the North Shuswap Don’t’ wait until the HEAT WAVE... Call me now for a free estimate on how we can keep you cool this summer. Gas & Electric Furnaces Heat Pump/Air-Conditioning Ventilation Custom Sheet Metal Work Darren Van Sprang Owner/Operator Cell: 250-215-3243 Phone: 250-679-3802 Fax: 250-679-3824 Email: North American Log Crafters Tim’s Archery World 5-218 Aylmer Rd. Chase Just Opened in Chase .. Archery Pro-Shop Martin Archery, Rytera and Bear dealer. Excalibur Crossbows - Canada’s own. Easton Arrows/Shafts. Arrow and string assembly. Archery Pro Shop: Service, repairs and tuning of compound bows. Bow hunting/Archery accessories: COBRA, SPOT-HOGG, MUZZY and others. Coaching - all levels. Knife sharpening service … Small welding jobs undertaken 250-679-2304 778-220-3688 CUSTOM MILLING SPECIALIZING IN DRY FIR BEAMS TO UP 30' TIMBER TRUSS FABRICATION HALF LOG SIDING FIR FIREWOOD ALSO AVAILABLE —————————— Brian Campbell 250-955-2485 (cell) 250-682-2485 Located next to Captain's Village Marina in Scotch Creek 14 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Shuswap Trail Alliance 250-955-2110 ly Week Pasta e emad H om y Ever ay aturd S & y a F r id Located at The Centre in Scotch Creek #3 - 3867 Squilax Anglemont Hwy ZAslice PIZ b r y the HOURS Thurs., Fri & Sat Noon to 7pm Chase, BC o Whole your own! a e r C te a Lasagn s g in W Wraps Salads Soup Chili Salty Dog Volunteers Needed – and Riders be sure to Register Sunday, May 24th, South Canoe Trail System, Salmon Arm. Calling all volunteers for the upcoming Salty Dog 6-Hour Enduro Mountain Bike Race on May 24th. Lots of folks needed as Parking Attendants, Timers, and Course Marshalls. To volunteer, email Tom at It’s a classic event with over 300 riders coming from throughout BC, as well as Alberta, Washington, and even a few further afield. A great event for volunteers, too. And don’t forget the Salty Pup for kids, and NEW this year – the Junior loop for new riders aged 15 and under! Register now at saltydog.php -----------------------------------------------------------------------5th Annual Traditional Pow Wow at the Switzmalph Cultural Centre/Donations Needed... Sunday, June 7th, start time 11 am, Switzmalph Cultural Centre, First Nations Road, east of Salmon Arm. The Cultural Center is having their 5th Annual Traditional Pow Wow and would like to invite you all to attend. If you’re interested in how to do pit cooking, or if you can donate food for the pow wow that would great. Donations are also requested for the silent auction, as well as help with the clean up of the grounds. For more information you can contact Sharon Jules at or in the evening you can call (250) 679-1009 or cell (250) 803-2736. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Bike for Your Life… Saturday, June 13th, Salmon Arm. The Bike For Your Life Tour started in 1998 to promote health, family solidarity, and community involvement through a fun cycling event, that all ages and abilities could participate in. There are distances for everyone, from the 15km, to the 99km tour, plus great incentives. For details and to register visit index.html -----------------------------------------------------------------------Run/Walk with the Shuswap Lady Striders for Shuswap Trails… Sunday, June 14th, Salmon Arm. The Shuswap Lady Striders invite you to join the Walk/Run for Charity event in Salmon Arm on Sunday, June 14th. This will be an open event featuring a 5 km and a 10 km route as well as a 1500-meter route for children. All funds raised this year will go to Shuswap Trail projects. Registration and pledge forms at Cool Running Walking and Fitness (#5 – 1050 10th Ave SW, Salmon Arm). For more information email -----------------------------------------------------------------------See you out on the trails! Phil McIntyre-Paul for the Shuswap Trail Alliance Mammography Clinic Scotch Creek Mammography Clinic is June 15th & 16th. Phone 1-800-663-9203 for an appointment. MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 15 The Computer Doctor High Speed Wireless Solutions For those of us who are fortunate enough to have high speed internet, it is sometimes taken for granted. And for those of us who are still on dialup are only wishing for something faster and affordable to come to the area. Either or, we never seem to be happy with what we have. Rural areas used to have the least of options, however now, more and more options are becoming available. Satellite Internet, non-line of site internet, and now (probably the cheapest) cellular internet. Although each of these options will never beat the consistent speed cable, or DSL have to offer, at least now there are options available to those whom used to only have dialup. The advantage of having a high speed signal is the security updates that are pushed from Microsoft once per month and your Antivirus/Antispyware signatures can be loaded at much faster speeds. Other advantages are being able to send and receive Mike Simpson your Simpson Computer picServices tures, 250-833-8755 and other attachments in much less. Remember trying to download a large attachment that never seemed to come through, and having to log onto your webmail to delete it so that the rest of your email could come through? These other high speed options are worth looking into (if it’s in your budget range). Dialup internet is not that much of a savings compared to what you can get through these other high speed options. If you require other computers to be attached to your network via wireless connection, and having the ability to have internet capabilities, then higher speed internet is a requirement. You cannot share an internet connection based on dialup. Options are now available. Give your local computer guru a call to discuss which option may be best for you. SHUSWAP LAKE ACCORDION FESTIVAL June 12 & 13, 2009 Sorrento Centre On Beautiful Shuswap Lake Sorrento, BC Featuring: Ivan Preanicov, Accordionist from Victoria, BC. Accordion Bands ~ Solos ~ Duets ~ Dancing ~ Jams Al Christopherson Real Estate View Direct Line (250) 955-2188 e-mail: website: More than ever before it is time to pay attention to the ‘Listing Price’ and how important that is. The Listing Price is a tool to attract the attention of a Buyer. If the Listed Price is too high then it will not attract the attention of a Buyer. At that point you have a tool that does not work and like any other tool that does not work, it needs to be fixed or discarded. N o Seller expects to get the List Price and no Buyer expects to pay the List Price. The List Price is a tool to attract the attention of a Buyer. It has always been an effective tool if it is right! Disclaimer: Al Christopherson is affiliated with Century 21 Lakeside Realty Ltd. and the opinions expressed herein are his own and not those of the company. Saturday Night Dinner, etc. Information: Dianne Riley 250-675-2531 Email: Lakeside Realty Ltd Scotch Creek Office (250) 955-0307 16 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 West Beach Development Jay. Kel. Landscaping and Design All Aspects of Landscaping Rock Walls Allan Block Irrigation 250-955-2552 Ponds, Fountains Roy Phillips Turf 250-804-3349 Paving Stones Bobcat & Excavator BISCHOFF SAW MILLS IAN BISCHOFF F as cia rds Boa B ul l No Posts & Beams se D ecki n Bandsawn Wood (custom cut) Fir, Cedar, Pine - etc. Cedar Docks & Diving Boards Deliveries .. Firewood Deliveries Bobcat Services ■ Lot Clearing (250) 955-2340 (250) 833-6073 g By Denis Delisle The developers of the West Beach (Cottonwoods Camp) site invited me to discuss their plans. What were to be 28 units has grown slightly. The present proposal is one three story motel, two additional motel buildings consisting of 14 units each, 17 cabins around the lagoon that enters the property and 160 camp sites. A restaurant is planned on the slight peninsula near the end of the lagoon. A boat storage area is planned near the entrance to the property, to allow people to easily launch, without having to store their boats in the water. The three single family dwellings currently on the property are likely to be replaced with newer single family dwellings. The West Beach property is subject to the regulations of the C1- Commercial 1 Zone of Scotch Creek/ Lee Creek Zoning Bylaw No. 825. Remember that it was not so long ago we did not want any such restrictions and it was a struggle to implement the bylaws that exist now. Once the OCP is finalized, the existing zoning bylaw will be reviewed to better reflect the desires of the community. West Beach promoters say they have been waiting eleven months for the BC Government to make a deal to purchase the property. An assessor was hired by the province to calculate the value of the property based upon the highest and best use as determined by an independent consultant selected by CSRD staff. Neither the government nor the developers seem to want to say what that final value of the property was determined to be. The Provincial govern(Continued on page 17) MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 17 West Beach Development cont. (Continued from page 16) ment only responded that it was more than they can afford, considering there are other properties of significant importance in BC they have to consider. I understand that it would be difficult for many Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to raise the capital required to purchase the property. The next step for those in the community who want the purchase of the property would be a public information campaign including letters, emails and phone calls from groups and individuals to both Federal and Provincial governments, demonstrating how important it is for this property is to be acquired by the government. There are a myriad of future possibilities for the property. If not purchased by the government or NGOs, it is likely to be developed. How- ever, there may be an opportunity for a local organization to collect funds to go towards the purchase of the property. Another possibility is that some money could go towards hiring someone who could organize the government, NGOs and local community, towards a collective purchase of the property. In that case, maybe that same person could determine what the on-going costs beyond the purchase of the property would be. I was also invited to the West Beach Rally, well attended considering the short notice. There were about 4050 people. The four election delegates gave accounts of what they would or could do if they had the chance. I was able to explain some of the difficulties in stopping such a development. The next day CHBC came and aired a story about the situation. rock chip repairs 250-679-3118 WINDSHIELDS.. No need to contact ICBC One Stop glass claim service. Mon to Fri 8:30 - 5, Sat by Appointment 822A Shuswap Ave, Chase, BC Full Spectrum Massage Therapy Larry Vandale, R.M.T. Registered Massage Therapist Relaxation Massage Muscle Energy work Deep Tissue & Therapeutic Massage Advance Cranio Sacral Techniques For Relief from migraines & headaches; chronic neck and back pain; stress & tension related problems; Tempero Mandibular joint syndrome; TMJ and many other related conditions 250-955-6268 SCOTCH CREEK 250-955-6377 Fridays - Karaoke 8pm - Midnight (Songbird Entertainment) Fish ‘n’ Chips $9.95 Saturdays Lions Club Meat Draw, 50/50 3 - 5pm Steak Dinner $12.95 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT May Long Weekend (15th &16th) Watch the games in a friendly, fun atmosphere! 9 pm Local Talent - SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Saturday May 30th 9 pm 18 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 By Alison Elmes DAVE’S AUTO REPAIR Proudly Serving the North Shuswap Area for over 23 years “Business of the Year” Two Times Personal Service is Always First Government Licenced Technician Warrantee approved service on all new vehicles Approved location for most extended warranties Complete Auto & Light Truck Maintenance & Repair Specializing in Computer Controlled & Electronic Vehicles Brakes - Tires - Tune-ups Government Vehicle Inspection Facility Service Calls - Pick Up and Delivery Located on BRAGG ROAD - CELISTA 250-955-6541 The A G M was held on April 20th with 28 members present. Following a comprehensive report on the Associations activities for 2008 by president Ed Elmes and the completion of regular business, elections were held. Your new executive is as follows President - Ed Elmes, Vice President Ed Overland, Treasurer - Sylvie McAlister, Secretary/Bookings - Alison Elmes, Membership Secretary;Loren Gisler. Directors: Bill McAlister, Liz Smith, Annette Brausse, Loretta Greenough, Jan Kudelka, Mel Galloway. Retiring as directors, with much appreciation and thanks for all their hard work and commitment to the Association, are Nadine Collier, Lorne Pierlot and Pat Bauer. Nadine will continue to be the liaison for the WI. After a lot of paper work and much waiting the NSCA has been awarded another Direct Access grant from B.C. Lottery Corporation in the amount of $11,765. These funds, plus a matching amount obtained through other fund raising, will be used to buy two vault toilets one of which will be installed in Pioneer Park and the other will replace the old pit toilets close to the Hall. The Spring Thing Wine and Cheese fundraiser was another resounding success. It was a wonderful evening thanks to the tremendous effort and vision of Annette Brausse, the many volunteers who put in so much time and work , and those who donated to the Silent and Wine Auctions. The amount raised will be reported next month. Father's Day Lobster dinner will be held on June 19. To order tickets please call Alison at 250-955-2588. Deadline June 12th . FMI see ad on page 42 in this paper. Membership fees are: $20/family, $10/individual Our mailing address and contact #s: Box 128, Celista, BC, V0E 1L0, Ed or Alison: 955-2588 250-955-0540 Reg & Deb Miller Boat Interiors & Canvas Motor Home Interior Refits Residential Upholstery This Bulletin is Sponsored By Terry Speed & Anglemont Water Utilities A-ALL-TECH Custom Furniture Design 4306 Leopold Rd, Scotch Creek A PRIORITY TAXIDERMIST WITH NO LONG WAITS Plaque Mounting Full Body Mounts European Mounting Game Heads Ryan Fish Taylor Birds 250-574-4015 Rugs High Quality Repair & Service Gov’t. Certified Technician 28 yrs experience / dealer trained Fully modern shop complete with Computerized Testing & Diagnostic Equipment Parts for all makes & Models Tires – Sales / Repair & Computerized Balancing ATV & Dirt Bike Tire Sales Fast Friendly Service 250-955-0444 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 19 20 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Chamber News Jeff Tarry President 955-5333 No Cutting • No Watering • No Fertilizing Office: 604.530.0124 Cell: 604.250-1395 Fax: 604.530.0850 Email: Dave Hik LOCAL SHOPPING CONTEST – The drawing was held on Saturday, April 18th at Mylo’s. Congratulations to Doreen McCulloch, who won a $500 shopping spree, and to Darleen Taylor, who won a $250 shopping spree. There were 1353 tickets in the draw box which means that $67,650 was spent locally by the participants in a four-month period. May 23rd, from 9 am to 4 pm, in the Boardroom at Century 21 Lakeside Realty. To register, contact Amanda Wilkinson, SuprHost Facilitator, at 250-675-3370. Space is limited. NEXT CHAMBER MEETING – Our next meeting will be a general meeting at Creekside Restaurant on Monday, May 25th. Joanne Mason from Community Futures – Shuswap will speak about the various programs offered by Community Futures. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm; the general meeting will start at 7:00 pm. All Chamber members are encouraged to attend, but the meetings are open to anyone interested. If you plan to have dinner, please pay in advance at BUSINESS DIRECTORY - The 2009 North Creekside Restaurant. Shuswap Business Directory CONTACT US – The has been printed and distrib- Chamber can be reached by calling or faxing 250-955uted. If you are a Chamber 2113, by visiting our office member and would like a at 3871 Squilax-Anglemont supply to distribute at your business, please stop by the Hwy. in Scotch Creek, or by emailing us at office. ROADSIDE CLEAN-UP – Thank you to all the volun- We’re open on Mondays, teers who participated in the Thursdays and Saturdays roadside clean-up on May 9 from 9 am to 1 pm. Check out our website at SUPERHOST WORKSHOP – A SuperHost Fun- damentals workshop has been scheduled for Saturday, Chuckles A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the Emergency Room, took the husband aside, and said, ‘I don’t like the looks of your wife at all.’ ‘Me neither doc,’ said the husband. ‘But she’s a great cook and really good with the kids.’ MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER THE OFFSPRING Poor Old Mother By Larissa Lutjen Hey, how come 'Mother' gets a pancake breakfast while 'Father' gets a lobster dinner? Is mother a second class citizen? Well, maybe. People choose to have children but mothers end up paying a greater cost for this choice. Unfortunately, for many Canadian women, motherhood is a gateway to a lower standard of living or outright poverty. The problem is that caring for kids is a job without a paycheck. Especially in the early years, a mom works a twelve hour day and is on call during the night shift too. There is simply not a lot of time left for another job. Even if there were, nobody, other than the odd saintly grandparent, is willing to take care of your kids for free so the benefits of working while the children are small are much diminished. But the problem is not only the earnings lost when the babies are little. Even if moms go back to work fairly soon they will have lost job experience, possible promotions, seniority and pension earnings. The income loss is magnified if anything happens to the primary income earner (who is certainly not always, but still generally, the father). If a father is laid off, injured, killed – god forbid, or if the marriage breaks down, a family can go from comfortable to crisis very quickly. A single parent on Income Assistance has to provide for their family on $375 a month. It should come as no surprise then that 22% of children in BC live in poverty. One possible solution is universal, state-funded daycare. In countries that initiated such programs many years ago, women have greater in- comes and a standard of living more equal to men than we see in North America. Denmark, for example, went in this direction out of necessity after World War II because there were not enough men left to fill the jobs. Today Danish women enjoy one of the highest levels of income equality in the world. But there are reasons to be dissatisfied with this solution. Parenting is important work and it should be valued in and of itself. I think most parents want to spend more time at home, not less. Many mothers who have no choice but to find paid employment feel cheated out of enjoying their childrens' special early years. And there are surely benefits from intensive bonding between a child and a parent who stays at home. The federal Universal Child Care Benefit supports stay-at-home parents but one hundred dollars a month per child is no substitute for a second paycheck. To fund families to a level that would bring the 1 out of five children, and by extension their mothers, out of poverty we would need to spend a significant amount more. There is no way around the fact that, for mothers especially, raising children comes at the cost of one's career, income or both. Ironically this truth often means that women who have the least to lose (poor paying, dead end jobs) are more likely to have a greater number of children. The end result is the ongoing reality of child poverty in Canada. Both state-funded daycare or larger babybonuses are imperfect solutions but for the love of Mom we should try to do something. 21 22 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Park Openings DON’S PAINTING SERVICE Interior & Exterior Reasonable Rates Tel: 250-955-5335 Cell: 1-403-391-2428 Dr. Wayne W. Quinn Chiropractor Call for Appointment 822 Hysop Rd Chase, B.C. 250-679-2900 PICURE S E L E C T I O N S Park Sites Charge Dates Albas $15.00 Open May 15th. Trail open Cinnemousun Narrows 28 $15.00 Open May 15th Herald Prov. Park 119 $24.00 Open May 1st. 30% of sites first come first serve Shuswap Lake Marine Park 48 $15.00 Open May 15th Silver Beach 30 $15.00 Open May 15th White lake 10 n/a No developed sites. No fee. Check fishing regulations Adams lake (Bush 32 Ck) $10.00 Open may 15th with full services & fees Niskonlith lake 32 $10.00 Open may 15th with full services & fees Roderick HaigBrown Day use n/a Open all year. Closed off trail area upstream of Haig-Brown Memorial & Wade Rd Trails access is closed due to Bridge construction. Trails mentioned will stay closed until November 2009 Shuswap Lake Prov. Park 272 $24.00 Open May 1st with full services & fees Momich Lakes 30 None Open all year. Rustic camping. Controls are being established to manage wovecrowding of some sites and partying. Access on west of Momich Lake closed to vehicles. “Healthful Alternatives For The Home Chef” Epicure Tasting Party™ Catalogue Orders Fund Raisers Business Opportunities LAURISA GALLANT Independent Consultant 250-675-4983 DECKS by Donna Quality Fibreglass decks Great selection of colors & designs to choose from Guaranteed workmanship 20 years experience Book early to ensure your deck is protected! Serving the Shuswap and Salmon Arm area Donna 250-838-6589 After 5 pm At Magna Bay MAGNA BAY RATEPAYERS Its that time of year again, the May long weekend and the Annual General Meeting of the Magna Bay Ratepayers. If you have been away all winter you probably noticed a lot of changes as you drove along the Anglemont-Squilax Road. The AGM of the Ratepayers is a good place to find out some of what is going on in the North Shuswap and maybe dispel some of the rumours. It is also the time to elect a new executive and share with them what Why it’s great to be a man • Drain Rock • Sand • Cement Gravel • Road Gravel • Pea Gravel you think they should be doing for you and your community. The AGM will be held at the Lakeview Seniors Centre (upstairs) in Anglemont on Sunday, May 17 at 1 PM. Take a break from your spring clean-up, visit the yard sale on the centre and come upstairs to the meeting. New members are always welcome. For more information on the Magna Bay Ratepayers contact president Al Nunn 955-0302. 250-955-0485 Call anytime Bob Cell: 250-833-6350 The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. Car mechanics tell you the truth. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. Wrinkles ad character. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds. MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER First Responders Last month’s issue of the KICKER was dedicated to recruitment for North Shuswap First Responders. We planned an all out campaign to get the word out that we needed new people to volunteer for this important community function. Well it worked, you responded to our request – what a wonderful community to live in. We have several local residents who are considering joining our group to learn how to support their neighbours when they need it most. But we still need more and we are encouraging you to volunteer - now you can come to our practices and know you won’t be the only newbie. Call Pat at 250-9552999 to learn more or just come to our practice at 7p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Celista Fire Hall on Evans Road. An unexpected result of this recruitment drive was the people who gave financial contributions to our recruiters. This was not the intent but it was very much appreciated. Your money will be put to good use purchasing supplies and equipment for your First Responders. Another result of our recruitment drive was a Thank You that was given to us from an appreciative citizen. The note had a list of definitions of volunteers that I want to share with you. It said; “Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” “Volunteers don’t get paid because they’re worthless, but because they are priceless” “Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time they just have the heart” “The breeze, the trees and the honey bees – all volunteers” If this inspires you to come to our meetings you will be welcome. Another thank you should go to all our citizens who take the time to put their Super Valu receipts in the donation box for First Responders. This very generous local business has donated more that $2000 each year to our group based on your selection. Thank you to you and to Super Valu. The busy Spring and Summer months are here and this is when we have an increase in 911 calls for falls and other accidents at home. Please be careful. Remember if someone falls from a height of 3 meters or more or if they hit their head, they need to be treated for a possible spinal injury. As long as you are in a safe location it is best to remain in the same position as you were after the fall. Injury to the critical spinal nerves can happen after the initial injury when vertebrae damaged in the fall move around. Our protocol has us immobilize the cervical spine with a hard collar for any incident that may cause spinal injury. This is to prevent possible paralysis and is one of our most important determinations. Finally, a reminder to everyone, regarding the purchase of REFLECTIVE ADDRESS SIGNS that help us find your house in an emergency. Remember, we can’t help you if we can’t find you. They are $30 and you can order them from Barb Overland at 250-955-0725. If you require temporary use of HOME SUPPORT AIDS such as crutches or a wheel chair call Joan Bristow at 250 -955-2304 and she will do her best to help out. 23 WE CAN’T HELP YOU IF WE CAN’T FIND YOU! ORDER YOUR REFLECTIVE ADDRESS SIGN FOR $30 CALL 250-955-0725 Your Neighborhood Coffee and Espresso Bar 955-2297 Open Daily at 6am It’s that time… GELATO IS BACK ! Several flavors to choose from Please order one week in advance North Shore Winestry U-Brew “adding more to your happy hour” Located at The Center in Scotch Creek A-3871 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy. 250-955-0453 Watch for brochure in mail 24 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Telephone: Cellular: Email: Website: MAY 2009 Lions Club News (250) 675-2855 (250) 571-3699 SHUSWAP REALTY (SORRENTO) Independently Owned & Operated 5-1257 Trans Canada Hwy. ‘Your North Shuswap RE/MAX Realtor!’ Bring Your Ideas Inexpensive Recreational Cabin Semi-Waterfront .69 acre property Live the Caravan’s West Lifestyle ! 5427 Squilax-Anglemont Highway Enjoy the 489sf cabin & 2 RV hook-ups now/ build your dream home later. Beautiful views of Shuswap Lk. Sandy beach steps away!. Buoy included. MLS® 9208756 269 – 3980 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy 2006 Moduline model with many upgrades/ balance of 10 yr warranty. Includes full covered deck, hot tub, landscaped yard & pond, plus 2 storage sheds. Just a 5 minute walk to private beach on Shuswap Lk. MLS® 9207717 4928 Meadow Creek Road. Potential income producing agricultural property, complete w/ spacious 4 bdrm rancher, 2 barns & out buildings on 54 acres in beautiful Meadow Creek Valley. Minutes to the lake. MLS® 9180374 7809 Squilax-Anglemont Highway Newly updated log cabin situated on ½ acre property. Features large patio and deck to enjoy. Includes new appliances. MLS® 9204184 Gorgeous views of Shuswap Lk Majestic 147 Acre Farm/Ranch Custom Built, Quality Finished Custom Built rancher/full basement 4306 Leopold Rd - fully usable 4.2 acre property. Renovated home w/in-law suite & walk out basement plus 36x40 automotive shop. Contemplate the potential in this area of ‘high end’ homes! MLS® 9210258 7171 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy, Anglemont. Featuring 2293sf 3 bdrm main house + 960sf 1 bdrm guest home, barn & other out buildings, nestled against mountain backdrop. Across highway from waterfront properties. Water rights in place! MLS® 9200344 7405 Stampede Trail. 3 bdrm, Bavarian style home featuring a wood fired ‘Kachelofen’ heater. Lrg 0.41 acre lot w/incredible views of Shuswap Lk & Copper Is. Includes a detached shop & RV shed. MLS ® 9210712 5157 Tallington Drive. 1782sf rancher. Available for quick possession. Large rec room rd & 3 bdrm down. Property backs onto a rolling acreage w/beautiful mountain views. Beach rights also available! MLS® 9208886 Attractive 3 BR rancher priced to sell Like New - Semi-waterfront 3 BR waterfront townhouse Delightful cottage nestled in Anglemont 5183 Tallington Drive Consider as starter home or as an inexpensive recreational or retirement property. Situated in above average neighbourhood in Celista. Exercise your exclusive beach rights with this property! MLS® 9213393 5213 Squilax-Anglemont Road Features maple cabinets, granite counter tops, hardwood & slate flooring w/in-floor heating! Wharf and buoy included! MLS® 9212572 2 1134 Pine Grove Road Walk out your door to a beautiful sandy beach on Shuswap Lake. Features a contemporary kitchen w/ breakfast bar. Comes fully furnished and includes a boat slip! MLS ®9211073 2720 Fairview Road. Features shaker maple kitchen cabinets, vaulted ceilings, several skylights, with separate loft above. Includes adjoining lot for your RV – 0.57 acres total! MLS® 9212847 Scandinavian Scribe Log Home New Price for this stunning Home Exclusive waterfront townhouse RV lot - Gateway RV Park 7439 Alpine Road. Nestled in a treed alpine setting. Features vaulted ceilings, Skylights, decks, double garage, RV and wood shelters. Many recent upgrades. Relax and enjoy the view of Shuswap Lake! MLS® 9207273 2693 Squilax-Anglemont Road. Semiwaterfront log home! Rustic sophistication inside and out! Includes stainless steel appliances. Matching decor furnishings negotiable! Beautifully landscaped w/paved wrap around driveway. MLS® 9175940 7 1294 Deodar Road. Fantastic views of Shuswap Lake and Copper Island. Bonus extra wide townhouse at 20’ rather than the usual 14’! All furnishings included! No extra charge for your own boat slip out front! MLS 9209005 60 2633 Squilax-Anglemont Road. access to Shuswap Lake beachfront! Place your own buoy & share the dock! Lot offers full RV or modular hookup. Complex is gated and secure. 32’ Golden Eagle also available. MLS®® 9203871 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 25 26 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Western Financial Group CHASE AGENCIES 630 Shuswap Ave. Chase, BC 250-679-8824 Fax 250-679-4431 Insurance l Investments l Agency Banking In business for yourself?? Subcontracting?? Do you have Comprehensive General Liability in place? Most Homeowners and Contractors require the people/ subcontractors they hire to show proof of insurance coverage. This is to ensure the validity of their own insurance policy in the event of a claim. Give us a call for more information on coverage options. ANOTHER thought ... what happens if you are injured or hurt ON or OFF the job? Do you have a protection policy in place for income while you are recovering? Please contact Laurie regarding Accident & Sickness coverage quotes. Custom Cutting (all bandsawn wood) Siding - Fascia Board - etc. Beams Kiln Dried T&G also available Cedar Tom Barnhardt 250-955-2301 Chase Jewellers Watch & Clock Repairs All work done on premises Open Mon - Fri, 9 - 5 723 Shuswap Ave., Chase 250-679-8077 Dave’s Appliance Repair 250-679-5399 Washers, Dryers, Stoves Fridges, Dishwashers Guaranteed service to all Brands & Makes MAY 2009 LIONS CLUB NEWS By Pat Pierlot Spring is actually sneaking in – about a month late, but very welcome. This month is shaping up to be a busy one for our Lions, with club elections, ongoing projects, and recruiting new members. If you are wondering what you can do to contribute to your community as well as being a part of an enthusiastic group of men and women, come out to a meeting and see for yourself if our group is for you. Give Earle a call at 955-2589 for information and a sales pitch! He can give you meeting details and tell you what your contribution can do for you. Everyone is encouraged to read and complete the questionnaire in this month’s Kicker(P 53) regarding the possibility of building a Cenotaph/ Memorial. For the rare person who does not read the Kicker, we are also doing a mass mail-out. This will be a very ambitious project, and we want to be sure it is what the community at large supports. It was reported in last month’s Kicker that the famous Lions Barbeque team will be serving hamburgers and hot dogs free at the 75th Anniversary Community Hall celebration on the August long weekend. It has since been decided that there will be a charge for the barbeque, and that all proceeds will go to the North Shuswap Community Hall for ongoing improvements and maintenance. Sorry for the confusion, but since the Hall committee is working so hard to make necessary improvements, it was decided to help offset the cost of the celebrations in this way. Lions will be canvassing for orders for the Community Calendars in August. In the meantime we are looking for interesting photographs of the North Shuswap to display on our 2010 calendar. Please mail either a photograph or disc for consideration by the committee to Box 56 Celista, V0E 1L0. The swimming float has been stained for the coming swimming season. Soon the marker floats will be in place, making the area safe for swimmers. On April 29th a hardy soul ventured into the lake near the Community Hall, had a swim, and did not require first aid. In fact he left looking quite refreshed. Spring is on the way! The weekly Meat Draw and 50/50 Draw will continue until the end of May. Get in on the fun, meet your friends at the Copper Island Pub in Scotch Creek Saturday afternoons from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. You might win a delicious cut of meat from Super Valu or cash from the 50/50 Draw. Hope to see you there. Variance Permits Approved By CSRD By Denis Delisle Application for a Development Variance Permit (DVP) to construct a detached garage/hobby shop in Scotch Creek on Wharf Road was granted. The request was for a building size of 1200 sq ft, about 400 sq. ft. larger than allowed. It will also have a toilet and shower. This is only to be used as a shop and not for human habitation. Another DVP, this one on Webb Road in the Scotch Creek area, was also considered and granted. The request was for a detached workshop/garage to be built 6 ft. higher than allowed in the bylaw, with a small washroom including a shower. It is also not to be used for human habitation. It will be built into the bank so will not be visible to adjoining land owners. The access road to the property is not a legal access, and discussion revolved around whether the DVP should be withheld until it became a legal access. It was decided that it was likely very hard to enforce legalizing the access and would have to involve the Ministry of Transportation. The DVP was granted. In both cases, there was concern that the buildings would be used as illegal rental units. In these DVPs, it was clearly stated that they are not to be used for living quarters (human habitation). The bylaw enforcement officer can easily investigate and enforce the bylaw upon complaint from any resident where people are using the space for habitation, rather than a shop. The building inspector can also catch any construction that would indicate use for human habitation rather than a shop. The other concern was the size of the shops; this could be a reflection of affluent nature of the community. Some of these shops are essentially storage areas for recreational vehicles, with additional room for their maintenance. MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 27 MAY HOME & GARDEN SALE Why Make the Drive? shop locally… The Little Store With More CHASE AGENCY 250-679-3245 email website 1-800-267-3277 825 Shuswap Ave. Chase, BC Hours Mon - Fri 9:30 - 5 pm, Sat 10 - 4 (closed Sunday) Don’t see what you like? Let us assist you in ordering your appliances or lawn and garden items. