La mejor educación al alcance de todos!
La mejor educación al alcance de todos!
Unsere Programme zum grundständigen Studium Verfügbare Bachelor-Programme zur internationalen Mobilität und zum doppelten Abschluss Fakultät Programm ARCHITEKTUR SCHÖNE KÜNSTE BASISWISSENSCHAFTEN ERZIEHUNGSWISSENSCHAFTEN/LEHRAMT Architektur Bildende Künste Bachelor in Musik Theaterwissenschaft Biologie Mathematik Physik Chemie Körperkultur, Erholung und Sport Sozialwissenschaften Mathematik Fremdsprachen (Englisch, Französich und Deutsch) Kunsterziehung Biologie und Chemie Spanisch und Literatur Vorschulerziehung Sonderschulpädagogik ERNÄHRUNGSWISSENSCHAFT Ernährungswissenschaft und Diätetik UND DIÄTETIK CHEMIE UND PHARMAZIE Pharmazie Betriebswirtschaftslehre WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAF- Öffentliches Rechnungswesen TEN Wirtschaft Touristik Geschichte HUMANWISSENSCHAFTEN Philosophie Soziologie RECHTSWISSENSCHAFTEN Jura Chemieingenieurwesen INGENIEURWISSENSCHAFTEN Agraringenieurwesen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Maschinenbau Die Aufbaustudiengänge der U. del Atlántico Verfügbare Bachelor-Programme zur internationalen Mobilität und zum doppelten Abschluss PROMOTION MASTER SPEZIALISIERUNGEN Promotion in Tropenmedizin Promotion in Erziehungswissenschaften Promotion in Physik Master in Erziehungswissenschaften/Lehramt Master in Physik Master in Umweltwissenschaften Master in Mathematik Master in Linguistik (Doppelter Abschluss mit der Universität Paris 13) Master in Biologie Master in Lateinamerikanischer und Karibischer Literatur Lehre der Naturwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Umwelterziehung“ Klinischer Pharmazie Staatsfinanzen Generalphysik Effizientem Energiemanagement Qualitätsmanagement Organischer Chemie Angewandter Statistik Mathematikdidaktik Kooperationseinsatz mit der Welt Die ausländischen Studierenden können an der Universidad del Atlántico einen akademischen Austausch für eine Dauer von maximal 1-2 Semestern realisieren. Der Prämisse der Förderung von Kooperation und Integration auf internationalem Niveau folgend, sind die ausländischen Studierenden für jegliche Bachelor-Programme von der Verpflichtung befreit, eine Studiengebühr zu entrichten. Die Gastforscher und –studierenden können innerhalb der Bachelor-Programme Creditpoints erwerben Die Universidad del Atlántico ist ein lokaler Partner, um die Millenniumsziele zu erreichen und engagiert sich für die nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Region. Contáctenos: Jacqueline Rojas Solano Jefe de la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales La mejor educación al alcance de todos! Universidad del Atlántico Tels: +57 (5) 319 71 74, 319 70 10 Ext: 1157 Km. 7 Antigua vía a Puerto Colombia Barranquilla, Colombia. http:// OFICINA DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES Institutionelles Profil Mission Wie planen wir unsere Zukunft? Wir sind eine öffentliche Universität, die Fachleute und Forscher im Sinne der selbstständigen Ausübung sozialer Verantwortung bildet und die auf der Suche nach akademischer Exzellenz ist, um menschliche Entwicklung, partizipative Demokratie, ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, Wissenschaft, Technologie, Innovation sowie Künste in der kolumbianischen Karibikregion und im Land zu fördern. Die Universidad del Atlántico hat – sowohl im Rahmen der Politik, welche die Hochschulbildung auf nationalem und internationalem Niveau regelt, als auch im Einklang mit den von der Wissensgesellschaft aufgeworfenen Herausforderungen – vermittels eines kollektiven und partizipativen Prozesses seinen Strategischen Institutionellen Plan 2009-2019 gestaltet. Demnach liegen die Zielvorgaben in der erfolgreichen, qualitativen und relevanten Annahme der wissenschaftlichen sowie technologischen Herausforderungen, welche sich in der heutigen globalisierten Welt ergeben. Vision Wir sind die führende Universität im wissenschaftlichen Bereich und ein entscheidender Akteur für die Entwicklung der karibischen Region. Der Strategische Plan 2009-2019 beinhaltet die Verpflichtung, die allgemeine Gedankenfreiheit zu würdigen und äußert gleichzeitig die permanente soziale Berufung der Universität sowie ihr unverhandelbares Engagement, neues Wissen zu generieren, um die nachhaltige Entwicklung der karibischen Region und des Landes zu garantieren. Unsere Mission ist es, die besten Standards zu erfüllen, um als die öffentliche Universität anerkannt zu werden, die im Großraum der Karibik und auf der internationalen akademischen Bühne wissenschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Kenntnisse beisteuert. Wege zur Annäherung und Strategielinie Die Hochschulbildung schreitet