

Volume2 Edition 3
Dear Readers!
Special Topic:
DAAD‘s interview on
Dialogue with Islam
Page 1 – 2
NEW: DAAD Master &
Doctoral Scholarships
2013/2014 and
Page 2
Interfaith &
Intercultural Dialogue
Page 3 – 4
Strengthening Early
Independent Research
Page 4
Information from
Alumni Medan (FKIJ)
Page 5
German Universities
promote themselves
Page 6
DAAD Webinar
June 11th:
Master Programmes
It‘s already May 2013 and we have said good bye to all our new research
scholarship awardees. We wish them good luck in pursuing a higher education
in Germany and we hope you all have a good read of our third edition of the
DAAD Jakarta Newsletter!
Earlier in April 2013, DAAD Jakarta announced the call
for application of its Public Policy and Good Governance
scholarships. The Development Related Postgraduate
Courses have also been opened for all professionals
who hold an undergraduate degree which is not older
than 6 years and who are interested in continuing their
studies in Germany. We hope to receive lots of
interesting applications and may the best applicants be
awarded scholarship grants in accordance with their
particular study interests.
Besides scholarships news, the German Indonesian Interfaith Dialogues as well
as dialogue topics concerning DAAD alumni might be interesting for all the loyal
DAAD Newsletter readers. Hopefully, this newsletter will help all of you find
whatever information you need. We are looking forward to your comments and
Kind regards,
Dr. Irene Jansen
DAAD‘s interview on Dialogue with Islam
Participate in
July 11th:
May 2013
5th: Studying pportunities
for Indonesian lecturers
24th: Proposal writing
seminar for postgraduates
28th: Studying Music in
For registration and
information, send an email
DAAD: Political and
diplomatic relations
between Germany and
Indonesia are very well
established. Why do we
need an interfaith dialogue?
Both our countries
are culturally and
nations. Hence it has
been the initiative of
President Yudhoyono
to enlarge the broad
bilateral relations by
an interfaith dialogue.
Foreign Ministry has
“Dialogue with Islam”
since 2002 as a new
focus of our foreign
policy with Muslim
majority countries, we
have welcomed this
Botschafter Kreft:
Education, including
religious education, is
pivotal to overcome
“the other“ and at the
same time to diffuse
tensions in religiously
and culturally diverse
countries. This holds
countries of the world,
including Indonesia.
DAAD: Why has the
It has been confirmed
topic of education been
chosen as the main focus scholars and particiof this third interfaith
pants of the dialogue
dialogue conference?
Jakarta Newsletter
Page 2
that investing in education is and priorities of the Arab world
crucial for maintaining peace and other countries with a majorbetween the different religious ity population of Muslims. Why
and ethnic groups. Special are such cooperation projects of
attention should be given to special interest to Germany?
and the between its difpromote curricula
interfaith dialogue
Botschafter Kreft: The Arab
world is part of our direct
neighbourhood. The situation
DAAD: The Foreign Office has in Arab countries has immeinitiated a special funding diate influence on Germany
scheme worth 400 million Euros. and Europe as a whole.
The idea is to support innovative Therefore Germany and
cooperation projects that lend Europe have a great interest
themselves to the new structures to assist those countries,
who are in the process of
transforming, to be successful in their efforts to create
more democratic, more
pluralistic and more inclusive
societies. We are convinced
that this is, at least in the
medium term, the best option
to create stability in our
southern neighbourhood so
that the Mediterranean can
become again a sea of partnership and cooperation and
not a borderline.
With the Arab Spring, parties
of political Islam have taken
over political responsibility.
