culture meets surgery - Zentrum für Literatur


culture meets surgery - Zentrum für Literatur
culture meets surgery
Annual Conference
Center for Literary and
Cultural Research
Images, Models, and Interpretations
of the Human Skull
Although surgical techniques of cranial reconstruction have advanced
in recent years, altering a person’s head shape by operating on cranial
bones is still a serious intervention into the body, especially for children. Yet, what constitutes the physical outcome of the intervention – i.e.
the ›normal‹ head shape – and why it is of significance to the individual
patient is rarely discussed in the medical literature, making the procedure difficult to plan, perform, evaluate, and teach. Thus, surgeons must
rely on their subjective judgement when it comes to ›correcting‹ cranial
deformities. What constitutes this judgement when medical textbooks
fail at this point?
Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin
Schützenstraße 18 · 10117 Berlin · Tel.: +49 · (0)30 · 20 192 – 173 · Fax: – 154 · · Direktorin: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sigrid Weigel
Carolyn Steinbeck Gestaltung
Partly funded by VolkswagenFoundation.
The aim of the conference is to establish an interdisciplinary dialogue in
order to examine the cultural and epistemological premises of shaping
the human head and to discuss current practises of plastic surgery in
view of their history.
m ur
ee e
su ts
There seems to be an implicit cultural knowledge which guides surgeons
and patients’ families when judging a head as ›normal‹ or ›deformed‹, and
this is also the case in most fields of plastic surgery. This knowledge may
be informed as much by professional expertise or personal experience
as by popular beliefs and representations in the media. Drawing to light
what is entailed in such judgements seems an essential basis for making
the decision to operate.
8 – 10, 2012
Venue Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung
Schützenstr. 18 · 10117 Berlin · Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308 / 310
Friday, Nov. 9
Chair: Ernst-Johannes Haberl
9.30 Matt Jones San Francisco
The quick character read.
Designing heads for animated films
Hans-Florian Zeilhofer Basel
The art of planning and performing
cranio-maxillofacial surgery
11.30 Break
Chair: Sigrid Weigel
12.00 Uta Kornmeier ZfL
Michelangelo’s scalpel.
Proportion studies in classical art and
contemporary surgical literature
Stefan Zachow ZIB Berlin
Three-dimensional morphometry.
Building an objective for surgical
reconstruction of cranial deformities
14.00 Break
Chair: Volker Hess
15.00 Christine Hanke Potsdam
5,371 measures of a skull. Medial
practices in 1900 physical anthropology
Thursday, Nov. 8
16.00 Introduction
Ernst-Johannes Haberl Charité Berlin
Sigrid Weigel ZfL
James T. Goodrich New York
Manipulating cranial bones.
A cultural and surgical survey
17.30 Break
Chair: Uta Kornmeier
18.00 Martin Kemp Oxford
Feeling bullish?
Reading and representing faces in the
visual arts from the Renaissance to now
Simon Strick ZfL
Children’s cranial deformation.
A 19th-century genealogy
17.00 Break
Chair: Simon Strick
17.30 Nichola Rumsey Bristol
Perceptions of facial differences.
What motivates people to seek
cosmetic surgery?
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson
Extraordinary faces
Saturday, Nov. 10
9.00 Working Breakfast
Please register for this event with
Sarah Affenzeller (
Frame-based cranial reconstruction
Ernst-Johannes Haberl Charité Berlin
Chair: Uta Kornmeier
11.00 Jeanette Kohl Riverside
Busts and bones.
Sculpted heads in the Renaissance
Sigrid Weigel ZfL
Carl Gustav Carus and the symbolic
interpretation of the human shape
13.00 Break
Chair: Simon Strick
14.00 Richard Neave Manchester
Uncertainties of soft tissue prediction
in facial reconstruction
Thomas Schnalke /
Andreas Winkelmann Charité Berlin
Skull research.
Dealing with »human remains« in view
of recent restitution demands
16.00 Break
16.30 Panel Discussion
Collaborating with the
humanities: A challenge for
plastic surgery?
