Curriculum Vitae - Research Unit International Economics


Curriculum Vitae - Research Unit International Economics
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
Curriculum Vitae
RWTH Aachen University
School of Business and Economics
52056 Aachen
Phone: ++49 241 80 93931
Fax: ++49 241 80 693931
Habilitation, University of Kiel
Doctoral degree in Economics and Social Sciences
(summa cum laude), University of Kiel
Diploma degree in Economics, University of Konstanz
Academic Positions
Since 10/04:
Professor of International Economics, RWTH Aachen University
10/02 to 09/04: Temporary Professor, RWTH Aachen University and University of
08/97 to 10/04: Assistant Professor (“wissenschaftlicher Assistent”), University of Kiel
06/92 to 07/97: Research Associate, Kiel Institute of World Economics
Visiting Positions
02/09 to 03/09: Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand
07/99 to 10/99: National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, USA
09/98 to 12/98: World Economy Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
Cambridge, USA
European Economic Association, International Institute of Public Finance, Verein für
Socialpolitik – Committee on International Trade Theory and Policy
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
Further Academic and Administrative Duties
Inaugural Dean, School of Business and Economics, German University of Technology
in Oman, GUtech (since 10/14)
Dean, School of Business and Economics, RWTH Aachen
University (04/11 to 03/15)
Liaison Professor, Foundation of German Business (since 06/13)
Fellow, Research Center FoKoS, University of Siegen (since 04/13)
Local Coordination of the inter-university doctoral program MAGKS (since 10/10)
Director of Studies, VWA Aachen (since 10/08)
Coordination of the Research Seminar in Economics at RWTH Aachen University (04/04
to 03/11)
Organization of the Annual Meeting of the Verein für Socialpolitik Committee on International Trade Theory and Policy (05/10), with P. Harms
Organization of the „Aachen Workshop on International Production“ (11/09)
Research Grants and Awards
“Rebound-E, NRW”, grant of the MIWF North-Rhine Westphalia, with R. Madlener
(project coordinator), M. Frondel, and C. Vance
“Integrative Production Technologies in High Wage Countries: Assessing the Options“,
grant in the context of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments (04/08 to 07/10), with P. Harms and G. Schuh
“Demographic Change and Factor Mobility”, research grant of the German Research
Foundation, DFG (10/06 to 10/09), with P. Harms
Research fellowship of the German Research Foundation, DFG (07/99 to 10/99)
Erich-Schneider-Award, University of Kiel (01/97)
“Locational Competition”, research grant of the German Research Foundation, DFG
(10/94 to 09/95), applicant: H. Siebert
Referee Activities
Canadian Journal of Economics, Ecological Economics, Economic Systems, European
Economic Review, European Journal of Political Economy, European Union Politics,
FinanzArchiv, International Economics and Economic Policy, International Tax and
Public Finance, Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaften, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban
Economics, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Open Political Science Journal,
Public Choice, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Review of World Economics
(Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
Conferences and Workshops
European Economic Association (1998, 2003), European Trade Study Group (2005,
2006, 2008, 2009, 2010), European Public Choice Society (1998, 1999, 2000, 2010),
International Institute of Public Finance (2004, 2007, 2008), Otago Workshop in International Trade (2006, 2007, 2008), Australasian Economic Theory Workshop (2009), NEAT
Workshop in Brussels (2009), Passau/Göttingen Workshop on International Economic
Relations (2003, 2004), Verein für Socialpolitik Annual Congress (2004, 2005, 2006,
2007, 2011), Verein für Socialpolitik AWTP (2006, 2008, 2009), Ifo Workshop on Political