Many Egyptians and Tunisians, for example, take
Turkey as their role model for
political and economic
development. Indonesia
would be at least as much of
a suitable model and thus
worthwhile to look at, in
particular for a country like
Egypt, with its 90 percent
Muslims and 10% Christian
population. Indonesia is
known for its moderate Islam
and its efforts to further
NEW: DAAD Master & Doctoral Scholarships 2013/2014 and Fellowships
Currently DAAD Jakarta has 3 scholarship offers and several fellowship offers. For all DAAD friends
who are interested to continue studies and want to attain a Master Degree or a Doctoral Degree, please
read the information below and apply for a full scholarship from DAAD!
Master‘s scholarship for
Public Policy and Good
Doctoral scholarship for
Postgraduate Courses
At eight universities in Germany
For further information, see here
At three universities in Germany
For further information, see here
Master‘s scholarship for
Postgraduate Course
Graduate School
Scholarship Programme
At 30 universities in Germany
For further information, see here
At 30 universities in Germany
For further information, see here
BGHS Visiting Fellowships
At Bielefeld Graduate School in
History and Sociology
For further information, see here
Sustainable Water
Management Summer
School 2013
At Ilmenau University of
For further information, see here
Page 3
Jakarta Newsletter
Indonesia-Germany Interfaith & Intercultural Dialogue
Pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2012 Dr.
Noorhaidi Hasan dari Fakultas Syariah dan
Hukum Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan
Kalijaga di Yogyakarta dan Prof. Dr. Irene
Schneider dari Fakultas Humaniora Universitas
Memorandum of Understanding antara kedua
universitas. Penandatanganan tersebut
merupakan hasil dari proses yang berlangsung
selama kira-kira dua setengah tahun, mulai
dengan konferensi “First Indonesia-Germany
Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue“ yang
dilaksanakan pada Juni 2010 di UIN Sunan
K a l i j a g a .
tersebut merupakan
tahap baru dalam
oleh DAAD dalam
“Dialogue with the
Islamic world“.
Untuk tahun
2013 sudah ada
yang meliputi dua
bidang, yakni pendidikan dan riset
ilmiah. Di bidang riset kedua pihak merencanakan dua konferensi, satu di Jerman pada tanggal
22 – 24 Mai dan satu di Indonesia pada bulan
November. Dalam rangka konferensi pertama
sepuluh orang pakar dari Yogyakarta berangkat
ke Jerman, termasuk lima orang post-doc dan
lima orang yang masih menulis skripsi di
tingkatan lebih rendah (S1 dan S2). Mereka
semua akan mendiskusikan makalah dan
berpartisipasi dengan pakar dari Jerman di
konferensi dan di sebuah workshop. Topiknya
adalah ”Islamic Gender Discourse and Legal
Thought“. Konferensi di Yogyakarta akan
bertema „Islamic Law and Legal Order“. Di
samping kedua konferensi tersebut kedua pihak
berencana mengadakan pertukaran dosen dan
mahasiswa. Pada tahun 2013 satu mahasiswa
On October 2nd, 2012 Dr. Noorhaidi Hasan
from the Faculty of Sharia and Law Islamic State
University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga in Yogyakarta
and Prof. Dr. Irene Schneider from the Faculty of
Humanity University Göttingen Germany signed
a Memorandum of Understanding between the
both universities. The signing of the MoU is a
result of an on-going process for the past two
and a half years; initiated after the conference
“First Indonesia-Germany Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue” which was held in June 2010
at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This ceremony was also
a new stage of the co-operation between
Göttingen and Yogyakarta. This co-operation
is fully supported by
DAAD hence it is in the
framework of “Dialogue
with the Islamic world.”
For the year
2013 a complete project
has been planned encompassing two fields,
namely education and
scientific research. In
the research field both
parties plan to hold two
conferences, one in
Germany, it will be held
on May 22nd to 24th and
the other will be held in
Indonesia in November. For the first conference
ten experts from Yogyakarta will come to
Germany, including five post-Docs and five
students which are currently writing their final
paper for their undergraduate and graduate
degrees (S1 and S2). They all will be discussing
their papers and participating together with the
experts from Germany in that conference and
workshop. The topic will be “Islamic Gender
Discourse and Legal Thought”. The conference in
Yogyakarta has the topic “Islamic Law and Legal
Order”. Besides holding the two conferences,
both parties plan to have an exchange of lecturers
and students.
