ho scale - Walthers
ho scale - Walthers
ge ief h) r- h) NEW HO 85' Budd Small-Window Coach WalthersMainline®. 910-30201 Amtrak® (Phase III, silver, Equal red, white, blue Stripes) 910-30202 ATSF (silver) 910-30203 SP† (silver, red) 910-30204 UP† (Armour Yellow, gray) 910-30205 Via Rail Canada 910-30206 Alaska Railroad (silver, blue) Price: $34.98 Fast Check-Out Options at www.walthers.com! NEW HO 85' Budd 10-6 Sleeper WalthersMainline. 910-30110 CN (silver, black, Noodle Logo) Price: $34.98 NEW HO 85' Budd BaggageRailway Post Office NEW HO 85' Budd Observation WalthersMainline. 910-30351 Amtrak (Phase III, silver, Equal red, white, blue Stripes) 910-30352 ATSF (silver) 910-30353 CB&Q (silver) 910-30354 CP (silver, maroon) 910-30357 SP† (silver, red) 910-30359 Via Rail Canada (silver, blue, yellow) 910-30360 Alaska Railroad (silver, blue) 910-30361 CN 910-30362 SOU Railway (silver) Price: $34.98 WalthersMainline. 910-30302 ATSF (silver) 910-30303 CB&Q (silver) 910-30304 CP (silver, maroon) 910-30305 NYC (silver) 910-30307 SP† (silver, red) 910-30308 UP† (Armour Yellow, gray) 910-30309 Via Rail Canada (silver, blue, yellow) 910-30310 CN (silver, black, Noodle Logo) 910-30311 SOU Railway (silver) Price: $34.98 HO 1890s-Era Wood Coach Mantua. 455-715100 UP Reg. Price: $16.98 Sale: $14.98 HO SCALE x FREIGHT CARS Chief h) r, ow hop NEW HO 40' Trinlty 14,000-Gallon Molten Sulfur Tank Car WalthersProto . CGTX (black, yellow band, Conspicuity Markings) 920-100037 #13905 920-100038 #13909 Flint Hill Resources FHRX (black, conspicuity markings) 920-100039 #135988 920-100040 #136015 GATX (black) 920-100041 #7935 920-100042 #7951 Trinity Industries Leasing TCPX (yellow) 920-100043 #70025 920-100044 #70042 Trinity Industries Leasing TILX (yellow) 920-100045 #135007 920-100046 #135026 Trinity Industries Leasing TILX (black, yellow band) 920-100047 #135344 920-100048 #135342 Price: $44.98 ® Limited Quantity Available HO Gunderson Rebuilt All-Purpose 53' Well Car WalthersProto. 920-109007 St. Marys Railway West #210810 Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $31.98 Limited Quantity Available HO 56' Thrall All-Door Boxcar WalthersProto. 920-101913 Lake State Railway #10028 Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $33.98 Limited Quantity Available NEW HO 55' Evans 4780 Covered Hopper WalthersProto. 920-106105 Archer-DanielsMidland UELX #10023 (gray, blue, Molecule Logo) 920-106106 B&M #5418 (blue, white) 920-106107 Comet Rice USLX #20965 (white, black, red, Billboard Lettering) 920-106108 FMC Chemicals USLX #20110 (gray, red, black) 920-106109 Farmer’s Co-Op Grain Co. USLX #26703 Price: $37.98 Union Pacific licensed product † NEW HO 40' UTLX 16,000-Gallon Funnel-Flow Tank Car WalthersProto. Cyprus AMMX #14204 (white, blue) 920-100129 920-100130 KT Clays AMMX (white, red) 920-100131 #14020 920-100132 #14237 J. M. Huber (white, black, blue) 920-100133 #69011 920-100134 #69014 KLRX (black, yellow Conspicuity Marks) 920-100135 #136108 920-100136 #136192 Procor, Ltd. (black, yellow) 920-100137 #60153 920-100138 #60156 Staley GATX (black, white Logo) 920-100139 #4106 920-100140 #4221 Price: $44.98 HO 25' C&O Wood Caboose WalthersProto. 920-103157 C&O #90711 (yellow, For Progress logo) 920-103158 C&O #90725 (yellow No Red Line, For Progress logo) Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $26.98 21 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 21 8/5/16 11:07 AM HO SCALE x FREIGHT CARS NE Box NEW HO 36' 10,000-Gallon NEW HO Type 21 ACF 10,000-Gallon Tank Car Tank Car WalthersProto®. American Gas (silver, black) 920-100501 #1547 920-100502 #1554 Cities Service (black, white) 920-100503 #1430 920-100504 #1442 GATX (black, white) 920-100505 #17437 Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $25.98 Keith Tank Lines KTX (black, white) 920-100521 #791 920-100522 #799 Pan-Am Oils SHPX (black, white) 920-100523 #10812 920-100524 #10818 Union Tank Car Co. (black, yellow) 920-100527 #10360 920-100528 #10365 Price: $41.98 HO 30' Southern Pacific Class † C-30-1 Wood Caboose WalthersProto. 920-103105 SP† #645 (Roman with Bars) 920-103106 SP† #873 (Modern Gothic) 920-103107 SP† #727 (Reporting Marks Only) 920-103108 SP† #307 (Roman without Bars) Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $37.98 WalthersMainline®. 910-1017 A.E. Staley SHPX #20612 910-1018 United States Department of Defense #16414 910-1019 Hercules Powder Co. UTLX #69730 910-1020 Thomas Snyder Molasses ILX #616 Price: $27.98 NEW HO 40' AAR 1944 Boxcar WalthersMainline. DRGW† (Boxcar Red, Flying Rio Grande Logo) 910-1677 #67682 910-1678 #67686 L&N (Boxcar Red, Old Reliable Slogan) 910-1679 #15001 910-1680 #15013 WP† (Boxcar Red, yellow, Western Way Slogan, Large W) 910-1685 #20551 910-1686 #20555 Price: $24.98 Limited Quantity Available HO 40' AAR 1948 Boxcar - Kit WalthersMainline. 910-1750 Undecorated Price: $24.98 NE NEW HO 50' Evans Smooth Side Boxcar WalthersMainline. CR (brown, large logo) 910-1915 #266826 910-1916 #266873 SP† (Hydra-Cushion slogan) 910-1917 #659428 Price: $24.98 NEW HO Russell Snowplow WalthersProto®. Features include factory-installed grab irons, complete underbody with brake gear and piping, hinged and positionable side wings and railroad-specific details. 920-110013 Alaska Railroad #4 (Boxcar Red) 920-110018 WC #300 (maroon, yellow) Price: $69.98 Limited Quantity Available HO Russell Snowplow - Kit WalthersProto. In service 1920s to present. Features wire grab irons, detailed flanger and custom front truck for tighter curves. 920-110000 Undecorated Reg. Price: $69.98 Sale: $59.98 22 Union Pacific licensed product † NEW HO 50' 100-Ton 4-Bay WalthersMainline. BN (black, white, Later Medium Logo Over Car Number) 910-1951 #549018 910-1952 #513915 CNW† (green, yellow) 910-1953 #63126 MP† (brown, white, Eagle Buzzsaw Logo) 910-1959 #588264 910-1960 #588457 Price: $27.98 HO Hop Wa 910 Reg NE HO 50' ACF Exterior Post Boxcar WalthersMainline. BN (green, white, Medium Logo Over Number) 910-2116 #249197 Ashley, Drew & Northern (green, white Door) 910-2117 #8083 910-2118 #8146 SP† (Boxcar Red, yellow DF Logo) 910-2119 #12894 910-2120 #13261 Apalachicola Northern (yellow, blue, Port St. Joe Logo) 910-2126 #5182 Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay (green, yellow, Large Bay Line Lettering) 910-2128 #7149 CN CNA (Boxcar Red, Large Noodle Logo) 910-2129 #419332 910-2130 #419398 Minneapolis, Northfield & SOU (blue, red, Billboard MNS) 910-2131 #49705 910-2132 #49712 Port Huron & Detroit (blue, white, red) 910-2133 #1003 910-2134 #1048 Price: $24.98 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 22 Wa PRR 910 910 910 910 Tra 910 910 Tra 910 910 Tra 910 910 Pric Hopper NEW HO 40' AAR 1948 Boxcar WalthersMainline. CP (Boxcar Red, Script Lettering) 910-1755 #259500 910-1756 #259520 IC (Boxcar Red, “Mainline of MidAmerica” Slogan) 910-1757 #31049 B&O (Sentinel Scheme, silver, blue) 910-1763 #466032 910-1764 #466074 CN (Boxcar Red, CN Logo) 910-1765 #525303 910-1766 #525309 GN (Pullman Green, Omaha Orange) 910-1767 #2540 PRR (1950 Merchandise Service, Tuscan, white) 910-1769 #567427 910-1770 #571965 SSW† SSW (Boxcar Red, Blue Streak Fast Freight Logo) 910-1771 #33929 910-1772 #33939 WM (Boxcar Red, Speed Lettering) 910-1773 #29127 910-1774 #29134 Price: $24.98 Wa 910 Pric 8/5/16 11:07 AM Wa CN 910 910 NH 910 N& Ham 910 910 SAL Log 910 910 UP Slo 910 910 ATS Lar 910 910 Gre bla 910 910 RI 100 910 Pric Uni † Sho e e, le ue, red) hop NEW HO 50' ACF Exterior Post Boxcar WalthersMainline®. 910-2100 Undecorated Price: $24.98 NEW HO 75' Piggyback Flatcar WalthersMainline. PRR (Tuscan, Full Roadname) 910-5213 #470617 910-5214 #470682 910-5215 #470720 910-5216 #470749 Trailer-Train (Boxcar Red) 910-5217 #470436 910-5218 #470517 Trailer-Train ATTX (Boxcar Red) 910-5219 #470504 910-5220 #470587 Trailer-Train TTX (yellow, black) 910-5221 #470534 910-5222 #470593 Price: $27.98 NEW HO 36' 3-Dome Tank Car WalthersMainline. Kanotex KONX (silver, black, Billboard Lettering) 910-1101 #879 910-1102 #876 North American NATX (black) 910-1103 #7059 910-1104 #7067 Pan Am Oils SHPX (black, Large Lettering) 910-1105 #89 910-1106 #90 Price: $27.98 NEW HO 53' NSC Well Car WalthersMainline. 910-5063 GTW CN #676502 (Boxcar Red, CN Website Noodle Logo) Price: $29.98 NEW HO 53' 3-Unit NSC Well Car HO 50' 100-Ton 3-Bay Eastern Hopper WalthersMainline. 