English - Joseph Haydn Konservatorium
English - Joseph Haydn Konservatorium
E I S E N S TA D T - A U S T R I A position 12-13 w w w. h a y d n k o n s . a t The Joseph Haydn Conservatory - JHK Joseph Haydn Conservatory, which is a living memorial to Joseph Haydn, opened its doors to students and pupils more than three decades ago, and as is befitting for the musical and historical traditions of Eisenstadt it embodies quality and an international character, is future-oriented and in a state of permanent development. Here, watched over by his guardian spirit, lessons in instrumental and vocal performance are taught, as well as in the theory of music and composition, while concerts are given in places where Joseph Haydn originally worked and performed. There are currently 40 learning agreements with partner institutes within Europe and with non-European institutes. The JHK distinguishes itself both nationally and internationally from other institutes due to its geographical location and to the advantages it enjoys as the regional capital of Austria with the highest quality of life. 41 instructors teach approximately 320 students and pupils from all over the world in an almost family-like atmosphere.The house is only separated from the spacious park of the Esterhazy Palace by a road, but scarcely a half hour's drive from the Lake Neusiedl. Its proximity to Vienna enables one to take part in the cultural life of Austria’s capital and to socialise with people who may play an important role in a future career. dt | en Courses of Study 1 artistic diploma studies (instrumental studies) graduation with an artist diploma 2 instrumental- and vocal pedagogy graduating with teaching credentials. enabling students to continue their studies in a master’s programme at universities of music and performing art in austria 3 bachelor programme in co-operation with the faculty of music and dance of the academy of performing arts in bratislava. graduation with academic title bachelor 4 preparatory classes departments 01 theory of music and solo-singing 02 keyboard instruments 03 stringed instruments 04 wind instruments and percussion 05 jazz and pop music links: www.eisenstadt.at dt | en www.wiesen.at www.haydnhaus.at E I S E N S TA D T - A U S T R I A musiktheorie und sologesang theory of music and solo-singing 01 JA YES ich möchte gerne über ihr studienangebot informiert werden. ich interessiere mich für folgende studienrichtung: i want some information about your studies. i am interested in the following course of studies: tonsatz und komposition sologesang gesangspädagogik postentgelt zahlt empfänger theory of music and composition solo singing vocal pedagogy name: adresse: e-mail: telefon: antwortkarte joseph haydn konservatorium des landes burgenland glorietteallee 2 a-7000 eisenstadt Theory of music and solo-singing Based on the composing tradition of Joseph Haydn, the JHK conveys in its theory of music and composition, both the basis for the contact to compositions from different epochs, but also the tools for the personal artistic development of the prospective composers. Graduates and students studying solo-singing find in the musically cultural landscape of Pannonia (comprising of Austria, Hungary and Slovakia) various possibilities to play an active role in music events in the region. majors: theory of music and composition dt | en solo singing vocal pedagogy All three of these courses can only be completed at the JHK in Burgenland. E I S E N S TA D T - A U S T R I A blasinstrumente und schlagwerk wind instruments and percussion 04 JA YES ich möchte gerne über ihr studienangebot informiert werden. ich interessiere mich für folgende studienrichtung: i want some information about your studies. i am interested in the following course of studies: flöte oboe fagott klarinette saxophon horn trompete posaune tuba blockflöte schlagwerk instrumentalpädagogik für blasinstrumente und schlagwerk name: adresse: e-mail: telefon: flute oboe clarinet saxophon basson horn trompet trombone tuba recorder percussion instrumental pedagogy for wind instruments and percussion postentgelt zahlt empfänger antwortkarte joseph haydn konservatorium des landes burgenland glorietteallee 2 a-7000 eisenstadt Wind instruments and percussion Many of the teachers for wind instruments are members of symphony orchestras in Vienna and pass on the world-famous Viennese wind tradition with its unmistakable model of excellence, as far as sound is concerned, to the students. In the course of the modifications at the JHK a sufficient number of appropriate rooms and generous practicing possibilities for percussion students are provided, equipped with professional instruments. The recorder is taught at the JHK, both as a popular instrument for young children in elementary music education, but also as an instrument in the artistic and educational main course of studies. majors: flute dt | en oboe clarinet saxophon basson horn trompet trombone tuba recorder percussion instrumental pedagogy for wind instruments and percussion E I S E N S TA D T - A U S T R I A tasteninstrumente keyboard instruments 02 JA YES ich möchte gerne über ihr studienangebot informiert werden. ich interessiere mich für folgende studienrichtung: i want some information about your studies. i am interested in the following course of studies: postentgelt zahlt klavier orgel akkordeon instrumentalpädagogik für tasteninstrumente empfänger piano organ accordion instrumental pedagogy for keyboard instruments name: adresse: e-mail: telefon: antwortkarte joseph haydn konservatorium des landes burgenland glorietteallee 2 a-7000 eisenstadt Keyboard instruments The excellent facilities with pianos and generous practicing possibilities are ideal prerequisites for the artistic development of the students. Students from