Ernst-Johannes Haberl Charité Berlin
Mark R. Proctor Boston
Concezio di Rocco Rome
Chair: Michael Hagner, Zurich
Concezio Di Rocco
James T. Goodrich
Professor of Pediatric Neurosur-
Director of the division of Pedi-
craniofacial repair«, in: Journal of
›Rasse‹ und ›Geschlecht‹ in der
Story Artist, Pixar Studios, San
und Facialität frühneuzeitlicher
gery at the Catholic University
atric Neurosurgery and Professor
international medical research (co-
physischen Anthropologie um 1900
Porträts«, in: Trajekte 17 (2008);
Medical School and Head of the
of Clinical Neurological Surgery,
author, 2008); »Technical aspects
(2007); »Visualisierungen der
tion; sculpture.
Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, editor
Pediatrics, Plastic and Recon-
and results of surgery for cranio-
physischen Anthropologie«, in:
set inside the mind (2010 until
ter und Früher Neuzeit (co-ed.,
synostosis«, in: Zentralblatt für
A. Zimmermann (ed.): Sichtbar-
today); Arthur Christmas (2009);
2007); Re-Visionen. Zur Aktuali-
Neurochirurgie (co-author, 2004).
keit und Medium. Austausch,
Pirates! (2009); A Monster In
tät von Kunstgeschichte (co-ed.,
Verknüpfung und Differenz natur-
Paris (2006 – 2008); Tim Burton’s
Corpse Bride (2004).
of Child’s Nervous System.
Matt Jones
hydro- structive Surgery at the Albert
cephalus, craniosynostosis, and
Einstein College of Medicine,
intracranial pressure phenomena;
New York.
epileptogenic pathology.
malies; internal medicine.
luation of obstructive sleep apnea
in pediatric patients with facio-
Craniofacial ano-
Michael Hagner
wissenschaftlicher und ästhetischer
Medical and surgical practice
Professor for Science Studies at
Bildstrategien (2005).
as represented in cultural figures
the Eidgenössische Technische
Drawing; animaUntitled film
Kopf/Bild. Die Büste in Mittelal-
Uta Kornmeier
Art historian and coordinator of
Volker Hess
Martin Kemp
the project »SchädelBasisWissen.
Director of the Institute for the
Emeritus Professor of History of
Kulturelle Implikationen der plas-
and arts; strategies of visualisa-
History of Medicine, Charité
Art at the University of Oxford.
tion in the life sciences; the rela-
medical school, and Professor
of the brain«, in: Neurosurgical
tionship of arts and science; his-
for the history of medicine,
theory and practice of art; art
exhibitions and museums; wax
tory of cybernetics; brain research.
Humboldt-University Berlin.
and science; art and writings of
works; city soundscapes.
Biographies of scientific images
History of 19th and 20th
Leonardo da Vinci.
für den Ernstfall? Überleben
craniostenosis. A brief communi-
from the pre-conquest mesoameri-
Hochschule, Zurich.
cation«, in: Child’s Nervous System
can territories (2010); »Anatomy,
epistemology of the humanities
(co-author, 2012); »Depicting
technology, art, and culture.
cranial sutures: a travel into the
Toward a realistic perspective
history«, in: Child’s Nervous System (co-author, 2011); Advances
focus (co-author, 2009); Cranio-
and technical standards in neuro-
facial anomalies. Growth and
surgery (co-ed., 2010); Neuro-
development from a surgical per-
cutaneous disorders. Phakomato-
spective (co-ed., 1995); Plastic
ses and hamartoneoplastic syn-
techniques in neurosurgery (co-
dromes (co-ed., 2007).
ed., 1991).
and memorial culture. On cerebral
cultural history of psychiatry.
(co-ed., 2009); Homo cerebralis.
Scientific models of nature;
Christ to
tischen Chirurgie des Schädels«
at the ZfL.
European history of
century medical practice and
Coke. How image becomes icon
Der Wandel vom Seelenorgan zum
technology; history of biological
(2011); »Style and non-style in
Überleben. Historische und aktu-
Gehirn (2008); »Skulls, brains,
drugs and drug regulations;
anatomical illustration: from
elle Konstellationen (2011); »In-
renaissance humanism to Henry
nere Werte. Kunst im Röntgen-
biographies of scientists in the
»Writing the history of psychia-
als Hobby«, in: F. Schmieder (ed.):
Gray«, in: Journal of Anatomy
licht«, in: Trajekte 21 (2010);
(2010); The human animal in
»The Famous and the Infamous.
Waxworks as retailers of renown«,
Ernst-Johannes Haberl
nineteenth century«, in: Science in
Head of the division of Pediatric
context (2003); Der falsche Körper.