910-6719 IC #71858 Reg. Price: $24.98 Sale: $13.98 NEW HO 40' PS-1 Boxcar WalthersMainline. CNW† (Boxcar Red, Ball & Bar Logo) 910-2351 #23018 910-2352 #23574 NH orange, Large NH Logo) 910-2353 #33505 N&W (Boxcar Red, white, Hamburger Logo) 910-2357 #53522 910-2358 #53538 SAL (silver, red, Heart of the South Logo) 910-2359 #25255 910-2360 #25250 UP† (Boxcar Red, Ship & Travel Slogan) 910-2361 #100001 910-2362 #100003 ATSF (Boxcar Red, Ship & Travel, Large Circle/Cross Logo) 910-2363 #276502 910-2364 #276522 Green Bay & Western (yellow, red, black) 910-2369 #733 910-2370 #773 RI (Boxcar Red, Rockets Slogan, 100th Anniversary Logo) 910-2373 #25505 Price: $24.98 Union Pacific licensed product † WalthersMainline. CP (Boxcar Red) 910-55061 #523148 910-55062 #523152 GTW CN (Boxcar Red, CN Website Noodle Logo) 910-55063 #676068 910-55064 #676074 Price: $89.98 NEW HO 53' GSC Piggyback Service Flatcar WalthersMainline. CNW† (Boxcar Red) 910-5113 #44007 910-5114 #44443 GN (Boxcar Red) 910-5115 #60203 (Boxcar Red) NH (black) 910-5117 #17316 910-5118 #17373 SP† (Boxcar Red) 910-5119 #142765 Price: $27.98 NEW HO 263' Five-Unit All-Purpose 48' Spine Car WalthersMainline. Atchison, Topeka & ATSF (white) 910-5251 #298942 910-5252 #298945 BN (Cascade Green) 910-5253 #637500 910-5254 #637503 CR (brown) 910-5255 #790049 910-5256 #790072 UP† (Armour Yellow) 910-5259 #252502 910-5260 #252507 Price: $119.98 NEW HO 24' Minnesota Ore Car 6-Pack WalthersMainline. DMIR (Boxcar Red, Early White Lettering) 910-58013 #1 910-58014 #2 DMIR (Modern Scheme, Boxcar Red) 910-58015 #1 910-58016 #2 CNW† (Patched Boxcar Red) 910-58017 #1 910-58018 #2 SOO (Boxcar Red, white) 910-58019 #1 910-58020 #2 UP† (Boxcar red, yellow) 910-58021 #1 910-58022 #2 Price: $99.98 NEW HO 24' Minnesota Taconite Ore Car 4-Pack WalthersMainline. BN 910-58051 #95782, 95831, 95887, 95899 910-58052 #95740, 95829, 95890, 96020 910-58053 #95750, 95755, 95860, 95877 DMIR (T-Bird) 910-58054 #40000, 40004, 40024, 40034 910-58055 #40001, 40015, 40029, 40030 910-58056 #40003, 40013, 40026, 40031 DMIR (Patch) 910-58057 #51320, 52130, 52109, 52258 910-58058 #52351, 51423, 52193, 51047 910-58059 #52723, 52666, 52986, 52826 GN 910-58060 #95510, 95522, 95567, 95676 910-58061 #95550, 95603, 95705, 95795 910-58062 #95592, 95625, 95766, 95777 Lake Superior & Ishpeming 910-58063 #9404, 9432, 9446, 9450 910-58064 #9411, 9446, 9457, 9469 910-58065 #9420, 9423, 9446, 9464 Price: $79.98 HO Flatcar WalthersTrainline™. 931-1460 CP Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 23 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 23 8/5/16 11:07 AM HO SCALE x FREIGHT CARS HO Hop HO 70-Ton 12-Panel 3-Bay Hopper HO Offset Hopper WalthersTrainline™. 931-1422 RDG (black, red, Large Lettering, Anthracite Logo) 931-1423 RI (black, blue, white) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 HO Firefighting Car WalthersTrainline. 931-1791 DRGW† #AX 2946 (silver, black) 931-1793 UP† #908814 (MOW Scheme, green, black) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 Bowser. PRR (Early H-39, black, Large Lettering) 6-41228 #665007 6-41229 #665235 CN (Boxcar Red, Large Noodle Logo) 6-41239 #111485 6-41240 #111207 6-41241 #111021 Reg. Price: $23.95 Sale: $18.98 Acc 112 180 Log Reg HO Bac 160 Reg HO Tank Car WalthersTrainline. 931-1440 BN (Cascade Green, black, white) 931-1441 British Columbia Railway (green, yellow, white, Dogwood Logo) 931-1443 UP† (Armour Yellow, gray, red) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 HO Flatcar w/Logging Crane WalthersTrainline. 931-1780 Alaska Railroad (blue) 931-1781 CP (red, black, Multimark Logo) 931-1782 Chessie System/B&O (blue, yellow) 931-1783 UP† (green, black) Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $17.98 HO 40' Wood Reefer - Kit Accurail. 112-48302 Bangor & Aroostook #6239 (orange, Boxcar Red, Shield Logo) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 HO Early 40' Wood Reefer - Kit Bac 160 (Bo Reg Accurail. 112-4904 NP #14328 (yelllow, Boxcar Red) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 HO Track Cleaning Boxcar WalthersTrainline. 931-1480 Amtrak® Reg. Price: $29.98 Sale: $23.98 HO Ser HO 50' Plug-Door Boxcar WalthersTrainline. 931-1671 SOO Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 HO HO Pullman-Standard 4750 3-Bay Covered Hopper - Kit HO Flatcar Accurail. 112-6518 Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern #49356 (gray, blue) Reg. Price: $18.98 Sale: $15.98 WalthersTrainline. 931-1601 BN Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 Bac 160 Bar yell Reg Limited Quantity Available HO 40' Plug-Door Track Cleaning Boxcar HO Offset Quad Hopper WalthersTrainline. 931-1655 N&W (black, Block N&W, Hamburger Logo) 931-1656 CP #361094 931-1658 Peabody Short Line #6802 Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 WalthersTrainline. 931-1753 BN (Cascade Green, white, Large Logo) 931-1755 NH (black, orange, Large NH Logo) Reg. Price: $29.98 Sale: $23.98 HO Pennsylvania Railroad Class GLa 2-Bay Open Hopper - Kit Limited Quantity Available HO Log Dump Car w/3 Logs WalthersTrainline. 931-1770 Alaska Railroad #17102 (blue, yellow Conspicuity Marks) 931-1771 CP #304866 (red, CP Rail Lettering) 931-1772 Chessie/B&O #9300 (blue, yellow) 931-1773 UP† #14972 (MOW Scheme, green, yellow Conspicuity Marks) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 Bowser. LV (black) 6-57003 #20122 6-57004 #20138 6-57005 #20191 CNJ (black, red, white, Red Ball Marking) 6-57006 #61055 6-57007 #61062 6-57008 #61099 Reg. Price: $14.95 Sale: $11.98 Union Pacific licensed product † HO AAR 70-Ton Offset-Side 3-Bay Hopper - Kit Accurail. 112-7557 Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo #1235 (black, white, Bowtie Logo) Reg. Price: $16.98 Sale: $14.98 Lim HO Cen 210 Reg H HO 50-Ton Offset-Side 2-Bay Hopper - Kit Accurail. 112-80769 ATSF (Boxcar Red, black, Square Logo) Reg. Price: $16.98 Sale: $14.98 HO 40' Steel Reefer w/Hinged Door - Kit Accurail. 112-8319 GTW #206478 (gray, red, green, Leaf Logo) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 HO Num Rom Mic 460 Reg 24 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 24 8/5/16 11:08 AM Sho er HO Gondola w/Fiber Optic Cable Reel Load HO 50-Ton Offset-Side 2-Bay Hopper 3-Pack - Kit Accurail. 112-8076 ATSF #180826, 180854, 180897 (Boxcar Red, black, Square Logo) Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $42.98 Con-Cor. 223-92111 Alaska Railroad #1 (black, white) Reg. Price: $25.98 Sale: $21.98 HO Pullman-Standard PS-1 40' Boxcar w/8' Door Kadee. 380-5320 SSW SSW #35048 (Built 1956, Boxcar Red, Blue Streak Logo) Reg. Price: $38.95 Sale: $34.98 go) HO Track Cleaning Tank Car Limited Quantity Available HO 22' Wood Ore Car 2-Pack - Kit HO ACF Log Car w/Logs - Silver Limited Quantity Available HO 40' 50-Ton AC&F Flatcar - Kit Bachmann. 160-16301 Maintenance-of-Way (Black) Reg. Price: $51.50 Sale: $34.98 Tichy Train. 293-4012 Undecorated Reg. Price: $14.50 Sale: $11.98 HO 50' PS-1 Boxcar w/10' Door Kadee. 380-6920 Kadee 2016 Anniversary Car - Celebrating 70 Years Reg. Price: $39.95 Sale: $35.98 d y y tie ed, hop Series ® Bachmann. 160-18332 1906-1935 Version (Boxcar Red) Reg. Price: $64.00 Sale: $42.98 Tichy Train. 293-4021 Undecorated Reg. Price: $8.95 Sale: $7.98 Limited Quantity Available HoN3 DRGW 30' Wood Boxcar - Kit Rail Line. 620-130 DRGW Reg. Price: $15.95 Sale: $13.98 Limited Quantity Available HO 22' Wood Ore Car 12-Pack - Kit HO 40' Boxcar Bachmann. 160-16604 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey™ #17 (Tiger, blue, yellow) Reg. Price: $37.00 Sale: $24.98 Tichy Train. The heavy-duty Great Lakes ore car captures the look of Eastern and Western mining equipment. 293-6012 Undecorated Reg. Price: $75.00 Sale: $63.98 Limited Quantity Available HoN3 30' Stock Car - Kit Rail Line. 620-132 DRGW Reg. Price: $15.95 Sale: $13.98 HO Pullman-Standard PS-1 40' Boxcar w/6' Door, HGC Trucks Limited Quantity Available HO 40' Stock Car - Kit Central Valley. 210-1001 Undecorated Reg. Price: $14.25 Sale: $11.98 Kadee. 380-4320 Richmond Frederricksburg & Potomac #2835 (Built 1952, Repaint 1970,Blue) Reg. Price: $37.95 Sale: $33.98 1. Go to www.walthers.com/monthly-flyer 2. Click View Flyer Online 3. Page through, shop, enjoy! H O S C A L E x DECALS x COUPLERS x TRUCKS Limited Quantity Available HO Sprung Trucks w/33" Metal Wheels & Axles HO Alphabets & Numbers - Railroad Roman Microscale. 460-90001 White Reg. Price: $7.25 Sale: $5.98 HO Alphabets & Numbers - Railroad Gothic WalthersProto®. 920-2008 Bettendorf 1 Pair Reg. Price: $9.98 Sale: $8.98 HO Rigid Trucks (Sideframes) Without Wheels WalthersProto. 920-2013 5' Wheelbase Fits Walthers 932- or 910-Series Ore Cars pkg(12) Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $14.98 Microscale. 