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING BRANDS AVAILABLE: KENMORE CRAFTSMAN ELECTROLUX FRIGIDAIRE GE JENNAIR KITCHEN AID Save $200 LG PANASONIC AMANA BOSCH MAYTAG SAMSUNG WHIRLPOOL Save $40 LG 4.2 cu.ft Kenmore 49,000 BTU Front Load WASHER PROPANE GAS BBQ Stainless Steel Wash Basket With 10,000 BTU Side Burner Reg $1499.99 Reg $339.99 Clearance $1299.95 Sale $299.99 Save $200 Save $70 LG 7.3 cu.ft. ELECTRIC DRYER Stainless Steel Drum Reg $1199.99 Clearance $999.95 Save $150 WHIRLPOOL 3.6 cu.ft. FRONT LOAD WASHER 10 Wash Cycles Reg $1149.99 Clearance $999.94 Save $170 Whirlpool Duet Sport FRONT LOAD WASHER Reversible Side Swing Door Reg $849.99 Clearance $679.94 INGLIS EUREKA BISSELL DYSON MIELE HOOVER Save $200 Save $180 Samsung 19 cu.ft. Bottom Freezer Kenmore Elite 10,000 BTU Portable Gloss Black Finish Reg $1199.99 Cools Up To 425 sq. ft. Reg $779.99 Limited Quantities FRIDGE One Only $999.99 AIR CONDITIONER $599.99 Save $200 Save $200 Craftsman 21 hp Hydrostatic Transmission Kenmore 22 cu.ft. Side x side 42” Cutting Deck Reg $2049.99 Manual Water & Ice Dispenser Reg $1499.99 Sharp Aquos 46” Full HD 1080p LCD TV 6 MS Response Time Reg $1699.99 Save $250 YARD TRACTOR One Only $1799.99 REFRIGERATOR One Only $1299.99 One Only $1499.99 Save $195 Save $70 GE Profile 30” Self Cleaning GAS RANGE LG 42” Plasma 720p HDTV 600Hz Fluid Motion Performance Reg $1099.99 $296.95 One Only $1754.94 One Only $1029.99 Save $250 Save $150 Save $60 Save $100 Mission Bay 4 PIECE Kenmore Built-In Kenmore 30” Delonghi 12,000 BTU Portable Whole Home HAVANA BISTRO SET 2 Resin Wicker Chairs Glass Top Table Reg $249.99 One Only $179.95 DEEP SEATING SET 2 Arm Chairs / 1 Love Seat Glass Top Table Reg $1099.99 Clearance $859.95 Save $33 Craftsman 4.75 Torque Front Wheel Drive SELF PROPELLED LAWNMOWER Reg $329.99 Limited Quantities DISHWASHER Tall Tub / China and Crystal Cycles Reg $749.99 One Only $599.99 Incl. Center Burner/Griddle Reg $1949.99 COIL RANGE Standard Clean Reg $499.99 One Only $439.94 AIR CONDITIONER Cools Up To 500 sq. ft. Reg $699.99 Limited Quantities $599.95 Save $140 Save $150 Save $260 Save $100 Whole Home CASABLANCA Kenmore Built-In Maytag 30” Smooth Top Samsung 40” Full HD 1080p Self Cleaning Reg $999.99 Built-In Digital Tuner Reg $1299.99 One Only $739.95 One Only $1199.99 3-PIECE CAFÉ SET Tile Top Table 2 Sling Rocker Chairs Reg $449.99 Clearance $359.94 DISHWASHER Nylon Coated Racks Tall Tub Reg $549.99 One Only $399.99 RANGE LCD TV 28 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 All Angle Excavation & Const. • Lot Clearing • Site Prep • House Foundations • Road Building • Retaining Walls • Tree & Stump Removal • Rock Placing • Landscaping • Water & Electric Lines Call Cy: Tel: 955-0995 Cell 318-5466 Hitachi 120 250-955-0868 Self Serve Gas Station • Propane (auto, cylinder, RV’s) • Diesel • Bulk Oil Sales • ATM Open 7 Days A Week Mon to Sat 7 am-8 pm ~ Sun 8 am-8 pm SUNDANCE ELECTRIC Cell: 250 250--574 574--4602 Gerry Cline “ A” Licensed & Bonded Electrical Contractor Small Jobs and New Construction Serving The North Shuswap B.C. to Pioneer New Electric Car Vancouver – The first production-ready, highway-capable electric car in the world could be on B.C. streets before the end of 2009. The Mitsubishi i MiEV is a new zero-emission, pure electric car with extended range that will be tested by BC Hydro and the City of Vancouver according to a memorandum of understanding announced today by the city, the Province of B.C., BC Hydro, Mitsubishi Canada and Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada Incorporated. Under the terms of the agreement, one car would be added to BC Hydro’s fleet of vehicles and one to the City of Vancouver’s fleet for demonstration and evaluation purposes. The agreement also allows for the addition of more cars as they become available. “Electric cars are part of the sustainable transportation solution for British Columbia and I am pleased that the i MiEV will make its Canadian debut in Vancouver,” said Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Blair Lekstrom. “By looking at new, innovative technologies, we can work toward achieving our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 33 per cent by 2020.” “We are committed to green technologies and to leading the way in electric car development,” said Koji Perma Glass Vinyl Decking FREE ESTIMATES (Continued on page 29) Save 70% or more on heating costs Heat water for hotels, restaurants, car washes! Heat your home, pool or office for LESS! Vinyl & Fibreglass Sundecks Aluminum Railing Patio Covers Ingar Pettersen 250-835-4536 Soga, president and CEO of Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada Inc. “The i MiEV represents the pinnacle of Mitsubishi Motors' green technologies. We believe in this car, in its potential and in its future.” BC Hydro and the City of Vancouver are already partners in the Province’s broader plug-in electric vehicle program, which is committed to demonstrating the opportunities for electric vehicles in B.C. and their potential demands on public infrastructure. “I’m thrilled that Vancouver gets to debut the i MiEv,” said Mayor Gregor Robertson. “We want to make Vancouver the greenest city in the world, and supporting this early adoption of plug-in electric cars is one way that Vancouver is becoming a leader in green technology. Electric vehicles are an important way to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions when combined with improvements to transit, biking and walking.” “We are at a turning point in the history of the automobile industry,” said Shinji Kowase, president & CEO Mitsubishi Canada Limited. “This worldwide economic recession will come to an end, but we cannot go back to business- as-usual. We are reinventing our industries with a new commitment to the Select Solar Systems Ltd For information, visit us at 250-835-2208 email: MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 29 Electric Car cont. (Continued from page 28) environment. Every facet of Mitsubishi’s multiple business endeavours reflects our commitment to the new Green Economy – especially electric vehicles such as the one we are showcasing here today: the i MiEV. It is the face of the future.” BC Hydro has launched a comprehensive strategy to become carbon neutral in its operations by 2010. A large portion of the strategy focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from BC Hydro’s vehicle fleet. BC Hydro has also recently added a new hybrid bucket truck to its fleet and has converted three hybrid vehicles to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Announced in October 2006, the Mitsubishi i MiEV represents the height of Mitsubishi Motors' green technologies. Currently involved in testing and promotional activities in Japan, New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Europe, the i MiEV will be launched in Japan during the summer of 2009. OMA YA YA GO GO By Patsy Alford Just as all winter seeds are waiting to sprout in spring, so a new community group has been moving under ground all winter waiting to burst forth in the warm weather. At a New Years Day party, a group of local women decided to do some good in the coming year by starting a chapter of the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign. Over two-hundred chapters in Canada raise funds to support grandmothers in Africa coping with the scourge of HIV/ AIDS. As Stephen Lewis says, “First the grandmothers bury their children, and then they raise their grandchildren.” Ninety percent of the funds raised by the foundation go directly to supply basic needs to the grandmothers and the children they support. The new group is called Oma ya ya go go. (Which translates into English from various languages as “Grandma grandma grandma.”) Small as yet, they have plans to raise both funds and awareness in the coming months. The first event will be at the May long weekend market at Eco Treats selling, spring plants, baking and crafts. The group invites you to come by and see what they are up to, make a donation, or buy some handmade goods and goodies. For more information about the Stephen Lewis Foundation visit www.stephenlewisfoundation. org . Click on the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign icon to learn more about the grandmothers groups. The group welcomes new members. For more information about the North Shuswap Grandmother’s group, or to donate plants, craft items or baking to the sale, call Patsy Alford at 250 955 2978. JUNE DEADLINE Deadline is May 29th. We hit the stands on June 12th. We are the professionals that build around your lifestyle Millwork • Finishing Property Maintenance • Renovations Charles Driver 250-515-1770 Custom hand-built . . . Furniture, doors, cabinets & antique re-productions made to order Any species, any design Guaranteed quality workmanship Country Furniture also available using re-claimed/antique lumber Dean Smith 250-955-2245 or 250-319-4620 250-955-0525 FARM, GARDEN & PET SUPPLIES 3837 Squilax Anglemont Hwy - across from Rona Hours 9:00-5:00 We have BULK SOIL & MULCHES Natures Gold Waterwise Soil Natures Gold Landscape Fertilizer Mulch Bark Mulch Come in and see our great selections of Bedding Plants, Perennials, Trees & Shrubs Worried about the environment? See what we have for Natural & Organic gardening products. Featuring Celista Springs Ranch Locally Raised Meat Come in and sign up for this years products. DON’T DELAY - Things are going fast!! NO Animal Byproducts NO Artificial Growth Hormones NO General Antibiotic use 30 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 What is family literacy? Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers Log Carvings Furniture Picnic Tables Log & Timber Construction Concrete Framing Finishing Scotch Creek, BC 250-371-7727 From Family literacy draws its power from a crucial insight: efforts to improve the literacy and schoolreadiness of young children need to acknowledge the very strong influence of parental literacy skills. There is little point in recommending that parents read with their children and support their learning when many parents do not themselves have the literacy skills to equip them for this role. 40% of British Columbian adults do not have sufficient literacy skills to fully participate and succeed in the modern, knowledgebased economy, and 14% are at the lowest skill level, where they struggle to cope with basic printed materials. Unless we help parents as well as children develop their skills, the familiar intergenerational cycle of low literacy – and the related intergenerational correlations between education level, income, health and other critical outcomes – will persist. Family literacy programs present a solution that builds the skills of parents and children together. Family literacy embraces the intergenerational sharing of experiences and meanings that enhances the development of language and numeracy skills. It regards the family as a learning unit, and provides integrated support and learning opportunities for all family members. Programs build on existing community resources, and combine the strengths of many partners. Given the diversity of families, programs and materials, the term “family literacy” can be used to mean different things by different people. Family literacy acknowledges the richness and complexity of families and the multiple, often- unrecognized literacy tasks that are part of every day life. It is culturally responsive and as diverse as the communities in which it develops. Family literacy happens naturally, at home (reading a story together, writing a letter, cooking to a recipe) or in structured programs that can be home- or centrebased (libraries, schools, family resource programs, health centres, workplaces, community centres, childcare settings). FMI 1-888732-3234 toll-free in BC. Sorrento Village Farmers’ Market 10th Season Saturdays, 8 a.m. to noon Sorrento Shoppers’ Plaza on the TCH May 9 to Thanksgiving “Come for the freshness, stay for the fun!” MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 31 Chase RCMP Fraud Warning The Chase RCMP would like to take this opportunity to warn the general public of a recent fraud that has taken place over the internet. The fraud details are set out as follows: Victim advertises something for sale over the internet, i.e. … “puppies for sale - $500”. Suspect contacts the seller and states that he would like to purchase a puppy. Agreements are made for him to send a bank draft. When the victim receives the bank draft in the mail, it is sent with a vague address from Ontario and is for an amount much more than it should be. There is a note with it stating that the money is for the puppy along with some other object that he was to purchase and a contact phone number. When the victim realizes that there is too much money, he/she contacts the suspect at the number provided, and this goes to voice mail. The suspect returns the victim’s call and advises him/her to cash the bank draft and forward the cash difference to a postal address in Ontario. Unfortunately the bank draft is counterfeit, but very well done. This victim cashes the draft and sends the cash to the suspect. The victim is then notified by the bank that the draft is counterfeit and he/she has to pay back the full amount of the fraudulent bank draft. This is a very good scam and well thought out as there is not a lot to trace back to the suspect. As this is done over the World Wide Web it af- fects everyone, everywhere. Should you 679-3221 require further information or have any leads with regards to this investigation, please contact Cst. W.R. Taylor at the Chase Single Vehicle Collision On April 30th, 2009 at approximately 7:30 pm Chase RCMP responded to a report of a single vehicle collision on Hwy. 1 near Lindburgh Road. It appeared that a tractor trailer hauling a fully loaded reefer was travelling West bound on Hwy. 1. As the vehicle entered a sharp curve just west of Lindburgh Road, the driver was blinded by the sun that was just going down. The driver observed that the truck was heading into the cement barrier on the North shoulder of the roadway and he turned his wheels to maintain the roadway. In doing so the trailer had caught the cement barrier and would not allow the tractor to continue back onto the roadway. The tractor and its trailer continued over the barrier and overturned down the embankment, where it came to rest on the passenger side, partially submerged in Shuswap Lake. The driver of the vehicle was not injured, but examined by paramedics on scene for precautionary reasons. The west bound lane of the Hwy. was closed for approximately 3 hours. Many partners have been involved with regards to the removal of the tractor and its trailer. Health Food Store & Cafe Home made smoothies, protein shakes & full organic espresso bar. Nutritional groceries, including local lamb, and dairy. All natural vitamins, supplements , beauty, and cleaning products. Local coffee, honey, soaps, candles, pottery, paintings, and more! Beside the Library in the Centre in Scotch Creek 250-955-2228 250-955-2277 Groceries Liquor agency Clothing Fishing tackle Propane Bottle water refill ATM NOW OPEN Store Hours: May 1 - Jun 18th 9am - 6 pm Jun 19th - Aug 30th 9am - 9pm Aug 31st - Oct 11th 9am - 6 pm st FUEL/PROPANE/PUMP OUT HOURS: Jun 19th - Aug 30th 9am - 9pm Outside these dates, call for availability Triton Docks Inc. Don Lauzon Custom Built Docks / Installation of Anchors & Buoys If you enjoy spending time and relaxing on your dock, then a Triton dock will more than meet your needs. We custom build to meet your requirements - from individual docks to multi-component dock systems. Mammography Clinic Scotch Creek Mammography Clinic June 15th & 16th. Phone 1-800-663-9203 for an appointment. Check our website at 250-955-2255 32 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Directors Meeting From Denis Delisle The Electoral Area Directors are the Directors from the rural areas, not the municipalities. EADs have different concerns than municipal Directors on the CSRD Board. EADs have separate meetings to deal with these separate concerns; many of which come to the CSRD Board meeting to be decided upon by all the Directors. The Water Acquisition Strategy suggested that a Supervisory Control Data Acquisition be set up for each of the CSRDs water service areas. SCADA is technology that will send information through the internet to the CSRD office. It records, monitors and graphs what is happening with a water system, such things as the time of the door opening, pump running time, high water usage times and turbidity readings, lessening the need for this data being collected manually on site. Information obtained 24/7 could reduce site surveillance by 70%. Personnel still need to do checkups, but it will greatly reduce man hours. As specialized training is required for water system checks, it is difficult to find qualified persons for the job. One qualified person will be able to oversee many systems with this data technology. The Interior Health Association is requiring much more time consuming, data gathering now. With this technology, information can easily be emailed to IHA. Wages would be more affordable as all involved systems would contribute. As the water systems are being taken over by the CSRD, there needs to be a period of time where the information from the present committees that are running the systems are passed on to the CSRD. It was decided that present committees would stay on as a transitions committee. Staff gave a brief on the progression of the Fire Service Review. About 3 VFD out of 13 were not in support of the review. Rather than be accepted as it has been proposed, the FSR