rights guide 2010
rights guide 2010
Kynos Verlag Dr. Dieter Fleig GmbH Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3 • D-54552 Nerdlen/Daun GERMANY Fon: 0049 (0) 6592 957389-0 • Fax: 0049 (0) 6592 957389-20 info@kynos-verlag.de • www.kynos-verlag.de RIGHTS NEW PUBLICATIONS IN SPRING GUIDE 2010 2010 Author: Title: New Karin Dohrmann & Inga Böhm Windhunde aus Spanien – Vom Jäger zum Familienhund (Iberian Sighthounds – from Spain to New Homes) Pages: ca. 160, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-80-9 Description: The first book on Galgos, Podencos and other Iberian sighthounds to show how they are bred, trained and worked in the Iberian Peninsula. This background information helps prospective owners of a rescue dog understand the character and behavior of these elegant dogs that are so often misunderstood. In addition, this book provides practical advice on how to adopt a sighthound from Spain and adapt him successfully to a completely new life in his new home. »Iberian Sighthounds« is a passionate book with high-quality photos and lots of inside information.The authors have worked in a Galgo rescue organization for many years and teach specialized training courses for sighthound owners. Rights available:all languages Author: Title: New Rita Lell Unser Hund – Der Magyar Vizsla (Our dog – The Magyar Vizsla) Pages: ca. 120, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-81-6 Description: A passionate breed portrait with brilliant photos and lots of useful, breed-specific information. Explore the history of this breed as the typical Hungarian pointer and discover how these natural hunters have to be trained and worked to meet their demands and produce not only happy dogs, but happy owners! Rights available: all languages 1 NEW PUBLICATIONS IN SPRING 2010 Author: Title: New Rosa Engler Unser Hund – Der Pudel (Our dog – The Poodle) Pages: ca. 120, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-82-3 Description: A breed portrait with a refreshing and completely different perspective of this traditional breed.The poodle is shown as a versatile sporting dog with his exuberant and playful nature, as an affectionate family dog and as a hard-working service, rescue or hunting dog – much more than just a fancy show dog! With special chapters on celebrities and their poodles, the historical poodle and the related breeds ranging from the Portuguese Water Dog to the Puli and Lagotto Romagnolo, this book will show the the poodle as you have never seen him before! The author has been breeding and showing poodles for many decades and is a leading breed authority in Switzerland. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: New Anne Kahlisch Tiergestützte Therapie in Senioren- und Pflegeheimen Ein Wegweiser mit Praxisbeispielen für Besuchshundeteams (Dog-Facilitated Therapy in Nursing Homes) Pages: 112, full colour, Paperback ISBN: 978-3-938071-83-0 Description: Pets can be therapeutic to patients, especially the elderly or isolated. Dogs assist with both physical and psychological healing.This book is designed for both staff of nursing homes and dog owners who want to participate in this type of therapy. »Dog-Facilitated Therapy in Nursing Homes« contains loads of practical information and advice, ideas for games to play, special dog-aided activation exercises for specific disorders and much, much more. The author is an experienced social worker and runs a therapy dog service for nursing homes. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: New Gaby Rosenbaum & Simone Oberenzer Warnhunde für Epilepsie-Betroffene Anfälle erspüren und Anzeigen, Gefahren vermeiden (Seizure Alert Dogs) Pages: ca. 60, Paperback ISBN: 978-3-938071-84-7 Description: Dogs are able to sense upcoming epileptic seizures of their owners and, if trained to alert them in time, help prevent accidents by allowing the owner to prepare and settle down in a safe place.This book provides all the necessary background information and shows how a dog and owner can be trained to form a team. Both authors are experienced seizure alert dog trainers. Rights available: all languages 2 BEHAVIOUR, TRAINING Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Nicole Horsky Blinder Hund – was nun? (My dog is blind) 64, b/w-photos, Paperback 978-3-938071-70-0 This book will show the owner of the newly-blind, or already blind dog that their loyal friend is still the same, with the same zest for and enjoyment of life. With love and careful thought, you and your dog can get as much out of life as you