460-90101 White Reg. Price: $7.25 Sale: $5.98 25 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 25 8/5/16 11:08 AM HO SCALE x COUPLERS x TRUCKS HO GSC 41-NDO (CIB) Outside Swing 4-Wheel Passenger Trucks w/36" Wheels HO HO Horn-Hook Couplers #19 NEM (362) European-Style Mount Knuckle Coupler Magne-Matic Walthers Cornerstone®. 933-995 X-2F pkg(12) Reg. Price: $3.98 Sale: $2.98 WalthersProto®. 920-2101 Silver - 1 Pair Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $11.98 HO #10 Bulk Pack No.5 Knuckle Couplers Kadee. 380-10 No Draft Gear Boxes 10 Pair Reg. Price: $15.82 Sale: $13.98 Limited Quantity Available HO Pullman-Standard 8' Wheelbase, Heavyweight 4-Wheel Trucks HO Horn-Hook Couplers Life-Like from Walthers. 433-1410 pkg(4) Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $3.98 WalthersProto. 920-2124 Black - 1 Pair Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $12.98 HO All Brass Insulated Wheel Sets HO Amfleet Inside Bearing Trucks WalthersProto. 920-2131 Black - 1 Pair Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $12.98 Intermountain. 85-40052 33" Semi-Scale pkg(12) Reg. Price: $13.95 Sale: $12.98 HO #11 Bulk Pack No.5® Knuckle Couplers Kadee. 380-11 No Draft Gear Boxes 20 Pair Reg. Price: $27.95 Sale: $24.98 Couplers - Proto MAX™ WalthersProto. 920-6001 Standard 4 Pairs Reg. Price: $6.98 Sale: $4.98 HO #148 Whisker Knuckle Couplers Assembled ® Kadee. 380-3 Medium 9/32" Centerset Shank 2 Pair Reg. Price: $6.26 Sale: $5.79 NEW HO Long Shank HO Passenger Trucks w/Talgo Couplers WalthersProto. 920-6050 pkg(2) Price: $11.98 Kadee. 380-20 Extra-Long Underset - 11.68mm .460" 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.86 Sale: $4.49 HO Cou Kad 380 Cen Gea Reg HO #26 Plastic-Shank Coupler - Kit - Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-26 Long 25/64" Centerset w/#213 & #232 Draft Gear Box & Talgo Truck Adaptors 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.59 Sale: $3.98 #17 NEM (362) European-Style Mount Knuckle Coupler Magne-Matic NEW HO Streamlined HO HO No.5® Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic® Kadee. 380-5 Medium 9/32" Centerset Shank w/#232 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.05 Sale: $2.98 #18 NEM (362) European-Style Mount Knuckle Coupler Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-18 Medium Underset .340" 8.63mm 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.86 Sale: $4.49 HO Cou Kad 380 Typ Cen Reg HO #27 Plastic-Shank Coupler - Kit - Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-27 Medium 9/32" Underset w/#213 & #232 Draft Gear Box & Talgo Truck Adaptors 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.59 Sale: $3.98 26 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 26 Kad 380 Cen Dra Ada Reg #20 NEM (362) European-Style Mount Knuckle Coupler Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-17 Short Underset .280" 7.11mm 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.86 Sale: $4.49 Extended Drawbar WalthersProto. 920-6020 pkg(20) Price: $9.98 HO Cou HO HO #12 Bulk Pack #58 Scale Knuckle Couplers Kadee. 380-12 No Draft Gear Boxes 20 Pair Reg. Price: $32.55 Sale: $28.98 HO Magnetic Knuckle Kadee. 380-19 Long Underset .424" 10.76mm 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.86 Sale: $4.49 8/5/16 11:08 AM HO AllSel Cou Kad 380 Cen Reg Sho - r 49 HO #28 Plastic-Shank Coupler - Kit - Magne-Matic® Kadee. 380-28 Medium 19/64" Centerset w/#213 & #232 Draft Gear Box, Talgo Truck Adaptor 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.59 Sale: $3.98 HO #141 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #144 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #147 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #142 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #145 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #148 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #143 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #146 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO #149 Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-141 Long 25/64" Underset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Kadee. 380-144 Short 1/4" Underset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pairs Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Kadee. 380-147 Medium 9/32" Underset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 - 49 HO #58 Scale Metal Coupler - Kit - Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-58 Medium 9/32" Centerset w/#232 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.05 Sale: $3.79 Kadee. 380-142 Medium 9/32" Overset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Kadee. 380-145 Short 1/4" Overset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pairs Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Kadee. 380-148 Medium 9/32" Centerset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pai Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Matic 232 98 HO Metal Knuckle Couplers Kadee. 380-118 “SF” Shelf Type Medium (19/64") Centershank 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.26 Sale: $3.98 Kadee. 380-143 Short 1/4" Centerset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Kadee. 380-146 Long 25/64" Centerset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Kadee. 380-149 Long 25/64" Overset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 Matic 32 98 hop HO #119 SE Shelf Type All-Metal Whisker® Self-Centering Knuckle Couplers - Kit Kadee. 380-119 Medium Centerset Shank 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.26 Sale: $3.98 27 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 27 8/5/16 11:08 AM HO SCALE x COUPLERS x TRUCKS H HO #158 Whisker® Scale Metal Knuckle Coupler Bulk Pack Kit MagneMatic® Kadee. 380-150 Medium 9/32" Centerset Shank No Draft Gear Boxes 25 Pair Reg. Price: $45.35 Sale: $40.98 HO Arch Bar Fully Sprung Metal Trucks Kadee. 380-501 Code 110 (.110") 33" Ribbed-Back RP-25 Wheels 1 Pair Reg. Price: $7.45 Sale: $5.98 HO #158 Whisker Scale Self-Centering Knuckle Couplers - Kit - MagneMatic Kadee. 380-158 Medium 9/32" Centerset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 HO AHM/Rivarossi 6-Wheel Passenger Truck Bolsters Kadee. 380-505 1 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 HO HoN3 #714 Plastic Knuckle Coupler Kadee. 380-714 Black 2 Pair Reg. Price: $3.67 Sale: $2.98 18" Cod Life 433 433 Reg HO ASF Ride Control A-3 Trucks Kato. 381-31601 pkg(2) Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $4.98 HO Life 433 Nic Reg HO AHM/Rivarossi 4-Wheel Passenger Truck Bolsters Kadee. 380-508 1 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 HO #153 Whisker Scale Self-Centering Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-153 Short 1/4" Centerset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 HO Barber S-2 70-Ton Roller Bearing Trucks Kato. 381-31602 pkg(2) Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $4.98 HO #232 Plastic Draft Gear Boxes & Lids Kadee. 380-232 10 Pair Reg. Price: $3.08 Sale: $2.79 Fast Check-Out Options at www.walthers.com! Kadee. 380-520 pkg(12) Reg. Price: $9.18 Sale: $7.98 HO Fig Life 433 Nic Reg Kadee. 380-242 10 Pair Reg. Price: $3.19 Sale: $2.98 Kadee. 380-156 Long 25/64" Centerset Shank w/#242 Draft Gear Boxes 2 Pair Reg. Price: $4.27 Sale: $3.98 HO Code 88 (.088") 33" Smooth-Back RP-25 Wheelsets HO Permanent Magnet Kadee. 380-530 pkg(12) Reg. Price: $9.18 Sale: $7.98 Delayed Uncoupler Kadee. 380-322 Code 83 1 Pair Reg. Price: $5.56 Sale: $4.98 HO Knuckle Spring Kadee. 380-622 For StandardHead Couplers pkg(12) Reg. Price: $1.35 Sale: $0.98 HO Insulated Coupler Height Gauge - Kit Kadee. 380-206 Includes: #148 & #158 Scale Whisker Couplers Reg. Price: $5.95 Sale: $4.98 28 HO HO Rix Sticker Rix. 628-14 Magnetic Uncoupling Tool Reg. Price: $4.45 Sale: $3.98 Ring Engineering. 634-PPT33T With 33" Wheels Reg. Price: $19.99 Sale: $17.98 HO Whisker Self-Centering Metal Knuckle Couplers - Kit - Magne-Matic Kadee. 380-451 Medium 9/32" Centerset w/Extended-Swing Draft Gear Box for Long Cars 1 Pair Reg. Price: $6.95 Sale: $5.98 HO #5 Style Centering Spring Kadee. 380-634 pkg(12) Reg. Price: $2.97 Sale: $2.79 Rer Life 433 Nic Reg HO Roller Bearing Truck w/Built-In Electrical Pickup HO Life 433 Nic Reg Lim Ava HO 1. Go to www.walthers.com/monthly-flyer 2. Click View Flyer Online 3. Page through, shop, enjoy! Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 28 Life 433 Nic Reg HO Code 110 (.110") 33" Smooth-Back RP-25 Wheelsets HO #242 Universal Snap-Together Insulated Draft Gear Box HO #156 Whisker Scale Self-Centering Knuckle Couplers - Kit Magne-Matic HO Dou 8/5/16 11:08 AM Joi Life 433 Cod Reg Sho 98 98 98 ns ! 