Zeitschrift_2012-2 web.book - Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht


Zeitschrift_2012-2 web.book - Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
Bibliography of Academic Writings in the Field of
Chinese Law in Western Languages in 2011
Knut Benjamin Pißler/Sarah Möller1
The1bibliography of academic writings in the
field of Chinese law in western languages was first
published in the year 2003 in this journal
(Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht/Journal of Chinese Law). The bibliography aims to give readers
an overview on articles in academic journals, contributions to edited volumes, monographs and textbooks published in English or German in the field
of Chinese law. Writings in other western languages could only partly be considered.
Regarding relevant German-language literature, the issues 1 to 12 of the journal „Karlsruher
Juristische Bibliographie“ (KJB) of the year 2011
were screened for articles relating to Chinese Law.
Simultaneously the classification scheme of the KJB
was used as a model in this bibliography as follows:
Classification Scheme
I. Law and Jurisprudence (Recht und Rechtswissenschaft)
II. Legal and Constitutional History (Rechtsund Verfassungsgeschichte)
III. Private Law (Privatrecht)
1. In General (Allgemein)
2. General Part of the Civil Code (Allgemeiner
Teil des Zivilrechts)
3. Law of Obligations (Schuldrecht)
11. Conflicts of Laws, Uniform Private Law
(Internationales Privatrecht, Einheitsrecht)
IV. Judicial System, Practice and Procedure,
Civil Procedure (Gerichtsverfassung, allgemeines
Prozessrecht und Zivilprozess)
V. Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (Strafrecht und Strafverfahren)
VI. Theory of the State, Sociology, Politics
(Staats- und Gesellschaftslehre, Politik)
VII. Public Law and Constitutional Law (Staatsund Verfassungsrecht)
VIII. Administrative Law (Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht)
IX. Administrative Law – Individual Branches
(Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht)
X. Economic Legislation (Wirtschaftsrecht)
XI. Traffic Laws (Verkehrsrecht)
XII. Financial Laws and Taxation (Finanz- und
XIII. Labor Law (Arbeitsrecht)
5. Family Law (Familienrecht)
XIV. Social Legislation (Sozialrecht)
6. Law of Succession (Erbrecht)
XV. Public International Law (Völkerrecht)
8. Insurance (Privatversicherungsrecht)
Dr. iur. Benjamin Knut Pissler, research associate at the Max-PlanckInstitute for Comparative and Private International Law in Hamburg (Email:
pissler@mpipriv.de). Sarah Möller is studying Sinology at the University
of Hamburg and was doing an internship at the Max-Planck-Institute in
March 2012.
10. Unfair Competition, Trademarks, Anti-trust
Legislation (Wettbewerbs- und Warenzeichenrecht,
4. Law of Property (Sachenrecht)
7. Business Organisations (Gesellschaftsrecht)
9. Industrial Property, Copyright and Publishing (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Urheber- und
XVI. Legal Informatics and Legal Information
Science (Rechtsinformatik und juristische Informationswissenschaft)
Inside this classification scheme the titles of the
contributions are listed in alphabetic order of the
authors. Abbreviations are not utilized in order to
facilitate the use of this bibliography by international readers.
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
Concerning English-language literature we
mainly focused on periodicals and books available
at the library of the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (MPI) in
Hamburg. The catalogue of the library of the MPI is
available via the homepage of the institute at
www.mpipriv.de (OPAC). Besides we scrutinized
fee-charging databases like Westlaw, LexisNexis,
Juris and Beck-Online for relevant articles.
We admit that this bibliography is not comprehensively including all literature in western languages on Chinese law published in the year 2011.
Readers are explicitly encouraged to remind us of
pieces we left unnoticed.2 We will include these in
the next bibliography to be published in the second
issue of this journal in the year 2013.
I. Law and Jurisprudence
Almén, Oscar
implementation: The case of environmental laws.
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 143 et seq.
Biddulph, Sarah
The production of legal norms: A case study of
administrative detention in China.