always have, having fun and establishing an even closer bond as you help each other find new or adapted ways to live together English language Author: Title: Anne Krüger Faszination Border Collie (Fascination Border Collie – Training the Working Sheepdog) Pages: 176, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-63-2 Description: A thorough guide on training the working sheepdog – from puppy age to the most difficult situations. Includes basic work, shedding, single, outrun, penning and much more. With stunning photographs every Border Collie enthusiast will enjoy. The author is a reknown sheep and Border Collie breeder and has successfully participated in national and international sheepdog trials. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Viviane Theby Die Hunde-Uni (Dog University – Clever Tasks for clever Dogs) 144, full colour, Paperback 978-3-938071-64-9 The author, a well-known vet and animal-trainer, provides new ideas to test and train a dog’s intelligence:The tasks shown here are more than just »tricks«.They are challenges to both the dog’s brain and the trainer’s ability to precisely communicate with the animal. Includes tasks such as »Bring the same«, »Show the biggest one« or »Do as I do« that will undoubtedly proof a dog’s ability to abstract thinking. Amazing! »We do not know yet how far we can get in our communication with dogs. But what we already know for sure, is: It is not limited by the dog’s intelligence, but by our own training skills!« (V.Theby) US, GB Author: Title: Sabine Middelhaufe Jagdhund ohne Jagschein? (Gundogs for Non-Hunters – Breed-specific training and exercise) Pages: 184, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-67-0 Description: Gundogs as familiy pets do not need compensatory exercise to be happy and healthy, but a breed-appropriate job to do.This book explains how you can train your Setter, Retriever, Spaniel or Pointer starting from puppy age. As a result you will have a dog that can be trusted on walks in the fields or woods without being constrained. Rights available: all languages 3 BEHAVIOUR, TRAINING Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rabea Ali Wandern mit dem Hund (Hiking with your Dog) 120, colour throughout, Paperback 978-3-938071-66-4 A practical guide for hiking tours with your dog: How to prepare, what equipment is needed, what to look for, how to organise and enjoy a hiking trip. The author runs a specialised travel agency for hiking tours with dogs. Rights available: all languages Bestseller Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Dr. Felicia Rehage Lassie, Rex & Co. 139, colour illustrations 978-3-933228-11-6 Our absolute bestseller! More than 40.000 copies sold in Germany, excellent press reviews.The ultimate book of dog training, written by a vet. 8th updated printrun Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Dr. med. vet. Pasquale Piturru Lassie, Rex & Co. speak out 144, colour illustrations throughout, Hardcover 978-3-933228-98-7 A dog explains the way he thinks, »functions«and wants to be treated. The latest scientific insights into dog behaviour are presented in an understandable way.The author is a vet specialized in dog behaviour and behaviour problems. Italy Author: Title: Katharina Keck Hundeerziehung auf den Punkt gebracht (Dog training to the point) Pages: 24, colour photos throughout, Paperback ISBN: 978-3-938071-27-4 Description: A very concise guide to the basics of modern dog training. Ideally suited for dog-training classes or as an overview for beginners. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Andrea Freiin von Buddenbrock Der Hund im Rettungshund. Ein Handbuch für Ausbildung und Einsatz. (The search and rescue dog) Pages: 300, ca. 200 colour photos, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-933228-74-1 Description: This book covers all aspects of working with search and rescue dogs – from choice of the dog and training to the the special disciplines field search, search in buildings or water search and man trailing.The author is an emergency doctor and leader of a SAR dog group. Rights available: all languages 4 BEHAVIOUR, TRAINING Author: Title: Birgit Fischer Wau Wie Was – Wissens- und Aktionsspiele für Hundeschule und Freizeitspaß Pages: 24, 150 activity- and questioncards, colour throughout, Box ISBN: 978-3-938071-43-4 Description: A card play for dog trainers or just groups of dog owners. 150 cards with questions and answers or activity tasks plus suggestions for setting up different games with them. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Sylvia Greiffenhagen & Oliver N. Buck-Werner Tiere als Therapie (Pet-facilitated Therapy) 336, Hardcover 978-3-933228-24-6 Pet-facilitated therapy in hospitals, nursery homes, social projects etc. has become an important issue in the social and medical sciences.The author, professor for social sciences in Germany, provides a thourough insight into the current situation, the possibilities, limits and chances of using animals as co-therapists. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Rights sold: Imke Niewöhner Auf ins Leben! (Puppy Starter – Training plan for the first 8 weeks) 120, colour photos throughout, Hardcover 978-3-938071-02-1 A complete guide for socialising and training a puppy during the first 8 weeks after his arrival in the new home.With training plans for each week. CZ Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights available: Angela Wegmann & Winfried Heines Such und Hilf! (SAR Dog Training) 416, b/w photos and illustrations, Hardcover 978-3-924008-47-5 The standard book for training rescue dogs. all languages Pages: ISBN: Description: Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Andrea Freiin von Buddenbrock Mantrailing für den Realeinsatz (Mantrailing) 120, colour photos and drawings, Paperback 978-3-938071-18-2 »Mantrailers« are dogs that are trained to find specific persons by the scent trail they leave.This book explains the theory of scent, which dogs are suitable, what the handler has to learn and how to train under realistic settings. Rights available: all languages 5 BEHAVIOUR, TRAINING Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Viviane Theby Vol. I: Schnüffelstunde. Nasenspiele für Hunde (Scenting games for dogs) Vol. II: Wir schnüffeln weiter (New scenting games for dogs) 96 p. each, illustrated, Paperback Vol. I: 978-3-933228-78-9 Vol. II: 978-3-933228-99-4 A dog's sense of smelling is around forty times as acute as the humane one.These books shows how anybody can train their dog to find lost items from car key to wedding ring and to have fun with a lot of special »nose games«. Vol. I: GB Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Günther & Karin Bloch Timberwolf Yukon & Co. Eleven years of wild wolf observation 260, ca. 150 colour photos, Hardcover 978-3-933228-51-2 Exciting insights into social life and behaviour of truly wild wolves, gathered in eleven years of careful observation in Canadian National Parks.The book reveals surprising new details about wolf behaviour which are utmost interest not only for wolf enthusiasts, but for any dog owner. Brilliant photographs in large formats. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Alexander Epp Vier Räder – Vier Pfoten (Four wheels – four paws) 96, line drawings, Paperback 978-3-933228-94-9 Can disabled persons sitting in a wheelchair own a dog? They can – and have lots of fun, as the author shows. Practical and proven tipps on how to organize dog keeping and dog training from the wheelchair, which problems to overcome and which activities are possible. GB Author: Title: Olga van Boekel Mensch, Hund! Ein roter Faden durch die Hundegrundschule (Oh, Fido! Your guideline through the doggy primary school) Pages: 96, black/white-drawings, Paperback ISBN: 978-3-938071-21-2 Description: A very humorous and warm-hearted book on dog training with a lot of examples from everyday life. Do's and Dont's of how to communicate with a puppy and how to survive the first months of dog ownership. Rights available: all languages 6 BEHAVIOUR, TRAINING Author: Title: Nina Taphorn Von der Straße auf die Couch - Streuner aus dem Süden als Familienhunde (From street to couch – meditarrenean stray dogs and their second lives as family dogs) Pages: colour photos throughout, Paperback ISBN: 978-3-938071-10-6 Description: All aspects, problems and solutions connected with re-homing stray dogs from Southern Europe with new owners. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Dr. Hans Räber Vom Wolf zum Rassehund (From wolve to pure-breed dog) 159, colour photos throughout, Hardcover 978-3-933228-14-7 The reputable Swiss cynologist gives a very interesting overview of canine evolution and takes a critical look at the impacts of modern dog breeding such as an extreme body shapes and health problems which have become day-to-day problem in certain breeds. Rights available: all languages KYNOS SPORTS & FUN SERIES Author: Title: Beate Lambrecht & Linda Erdl Dog Dancing: Vom Trick zum Tanz (Heelwork to Music: From trick to dance) Pages: 152, colour photos throughout, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-57-1 Description: This book focuses on choreography and performance of »Dog Dancing« and provides valuable hints for optimizing one’s show. For maximum sucess in competition and show. Both authors are Dog trainers. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Viviane Theby & Lisa Peitz Dummytraining Schritt für Schritt (Dummytraining step by step) 144, colour photos throughout, Hardcover 978-3-938071-45-8 Using clicker training and positive reinforcement, the author shows how even non-retriever dog breeds will successfully learn dummywork and have lots of fun with it. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Imke Niewöhner Obedience-Training Schritt für Schritt (Obedience-Training step by step) Pages: 144, colour photos throughout, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-17-5 Description: Different training ideas for every obedience lesson to chose from – all using modern, positive methods. Rights available: all languages 7 KYNOS SPORTS & FUN SERIES Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Anton Blome Mein Hund und ich! (Utility and Schutzhund dog training) 120, 77 colour photos, Hardcover 978-3-933228-61-1 The author shares his more than 40 years of experience in training utility dogs. He emphasizes the need for a thorough understanding of dog behaviour in order to successfully train dogs for obedience, tracking and schutzhund trial. Not only for German Shepherd owners. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Werner Damm Agility für Fortgeschrittene (Advanced Agility training) 144, full colour, Hardcover 978-3-938071-01-4 Concentrates on the body language of the dog handler for clearer communication with the dog, more speed and less mistakes.With numerous practical examples for hurdle combinations. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Uwe Wehner Obedience. Training and competition 120, 77 colour photos, Hardcover 978-3-933228-59-8 A complete guide to Obedience training, written by one of Germany's most profiled trainers. Contains the new competition regulations 2002. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Viviane Theby & Michaela Hares … darf ich bitten? Dogdancing, die faszinierende Sportart mit dem Hund (Heelwork to music) Pages: 120, colour photos, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-933228-40-6 Description: Based on Clicker-Training and positive reinforcement, the authors are describing how to »invite your dog for a dance«. Freestyle-Obedience, as »Dogdancing« is also called, is an excellent way to have fun for both dog and handler and can help to overcome a lot of behaviour problems caused by boredom and lack of work.This book does not formalise the lessons or figures, but encourages an individual approach respecting the talents and temperament of each dog. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Thomas Ahlers Flyball 120, 77 colour photos, Hardcover 978-3-933228-60-4 A new, fascinating dog sport – and the first thorough book on it. How to train your dog, how to compete and how to have fun. With a construction plan for your homemade flyball box Rights available: all languages 8 KYNOS SPORTS & FUN SERIES Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Gisela Rau Der Reitbegleithund (Riding with a companion dog) 120, colour photos throughout, Hardcover 978-3-933228-43-7 Most riders own dogs and would like to take them out for a ride – if only they could rely on their own dog not running away from the horse, barking at it, being a nuisance to other people or even chasing other animals.This book explains the principles of communication between man, horse and dog, looks at suitable breeds and shows effective ways for the training of a perfect »horse companion dog«. German TV has reported about the author and the subject. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Susanne Preuß Der Zughund (Dog-drawn carts) 120, full colour, Hardcover 978-3-933228-42-0 Dog-drawn carts and carriages have been a common picture on European roads in the 18th and 19th centuries.The book looks closely at the experiences of the past and then shows how large dogs can be used for drawing carts even today without any risk for the health of the dog. With a detailed desciption of harnesses, carts and the training of dogs for driving. Rights available: all languages SPORTS Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights available: Corinna Bachmann Disc Dogging 96, colour photos throughout, Paperback 978-3-933228-87-1 Fun with dogs and »Frisbee« discs! Training and competion.The first book book on the subject. all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Angelika Bodein Mentaltraining für Hundesportler (Mental training for dog handlers) 96, colour throughout, Paperback 978-3-938071-24-3 Positive »inner images« and mental training have become an integral part in many sport disciplines. the author shows how these principles can be practically applied to dog handlers for competition and show. Rights available: all languages OTHERS Author: Title: Claudia Pilatus & Gisela Reinecke Es ist doch nur ein Hund… Trauern um Tiere (It’s just a dog… Grieving for pets) Pages: 168, black/white drawings, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-28-1 Description: Written by a psychologist and a journalist, this book makes it easier to cope with the loss of a pet. Rights available: all languages 9 HEALTH Author: Title: Astrid Förg-Gnadl Naturheilpraktischer Notfallkoffer für Hunde (The Holistic First-Aid Kit for Dogs) Pages: 80, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-9938071-59-5 Description: Essential first aid guidelines, supported by homeopathic and Bach Flower remedies. Alphabetical order of injuries/emergencies for quick reference.The author is Naturopath for animals. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Kerstin Hasse-Schwenkler Physiotherapie für Hunde (Physiotherapy for dogs) 300, ca 250 colour photos, Hardcover 978-3-933228-53-6 A complete manual for animal therapists and/or dog owners who wish to learn more about physiotheraphy. Rights available: all languages Author: Marion Friedl Title: Aromatherapie für Hunde (Aromatherapy for dogs) Pages: 24, colour photos and drawings, Paperback ISBN: 978-3-938071-15-1 Description: Wellness and healing with essential oils for dogs. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Suyin Orlowski Wellness für Hunde (Wellness for dogs) 205, colour photos and drawings, Hardcover 978-3-933228-83-3 Lots of little »extras« that make your dog feel better every day.The author is running a very »trendy« grooming and dog styling saloon in Vienna. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Roel & Piet Beute-Faber Atlas der Hunde-Anatomie (Atlas of dog anatomy) 176, more than 1000 colour illustrations, Hardcover 978-3-924008-43-7 The complete description of dog anatomy - not only for veterinarians, but also for breeders and judges. Points of conformation explained on different breeds. Rights sold: NL Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Gaby Haag Naturheilpraxis für Hunde (Natural healing for dogs) 340, colour photos and drawings, Hardcover 978-3-933228-82-6 A complete manual describing all methods of »alternative« medicine. Includes Homoepathy, Bach flowers, Massage, Physiotherapy etc. Index of symptoms and conditions. Rights available: all languages 10 NUTRITION Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: B. Messika & S. Schäfer B.A.R.F. Junior – Artgerechte Rohernährung für Welpen und Junghunde (Biologically Available Raw Food for puppys and young dogs) 104, colour throughout, Paperback 978-3-938071-11-3 The principles of »Biologically Available Raw Food« turned applicable for breeders and puppy owners. Includes feeding plans, buying lists and lots of practical advice. CZ B. Messika & S. Schäfer B.A.R.F. – Artgerechte Rohernährung für Hunde (Biologically Available Raw Food) 104, colour throughout, Paperback 978-3-938071-11-3 »Biologically Available Raw Food« or » Bone and Raw Food« is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners.This book explains the principles and advantages of feeding natural raw food and gives practical guidelines and diet plans. B.A.R.F. made easy! Rights sold: CZ Bestseller Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Andrea Packulat Hundekekse selbst gemacht (Homemade cookies for your dog) 24, colour throughout, Paperback 978-3-933228-97-0 Recipes for homemade dog cookies. Delicious and healthy! In Germany this book is now available in the 7th printrun. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights available: Andrea Packulat Koch mal was für Bello! (Cooking for dogs) 24, colour throughout, Paperback 978-3-938071-26-7 Delicious and simple cooking recipes for dogs (and owners!) all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights available: Dr. Friedmar Krautwurst 1 x 1 der Hundeernährung (1 x 1 of dog nutrition) 232, colour illustrations, Hardcover 978-3-929545-99-9 A very thorough book an all aspects of dog nutrition all languages 11 CARE Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Renate Dolz Kynos Trimm- und Pflegefibel (The complete Kynos trimming guide) 158, 200 b/w-illustrations, Hardcover 978-3-924008-51-2 Grooming and trimming according to F.C.I.