98 HO SCALE x TRACK HO HO Terminal Joiners w/Black #22 Gauge Wire HO Remote-Controlled 18" Radius Turnout Code 100 - Nickel Silver Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3002 Right Hand 433-3003 Left Hand Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $15.98 er hop Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3010 Code 100 Nickel Silver pkg(2) Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $3.98 HO Operating Ground Throw Caboose Industries. 97-5202 Sprung .190" Travel #202 pkg(5) Reg. Price: $16.00 Sale: $12.98 Atlas. 150-52 Left Hand, Black Ties Reg. Price: $12.95 Sale: $9.98 Limited Quantity Available HO Steel Track - Power-Loc™ Life-Like from Walthers. 433-21316 9" Straight Terminal Rerailer Reg. Price: $9.98 Sale: $6.98 HO Custom Line® Mark 4 Turnout - Nickel-Silver HO 18" Radius Curve Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3000 Code 100 Nickel Silver pkg(4) Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $3.98 HO Track Expander Double-Oval Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3005 Code 100 Nickel Silver Reg. Price: $31.98 Sale: $23.98 HO Track Expander Figure-Eight Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3006 Code 100 Nickel Silver Reg. Price: $17.98 Sale: $12.98 HO Code 83 Snap Track Straight Sections Limited Quantity Available HO Steel Track Expander Set - Power-Loc Life-Like from Walthers. 433-21328 pkg(8) Reg. Price: $37.98 Sale: $27.98 HO Bumping Post (Track Bumper) Tomar. 81-80870 Code 70 Rail Reg. Price: $5.75 Sale: $4.98 Atlas. 150-524 10-Piece Assortment - 2 Each: 3/4", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2" & 2-1/2" pkg(10) Reg. Price: $6.95 Sale: $5.98 HO Code 83 Snap Track Curved Atlas. 150-535 22" Radius pkg(6) 150-536 24" Radius w/Brown Ties pkg(6) Reg. Price: $8.95 Sale: $6.98 HO Code 83 Remote Snap-Switch® Atlas. 150-540 Left Hand Reg. Price: $26.95 Sale: $20.98 HO 18" Curved Terminal Rerailer Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3007 Code 100 Nickel Silver Reg. Price: $4.98 Sale: $3.98 Throw HO Lighted Bumper Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3008 Code 100 Nickel Silver pkg(2) Reg. Price: $7.98 Sale: $5.98 Limited Quantity Available HO Rail Joiners Life-Like from Walthers. 433-3009 Nickel Silver For Code 100 Track pkg(48) Reg. Price: $5.98 Sale: $3.98 HO Operating Ground Throw Caboose Industries. 97-220 Sprung .165" Travel w/SPDT Contacts & Fittings Reg. Price: $5.95 Sale: $4.98 Atlas. 150-281 #4 Left, Black Ties 150-282 #4 Right, Black Ties 150-284 #6 Right, Black Ties Reg. Price: $19.95 Sale: $15.98 HO Code 83 Manual SnapSwitches® Atlas. 150-543 Right Hand Reg. Price: $18.95 Sale: $14.98 HO Code 83 Custom-Line® Turnout w/ Nickel-Silver Rail & Brown Ties Atlas. 150-562 #4 Right Hand 150-563 #6 Left Hand 150-564 #6 Right Hand Reg. Price: $21.95 Sale: $16.98 HO Straight Snap-Track® Nickel-Silver Rail HO Operating Ground Caboose Industries. 97-103 High-Level Switch Stand w/Lantern & Targets Reg. Price: $7.15 Sale: $5.98 ck kup 7.98 Remote Control Switch Machine HO Operating Ground Throw Caboose Industries. 97-5218 Sprung .165" Travel w/Selectable End Fittings #218 pkg(5) Reg. Price: $16.50 Sale: $13.98 HO Rerailer Atlas. 150-844 Nickel-Silver Rail, Black Ties pkg(3) Reg. Price: $9.95 Sale: $7.98 Atlas. 150-821 9" 22.9cm (Black Ties) pkg(6) Reg. Price: $9.50 Sale: $7.98 HO Manual Snap-Switch w/Code 100 Nickel-Silver Rail & Black Ties Atlas. 150-860 Left Hand Reg. Price: $17.95 Sale: $13.98 29 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 29 8/5/16 11:08 AM HO SCALE ❘ TRACK HO HO Atlas. 150-831 15" Radius (Black Ties) 150-833 18" Radius (Black Ties) 150-836 22" Radius (Black Ties) Reg. Price: $9.50 Sale: $7.98 Bachmann. Nickel-silver rail, gray roadbed, electrically wired frogs. Includes E-Z Command DCC decoder. 160-44137 SingleCrossover #6 Left Hand 160-44138 SingleCrossover #6 Right Hand Reg. Price: $107.00 Sale: $71.98 Code 100 Curved Snap-Track Nickel-Silver Rail pkg(6) HO Code 100 Curved Snap-Track NickelSilver Rail DecoderEquipped Nickel Silver Turnout E-Z Track® HO Code 100 Super-Flex Track® Atlas. 150-178 Nickel Silver, Black Ties, 36" 91.4cm Long Section pkg(5) Reg. Price: $31.95 Sale: $24.98 HO Terminal Section Snap-Track, NickelSiver Rail Atlas. 150-840 9" Straight, Black Ties Reg. Price: $6.50 Sale: $4.98 HO Remote Control SnapSwitch w/ Code 100 NickelSilver Rail & Black Ties Atlas. 150-850 Left Hand 150-851 Right Hand Reg. Price: $25.95 Sale: $20.98 HO Bumper Atlas. 150-518 Fits Code 83 Track (Track Not Included) pkg(4) Reg. Price: $5.95 Sale: $4.98 Straight Rerailer Atlas. 150-519 Code 83 Brown Ties pkg(3) Reg. Price: $9.25 Sale: $6.98 HO Code 100 Track Assortment Atlas. 150-847 Reg. Price: $6.50 Sale: $4.98 Atlas. 150-65 Under Table (Right or Left) Reg. Price: $11.95 Sale: $9.98 36" 91.4cm Long Section Atlas. 150-500 Brown Ties Reg. Price: $6.95 Sale: $5.98 Bachmann. 160-44401 18" Radius pkg(4) Reg. Price: $12.00 Sale: $7.98 160-44403 22" Radius pkg(4) Reg. Price: $13.75 Sale: $8.98 HO HO Switch Machine HO Code 83 Flex-Track - HO Curved Track w/Steel Rail & Black Roadbed E-Z Track Atlas. 150-837 24" Radius (Black Ties) pkg(6) Reg. Price: $9.95 Sale: $7.98 ANY IN STOCK PRODUCT FROM OUR 2016 HO REFERENCE BOOK IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY! To Order Call 1-800-4TRAINS HO Straight Track w/Steel Rail & Black Roadbed - E-Z Track Bachmann. 160-44411 9" 22.9cm pkg(4) Reg. Price: $12.00 Sale: $7.98 HO Expander Set E-Z Track Bachmann. Set contains 4 pieces of 9" straight track, 4 pieces of 18" radius curved track, 1 left hand manual turnout, 1 right hand manual turnout and 2 Hayes bumpers plus a 32-page track plan manual. Ideal for expanding your train set. 160-44594 Nickel-Silver Rail & Gray Roadbed Reg. Price: $121.00 Sale: $81.98 HO Turnout w/Steel Rail Track & Black Roadbed E-Z Track Bachmann. 160-44461 Left Hand Remote 160-44462 Right Hand Remote Reg. Price: $27.50 Sale: $18.98 HO Bus 189 3/1 Reg HO Curved Track w/Nickel Silver Rail & Gray Roadbed E-Z Track HO Tie Bachmann. 160-44501 18" Radius pkg(4) Reg. Price: $16.00 Sale: $10.98 160-44506 28" Radius pkg(5) Reg. Price: $27.50 Sale: $18.98 Det 235 Reg HO Wh Cus Fin 247 pkg Reg HO Straight Track w/Nickel Silver Rail & Gray Roadbed E-Z Track HO w/W Bachmann. 160-44510 9" 22.9cm Terminal Rerailer 160-44512 3" pkg(4) 160-44513 2-1/4" pkg(4) Reg. Price: $11.50 Sale: $7.98 160-44511 9" pkg(4) Reg. Price: $15.75 Sale: $10.98 Mic 255 Non Sec Reg HO Gau Mic 255 3' p Reg HO Hayes Wheel Stop w/Nickel Silver Rail & Gray Roadbed E-Z Track HO Bachmann. 160-44591 pkg(2) Reg. Price: $17.00 Sale: $10.98 Gau Mic 255 pkg Reg HO Straight Track w/ Nickel Silver Rail & Gray Roadbed E-Z Track HO Bachmann. 160-44597 9" Straight Terminal w/Insulated Gap pkg(2) Reg. Price: $40.00 Sale: $26.98 Silv Pie Mic colo 255 pkg Reg 30 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 30 8/5/16 11:09 AM Sho ail - HO Cork Roadbed HO Code 70 Nickel Silver Rail Only HO Cork Roadbed Busch. 189-7501 8'3" Long x 3/16" Thick 2.5m x 5mm Reg. Price: $19.99 Sale: $15.98 Micro Engineering. Nickel-silver rail. 255-17070 Nonweathered 3' pkg(33) Reg. Price: $61.55 Sale: $54.98 Midwest Products. 472-3015 3' 91.4cm Sections pkg(5) Reg. Price: $9.95 Sale: $6.98 HO Code 100 Large Radius Wye Turnout Streamline Peco. 552-1054 Insulfrog Reg. Price: $25.99 Sale: $20.98 d 8.98 s 8.98 g(4) .98 0.98 6.98 hop HO Code 83 Insulated Rail Joiners HO Code 83 Nickel Silver Rail Only HO Switch Motor & Tie Mount Details West. 235-903 Reg. Price: $1.95 Sale: $1.79 Micro Engineering. Preblackened nickel-silver rail. 255-17083 Nonweathered 3' pkg(33) Reg. Price: $65.95 Sale: $58.98 HO Buda Wheel Stop Custom Finishing. 247-171 pkg(2) Reg. Price: $7.95 Sale: $7.25 HO Bridge Flex-Trak™ w/Wide Ties & Guard Rail Micro Engineering. 255-11101 Code 83 Nonweathered - 3' 91.4cm Section Reg. Price: $12.05 Sale: $10.98 HO Hayes Wheel Stop HO Beveled Switch Pad Midwest Products. 472-3022 #4/#6 Right Hand Turnouts 3/16 x 2-15/16 x 8-5/8" .5 x 7.5 x 21.9cm 1 Pair 472-3023 #4/#6 Left Hand Turnouts 3/16 x 2-15/16 x 8-5/8" .5 x 7.5 x 21.9cm 1 Pair Reg. Price: $6.98 Sale: $5.98 Tichy Train. 293-8165 pkg(2) Reg. Price: $5.95 Sale: $4.98 HO Wide Cork Sheet HO Cork Turnout Itty Bitty Lines. 357-1506 Wye Reg. Price: $5.25 Sale: $4.79 Midwest Products. 472-3030 11-3/4 x 36 x 3/16" 29.8 x 91.4 x .5cm Thick Reg. Price: $9.00 Sale: $6.80 HO Code 100 Curved HO Code 70 Standard Gauge Flex-Track Micro Engineering. 255-10106 Nonweathered 3' pkg(6) Reg. Price: $36.25 Sale: $32.98 HO Code 70 Standard Gauge Flex-Track Micro Engineering. 