would be endorsed in principal. This would allow the Board to challenge the costs and impacts of the changes. The CAO will (Continued on page 33) MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Director’s Meeting cont. teers who have worked so hard and diligently to keep our VFD’s working. In the interest of staff efficiency and cohesion, a new CSRD office building is needed to replace the three separate buildings currently in use, necessitating a financial scheme that allows the CSRD to purchase land for the project. The way the budget is handled does not give the Directors enough time to study the opportunities or understand the options for creating a new facility. Discussion of the project continues. (Continued from page 32) watch to make sure there isn’t any budget creep brought on by the review. The main bones of contention were the potential costs of implementing this review, and the loss of autonomy by the Fire Suppression Committees. Even though the VFDs were created by ascent process, the ascent process is not needed to include VFDs into one Regional Fire Suppression Committee. After all is said and done, the Board wanted to remind staff and themselves that we should celebrate the contributions of the Volun- 100 years Celebration By Nadine Collier Some of our members attended a provincial 100 year celebration in Chilliwack in April. The WI was responsible for founding the BC Children’s Hospital and the Queen Alexandria Hospital on Vancouver Island and we are still supporting both hospitals. While in Chilliwack a cheque for $6,500 was donated to Children’s Hospital as well as our regular donations. In the 1950’s a resolution requesting the Dogwood as our BC floral emblem was approved. Also in the 50’s the Women’s Institute was successful in getting the yellow lines on the highways. The WI also supported the local 4H clubs beginning in the 1920’s. The North Shuswap received their charter in CLIFF WENGER 250-549-4161 LUMBERJACK TREE SERVICES Don’t leave yourself out on a limb Call Karl Bischoff 250-955-6250 Cell: 250-319-3443 FULLY INSURED Danger tree removal Bucket truck - 52’ reach Lot clearing Mobile Welding (Continued on page 34) - 1-800-667-2040 33 DEE-ANN BRIELSMAN, RMT Now Booking Appointments in Sorrento Please call 250-515-2776 presents . . . Shuswap Lakes Resort Managing Broker for RE/MAX Norm Brenner Cindy Richardson Cliff Wenger Tammy Stein ask about boat slips ask about RV sites come and relax 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm units Fabulous view of Lake, Sandy Beach, Pool & Hot Tub. Don’t miss out on one of these Deluxe allseason Resort Condos with a fireplace, central heat and air. Great investment for personal use or rental income. Voted as BEST NEW RESORT 2007 MLS® $369,000, $523,900, 799,000 34 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Naturalist News Submitted by Claudette Carlsen I love Spring and all the nice warm weather, flowers popping out of the ground and the return of our summer birds. A surprise for me was the sighting of an Immature Bald Eagle at the base of Fraser Rd in Anglemont. There is one mature Eagle that hangs around Magna Bay all winter. I also have lots of reports of White Crowned Sparrows, Hummingbirds , Swallows and Ospreys. The Ospreys have claimed the nest at the end of the Squilax Bridge again - we'll be watching for the new hatchlings soon. Welcome back to Rudy and Ineke. Rudy will be working on some trips for this summer and I will publish them when they are finalized. Our next meeting will be at Cory's in Cedar Heights on Thursday May 21st. It begins with early morning birding at 8:30 AM when we meet at the Fire Hall south of Sorrento, across from the Golf Course. Then we proceed to Cory's where we have potluck brunch always a treat - and a meeting. The walk is easy and all are welcome, so why don't you come out and join us and see the Painted Turtles sunning on the logs and, maybe the turquoise billed Ruddy Duck! 100 years Celebration cont. Cheryl Munson Smart Styles Hair Salon By appointment only Cash or Cheque only Lot 7 Whisper Mountain, Lee Creek 250-319-5927 (Continued from page 33) 1927 and recently celebrated 80 years of WI. The BC Women’s Institute History book has been published with stories & pictures of the accomplishments of the organization. Our local group donates to the Children’s Hospital, Royal Inland Hospital, The Kicker, 1st Responders, Food Bank and Safe House. We have a Bursary every year for students but didn’t have any applicants this year. Our meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday in the NSCH at 1:00pm from September to June. We raise our funds from the Annual Craft Fair in the fall and the Flea Market and Plant Sale in the spring. 250-371-7102 Blasted Rock Gravel Products Drain Rock - $11 per yd Road Crush - $11 per yd 3” Road Gravel - $8 per yd Screened Topsoil - $20 per yd Highway Spec. Road Gravel Also: Pea Rock • Pit Run Sorted: 3” - 6” (Gabion Basket size) 6” - 13” (Hand stack wall size) 13” - 24” (Bobcat size) All above rock $21 per yard 2’ - 4’ (Excavator size) MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 35 THE SEASONED CITIZEN Anglemont and District Lakeview Seniors Centre "Don't knock the weather: nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while." - Kin Hubbard The Country Gardener’s Club – upcoming events: May 20: Demonstration of Hypertufa stepping stones and planter Plant Sale: In conjunction with the Lakeview Centre Garage Sale May 16 and 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you are dividing up your perennials please consider donating them to the plant sale. Gardening club meetings take place at the Lakeview Centre every 3rd Wednesday at 7 p.m. New members are very welcome. GARAGE SALE: Please mark your calendars for May 16 and 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the Garage Sale and the Country Gardener’s Club Plant sale. There is a sign up sheet for volunteers and organizer Joe Wood would really appreciate your help. Please drop off all your donated clean and gently used treasures at the centre before May 13th. There is no charge for Members to set up a table in the yard to sell their items. Baking items are required for the bake table. th As I write this the 19 Pig and Whistle Show is in full swing and my long suffering husband is getting used to “refrigerator surprise” for dinner and a phone that never stops ringing. This week we had groups from Revelstoke, Kamloops, Sicamous, Falkland, Sorrento, Salmon Arm and Armstrong. It always amazes me how this production pulls the community together. Everyone pitches in and helps out. Big Bouquets to all the volunteers; we honestly couldn’t do it without you – your efforts are appreciated. WOW! The new bar is now completed and it looks fabulous thanks to tons of work by volunteers By Lorrie Schrader Deb and Reg Miller, Vern and Donna Dancy, Joe Wood and Fay Hadden. Volunteers Jack Lewis, Dale Cundy, Joe and Lucille Wood, Ron and Lorrie Schrader spent one Saturday morning assembling the cabinetry for the bar and Terry Hickey installed them. Thanks to all the volunteers who came armed with mops, pails and cleaning supplies to help on “Clean-Up Day”. The fellows did a great job in the yard raking, cleaning the parking lot and hauling away rubbish. Donna and Vern Dancy planted some cheery flowers in the planters. The kitchens and bathrooms were cleaned and all areas were tidied up. Lucille Wood spent 5 hours cleaning the dressing room - now if it could just stay that way!! Please remember to clean-up after yourself – if you use something please put it back where it belongs. Thanks to Rose for bringing cinnamon buns for our Coffee Break. SUBWAY SCRABBLE IS BACK MORE PRIZES! DOUBLE YOUR CHANCES WITH THE PURCHASE OF A MEAL DEAL! Chase Plaza 250-679-8888 Mon-Sat 8am to 9pm, Sun 9am to 8pm Contractors Ltd. Lot Clearing and Tree Removal Frank 250-955-2924 Mini Excavator for Hire Darryl Hicks Insulation - Installation Satisfaction Guaranteed Rose Sak 250-955-8607 250-515-0445 250-955-0494 Cell 250-852.1657 36 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Letters to the Editor Bobcat work, renovations, repairs, small building projects, chimney cleaning, snow removal etc. RALPH BISCHOFF CONTRACTING Phone/Fax (250) 955-2374 Cell# (250) 371-4830 Land Clearing Road Building Site Preparation Contract or Hourly Customer References SCUBA DIVER Underwater Salvage Water Intake Repairs Boat & Wharf Anchor Repairs 250 319--4705 250--319 GEORDIE BLOOMER KYLE BOPPRE JUNE DEADLINE Deadline is May 29th. We hit the stands on June 12th. This is a copy of the letter I received from the Minister of Environment’s office in response to the letter I wrote them regarding the property next to Roderick Haig Brown and the subject of the government buying the property. I thought it might be nice for the public to also read it. Haig-Brown Park. To this Dear Ms. Vernon-Wood Thank you for your letter end, ministry staff have had of March 6, 2009 addressed discussions with the owner, to the Honourable Barry Pen- but have not yet been able to reach an agreement with the ner, Minister of Environvendor. Any future discusment, concerning the possisions will be dependent upon bility of purchasing the private waterfront parcel, com- a number of factors, including the Ministry of Environmonly referred to as West Beach, adjacent to Roderick ment’s land acquisition budget, a willing vendor and Haig-Brown Park. As this the parties’ ability to reach matter falls under the purview of Parks and Protected agreement on overall price Areas Division, the Minister based on fair market value. Thanks you again for your has asked that I respond on his behalf. I apologize for the continued interest in the environment delay in responding. The Ministry of Environ- and fisheries. ment has expressed an interSincerely est in acquiring this property Scott Benton, and adding it to Roderick Executive Director Open Letter to the Premier Dear Premier When I first heard about the “run of river” hydro project concept, I was under the impression we were talking about small generators placed in the stream by communities or private land owners, with no changes to the surroundings, as is done in some small European projects, and elsewhere world wide. In fact some years ago my husband and I investigated this as a small business option we wanted to undertake. What I see, however, from photography that has come to my attention from around the province, this is not what we are talking about at all. We are talking about something much more major. It involves regrading, major construction, roads, power lines -- probably leading directly to the US, and more. And this is being done by financing through General Electric, an American Corporation. Thus we become liable to fines under NAFTA, should we ever wish to protect any areas for whatever reasons. This is shocking, stupid, and unnecessary! If we weren’t selling power down south we wouldn’t need more capacity. So the hoopla around it is also dishonest. The rivers belong to the people, not to General Electric, nor even to the BC Government to sell. People in all areas where this has come to public meetings were opposed by sizeable majorities. Mr. Campbell, what is it about NO that you don’t understand? Do we have to come en mass to the steps of the legislature with baseball bats or machetes, as the people in some Latin American countries did when their power and water were pri(Continued on page 37) MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Letters to the Editor (Continued from page 36) vatized, and they could no longer afford the rates? You may get re-elected due to an unusually inept opposition, however, don’t take that to mean widespread public approval! Don’t wait for my vote! WAC Bennett did the right thing to privatize Hydro, back when I was young. Let’s keep it public, and building our infrastructure, rather than hobbling it and selling out the public trust. Sincerely Eva Lyman Celista, BC IMPRESSIONS OF THE LIBERAL PARTY NATIONAL CONVENTION IN VANCOUVER May 1/2, 2009 WEEKEND I attended the Convention to hear the new leader |Michael Ignatieff speak and to see if he had broad based support, to judge for myself the sense of revitalization of the party and to determine if the democratic process was alive and well within the party. On all three of these issues I came away feeling confident in my impressions. Michael Ignatieff received 97% support of the delegate vote to officially make him the new leader. It was somewhat anticlimactic as convention dramas go, however it was nonetheless an impressive show of unanimity and optimism . He is clearly a brilliant, thoughtful, informed and likeable man who has captivated the faithful. On Saturday morning 32 “Priority Policy Resolutions” where debated at open microphone when there were more than 25 delegates requesting it. The debates that followed were forthright and strong , both for and against. MP’s like Justin Trudeau, Belinda Stronach, Bob Rae, lined up at the floor “mikes” the same as any member delegate to make their case. Later in the morning in the ‘Constitutional and Renewal Plenary, the Liberal Constitution also under revision was debated. Once again one person one vote, and no elitism at all, no backroom deals. A major constitutional change was made about electing a future party leader. It will now be done by party members. One person – one vote. Although the votes of more rural /smaller town party members will receive more weight , to make-up for their fewer numbers. NO MORE BACKROOM DEALS AT CONVENTIONS. Lastly to the point of party revitalization. The atmosphere was positive, very optimistic, and even joyous in a restrained way with obvious vitality. It was a youthful party with perhaps an average delegate age of about 35/37 I would guess. It was also clearly and demonstrably a bilingual and multicultural party. In summary I feel refreshed and more confident for Canada because if the Liberals form the next government it will do so with a united and invigorated party. If it remains in opposition it will be a strong check and necessary counterbalance to the conservatives. Brian Howard Celista , B.C. 37 38 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 School News # 1 TOPSOIL GRAVEL LOT CLEARING EXCAVATING Sharon & Two-Cat Pat 250-955-6435 Div. Of Nicholl Contracting FITNESS AT ITS FINEST! 250-804-8788 1156 Wharf Rd. Scotch Creek Personal Training Circuit/Weights/Cardio Tanning Esthetics Clothing By Jan Penner The end of the year is speeding up quickly and May and June are packed with events and activity and lots more classroom instruction. A big thanks to Clint Merslask and Argo for helping to keep our parking lot safe this winter. The Argo sand truck swung through when possible, in an effort to lessen the icy conditions. Your efforts were much appreciated! Thanks also to the Kids Klub organizers, Janice and Kevin Evans from Faith Mission and volunteers from North Shuswap Christian Fellowship: Sam, Shireen , Marion, Joyce, Bethany, Mary, Delores, Debbie, Nathan, Karissa, Norma and Al. Kids Club has now wrapped up for this year and was much appreciated by so many of our students. Everyone is looking forward to next year, and to Summer Kids Klub at North Shuswap Christian Fellowship in Scotch Creek, July 20-24. Some upcoming dates are: May 15th – Playground Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, May 26th – Spring Tea, 1:00 p.m., May 28th - Ready, Set, Learn and Kindergarten Orientation, 1:00 p.m., June 4th – PALS, 8:45 a.m., June 24th – Classroom Awards, a.m., Grade 7 Farewell and Awards Day, 1:00 p.m., June 25th – Last Day of Classes. FMI, contact North Shuswap Elementary at 250-955-2214. All North Shuswap students participated in the 2009 Birdhouse Decorating contest. A really big thank-you to Scotch Creek Home Hardware, to the long list of sponsors who provided the birdhouse kits and prizes, and to Gord and Chuck Fisher for constructing all the houses. A special thank-you goes to Patrice Dupas for her hours of hard work organizing and collecting, and to judges Lynn Erin, Julie Farr and Memory Uglene. huswap For Your eptic Mind Body Soul TO HOME AND RETAIL RENOVATIONS Do you need help with your home or retail renovations? Do you need help designing your project? Give Gary Tennent a call @ 250-803-3110 Email: 20 years experience Bonded 250-955-8108 Call us for all your Septic Pump needs Professional siding, soffit, trim, finish, deck work, installation & renovations Call Gerry for a free quote 250-955-8108 Many completed homes in the area to view quality work MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER FIRE NEWS from Art Stoll and Darlene Volk Spring has finally arrived and now the yard work needs to be done. Please be careful if you plan to do any burning. For a permit, burning restrictions and additional information, call 1888-797-1717. The ground is rapidly drying out so please keep your debris fires and campfires small. The Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Fire Department would like to thank Spooner Electric for donating a section of pipe and the use of their pipe threading machine. Their donation allowed Engine 1 to be out of service for 2 hours instead of days. Thank-you to Robert and Pat Adams for the use of their old house to practise in. Using a smoke machine, it was smoked up and firefighters were able to search and rescue in realistic conditions. If anyone else plans to demolish a house, if there is time before that happens, we would really appreciate being able to use it for practise. Thanks go out to SC/LC firefighters who gave up their weekend to attend courses on S-100 Forestry Fire Fighting, Live Fire Level 1, and Air Brakes. Thanks also to Celista members Linda Cross and Jeff Powell for their time spent attending the Live Fire Level 1 course and to Jesse Foster who attended a RIT course at the Salmon Arm Training Center. The Scotch Creek/Lee Creek firefighters have been making plans for the Annual Garage Sale fundraiser coming on Saturday, May 16th. The location will be at the SCOTCH CREEK/LEE CREEK FIRE HALL PARKING LOT. Sale will start at 9:00 a.m. and run until 4:00 P.M. For a donation, we will have a pancake breakfast, and hamburgers and hot dogs throughout the day. Breakfast will start at 7:30 A.M. and go until 11:00 A.M. The Celista VFD responded to a vehicle fire. Arrival at the scene was delayed due to a mix up with the address reported. Please ensure everyone in your household knows your house number and the name of the road/street where it is located. All departments are still in need of volunteers. If you have an unfilled hour or two, please consider volunteering. Thank you. Fire practise is held Tuesday nights from 7-9 p.m. If you think you might be interested, stop by your local hall and see what members are doing. FMI SC/LC 250-679-8569, Celista 250955-6341, and Anglemont 250-955-0791. Chuckles An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 40 years. The Wizard says, ‘Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you.’ The old man says without hesitation, ‘I now pronounce you man and wife.’ Mighty Mouse Landscaping and Design Certified Horticulturist & Landscape Designer 39 Michelle Tel: 250.955.0225 Cell: 250.819.9639 Fax: 250.955.0227 Innovative Landscape Designs PORTFOLIO FREE ESTIMATES SIT DOWN CONSULTATIONS Service & Repair All Bikes & Quads - Specializing in Harleys Terry Nadon owner 3582 White Lake Rd. Sorrento, BC NOW O PE N 250-835-2055 Retail Store in Lee Creek (located across from the Log Boom) 250-201-5555 featuring . . . WMA-MP3 Player Sunglasses Retail $289.95 Sale $59.95 OVER 75% SAVINGS!! Electronics DVD’s Gifts Cards Shop on line at 40 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Rafe Mair rolls through the Thompson Okanagan Men’s Night Starts May 5 Ladies Night Starts May 7 B.C. Citizens for Green Energy[] . “Contrary to what Rafe Mair claims, B.C.’s rivers are not being sold, stolen or given away for run-of-river electricity production.” — David Field, co-spokesperson for B.C. Citizens for Green Energy Vancouver, B.C. – Former talk show personality Rafe Mair has been travelling around B.C. for the past year to rant against run-of-river green energy projects, and the past few weeks he rolled through the Thompson Okanagan. David Field from B.C. Citizens for Green Energy says if the past is any indicator, Mair’s appearances in Kamloops, Armstrong and Vernon were filled with emotional bombast and strident misinformation. Field says he has attended several of Mair’s presentations in the Lower Mainland in recent weeks and Mair repeats the same myths and fallacies about green energy projects each time. “Contrary to what Rafe Mair claims, B.C.’s rivers are not being sold, stolen or given away for run-of-river electricity production,” Field said. “The claim that B.C. rivers are being sold has been discredited time and time again and those who make this emotional claim are either intentionally, or unintentionally, confusing water license applications with approvals for run -of-river projects.” Field says that although water license applications can be numerous, actual approvals for run-of-river projects are (Continued on page 41) a division of magna bay ent. ltd. NEW RENOVATION TAX CREDIT! Driveways-Landscaping-Drainage-Septic System repair & renewal may be covered. Call today to book for spring projects. Septic Systems Treatment Plants Lot clearing Landscaping Driveways Rock walls Waterlines Chain Link Fencing 15 + years Experience Fully insured! Available weekends Serving the North Shuswap MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 41 Rafe Mair cont. (Continued from page 40) infrequent and difficult to achieve as the bar is set very high for these projects. The overwhelming majority of license applications, he says, are never able to measure up to the stringent environmental requirements and are rejected. If and when a run-of-river project does manage to meet all of the environmental and regulatory requirements and is approved, Field stresses that that approval does not give anyone ownership of a river or the water in a river. “Mair likes to hold up NAFTA as a bogyman to support his claims about B.C. rivers being sold,” Field said. “But there is nothing in NAFTA that would force B.C. to permit the continued use of crown land by an IPP beyond the termination date of a lease and nothing that would force B.C. to allow an IPP to export water, and this was supported by a joint declaration in 1993 by all three countries involved.” Field says the claim that Independent Power Producers have perpetual access to B.C.’s water just by signing a lease for a period of years runs completely counter to all property laws in the US and Canada. The maximum duration of a water licence, he points out, is no more than 40 years after which all water rights revert back to the people of B.C. Field says Mair’s travels around B.C. also need to be viewed against the larger backdrop of the aggressive, well-orchestrated misinformation campaign against green energy led by the Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union (COPE 378), the union that represents BC Hydro employees. The key strategy of the COPE 378 led campaign against green energy, like that of Mair, has been to steamroll over the facts and drill misinformation into peoples’ heads through relentless repetition and emotional rhetoric. Additional information about green energy is available on the B.C. Citizens for Green Energy website at and on the website’s myth busters page Several short videos on the subject of green energy in B.C. are also posted on YouTube GreenEnergyBC and on the B.C. Citizens for Green Energy website at Copies of the two-and-ahalf page white paper on NAFTA are also available on the B.C. Citizens for Green Energy website (click here to view the report). B.C. Citizens for Green Energy is an advocacy group representing a cross-section of British Columbians who encourage a legacy of clean, sustainable electricity for future generations. Serving the North Shuswap Ph: 250-955-0123 Email: * Renovations and New Construction * Repairs and Existing System Upgrades * 5” & 6” Heavy Gauge Continuous Gutter * Leaf Screen and Leaf Trap Systems * Custom Gutter Systems for Snow Load * Members of Better Business Bureau 5” OR 6” COLONIAL FASCIA GUTTER “Experience the ADVANTAGE of quality personalized service!” Joba Homes & Developments Ltd. is a Chase-based home builder and renovator with a reputation for quality construction. 125 Shuswap Ave. Chase, BC (250) 679-5322 or Dan Brumbaugh (250) 682-5750 955-2412 Top Quality Good Selection of ProvenWinners Bedding Plant & Perennials Claim up to $1,350* on your 2009 income tax return on eligible renovations with The Home Renovation Tax Credit *Valid on contracts after January 27, 2009 and before February 1, 2010 Open Daily 9-6 Magna Bay, 6205 Squilax-Anglemont Rd (enter off Noakes Rd) Need more information about the Home Renovation Tax Credit? Visit Canada Revenue Agency at or the Department of Finance Canada at CALL US TO DISCUSS YOUR BUILDING OR RENOVATION NEEDS. WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVIDE A QUOTE AT NO CHARGE 42 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Historical Article From Shuswap Chronicles, Vol. 4 p 17 Cook and the King By Stanton Noakes FRAMING RENOVATIONS SHEDS, DECKS GARAGES DRYWALL, etc. SMALL REPAIRS, etc. Don Wells - Dean Wells (250) 955-2321 OVER Toll Free 1-888-83WELLS Residential & Industrial Wells Certified Well Driller Duane Bochek 25 YE ARS EXPE RIENC E Bus 250-679-8182 Fax 250-679-8423 Toll Free 1-888-839-3557 Call 9-1-1 for EMERGENCIES Father’s Day N.S. Community Hall - Friday, June 19th, Happy Hour 5 pm, Dinner 6 PM Eat in or Take out LOBSTER - $35.00 Lobster & Prime Rib - $45.00 Prime Rib - $25.00 Extra Lobster - $25.00 Hot Dogs - $5.00 complete with Baked Potato, salads, garlic butter, dessert Cold Beer and Wine available Reservations only by June 12th: Alison 955-2588 A North Shuswap Community Association Fund Raiser This story reminded me of my own encounter with the Royal family, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Phillip and their children. One morning in May, 1939, Henry Bischoff, (locally known as “Cook”), arrived at my place to ask me to accompany him to a farmer’s near Chase to pick up some special seed that had been saved for him. … Upon arriving at the farmer’s place we found the seed was available but the family were enjoying a very early evening meal which they invited us to share with them. Upon noticing our hesitation to join them, they explained they were dressed in their “Sunday Best” as they had learned that the “Royal Train” was making an unscheduled stop at Monte Creek to meet Senator Bostock. … When we arrived in Monte Creek a small crowd had gathered at the Railway Station. Cook suggested that, as he and I were both tall enough to see over the crowd, we would stay well back. We had only been at Monte Creek a short time when the Royal Train arrived. King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret descended from the last coach of the train…. When King George was about ten feet away, Cook realized he would have to speak to the King. This meant that he had to dispose of his “chaw” of tobacco, which he hastily expectorated over his shoulder. … Upon learning that Cook raised sheep, he wanted to know what breeds, how large was his flock and how he disposed of the wool…. …as the train disappeared in the distance he [Cook] made the remark, “Queen Elizabeth is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!” To finish this story and to read many more telling of life in the early North Shuswap, purchase your own Shuswap Chronicles from a local retailer, or sign them out from a local library. MAY 2009 The THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 43 GARDEN COACH Never park your full wheelbarrow on a side hill ...... another gardener's maxim! I'll remember more as I repeat unlearned lessons this gardening season. I'm eating from my garden and recommend perennial onions, chives, parsley and sorrel for greens that come as soon as the snow is gone to augment the salads. This may be short as I can't stay clean or still long enough to sit at the table and write. It's definitely down and dirty time. Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig it. With many gardens on the go one must make hay while the sun shines. Too bad my brain won't understand that this body has only 12+ hours of work in it! But it is fine to admire the handy work at the end of the day. Setting priorities now is a daily task, from playing catch up...where are the tools living this year? where will the potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, calendula go?..lawn or ground covers?.what kind of mulch.. what about that pond.. raspberries here???? So many questions. As landscapers/gardeners who work for clients we like to know your priorities for Shuswap Art Gardens this year. Kerry Barnhardt With clear 955-8150 dialogue about your needs for the season you can get the best bang for your hired help buck. By establishing your budget for the gardening season's work, identifying what you need help with and by determining your time frame and how often you need work done you offer your landscaper a clear picture. We are then better able to respond with a more accurate quote on what can be accomplished within your budget and schedule. From design through hardscaping, plantings, weeding, lawn mowing...identify what is most important for this year and remember there is always next year to accomplish your landscaping dreams. Now back to what and where and how this garden is going to evolve this year. More Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey Heart Diseases Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and may save you from a heart attack. Also those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heartbeat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins. Weight Loss Drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water daily in the morning 1/2 hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping. It reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though you may eat a high calorie diet. Let us do your Spring Clean up S.O.S.+ Sewerage On Site & Excavating Septic Fields Foundations Drainage Water Lines Excavations Driveways Retaining Walls Landscaping Concrete ● Stamping ● Floors ● Driveways ● Foundations ● Retaining Walls ● Custom Jobs 15 years experience serving the Shuswap “We Can Do It” For Free Estimate Call Butch 250-319-6933 or 250-679-7771 Shuswap Satellites ► Satellite Installations Star Choice & other brands ► Sales ► Service Star Choice & other brands Call JOHN MACKIE 250-318-0610 Serving North Shuswap, Chase & Adam’s Lake area 44 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Lakeside Realty Ltd Direct Line Office Office Fax Email (250) 318-4344 (250) 955-0307 (250) 955-0308 Associate Broker Would anyone like to help me with Roadside clean-up? Give me a call, I will take volunteers out for lunch. SCULPTOR – Gordi 250-955-6573 Creative sign design for your Business or Personal needs 725 Shuswap Ave. Chase, BC Tue to Fri 9:30 - 4:30 Sat 10:00 - 3:00 Cindy Frano 250-679-1158 Closed Ap 18 – May 18 Come in to see our Friendly European Atmosphere! Custom Home Builders TLN Contracting Ltd. David Giffin Phone 250-319-0931 Fax: 250-573-2694 Email: MAY SPECIALS 99 days for $99 250-675-5377 (valid May 10 - June 10) Located at Blind Bay Market All Clothing 40% off MAY 2009 Recycling Concerns Raised With CSRD By Denis Delisle Ever wonder what happens with the recycling fee money that you pay when you purchase a beverage container, or a computer? A feeling often expressed to me when discussing bottle recycling with people, is that it could be a money grab and not all the money collected goes to recycling the bottles. This is also the suggestion from the BC Bottle Association; that this is happening through the Steward of the collection agencies. The BCBA is a volunteer memberbased, non-profit organization, composed of the bottle collection agencies around BC. They are asking the CSRD to request the Ministry of Environment to create a separate governing agency to oversee the handling of bottle depots. Presently this is done by Encorp Pacific (Canada), a federally registered, not for profit agency, created by the beverage manufacturers to manage their used beverage containers as required by the Recycling Regulations. The Board of Directors consists of major beverage producers and retailers such as Coke, Pepsi, the Dairy council, and producers of fruit beverages and bottled water. The mandate is to serve their producer/brand owners best interests by managing the Used Beverage Containers to their advantage. Encorp does not own depots; instead this ‘recycling’ is contracted out and operated as a monopoly and Encorp has the power to grant or withhold those bottle depot contracts. About 25% of containers are not returned in Canada, about 312 million (in 2007). The amount of money in unredeemed deposits is about $ 17.3 million dollars! Wholesalers of containers are able to charge another cent more for their containers above the amount required by Encorp, this is above the 5 cent recycling fee and is non-refundable. This is called a Container Recycling Fee (CRF) and is to pay part of the recycling costs for the 75% of beverage containers that are returned. The CRF fees are kept low to encourage the monies collected in unredeemed deposits be applied to the cost of recycling the containers. The more waste recovered, the less money is kept by the producer/steward in unredeemed deposits and fees. Producers can make the cheapest or the most attractive container, but not the most recy- clable or environmentally safe container. Incentive… where is it? There was also a sticky legal issue when a bottle depot charged for more containers than they received. Encorp successfully won the court case, but the owner disappeared. It was not clearly discerned how much was lost, or how much of this creative accounting is presently going on now. Adding to the costs to the consumer, is the fact that many of these containers end up in the landfills. Who pays for it? That would be the taxpayer. The system of returning containers is almost created not to be effective. The fact that Encorp receives money whether there is a return or not, is almost a disincentive. At this point, if they do not have to handle the container they could just keep the money and not pay for the handling fees. The producers often have no incentive to make containers easy to return or to store for handling. The price for the return of containers has not changed for some time. Ten years ago, the wage earner of $ 5.00 per hour, paying 0.25 cents for a liter of gas, would have been motivated to return 10 cans for 50 cents. Now they could be earning $15-20.00 per hour, paying $1.00 for a liter of gas, getting 90 cents for the same amount of cans. BCBA suggestion is to offer a better monetary incentive. However, there is still an attitude in our ‘throw away’ society that needs to be addressed. Encorp is also the Steward for other collection products: electronics and computers. Our local bottle depot in Scotch Creek generously offered to collect these electronics for our area. As I understand it, the offer was initially refused because he did not have a large enough area to store the material. When he offered a larger area, they then said it was too far off the beaten track for them to collect the material. What does this do for us? First of all, those electronics end up in our landfill as only the most dedicated people will drive to Salmon Arm to get rid of their electronic debris. Not only does it end up in the landfill, but it has toxic components, making a greater impact on our environment. Oh, by the way, you already paid for the safe recycling