ZIRF-Counselling-Formular für Individualanfragen:
ZIRF-Counselling-Formular für Individualanfragen:
IOM International Organization for Migration IOM Internationale Organisation für Migration ZIRF- Counselling Form for Individual Enquiries 1. Enquiring agency data Enquiring agency Name of advisor Contact information for enquiring agency Federal state in which enquiring agency is located (important) 2. Personal data of person on whose behalf the enquiry is conducted Age Gender Ethnic origin Country of origin Destination Final destination (city, village) Occupation Professional qualifications 28 F Serbia Macedonia Veles 3. Sphere: Health care 4. Individual Enquiry: Background Information: The returnee suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic attacks and a severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms. She has been receiving out-patient treatment for PTSD and the depression since September 2012. She requires the following medication: - Mirtazapine - Venlafaxine - Lorazepam Inquiry: 1. Can she receive treatment for her diseases in Macedonia? Please provide contact information for a clinic with a psychiatry department in Veles. How is PTSD and depression treated in Macedonia (primarily by talk or medication IOM – Vertretung für Deutschland: Wallstraße 69 • D-10179 Berlin • Deutschland • Fax: +49.30.278 778 99 IOM - Zweigstelle in Nürnberg: Postfach 40 01 59 • D-90206 Nürnberg • Frankenstraße 210 • D-90461 Nürnberg • Deutschland • Fax: +49.911.4300 260 Telefonzentrale IOM Deutschland: +49.911.43000 E-Mail: IOM-Germany@iom.int • Internet: http://www.iom.int/germany Seite 1 IOM International Organization for Migration IOM Internationale Organisation für Migration therapy)? 2. Is the medication available in Macedonia? Please also provide information on the official trade name, price per package and size per package. Is treatment and medication covered by public health insurance? Please provide information on the health insurance system. If costs are not covered, please provide information on treatment costs. Answer: 1. Yes, she can get exams for her disease in the General Hospital in Veles. The psychiatrist is available from Monday –Friday. For the psychiatrist, she will need a referral by the designated physician in the primary health care facility. Therapy depends on the severity of the disease. Treatment is usually first talk therapy and if needed a combination of counseling sessions and medication. Contact Information: General Hospital –VELES Ul. SAMOBORSKA No. 12, VELES Phone: +389 (0 )43 233 020 2. MIRTAZAPINE(REMERON) 30 mg (30 tablets) = 10 Euros. VENLAFAXINE (EFFEXOR) (28 tablets)= 5 Euros. LORAZEPAM (20 tablets) =2 Euros. The treatment and medication are covered by the Public Health Insurance. The beneficiary will need to pay only participation of 10% of the costs. First she will need to register at the Local Health Insurance Fund. Contact details: Health Insurance Fund Ul. SEFKI SALI No.6, VELES Phone: + 389 (0) 43 233 644 Also, if she is unemployed, she will need to register at the local Employment Agency: Contact: Employment Agency Ul. Petre Prlicko No.34, Veles Phone: + 389 (0)43 231 590 Case ID (IOM): ZC165/10.10.14 Seite 2