rasend in Richtung eines Wandels fort, der bessere Chancen zur Qualifikation in der propädeutischen, fachlichen und wissenschaflichen Bildung eröffnet. Die universitäre Gemeinschaft erklärte fünf Strategielinien für gültig: die wissenschaftliche Entwicklung, die Technologie, die Innovation und die Künste; die humanistische Bildung sowie die exzellente und relevante Wissenschaft; die Relation zwischen der Universität und der Gesellschaft; die Verbindung mit der Umgebung; universitäter Wohlstand, Demokratie, Zusammenleben; sowie zuletzt, Modernisierung der universitären Verwaltung. Barranquilla, Sitz der Universidad del Atlántico Die Universidad del Atlántico befindet sich in Barranquilla, der Hauptstadt des Departements Atlántico und wichtigsten Stadt der karibischen Region Kolumbiens . Bezüglich der Bevölkerung ist Barranquilla eine Stadt, die geprägt ist von den europäischen, arabischen, nordamerikanischen sowie internen Immigrationswellen. Heute ist die Stadt mit ihren circa 1,3 Millionen Einwohnern die viergrößte das Landes, nach Bogotá, Medellin und Cali. Der Karneval von Barranquilla, der jedes Jahr zwischen Februar und März gefeiert wird, ist eines der wichtigsten Volksfeste Kolumbiens und wurde im Jahr 2003 von der UNESCO zum Meisterwerk des mündlichen und immateriellen Erbes der Menschheit erklärt. Heute gilt die Stadt als das Wirtschafts-, Industrie-, Kultur- sowie Bildungszentrum der Karibikregion Kolumbiens. ©RodrigoBlancoPhotography OFICINA DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico RECTORA Ana Sofía Mesa de Cuervo CONSEJO SUPERIOR Presidente: Dr. José Antonio Segebre Representante Presidencia de la República: Dr. Héctor Rodelo Sierra Representante MEN: Cecilia Alvarez Correa Representante Sector Productivo: Dra. Beatriz Vélez Representante Ex rectores: Dr. Guillermo Rodríguez Figueroa Universidad del Atlántico: Clara Fay Vargas Representante Profesores: Dr. José Gabriel Coley Representante de Egresados: Carlos Prasca Representante de Estudiantes: Franklin Miguel Ortega Julio VICERRECTORES Vicerrector de Docencia: Remberto de la Hoz Vicerrector Bienestar Universitario: Carlos Bell Lemus Vicerrector Investigación y proyección Social: Rafaela Vos Obeso Vicerrector Administrativo, Financiero:Freddy Díaz DECANOS Facultad de Educación: Janeth Tovar Facultad de Ciencias Humanas: Fidel Llinas Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (e): Fabian Botero Plata Facultad de Arquitectura: Wilson Anichiarico Facultad de Ciencias Básicas: Luis Carlos Gutiérrez Moreno Facultad de Ingeniería: Víctor Vacca Esc obar Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas (e): Alvaro Lastra Facultad de Bellas Artes (e): Carlos Bell Lemus Facultad Química y Farmacia: Clara Fay Vargas Facultad de Nutrición y Dietética: Liliana Morales Museo de Antropología: María Trillos Secretario General: Gaspar Hernandez Caamaño Relaciones Internacionales: Jacquelin Rojas Solano Egresados: Jairo Soto Planeación: Ángel Britton Control Interno: Jaime de Santis Informática: Mauricio Vengoechea Comunicaciones: Gilberto Marenco Better Redacción: Luisa Echeverría Diseño y Diagramación: Jorge Enrique Hurtado F. • Universidad del Atlántico - © 2012 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico CONTENTS 1. Introduction to the Manual 5 2. The Universidad del Atlántico 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 History Mission and Vision Administration of the Universidad del Atlántico Library services- School ID Photocopying, Scanning, and Printer Services Infirmary, Dental Health Certificate of Studies 3. Immigration Regulations 3.1 3.2 Visa Identification Card for non-Colombians (Cédula de Extranjería) 4. Living in Barranquilla 4. 1 4. 2 4.3 4.4 4. 5 4.6 4.6.1 4.7 4.8 4.9 Barranquilla Arriving in Barranquilla Housing Food Entertainment/ Cultural Activities of Interest Electronics Getting a Cell Phone Public Transportation Personal safety Climate 6 10 11 12 12 12 14 14 14 15 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 5. Money 25 5.1 5.2 25 25 Currency Opening a Bank Account 6. Important Contact Information 25 7. Colombian Holidays 26 8. Checklist 26 3 4 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico 1. Introduction to the Manual Dear Student: Welcome! Please accept our most warm welcome on behalf of the Office of International Relations of the Universidad del Atlántico. The idea for this orientation manual emerged from our desire to prepare you for your exchange experience by giving you practical information about our country, city, and above all our university, in order to facilitate your integration into our community. This Manual is divided into chapters. We recommend that you read the entire manual in order to take note of each of the different themes we cover. Remember that the Office of International Relations is charged with offering any help and support you may need during your time with our institution. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns while you are in the country. We wish you a fulfilling and rewarding experience here in our university! Jacqueline Rojas Solano Director, Office of International Relations UNIVERSITY OF THE ATLANTIC Barranquilla - Colombia Km. 7 Ant. Road to Puerto Colombia Phone: +(57) (5) 319 71 74 5 2. Universidad del Atlántico 2.1 History The Universidad del Atlántico is located in the city of Barranquilla, the capital of the Atlantic Department. The philosopher Julio Enrique Blanco, who, with his commitment to the necessity of public education for the coastal people of Colombia, designed and made real this cloister of higher education, founded it. This process began in 1941 and came to fruition in 1946. The origin of the Universidad del Atlántico is undoubtedly directly related to the ideas of its principle founder, the visionary philosopher Julio Enrique Blanco. The pedagogical principles that culminated in the creation of the Universidad del Atlántico stem from his foundational conception of the importance of education to the positive transformation of the people and therefore of society. Julio Enrique Blanco clearly perceived the importance of the integral formation of young students; a formation that included technical and scientific elements, but that also included mastery of humanistic understanding. In a sense, the pedagogical initiatives of the philosopher responded to the insecurities of the first four decades of the 1900s in the business community, which worried about the scarcity of technical experts educated in the country. But from the beginning the educator-philosopher went further, focusing also on the stimulation of humanistic development. He held tight to the idea that it was necessary to decentralize university studies, which had up until his time been concentrated in the capital of the republic. He realized that a city like Barranquilla, which was in a period of rapid economic expansion, also required qualified workers and professionals who were educated in capable institutions. 6 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico These were, perhaps, the ideas most instrumental in the creation of the Atlantic Museum in 1940 under ordinance No. 035. The Museum was planed as a project that integrated secondary education in order to achieve higher means and improve higher education in the region. With the Museum, he wanted to create the necessary atmosphere for the emergence of higher education, which is to say the Universidad del Atlántico, a difficult job above all because he was the first to pioneer these efforts in the city and the department. The Museum of the Atlantic was conceived as a consortium of educational institutions that anticipated the future of the university that promoted life and spiritual development over material development. In other words, under the philosopher’s guidance, the Phoenician model was replaced with the alexandrine model. The first goal of the university was to form an engineering department with the goal of covering all the diverse branches of engineering. They tried to educate the undergraduates that showed the greatest disposition toward each specialization, but not with the purpose that they were engineers with common, general capacities that will qualify them to be simple professionals, but rather high-level engineers, capable of handling highly-complex projects that would lead to the development of the region and the country. The Institute of Technology was created out of this theory of engineering that emerged from the Museum and was established through Ordinance No. 24 in 1941. 7 The educational integration fostered by the rectory of the Museum stimulated the creation of the Industrial School, in which they trained workers who would be able to satisfy the industrial needs of the city and would serve as the seed for the creation of future professional studies. Under his management, Julio Enrique Blanco managed to get the Departmental Assembly to issue an ordinance that stipulated scholarships for postgraduate studies outside of the country. It was in this way that the first graduates of the Institute of Technology traveled to universities in North and South America to further their training. In 1943 they created the Department of Commerce and Finances, which was made up of the coming together of the fledgling Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Pharmacy programs, which later were converted into the