In: Keller, Perry (ed.), The citizen and the Chinese
state. – Farnham: Ashgate 2011, p. 213 et seq.
Brandt, Jordan/Cole, Elizabeth/Edelberg, Paul B.
[and others]
2010 Regional and Comparative Law: China.
In: International Lawyer, Vol. 45 (2011), p. 487 et seq.
Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.)
Making Law Work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell
University Press 2011.
Burell, Mattias
Policy dilution and equity problems: Implementing
housing policy in China.
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 335 et seq.
Cai, Yanmin/Pottenger J.L.
The “Chinese Characteristics” of clinical legal
In: Bloch, Frank (ed.), The global clinical movement:
Educating lawyers for social justice. – Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2011, p. 87 et seq.
Chen, Albert H.Y.
Socialist law, civil law, common law, and the
classification of contemporary Chinese law.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 306
et seq.
Chen, Albert H.Y.
The developing theory of law and market economy
in contemporary China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 105 et seq.
Clarke, Donald C.
Legislating for a market economy in China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 121 et seq.
Clarke, Donald C.
The Chinese legal system since 1995: steady
development and striking continuities.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and
institutions of modern China: Chinese Law and
Institutions in the Twenty-First Century. – London:
Routledge 2011, p. 368 et seq.
DeBona, Michael
Letting a hundred transgenic flowers blossom: The
future of genetically modified agriculture in the
People's Republic of China.
In: Villanova Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 22
(2011), p. 89
Deva, Surya
The role of law in Hong Kong’s (de)colonisation – a
critical narrative.
In: Juridikum 2010 (No.3), p. 300 et seq.
Deng, Annie
Dousing the flames: The Tang Fu Zhen selfimmolation incident and urban land takings reform
in the People's Republic of China.
In: Southern California Interdisciplinary Law
Journal, Vol. 20 (2011), p. 585 et seq.
2 Especially, we are thanking all participants of the discussion group
„Chinalaw“ in the internet (see http://donclarke.net/chinalaw/
index.htm) for their input making this bibliography more complete.
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
Dicks, Anthony R.
Compartmentalized law and judicial restraint: an
inductive view of some jurisdictional barriers to
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal institutions of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 73
et seq.
Gallagher, Mary E./Wang, Yuhua
Users and non-users: Legal experience and its effect
on legal consciousness.
In: Woo, Margaret Y.K./Gallagher, Mary E. (eds.),
Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in
Contemporary China. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2011, p. 204 et seq.
Grob, Douglas B.
Legalizing the local state: Administrative “legality”
at China’s grassroots.
In: Woo, Margaret Y.K./Gallagher, Mary E. (eds.),
Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in
Contemporary China. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2011, p. 91 et seq.
He, Weifang
China's legal profession: the nascence and growing
pains of a professionalized legal class.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal institutions of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 228
et seq.
Heydén, Håkan
Putting law in context: Some remarks on the
implementation of law in China.
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 69 et seq.
Ji, Weidong
"To take the law as the public": the diversification of
society and legal discourse in contemporary China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 256
et seq.
Jones, William C.
Trying to understand the current Chinese legal
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 275
et seq.
Keller, Perry (ed.)
Law and the market economy in China. – Farnham:
Ashgate 2011, p. 37 et seq.
Keller, Perry (ed.)
The citizen and the Chinese state. – Farnham:
Ashgate 2011.
LaForge, Clayton D.
The silver lining in the red giant: China’s residential
mortgage laws promote temperance among the
surging middle class.
In: University of Richmond Law Review, Vol. 45
(2011), p. 1231 et seq.
Lagerkvist, Johan
The legitimacy of law in China: The case of “black
internet cafés”
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 267 et seq.
Landry, Pierre F.
The impact of nationalist and Maoist legacies on
popular trust in legal institutions.
In: Woo, Margaret Y.K./Gallagher, Mary E. (eds.),
Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in
Contemporary China. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2011, p. 139 et seq.
Landsberg, Brian K.
Promoting social justice values and reflective legal
practice in Chinese law schools.
