architecture magazine


architecture magazine
02 2013
Thorax becomes nerve center
Amendments to the Energy Saving Ordinance
South Seas atmosphere under steel and glass
THERM+ for Asia
China International Window
City, Gaobeidian
New faculty
at Coventry
… Stefan
Commitment to
RAICO at the Passive
House Conference
to the Energy
Bau 2013
“Unique trade
and exhibition
Supporting the
rally for education
visit from the founder of the Passive House Insti-
whole of Asia. And at the same time, RAICO's
THERM+ wooden mullion-and-transom curtain
For many years, RAICO has
tute, Dr Wolfgang Feist, who personally awarded
walls are ensuring efficient, stepless thermal
been deeply committed to
us the Passive House Certificate for our “Top
insulation in the city.
environmental protection
Energy Saving” products.
You will find more information on these and
and reducing energy con-
Energy efficiency was also a vital consideration
other topics in the current edition of OBJEKTIV.
sumption. We act responsi-
during the planning of the newly constructed
I hope you find this edition an inspiring read.
bly – it is with good reason
MedXpert administration and training build-
window system. One of the highlights was the
Dear readers,
that this statement is
enshrined in our corporate
ing in Eschbach which was completed in 2012.
Rainer Vögele
philosophy. Our operating
methods are certified, we are careful to use recy-
architecture magazine of
RAICO Bautechnik GmbH
Issued by:
RAICO Bautechnik GmbH,
Gewerbegebiet Nord 2,
87772 Pfaffenhausen,
Phone +49 (0)8265 911 0,
Fax +49 (0)8265 911 100,
Edited and published by:
mk publishing GmbH,
Döllgaststraße 7–9,
86199 Augsburg,
Phone +49 (0)821 34457 0,
Fax +49 (0)821 34457 19,
The building shell was constructed using the
high-insulation RAICO THERM+ aluminum façade
clable raw materials and construction parts, and
system. Aluminum windows and doors from the
RAICO FRAME+ series were also used.
our participation in the Bavarian Environmental
RAICO's energy-efficient curtain wall elements
Pact emphasizes our determination to prevent
are also in use for the construction of office
pollution and damage to the environment.
buildings in the Far East – for example in China's
RAICO's presence at the BAU 2013 trade fair
International Window City in Gaobeidian some
Rainer Vögele,
in Munich also focused on energy savings. The
60 kilometers south of Beijing. This is currently
Executive Director
event was an opportunity to showcase the new
aluminum FRAME+ 90 WI and FRAME+ 90 WB
developing into the largest center of knowledge
RAICO Bautechnik
and expertise for doors and windows in the
Photo credits:
Andrea Nuding,
Architekturbüro Josef Wund,
Badewelt Sinsheim, Fotolia,
Norbert Freudenthaler, RAICO,
Shunda-Moser, Stahl- und
Metallbau Hörburger, Johannes
objek tiv 2 2013
Commitment to
objek tiv 2 2013
Objektiv online –
Raico puts its projects on view
OBJEKTIV online – that is the name of RAICO's new online image
store and database with which the company is further extending
The continuous improvement of
its varied range of online services for architects and planners.
environmental protection by business
Accessible at, it presents a comprehen-
and industry – that is the aim of the
sive list of completed reference projects accompanied by the
Bavarian Environmental Pact of which
corresponding photos and graphics, as well as a wide range of
RAICO is also now a member. The Envi-
current architectural projects, and is therefore the perfect source
ronmental Pact is a voluntary agree-
of inspiration for architects and planners alike.
ment between the Bavarian regional
OBJEKTIV online also provides information about RAICO products
state government and industry. In it,
and the structures in which they are used. The new database,
both parties express their profound conviction that essential
which can also be found under References on the RAICO home
natural resources can be protected better by a voluntary,
page, can also be searched through using building industry-spe-
dependable cooperation between state and industry than
cific criteria and the results can be filtered based on the user's
through laws and ordinances.
personal preferences.