JHK majoring in piano have been able to secure an excellent reputation at national and international competitions. The organ studies are consciously linked to the important tradition of the organ in Eisenstadt, seven historical organs alone are to be found in the regional capital. The lessons take place on the in-house Gollini organ in the concert hall. The accordion is being assigned a more multifarious role in a wider and a more variegated musical scene in Austria, thus allowing this field of studies to appear in a different light. majors: piano dt | en organ accordion instrumental pedagogy for keyboard instruments E I S E N S TA D T - A U S T R I A jazz und popularmusik jazz and popmusic 05 JA YES ich möchte gerne über ihr studienangebot informiert werden. ich interessiere mich für folgende studienrichtung: i want some information about your studies. i am interested in the following course of studies: tasteninstrumente des jazz und der popularmusik gitarre - jazz e-bass - jazz saxophon - jazz posaune - jazz schlagzeug - jazz jazz- und popularmusikpädagogik postentgelt zahlt empfänger keyboard instruments of jazz and the popular music guitar - jazz e-bass - jazz saxophon - jazz trombone - jazz percussion instruments - jazz jazz and popular music pedagogy name: adresse: e-mail: telefon: antwortkarte joseph haydn konservatorium des landes burgenland glorietteallee 2 a-7000 eisenstadt Jazz and popmusic One can no longer imagine a music life in the regional capital of Eisenstadt without the latest department at the JHK. This department is an important counterpoint to the classical music scene in Eisenstadt (officially known as the free city of Eisenstadt). Jazz concerts enrich the scene, while jam sessions give the students the opportunity to gather stage experience and are an added attraction for friends of this musical genre, to appear with both students and teachers from the Conservatory. In addition to the normal lessons there are extra-curricular classes with well-known musicians from the jazz and pop scene, who are regularly invited to the JHK as guest speakers/performers to workshops, with a view to offering the students some practical hands-on experience. majors: keyboard instruments dt | en guitar - jazz e-bass - jazz saxophon - jazz trombone - jazz percussion instruments - jazz jazz and popular music pedagogy E I S E N S TA D T - A U S T R I A saiteninstrumente stringed instruments 03 JA YES ich möchte gerne über ihr studienangebot informiert werden. ich interessiere mich für folgende studienrichtung: i want some information about your studies. i am interested in the following course of studies: violine viola violoncello kontrabass gitarre instrumentalpädagogik für saiteninstrumente postentgelt zahlt empfänger violin viola violoncello double-bass guitar instrumental pedagogy for stringed instruments name: adresse: e-mail: telefon: antwortkarte joseph haydn konservatorium des landes burgenland glorietteallee 2 a-7000 eisenstadt Stringed instruments Students studying a stringed instrument will be offered a stylistic diversity of interpretation possibilities, in order to offer them as much support as possible in the unfolding of their own artistic development. The symphony orchestra of the JHK consists naturally for the most part of strings. At least once a year the orchestra performs in the Haydn Hall of the Esterhazy Palace, which is known far beyond the borders due to its unique acoustics. In addition to their curricular studies students majoring in guitar have the possibility to take part in an annual guitar festival in the nearby town of Rust (officially called the free city of Rust) and to attend master classes and concerts of internationally renowned concert guitarists. majors: violin dt | en viola violoncello double-bass guitar instrumental pedagogy for stringed instruments Bachelorstudium in Eisenstadt Durch eine Kooperation des Landes Burgenland mit der Musik- und Tanzfakultät der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Bratislava ist es in den meisten Studienrichtungen des Instrumentalstudiums, in der Studienrichtung Gesang sowie in der Studienrichtung Tonsatz und Komposition ab dem Studienjahr 2007/08 möglich, ein Studium der Musikhochschule Bratislava zu belegen und den akademischen Titel Bachelor zu erlangen, wobei der Unterricht am JHK stattfindet. Im 7. und 8. Semester sind die Studierenden auch an der Musikhochschule Bratislava inskribiert, wobei der Hauptfachunterricht von Lehrkräften des JHK erteilt wird. Bachelor Studies in Eisenstadt Through a co-operation with the Federal State of Burgenland and Faculty of Music and Dance of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava it is possible to enroll at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava since 2007/2008 and to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in most of the instrumental performance disciplines, vocal performance, as well as in theory of music and composition, whereby classes will be taught in Eisenstadt. In the 7th and 8th semester students will also be registered at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, whereby instruction in the main subjects will be taught by teachers from the JHK. www.vsmu.sk dt | en Special thanks to: Cover - Kurt von garish.at, 01 - Ramona, 02 - Simone, 03 - Pyo, 04 - Maria, 05 - Gerhard and also to Andreas, Aron, Lucia, Tina, Hans, Carmen, Mathias, Mihaly, Richard, Katharina, Stefanie, Xu, Victoria and Heinrich. Impressum/Imprint Herausgeber/Publisher: Joseph Haydn Konservatorium des Landes Burgenland Gestaltung/Graphic design: HÄC-MÄC, Eisenstadt _ www.haec-maec.at Text: Gabriele Burian Übersetzung/Translation: Marie Deissl-O`Meara Fotos/Photos: Walter Luttenberger _ www.blende16.at Druck/Printed by: Wograndl Druck, Mattersburg _ www.wograndl.com