-standards explained for 30 popular breeds. CZ, IT Title: Kynos Hundefriseur - Scheren - Trimmen - Pflegen (Kynos trimming guides) Pages: 24 each, ifull colour photos throughout, Paperback Breed, ISBN: Cairn Terrier: 978-3-933228-68-0 / Airedale Terrier: 978-3-933228-67-3/ Poodle: 978-3-933228-69-7 Schnauzer: 978-3-933228-70-3 / Westie: 978-3-933228-71-0 Yorkshire Terrier: 978-3-933228-72-7 Description: These guides explain to dog owners how they can trim their dogs at home. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Imke Niewöhner Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht? (A dogs bark is worse than its bite?) 88, illustrations, Paperback 978-3-938071-22-9 Popular errors, sayings and believings on dogs revised. CZ BREEDING Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Dr. Dieter Fleig Die Technik der Hundezucht (The technique of better breeding dogs) 300, Hardcover 978-3-933228-39-0 A longseller about all aspects of dog breeding - for the beginner as well as for the experienced breeder. A real standard book with excellent press rewies. Rights sold: CZ, IT, UK, Japan Author: Title: Dr. F. Krautwurst Praktische Genetik für Hundezüchter (Practical genetics for dog breeders) Pages: 205, colour photos and drawings, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-933228-52-9 Description: »Everybody talks about genetics, but nobody understands it.« The author has set out to change this and make genetics understandable for any dog breeder without over-simplifying important facts. Essential knowledge for anyone who wishes not just to produce, but to breed dogs. Rights available: all languages 12 BREEDING Author: Title: Dr. F. Krautwurst Fachwörterbuch für Hundezüchter und Hundehalter (Dictonary of specific terms for dog breeders and dog owners) Pages: 140,b/w, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-933228-88-8 Description: Key terms from genetics, biology, nutrition etc. explained in a thorough and understandable way. Quick help for readers of scientific and medical literature on dogs! Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Eberhard Trumler Ein Hund wird geboren (A dog is born) 176, Hardcover 978-3-924008-21-5 The author looks at the natural behaviour of dogs when breeding and raising puppies and takes his consequences for the practical work. Rights available: all languages SHOW Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Dr. Peter Beyersdorf Unser Hund auf Ausstellungen (Your dog in the showring) 144, colour throughout, Hardcover 978-3-933228-92-5 Training for dog shows, correct handling, tipps, tricks and hints, rules and regulations for F.C.I. shows Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Rights sold: Elke Peper Gutes Handling (Dog handling for the show) 120, 89 colour photos, Hardcover 978-3-929545-16-6 Correct handling for more show success. CZ, PL BREEDING Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Martin Blank Hundsgemeinheiten (Dogs and people) 64, colour drawings, Hardcover 978-3-938071-07-6 Sarcastic, ironic and with a lot of good black humour! The artist mirrors the sometimes odd relationships between people and their dogs in colour caricatures and short texts. An outstanding picture book and gift – very funny! Rights available: all languages 13 BREEDS Author: Elke Peper Title: Terrier der Welt (Terriers of the world, part I) Pages: 128, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-933228-89-5 Description: Full description of 18 small terrier breeds Rights available: all languages Author: Wolfgang Ransleben Title: Unser Hund – Der Dackel (Our Dog – The Dachshund) Pages: 112, full colour, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-40-3 Description: A unique breed book for newcomers and enthusiasts of the dachshound alike. Rights available: all languages »TODAY-SERIES« Description: Beautifully illustrated breed books covering all important aspects. 