Polytechnic Institution of the Caribbean, created by Ordinance No. 36 of 1945. On June 15th, 1946, the Universidad del Atlántico was legally founded with Ordinance No. 42, dispatched in this year by the Departmental Assembly. The basic nucleus of the Alma Mater was made up of the Departments of Commerce and Finance, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Chemical Engineering, the School of Fine Arts, and the Castle of Salgar. The School of Fine Arts had been planned as the embryo of a future Department of the Humanities, which would include a Philosophy program. Julio Enrique Blanco initiated the founding of the Rectory of the Museum and the University. Each month the members of the Board of Directors of the University Institutions would get together, like the women’s high school of Barranquilla, the Industrial School, and the Sabanalarga School, among others. 8 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico The Castle of Salgar was rebuilt in order to serve as a residence for students and national and international professors that came to develop projects in the institution, including educational and touristic activities. The origin of our Alma Mater is tied up with socioeconomic, cultural, and political conditions of the Barranquilla of the thirties and forties, but also associated with the advanced vision of intellectual leaders of the city who, like Julio Enrique Blanco, Rafael Tovar Ariza, and Fernando Cepeda and Roca, among others, had to provide the city and the region with a center for higher education and cultural heritage, whose central focus has always been a well-rounded approach to education. Currently, the University has about 16,000 students. It offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in its three sites located in the city and in various municipalities in the region. As a renowned state university, it has produced professionals in the Caribbean Region in the areas of Education, Art, the Humanities, the Natural Sciences, Architecture, and Engineering. The University confers the highest importance onto postgraduate studies, which were established institutionally at the beginning of the 90s, initially in conjunction with the University of Antioquia, The National University, and the School of Public Administration, giving priority to the creation of teaching and specialization programs. The post-graduate programs have as their objective to offer information in certain departments and areas that propel the development of the region. Source: University web page. 9 2.2 Mission and Vision Mission We are a public university that creates integral professionals and researches in the autonomous exercise of social responsibility and in the search of academic excellence for human development, democratic participation, environmental sustainability, and the advancement of the sciences, technology, innovation, and the arts in the Caribbean region and in Colombia as a whole. Vision We are the leading University in knowledge and determination for the development of the Caribbean region. 10 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico 2.3 Administration of the Universidad del Atlántico TITTLE Rector Vicerector of research and social projection Vicerector of teaching Administrative vicerector Vicerector of wellbeing Secretary general Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Dean of faculty Director of the department of admisions and registration Head of graduate programs Head of the office of information technology Head of the planning office Head of the office of international relations Head of the office of alumni Head of internal affairs Head of the office of disciplinary control Head of legal affairs Head of the department of goods and supplies Head of the department of finances Head of the department of personelle development Head of the department of general services DEPARTMENT Rectoría Vice rectory of Research and Social Projection Vice rectory of Teaching Vice rectory of Administration Vice rectory of Wellbeing Secretary General Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy Department of Economics Department of the Humanities Department of Engineering Department of Hard Sciences Department of Law Department of Nutrition and Diet Department of the Fine Arts Department of Architecture Department of Education Department of Admissions and Registration Department of Graduate Programs NAME Ana Sofía Mesa De Cuervo Neil Anais Torres López Office of Information Technology Mauricio J. Vengoechea Jiménez Planning Office Angel David Britton Horward Office of International Relations Jacqueline Rojas Solano Alumni Office Office of Internal Affairs Office of Disciplinary Control