CM YK MAMBALAM TIMES ASHOK NAGAR - K.K. NAGAR EDITION Vol. 10, No. 44 May 13 - 19, 2012 ‘Sample’ drug bottles found dumped on river bank By Our Staff Reporter The banks of Adyar river on Inner Ring Parallel Road in Jafferkhanpet have been converted into dumping spots for garbage which is regularly burnt by ragpickers. Sai bhajans on Saturdays By Our Staff Reporter Sai bhajans are conducted at 6.15 p.m on Saturdays in Sri Sathya Sai Organization, Ashok Nagar Samithi (143, 101st Street, 15th Sector, K. K. Nagar). All are welcome. More details can be had from T. S. Mani (Convenor) in phones 2489 7017 and 98843 92244. In Bharathidasan Colony Bharathidasan Colony Bhajan Mandali (18-D, Bharathidasan Colony, K. K. Nagar) conducts Sri Sathya Sai bhajans from 6.30 p.m to 7.30 p.m on Saturdays in its premises. All are welcome. More details can be had in phone 94448 25183. 21,000 copies of this edition are delivered FREE every Sunday! On May 11, this reporter found a number of ‘sample’ drug bottles marked ‘not for sale’ and with the seals intact lying in the rubbish. Such samples are usually given to doctors by drug companies. FREE MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar-K.K. Nagar Edition Page 2 May 13 - 19, 2012 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate for Advertisement in Classified Columns: Ashok Nagar - K.K. Nagar Edition: Rs. 150 (upto 35 words); Rs. 300 (upto 70 words), Bold letters: Rs. 225. Display: Rs. 90 per Colum Centimeter. Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar and Mambalam -T.Nagar Editions: Rs. 300 (upto 35 words); Bold letters: Rs. 450. The combined rate forAccommodation Required, Marriage Hall, Mini Hall, Real Estate (Buying & Selling) and Rental will be Rs. 400 (upto 35 words); Bold Rs. 600. Display: Rs. 220 per Column Centimeter. Each advertisement of Real Estate and Rental must relate to only one house /flat. Advertisement will be received upto 1.00 p.m on Saturday. AIRCONDITIONERS WE undertake repair, service, maintenance of all types of Indian made window, split air-conditioners. Annual maintenance contract for window a/c just Rs. 700 and Rs. 1000 for split air-conditioners. Airconditioners available for rent without deposit. Contact: Weather Coolers in 98411 21532, 90802 02063, 4204 7463. ARTS & CRAFTS CONDUCTING classes on ethnic / contemporary Tanjore painting, oil painting, one stroke, clay work, madhubani, charcoal, basic drawing and craft, punch craft, keychains, fridge magnets. Contact: Harathy, No. 4/17, Masilamani Street, Pondy Bazaar. Ph: 94458 72340,24334287. WE undertake catering for birthdays, engagements, grahapravesams, seemanthams, ayushyahomam, upanayanam, sathaabishekam, shashtiapthapurthi & marriage (A to Z), meals, tiffin minimum 50. Contact: K. Murali, Ph: 9941626118,9444086078. ASTROLOGY SRIMATHI Saroja Vaidhyanatha Iyer, Parambarai Jothidar (52 years paarambareeyam), Horoscope, Palmistry, Numerology, Samudhrika lakshanam, Vaasthu (Iyyanar upasakar), Sangeethaupanyasakar Harikatha. Rangoli Kalaignar TV pugazh astrologer, story writer. Contact: 22/ 11, Valmiki Street (opp. Kamarajar Illam), T. Nagar. Ph: 6452 1593, 2834 0685, 2834 3256, 94446 84006. JATHAGA, Vaasthu, Nameology expert “Jyothisha Rathna” Srimathi V. Akilandeswari, M.A. M.Phil. D.I.A. Specialist in Palmistry, Astrology, Nameology, Numerology, Marriage matching, Vaasthu & Sarvamuhurtha Nirnayam. Sri Raja Rajeswari Jathagalaya, 38/78, Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalam, Ph: 94441 51597, 94449 97942, 94449 97946, 2371 1068, 2484 1969. DR.E.S.NEELAKANTAN,Ph.D, winner of Indian Express Star Teller “Nostradamus Award” for 2012. Consultation in T. Nagar. Ph: 94444 52674. BEAUTICIAN COURSE BASIC and advanced beautician course (ladies only), conducted at Shree Hair Style Saloon & Spa, West CIT Nagar, near T. Nagar Bus Terminus, individual attention will be given. Ph: 72992 89080, 98406 66060. CATERING CATERING undertaken for marriage (A to Z), small functions, nitchayathartham, seemantham, ayushahomam, upanayanam, shashtiapthapurthi, satha bishekam & graha pravesam, birthday functions. Contact: Mahalakshmi Catering Services (West Mambalam), Ph: 91763 49027, 93837 24881. NEW admissions open2012 – 2013 batch, school tuitions upto Std. 12, all boards, all subjects. B.E, M.E, B.Tech, M. Tech, Diploma, MBA, MCA, U.G, P.G and all universities, all degrees. Spoken, business languages, English, Hindi, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Dutch, Italian, Russian & all languages. Translation & interpretation also. Ashok Nagar & K. K. Nagar. Ph: 98414 35085 / 95, 98413 35085 / 95. www. ssltcacademy .com MEHENDI MINI HALL BALAGRAHA A/c Mini hall, 6/31, Veerasamy Street (next to SRM Nightingale School), West Mambalam, for all functions at nominal rate. Ph: 