140 - 176 pages each, colour photos throughout, Hardcover Available breeds: E. F. Bauer, Annegret Bangert, Gerd Bottler, Dr. Dieter Fleig, Dr. Friedmar Krautwurst, Dr.Werner Petri, Hilde Schwoyer, Dr. Peter Beyersdorf, Willi Schneider, Kleiner Münsterländer (Small Munsterlander), ISBN 978-3-933228-81-9 Leonberger, ISBN 978-3-933228-54-3 Deutsch Drahthaar (German wire-haired Pointer), ISBN 978-3-929545-51-7 Miniature Bullterrier, ISBN 978-3-929545-98-2 Deutsche Dogge (Great Dane), ISBN 978-3-933228-31-4; Rights sold: Russia Weimaraner, ISBN 978-3-933228-30-7 Setter, ISBN 978-3-933228-32-1 English Cocker Spaniel, ISBN 978-3-933228-38-3 Französische Schäferhunde (French Shepherding Dogs), incl. Briard, Beuceron, Berger de Picard and Berger de Pyrénées, ISBN 978-3-933228-56-7 Rights available: all languages 14 BREED-PORTRAITS Description: 280 - 330 pages each, b/w-photos, Hardcover Available breeds: v. Bardeleben, Anghern, Beyersdorf, Eberhardt, Schindl, Weisse, Räber, Busch, Nouc, Peper, Airedale Terrier, ISBN 978-3-924008-33-8 English Bulldog, ISBN 978-3-924008-90-1 Spaniel, ISBN 978-3-924008-50-2 Beagle, ISBN 978-3-924008-41-3 Deutscher Jagdterrier, ISBN 978-3-924008-24-1 Deutscher Boxer, ISBN 978-3-924008-19-2 Schnauzer Pinscher, ISBN 978-3-924008-29-1 Golden Retriever, ISBN 978-3-924008-38-3 Deutsche Dogge, ISBN 978-3-924008-17-8 West Highland White Terrier, ISBN 978-3-924008-30-7 Rights available: all languages NEW TITLES IN THE SERIES »KYNOS RATGEBER« Description: Everything one needs to know about breed history, choosing a pup, training, nutrition, health, care etc. 80 pages each, colour photos throughout, Hardcover Available breeds: Warneke Zimmermann, Poll, Thieme, Beagle, ISBN 978-3-933228-66-6 Polski Owczarek Nizinny (PON), ISBN 978-3-933228-75-8 French Bulldog, ISBN 978-3-933228-80-2 Boston Terrier, ISBN 978-3-938071-06-9 Rights available: all languages ULTIMATE BREED BOOKS Description: 260 - 300 pages each, colour photos throughout, Hardcover Available breeds: Dr. Fleig Dr. Fleig, Drossard, Pfistinger, Bull Terrier, ISBN 978-3-929545-40-1, Rights sold: Kampfhunde – wie sie wirklich sind (Fighting dog breeds), ISBN 978-3-933228-04-8, Rights sold: US Spitze sind Spitze! (German Spitzes are great), ISBN 978-3-933228-13-0, Rights sold: Huskies in Achtion, ISBN 978-3-924008-95-6, Rights sold: FIN, US 15 HORSES Author: Burkhard Rau Title: Fahrschule fürs Pferd (Driving lessons for your horse) Pages: 120, colour photos throughout, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-16-8 Description: A guide for breaking a horse to harness - in simple, easy-to-follow steps and in a thoughtful way. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Burkhard Rau Fahren ohne Schlips und Kragen (Carriage driving »without collar and tie«) Pages: 120, colour fotos, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-933228-46-8 Description: Carriage driving with horses is a very traditional sport with a lot of rules concerning style, often overlooking the function of things.This book is a thoroughly refreshed manual for anyone widhing to harness his horse in a safe, functional and thoroughly enoyable way. Revolutionary. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Gisela Rau Der Reitbegleithund (Riding with a companion dog) 120, colour photos throughout, Hardcover 978-3-933228-43-7 Most riders own dogs and would like to take them out for a ride – if only they could rely on their own dog not running away from the horse, barking at it, being a nuisance to other people or even chasing other animals.This book explains the principles of communication between man, horse and dog, looks at suitable breeds and shows effective ways for the training of a perfect »horse companion dog«. German TV has reported about the author and the subject. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Alexander Kronsteiner Mit Sichereit Pferde verladen (Loading horses into a trailer) 96, colour fotos throughout, Hardcover 978-3-933228-85-7 A logical, easy to follow step-by-step guide.The horse is brought into the trailer using »horsesense« instead of coercive measures. No more stress or danger when loading! Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Pages: ISBN: Description: Claudia Götz Reitbeteiligung gesucht (Horse-Sharing) 96, colour fotos throughout, Hardcover 978-3-933228-95-6 For owners short of time and riders without a horse of their own. Covers all aspects including insurance, sample contracts, practical tipps for everyday. Rights available: all languages Author: Title: Sylvia Jäckle Erfolgreich auf dem Westernturnier (Western Riding – Success in the Show Ring) Pages: 144, colour fotos throughout, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-938071-05-2 Description: The author,multiple European champion in different Western Riding disciplines shares her experience and helps to train and prepare for the show. Rights available: all languages 16