255-12106 Weathered 3' pkg(6) Reg. Price: $38.00 Sale: $33.98 HO Weathered Nickel HO Precut Turnout Cork Roadbed Pad Itty Bitty Lines. 357-1507 For #6 Right Hand Curved Turnout Reg. Price: $6.75 Sale: $5.98 Peco. 552-1910 Right Hand, Electrofrog 552-1911 Left Hand, Electrofrog Reg. Price: $30.99 Sale: $24.98 HO Straight Roadbed Track Section - Unitrack HO Code 100 Small Radius Turnout Streamline Kato. 381-2151 Feeder Track: 9-3/4" 246mm Reg. Price: $6.50 Sale: $4.98 381-2170 4-1/4" Long w/Bumper pkg(2) Reg. Price: $12.50 Sale: $9.98 381-2180 14-1/2" 369mm pkg(4) Reg. Price: $19.00 Sale: $14.98 Silver Rail - 3' Long Pieces Micro Engineering. Precolored, dark brown rail. 255-16083 Code 83 pkg(33) Reg. Price: $71.00 Sale: $63.98 Double Radius Turnout Streamline HO Curved Track 22.5 Degree Radius - Unitrack Kato. 381-2210 21-5/8" 550mm pkg(4) Reg. Price: $13.50 Sale: $10.98 Peco. 552-1903 Right Hand, Electrofrog 552-1904 Left Hand, Electrofrog Reg. Price: $22.99 Sale: $17.98 HO Code 100 Medium Radius Turnout Streamline Peco. 552-1905 Right Hand, Electrofrog 552-1906 Left Hand, Electrofrog Reg. Price: $24.99 Sale: $19.98 Peco. 552-SL8311 North American Style pkg(9) Reg. Price: $4.58 Sale: $3.67 HO Code 70/75/83 Rail Joiners Peco. 552-1165 Nickel Silver pkg(24) Reg. Price: $4.50 Sale: $3.58 HO North American-Style Code 83 Flex Track Streamline Peco. 552-SL8300 36" 91.4cm Section Reg. Price: $7.20 Sale: $5.60 HO North AmericanStyle Code 83 #5 Turnout Streamline Peco. 552SL8351 Right Hand, Insulfrog 552SL8352 Left Hand, Insulfrog Reg. Price: $33.99 Sale: $26.98 HO North AmericanStyle Code 83 #6 Turnout Streamline Peco. 552SL8361 Right Hand, Insulfrog 552SL8362 Left Hand, Insulfrog Reg. Price: $34.99 Sale: $27.98 31 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 31 8/5/16 11:09 AM HO SCALE x TRACK HO North AmericanStyle Code 83 #7 Curved Turnout Streamline HO North American-Style Code 83 #6 Turnout Streamline Peco. 552-SLE8361 Right Hand, Electrofrog 552-SLE8362 Left Hand, Electrofrog Reg. Price: $34.99 Sale: $27.98 Peco. 552-SL8376 Right Hand, Insulfrog Reg. Price: $40.99 Sale: $32.98 H HO North American Style Code 83 Hayes Bumper Peco. 552-SL8340 pkg(2) Reg. Price: $4.99 Sale: $3.98 HO Code 100 Nickel Silver Shinohara from Walthers. 669-141 Rail Joiners pkg(50) Reg. Price: $9.99 Sale: $7.98 Limited Quantity Available HO Code 100 Nickel Silver HO Code 100 Nickel Silver Rail Joiners HO North AmericanStyle Code 83 #8 Turnout Streamline Peco. 552SL8382 Left Hand, Insulfrog Reg. Price: $40.99 Sale: $32.98 Fast Check-Out Options at www.walthers.com! HO North American-Style Code 83 #5 Turnout Streamline Peco. 552-SLE8351 Right Hand, Electrofrog Reg. Price: $34.99 Sale: $27.98 Peco. 552-10 pkg(24) Reg. Price: $4.42 Sale: $3.50 HO Code 100 Nylon Insulated Rail Joiners Peco. 552-11 pkg(12) Reg. Price: $4.42 Sale: $3.50 Code 80 HOe/HOn2-1/2/ HOn30" Narrow Gauge Flex Track HO Rail-It Rix. 628-2 For Code 70, 83 & 100 Track Reg. Price: $3.95 Sale: $2.98 Limited Quantity Available HoN3 Code 70 Nickel Peco. 552-500 36" 91.4cm Section Reg. Price: $7.20 Sale: $5.60 Silver #4 Turnout HO Code 100 Wooden Tie HoN3 Code 70 Nickel Flex Track - Streamline Peco. 552-11603 36" 91.4cm Section Reg. Price: $6.96 Sale: $5.60 Shinohara from Walthers. 669-157 36" Radius, 30-Degree Curve Reg. Price: $7.25 Sale: $5.83 Shinohara from Walthers. 669-415 39-3/8" 1m Long Reg. Price: $7.60 Sale: $6.20 HO Dou Res Wa 933 (So 3-3 9.5 Reg HO Track-Bed Roadbed Material Woodland Scenics. 785-1474 Continuous Roll - 24' 7.3m Reg. Price: $12.59 Sale: $9.98 Shinohara from Walthers. 669-402 Right Hand Reg. Price: $18.99 Sale: $14.98 Silver Flex Track Wa 933 (So 5-3 13. Reg Sectional Curved Track HO Code 100 Nickel Silver Flex Track Shinohara from Walthers. 669-115 39-3/8" 1m Long Reg. Price: $8.40 Sale: $6.80 HO Dou Res HO Track-Bed Roadbed Material Woodland Scenics. 785-1477 Super Sheet 12 x 24 x 1/8" 5.1 x 9.4 x .3cm Reg. Price: $7.99 Sale: $6.33 HO SCALE x SIGNALS NE 110 Wa Com mo cod Pro up 933 16Dia Pric HO Wa 933 1744. Reg HO Vertical Signal Tomar. 81-857 Two-Light Reg. Price: $24.15 Sale: $20.98 HO Upper Quadrant Semaphore Train Order Board Tomar. Assembled and painted w/decals & 1.5 volt lamp in place. 81-845 Assembled Reg. Price: $63.70 Sale: $53.98 32 HO US-Style Crossing Signal Busch. 189-5934 2 Signals & Relay Box Reg. Price: $36.99 Sale: $29.98 HO w/W Wa Com ma win stee 933 1641. Reg HO Railroad Crossing Signal - Kit HO Illuminated Switch Stand Tomar. 81-851 Assembled Reg. Price: $18.50 Sale: $15.98 Tomar. Four LEDS, 2 front and 2 back. Switch machine and linkage included. Includes decals for gate. Flasher and detection unit not included. 81-863 With Gate pkg(2) Reg. Price: $190.95 Sale: $159.98 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 32 8/5/16 11:09 AM Sho HO SCALE x STRUCTURES ilver rs. 98 e HO Bridge Pier for Double-Track Truss Bridge Resin Casting Walthers Cornerstone®. 933-1041 Fits 933-3012 (Sold Separately) 5-3/8 x 1-1/8 x 3-3/8" 13.7 x 2.9 x 8.6cm Reg. Price: $16.98 Sale: $12.98 HO Clayton County Lumber Walthers Cornerstone. 933-2911 Kit Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $37.98 HO White Tower Restaurant Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3030 Kit 4-5/8 x 3 x 2-7/8" 11.8 x 7.6 x 7.3cm Reg. Price: $24.98 Sale: $18.98 ilver HO Abutment Wings for Double Track Truss Bridge Resin Casting Walthers Cornerstone. 933-2913 Kit 6-1/2 x 8-7/8 x 5" 16.5 x 22.5 x 12.7cm Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $31.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-1042 Fits 933-3012 (Sold Separately) 3-3/4 x 3-3/8" 9.5 x 8.6cm Reg. Price: $11.98 Sale: $8.98 d - NEW HO Motorized Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3014 Kit 10-5/8 x 10-1/4 x 6-3/4" 27 x 26 x 17.1cm Reg. Price: $34.98 Sale: $29.98 110' Turntable Walthers Cornerstone. Comes complete with motor and control box and code 83 rail on bridge. Programmable indexing for up to 99 different tracks. 933-2851 Assembled 16-7/16" 41.7cm Overall Diameter Price: $349.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3040 Kit 11-5/8 x 8-13/16 x 7-5/8" 29.5 x 22.4 x 19.4cm Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $35.98 HO Coal Flood Loader Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3016 Kit 10 x 10 x 6" 25.4 x 25.4 x 15.2cm Reg. Price: $41.98 Sale: $29.98 HO Double-Track Railroad Swing Bridge Walthers Cornerstone. Has sufficient clearance for use with virtually any loco or cars, as well as modern double-stack equipment. 933-3088 Kit 27 x 6-3/8 x 7-9/16" 69 x 16.2 x 19.3cm Reg. Price: $74.98 Sale: $63.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3051 Kit - 4 x 6 x 11" 10.2 x 15.2 x 27.9cm Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $28.98 HO Valley Growers Association Steel Grain Elevator HO Allied Rail Rebuilders 33 hop HO Car Shop HO Reliable Warehouse & Storage d .98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3086 Kit 7-3/4 x 8-1/8 x 11-3/4" 19.3 x 20.3 x 29.3cm Reg. Price: $47.98 Sale: $40.98 HO McGraw Oil Company rs. 83 HO Blue Star Ready Mix HO Pier Terminal Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3066 Kit 12 x 16 x 7-1/4" 30 x 40 x 18.1cm Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $37.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3096 Kit Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $35.98 HO City Station Walthers Cornerstone. 933-2904 Kit 17-5/8 x 5-7/8 x 4-3/8" 44.8 x 14.9 x 11.1cm Reg. Price: $54.98 Sale: $46.98 HO Gas Plant w/Washing Tank Walthers Cornerstone. Complete with a large main building with arched windows and a series of steel tanks. 933-2905 Kit 16-1/2 x 7-7/8 x 7-7/8" 41.2 x 19.6 x 19.6cm Reg. Price: $79.98 Sale: $67.98 HO New River Mining Company Walthers Cornerstone. The prototype was built in the early 1950s and is similar to those found in all parts of the country. 933-3017 Kit Main Building: 12-1/2 x 9 x 9-3/8" 31.2 x 22.5 x 23.2cm Reg. Price: $59.98 Sale: $50.98 1. Go to www.walthers.com/monthly-flyer 2. Click View Flyer Online 3. Page through, shop, enjoy! HO Carfloat Apron Limited Quantity Available HO High-Voltage Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3068 Kit 8-1/2 x 8-1/2 x 8-5/8" 21.2 x 21.2 x 21.6cm (Height Above Water) Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $29.98 Transmission Tower HO Columbia Feed Mill HO Big Grain Storage Bin Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3090 Kit 7-1/4 x 5-5/8 x 5-1/2" 18.4 x 14.3 x 14cm Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $21.