Economy in Dresden (2007), Conference “The Chances of Population Aging” in
Delmenhorst (2007), Conference “RIEF/REFI” in Paris (2004), CESIfo Economic Studies
Conference “Migration and the Welfare State” (2003), Kiel Institute of World Economics
Kiel Week Conference (1997, 1998, 2002), Spring Meeting of Young Economists (1998),
Silvaplana Workshop on Political Economy (1995), HWWA-Conference (1994)
University Presentations
Aachen, Auckland (Massey University), Augsburg, Bayreuth, Cologne, Darmstadt,
Dunedin, Elon, Göttingen, Hamburg (University of Hamburg and HSU), Kassel, Kiel,
Konstanz, Leipzig, Lisbon (ISEG), Lund, UNU-Merit Maastricht, Mainz, Melbourne
(Monash University and Deakin University), Munich (LMU and CES/Ifo), Paderborn,
Passau, Potsdam, Rostock, Siegen, Trier, Tübingen
Other Presentations
Congress of the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Foundation, Seminar “Social Market Economy
and International Development“ of the German Foundation for International Development, Seminar “Transition to the Rule of Law and Market Economy II” of the Friedrich
Naumann Foundation, Seminar “The Welfare State” of the IPTS, Symposium “Social
Security Systems” of the Berlin Senate for Employment and the Otto Brenner Foundation, Transatlantic Workshop of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the German National
Merit Foundation, “KÖLNer Kreis”, Symposium “Automation of Services” at RWTH
Aachen University, ALasKa Workshop, Symposium on Trade Policy of the EU in
Brussels, Conference “High Tech Metals” at RWTH Aachen University, RWTH Extern
Symposium “Euro Crisis”, VDMA-BeSoMa-Meeting in Eindhoven, Policy Workshop on
Fiscal Federalism in the EU at the German Federal Ministry of Finance in Berlin.
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Mode of International Investment and Endogenous Risk of Expropriation, Review of
International Economics, 21 (2013): 974—983 (with R. Dadasov).
2. Size versus Scope: On the Trade-off Facing Economic Unions, International Tax and
Public Finance, 20 (2013): 247-267 (with G. Willmann).
3. Financial Integration in Autocracies: Greasing the Wheel or More to Steal? Economics of Governance, 14 (2013): 1-22 (with R. Dadasov and P. Harms).
4. Offshoring Along the Production Chain, Canadian Journal of Economics, 45 (2012):
93-106 (with P. Harms and D. Urban).
5. Aging, Factor Returns, and Immigration Policy, Scottish Journal of Political Economy,
58 (2011): 589-606 (with L. Calahorrano).
6. Temporary Immigration Visas, International Tax and Public Finance, 18 (2011): 291303 (with K. Schaefer).
7. Exploring the Dynamics Between Terrorism and Anti-Terror Spending: Theory and
UK-Evidence, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 77 (2011): 189-202 (with
K. P. Arin, O. F. M. Reich and N. Spagnolo).
8. Trade and Variety in a Model with Endogenous Product Differentiation, B.E. Journals
in Economic Analysis & Policy (Topics), 9 (2009): Article 52 (with M. Wrede).
9. International Technology Transfers and Competition, Review of International Economics 17 (2009): 1038-1052 (with E. Feess and M. Hoeck).
10. Standardization of Intermediate Goods and International Trade, Canadian Journal of
Economics 41 (2008): 517-536 (with M. Wrede).
11. The Coordinate Plane of Global Governance, Review of International Organizations,
3 (2008): 29-40 (with H. Klodt).
12. Citizen-Candidate Mobility and Endogenous Local Policy, Public Choice 132 (2007):
27-47 (with S. Nastassine).
13. Asylum Seekers in Europe: the Warm Glow of a Hot Potato, Journal of Population
Economics 19 (2006): 411-430 (with G. Facchini and G. Willmann).
14. On the Endogenous Allocation of Decision Powers in Federal Structures, Journal of
Urban Economics 57 (2005): 242-257 (with G. Willmann).
15. Political Participation of Mobile Citizens and the Size of the Welfare State, CESIfo
Economic Studies 50 (2004): 647-662 (with S. Nastassine).
16. Unemployment, Social Transfers, and International Capital Mobility, FinanzArchiv 60
(2004): 205-221.