Hier das Thema „Im Brennpunkt“
Jakarta Newsletter
Page 4
akan berangkat ke Jerman selama
lima bulan dan satu mahasiswa
Jerman juga akan datang ke Indonesia selama lima bulan. Selama di
negera tamu, kami akan mempraktekkan sistem tandem, maksudnya
adalah tamunya bekerja sama
dengan seorang mahasiswa dari
universitas tuan rumah. Dengan cara
begini kami ingin mendukung dialog
dan riset lintas budaya. Kami juga
merencanakan pertukaran dosendosen jangka pendek pada tahun
2014. Dan dalam jangka waktu tiga
tahun, kedua pihak mencoba
mendirikan double degree di jalur
hukum Islam. Untuk memudahkan pertukaran mahasiswa dan
dosen, pihak Göttingen sudah memulai
dengan pendidikan bahasa
Indonesia. Dalam kursus pertama 13
mahasiswa sudah menyelesaikan
tahap pertama pendidikan bahasa
Indonesia dari dua tahap. Hasil riset
yang diraih dalam proses kerja sama
antara Göttingen dan Yogyakarta
akan dipublikasikan dalam seri yang
akan dihasilkan bersama dengan
nama “Studies in
Islamic Philosophy and Law”. Selain itu makalah
dan skripsi-skripsi kecil rencananya
akan dipublikasikan dalam bentuk
seri elektronik yang terpisah.
Semua kegiatan dalam rangka
kerjasama antara Göttingen dan
Yogyakarta diharapkan1. membangun
dialog antara budaya, 2. tertuju
kepada modernisasi pendidikan dan
riset, 3. promosi riset di bidang
Islamic Studies, 4.mendukung
perkembangan generasi ilmiah yang
baru, dan 5. mendirikan network
ilmuwan dan universitas antara
Jerman dan Indonesia di bidang
Islamic Studies.
In 2013 one Indonesian
student will go to Germany for five
months and one German student will
come to Indonesia for five months.
During the stay at the host country,
we will practice the tandem system,
meaning the guest student will work
together with one of the host students.
By doing this we would like to encourage dialogues and research
between cultures. We also plan to exchange short term lecturers in 2014.
And it is expected that in the period of
three years both parties can establish
a double degree in the study course
of Islamic Law. To ease the exchange
of students and lecturers, University
Göttingen has started Bahasa Indonesian course. In the first course
thirteen students have completed the
first level from two levels offered. Research results obtained in the cooperation between Göttingen and
Yogyakarta will be published in a
series called “Studies in Islamic
Philosophy and Law”. Besides that,
the working papers and final papers
will also be published in a separate
digital series.
All activities in the framework
of co-operation between Göttingen
and Yogyakarta is expected to
1.establish dialogue between cultures,
2. enhance and modernize education
and research, 3. promote research in
the field of Islamic Studies, 4. support
the advancement of new generation
scientist, and 5. establish a scientist
network and university network
between Germany and Indonesia in
the field of Islamic Studies.
The new Helmholz
Postdoc Programme is
targeted at young
researchers who are
either about to complete or already have
completed their doctorate less than one
year ago at a German
or foreign research
institution. It aims to
promote early independent research
and develop academic
excellence. Two to
three years funding will
give junior researchers
the opportunity to work
independently on a
subject of their choice
immediately after completing their doctorate.
Interested in this opportunity, for more
Page 5
Jakarta Newsletter
Information from Alumni Medan (FKIJ)
DAAD’s director Dr. Irene
Jansen’s, former rector of Ilmenau
University of Technology Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Heinrich
Kern’s and former rector Swiss
German University Jakarta Prof.