RAICO at the Passive
House Conference
Supporting the Paris–Marrakesh
rally for education
One of the focal points of this year's international Passive
To transport educational materials for Moroccan schoolchil-
House Conference in Frankfurt was the renovation of old
dren from Paris to Marrakesh in a robust, reliable Renault R4:
buildings. “With our Passive House-certified curtain wall
systems, combined with the new FRAME+ 90 WI/WB aluminum
That is the idea behind the annually awarded 4L Trophy. This
year, more than 2,000 students took part in the educational
window system, we offer custom solu-
rally which was staged for the first time in 1998. And RAICO
tions that guarantee maximum energy
France, one of the sponsors providing financial support for
efficiency,” says Hagen Weber, Head
the event, was also there for the trip. Rally participant Julien
of Property Operations, to explain the
Bravo, son of a RAICO France employee, was delighted at the
great interest generated by the RAICO
support: “Without the financial support of companies like
exhibition stand.
RAICO, actions like this would not be possible.”
Amendments to the Energy Saving Ordinance
Stricter Standards for
new builds from 2014
Like the other systems in the THERM+
and FRAME+ series, the RAICO THERM+
A-V / A-I aluminum curtain wall system
(bottom) combines outstanding energy
efficiency with compliance with the
new, stricter EnEV requirements, in
particular in the new-build sector.
Following the revision of Germany's Energy Saving Ordi-
equipment upgrades are planned for the existing building
nance (EnEv), the energy-related requirements applying to
stock. However, in this sector as well, the importance of
new construction projects are to be strengthened. The core
energy certificates will be reaffirmed and random checks
amendments relate to the gradual decrease in permitted
will be performed in the future. The revised version of
annual energy requirements and the reduction of heat
the Energy Saving Ordinance is expected to take effect in
loss through the building shell. RAICO Bautechnik GmbH
January 2014. Anyone who uses RAICO window, door and
already supplies systems that meet the stricter require-
curtain wall systems for their new construction or renova-
ments that are expected to take effect in early 2014.
tion projects can therefore be sure of complying with the
The German Federal Cabinet approved these amendments
enhanced requirements laid down by the ordinance. This
is because the systems in the THERM+ and FRAME+ series
to the ordinance on 6th February 2012. According to the
combine quality, reliability, and ease of use for fabrica-
revised version, the permitted annual energy requirements of newly constructed residential and non-residen-
tors with optimum thermal insulation and outstanding
energy efficiency. Thus, for example, the THERM+ curtain
tial buildings will have to be reduced by 12.5 percent in
wall system for aluminum, steel and wooden façades
the years 2014 and 2016 respectively. Both of these cuts
achieves Uf values of up to 0.78 W/(m²K) and therefore
will be accompanied by a 10 percent reduction in the
meets Passive House standards, as the recently awarded
maximum permitted heat loss from the building shell,
certification by the Dr. Wolfgang Feist Passive House Insti-
while the primary energy factor for electricity will be
tute demonstrates. Compliance with other low-energy
reduced from 2.6 to 2.0 and then to 1.8 at the beginning
standards, such as the Swiss Minergie label or the Austrian
of 2016. It will also become obligatory to display energy
low-energy and even very low-energy classifications,
performance certificates even in smaller public buildings,
is an easy task when RAICO systems are used. Thanks
and property advertisements will have to indicate the
to RAICO's insulating block technology, it is possible to
relevant energy ratings. In addition, the certification
achieve stepless thermal insulation up to the required
process for new residential buildings will be simpli-
level to meet individual demands. This ensures internal
fied by means of the so-called “EnEv Easy” procedure.
system reliability and creates a comprehensive, harmo-
By contrast, no enhanced requirements or mandatory
nized insulation solution for the entire building shell.
objek tiv 2 2013
Follow- up: RAICO at Bau 2013
Excellence rewarded
at the trade fair
It was RAICO's energy-saving system solutions that
House certification. With a Uf value of 0.8 W/(m2K), the
company's stand at BAU 2013. At this year's trade fair,
RAICO successfully showcased its FRAME+ 90 WI and
system, which was developed as a “Top Energy Saving”
FRAME+ 90 WB aluminum window system. Certificates
optimum energy efficiency. In combination with its
attesting to the system's compliance with Passive
Passive House-certified curtain walls and glass roofs,
House standards were awarded live at the event by the
the system means RAICO can ensure comprehensive,
Institute's founder.
long-term insulation of the building shell.