of these electronics when you pur(Continued on page 45) MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Recycling Concerns Cont. (Continued from page 44) chased the product, and the money is utilized by the Steward to fund and run larger recycling centers like the one in Salmon Arm. This certainly does not make proper disposal of this material easy in rural areas. About 70% of BC communities do not have sites available to them, yet they all still pay for that service. Presently all milk containers can be deposited on a voluntary basis in areas where collection is available (again Scotch Creek Bottle depot does this) but there is no incentive (as a returnable deposit) to bring milk con- tainers in. Conversation with the bottle depot suggests that there is a very small amount of people bringing the milk containers into the depot. It is easier to put milk containers in the landfill, it would seem. The suggestion from BCBA is to have a recycling fee for milk containers to help to keep these containers out of the landfill. It would only be fair to have a response from Encorp to explain themselves, but the BCBA brings up some very good points. The request for support was tabled until staff from the CSRD Solid Waste department researched and spoke to the issue. Thank You! Thank You! The North Shuswap Cemetery Board would like to express their thanks to the following community minded members who helped with Spring Clean up of the cemetery grounds on April 18th: Barry Tannock, Pat & Rick Bauer, June Ruckle, Lola Bentley, Joanne Prigmore, and Tom Greenough. Board members also volunteering to work were: Liz Smith, Ken Behnsen, Doug Prigmore and Loretta Greenough. Thank you also to Denis and Jannis Delisle for removing the fallen tree from the grounds. A special Thank You must be extended to George Lewis for delivering and donating the sand. North Shuswap Cemetery Board: Ken Behnsen, Bill Dalin, Gary Smith, Liz Smith, Doug Prigmore, Loretta Greenough ~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to all the wonderful folks at the Saturday Meat draw at the Copper Island Pub. You contributed $1066 towards the MS Walk which was held April 26 in Kamloops. My total was just over $2000, which helped our team at the Hamlets raise over $5600! We were the third best team in fundraising and your contributions were a big part of that. Thank you all sooo much! Val Mackinlay, formerly of Scotch Creek, now residing at the Hamlets, Kamloops. ~~~~~~~~~~ The membership of the Lakeview Sr. Center would like to thank Vern & Donna Dancey, Reg & Deb Miller, Joe & Lucille Wood, Dale Cundy, Jack Lewis, Ron & Lorrie Schrader for doing an "over the top" job of the bar construction at the Center. The countless hours put in by these folks got this project done in advance of the Pig & Whistle despite a really tight deadline. Any bumps in the road during this time were met by Vern's calm cool collected expertise as project manager. It is all about a team approach and we have it in spades at our center. Again thanks so much, can't wait to see the next phase of the renovations! 45 Harmony Unleashed 1st Annual Women’s Retreat at the North Shuswap Weekend of June 12th 2009 Inspiration and Insight For your Mind, Body, Spirit!!! Call Marcy @ 250-804-8788 Country Kids Playschool is now accepting registration for the 09/10 school year OPEN HOUSE/REGISTRATION DAY North Shuswap Elementary School Thursday May 28th 12 noon *Immunization records & Care card number required for registration* Come out and see what we’re all about Learning and play in a safe environment! Fully Licensed and Insured Fun crafts For more information please contact Alanna Stearns at 679 679--3005 The playschool would like to sincerely thank the NORTH SHUSWAP LIONS CLUB for their generous donations to our society! These donations enable us to purchase much needed equipment and educational items for our classroom. THANK YOU!!! 46 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Spring Thing Thank You! North Shore Metals Roofing, Siding, Custom Flashings Drew Chamberlain 250-318-5975 or 250-675-3928 - Force Board Shop 927 Shuswap Ave. Chase Marie Vogel 679-8456 or 318-5436 JUMP into Spring With our great selection of casual wear & accessories. Great Sales Cont.d New Stock Arriving Daily Hours: Tues to Sat 10am-5:30pm(Closed Sun & Mon) Exterior Renovator Door $800 Exterior Double Door LowE $900 Misc. Ceramic Tile from $1 sf Vinyl Plank Flooring $.99 (503sf) Household & Craft Yard Sale May 15-18 & May 22-23 Open: Tues & Fri, 9-3 & by appointment Call the store or 250-318-4440 3993 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy The North Shuswap Community Association would like to thank all the donors and volunteers who made the 2009 Annual “Spring Thing Wine Tasting and Silent and Live Auctions” such a success! Copper Island Pub North American Log Crafters Full Spectrum MassageTherapy People’s Drug Mart Sleemans Beaumont Winery Brenda and Gord Shabbits Mile High Log Creations Cynthia Bentley SunBum Boat and Dock Shuswap Lake Gallery Anglemont Inn Arnie Arcand Mark Anthony True Value Hardware Louise and Art Stoll Debbie Tarry Jeff Tarry Hank Destree Deck N’ Dock S.O.S. Cody Construction Rocky Mountain Chase Jewellers Johanna and Doug Barker Shuswap Upholstery Bre Diamond Cut Property Maintenance Flower Girls Julie Farr Pacific Western Brewing Dirty Laundry Vineyard Village U-Brew Signe and Les Kurucz Alison and Ed Elmes Sandra Spicer North Shore Construction Chase Agencies Lordco Auto Parts Corby Granite Creek Wines Edgewater Bobcat Renee and Don MacMillan Liz Smith Scotch Creek Family Fun Center Little Shuswap Physiotherapy Mylo’s Heather Allison Forbidden Fruit Little River Boat World Nature In Stone Gallery Joan Bristow Scotch Creek SuperValu Shelley Bouchard North Shuswap Historical Society Audrey Duffin Dave Edwards Drywall Landmark Selections Kiyo Nakazawa Sonoran Darlene Volk Peggy Tessier Pat Bauer Shuswap Lake Park Store William R. Jones PMA Canada Independent Ecotreats The Kicker Loretta and Tom Greenough Ron & Diana Wilkinson Irene Anderson Sunnyside Supermarket The Beauty Spot Winemates Ron Maltby Copper Island Pub Craig Spooner Rhonda Ryall Cynthia Bentley & Jeff Tarry Joan Gunderson Home Hardware, Scotch Creek Tim Brausse BC Wine Shop Shuswap Building Supplies – RONA Leading Edge Motor Sports Vincor Sylvie and Bill McAlister Pacific Pilsner Beth Pillings Lynn Erin Smooth Moves Fitness House of Rose Recline Ridge Winery Dave’s Auto Repair Rustic Roots Mo Noros Okanagan Spring Lorne Pierlot Yummie’s Pizza Lewis Rock Raven Ridge Bacardi Canada Scotch Creek SuperValu Staff Authentic Janice Fisher Annette Brausse Hester Creek Big-Eyed Books SunBeach Renaissance Tri-Lake Ready Mix Creekside Restaurant Diego Canada Marlene Kergan Pepsi Lorne Pierlot Claire Earl Ross Chocolates Ron Buffel Captain’s Village Marina Shadow Butler Patti DeHart Naomi Hobbs Chase & District Health Services Foundation a non-profit charity that assists the Chase & District Health Centre and Scotch Creek Medical Clinic with health related equipment purchases and future long term care needs. Donations gratefully accepted. Tax receipts given. FMI 250-679-3312 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Shuswap Lake Park Store 47 4119 Squilax - Anglemont Hwy. Phone: 955-2337 Fax: 955-6208 Jamie and Linda Cleveland , the new owners of the Shuswap Lake Park Store in Scotch Creek, would like to invite one and all to the massive May Long Weekend 16th, 17th, 18th 9am - 4pm MAKE ME AN OFFER! We need to clear the clutter Hot Dogs, Hamburgers & Beverages BY DONATION 100% proceeds from BBQ 100% proceeds from Car Wash 10% proceeds from Garage Sale will go to support our local SHUSWAP SEARCH AND RESCUE STORE HOURS: 7 AM - 8 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK ATM Inside 48 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER Olympics, Eh? By Jan Penner The Vancouver Olympics are just months away. They are being toted as something which is going to benefit our entire province but how is that possible? There are thousands of people who live in the lower mainland for whom the world ends at Hope. Why then, is there any conceivable reason why people from around the world, who will be coming specifically to attend Olympic events, will give any thought to venturing anywhere not related to the Olympics, particularly when it involves travel through the mountains of British Columbia in winter? How many can afford to return to our beautiful province at a later date? Communities throughout B.C. are being encouraged to come up with slogans and campaigns to entice visitors to the rest of B.C. Any communities doing so, good for you. I don’t think it is truly going to do much good, but these Olym- pics are going to take place, we are all going to pay for them, so we may as well make the best of them. In fact we should be grateful that exposure of the province outside the Vancouver area is going to be allowed. There have been so many reports of restrictions and regulations being enforced that infringe on the people of British Columbia. Many businesses in the Vancouver and Victoria areas have had to challenge their right to continue to use their slogans, symbols and business names. One wonders what kind of hoops and roadblocks are going to be encountered by businesses and communities in the rest of the province when the time comes for their advertising campaigns. The 2010 Olympics are a reality. We may as well be supportive, after all, what better place for a winter celebration than British Columbia. How wonderful for our athletes to compete at home. Go, Canada, Go! Coffee House by Lorrie Schrader The April 17th Coffee House had a large crowd of over 100 even though I suspect that the Canuck Hockey game tempted some to stay home in front of the T.V. We had a long list of performers and the entertainment was a mixture of styles that we all enjoy. M.C. Michel Brideau again did a wonderful job of handling his duties. Dave Allen got the starting position and he did a great job multi-tasking on guitar, harmonica and singing. He then played a duet with Lorn McCausland called Dancing Shoes and then launched into something called Meat on the Bones harking back to the Caravan Farm Theatre and their production of the Blue Horse. Lorn McCausland then did some fancy fingering on his violin featuring a selection of French Canadian jigs and reels. Cliff and Mary entertained us with some “old country”. They did a lovely job on In the Shadow of my Mind. It’s always nice to have Jim Loeb from Chase entertain us with his mellow song styling and his great guitar picking. Paul returned to our stage and as Michel Brideau said “we love him to death”. He played a medley of Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis and Big Bopper tunes – way to rock Paul!! Jerry and Jim teamed up on a Wilf Carter tune that featured Jerry yodeling. It’s been a long time since we’ve heard yodeling at one of our Coffee Houses. Willy and Pam Gaw did a fantastic job as our feature act. They do make beautiful music together and of particular note is the bang up job they did on “Cry me a River”. Willy then teamed up with Adam Hoenkenson to finish off their set with some instrumental swing tunes. Adam did a solo set and then accompanied the sugar-fueled duo of Scottie and Harper on their tap dance routine. It was wonderful to have Sue Kyle and Alan Bates come out to entertain for us. They are always crowd pleasers and we enjoy their music so much. Closing out the evening we welcomed a newcomer from Toronto to our stage. Jes played guitar and harmonica on his solo set. Michel Brideau asked everyone to tell Naomi Hobbs that we miss her and want her back performing on our stage – so Naomi if you are reading this we invite you to come out and sing for us!! * The May 15th Coffee House will start at 7:30 p.m. and will feature the Anglebay Entertainers with a Retro-Rewind performance featuring music selections of the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s. See you then at the Celista Hall!! Many thanks to all the volunteers, performers and supporters . See you May 15th, be there or be Square!! 49 Scotch Creek Dental Clinic Dr. W. H. Schwieger Unit #3—3874 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy (Peoples Drug Mart Strip Mall) Tel: 250-955-0075 Fax: 250-955-0076 Trudy Bennett / Manager Money to Invest ? 10 Year Average Return of 12.2% Yearly or monthly income - you choose Call 250-571-4025 ALL EYES ARE ON THE AIRMAIL Antiques & Collectibles Unique 20th Century Items Open most days - call before you come Eileen & Lawrie Welton 250-679-3930 Chase, B.C. Shimmering Water’s Septic Maintenance Nora Markin - ROWP Certified • Tank & Pipe Repair • Treatment Plants • Pump & Filter Replacement • Septic Tank Pumping • Portable Toilet Rentals Tel: 250-955-2547 Cell: 250-319-9864 Email: CMM PAINTING Quality Work Guaranteed Cheryl McLean 1-250-682-3701 250-955-6436 DRYWALL TAPING AND TEXTURING (250) 679-3980 (Lee Creek ) 50 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 DOCKS Copper Island Shuswap's Most Popular dock All sizes available Indefinite life span 250.675.3007 1.866.675.3007 Try our docks at CSRD boat ramps Magna Bay, Sorrento, Blind Bay, Shannon Beach, Gale Road MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER LADIES’ GOLF LEAGUE By Bev Shea It’s that time of year, get those golf clubs out, dust off your shoes and come meet us at Anglemont Golf Club. With this late starting spring we are a little slower getting started this year, but there have been 9 or 10 ladies out braving the elements. Right now we are teeing off at 1:00 PM, but as it gets warmer we will probably start going in the morning. Check with the golf course (2323) or Bev (0365). Our first ‘official’ golf day will be May 14th at 1 PM with a general meeting to follow. Please be at the club house no later than 12:45 and we will put some groups together and have some fun. The Anglemont Ladies’ Golf League is a very friendly group. We welcome players of all skill levels, from beginners to expert. We are always happy to meet new people, so now is the time to come and join us. One thing I have found out for certain about golf is that you don’t actually get any better by NOT playing. We look forward to seeing all our friends we haven’t seen all winter and making new ones - see you at the golf course. Men’s Golf By Craig Golemblaski The golf season is once again upon us for better or worse, hopefully better! Time to shake off the rust from the long winter and join the Men’s Club on Tuesday & Thursday mornings @ 10:00 am. If you are bored on “hump day” and looking for some great fun and socializing, come out to Men’s Night on Wednesday with a shotgun start @ 5:00 pm. Dinner, drink specials and prizes after on the deck and in the clubhouse. Be early so you can get organized with your foursome and sign up in the pro shop. The new executives look forward to welcoming new and past members. So whether you’re just starting or well into your golf career, come out & enjoy yourself with the Anglemont Estates Men’s Golf Club. For more info you can call the clubhouse @ (250)9552323. 51 The 4th annual Jamie Golemblaski Memorial Golf Tournament May 23rd, 2009 Anglemont Estates Golf Course Registration fee of $60.00 Includes practice round of golf, 18 holes of tournament play, Saturday night dinner. $20.00 of your registration fee will be donated to The Canadian Cancer Society Register at Anglemont Estates Golf Course (250) 955-2323 1 Hole-in-one Craig Golemblaski Anglemont Estates Golf Course April 18, 2009 NOW OPEN and in Great Shape Yard Care Gardens Flower beds Tree Pruning House Checks Lawn Fertilizing Hedge Trimming Spring & Fall Cleanup Core Aeration - Spring & Fall Irrigation - Startup/Winterizing Challenging Scenic Fun Affordable Play Passes & Season Passes A ccessible by water ( s h u t t l e f r o m A n g l e m o n t M a r i n a ) Gov’t Licensed Applicator - Certified Horticulturist Pro Shop Hours Leslie or Dale Jones 7 AM to 7 PM Daily Phone (250) 955-2323 or drop by the Pro Shop 7838 Golf Course Rd, Anglemont 250-679-7652 52 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Clean Up Days All CSRD Refuse Disposal Sites & Transfer Stations FREE Disposal of Residential organic yard wastes ONLY on April 15th TO May 31st 2009 During Regular Operating Hours ● Grass Clippings ● Leaves ● Prunings ● Brush/Weeds ● Tree Limbs up to 8” in diameter * NO stumps, NO lumber, NO commercial wastes and NO prohibited wastes FREE DISPOSAL of *Residential household metals ONLY on Seymour Arm - SAT May 16th - Mon May 18th 2009 Scotch Creek - Sat May 23rd & Sun May 24th 2009 During Regular Operating Hours WHITE GOODS Fridges ● Air Conditioners ● Freezers ● Hot Water Tanks Bath Tubs ● Stoves ● Clothes Washers and Dryers MISC. ITEMS Barbeques ● Lawn Mowers ● Angle Iron ● Bed Springs ● Propane Tanks ● Metal Doors Metal Window Frames ● Plate Steel (small pieces) ● Metal Roofing ● Metal Siding Old Plumbing ● Bicycles ● Metal Toys (wagons, etc.) ● Swing Sets ● Metal Yard Tools *NO wood attached. NO auto parts, NO auto bodies, NO commercial wastes and NO prohibited wastes. *All other refuse delivered to the refuse disposal site on these days will be assessed the applicable refuse disposal fee. All commercial loads are subject to disposal fees. For further information on any of these events, visit the Columbia Shuswap Regional District office at 781 Marine Park Drive NE in Salmon Arm or phone (250) 832-8194 or (1-888-248-2773 toll-free). Sorrento Village Farmers’ Market Starts Mark the date on your calendar now. Saturday, May 9 is opening day for the 10th season for the Sorrento Village Farmers’ Market. This Market, a favourite among vendors and shoppers, operates every Saturday morning, 8 a.m. to noon, through to Thanksgiving weekend at Sorrento Shoppers’ Plaza on the Trans Canada Highway in Sorrento. As buying local and eating locally produced product becomes more popular and