History of Psychiatry (co-author,
western art and science (2007);
Professor of Women’s Studies
Neurosurgery at the Charité
Beiträge zu einer Geschichte der
2011); »Taking and keeping.
Seen and unseen. Art, science,
in: International Journal of Cul-
at Emory University, Atlanta.
medical school, Berlin.
Monstrositäten (ed., 1995).
A note on the emergence and
and intuition from Leonardo to
tural Studies (2008); »Madame
function of hospital patient re-
the Hubble Telescope (2006).
Tussaud’s as a popular pantheon«,
surgery; tethered spinal cord syn-
Christine Hanke
cords«, in: Journal of the Society
drome; craniosynostosis correc-
Professor of Media Studies at the
of Archivists (co-author, 2011);
Jeanette Kohl
Pantheons. Transformations of a
University of Potsdam.
Die Charité. Geschichte(n) eines
Associate Professor of History of
monumental idea (2004).
Art at the University of California,
Feminist theory; American
literature; disability studies.
»Misfits. A feminist materialist
disability concept«, in: Hypatia.
scopic and minimally-invasive
»Experiences with a gravity-
try in the 20th century«, in:
in: M. Craske / R. Wrigley (eds.):
A journal of feminist philosophy
assisted valve in hydrocephalic
course analysis; image theory;
Krankenhauses (co-ed., 2010);
(2011); Re-presenting disability.
children«, in: Journal of neuro-
science studies; film und digital
Der wohltemperierte Mensch.
Agency and activism in the museum
surgery pediatrics (co-author,
Fiebermessen in Wissenschaft
theory of portraiture; sculpture
Artist in medicine and life sci-
(co-ed., 2010); Staring. How we
2009); »A clinical pilot study of
Realitätseffekte und Spektakel
und Alltag 1850–1900 (2000).
and materiality; methodology
ences; Manchester.
look (2009); Extraordinary bodies.
fresh frozen plasma versus
(2010); Prototypisieren. Eine Messe
and visual culture.
Figuring physical disability in
human albumin in paediatric
für Theorie und Kunst (co-ed.,
essays on the human face (co-ed.,
construction; reconstruction
American culture and literature
2009); Zwischen Auflösung und
2012); »Sichtbar sein. Materialität
of ancient faces.
Fixierung. Zur Konstitution von
Texte – Zahlen – Bilder:
Renaissance art;
En face. Nine
Richard Neave
and archaeological facial re»Sprinting«,
in: Anatomy of an athlete. Elite
sport, surgery and medical art,
exhibition at the Hunterian
Museum, London (with D. Smith,
Oxford handbook of the psy-
Andreas Winkelmann
frühkindlichen Schädelfehlbil-
Head of the Charité Human Re-
dungen (Craniosynostosen)«,
mains Project (with Thomas
in: International magazine of oro-
2012); »Facial reconstruction
chology of appearance (co-author,
on the abnormal skull model of
2012); The psychology of appear-
Schnalke) and lecturer in anat-
facial esthetics (co-author with
a living patient«, in: The Cleft
ance and disfigurement (co-ed.,
omy at the Charité medical
E.-J. Haberl, 2009).
Palate – Craniofacial Journal (co-
2005); Visibly different. Coping
school, Berlin.
author, 2001); Making faces.
with disfigurement (co-ed., 1997);
terminology, and didactics of
Ethics, history,
Hans-Florian Zeilhofer
Using forensic and archaeological
The social psychology of facial
medical teaching.
Head of the Department of Cranio-
evidence (co-author, 1997).
appearance (co-author, 1988).
cell – a ›Third Reich eponym‹?«,
Maxillofacial Surgery at the Uni-
in: European Respiratory Journal
versity Hospital Basel and at the
»The Clara
Mark R. Proctor
Thomas Schnalke
(co-author, 2010); Präparierkurs.
Kantonsspital Aarau.
Associate Professor of Neurosur-
Professor for History of Medicine
Präparieranweisungen und Theorie
structive surgery with computer-
gery at the Children’s Hospital in
and Medical Museology for the
(co-author, 2009); Von Achilles
assisted technologies; surgery
Boston and the Harvard Medical
Charité medical school at the
bis Zuckerkandl – Eigennamen
of craniofacial anomalies; trau-
Humboldt-University and director
Pediatric neurosurgery;
craniofacial abnormalities; hydrocephalus; epilepsy and trauma.