Office of Legal Affairs Jairo Soto Hernández Jaime De Santis Villadiego Leonila Atencio Bustillo Ricardo Consuegra Charris Department of Goods and Supplies Maryorie Mantilla De Castro Department of Finances Jorge Marun Chagin Rafaela Vos Obeso Remberto de Jesús de La Hoz R. Freddy Andres Díaz Mendoza Carlos Arturo Bell Lemus Gaspar Hernández Caamaño Clara Fay Vargas Lascarro Fabián Botero Fidel Alejandro Llinas Zurita Victor Manuel Vacca Escobar Luis Carlos Gutierrez Moreno Álvaro Lastra Liliana M. Morales Canedo Carlos Arturo Bell Lemus Wilson A. Annicchiarico Bonet Yaneth Del Carmen Tovar Guerra Xiomara Albis Yaruro Department of Personnel Development María Cristina Martínez Department of General Services Orlando Martínez Source: University Web Page 11 2.4 Library Services and Solicitation of a School ID The library department of the Universidad del Atlántico has as its ultimate goal to support institutional teaching and research by providing informational resources, both in print and online, that correspond to classroom learning without restrictions of location or Schedule. We have formed a work team charged with managing information and knowledge, firmly committed to the continued improvement to our ability to offer a high level of service for our users. All print materials are organized in collections that can be consulted in the Central Library, in the Education Department Library, and in the Anthropological Museums Center of Documentation of the Universidad del Atlántico. The library of the Universidad del Atlántico can be found in Block G. You can also find several computer labs in the same block. The Library schedule is as follows: From Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm. In order to borrow books it is necessary to have a student id. This can be obtained from the Admission and Registration Department by presenting a copy of your Passport or other identifying document. 2.5 Photocopying, Scanning, and Printing Services Photocopying, Scanning, and Printing Services can be found right outside of the University, directly in front of the entrance, in a building located beside the gas station. There you will find different locations that offer very inexpensive services. The normal cost for a photocopy is 100 pesos. 2.6 Infirmary/ Dental Health The University of the Atlantic has a medical consultant and a dentist office for the purpose of consulting and medical emergencies. The Schedule of our medical consultant service is from Monday to Friday, from 7am to 9pm and on Saturday from 8am to 5pm. The dentist office is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 7am to 11 am and from 12pm to 7pm. There is no service on Saturdays. 12 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico 13 2.7 Certificate of Studies To expedite the certificate of studies you should direct all request to the Office of International Relations. We will solicit the appropriate information from the Admissions and Registration Department and send a copy of your certificate to the Office of International Relations of your home University. 3. Immigration Regulations 3.1 Visa You should complete the visa application process in your home country. This process can be completed at the consulate or embassy closest to your home. When you arrive in Colombia you should go to the offices of Colombian Migration or DAS within the first 15 days of your stay in order to report your arrival. Colombian Immigration is located in Barranquilla at the following address: Colombian Immigration, Calle 54 No. 41-133, Phone: 367 91 00. He aquí algunas informaciones importantes concernientes a las visas para extranjeros: 1. ¿Why is it necessary to register the Colombian visa for foreigners? It is the registration of biographical information of foreigners that lets Colombian Immigration keep track of who is living in the country. 2. ¿Who should register their visa in Colombia? All foreigners who have been issued visas that are valid for more than 3 months (90 days) should register their visas. 3. ¿What kinds of Visas do not need to be registered? You do not need to register a Visa of less than 3 months, Diplomatic Visas, or Visas of officials or service people. 4. ¿When should you register a Visa? 14 • If the Visa was issued outside of Colombia, the Visa-holder should register it within fifteen (15) days of arrival to the country. • If the Visa was issued in Colombia, the Visa-holder should register it within fifteen (15) days of issuance. Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico 5. If you did not register the Visa within the established timeframe, ¿what should you do? You should go to any of the national-level FACILITATION CENTERS OF MIGRATORY SERVICES as soon as possible and complete registration. 