safer, the Sorrento Market contributes to that goal. That’s just one of the good reasons to visit your local farmers market. Product is fresh, tasty, seasonal, usually pesticide-free and has traveled only a short distance to get to you. You support small local family farms and local artisans and meet the farmer and the artist. This year’s market will feature many of your regulars but new vendors as well, including an organic beef producer. There will be special events during the season to mark this 10th season. The Farmers’ Market is a community gathering place. “Come for the freshness; stay for the fun.” Wander through the stalls of produce, honey, crafts, bedding plants and more, tapping your feet to the music as you go. It all starts again on Mother’s Day weekend, May 9. FMI Marilyn Clark 250 675-2449. MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 53 Earth-Lee Works Brentwood Patio Covers Serving Kamloops, Thompson & Nicola Valleys and North Shuswap Aluminum Patio Covers Steel Roofing EXCAVATION & LANDSCAPING Stone work shaping Road building Driveways Land 250-851-8828 Site clearing Services Kent Boxrud 250-679-8426 or 250-574-0241 Free Consulting & Estimates Cenotaph or Memorial for the North Shuswap? With well over one hundred Canadian Soldiers killed in Afghanistan and more soldiers reportedly killed almost every week on our television, it has made many of us mourn this loss and think about the tremendous sacrifices that Canadian Soldiers, their families and our nation have made over the last hundred years. As an expression of our sympathy and gratitude to our soldiers and their families, the North Shuswap Lions Club is considering leading a community effort to construct a memorial. A committee has been formed to pursue this initiative. Purpose: The purpose of the memorial would be to provide a place where all of us can remember and honour those who served to preserve this great country and our way of life. It would be a place where both formal services and individuals or small groups could visit to think about present and past sacrifices. The memorial would help provide a sense of heritage and of community in the North Shuswap. Location: The committee has not decided on a definite location but is considering; Scotch Creek Provincial Park, Imai Park, Rose Clifford Park, Anglemont Community Centre, Cemetery Site and the North Shuswap Community Hall as possible locations. We have made preliminary contact with the representatives of these locations and are open to other locations. Design: The memorial would consist of a pleasant garden with a simple durable monument, walkways and with space around it for a large gathering. We envision the memorial being built in stages with the initial project being the monument and some landscaping. Community input on the design will be solicited. Timetable: If the committee is convinced that there is substantial community interest and support we are hopeful that a decision could be made to proceed this year and a site selected. Fund raising and construction would occur in 2010-2011. A Cenotaph or Memorial for the North Shuswap? Questionnaire: We are asking that you answer this questionnaire and drop it off at the Century 21 Office beside the Library, Sunnyside Market or the Anglemont Senior Centre where boxes will be provided. You can also mail your reply to North Shuswap Lions, Box 56, Celista BC V0E 1L0. Thank you. Please respond by May 31, 2009 Residential area you live in: ____________________________________________________ Are you in favour of building a Memorial: (Please circle your answer.) Yes What location do you favour: (Please circle your answer.) Rose Clifford Park Anglemont Community Centre No Scotch Creek Provincial Park North Shuswap Community Hall Imai Park Cemetery Site Other Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 54 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 55 56 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 Timely Truths North Shuswap Christian Fellowship What Is a Mother? Somewhere between the youthful energy of a teenager and the golden years of a woman’s life, there lives a marvelous and loving person known as “Mother.” A mother is a curious mixture of patience, kindness, understanding, discipline, industriousness, purity and love. A mother can be at one and the same time, both “lovelorn counselor” to a heartsick daughter, and “head football coach” to an athletic son. A mother can sew the tiniest stitch in the material for that dainty prom dress and she is equally experienced in threading through the heaviest traffic with a mini van. A mother is the only creature on earth who can cry when she’s happy, laugh when she’s heartbroken, and work when she’s feeling ill. A mother is a gentle as a lamb and as strong as a giant. Only a mother can appear so weak and helpless and yet be the same one who puts the fruit jar cover on so tightly even Dad can’t get it off. A mother is picture of helplessness when Dad is near, and a marvel of resourcefulness when she’s all alone. North Shuswap Library Tues. 12 pm - 7 pm Wed. & Sat. 11 am - 3 pm 250-955-8198 St. David’s by-the-Lake Anglican/United Church 5518 Squilax/Anglemont Hwy, Celista A mother has the angelic voice of a member in the celestial choir as she sings Brahms lullaby to a babe held tight in her arms; yet this same voice can dwarf the sound of an amplifier when she calls her boys in for supper. A mother has the fascinating ability to be almost everywhere at once and she alone can somehow squeeze an enormous amount of living into an average day. A mother is “old-fashioned” to her teenager; just “Mom” to her thirdgrader; and simply “Mama” to little two-year old sister. But there is no greater thrill in life, than to point to that wonderful woman and be able to say to all the world, “That’s my mother!” -Fred Kruse And moms, if you put God first in your role, this will be said of you; “A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30) God bless you, mom’s. Pastor John Giesbrecht What’s on at NS Christian Fellowship: Bible Study - All, Wed, 7 pm Women’s Ministries, 10 am 1st Tues monthly Men’s Breakfast, 1st Sat, monthly O-250-515-2502 Sunday 11:00 am North Shuswap Christian Fellowship 4079 Butters Road, Scotch Creek Pastor John Giesbrecht – 250-955-2545 Sunday 10:30 am Catholic Services Sorrento Sunday, 11:30 am Chase Sunday, 9:00 am No Masses in Celista until further notice St. David’s by the Lake Anglican/ United Church Shared Ministry On the highway in Celista (call 250-955-2545 if transportation required) Dump Hours Sunday Services at 11:00 Everyone Welcome! Priest in charge: Rev. Barbara Andrews Mon to Sat, 8 am - 12 pm Thrift Shop Now Open Sept 16 - May 14 May 15 - Sept 15 Mon to Fri, 7 am - 1 pm Sat, Sun & Stats, 8 am - 5 pm each Wednesday 10:00 – 3:00 Donations appreciated, but please no microwaves, TVs, computers, or large items. Chase & District RCMP Victim Service 679-8638 24 hours/day, 365 days/yr MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 57 Calendar of Events Adams River Salmon Society.. Sonja Vernon-Wood 679-8080 AWE Society..Dorothy Marks Anglemont Ladies Golf.. Bev Shea 955-0365 Anglemont Men’s Golf Club.. John Hicklin 955-6445 Anglemont Sr. Citizens.. Barry Tannock 955-2322 Artistic Community.. Lynn Erin 955-6234 Baseball Club.. Terry Speed 955-6122 Camp Grafton.. Judy MacPherson250-374-5115 or Maria Mazzotta 250-374-5665 Chamber of Commerce.. Jeff Tarry 955-0250 Coffee House.. Blake Frisby 955-0582 Country Kids Play School.. Alanna Stearns 679-3005 Country Gardens Garden Club.. Chris Trueman 955-6467 CRIMESTOPPERS.. 1-800-222-8477 Crowfoot Snowmobile Club.. Martin & Julie Lucas 955-2246 CSRD - Area F.. Denis Delisle 955-6175 ET/NS Health Advisory Com... Joan Bristow 955-2304 FIRE DEPARTMENTS Anglemont Robert Gallant 955-0791 Celista Darlene Volk 955-6341 S.C./L.C. Mike Engholm 679-8569 First Responders.. Vickey Bischoff 955-2374 First Responders Society.. Bev Shea 955-0365 Girl Guides - Chase District - Janie Emeny 679-3094 Hatha Yoga.. Sandra 955-8189 Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon.. Cynthia Bentley 955-2222 (In Memoriam) Historical Society.. Loretta Greenough 955-6431 Imai Ball Park Foundation.. Paul Spooner 679-3337 Karate Club.. Dale Cundy 955-2145 Lions Club.. Pat Anderson 955-2432 Meadow Creek Park Assoc.. Don Grimm 955-0262 Naturalists Club.. Claudette Carlsen 955-8148 Needle Bugs Club.. Gerry Kendall 955-6279 NS Cemetery.. Doug Prigmore 955-6454 or Loretta Greenough 250-955-6431 NS Christian Fellowship.. Pastor John 955-2545 NS Community Association.. Ed Elmes 955-2588 Hall Bookings – Alison Elmes 955-2588 NS Craft & Needlework Club.. Nadine Collier 955-2388 NS Elementary School.. Glen Overgaard 955-2214 NS Players.. Anne Flanders 955-0372 Okanagan Regional Library.. Lee Carreiro 955-8198 Parents Advisory Committee.. Kelly Christian 955-6292 Parks Commission Chair.. Jackie Santa 955-2421 Police Advisory Committee.. Lynda Sutton 955-6144 Ratepayer Associations Anglemont - Rudy Maarsman 955-0482 Lee Creek - Cathy Hopland 679-3117 Magna Bay - Alan Nunn 955-0302 or 604-522-3346 Saratoga - Aileen Brand 955-6123 St. Ives - Allan Young 955-2570 School District # 83.. Maureen Kalynchuk 955-2954 Seymour Arm Comm. Assoc.. Bob Reimer 250-833-7610 Seymour Arm Snowmobile Club.. Wilmer Marks 778-785-2032 Shuswap Environmental Action Society.. Jim Cooperman 679-3693 Shuswap Hospice Society.. 832-7099 Shuswap Volunteer Search & Rescue.. Don Reed 675-2597 Shuswap Needle Arts Guild.. JoAnne Watson 8386242 or Jackie Bouvier 832-9328 Shuswap Rock Club.. Pat or Gail Bowden 675-2849 Skmana Ski club .. George 679-3688 or John 679-8600 South Shuswap Canada Day Committee.. Jennie Anderson 675-4553 Tai Chi.. Sandra Spicer 955-8189 Victim Services.. Jeff Foss 679-8638 Whittlers Club.. Rudy Maarsman 955-0482 Women’s Institute.. Lee Reichert 955-2395 Grand Opening -Ribbon Cutting - of the new Playground at the NS Elementary School in Celista. May 15th, 1 pm. Everyone Welcome. Garage Sale - Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Fire Department. WE ARE BACK! Sat, May 16th. Fire hall parking lot. Tables are $10. AGM - Magna Bay Ratepayers Sun, May 17, 1 pm at lakeview Centre (upstairs) SuperHost Fundamentals Workshop. This workshop addresses the fundamentals of excellent customer service. You will leave with practical tips that work! Sat, May 23, 9 am - 4 pm. Century 21 Boardroom Scotch Creek. To register contact Community Futures Shuswap 250803-0156. Plant Sale on May 23rd. 9am - 2pm at the NS Community Hall. For table rentals call Nadine @ 250-955 -2388. Lunch will be served. Chase Movie Nights. Chase Community Hall 547 Shuswap Avenue. 7 PM. FMI Rosemary 250 -955-0857 May 22 - New In Town T-Bird tour rolls into Scotch Creek on Tues, May 26th. Will stop at Friends in Scotch Creek for lunch. Stop in to see these classic cars. Father’s Day Lobster Dinner NSCH, Fri, June 19. Happy hr 5 pm, Dinner 6 pm. Eat in or take out. Reserve by June 12. Call Alison 250-955-2588 Shuswap Lake Accordion Festival June 12 & 13. Sorrento Centre. Many feature acts, Sat night dinner etc. FMI Dianne 250-675-2531 Scotch Creek Mammography Clinic - June 14 & 16. Call 1-800663-9203 for an appointment. Have your BC Medical number available. On the Water Poker Run - Sun, June 21. FMI 250-955-2424 N.S. Craft & Needlework group meets every Wed from 10am - 2pm. This month we are making little fold out sewing boxes. This is a very social group where we teach and learn together. Everyone is welcome. Sorrento Village Farmers Market Sat, 8 am - noon. Sorrento shoppers Plaza. May 9 to Thanksgiving. Regularly Scheduled Events NS Community Hall: CoffeeHouse - 3rd Friday of the month. 7:30 pm Community Association - 3rd Mon. of the month, 7 pm Historical Society - 2nd Thurs of the month, 2 pm Lions club - 2nd & 4th Thurs of the month, 7 pm Naturalist Meeting - 3rd Thurs of the month, 1:30 pm Parks Commission - 2nd Thurs of the month, 10am Shuswap Lake Coalition - two Sundays a month, 1 - 3 pm. Call 250 -955-2967 FMI Tai Chi - FMI Sandra 955-8189 Women’s Institute meetings –1:00pm 3rd Tues of the month. Everyone welcome. N.S. Crafts and Needlework. Wed 10-2. Ph 250-955-2388 Country Gardens Garden Club Meet 3rd Wed of the month, 7 pm at the Anglemont Srs. Centre. FMI Chris 250-955-6467 Chamber of Commerce Meetings 4th Monday of the month, 7pm @ Century 21 office FMI 250-955-2113 North Shuswap Community Prayer Group Meet 3rd Thursday of the month, 7 pm at the Anglemont Srs. Centre. FMI Sharlee Lea 955-0885 or Val Lenz 955-2117. N.S. First Responders Society Mtg is the 2nd Wed of the month, 7 pm. Phone Bev at 955-0365 for location Royal Canadian Legion - Chase Sun: Open 2pm - 8pm Mon: League Darts 7:30pm Tues: Free meat draws 4pm - 6:30pm, Fun Euchre 7pm Wed: Line dancing 7:30pm Thurs: Fun Crib 7pm League Darts 7:30 pm Fri: TGIF meal 5:30pm - 6:30pm Sat: Meat Draws, 50/50, Fun Darts 2pm, Pool Tournaments 6:30pm New members always welcome FMI 679-3536 Quaaout Resort: Adams River Salmon Society meetings every 3rd Wed, 7 pm Shuswap Needle Art Meetings - 1st & 3rd Thurs. of the month Sept thru June, at Sunnybrae Senior Center. Contact Gamma - 250-835-8842 South Shuswap Canada Day Meeting 6:30 pm, 3rd Mon of every month at Steamers Coffee in Blind Bay. FMI Colin 250-675-4713. To add a meeting/event call Jan 955-0534, Fax 955-0515 or email 58 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 The Kicker Contact Us: Sweet & Sour Beef Publisher, Co-Editor, Business Mgr: Jan Wojciechowski 250-955-0534 Advertisements: Jan Wojciechowski 250-955-0534 Editor: Jan Penner 250-955-0039 Fax : 250-955-0515 E-Mail: Write us: Box 129, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1A0 Website: Subscriptions: $42.00/yr (+GST). Drop boxes: SuperValu or Peoples Drug Mart in Scotch Creek, Sunnyside Supermart in Celista, or 7320 Estate Place in Anglemont. A healthy choice 12 oz lean sirloin beef 2 tbsp all-purpose flour 1/8 tsp table salt 1/8 tsp black pepper 1/2 -1 cup onions 1-3 cloves garlic ( to taste) 1 1/2 cup water 3 tbsp unpacked brown sugar 1/3 cup ketchup 1/4 cup vinegar 1 piece bay leaf Cut the beef into tiny cubes and sprinkle with the flour, salt and pepper, coating the beef. Spray a skillet with non-stick cooking spray and brown the beef. Add the diced onion (use as much as you like of the 1/2 - 1 cup) and cook about 5 minutes. Add the minced garlic. In a bowl put the water, brown sugar, ketchup and vinegar, stir to dissolve the sugar. Pour into the skillet with the beef and onions. Bring to a boil, stirring often to loosen the bits on the bottom. Turn down the heat to a low simmer, add the bay leaf (use 2 if they are small) and cover. Simmer covered about 1 1/2 hours or a little less. This is great served over a bed of rice. Go Green….Recycle this Newsletter DISCLAIMER – The information in this publication is carefully gathered & compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. The North Shuswap Kicker cannot, and does not, guarantee the correctness of all information furnished them, nor the complete absence of errors or omissions: therefore, no responsibility for same can be nor is assumed. Press releases and reports from community organizations and businesses are encouraged but may be edited to fit available space. We reserve the right to refuse any ad or item that conflicts with the intent of this paper. Articles, advertisements and design in this publication may not be reproduced in any way without prior permission of the author. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the error will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. Cars in My Life BEETLE BRONCO CAMERO CARAVAN CELICA CIVIC Working Together To Prevent Crime Chase Detachment Office 250-679-3221 If you have any tips on local crime call CRIMESTOPPERS at 1-800-222-8477 DIAL 9–1–1 FOR EMERGENCIES EXPLORER FREESTAR GALAXIE GREMLIN JETTA MERCEDES MODELT MUSTANG NOVA PORCHE PTCRUISER RABBIT RAM RAMBLER RUNNER Y R U T Z R E A E R M B P E G N A A H L U X W A A R T O U R P T T U P N N T S O C G T O E E S L N M N S N N R A T L E M O D U D O E A C U L E B E R L S N Y E E R O I A H Q E D T I A I C R T Y S X SPRINT STINGRAY C R I THUNDERBIRD TOPAZ TRANSAM O G C N C A R A V A N Q R Y WINDSTAR A T T E A O R N H W F B I E I R B N D G M C I V I C I R E P Y I R E L B M A R G O Q D J V A C I S R A B B I L E C V R T S P R I N T A O R E M A C S E D E C R E M MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 59 SUMMER RENTALS STILL AVAILABLE Book Now ! Why let your waterfront home sit vacant when you can earn money with weekly rentals? Secure ● Clean ● Safe Self Storage Personal or Business - Reasonable Rates Fenced Compound For more info on our services call or email today. Krista Barker 250-517-0974 250-832-6060 3970 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy, Scotch Creek My Space Self Storage 3 5 12 13 16 17 19 6 7 14 26 26 24 28 31 32 36 37 41 32 61 65 68 39 20. Defraud 21. Actress ____ Lanchester 25. Fog 26. Ground and sifted grain 27. Embedding 28. Vex 29. A Siouan people 30. A country on the Arabian Peninsula 31. Unit of energy 33. Earned Run Average 35. T 37. Latin for "Behold!" 39. Ten squared 35 40 43 44 47 48 45 49 51 53 54 62 55 56 57 58 63 64 66 67 69 DOWN 1. City in Italy 2. In a little while (archaic) 3. Burden 4. Instruction book 5. Wholly absorbed 6. Fertilizer ingredient 7. Attire 8. Utilize 9. Pleasing 10. A mild expletive 11. Rodents 13. Preventing 14. Valleys 30 34 50 52 22 29 38 46 11 25 33 42 10 15 21 27 9 18 23 38. Ancient Hebrew unit of weight 40. An indefinite period 41. Narrow gorge 43. Indistinct 45. Born 46. A type of inflorescence 48. A commissioned naval officer 50. Fictional captain 51. Weir 52. Not cold 54. Temporarily discontinued 61. Operatic solo 63. One more than two 64. Insubstantial 65. Lairs 66. Sharpened 67. Not fatty 68. Trots 69. Crimson 70. Gaelic 8 20 ACROSS 1. Ointment 5. Carpet 8. Anagram of "Ruse" 12. Dwarf buffalo 13. Unit of electrical capacitance 15. A narrative 16. Having a brownish coat sprinkled with white 17. Classical music theatre 18. French for "State" 19. Beyond doubt 22. Identity cards 23. Feel unwell 24. Trees of the genus Ulmus 26. Anything that arouses 29. Become bony 31. Type of tree 32. Leg joints 34. Until now (2 words) 36. Braided cord 5 42. Prefix indicating half 44. Jacob's brother 47. 