print version - PR Agenturen SGRS


print version - PR Agenturen SGRS
JOSÉ CARRERAS GALA 2014 tv charity gala media support nationwide | bestseller-writer FRANK SCHÄTZING’s Germany
tour Breaking News media support nationwide | DEUTSCHE JOSÉ CARRERAS LEUKÄMIE STIFTUNG special event on the
occasion of the birthday of German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel in Berlin | WERNER SCHMIDBAUER, singer& songwriter,
CD “Wo bleibt die Musik” press support nationwide | MUSICAL SOMMER FULDA festival media support nationwide | DIE
PÄPSTIN Musical of success Munich performances media support | JOSEÉ CARRERAS GALA 2013 tv charity gala media
support nationwide | Award DIE GOLDENE DEUTSCHLAND TV gala, organisation and nationwide media responsibility | David Garrett & Peter Maffay open air concerts comtec arena in Aspach | LORELEY The Rock of Entertainment | Besser wird’s
nicht by singer & songwriter Rainhard Fendrich - CD & Germany tour | Musical CATS Munich performances & press conference
| Sinfonie in Bildern by photographer and musician Tobias Melle - concerts in Frankfurt, Alte Oper and Munich, Philharmonie
| Le Crazy Horse Paris Munich performances & press conference | The War of the Worlds the Musical version, German arena
tour starring actor Liam Neeson | Nachlachende Frohstoffe CD by comedian Willy Astor | Rainhard Fendrich „Meine Zeit“
CD promotion and Germany tour | Süddeutsche Karl May-Festspiele season 2011 | Stecher Williams & Friends charity concert
for Peres Center for Peace Deutschland e.V. and Tribute to Bambi | 30 Jahre Kleine Tierschau arena production Schleyerhalle
Stuttgart | Eberhard Schoener CD promotion TV | 50 Jahre Pop music show for TV channel ZDF/3sat (nationwide) with press
conference featuring Ingolf Lück & Kim Wilde | Wiedersehen im Paradies book presentation & readings | Dinner & Dance For
Health & Peace charity gala starring Hollywood actor John Malkovich & German actress Veronica Ferres | Magnifico show by
entertainer André Heller | BMW Players Night for BMW Open in Munich | Musical projects by German actor Max Müller (TV
series star) | FidAR e.V. Frauen in Aufsichtsräte organisation of FidAR-Forum 2011 | BPW Germany e.V. organisation of data
bank and spring conference 2012 | Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte Potsdam marketing and communication
concept for exhibition „Europa Jagiellonica“ in 2013 | Metro AG Konzernrepräsentanz Berlin media meeting at ice stock sport
| Vattenfall Europe AG Berlin media meeting for Christmas Lightening Unter den LindenBerlin | Berliner Impro-Liga 2011 |
Der Ring ruft! music festival at racing track Nürburgring | Star Wars in Concert arena concerts in Hamburg and Oberhausen
| Shanti Lounge opening of first Shanti Lounge in Germany at lake Tegernsee | Voormann & Friends DVD and CD project by
Klaus Voormann feat. Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr | Rock meets Classic Germany Tour - Lou Gramm, Bobby Kimball and
Dan McCafferty in concerts | Monty Roberts Tour 2010 | Münchner Hofkantorei Chorus project by Bayerische Staatsoper | 15
Jahre Theatersport Berlin | Dinner For Fun | UM Festival for contemporary art, music and literature 2010 | Aviv Geffen CD
promotion and Germany tours in 2009 und 2010 |BEN HUR international monumental stage-show | GOP Theater in Munich
event pr and VIP treatment at opening night | Cantus Buranus monumental project of star director Gert Hof | Der Weltenbauer
filmlet, starring Ralph Herforth | Little Lord Fauntleroy Berlin premiere of the musical | Remember Revolver Klaus Voormann’s
exhibition in Berlin | Salto Natale SYNFUNIA Gregory Knie‘s circus show in Berlin | Angelo Branduardi’s German tour 2009
| Nackert (naked) project of actor and songwriter Michael Fitz| Heute Nacht oder Nie Munich concerts of Max Raabe & Das
Palastorchester German tour | Porgy and Bess opera guest performance Munich | Kocherlball at Chinesischer Turm Munich´s
famous traditional ball | Fernsehen unter Sternen tv festival „Best of teamWorx“ | Kein Himmel über Afrika TV movie with Veronica Ferres | The world’s biggest Swan Lake ballett | Der Chinesische Staatszirkus präsentiert Hans Christian Andersen circus
production | CAVALIA german premiere of Canadian horse show by Cirque du Soleil founder Normand Latourelle in Berlin| Der
Zauberwald 1st horse show worldwide | Tabaluga Golf Charity Cup golf tournaments national and international | Power Child
Gala charity gala | Lara Award 2007 1st German game award | LILALU charity gala | DIVA award ceremony | DVD Night
2007 award ceremony | Vitaclub Elixia near Englischer Garten opening gala | Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft vernissages
and 10-year anniversary | Out of Rosenheim musical based on the cult movie | Warum spielst Du Imagine nicht auf dem weißen
Klavier, John readings with Grammy-award winner Klaus Voormann | Der Vollidiot German cinema premiere of Oliver Pocher’s
movie | Gospel Award 2006 award ceremony | The Rolling Stones concert Weissensee stadium | Menschen Tiere Sensationen
indoor circus production | Wheels Nationals – American Car & Bike Show tour | Cirque du Soleil’s SALTIMBANCO Show |
Cirque du Soleil’s ALLEGRIA show | Cirque du Soleil’s QUIDAM show | Sixt Damenwies’n ladies’ Oktoberfest | AGM Meeting
congress of all SIXT licence holders | Peter Ustinov Gala TV-gala | Brandenburgische Sommerkonzerte | Ungarische Operetten
Gala | Körperwelten (Body Worlds) exhibition | 200 year anniversary Englischer Garten Munich | LILALU children’s holiday
programme of the town of Munich | Medicine goes Electronic major medical convention | Kookaburra- Der Comedy Club TVrecorded live show | Estrel Beatles Festival | Expedition Titanic – The Exhibition | The Story of Berlin permanent exhibition