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3121 Kit pkg(4) 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 9-3/8" 6.4 x 6.4 x 23.8cm Reg. Price: $24.98 Sale: $20.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3123 Kit - 5-1/2" 13.9cm Diameter Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $18.98 33 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 33 8/5/16 11:09 AM ALABAMA ILLINOIS MISSOURI OREGON WISCONSIN Ed’s Box Car, Seale Chicagoland Hobby, Chicago Grayland Station, Chicago Des Plaines Hobbies, Des Plaines Walt’s Hobby, Joliet/ Crest Hill Ron’s Mundelein Hobby, Mundelein Train Sets Only, New Lenox Mike’s Scale Rails, Peoria Gerald Home Center, Gerald Mark Twain Hobbies, Saint Charles Tammie’s Hobbies, Beaverton The Hobby Smith, Portland Whistlestop, Portland Mac’s Tracks Model Railroading, Roseburg South Side Trains, Bay View Sommerfeld’s Trains & Hobbies, Butler Chippewa RC Hobby LLC, Chippewa Falls J&B Outlet N Hobbies, Janesville Madison Hobby Shop, Madison The Hobby Depot, Monroe Hobby Connection, Rothschild Jetco’s Hiawatha Hobbies, Waukesha ARIZONA Obies Trains, Apache Junction An Affair With Trains, Phoenix The Hobby Depot, Tempe CALIFORNIA Railmaster Hobbies Inc, Bellflower Hobbytown USA, Corona R Hobbies, La Miranda Railroad Hobbies, Roseville J&M Hobby House, San Carlos The Train Shop, Santa Clara Arnie’s Trains, Westminster Custom Railway Supply, Colorado Springs Caboose Hobbies, Denver CONNECTICUT Williamsville Country Store, Houston FLORIDA Metro Trains & Hobbies, Ft. Myers The Depot Hobby Shop, Lantana Orange Park Hobby World, Jacksonville Ready To Roll, Miami Trains by Johnson, Pensacola Roundhouse South, Port Orange Dana’s Railroad Supply, Spring Hill GEORGIA Trainmaster, Buford Hobby Town USA, Kennesaw Riverdale Station, Riverdale IDAHO Hardwoods, Hardware & Hobbies, Boise The Hobbycraft Shop, Burlington Caboose Stop Hobbies, Cedar Falls Major Art & Hobby Center, Davenport Hobby Haven, Urbandale KANSAS To To Trains, Lawrence KENTUCKY Tim’s Trains and Hobbies, Covington Roundhouse Electric Trains, Louisville Scale Reproductions, Louisville MARYLAND MB Klein, Inc., Cockeysville The Moose Caboose, Sykesville MASSACHUSETTS Maine Trains, Chelmsford Hobby Quarters, Foxboro Charles Ro Supply, Malden H. H. Snow & Sons, Inc., Orleans Hobby Emporium, Tyngsboro MICHIGAN G&G Trains, Leslie Funny Pages Hobbies, Owosso Rogers Hobby Center, Saginaw Trains & Things Hobbies, Traverse City MINNESOTA Hobby Hut of Moorhead, Moorhead Becker’s, New Brighton Everything Hobby, Rochester Iron Horse Hobby, Waite Park Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 34 House of Trains, Omaha NEVADA Hobbytown USA, Las Vegas Westside Trains, Las Vegas NEW JERSEY Yankee Dabbler, Bellmawr The Model Railroad Shop, Piscataway The Train Room, Point Pleasant Beach H&R Railroad Supply, Vineland Sattler’s Hobby Shop, Westmont NEW MEXICO Fifer Hobby Supply, Las Cruces NEW HAMPSHIRE Trains on Tracks, Amherst Toy City, Keene Hobbytown USA, Nashua NEW YORK VCS Hobbies, Brooklyn Despatch Junction, East Rochester Lake City Hobbies, Geneva Lantz Woodcraft & Train Shop, Horseheads JP’s Trains & Hobbies, Latham Willis Hobbies & Craft, Mineola Dan’s Crafts & Things, Rochester Mohawk Valley Railroad Co., Schenectady NORTH CAROLINA King RC, King The Antique Barn, Wilson OHIO Rob’s Trains, Alliance Robbies Hobbies, Columbus Hobbytown USA, Holland The Smoke Stack Hobby Shop, Lancaster John’s Hobby Shop, Mansfield Hobbytown USA, Mentor Stewart’s Hobbies & Collectors, Willoughby PENNSYLVANIA Mainline Hobby Supply, Blue Ridge Summit Tommy Gilbert’s, Gettysburg Niedzalkoski’s Train Shop, Jeannette Lin’s Junction, Lansdale Draude’s Derailment, Lebanon Brian’s Model Trains, Myerstown The Station, New Cumberland Hobbytown USA, Reading Iron Horse Hobby House, Reading Choo Choo Barn, Strasburg TENNESSEE The Tennessee Central Railway, Nashville The Dixie Flyer, Wartrace TEXAS Discount Model Trains, Addison Angelo Hobbies, North Richland Hills Groves Train Repair, Odessa Spring Crossing, Spring Annie Jewel & Charlie’s Kids, Wichita Falls UTAH Wonderful World of Trains, Ogden M.R.S. Hobby Shop, Sandy VIRGINIA Staunton Trains & Hobbies, Staunton Benny’s Train Shop, Winchester WASHINGTON Pacific Western Rail Systems, Ferndale Parkade Hobbies, Kennewick Sunset Junction, Spokane WEST VIRGINIA Loco Joe’s Hobbies, Inwood Nitro Hobby & Craft Center, Nitro WYOMING Cherry Creek Hobbies, Torrington CANADA Don’s HO Service, Moncton, New Brunswick Otter Valley Railroad, Aylmer, Ontario Broughdale Hobby & Photo, London, Ontario George’s Trains Ltd, Markham, Ontario Lark Spur Line, Ltd., Merrickville, Ontario Paris Junction Hobbies, Paris, Ontario Credit Valley, Streetsville, Ontario Modele B.T., Drummondville, Quebec Van Horne Hobby Ltd, Laval, Quebec AUSTRIA Modellbahn-Welt, Leobersdorf GERMANY Modellbahn-Atelier-Berlin, Berlin Modellbaushop, Gross-Rohrheim All American Trains, Kaarst JAPAN Trainwave, Tokyo *Participating dealers may be temporarily out of stock on some items in this flyer. Your dealer can immediately check the Walthers warehouse for availability and order any item shown in this flyer or in Walthers Reference Books using EXPRES™ IV, our website (www.walthers.com) or by calling Walthers toll-free number. All items, unless otherwise stated, were expected to be in stock prior to this publication being mailed. However, some items may be out of stock due to sales demand. 8/5/16 11:09 AM $150.00 and under or 20% of the merchandise total on orders $150.01 or more. DELAWARE IOWA NEBRASKA ( ) American Express Branford Hobbies, Branford Ann’s Hobby Center, Cos Cob The Company Wheels, Gales Ferry Railroad Model & Hobby Supply, Winsted CP Trains Stop, Crown Point Park Lane Hobbies, Dyer Rupel Toy Trains, Elkhart Hobbytown USA, Indianapolis Hawkins Rail Services, Lafayette Hobbytown USA, Merrillville Jim’s Junction, Billings ( ) Discover COLORADO INDIANA MONTANA Backorders You can visit these hobby shops for the products in this sale flyer. You can also order products from these hobby shops at the Walthers® website at www.walthers.com. ©2016 Wm. K. Walthers, Inc. All prices are listed in U.S. dollars. Prices subject to change without notice. All items offered are subject to availability at the time of shipment. We reserve the right to correct errors, change prices, and modify designs without notice and without obligation to previous purchasers. All rights reserved. Here are some of the Retailers Participating in this Sale! HOW TO ORDER For fastest service, place your order online at walthers.com. You can also call 1-800-4TRAINS (1-800-487-2467)* at any time — our regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time. After hours, you can place an automated order or leave a message. Phone orders must be charged to a credit card. *If ordering from outside Canada, Mexico or the USA, please call (414) 527-0770 or fax this order form to (414) 527-4423, Attn: Consumer Sales. ORDER PAYMENT For fastest service, order by credit card; we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. We also accept personal checks or money orders. Unless certified, checks over $200.00 will be cleared before the order ships, which can take up to 10 business days. Now accepting PayPal for online orders of in-stock merchandise. www.walthers.com 1-800-4TRAINS (1-800-487-2467) 1-800-807-2467 FAX P.O. Box 3039, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3039 Back Order Instructions (Credit Card Only) Your credit card account will NOT be charged until your merchandise is available for shipment. On items that are back ordered, we will guarantee the price for at least six months from the date of order. International Hold backorders until value reaches $50.00. Standard international shipping fees apply; plus a $7.50 handling fee. 