12 in a year 49. Pierce on a stake 52. A pilgrimage to Mecca 53. Chocolate cookie 55. Thunder god (Norse mythology) 56. Sea eagle 57. Anagram of "Deer" 58. Level 59. Historical periods 60. Unit of force 62. Donkey 59 60 70 BASIC May 2009 Answers on Page 62 2 DIFFICULT CROSSWORD 1 9 5 7 1 8 6 3 4 2 4 1 2 3 7 5 6 8 9 6 8 3 4 9 2 5 1 7 4 6 5 8 3 1 7 2 9 7 9 3 2 4 6 8 5 1 8 2 1 9 7 5 3 4 6 5 7 8 2 1 3 6 9 4 1 3 4 9 6 8 5 2 7 2 6 9 7 5 4 1 3 8 2 5 9 4 3 7 1 6 8 1 7 8 6 9 2 4 5 3 6 4 3 8 1 5 9 7 2 6 7 3 8 9 1 5 4 2 5 8 4 2 3 7 9 6 1 1 2 9 4 5 6 7 3 8 7 8 5 9 1 4 3 2 6 3 1 6 8 2 5 7 4 9 2 9 4 3 6 7 5 8 1 60 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 $5 up to 20 words, 20¢ ea. additional word. $1 for box-around. Single column display Ads are $2.00 per 1/4 inch. Drop ads along with cash or check (made out to the KICKER) at drop boxes, e-mail ad to or mail to Box 129, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1A0. Ads must be received 10 days prior to the 2nd Friday of the month. CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. ————————————— SERVICES ————————————— Making Waves Marine Service, Service, parts, and marine accessories to your location. Full marine repair and service available to all makes and models of pleasure craft. Fully certified marine technician with over 15 years experience. Call Alan today at 250-955-0884. ——————————–———— Babysitter for hire. Responsible, loves children, references avail. Call Alex 250-955-0685 ——————————–—–—–— New Doctor In Town. The Dock Doctor. Dock & Buoy repair & maintenance. Bob 250-955-2500 or 250-318-2890. ——————————————– Simpson Computer Services Curing computer ailments for over 17 years. Onsite & On time Installation/Service/Repair. Virus & Spyware protection & removal, Secure your wireless network, or setup a network. Software installation, digital camera help, email solutions, data backups & restores, printer installs, etc. Call Mike at 250.833.8755. email: —————————————— Bookkeeper available. Payroll, GST, PST, IFTA . Certified for personal or small business income tax preparation, monthly or quarterly. Gloria 250-679-4415 ———————————–——— Are you going away for the winter? Need a house check for insurance purposes? Need snow removed from you deck? Lived here since 1981. References avail. Call Linda 250-955-2500. Celista area. 250-955-0335 ——————–———————— Sleep easy tonight, have your chimney cleaned today. Dennis 250-320-8160. Please leave message Cal Cosh, CRA Real Estate Appraisal services throughout the Shuswap 250-803-2834 Toll free fax 1-888-377-4313 ————————————— SERVICES ————————————— ————————————— SERVICES ————————————— K9 ScallyWags Residential House Cleaning Pet Grooming Servicing the Shuswap since 1996 Alice 250-679-5353 email: IPG Certified Wayne’s Woodshop 30 yrs Experience Home Renovations Siding, Windows, Doors, Garages, Car Ports, Gazebos 679-7889 Now Open Saturdays Tues-Sat (by appointment) 560-B Shuswap Avenue - Best parking around back - THOMPSON RIVERS APPRAISALS REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS Magna Bay 250-372-2599 250-682-5995 Pre-purchase and Pre-sale appraisal reports Cleaning by Charlene Will clean your condo, cabin. Reasonable rates. Supply my own cleaning agents. 250-955-6142, cell 778-220-1167 Lucas Excavating Services Hitachi 120, driveways, building excavations, lot clearing. Over 20 years experience. Call Graham 250-955-2173 Private In-Home Care Registered DVA provider Mortgage Refinancing? Estate? Division of Assets? Prompt Service Fully accredited appraisers (AACI) Small Breed Dog Grooming. Certified since 1978. Call Kelly 250-679-3632 South Okanagan Yoga Academy North Shuswap & Chase 200 Hr Registered Yoga Teacher Training Nursing care House keeping Meal preparation Personal care Receipts given for care provided by qualified staff August 16th - 30th The Centre Yoga Studio, Scotch Creek Marion McConnell, ERYT 250-795-2587 Email: Quantum Healing course Offered. May 23 at Chase. Call Laine 250-319-8090, email, web site: Services include FMI call 250-804-6228 - lve. msg. North Shuswap Home Support TOPSOIL GRAVEL LOT CLEARING EXCAVATING 955-6435 Brush with Greatness SHUSWAP STAGING SERVICES First Impressions Count. Give your property the edge. Serving the North Shuswap. 250-955-0282 Qua Verde Enterprises Ltd. ————————————— SERVICES ————————————— Kyle Lessey Painting 250‐955‐0935 (Cel) 250‐320‐6820 NEED A GOOD DUMP?? Jimmy’s GARBAGE REMOVAL 250-955-0319 No job too big or too small Naturally better vitamins, minerals & dietary supplements. Nutrilite is the world’s only vitamin & mineral brand to process plants on our own certified organic farms. Contact Harry Toews @ 250-955-0268, Amway Global Independent business owner to learn more. Gallery Custom Furniture & Design New Home Cabinets Entertainment Centre Islands Complete Kitchens Wayne 250-835-8480 ————————————— FOR SALE ————————————— New & Used Medical Equipment Scooters, walkers, wheelchairs, bathroom safety, stairlifts, hospital beds, nursing uniforms. Free Screening for obstructive sleep apnea, treatment and follow-up. CPAP masks, parts, and accessories. Respiratory therapy equipment and home oxygen. or 1-877-777-2431 Polyethylene 500 + gallon tank. Used as emergency irrigation supply during summer. Asking $495. Call 250-679-7768 Split fir firewood, delivery avail. Dennis 250-320-8160 Please leave message ------------------------------------------Organic Sea Salt for sale. Fine ground or coarse. Call Rosy and leave a message please. 1-250-515-0150. ----------------------------------------Computer Desk $100, Fax machine (with paper) $20, paper cutter $5, stacking in baskets $1. 250-9550534 ------------------------------------------Delta 36” Wood Lathe & tools $250. Rockwell Scroll Saw hardly used $90. 250-955-6445 ------------------------------------------2003 Sunfire, 81,000 km. 2 door, standard, no air. Excellent condition. $5000 OBO. In Scotch Creek. 250-492-2587. ------------------------------------------1979 SEARAY Boat, running condition, comes with new aluminum trailer. Boat needs upholstery. Boat is in “Lee Creek” BC. Contact Dennis 403-837-8644. Asking $3,500 OBO MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 61 $5 up to 20 words, 20¢ ea. additional word. $1 for box-around. Single column display Ads are $2.00 per 1/4 inch. Drop ads along with cash or check (made out to the KICKER) at drop boxes, e-mail ad to or mail to Box 129, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1A0. Ads must be received 10 days prior to the 2nd Friday of the month. CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. —————————————— FOR SALE —–——–——–—–————–—— Two loveseats, one chair & ottoman, burnt orange, super comfortable, great shape. $250 OBO. Call 250-955-0085. -------------------------------------------Jeep YJ 1992, black, 240,000 K, soft top, runs good. $2000 OBO. Kyle 250-955-0935 or 250-3206820. -------------------------------------------Estate Sale. Classic 98’ CHRYSLER Town & Country, fully loaded. Eg. Genuine leather seats, a/c, trailer pkg. mint cond. 7 seater. $5000 OBO. Rennell Boat, 17’, 115hp. $5000. Golf Cart w/lights $4000. Call 250-955-2258. -------------------------------------------1990 Toyota Corolla 4-door, silver, standard, sunroof, 306,467 km. $1195. Phone 250-955-6476 -------------------------------------------Lionel Tent Trailer 85. Excellent canvas, stove, sink, good tires. Sleeps 4-6. $1195. Phone 250-9556476 -------------------------------------------1982 Jimmy. Good condition, needs rear seal, clean, very little rust. $1,500 OBO. 250-955-2269 -------------------------------------------1998 Mallard 28' fifth wheel with 14' slide out - walk around bed. Sleeps 6 - 8. Excellent condition. Just add food & clothes - ready to go. Asking $14,000. 250-955-2393. -------------------------------------------1998 Saturn - Standard 4 cyl. Super gas mileage, 255,000 km. Best offer. 250-955-071 ------------------------------------------L.H. Ping - 12 clubs P-3, Cobra driver, 3-5-7 woods. $350. -------------------------------------------Wilson air Hockey table $100. Wooden Casino Games table w/ roulette & black jack $100. Oak entertainment cabinet will hold up to a 42” TV w/100 CD holder $50. Antique (1917) his/hers dressers w/ mirrors $400 OBO. Compaq PC w/ console & HP scanjet. Great for beginners - intermed. $55. Sony stereo sound system w/4 speakers, 1 subwoofer $100 set. 2-Sony speakers, tall style $60. 7622 Hudson Rd, Anglemont (off of Vickers Trail) Call 250-955-6306. —————————————— FOR RENT —–——–——–—–————–— Three BDR house in Scotch Creek. Available right away for year round renting. $900/mo. 250-319-8678 —————–——–————— FOR RENT ———————–—————– —————–——–————— PROPERTY FOR SALE ———————–—————– —————–——–————— WORK WANTED ———————–—————– 2 reliable, responsible, respectable young ladies available for Central Scotch Creek. house cleaning and yard work. 250 Location secluded. -955-0685 New full services. -----------------------------------------Unemployed Chemical Engineer $250/mo. seeks yard work and house sitting 250-955-2230 —————–——–————— jobs. Hard working, excellent HELP WANTED references. Call Jason Room for Rent. Female working ———————–—————– 604-741-1206 out of town seeking female room————————————— Sun Beach is now accepting remate to share 3 bdr. house in Scotch sumes for the Summer Season! WANTED Creek. Children welcome. $600/mo. Please fax resume to 250-955-0721 ——–——–—–————–—— Single. $700/mo. with children. or mail to Sun Beach. Box 288 Ce- Wanted used ice skates & hockey Avail. right away. 250-319-8678 lista, B.C., V0E 1L0 or call us at 250 equip for children of the North -------------------------------------------- -833-6632 Shuswap. Drop donations to Al Beautiful furnished shared accomChristopherson @ Century 21 modation, rooms for rent in downSHUSWAP LAKE PARK STORE Lakeside Realty Office or Doug town Scotch Creek. TV, internet, is now accepting resumes for the Kilback @ the Scotch Creek Bottle queen fitted bed, on-suite, shared following F/T & P/T positions: Depot. Thanks from the kids! kitchen and common area. Call 250—————————————– Cashiers 955-2133 GARAGE SALES ------------------------------------------Ice Cream Scoopers ————–——–—–————— House for rent. $650/mo. Plus utiliShelf Stockers Plant Sale in conjunction with ties. Year round. Call Cal 250-675Security Personnel the Senior Centre Yard Sale – 3784 or Keith 250-955-0544 Deli Help Lakeview Senior Centre. May —————–——–————— Please send resumes to: Long Weekend, 10 am to 2 pm. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Email: Country Gardens Garden Club ———————–—————– Fax: 250-955-6208 -----------------------------------------Commercial Space for lease. Please Mail: RR1 Site14 Comp 9 Chase Multi Family Yard Sale Sat. May BC, V0E 1M0 contact Randall Martin at Little 23, 9am - 1pm. Sorrento Place Shuswap Indian Band for more info Clubhouse. 2932 Buckley Road. 250-679-3203 1.5 km West of Sorrento —————–——–—————— -----------------------------------------PROPERTY FOR SALE Purrfect Crafts & yard sale. Sun, ———————–—————–— Mon May 17th & 18th, 9am to 2pm. Cottage Cleaners Needed One acre view lot next to Gateway 7221 Birch Close, Anglemont. RV. Septic approved. Water system in nice Scotch Creek Resort Call Darlene at 250-955-8634 for in. Taxes $150/year. $75,000 250more info. Part time, must be able to work 679-3945 -----------------------------------------most Saturdays during summer -------------------------------------------Garage Sale Weekends - May 23 season ACREAGE FOR SALE Meadow & 30. Many new items. 7622 HudCreek Rd. 6 acres of bare land on Top wages based on experience, son Rd, Anglemont (off of Vickers gentle slope $179,900. Call Diane: but will train Trail). Merrill & Kathy 955 - 0866 -----------------------------------------Contact Greg or Cheryl -------------------------------------------Several Families GARAGE 250-955-0080 FOR SALE, LOT 331, CARASALE. May 16, 17, 18, 8am.-5pm. VAN’S WEST, SHUSWAP LAKE, 5432-Squilax-Anglemont Road, BC. 36x65 Lot, 8x10 shed, 10’ Celista (In the old Nifty Gifts SHUSWAP LAKE Gazebo. Penthouse model 1992 Store) Furniture, Household items, Citation Trailer, microwave, Two PROVINCIAL PARK Clothing, Tools, Collector Dolls, door entry, custom stairs, cooktop Odd and Sods. is now accepting resumes for & oven, Window Shades, tinted summer employment for a variety ------------------------------------windows, awning, ceiling fan, DouGARAGE SALE: Saturday, May of positions. ble windows, Winter package, two 23, 9am, kiln, older table saw, kids Full-time or Part-time work skylights, Canvas skirt, patio awnstuff and household. 4875 available. ing enclosure, standup bedroom, Meadow Creek Road, Celista. NO Washer and dryer, Built in vacuum, Resumes can be handed in at the Early birds please!! Freestanding table /4 chairs, some Park Office or faxed to tools included. Many thoughtfully Art show and sale. 250-955-0862 engineered extras (fans, storage, Sunday May 17th, 2009, Celista power lift). Call 604-898-9240 or Hall Club Room. 2pm to 6pm. Cell 604-815-9688. e-mail nwinterCome and enjoy. Trailer Sites for Rent 1992 mobile home in Adult Trailer Park in Chase. New roof, new hot water tank, central air. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, outside shed, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer & dryer By appointment $70,000. 250-319-7671 62 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 $5 up to 20 words, 20¢ ea. additional word. $1 for box-around. Single column display Ads are $2.00 per 1/4 inch. Drop ads along with cash or check (made out to the KICKER) at drop boxes, e-mail ad to or mail to Box 129, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1A0. Ads must be received 10 days prior to the 2nd Friday of the month. CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. GO GREEN—RECYCLE THIS NEWSLETTER OR PASS IT ON TO SOMEONE WHO HASN’T READ IT. —————–—–—–————— VACATION RENTALS —————————————– CREW & CONTRACTOR Daily & Weekly Motel Rates RV & CAMPING SITES Daily & Weekly rates GROUP RATES AVAILABLE Rent the INN Open year round. Check us out at (250) 955-0701 Deluxe Cabin Nightly or weekly. Serene and peaceful. Located on 160- acre farm in Celista, 5 minutes from lake. Kitchenette and spacious bedroom with king-size bed. 250-955-8600 Mexico - San Jose, Del Cabo, on the Baja. Deluxe 1 Bdr. Waterfront on Sea of Cortez. Beautiful beaches. Walk to everything. Safe area. Long term avail. 250-679-2949 B A L M R U G U U S E R S A G A E T A T I D S A N O A F A R A D R O A N O P E R A E I N D U B I T A B L E A I L E L M S I F Y A S Y E T T I M E N E E G N F I E L M L O R O P E G U L C H R A C E M N E M O I N T E 5 3 8 2 4 6 9 9 3 8 6 9 1 2 4 9 8 5 7 1 1 4 6 2 5 6 3 Difficult 8 2 7 6 5 1 7 6 5 2 S 9 L I P K N E E S G E R A H V A G U E E N S I D A M R R U P T E D E S Basic 3 4 5 1 8 8 H O T A R I A T H R E E A I R Y D E N S H O N E D L E A N J O G S R E D E R S E 4 9 5 7 Sudoku answers on page 59 3 1 MAY 2009 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER 63 SCOTC H CREEK Outdoor storage Secure, Fenced Short or Long Term Advertisement Spots Available Reasonable Rates BOT TLE DE POT 250-955-0646 We are located in Scotch Creek We serve the North Shuswap and All Outlying Areas 250-955-0646 (Ask for Doug) Scotch Creek (next to Bottle Depot) Mammography Clinic Scotch Creek Mammography Clinic is June15th & 16th. Phone 1-800-663-9203 for an appointment. Clip & Save Classified Ads $5.00 up to 20 words; $ .20 each additional word. Price includes GST. Drop ads at Scotch Creek SuperValu Box, Peoples Drug Mart Box in Scotch Creek, Sunnyside Supermart in Celista, or 7320 Estate Place in Anglemont or mail to Box 129, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1A0. Ads must be received by the 10 days prior to the 2nd Friday of the month, and must be paid in advance. PLEASE PRINT Name: Month(s): __________ to__________ $ / month _________ x_____ # of months = ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Total # OF WORDS:___________ Basic Charge: 20 Words = Address: $ 5.00 Add’l words: ____ x .20 = Boxed $ 1.00 Cost per month: __________ Phone: Category: Payment Info: Cash Cheque 64 THE NORTH SHUSWAP KICKER MAY 2009 CROWFOOT Concrete Form Rentals and Installation Robert Gallant DISTRIBUTOR FOR Tel: 250-955-0780 Fax: 250-955-0787 Cell: 250-319-2343 Chase WALLS & FOUNDATIONS 3729 Kenwood Gate, Scotch Creek 120 Aylmer Rd. 10 am to 3 pm - Mon. to Sat. Art of the Shuswap 250-679-8408 250-955-8600 Cell: 250-803-8150 Milk Containers Milk jugs & wax milk containers Full Refund on all Ready to Drink Containers 1L and under - 5¢, Over 1L - 20¢ Wine & Spirits 1L and under - 10¢, Over 1L - 20¢ All Beer Imports $1.20/doz. By Appointment 2319 Beguelin Road Domestic Beer & Coolers $1.00/doz. North Shuswap North Shuswap Towing BOAT, RV & MINI STORAGE Indoor, Outdoor & Covered Storage Easy Access Ground Level Units Short or Long Term Valet Service for your Boat or RV Secure “Your Lock” - “Your Key” Reasonable Rates 250-679-8128 250-955-0788 Joe Hadziev Email 1337 Cardy Drive Scotch Creek 24 Hour Towing 250-955-2119 3838 Squilax-Anglemont Hwy Scotch Creek Shuswap Building Supplies & Rentals Building Supplies Paint-Computer Match RV Supplies Equip & Tool Rental Sikkens Products Hardware Lumber Lumber Yard Windows & Doors Deliveries Also Available (Flat Deck & Crane Truck) HOURS Mon to Fri 7 - 5 Sat 8 - 5 Sun 10 - 4 FREE Scrap Car Removal BCAA AUTHORIZED ROAD SERVICE PILOT CAR Service Boosting • Lockouts Wheel Lifts • Fuel Delivery Local • Long Distance We honour ALL Road Service Plans
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