In: Pacific McGeorge Global Business &
Development Law Journal, Vol. 24 (2011), p. 107 et
Landsberg, Brian K.
Walking on two legs in Chinese law schools: A
Chinese/U.S. program in experiential legal
In: International Journal of Clinical Legal Education,
Vol. 15 (2011), p. 38 et seq.
Lee, Tahirih V.
Media products as law: The mass media as enforcers
and sources of law in China.
In: Denver Journal of International Law, Vol. 39
(2011), p. 437 et seq.
Leng, Shao-Chuan
The role of law in the People’s Republic of China as
reflecting Mao Tse-Tung's influence.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 133
et seq.
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
Li, Victor H.
The role of law in communist China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 91
et seq.
Myers, Eleanor W.
The challenges and opportunities of importing and
exporting experiential education to China. [re: legal
In: McGeorge Law Review, Vol. 42 (2011), p. 825 et
Liebman, Benjamin
A populist threat to China’s courts?
In: Woo, Margaret Y.K./Gallagher, Mary E. (eds.),
Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in
Contemporary China. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2011, p. 269 et seq.
Michelson, Ethan/Read, Benjamin L.
Public attitudes toward official justice in Beijing and
rural China.
In: Woo, Margaret Y.K./Gallagher, Mary E. (eds.),
Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in
Contemporary China. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2011, p. 169 et seq.
Liebman, Benjamin
A return to populist legality? Historical legacies and
legal reform.
In: Heilmann, Sebastian/Perry, Elizabeth J., Mao's
invisible hand. – Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Asia
Center 2011, p. 165 et seq.
Liebman, Benjamin
Assessing China's legal reforms.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 64 et seq.
Liu, Sida
With or without the law: The changing meaning of
ordinary legal work in China, 1979-2003.
In: Woo, Margaret Y.K./Gallagher, Mary E. (eds.),
Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in
Contemporary China. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2011, p. 234 et seq.
Lubman, Stanley
The study of Chinese law in the United States:
reflections on the past and concerns about the future.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 360
et seq.
Lubman, Stanley
Understanding China through Chinese law.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 3 et seq.
Minzner, Carl F.
Riots and cover-ups: Counterproductive control of
local agents in China.
In: Keller, Perry (ed.), The citizen and the Chinese
state. – Farnham: Ashgate 2011, p. 397 et seq.
Minzner, Carl F.
China's Turn Against Law.
In: American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 59
(2011), No. 4, p. 935 et seq.
O'Brien, Roderick
Towards a legal professional community in China.
In: Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 41 (2011), p. 573 et
Pei, Minxin
Is China's transition trapped and what should the
West do about it?
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 347 et seq.
Peerenboom, Randall
Are China’s legal reforms stalled?
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 357 et seq.
Peerenboom, Randall
Assessing implementation of law in China: What is
the standard?
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 33 et seq.
Peerenboom, Randall
Economic development and the development of the
legal profession in China.
In: Woo, Margaret Y.K./Gallagher, Mary E. (eds.),
Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution in
Contemporary China. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2011, p. 114 et seq.
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
Peerenboom, Randall
Ruling the country in accordance with law:
reflections on the rule and role of law in
contemporary China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 160
et seq.
Peerenboom, Randall
What’s wrong with Chinese rights? Toward a theory
of rights with Chinese characteristics.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 229
et seq.
Potter, Pitman B.
Legal reform in China: institutions, culture, and
selective adaptation.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 35 et seq.
Qin, Julia Ya
Trade, investment and beyond: The impact of WTO
accession on China’s legal system.
In: Keller, Perry (ed.), Law and the market economy
in China. – Farnham: Ashgate 2011, p. 265 et seq.
Rooij, Benjamin van
Regulating land and pollution at lake Dianchi:
Compliance and enforcement in a Chinese and
comparative perspective.
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 367 et seq.
Ruskola, Teemu
Law without law, or is “Chinese law” an oxymoron?
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 327
et seq.
Sapio, Flora
Twists and turns: Anticorruption law in Beijing.
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 297 et seq.