6. ¿What are the consequences for people who do not compile with their immigration obligations? They will have to pay a fine than can be anywhere from half to seven times the current monthly minimum wage, according to the case. Source: Colombian Immigration 3.2 ID Card for Non-Colombians (Cédula de Extranjería) 1. ¿What is an ID Card for Non-Colombians (Cédula de Extranjería)? All foreign, of-age people living in Colombia must be issued an identifying document by COLOMBIAN IMMIGRATION, called a “Cedula de Extranjeria.” This document is granted to foreigners of over 18 years of age, that will have a Visa for more than 3 months or to the beneficiaries of the same; with the exception of tourist visas and preferential visas (for diplomats, officials, and service people). The “cedula de extranjeria” will be issued to those who have been issued a visa with indefinite validity and should be renewed every 5 years. Owners of a Preferential Visa will be identified with their ID issued by the Ministry of External Relations. The foreigner that needs to register will communicate with COLOMBIAN IMMIGRATION about any change in address within 15 days of the said change. 2. ¿What do I use the ID card for? ¿How does it apply to my day-to-day life in Barranquilla? The Cédula de Extranjería will be granted with validity of equal duration of the visa. Those with residency visas should renew the ID every 5 years. Nevertheless, there are foreign ID cards with indefinite validity; these documents are valid and if they need to be duplicated they will be issued with the same indefinite validity. 15 3. ¿Do underage people (less than 18 years old) have the right to an ID for non-Colombians? No. The passport is the document used to identify the underage children of foreigners in Colombia. Nevertheless, they should complete the Visa Registration process. 4. ¿Where can I complete the process to apply for the ID Card? The cédula de extranjería can be solicited in the National Facilitation Centers of Immigration Services, whose information you can find in questions 4 and 6. 5. ¿What are the prerequisites for obtaining this ID card? - Current passport. - Two photocopies of a visa that must be valid for at least 3 months, issued by the Minister of Exterior Relations. - If the visa has been issued in a consulate in a country outside of Colombia, you must provide a photocopy of the stamp you received upon entry into the country. - 2 photocopies of the biographical information page of the passport. - Proof of blood type. - 3 3x5 recent passport photos with a blue background. - Receipt of the transfer of the application fee, to the order of “la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Migración Colombia,” bank code 101, to the checking account (cuenta corriente) of the Banco de Occidente, No. 263-05464-5, value of $149.650, in the Colombian currency. - Completed solicitation form that you can receive for free in the National Facilitation Centers of Immigration Services (CENTROS FACILITADORES DE SERVICIOS MIGRATORIOS, CFSM) or by following this link: www.migració 16 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico 6. ¿How do foreigners complete this process is they don’t live in Bogota? Foreigners that wish to complete the application for the Cedula de Extranjeria can present the required documents in the National Facilitation Center of Immigration Services closest to the city where they live (this is the old DAS in Barranquilla) and they will send this documentation to the offices in Bogota, where they will issue the card. The payment can be made with a transfer to checking account No. 263-05464-5 of the BANCO DE OCCIDENTE on behalf of the “Unidad Administrativa Especial de Migración Colombia” – bank code 101, for a value of $149.650, in the Colombian currency. Once the Cedula de Extranjeria is ready, the applicant should return to the Immigration Center where they originally applied, so that they can receive their new ID. 7. ¿7. How many types of ID cards for non-Colombians do they issue? There are two types of these ID cards, RESIDENTIAL and TEMPORARY. The temporary one will last as long as the Visa lasts, and the residential id will last indefinitely. 