At this year's BAU in Munich, RAICO once again presented its innovative window, door and curtain wall
objek tiv 2 2013
aluminum window system which has received Passive
aroused particular interest among visitors to the
product, ensures outstanding thermal insulation and
Passive House certifications awarded to RAICO
at the trade fair
systems – with outstanding success, as the large number
The new FRAME+ 90 WI and FRAME+ 90 WB aluminum
of property owners, architects, fabricators, planners and
window system was also the reason for a visit from
other interested visitors to the company stand testifies.
Professor Wolfgang Feist, founder and Managing
The focal point of the extremely well visited exhibition
stand consisted of items from the THERM+ curtain wall
Director of the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt.
system for aluminum, steel and wooden façades and
certificates to RAICO's two Executive Directors, Rainer
glass roof constructions, as well as the aluminum doors
and windows from the FRAME+ series.
Vögele and Albert Inninger. “We are particularly
Highlight: FRAME+ 90 WI
and FRAME+ 90 WB
and his acknowledgment of our innovations in the
Innovations in the fields of energy efficiency and
side the many other advantages of the new window
Passive House certification were the subject of par-
system, Professor Feist was particularly impressed by its
ticular interest. The highlight here took the form
of RAICO's new FRAME+ 90 WI and FRAME+ 90 WB
ability to meet the Uf value of 0.8 W/(m2K) required for
At the trade fair, he presented the corresponding
delighted at Professor Feist's personal visit to our stand
Delighted at certification: Albert Inninger, Stefan Sepp, Professor
Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Rainer Vögele and Dr. Stefan Lackner (left to
The FRAME+ 90 WI (left) and FRAME+ 90 WB (right) aluminum window system attracted many visitors to the RAICO trade fair stand.
aluminum window sector,” explained Albert Inninger
and Rainer Vögele with well-deserved pride. Along-
certification without the need for any facing panels.
MedXpert, Eschbach
MedXpert GmbH, Eschbach
Thorax becomes
nerve center
The new company headquarters of MedXpert GmbH in
Eschbach, Germany, has the shape of a human thorax.
This is the medical technology company's very own way
of indicating its specific line of business, while simultaneously benefiting from a range of practical advantages
such as pleasant working temperatures for staff. The
decision to use the RAICO THERM+ curtain wall system
was vital for the successful architectural and functional
realization of the concept.
“The desire to create an architectural reflection of the
company's business field and combine this with the
functional demands placed on a modern company head
office within a harmonious, contemporary brand architecture – that was the basic idea behind the design of the
The fully
glazed façade
and the strips
that surround
it symbolize
the ribcage
in the human
thorax which,
in turn,
provides the
model on
which the
entire building
is based.
new administration and training building in Eschbach,”
explains architect Frank Rosenkranz of Frankfurt-based
firm a plus architekten. Together with his team, he put
this idea into practice in the form of a polygonal, twostory, flat-roofed concrete construction with offset top
floor. The building's external appearance is characterized
by a full glass façade interspersed by narrow aluminum
strips that follow the ceiling of each story. Together with
its rounded form which tapers toward the top, the entire
building therefore reflects the anatomical structure of the
curtain wall system
and the windows
and doors from
series combine to
give the interior
of the company
its bright, airy
human thorax – and, as a result, is ideal for MedXpert
Rosenkranz. “At the same time, it was vital to create a
building, which is equipped with a ventilation system,
GmbH, a supplier of medical technology that develops,
particularly pleasant working environment in the form
was constructed without window sashes.
manufactures and markets support plates and stabilizer
of a bright, airy atmosphere that ensures optimum
implants. The company specializes in thoracic material
user comfort and meets current requirements in terms
and, in particular, the correction of thoracic skeletal
of efficient thermal insulation and protection against
The entire curtain wall was planned and erected by
summer heat.”
Kenzingen-based company Freyler Metallbau GmbH.