Jean-Galbert Salvage: »Anatomie des Kopfes am Beispiel des Apollo Belvedere«,
aus: ders: Anatomie du Gladiateur Combattant, applicable aux Beaux Arts, Paris 1812.
of the Museum of Medical History,
matology of the skull; tumor sur-
(2009); »Anatomical dissection
gery with reconstructive plastic
as a teaching method in medical
surgery; new materials for CMF -
Simon Strick
Sigrid Weigel
school: a review of the evidence«,
surgery; tissue engineering, and
synostosis: craniofacial and
of science and medicine; history
Postdoctoral Researcher at the
Director of the ZfL, and Professor
in: Medical education (2007).
new implant technologies.
neurologic surgery perspectives«,
of medical bolus and preparations. ZfL, Project »SchädelBasisWissen.
in: Plastic and reconstructive
surgery (co-author, 2012); »Endo-
History of medical
in der medizinischen Fachsprache
museology; material approaches
»Parameters of care for cranio-
jenseits des menschen / beyond
humans (co-author, 2010); »Aus-
scopic cranial suture release
stellen, Forschen, Lehren. Das
for the treatment of craniosyn-
medizin-historische Museum zwi-
at the TU Berlin.
computer-assisted diagnostic and
Kulturelle Implikationen der plas-
literature and culture; cultural
Stefan Zachow
treatment concept to increase
tischen Chirurgie des Schädels«.
history of knowledge; image
Head of medical planning group
accuracy and safety in the extra-
at the Department of Visualisa-
cranial correction of cranial vault
and sexuality in the history of
History of pain; race, gender
schichtliche Szenen aus der Arbeit
tion and Data Analysis at the
asymmetries« (co-author, 2012);
»Computer simulation and rapid
Gesichter. Kulturge-
ostosis – is it the future?«, in:
schen universitärer Medizin
science; visual culture.
am Bildnis des Menschen (forth-
Zuse-Institute, Berlin.
Journal of craniofacial surgery
und Öffentlichkeit«, in: Zeitschrift
can Dolorologies: Pain, Sentimen-
coming); »Phantom images. Face
isations and data analysis; numer-
prototyping for the reconstruc-
(2012); Minimally invasive neuro-
für Geschichte der Wissenschaften,
talism and Biopolitics in 19th
and feeling in the age of brain
ical analysis and modelling.
tion of the mandible« (co-author,
surgery (co-ed., 2005).
Technik und Medizin (2010);
Century America (forthcoming
imaging«, in: Kritische Berichte
»Ohne Sinn und Verstand? Rudolf
2013); »Vorher Nachher: Zur
(2012), WissensKünste. Das
potential of statistical shape mod-
»Digital morphometry. The
2009); »High-Tech surgery in
Europe. Innovative technologies
Nichola Rumsey
Virchows Strategie des Sammelns
Erzählbarkeit des kosmetischen
Wissen der Künste und die Kunst
els«, in: Journal of biological and
for oral and maxillofacial sur-
Professor of Health Psychology
am Beispiel seines Pathologischen
Selbst«, in: P. Villa (ed.): Schön
des Wissens (co-ed., 2011); Genea-
clinical anthropology (co-author,
geons« (2007), all in: Journal of
oral and maxillo-facial surgery;
and Co-Director of the Center for
Museums«, in: Acta historica Leo-
normal – Sozial- und Kultur-
Logik. Generation, Tradition und
2011); Tagungsband CUR AC 2011
Appearance Research, University
poldina (2007); Apoll im Labor.
wissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Evolution zwischen Kultur- und
– 10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen
Innovative dreidimensionale Tech-
of the West of England, Bristol.
Bildung, Experiment, Mechanische
auf somatische Selbsttechnologien
Naturwissenschaften (2006).
Gesellschaft für Computer- und
niken: medizinische Rapid-Proto-
Schönheit (co-ed., 2005).
(2008); »Geschlecht als Gewinn.
Roboterassis-tierte Chirurgie
typing-Modelle für die Operations-
ing styles and quality of life in
Zum Spektakel der Normierung
(co-ed., 2011); »Cranio-facial sur-
planung und daraus resultierende
people with appearance-related
in The Swan«, in: Plurale (2005).
gery planning based on virtual
neue Entwicklungen in der Mund-,
Psychology of health; cop-
concerns; psychosocial conse-
patient models«, in: Information
Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
quences of visible difference.
Technology (co-author, 2010);
»Computergestützte Planung zur
chirurgischen Korrektur von