17. Time Consistent Optimal Redistribution Policy in an Overlapping Generations
Model, Journal of Public Economic Theory 6 (2004): 25-41.
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
18. Who Is Afraid of Capital Mobility? On Taxation of Labor Income and the Level of
Public Services in an Open Economy, Journal of Economics 74 (2001): 79-101, (with F.
19. On the Effects of Capital Mobility on Local Infrastructure Policy and Rent-Seeking,
Regional Science and Urban Economics 31 (2001): 319-337.
20. Capital Mobility, Tax Competition, and Lobbying for Redistributive Capital Taxation,
European Journal of Political Economy 14 (1998): 265-279.
21. A Bertrand-Model of Wage Competition with Capital Mobility, Economics Letters 56
(1997): 339-343.
22. Empirische Allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle – Struktur und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 213 (1994): 513-544 (with G.
Klepper, F. Stähler, R. Thiele and M. Wiebelt).
23. Chinese Investments – Hostages for Hong Kong? Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 148 (1992): 645-654 (with B. Bacher and L. Schuknecht).
1. Außenwirtschaft, 9th Edition, Stuttgart 2014 (with H. Siebert).
2. Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre, 15th Edition, Stuttgart 2007 (with H. Siebert).
3. Intergenerative Umverteilung in der repräsentativen Demokratie, Kiel Study 323, Berlin 2003.
4. Standortwettbewerb bei internationaler Kapitalmobilität – Eine modelltheoretische
Untersuchung, Kiel Study 284, Tübingen 1997.
5. Wettbewerb und Regulierung in der Telekommunikation, Kiel Study 272, Tübingen
1995 (with H. Klodt, C.-F. Laaser and R. Maurer).
6. Standort Deutschland: Strukturelle Herausforderungen im neuen Europa, Kiel Study
265, Tübingen 1994 (with A. Boss, H. Klodt, K. Lammers, R. Maurer, K.-H. Paqué, A.
Rosenschon, J. Stehn and C. Walter).
Contributions to Conference Volumes and Non-refereed Articles
1. Do National Governments Lose their Maneuvering Space in the Era of Locational
Competition and What Can They Do? in H. Siebert (ed.): Global Governance: An Architecture for the World Economy, Berlin 2003: 67-89.
2. How to Improve Locational Competitiveness, in H. Siebert (ed.): Globalization and
Labor, Tübingen 1999: 239-268.
3. Social Security and Employment, in H. Siebert (ed.): Redesigning Social Security,
Tübingen 1998: 63-88.
4. Wettbewerb der Regierungen bei internationaler Kapitalmobilität: Auswirkungen auf
das Verhalten nationaler Interessengruppen, in C. Smekal and J. Starbatty (eds.): Der
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
Aufbruch ist möglich: Standorte und Arbeitswelten zwischen Globalisierung und Regulierungsdickicht. Mittelstand und „neue Selbständigkeit“ als Innovationskräfte im Strukturwandel? Köln 1998: 258-263.
5. Die öffentliche Verschuldung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Ausmaß und Belastungswirkung, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 46 (1995): 152-183 (with A.
6. Optionen der deutschen Standortpolitik, in E. Kantzenbach and O.G. Mayer (eds.):
Deutschland im internationalen Standortwettbewerb, Baden-Baden 1994/95: 119-164
(with W. Pfähler).
7. Indikatoren zur Beurteilung der Standortqualität – Ein methodischer Überblick und
ein neuer Ansatzpunkt am Beispiel Westdeutschlands, Die Weltwirtschaft 1994: 448471.
8. Direktinvestitionen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes in Industrieländern, Die Weltwirtschaft 1993: 149-166.
Comments in Academic Journals and Conference Volumes
1. Comment on R. Miniaci, C. Monfardini and G. Weber: Changing Consumption Patterns, in H. Siebert (ed.): Economic Policy for Ageing Societies, Berlin 2002: 77-79.