Scheil, Jörg-Michael
Vertrauen in der chinesischen Rechtswirklichkeit.
In: Zeitschrift für chinesisches Recht 2011, p. 1 et seq.
Svensson, Marina
Cultural heritage protection in the People’s Republic
of China: Preservation policies, institutions, laws,
and enforcement in Zhejiang.
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 225 et seq.
Svensson, Marina
Making law work in China.
In: Burell, Mattias/Svensson, Marina (eds.), Making
law work in China. – Ithaca: Cornell University
Press 2011, p. 1 et seq.
Tay, Alice Erh-Soon/Kamenka, Eugene
Law, legal theory and legal education in the People's
Republic of China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 197
et seq.
Tucker, Micaela
“Guanxi!” - “Gesundheit!” An alternative view on
the “rule of law” panacea in China.
In: Vermont Law Review, Vol. 35 (2011), p. 689 et
Upham, Frank K.
Reflections on the Rule of Law in China.
In: National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol. 6
(2011), p. 251 et seq.
Webster, Timothy
Introducing the China jurist series. [introducing a
translation of the article “Initial research on the
malfunctions of the criminal process” by CHEN
Ruihua, see infra at V]
In: Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 20 (2011),
p. 355 et seq.
Yu, Guanghua (ed.)
The development of the Chinese legal system:
Change and challenges. – London: Routledge 2011.
Zeng, Jianyi
Legal education in China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal institutions of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 240
et seq.
Zhang, Lihong
The Latest Developments in the Codification of
Chinese Civil Law.
In: Keller, Perry (ed.), Obligations and property
rights in China. – Farnham: Ashgate 2011, p. 1 et seq.
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
Zhu, Sanzhu
Introduction: Modern Chinese law and institutions
sixty years on.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 1 et
II. Legal and Constitutional History (Rechtsund Verfassungsgeschichte)
Alford, William P.
A second Great Wall? China’s post-cultural
revolution project of legal construction.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 70
et seq.
Chen, Shouyi
A review of thirty years of legal studies in new
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 343
et seq.
Chen, Tsung-Fu
Transplant of civil code in Japan, Taiwan, and China:
With the focus of legal evolution.
In: National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol. 6
(2011), p. 389 et seq.
Heuser, Robert
Entwicklungen in der chinesischen Rechtstheorie
(falixue/ 法理学 ), 1949-2009.
In: Zeitschrift für chinesisches Recht 2011, p. 177 et
Ho, Norman P.
The legal philosophy of Zhu Xi (1130-1200) and NeoConfucianism’s possible contributions to modern
Chinese legal reform.
In: Tsinghua China Law Review, Vol. 3 (2011), p. 167
et seq.
Qiang Fang/Des Forges, Roger
Were Chinese rulers above the law? Toward a theory
of the rule of law in China from early times to 1949
In: Keller, Perry (ed.), The citizen and the Chinese
state. – Farnham: Ashgate 2011, p. 1 et seq.
Su, Chen
The establishment and development of the Chinese
economic legal system in the past sixty years.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 81 et seq.
Wagner, Richard K.
Alternatives to magistrate justice: Merchant guild
dispute resolution and the foreign trader driven
litigation and arbitration reforms of late Imperial
and early Republican China.
In: The Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 4, Issue 2
(2009), p. 257 et seq.
Wu, Jianfan
Building new China's legal system.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Legal development of the People’s
Republic of China. – London: Routledge 2011, p. 37
et seq.
Zhang, Taisu
Property rights in land, agriculture capitalism, and
the relative decline of preindustrial China.
In: San Diego International Law Journal, Vol. 13
(2011), p. 129 et seq.
III. Private Law (Privatrecht)
1. In General (Allgemein)
Jones, William C.
Some questions regarding the significance of the
general provisions of civil law of the People’s
Republic of China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Constitution and basic laws of the
People’s Republic of China. – London: Routledge
2011, p. 154 et seq.
Keller, Perry (ed.)
Obligations and property rights in China. –
Farnham: Ashgate 2011.