The main body of the new building represents the
Created using the RAICO THERM+ curtain wall system
“This is a very special façade that has a particularly intri-
thorax, the strips around the façade symbolize the ribs
Intricate internal and external appearance
that enclose it, while the rear staircase that is distinctive
In the interior, multiple visible concrete areas, color-har-
cate, continuous appearance as planned thanks to the
use of the RAICO THERM+ aluminum curtain wall sys-
in terms of both color and design, is an architectural
monized industrial parquet flooring, slate floors and
tem,” explains Stefan Gauss of Freyler Metallbau GmbH.
allusion to the supporting backbone. This provides
generously sized rooms separated by plasterboard stud
“This also applies to the interior, where the reduced
access to the individual stories as well as to the offset
walls ensure an open, light-flooded atmosphere. By con-
view of the internal seals inside the mullion-and-tran-
top story area. The glass railings on the roof follow the
trast, the façade of the new head office, which covers
som construction and the sharply defined cross-sections
segmented course of the façade across the entire extent
a surface area of approximately 1,000 m², was realized
ensure a perfect visual impression even when flush
of the building.
as a dark, thermally separated, powder coated mul-
mullions are used.“
User comfort in the spotlight
lion-and-transom construction created using the RAICO
THERM+ 56 A-I aluminum curtain wall system. RAICO
Thermal insulation and protection against summer heat
“To give architectural expression to the design, the
FRAME+ 75 WI/DI aluminum windows and doors were
What is more, the RAICO THERM+ A-I aluminum curtain
glass curtain wall had to appear as free of joins and
used for the seven doors and two louvred windows that
wall system provides the ideal solution to the need for
as continuous as possible,” explains architect Frank
ensure smoke and heat extraction in the building. The
energy efficiency, thermal insulation and protection
objek tiv 2 2013
Qualified engineer Frank Rosenkranz has been
constructing administrative and commercial buildings as
well as residential buildings using timber and solid materials
since 1983. In addition, since 1994 he has managed
the a plus architekten firm of architects which performs
conversions, renovations and extensions to residential and
business premises. As both a member of the ecologically
oriented Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects and
an energy consultant, Frank Rosenkranz is not only keenly
aware of the importance of building functionality and
adherence to schedules and budgets, but also places great
emphasis on energy-efficient construction methods, natural
raw materials, environmental responsibility and minimized
pollutant emissions.
Section through mullion
MedXpert GmbH / Claudia
against the heat of summer. The curtain wall, which is free
Construction period:
March 2012 to October 2012
of thermal bridges thanks to the use of RAICO's insulating
a plus architekten, Kirchzarten
block technology, boasts an overall Uw value of approximately 0.8 W/(m²K). This ensures thermal insulation in com-
Planning and construction of
glass façade:
Freyler Metallbau GmbH,
pliance with the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEv).
Proven in practice
MedXpert GmbH was able to move into the new building
in October 2012 after a construction period of approximately eight months. “Even during the first heat waves
of summer, the interior remained pleasantly cool and
users enjoyed a harmonious indoor climate,“ concludes
Frank Rosenkranz. “The entire building concept works as
planned and has proven its outstanding value in practice,
the theoretically determined indoor temperature has not
been exceeded.“ The result is a contemporary building
with a high symbolic value which ideally combines the
demands imposed by MedXpert's corporate philosophy
with the requirements placed on a modern workplace
within a striking, individual structure.
objek tiv 2 2013
Floor plan, ground floor
Building format:
Polygonal, two-story structure
with striped, fully-glazed
aluminum curtain wall
Concrete frame construction
RAICO products used:
aluminum curtain wall
FRAME+ 75 DI aluminum doors
aluminum windows
5.431 m³
Glazed areas:
Fully-glazed curtain wall:
approx. 1,000 m²
South Seas atmosphere under steel and
With the Badewelt Sinsheim, a tropical paradise for bathers has been constructed within a unique steel
of how far open the roof is. As a result, the sun's natural
and glass building shell in the German Kraichgau. The entire opening roof and façade surfaces were
constructed using the RAICO THERM+ S-I and H-I mullion-and-transom system. This made it possible
can often be turned off without this causing the glass
to construct the complex building geometry quickly and securely, while achieving the desired intricate
structure to overheat.
appearance as well as the required corrosion protection and drainage capability.