8. ¿What should I do when my ID card for non-Colombians expires? The validity of the ID (Cédula de Extranjería) has the same duration as the Visa issued to the foreign resident. Once the validity runs out, the foreign citizen should return to National Colombian Migration with the information and necessary information outlined in questions 4 and 6 in order to renew their id. Source: Colombian Immigration 17 4. Living in Barranquilla 4.1 Barranquilla Barranquilla is the most important city in the Caribbean region of Colombia. From its founding in 1813, Barranquilla has continually been converting into an important oceanic and river port. At the beginning of the 20th century, it gained importance as the site of the creation of the first airline of South America, the SCADTA, which is known today as Avianca. In terms of population, Barranquilla is a city distinguished by the waves of immigrants from Europe, the Middle East, North America, and other regions of Colombia. Today it has almost 1.3 million inhabitants, making it the fourth most populated city in the country, after Bogota, Medellin, and Cali. Barranquilla’s carnival, which is celebrated every year between the months of February and March, is one of the most popular festivals in all of Colombia, named as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in the year 2003. Today, Barranquilla is the commercial, industrial, cultural, and educational epicenter of the Colombian Caribbean region. 18 4.2 Arrival in Barranquilla You will arrive to the Ernesto Cotissoz Airport, located on the outskirts of Barranquilla. From there you should take a taxi from the Airport taxi station straight to your final destination. This trip should take between 40 minutes and an hour, depending on the location of your final destination. Below you can see a map of the route from the Ernesto Cortissoz Airport (point A) to the Universidad del Atlántico (point B) Fuente: Googlemaps 19 4.3 Housing Colombian students normally live with their parents; only those who come from other cities stay in pensions or shared apartments. The cost of a pension with everything included (utilities, but also sometimes including laundry and up to 3 meals a day) is normally between 450,000 and 800,000 Colombian pesos a month. Living in a shared apartment can be anywhere between 400,000 and 750,000 Colombian pesos, utilities included. Keep in mind that before you sign a contract you should very carefully review each clause. The following links will help you with your housing search: 4.4 Food The typical foods of the region are very diverse. Keep in mind the following recommendations: • Preferably drink bottled water or water in bags. • Be careful when eating food from the streets. • Keep in mind that Colombians tend to add a lot of sugar to their juices, coffee, drinks, etc. If you don’t like very sweet things, order then without sugar or with the sugar on the side. • Wash produce (all fruits, vegetables) well before consumption. • The neighborhood stores you will find many food articles in communal baskets. For a more comfortable experience, go to the supermarkets (Carulla, Olimpica, Carrefour, Éxito), where you will find everything for all different tastes. 20 4.5 Entertainment/ Cultural Activities of Interest Below you will find a short list with some museums, malls, and places of interest in Barranquilla: Museos The following link will take you to a list of the most important museums in Barranquilla and the surrounding regions: inbox/files//docs/Museos%20del%20Departamento%20del%20Atlantico.pdf Centros Comerciales - Buenavista Calle 98 No. 52-115, Tel: 378 11 29 - Portal del Prado Calle 53 No. 46-192, Tel: 319 75 86 - Único Calle 74 No. 38D-113, Tel: 368 61 03 - Villa Country Calle 78 No. 53-70, Tel: 356 59 91 - Country Plaza Carrera 53 No. 78-78, Tel: 358 81 12 - Miramar Carrera 43 No. 99-50, Tel: 366 31 11 - Washington Carrera 53 con Calle 80 21 Tourist Attractions - Historical Center of Barranquilla (Around Bolívar Way). - El Prado neighborhood - Barrio Abajo (Located on Calle 46 y 45 between the 53 and Vía 40). - Montoya Station (Located in the Plaza of the Aduana). - Las Flores (Located in the neighborhood on the edge of the Magdalena River). - Puerto Colombia (Small fisherman’s village on the outskirts of Barranquilla). - Barranquilla Zoo (Calle 77 No. 68-40, Tel: 3600314). For more tourist attractions, please visit the following websites. sitios-de-interes 4.6 Electronics The current used normally is 110 volts, and is an alternating CA current with a 60 Hz frequency. If you are going to bring electronic articles from home we recommend that you get an adaptor. 22 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico 4.6.1 Getting a Cell Phone ¿Where can I find a cell pone? You can get a cell phone from one of the many operators in the country, including: Tigo, Claro, Movistar y Uff. These companies also sell SIM cards for each of the respective operators, which can also be bought outside of the University or in the neighborhood stores. 