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INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CHARGES Charges listed below are in addition to the $11.95 standard delivery charge that is required on all upgraded orders. Priority delivery: please add $7.00; Second-day delivery: please add $25.00; Next-day delivery: please add $58.00. Note: Upgraded orders placed after 12:00 PM Central Time may not ship until the next business day. UPGRADED DOMESTIC SHIPPING CHARGES $11.95 for Standard Shipping. Expedited delivery is available – see below. FREE STANDARD SHIPPING applies to orders with $150.00 or more of IN-STOCK merchandise. Oversized item fee still applies to orders that qualify for free standard shipping. DOMESTIC HANDLING CHARGES Most standard shipping orders are delivered by the US Postal Service. MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER ( ) MasterCard ( ) American Express UNIT PRICE Date of Order______________________________________________ MANUFACTURER NAME _________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone (_____)_____________________________________ Country (If Outside U.S.A)______________________________________ County___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Name____________________________________________________ PROMO/KEYCODE_____________________________________ SHIP TO Email____________________________________________________ QTY ORDERED Need to return an item? For a return authorization, please call us at 1-800-487-2467, e-mail custserv@walthers.com or go to our website to view our return policy at www.walthers.com/returns. ( ) VISA ( ) Discover ___________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Expiration Date ___________________________________________________ Credit Card Number 5 BILL TO s, wick rio es, ville, bec d, erlin, be some aler em althers umber. in on me due to 8/5/16 12:44 PM Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 35 Domestic Hold backorders until value reaches $20.00. Shipping & handling charges are 10% of total value ($3.00 to $5.50 maximum). ✘ ❏ Yes, Backorder and Hold Ship backordered items as available. Shipping & handling charges are 10% of total value ($3.00 to $5.50 maximum). ❏ Yes, Send as Available Don’t backorder out-of-stock merchandise. Ship backordered items as available. Standard international shipping fees apply. An additional $12.50 handling fee is added to orders under $50.00. ❏ No Backorders & ©2016 Wm. K. Walthers, Inc. All prices are listed in U.S. dollars. Prices subject to change without notice. All items offered are subject to availability at the time of shipment. We reserve the right to correct errors, change prices, and modify designs without notice and without obligation to previous purchasers. All rights reserved. e! HO SCALE x STRUCTURES HO Tanker Truck Loading HO Pier Add-On Walthers Cornerstone®. 933-3154 Fits Pier & Traveling Crane Kit (#933-3067) Reg. Price: $21.98 Sale: $18.98 Rack Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3169 Kit 7 x 3-1/2 x 3-3/16" 17.8 x 8.9 x 8.1cm Reg. Price: $29.98 Sale: $25.98 HO Wooden Water Tank Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3507 Kit pkg(3) 4 x 2-3/8" 10.1 x 6cm Each Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $12.98 HO Wayne Bros. Ford Dealership HO Heritage Furniture Background Building Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3164 Kit - Back Wall: 11-3/8 x 4-3/4 x 8-15/16" 28.4 x 11.8 x 22.3cm Reg. Price: $34.98 Sale: $29.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3483 Kit 8-7/8 x 12-1/8 x 3-7/8" 22.5 x 30 x 9.8cm Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $39.98 HO Scrap Yard Conveyor HO United Petroleum Refining Walthers Cornerstone. Includes a main fractioning tower, furnace, piping group and heat exchangers, vacuum pipe still and decal warning signs. 933-3705 Kit 13-1/2 x 8-1/4 x 15" 34.3 x 21 x 38.1cm Reg. Price: $64.98 Sale: $43.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3645 Kit 9-1/4 x 1-3/4 x 3-3/8" 23.4 x 4.4 x 8.5cm Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $12.98 Build Your Own Wishlist! www.walthers.com HO Subway Entrance NEW HO Country Store Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3491 Kit 6 x 3-5/8 x 2-3/4" 15.2 x 9.2 x 6.9cm Price: $39.98 HO Wide Oil Storage Tank w/Berm Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3167 Kit - Tank: 7-1/2" Diameter x 4" Tall 19.1 x 10.2cm Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $29.98 Farm House Limited Quantity Available NEW HO Public Library w/Berm HO Industrial Storage Tanks Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3514 Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $12.98 NEW HO Rocky Point Walthers Cornerstone. Includes tower and keeper’s quarters plus flashing LED for tower. 933-3663 Kit 3 x 8-1/8 x 8-7/8" 7.5 x 20.3 x 22.8cm Price: $59.98 HO Paper Mill Superior Paper Walthers Cornerstone. Easy to build plastic kit is finely detailed and ideal for paper mills and other industries. 933-3902 Kit 20-3/4 x 11-3/4 x 8-3/4" 52.7 x 29.8 x 22.2cm Reg. Price: $79.98 Sale: $67.98 HO Storage Shed on Pilings Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3529 Kit 4-1/2 x 7 x 3-1/2" 11.4 x 8.9cm Reg. Price: $27.98 Sale: $23.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3761 Kit 8-5/8 x 10-9/16 x 5-3/4" 21.9 x 26.8 x 14.6cm Reg. Price: $29.98 Sale: $25.98 933-450 NEW S BRIDG 933-4 Construction Site Head Oil Pump NEW S THRO 933-450 HO Skyscraper HO Walking Beam/Horse • Part • Fits • Avai • Perf and • Buil Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3789 Kit 4-11/16 x 4-1/4 x 4-3/8" 11.9 x 10.7 x 11.1cm Price: $34.98 Lighthouse HO Tall Oil Storage Tank Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3170 No Motor, Kit - 4-1/4 x 1-5/8 x 3" 10.8 x 4 x 7.6cm Reg. Price: $34.98 Sale: $29.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3651 Kit 4 x 5-3/4 x 5-1/8" 10.2 x 14.6 x 13cm Reg. Price: $34.98 Sale: $29.98 NEW HO Tillman Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3493 Kit 8-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 4-3/4" 21.5 x 16.5 x 12cm Price: $49.98 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3168 Kit - Tank: 6" Diameter x 6-1/4" Tall 15.2 x 15.9cm Reg. Price: $44.98 Sale: $31.98 HO Aunt Lucy’s House Walthers Cornerstone. 933-3762 Kit - Builds 2 Complete Models pkg(2) Reg. Price: $19.98 Sale: $16.98 HO Merchant’s Row IV Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4040 Kit 10-5/8 x 5 x 4" 27 x 12.7 x 10.2cm Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $31.98 NEW D BRIDG 933-4 36 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 36 8/5/16 11:10 AM 37 ® YOUR SOURCE FOR REALISTIC BRIDGES HO SCALE NEW SINGLE-TRACK RAILROAD GIRDER BRIDGE KITS ning gers, ecal 3.98 2 2) 6.98 NOW IN STOCK – ORDER TODAY! • Part of the new Cornerstone Engineered Bridge System • Add to new or existing scenery with Center Piers (933-4550) and Abutments (933-4551) available separately • Fits steam-, diesel- and modern-eras • Available in four common lengths to match prototype practice • Use with Walthers Code 83 Bridge Track (948-886 or 948-899, both sold separately) plus flexible, • Perfect as approach spans for bigger Cornerstone sectional & hand-laid track or your own rail and other bridge kits • Detailed plastic parts molded in dark gray • Build with open or ballasted deck NEW SINGLE-TRACK RAILROAD THROUGH GIRDER BRIDGE KITS NEW SINGLE-TRACK RAILROAD DECK GIRDER BRIDGE KITS 8" 933-4503 933-4508 933-4501 7.98 V 30' Standard Level $17.98 30' Low Level $17.98 50' $19.98 70' $24.98 90' $29.98 933-4500 is l er 4" 933-4505 933-4509 933-4506 933-4507 933-4508 933-4500 933-4501 933-4502 933-4503 30' 50' 70' 90' $17.98 $19.98 $24.98 $29.98 NEW SINGLE-TRACK RAILROAD BRIDGE CONCRETE PIERS 933-4550 pkg(2) $19.98 NEW SINGLE-TRACK RAILROAD BRIDGE CONCRETE ABUTMENTS 933-4551 pkg(2) $19.98 NEW DOUBLE-TRACK RAILROAD BRIDGE CONCRETE PIERS 933-4552 pkg(2) $24.98 NEW DOUBLE-TRACK RAILROAD BRIDGE CONCRETE ABUTMENTS 933-4553 pkg(2) $24.98 NEW BRIDGE SHOES AND ADAPTER ASSORTMENT 933-4559 $9.98 • Multiple styles of bridge shoes, pedestals & shims • Simplifies aligning & combining Cornerstone bridge kits for more realism 1.98 hop Support your local hobby shop • visit walthers.com • call 1-800-4-TRAINS 37 Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 37 Preproduction models shown, some details and colors may vary. 8/5/16 11:10 AM HO SCALE x STRUCTURES HO Sta Wa 931 Reg HO Rotary Dumper - Superior Paper Walthers Cornerstone®. 933-3903 Kit 9-1/2 x 7-1/4" 24.1 x 18.4cm, Required Clearance: 2-1/2" 6.4cm Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $33.98 HO Central Beverage Distributors w/Office Annex Walthers Cornerstone. Great addition to modern industrial parks, model features a detailed front office and large warehouse with rail and truck docks. 