At the end of 2012, the Badewelt Sinsheim was
“Every part of the complex offers a particularly open,
heat is optimally exploited and the ventilation systems
Complex geometry with an intricate visual appearance
The Bolzano-based construction company Stahlbau
opened right next to the town's Rhein-Neckar Arena.
light-flooded atmosphere,“ explains Peter Eckert, the
Pichler GmbH/Srl was responsible for the steel support
Covering an area of 64,000 square meters, the com-
project manager responsible for this development at
structure and the erection of the curtain wall. “Alongside
plex now offers visitors a tropical bathing experience
Wund. “This is thanks not only to the generously sized
the very short construction time available, the greatest
with its swimming pool, palm-lined “paradise” and
glass façades with their unobstructed view of the coun-
challenge lay in the defined minimum sight lines for the
mullion-and-transom structure and the correspondingly
spa/sauna area. The vast bathing complex was devel-
tryside, but also to the domed, 18-meter-high glass roof.“
oped by the Wund group of companies which has
The special attraction: The entire roof construction,
low tolerances in the support and rebate areas of the
invested approximately 45 million euros in Sinsheim.
which is approximately 45 meters wide and 60 meters
panes,“ explains Jochen Mahlknecht, project manager
One very special attraction of this bathers' paradise
long, can be opened on its guide rails to allow bathers
responsible for the Sinsheim development at Stahlbau
Pichler GmbH/Srl. “At the same time, we naturally also
lies in the more than 400 palm trees from Florida
to relax in the open air during warm weather. The use
and Malaysia that give visitors a unique South Sea
of uncoated glazing elements means that the light
had to take account of the complex geometry, the many
intensity in the complex remains the same irrespective
oblique sections and transitions between the different
objek tiv 1 2013
Wund group of companies, Friedrichshafen
welded on. Press cover strips were used at the mullions and additional suction holders were mounted at
Architekturbüro Josef Wund, Friedrichshafen
specific points around the transoms. The weight of the
Support structure and curtain wall construction:
Stahlbau Pichler GmbH/Srl, Bozen
employed glass elements varies across the construction from 240 up to 400 kg each, with the sizes of the
Glazed areas:
Arched roof 2,300 m²
Arched curtain wall 1,700 m²
Horizontal curtain wall 1,000 m²
Foyer curtain wall 500 m²
Vertical curtain wall 500 m²
­panels ranging from two meters in width and up to
3.8 meters in height.
Optimized corrosion protection
for the roof and curtain wall
“To meet the high requirements for corrosion protection
The 72-year-old architect
in the swimming pool area within the short time-
and businessman Josef
frame available to us, as many parts as possible were
Wund is the owner of
precoated in the factory ready for assembly,“ explains
the Friedrichshafen-based
Jochen Mahlknecht. “Using RAICO's welded or alumi-
firm of architects and
num screw channels, it is possible to achieve corrosion
also directs the Wund
protection class C4 with a multilayer coating system.
group of companies
When this type of screw channel is used, the various
which has approximately
facets of the façade, and the three-level drainage
elements are perfectly accessible for coating work since
1,500 employees. The
system.“ At the same time, it was also necessary
almost no areas are obstructed by the screw channel.“
company specializes in
to guarantee reliable corrosion protection in the
The fabricators also benefited from the high insulation
the construction of clinics
­swimming pool area.
value and the secure load transfer capabilities of the
RAICO THERM+ system that can simultaneously be used
and spas and has already
for both curtain wall and roof structures and can be
projects in collaboration
ideally combined with the different system widths and
with the Thermenwelt
various seal types.
Erding spa complex, the
Created using the RAICO THERM+ system
The entire construction was created using the RAICO
THERM+ S-I and H-I mullion-and-transom system with
system widths of 56 and 76 millimeters. It includes the
2,300 square-meter arched roof, 1,700 square meters of
vertically segmented, oblique curtain walling, approxi-
objek tiv 1 2013
Josef Wund
Safety above all
Construction period:
December 2011 to December 2012
M - M: Sectional view of mullions
completed many large-scale
Bad Wörishofen thermal
RAICO 145010
X-CR14 P8
RAICO 150106
spa, and the Badeparadies
Schwarzwald in Titisee-
mately 1,000 square meters of horizontally segmented
At Badewelt Sinsheim, safety is guaranteed not only by
the employed RAICO THERM+ system but also by the
curtain wall, and a foyer measuring 500 square meters
project-specific, audit-proof static analysis performed by
Pavilion at the Expo
with a façade that is inclined outwards by up to 45°.
the company prior to the start of construction. In this
2000 was also built by
The additional curtain wall was fixed end-to-end using
way, it was possible to complete the entire roof and cur-
Josef Wund on behalf of
Neustadt. The German
aluminum additional profiles that were either screwed
tain wall construction in only a few months and open
the Federal Republic of
on or assembled using anchor bolts. At the same time,
the Badewelt Sinsheim bathers' paradise on schedule in
Germany and remains his
stainless steel/aluminum screw channels were also
December 2012 after barely a year of building work.