Tong, Rou
The general principles of civil law of the PRC: its
birth, characteristics, and role.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Constitution and basic laws of the
People’s Republic of China. – London: Routledge
2011, p. 129 et seq.
Wang, Hao
Protecting privacy in China: A research on Chinas
privacy standards and the possibility of establishing
the right to privacy and the information privacy
protection legislation in modern China. – Berlin:
Springer 2011.
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
Zhang, Shu
Zivilrechtliche Kodifikationsbemühungen in der
Europäischen Gemeinschaft und in der VR China im
Vergleich. – Frankfurt am Main: Lang 2011.
2. General Part of the Civil Code (Allgemeiner
Teil des Zivilrechts)
Li, Yuwen
A critical examination of the legal environment for
social organisations in China.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Chinese Law and Institutions in the
Twenty-First Century. – London: Routledge 2011,
p. 199 et seq.
Simon, Karla W.
Developing Issues in the Regulation of Public Benefit
Organisations in Japan and China.
In: McGreogor-Lowndes, Myles/O’Halloran, Kerry
developments and future directions. – Cheltenham
(Glous): Edward Elgar Publishers, 2011, p. 128 et seq.
Simon, Karla W.
The regulation of civil society organizations in
In: International Journal of Civil Society Law 2010,
p. 55 et seq.
3. Law of Obligations (Schuldrecht)
Binding, Jörg/Eisenberg, Claudius
Das neue Produkthaftungsrecht der VR China – alter
Wein in neuen Schläuchen?
In: Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft 2011, p. 511
et seq.
Bollweg, Hans-Georg/Doukoff, Norman/Jansen,
Das neue chinesische Haftpflichtgesetz.
In: Zeitschrift für chinesisches Recht 2011, p. 91 et
Brüggemeier, Gert
European civil liability law outside Europe: The
example of the big three: China, Brazil, Russia.
In: Journal of European Tort Law 2011, p. 1 et seq.
Brüggemeier, Gert
Modernising civil liability law in Europe, China,
Brazil and Russia: Texts and commentaries. –
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 2011.
Bu, Yuanshi
Kodifikation des chinesischen Delikthaftungsrechts:
Übersicht und kritische Fragen.
In: Zeitschrift für Europarecht, internationales
Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung 2010, p. 218 et
Bublick, Ellen M.
China's new tort law: The promise of reasonable
In: Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 13
(2011), p. 36 et seq.
Castellana, Tina M.
Unconventional remedies: The feasibility of a private
recall remedy in the People's Republic of China.
In: Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Vol. 37
(2011), p. 233 et seq.
Christ, Sebastian
Vertragsfreiheit in China: ein Vergleich zwischen
chinesischem und deutschem Vertragsrecht. –
Hamburg: Diplomica Verl. 2011.
Geyer, Matthias
Grenzüberschreitende Bürgschaftsverträge nach
dem Recht der Volksrepublik China, unter
besonderer Berücksichtigung der SAFE-Regeln.
In: Transportrecht 2011, p. 106 et seq.
Glück, Ulrike
Habermeier, Stefan/Flohr, Eckard, Handbuch des
Vertriebsrechts. München: C.H. Beck, 3. Aufl. 2010,
§ 72 (e-book).
Huck, Winfried
Überblick zu aktuellen Entwicklungen des
Verbraucherschutzrechts in der VR China.
In: Huck, Winfried (ed.), Europäisches und
chinesisches Verbraucherschutzrecht im Fokus.
Erstes Symposium des Instituts für Europäisches
und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, 30. Juni 2010,
Braunschweig. – Hamburg: Kova 2011, p. 119 et seq.
Lee, Ning-Hsiu
Das Verbraucherinformationsgesetz aus der Sicht
des Rechts auf Zugang zu Verbraucherinformationen: Eine Untersuchung mit Vergleich der
entsprechenden Rechtsnormen in Taiwan. –
Münster: LIT Verlag 2011.