2. Der Sozialstaat im Standortwettbewerb – Korreferat zu Volker Meinhardt, Beihefte
der Konjunkturpolitik 49 (1999): 181-184.
3. Comment on M. Falch: Electricity Companies and Railway Networks as Newcomers
in Telecommunications, in Paul J.J. Welfens, G. Yarrow, R. Grinberg and C. Graack
(eds.): Competition in Network Industries: Telecommunications, Energy and Transportation in Europe and Russia, Berlin 1999: 167-169.
Book Reviews
1. Taxation in a Global Economy, by Andreas Haufler, Review of World Economics 139
(2003): 179-180.
2. Social Security and Solidarity in the European Union: Facts, Evaluations and Perspectives, by Joos P.A. van Vugt and Jan M. Peet (eds.), Papers in Regional Science 80
(2001): 244-245.
3. The Dynamics of Industrial Competition: A North American Perspective, by John R.
Baldwin, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 132 (1996): 797-799.
4. Industry on the Move: Causes and Consequences of International Relocation in the
Manufacturing Industry, by Gijsbert van Liemt (ed.), Asian Pacific Economic Literature 9
(1995): 85-87.
5. The Impact of Globalisation on Europe's Firms and Industries, by Marc Humbert
(ed.), Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 131 (1995): 210-212.
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
6. Oligopolistischer Wettbewerb und internationaler Handel, by Uwe Walz, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 128 (1992): 776-777.
Articles in Newspapers and Non-Academic Journals, Interviews
1. Professoren-Profile: Oliver Lorz, WISU 12/06.
2. Trendbericht Osteuropa, Auslandskurier, October 1995: 24-25.
3. Steht der deutsche Haushalt auf festen Füssen? Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14.12.1994.
Working Papers
1. Offshoring and Sequential Production Chains: A General-Equilibrium Analysis,
University of Mainz, Discussion Paper 1607, February 2016 (with P. Harms and J. Jung)
2. Natural Resource Production, Corruption, and Expropriation, MAGKS Discussion
Paper 36-2014, July 2014 (with R. Dadasov, and C. Hefeker)
3. Underdelegation in Case of Pure Moral Hazard: Evidence from the Laboratory,
Mimeo, July 2014 (with E. Feess, and M. Schramm)
4. “5000 × 5000”: Monopoly Unions, Entry Wages, and Sequential Wage Differentiation,
2004, available at SSRN:
5. Social Security and Redistribution within Generations in an Overlapping Generations
Model, Kiel Working Paper 957, Kiel 1999.
6. Der Wettbewerb um international mobiles Kapital - Auswirkungen auf die nationale
Finanzpolitik und die intertemporale Kapitalallokation, Kiel Working Paper 608, Kiel
7. Export Subsidies and Endogenous Market Structures: Some Neglected Issues, Kiel
Working Paper 526, Kiel 1992
Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Oliver Lorz
August 2016
Lectures and Tutorials
RWTH Aachen University
Advanced International Trade
Allgemeine Wirtschaftspolitik
Development Economics
International Political Economy
International Production
International Trade and Investment
Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Mikroökonomie I and II
The Global Economy: Trade and Investment
Wettbewerbs- und Marktstrategien (with T. Kittsteiner)
University of Konstanz
Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies
International Capital Markets
Angewandte Wirtschaftspolitik
University of Kiel
The World Economy: Theory and Policy Issues
Ökonomische Theorie der Politik
Stabilisierungspolitik in offenen Volkswirtschaften
Außenwirtschaftspolitik und weltwirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Grundzüge der mikroökonomischen Theorie
Grundzüge der makroökonomischen Theorie
Außenwirtschaftspolitik für Betriebswirte
Several seminars at RWTH Aachen University, University of Konstanz, University of Kiel
Thesis Supervision
Doctoral Theses: Karen Schaefer, Lena Calahorrano, Ralf Drauz, Ramin Dadasov
More than 200 Bachelor, Master and Diploma Theses