RAICO 011073
RAICO 013023
RAICO 012117 5,5x50
RAICO 118010
China International Window Cit y, Gaobeidian
The largest window and
door center in Asia
The China International Window City in Gaobeidian is
a trade show and a modern research and testing
and marketing for decades set the standards for
the largest center of excellence for windows and doors
institute for doors and windows. You will also find a
window and door production in China.
in Asia. RAICO Bautechnik GmbH has been there from
training center, a large number of office complexes,
the very inception, and is not only represented with
a storage and logistics center and the first window
THERM+ wooden curtain wall for Window City
its own booth in the trade center, but also provides its
museum in Asia. Alongside Chinese companies,
So it is not surprising that RAICO not only has its own
THERM+ wooden curtain wall system, ensuring further
Window City is particularly geared towards European
booth in the Window City business park, but also
rapid growth of the Window City.
companies, who are not only able to exchange
supplies products used in the construction of a large
information and expertise, but also present and
August 2012 saw the opening of the largest center
market their products locally. It goes without saying
number of buildings on the site. In total, around 3,200
square meters of RAICO THERM+ H-I and THERM+ H-V
of excellence for windows and doors in the whole
that RAICO is among the partners of this unique
wooden curtain wall will be used, and the fabricator
of Asia, the China International Window City in
project, allowing it to continue to open up the
is Gaobeidian Shunda Moser Window & Door Co. Ltd.
Gaobeidian. Situated some 60 kilometers south of
important Chinese market. After all, the quality,
Boris Wang, the manager at Gaobeidian Shunda Moser
Peking, the 500,000 square-meter site is a unique
innovation and design of the door, window and
Window & Door Co. Ltd. responsible for the project
project, featuring a business park that resembles
curtain wall systems that RAICO has been developing
explains: “RAICO is an important partner for the China
Strong local partners: Albert
Inninger, Managing Director of
RAICO Bautechnik GmbH (on the
left) with Thomas Moser of Shunda
Moser Window & Door Co. Ltd. in the
China International Window City in
Gaobeidian. This is the largest center
of knowledge and expertise for doors
and windows in the whole of Asia.
objek tiv 2 2013
International Window City, and its high-insulation
window and curtain wall systems make it a perfect fit
for our focus on energy saving and the Passive House
standard.” The RAICO THERM+ wooden mullion-andtransom curtain walls were chosen because they provide
a tried-and-tested front-glazing method for any woodbased frameworks as of a width of 50 millimeters. The
fully consistent system technology reliably separates
the wood-based design levels from the functional
components, which are made up of aluminum sections
and seals. With its reduced view of the seals from the
inside, the THERM+ H-V wooden curtain wall is ideal
for particularly delicate and efficient suspended curtain
wall solutions, whereas the THERM+ H-I curtain wall
is especially suited to façades and glass roofs with an
inclination of up to two degrees.
Energy efficiency thanks to patented RAICO insulating
block technology
But it is not just their modular construction, high-
precision fit and extreme ease of use that make THERM+
wooden curtain walls from RAICO so attractive: With
Uf values of up to 0.80 W/(m²K) including the effect
of screws, they are setting new standards in thermal
insulation and energy efficiency. The THERM+ wooden
curtain wall system has no components that extend from
the exterior right into the wood structure. The entire
load chain, the transmission of loads from the glazing
elements of the THERM+ wooden curtain wall system
and the screwed joints in the wooden structure have
were supplied as prefabricated frames. These had
been approved by the building authorities and allow
already been fitted with split coupling mullions, base
glass with a thickness of anything between 4 and 64
profiles, internal seals and glass sustainers. On site, it was
millimeters and high glass weights to be installed.
then only necessary to join the elements, glaze them and
Fast, efficient handling
objek tiv 2 2013
Alongside Chinese companies,
Window City is particularly geared
towards German companies such as
RAICO Bautechnik GmbH. The quality,
innovation and design of the door,
window and curtain wall systems from
RAICO are setting new standards on the
Chinese market.
fit press strips. This approach ensures particularly quick,
efficient fabrication, which is especially important for the
When the office complex in Gaobeidian was built
China International Window City, whose rapid growth
between November 2012 and February 2013, the
reflects the entire Far East market.