933-4042 Kit 15-15/16 x 8 x 4" 40.4 x 20.3 x 10.1cm Reg. Price: $54.98 Sale: $30.98 NEW HO Trackside Oil Dealer with Storage Tanks Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4059 Kit Price: $49.98 NEW HO 30' Single Track Railroad Deck Girder Bridge Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4509 Low Level Kit 4-1/8 x 1-3/8 x 1-1/8" 10.4 x 3.4 x 2.8cm Price: $17.98 NEW HO Double-Track Railroad Bridge Concrete Pier Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4552 Kit 5-7-16 x 1-1/4 x 5-1/8" 13.8 x 3.1 x 13cm pkg(2) Price: $24.98 NEW HO 30' Single Track Railroad Deck Girder Bridge Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4505 Standard Level Kit 4-3/16 x 1-3/8 x 1-1/2" 10.6 x 3.4 x 3.8cm Price: $17.98 HO Fac Wa 931 Reg NEW HO 109' SingleTrack Pratt Deck Truss Railroad Bridge Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4520 Kit 15 x 2-5/8 x 3-1/8" 38.1 x 6.6 x 7.9cm Price: $49.98 NEW HO Double-Track Railroad Bridge Concrete Abutment Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4553 Kit 11-1/4 x 3-1/4" 28.5 x 8.2cm pkg(2) Price: $24.98 HO Wa 931 Reg NEW HO 50' Single HO Express Motor Freight Lines Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4049 Kit Reg. Price: $34.98 Sale: $18.98 Track Railroad Deck Girder Bridge Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4506 Kit 6-7/8 x 1-3/16 x 1-5/16" 17.4 x 3 x 3.3cm Price: $19.98 NEW HO Single-Track Railroad Bridge Concrete Piers Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4550 Kit - 5-1/8 x 1-1/8 x 3-3/4" w/Cutwater 13 x 2.8 x 9.5cm pkg(2) Price: $19.98 NE Hou Storage Trailer Wa 931 Pric HO Old Country Barn NE HO Construction Site Walthers SceneMaster™. 949-2901 Kit Reg. Price: $14.98 Sale: $10.98 HO Brick Mission-Style Santa Fe Depot Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4055 Kit 11-5/16 x 6-7/16 x 3-3/4" 28.7 x 16.3 x 9.5cm Reg. Price: $49.98 Sale: $36.98 NEW HO 70' Single Track Railroad Deck Girder Bridge Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4507 Kit 9-5/8 x 1-3/8 x 1-1/2" 24.4 x 3.4 x 3.8cm Price: $24.98 HO Brick Mission-Style Santa Fe Freight House NEW HO Steel Railroad Bridge Tower Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4554 Kit Price: $24.98 WalthersTrainline™. 931-902 Kit 4-5/16 x 5-1/2" 11 x 14cm Reg. Price: $19.98 Sale: $16.98 Sto Wa 931 Pric Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4056 Kit 9-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 2-1/2" 24.1 x 16.5 x 6.3cm Reg. Price: $39.98 Sale: $29.98 NEW HO 90' Single Track Railroad Deck Girder Bridge 1. Go to www.walthers.com/monthly-flyer 2. Click View Flyer Online 3. Page through, shop, enjoy! 38 Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4508 Kit 12-7/16 x 1-3/16 x 1-1/2" 31.5 x 3 x 3.8cm Price: $29.98 NE NEW HO Steel Railroad Bridge Tower Bent 2-Pack Walthers Cornerstone. 933-4555 Kit pkg(2) Price: $19.98 Wa 931 Pric HO Consolidated Manufacturing WalthersTrainline. 931-903 Kit Reg. Price: $24.98 Sale: $19.98 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 38 8/5/16 11:11 AM Sho HO Iron Ridge Freight Station WalthersTrainline™. 931-905 Kit Reg. Price: $29.98 Sale: $23.98 NEW HO Brick Freight House WalthersTrainline. 931-918 Kit Price: $29.98 ack te " (2) ack te . WalthersTrainline. 931-907 Kit Reg. Price: $24.98 Sale: $19.98 HO Four Fingered Tony’s HO City Trust HO Coal Creek Tipple WalthersTrainline. 931-911 Kit Reg. Price: $29.98 Sale: $23.98 Blair Line. 184-180 Kit 3-3/4 x 5-1/4" Reg. Price: $36.95 Sale: $31.98 Lunde Studios. Features tab and slot corner locators and virtually flash-free walls and windows. 396-31 Kit 5-1/4 x 4-1/8 x 9-3/4" 13.3 x 10.5 x 24.8cm Reg. Price: $79.95 Sale: $67.98 Bar Mills. Wholesale meat and butcher shop makes a great addition to any rural scene. Features precision laser-cut parts. 171-112 Kit Reg. Price: $89.95 Sale: $76.98 HO Cash Mine Works Ore House Blair Line. Features varied rooflines, exposed structural framing and covered loading areas that serve two tracks. 184-186 Kit - 7-1/2 x 8-1/2" 18.7 x 21.3cm Reg. Price: $139.95 Sale: $119.98 HO Bull’s Salvage Bar Mills. 171-452 Kit - 5 x 7" 12.7 x 12.7cm Reg. Price: $44.95 Sale: $37.98 NEW HO Rooming House WalthersTrainline. 931-914 Kit Price: $24.98 HO The Pickle Works G.R. Dill & Sons Salting Station - LASERkit® American Model Builders. Includes brine vats, open platform with vats, freight car loading dock and more. 152-725 Kit 16 x 3-3/4 x 3" 40.6 x 9.5 x 7.6cm Reg. Price: $134.95 Sale: $119.98 Store WalthersTrainline. 931-915 Kit Price: $24.98 HO Company House LASERkit Xpress WalthersTrainline. 931-917 Kit Price: $29.98 Bar Mills. 171-102 Kit - 3 x 4-1/2" 7.6 x 11.4cm Reg. Price: $44.95 Sale: $37.98 HO Vegetable Stand Busch. 189-1070 Kit Reg. Price: $24.99 Sale: $19.98 Transmitter Tower American Model Builders. 152-798 Kit 2-3/4 x 2-1/2 x 2" 7 x 6.4 x 5.1cm Reg. Price: $12.95 Sale: $10.98 HO Bud Smiley’s Gas Stop Blair Line. Features main office, two 4-unit motel buildings, roadway sign and much more. 184-2001 Kit Office: 5 x 3-5/16" 12.7 x 8.4cm, Units: 6-1/2 x 2-3/4" 16.5 x 6.9cm Reg. Price: $65.95 Sale: $55.98 HO HO Tower House Laser-Art NEW HO Factory HO Sunset Motel HO Wicked Wanda’s Bar Mills. Complete with laser-cut windows and doors, graphics and white metal details. 171-962 Kit Reg. Price: $59.95 Sale: $50.98 NEW HO Hardware 9.98 hop American Model Builders. Kit includes the main structure, vats, fencing and numerous details. 152-728 Kit 8-1/2 x 5-1/4 x 6-1/2" 21.6 x 13.4 x 16.5cm Reg. Price: $139.95 Sale: $119.98 HO Blairstown General Store HO Sand and Water Facility 0.98 14cm 6.98 HO McCready’s Ltd. Pickle Packers and Condiments Busch. 189-5965 Assembled 14-3/4" 37cm Reg. Price: $54.99 Sale: $44.98 Branchline Trains. Based on an 1878 catalog design by Palliser, Palliser & Co, Architects of Bridgeport Connecticut with a tower and other Victorian details. 181-601 Kit Reg. Price: $76.98 Sale: $68.98 39 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 39 8/5/16 11:11 AM HO SCALE x STRUCTURES HO HO 200' Double-Track Heavy-Duty Laced-ParkerTruss Bridge Central Valley. Maximum length is 2000 scale feet long but can be built in shorter increments of 25 scale feet segments. 210-1900 Kit 28-1/4 x 4-3/4" 71.8 x 12.1cm Reg. Price: $119.95 Sale: $99.98 HO Boyd Logging Camp HO Carol’s Corner Cafe - Woodland Scenics DPM Landmark Structures Woodland Scenics DPM. 243-11300 Kit 4-1/4 x 2-3/4" 11 x 7cm Reg. Price: $20.99 Sale: $18.98 HO West End Shack GCLaser. 292-1901 Kit 2-1/4 x 2-3/8 x 2-3/8" 12.2 x 6 x 6cm Reg. Price: $18.00 Sale: $14.98 HO Maintenance Office Perma-Scene™ Imex. 353-6140 Assembled Reg. Price: $13.50 Sale: $11.98 HO The Trackside Tavern HO 150' Pratt Truss Bridge Central Valley. 210-1903 Kit - 10 x 2-1/2" 25.5 x 6.3cm Reg. Price: $16.45 Sale: $13.98 Downtown Deco. Features finely detailed Hydrocal castings, windows, signs and step-by-step instructions. 244-1045 Kit - 5 x 8" 12.7 x 20.3cm Reg. Price: $99.95 Sale: $84.98 HO Deck-Girder Bridge w/ Open Deck HO 72' Plate Girder Central Valley. 210-19031 Kit pkg(2) Reg. Price: $9.85 Sale: $7.98 HO Industrial Water Tank JL Innovative Design. Includes over 25 castmetal details, 55 full-color signs and crimped-seam aluminum roofing. 361-481 Kit 10-3/4 x 4 x 3-1/2" 27.3 x 10.2 x 8.9cm Reg. Price: $59.95 Sale: $50.98 HO Jib Crane HO Modern 1- or 2-Stall Tichy Train. 293-7019 Kit Base: 2-3/4" 6.9cm Square, 9" 22.8cm Tall Reg. Price: $27.50 Sale: $23.98 Tichy Train. 293-8007 Kit Reg. Price: $5.95 Sale: $4.98 Micro Engineering. 255-75505 Kit - Scale Length: 85' 25.9m Reg. Price: $17.55 Sale: $15.98 HO Bleachers JV Models. 345-2005 Kit - 2 x 4-1/8" 4.5 x 9.5cm pkg(2) Reg. Price: $27.98 Sale: $23.98 GCLaser. 292-1243 Kit 4-1/2 x 13/16 x 1-1/8" 11.4 x 2.1 x 2.9cm Reg. Price: $17.00 Sale: $14.98 Woodland Scenics DPM Landmark Structures® 1. Go to www.walthers.com/monthly-flyer 2. Click View Flyer Online 3. Page through, shop, enjoy! Rai 597 Reg HO Engine House Pikestuff. 541-8 Kit - 5-1/2 x 11" 14 x 27.9cm Reg. Price: $25.95 Sale: $21.98 HO Motor Freight Terminal Pikestuff. 541-5001 Kit 4-3/16 x 11-1/8" 10.5 x 28cm Reg. Price: $18.95 Sale: $15.98 Ove Rix 628 Reg JV Models. Made from basswood or pine scale stripwood with templates, drawings, color photo and bridge ties. 345-2014 Kit - 18 x 16" 45.7 x 40.6cm Reg. Price: $58.98 Sale: $49.98 HO Fal 272 Reg Lim HO HO Wood Timber Trestle HO Kelly’s Saloon - NE H HO Section Tool House Woodland Scenics DPM. 243-10100 Kit 2-3/4 x 4" 7 x 10.2cm Reg. Price: $19.99 Sale: $17.98 Pla 570 9x Reg HO O’Lary’s Garage HO Gugisberg & Sons Machining Plate Girder Bridge HO Downtown Deco. 244-1040 Kit Reg. Price: $49.95 Sale: $42.98 Central Valley. 210-1902 Kit 20-5/8" 52.5cm Reg. Price: $43.95 Sale: $37.98 HO 72' Single-Track JV Models. Includes eight structures. 345-2018 Kit - Scale: 50 x 85' 15.2 x 25.9m Reg. Price: $78.98 Sale: $67.98 Pla 570 36. Reg Fig HO North American-Style Code 83 Inspection Pit Bro 187 pkg Reg Peco. 552-SL8356 Reg. Price: $14.99 Sale: $11.98 40 Shop now at walthers.com, call 1-800-487-2467 or visit your local hobby shop Sept16 Sale Body p. 15-67.indd 40 8/5/16 11:11 AM Sho
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