Tagungskalender / Meetings ab / from may


Tagungskalender / Meetings ab / from may
Tagungskalender / Meetings ab / from may - 2007 :
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin (MAGEM) Newsletter
Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin (AGEM e.V.) # in Zusammenarbeit mit / in collaboration with
curare, Zeitschrift fuer Ethnomedizin und Transkulturelle Psychiatrie / curare, J. of Medical Anthropology and Transcultural Psychiatry # verschickt in freier Folge an alle Interessierte / sends in free
sequence den Newsletter . In diesem informieren wir über neue Buecher, Konferenztermine und teilen
mit, was uns wichtig erscheint. Alle / all Newsletters siehe / see www.agem-ethnomedizin.de
>Europe and World<
>DE-AT-CH (germanophone countries) see other file<
DOBOGÓKÖ near BUDAPEST / Hungary 01-06 june 2007
8th Conference of the International Society for Shamanistic Research (ISSR). (1) The Revival or Continuation of
Shamanism (2) Visual Presentation of Shamanic Rituals (3) Shamanhood as Means of Identity of Minorities.
Info hoppal@etnologia.mta.hu Working language of the conference will be English. Further information:
www.etnologia.mta.hu and Dr Kornélia Buday, Shamanism Archives, Institute of Ethnology, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, H-1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30. Correspondance address: H-1250 Budapest, Pf.: 29.
CHICAGO, Illinois / USA 04-07 june 2007
Chicago Botanic Garden, The Field Museum, University of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern University:
Symposium: The Search for New Plant-based Therapies. Annual meeting der SEB Society of Economical
Botany (founded 1959). http://www.econbot.org/_organization_/index.php?sm=07|meetings_by_year/2007
ESPOO / Finland 07-08 september 2007
The 4th FOKO Conference - Female Genital Cutting in the Past and Today (Venue: Hanasaari, The SwedishFinnish Cultural Centre, Espoo). In the 4th FOKO Conference we aim to bring together scholars and other
experts to discuss the multi-faceted phenomenon of FGC from historical and present-day perspectives. This
conference is the fourth gathering of The Nordic Network for Research on Female Circumcision (FOKO). Deadline for binding registration and payment is June 15, 2007. Registration form and Updated information, see
http://www.ihmisoikeusliitto.fi/projektit/kokonainen/foko). Contact: Janneke Johansson, Project Manager.
KokoNainen Project / Finnish League for Human Rights. E-mail: janneke.johansson@ihmisoikeusliitto.fi,
Finnish League for Human Rights and E-mail: susan.villa@ihmisoikeusliitto.fi
STOCKHOLM / Sweden 9-12 september 2007
The 2007 Annual Meeting of the SSPC (The Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, Jim Boehnlein,
MD, SSPC President), held in conjunction with the World Psychiatric Association Transcultural Psychiatry
Section (WPA-TPS) and the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry (WACP), will be held in Stockholm,
Sweden, September 9-12, 2007. Info: email sspcadmin@gmail.com for meeting forms or PDF Version of
Registration Form PDF Version of Abstract Form or www.psychiatryandculture.org (SSPC’s website).Abstract
deadline is May 1, 2007.
METZ / France 10-15 septembre 2007
Ethnopharmacologie appliquée : de la plante médicinale au médicament. Formation continue.
Renseignements : SFE (Société francaise d’ethnpharmacologie), 1, rue des Récollets, B.P.4011, F-57040 Metz
Cedex Email : sfe-see@wanadoo.fr www.ethnopharmacologia.org
ISTANBUL 12-15 September 2007. “VI. Deutsch-Tuerkischer Psychiatriekongress der DTGPP“. Campus der
Bogaziçi Universität am Bosporus. Thema: „Identity(ies) „Identitaet(en)“ www.tapder2007.org
OSLO / Norwey 26-28 september 2007. International Commission for Research into European Food History for
its Oslo Symposium. Info by Peter Atkins, Durham University. p.j.atkins@durham.ac.uk
ARC et SENANS (près de Besancon) / France 04 et 05 oct 2007
« Metissages. A quoi cela sert en clinique et en travail social » 7ème Colloque de la Revue « L’Autre »
Renseignement et inscription : A.Gérard 03 84 72 53 18 anne.gerard-antigone@wanadoo.fr (A.I.E.P. = Assoc.
Int. d’EthnoPsychanalyse www.clinique-transculturelle.org
BARSANA, Maramures /Rumaenien (Romania) 05-09 oct 2007
10th ICAF conference. The general aims of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food (ICAF)
are to promote and coordinate collaboration and research in biological and social anthropology in regard to the
sciences of food and nutrition, fostering in particular a pluridisciplinary approach. Website: "Food and Ritual" .
Contacts: Dr. Carmen Strungaru, Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest, Romania
email: carmenstrungaru@yahoo.com or Prof. Dr. Wulf Schiefenhoevel, Human Ethology, Max-Planck-Institute,
Andechs, Germany email: schiefen@orn.mpg.de http://erl.orn.mpg.de/~icaf/conferences.htm
PRAG / Tschechien (Czech Rep.) 21-24 oct 2007
19th World congress of World Association for Social Psychiatry (WASP). Basic topic of the conference is „A
changing world: Challenges for society and for social psychiatry”. Secretariat: GUARANT International spol. s
r.o., Opletalova 22, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic. E-mail: wasp@guarant.cz www.wasp2007.cz
MARSEILLE / France 25-27 octobre 2007.
« Anthropologie et médicine. Confluences et confrontations dans les domaines de la formation, des soins et de la
prévention » Info: AMADES a/s Programme Anthrop. de la santé-MMSH, 5, rue du Château de l’Horloge, F13094 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2. email par
AMADES, secretariat secretariat.pas@mmsh.univ-aix.fr http://www.amades.net/
EDMONTON, Alberta / Canada 26-28 october 2007. "Putting Region in its Place: Health, Healing and Place" is
an interdisciplinary conference that invites papers and panels from scholars who are interested in the
intersections of place and health. Info: Christopher Fletcher, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta,
Tory Building 13-22, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2H4 http://www.ualberta.ca/~place/index.html
WASHINGTON DC. / USA 29 nov-02 dec 2007
106th AAA Annual Meeting, see http://www.aaanet.org/mtgs/.htm o
GUADALAJARA / Mexico 17-20 Apr 2008
Next Congress of WACP (World Association of Culturel Psychiatry), see Website
World Association of Cultural Psychiatry with Journal: WCCPR World Cultural Psychiatry Research Review
KUNMING / China July 15-23 2008
The 16th World Congress International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES):
"Humanity, Development and Cultural Diversity." http://www.icaes2008.org/enindex.htm
AGEM in cooperation with curare informs you on new books, meetings and programmes in medical anthropology and related fields and other items which seem to be notified. Office: AGEM / curare, c/o Ekkehard
Schroeder, Spindelstrasse 3, D-14482 Potsdam, ee.schroeder@t-online.de www.agem-ethnomedizn.de