Ni Shouqiang, Chairman of the
China International Window
City, gives some background
information on the door,
window and curtain wall center
in Gaobeidian and explains the
benefits for those involved.
“Unique trade and
exhibition platform”
Why was the China International
and door production such as wood-based
them a byword for quality, safety and
showcase their products and solutions
Window City established? What are
building materials, adhesives, glass,
reliability. The most recent developments
here. The costs for a dedicated exhibition
the aims of the project?
paint, sealing materials, door screens,
in the field of energy efficiency and
in the Window City are extremely low,
The China International Window City is
ventilation systems, sun protection,
thermal insulation are particularly
and the booths and presentation rooms
the largest trade and exhibition center
assembly equipment and many other
relevant in this context. Together with
are open 365 days a year. At the same
for doors, windows and curtain wall
our European partners, we combine this
time, the Window City is the preferred
knowledge with the production potential
center for doors and windows visited
its production facilities for domestic
Why do Chinese window and door
in this country to create a unique trade
by planners, architects and designers,
and foreign companies, its large
manufacturers such as Dongfang-
and exhibition platform. This platform
which makes it a hub for communication
exhibition center, its business park, a
Shunda rely mainly on German
provides ideal conditions for working
and knowledge transfer, and not least a
large number of storage and logistics
together to successfully open up the
lucrative marketplace. Not only that, the
facilities and other infrastructure, the
German expertise in the production
high-volume markets here.
Window City supports all the companies
China International Window City has
of doors and windows is unparalleled
two primary objectives: To showcase
anywhere in the world and offers an
What benefits does the Window City
and advertising activities,thus offering
innovative window, curtain wall and door
excellent basis for the manufacture and
offer for both local companies and
maximum visibility for a small
systems on site and to promote trade for
marketing of such systems here in the Far
their German partners?
investment. This ensures access to the
these products and solutions with a focus
East. The technology that underpins the
The China International Window City
Chinese market and provides a firm
on the Asia-Pacific region. It covers all the
solutions is mature and has proved itself
provides an ideal opportunity for both
foundation for successful growth in the
products and services related to window
in practice time and again, thus making
domestic and overseas companies to
systems in the whole of Asia. With
with a wide range of promotional
objek tiv 2 2013
New faculty
with a futuristic
Over the past two years, the new Faculty of Engineering and Computing
has been built at Coventry University, England. The 14,000 square-meter
facility will in future house a variety of lecture theaters, laboratories,
offices, seminar rooms, leisure rooms, conference rooms, a café, a wind
tunnel designed by the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 team, a Harrier jump
jet, a military helicopter and three flight simulators. The building was
designed by London architects Arup Associates and constructed by Vinci
Construction. For the façade, the fabricator Mero-Schmidlin used the
RAICO THERM+ H-I wooden mullion-and-transom curtain wall system.
The new six-story faculty has an impressive, futuristic look and also
meets the most stringent energy requirements for a modern, energyefficient and environmentally friendly building. This is underscored
by the award of the British BREEAM sustainability certificate
(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment
Method) with a rating of “outstanding“. You will be able to find
more information in future editions of OBJEKTIV.
The desk of…
At Behnisch Architects in Stuttgart,
you will search in vain for the office of
the bosses Stefan Rappold and Stefan
Behnisch. 47-year-old Rappold sits in the
midst of his colleagues in a four-person
work group. “In our previous offices, we
removed all the dividing walls during the
course of refurbishment. We have now
moved to new premises which never had
any dividing walls, and we just didn’t see
the need to fit any,” says Rappold, who has
been a partner in the Stuttgart-based firm
since January 2012. “There are no barriers, and
nobody has a special place.“ Even Rappold’s
desk is a simple, functional item made up of
a plywood top resting on an Eiermann frame.
This is home to spectacles, a laptop, a screen,
a phone, a camera, a sketchbook, a roll of
sketching paper, trade magazines, applications,
pens, business cards and a coffee cup. “And
everything else that people put on my desk and
I have to work through. It’s pretty full, but it is
organized chaos,“ Rappold suggests.
objek tiv 2 2013