Dr. Peter Al. Pscheid‘s visit to
Medan for two days brought up to
date information to the people of
North Sumatera about study and
research opportunities in Germany.
“The visit of DAAD’s director and
the delegation of Ilmenau University of Technology Germany indicate that the city Medan is receiving great attention from the
German representatives’ institutions”, says head of the Indonesian
Germany Communication Forum
(FKIJ) Binaman Kasan. Dipl.Inform. Univ.
Changes and Contribution of
In her presentation, Jansen conveyed that DAAD is an organization that supports international cooperation of academics between
Germany and various countries of
the world. In the past years, DAAD
has contributed between 700 and
900 scholarships per year for the
exchange of students and academicians from Germany and
DAAD was initially established in
Heidelberg in 1925, Jansen said,
with the purpose to internationalize
German universities and German
research. In Germany there are
over 300 high-quality universities
with great international reputation.
She emphasized that in order to
receive a scholarship grant from
DAAD, not only the formal prerequisites such as GPA score and
TOEFL must be fulfilled, but preparation for the interview must also
be taken seriously. Many candidates fail to receive a scholarship
because of the lack of preparation
for the interview.
Binaman’s impression of this dele-
gation visit is that Germany really
welcomes students and academicians from the region Sumatera to
study and research in Germany.
During this visit it was also
mentioned that at Ilmenau University alone, around 50 students and
academicians are Indonesians who
are studying and conducting
research in Germany. According to
Binaman as the former director of
education and training in the field
of “Computer Assisted Learning”
and as an observer of education
technology, the information mentioned above indicates astonishing
interests among Indonesians to
study in Germany. In just one university, one can find up to fifty
International Degree
An important issue that the public
as well as the Indonesian society
must be aware of is that universities in Germany that used to offer
academic degrees such as the
German “Diplom” or abbreviated
“Dipl.-“. nowadays offer degrees
such as B.Sc. and B.A. (Bachelor
of Science and Bachelor of Arts) as
well as Master degrees (M.Sc. and
M.A.); this applies to Ilmenau University in Germany.
The alumni and I highly appreciate
this policy which is also supported
by DAAD. DAAD welcomes such
internationally recognized degrees
and internationally relevant curricula as well as Double Degrees.
This internationalization process
among the universities in Germany has
a substantial meaning which effects he
equality of graduate
German universities.
Diplom (Univ. Dipl.-)
is now acknowledged as a Master
degree (M.Sc./M.A.) or Sarjana S2
(Strata-2) in Indonesia. The Doctor/
PhD/S3 degrees that are awarded
by German universities are still
called Dr.-Ing. / Dr. rer. nat / Dr.
rer. Pol. and so forth. With these
changes, international recognition
of German degrees will be a lot
easier. It will no longer raise questions how to deal with a degree
from Germany. That is very important for Indonesian alumni. As an
alumnus myself, I have experienced this dreadful situation where
it was difficult to have my degree
acknowledged. Therefore we as
DAAD alumni are pleased with this
With the new cooperation between
DAAD and DIKTI through the IGSP
(Indonesia German Scholarship
Program) signed in December
2011, we hope that the awareness
for the transferability of German
degrees will be increased even
I am pleased with the cooperation
and communication with DAAD
Jakarta and the German enterprises and institutions in Indonesia.
I hope this message was useful to
Greetings from,
Medan- Sumatra Utara
Author: Binaman Kasan
- Founder & Chairman FKIJ - Forum Communication
German Indonesian Contact email: binaman.kasan@
German Universities Promote themselves
In our next edition:
Updates on DAAD
scholarship programmes
DAAD‘s third Quarterly
Letters to the editor: How
was our Webinars and
social medias
DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas II 14th Fl.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.
61-62 Jakarta 12190
If you don‘t wish to receive
any further issues of our
newsletter, please send an
email to
with the subject „unsub“
Dr. Irene Jansen
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