Pißler, Knut Benjamin
Bibliographie 2011, ZChinR 2012
In: Zeitschrift für chinesisches Recht 2011, p. 14 et
Pißler, Knut Benjamin
„Kaufverträge“ über Immobilien in China. Das
Oberste Volksgericht tritt für die Rechte der
Immobilienerwerber ein und weist Bauträger in die
In: Zeitschrift für chinesisches Recht 2011, p. 116 et
Söbbing, Thomas
Besonderheiten des chinesischen Softwarerechts für
die Gestaltung von IT-Verträgen.
In: Der IT-Rechtsberater 2011, p. 45 et seq.
Wang, Liming/Xu, Chuanxi
Fundamental principles of China’s contract law.
In: Zhu Sanzhu (ed.), Law and institutions of
modern China: Constitution and basic laws of the
People’s Republic of China. – London: Routledge
2011, p. 307 et seq.
Xi, Chao/Yang, Lixin
Medical liability laws in China: The tale of two
In: Tort Law Review, Vol. 19 (2011), p. 65 et seq.
Xu, Junke
Who will protect Chinese consumers? The past,
present and future of consumer protection
legislation in China.
In: Loyola Consumer Law Review, Vol. 24 (2011),
p. 22 et seq.
Zhang, Hang
Rechtsanwendungsprobleme beim Werklieferungsvertrag nach der Schuldrechtsreform und mögliche
Konsequenzen für das chinesische Vertragsrecht. –
Göttingen: Sierke 2011.
Luo, Jing
Die Hypothek – eine rechtsvergleichende
Betrachtung im chinesischen und deutschen Recht. –
Berlin: dissertation.de 2011.
Pils, Eva
Chinese Property Law as an Image of PRC History.
In: Keller, Perry (ed.), Obligations and property
rights in China. – Farnham: Ashgate 2011, p. 443 et
Potter, Pitman B.
Public regulation of private relations: changing
conditions of property regulation in China.
In: Yu, Guanghua (ed.), The development of the
Chinese legal system: Change and challenges. –
London: Routledge 2011, p. 51 et seq.
Rehm, Gebhard M./Julius, Hinrich
The new Chinese property rights law: An evaluation
from a continental perspective.
In: Keller, Perry (ed.), Obligations and property
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VI. Theory of the State, Sociology, Politics
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VII. Public Law and Constitutional Law (Staatsund Verfassungsrecht)
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China’s legislation law and the making of a more
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Zhang, Qianfan
A constitution without constitutionalism? The paths
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Yu, Xingzhong
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IX. Administrative Law – Individual Branches
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Risk and ethical governance of nano-convergence
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In: Asian Journal of WTO & International Health
Law & Policy, Vol. 6 (2011), p. 235 et seq.
Eko, Lyombe/Kumar, Anup/Yao, Qingjiang
Google this: The Great Firewall of China, the IT
wheel of India, Google Inc., and internet regulation.
In: Journal of Internet Law 2011, Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 3 et
Farber, Daniel A.
The challenge of climate change adaption: Learning
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Josephs, Hilary K.
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Lackner, Hendrik/Lackner, Ying
Die neuen chinesischen Enteignungsvorschriften für
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Lan, Hong
Water pollution and regulatory cooperation in
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Lin, Jolene
Environmental law and policy in China: responding
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Liu, Chenglin
Is “USDA organic” a seal of deceit? The pitfalls of
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Münzel, Frank
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Einführende Anmerkungen zum Stadt- und
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Nagle, John Copeland
How much should China pollute?
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Percival, Robert V.
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Roberts, Michael T.
A perspective on emerging law, consumer trust and
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Schneider, Keith/Turner, Jennifer L./Jaffe, Aaron
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(2011), p. 713 et seq.
Wu, Hsing-Hao
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Zhang, Hao
China’s low carbon strategy: The role of renewable
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Zhi, Jane
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X. Economic Legislation (Wirtschaftsrecht)
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Grenzüberschreitende Bürgschaftsverträge nach
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Hsueh, Roselyn
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Huang, Robin Hui
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Brugger, Christian/Reith, Björn
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