4.7 Public Transportation Barranquilla is lucky to have a large number of buses that cover many different routs throughout the city. The transmetro is a distinct bus system that is air-conditioned and has several stations located throughout the city. To see a map of the routs of the transmetro, click the link below: 23 4.8 Personal Safety Barranquilla is a city with almost two million inhabitants and a large unemployed and displaced population. For this reason it is very important to keep the following security measures in mind for your own wellbeing and happiness during your stay in our country: • Don’t carry your passport or any other important documents with you when you leave the house. It is a good idea to always carry a photocopy. • Use ATMs in public malls or well-lit places. • Avoid walking through dark or dim streets. • Don’t carry any valuables (watches, cameras, or any other objects that call attention to yourself ) when in the center of the city or any of its remote zones. • Be very careful while waiting in the bus stations. Thieves will take advantage of that as an opportunity to rob you. • Take taxis only from the station. The numbers of taxi centers can be found in section 6, “Important Contact Information.” • Don’t take anything from unknown people in the Street (drinks, food, pamphlets, etc. • Change your money only in Banks or in authorized Exchange Windows. • Bring with you only the amount of money that you are going to need. • Don’t leave your personal belongings unattended or with unknown persons. • If your documents are lost or stolen, please go to the nearest police station to announce the loss. To do this you only need a copy of your Passport. 4.9 Climate The climate in Barranquilla is tropical, with an average temperature of 30.4 degrees Celsius. From November to April is the “summer” season, in which pleasant breezes continually blow. Between April and November there are 24 Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico a series of distinct rainy season, out of which May, June, July, and August particularly stand out. It is important to note that there are not seasons as you may think of them in other parts of the world, but in other cities in the country there are temperature changes. For your stay in Barranquilla we recommend that you bring warm-weather clothing, but for trips to other regions of the country it is advisable that you bring moderately heavy clothing and raingear. 5. Money 5.1 Currency The national currency of Colombia is the Peso. The Colombian Peso has the following denominations: Coins of 50, 100, 200, and 500 pesos; bills of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, and 50,000. 5.2 Opening an Account To open a bank account, you must have a Colombian ID card for non-Colombians and take the appropriate steps to open the account as directed by the bank. 6. Important Contact Information - - - - - - - - - - National Police: 112/116 Fire Department: 119 Emergencies: 123 Ambulance 125 Red Cross: 132 Colombia Migration services: 018000-957777, 3679100. Address: Calle 54 No. 41-133 Taxi service 1 : 322 22 22 Taxi service 2 : 358 88 88 The Office of International Relations: 319 71 74, 319 70 10 Ext. 1157 Universidad del Atlántico Address: Km 7 Ant. Vía a Pto. Colombia. 25 7. National Holidays of Colombia In Colombia we have the following national holidays (some of them change every year): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • January 1: New Year January 12: Epiphany-Three Kings Day March 23: Saint John April 9: Holy Thursday April 10: Holy Friday May 1: Labor Day May 25: Ascension June 11: Corpus Christi Day June 18: Sacred Heart July 2: Saint Peter and Saint Paul July 20: The Yell of Independence August 7: The Battle of Boyacá August 20: The Assumption of the Virgin October 15: Day of the Race November 5: All Saints Day November 12: Cartagena Independence Day December 8: Immaculate Conception December 25: Christmas 8. Checklist Below we present our checklist, to be reviewed as you prepare for your trip in order to make sure you have everything prepared for your stay in Barranquilla: Do you have the visa for your stay in Colombia? Do you have your Passport? Do you know where you will be staying when you arrive in Colombia? Do you have proof of your health insurance? Did you pack the necessary electrical adaptors? In the case that you need them, did you pack any necessary medicines with the appropriate prescriptions? Do you have your credit/debit card or cash in hand? Do you have a change of clothing in your carry-on-bag in case the airline misplaces your luggage? Do you have on-hand the number for your contact in the Office of International Relations? 26 OFICINA DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES Manual for Foreign Exchange Students Of the Universidad del Atlántico