94449 18484, 2489 3884. T. NAGAR, Sri Malola Mini Hall, New No. 174, Habibullah Road, near Kodambakkam Railway Station, available for small functions, non A/ c.Ph:28143406,9283112153,94446 38577. MEERA Catering Service. Meals (sambar, rasam, koottu, poriyal) Rs. 60. Dinner – Chappathi (4 numbers) Rs. 40 (Channa Masala, cauliflower), kitchadi, Idiyappam, dosa – Rs. 45. Free delivery at your door steps. All functions orders undertaken. Ph: 91718 32698. CIVIL WORKS WE undertake plans, estimates, plan approvals, building construction, renovation, painting, plumbing & all othercivilworksetc.Ph:8122086661. SAAI SRI RAM Constructions (ExAlacrity) undertakes new building construction, alterations, bathroom, terrace leak repairs, terrace weathering coarse, internal & external painting, interior painting, aluminium fabrications, competitive rates, timely completion, good quality. Ph: 98405 41653. COMPUTER COURSES SUMMER crash courses - MSOffice, Internet, Tally, ERP, DTP, Expert ACCT., Multimedia, Web Designing, DCA, PGDCA, Oracle & Visual Basic, Hardware, Networking, C, C++, Java, J2EE, .Net, Testing, PHP, MySQL. Megamind (since 1993) - ISO Certified, 20, Natesan Street, T. Nagar. Ph: 98841 11494. COMPUTER SALES / SERVICE ARU Academy, Madley Street, T. Nagar, conducts classes for Accountancy, Business Maths for Std. 11 & 12 students. Week day evenings & weekend batches available. Personal attention, tests conducted. Classes for CA - CPT/ IPCC/Final also. Ph: 97909 31868, 91766 70064, 4285 6553. ELECTRICAL WORKS WEST MAMBALAM, Mahadevan Street (State Bank Building), 2 Halls – Kamakshi Mini Hall A/c (100 guests), Kamakshi Hall A/c (200 guests)Newlyopened.Ph:43512233, 4351 2556, 99404 54545, 94450 54545. MUSIC & DANCE MAMBALAM Sri Balaji Packers & Movers for shifting household goods, local Rs. 3000 to 4000, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra, all over India. Safe, reliable. 0% damage. Ph: 4215 8814, 4215 8871, 98411 59460. Email: sribalajipm@yahoo AMMAN Packers Movers, packing, loading, unloading, shifting, local Chennai city and Tamilnadu, Andhra, Kerala, Karnataka & any where in India. Full truck, mini truck, sharing load, 100% prompt service. Ph: 2440 3637, 98849 98064. MAMBALAM SVL Packers & Movers for shifting, Local. Insurance free, door to door. Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kerala, Bangalore and all over India. Just dial and relax. Ph: 98410 44422, 93831 44422, 3251 4422. Email: svlpackers&movers@ Web site: svlpackersand movers.coms. TRINITY Music Point. Piano, keyboard, guitar, Trinity exam western & carnatic both Rs. 350 per month, 15 days camp Rs. 1500. Timing except Monday, all days. No. PONNAMMAL Packers and 55/26,MurthyStreetExtension,West Mambalam. Ph: 99403 15101, 4266 Movers for shifting household goods, local Chennai city, full truck, mini 8646. truck, sharing load, door-to-door, SRI Ramanalaya Tamilnadu, Bangalore, Hyderabad Fine Arts Academy, and all States, safe, 0% damage. Ph: classes for piano, 9941216641,7299294839. keyboard, guitar, violin (both western & carnatic), vocal, dance, conducting exam, initial grade to 8th, Trinity College of Music in London. Class time morning & evening. Contact: P. Suresh, Ph: 98410 86144, 98418 64682, 2844 2813. PET CARE PETdogs&catslookedafterwhen you go out of city on vacation, reasonable charges, grooming also done. Ph: 99624 82339. REAL ESTATE (BUYING) K. K. NAGAR, 10th Sector, near Padma Seshadri School, independent house, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 900 sq.ft, store room, verandah, woodwork, 24 hours water supply, vegetarians only, no brokers. Ph: 91768 40927, 94449 93325. T. NAGAR, South West Boag Road, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 400 sq.ft, 2nd floor, 24 hours water, brokers WEST MAMBALAM, Kothari excuse. Ph: 90031 24135. Flats, 54/61, Brindavan Street, very T. NAGAR, Usman Road, near Duraisamy Subway, 2 Anandhan Street, 2 bedroom, 1100 bedroom, 800 sq.ft, 2nd floor, 2sq.ft, 2nd floor, deluxe flat, car parking, wheeler parking only, Brahmins/ employed Tamil Brahmins only, rent vegetarians, rent Rs. 12000. Ph: Rs. 18000. Vaithiyanathan. Ph: 2474 9841378080,9283142341. 6234,24743493,9444418596. SAIDAPET, Perumal Koil Street, Arkan Estates, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 640 sq.ft, 1st floor, 2-wheeler parking only, 11 years old, price Rs. 34 lakhs. Visiting time: 10 a.m to 12 noon. Ph: 94441 67851. OLD AGE HOME SRI Vidya Old Age Home Trust, COMMERCIAL space of 2500 West Mambalam. We care for aged citizens (both men and women). sq.ft (approx.), required in and around Healthy, hygienic food and clean T. Nagar for 3 months. Ph: 96000 accommodation will be provided with 71040,9790921751. motherly care. Contact: B. Vijayalakshmi, Ph: 95660 28520, 9715426912,24740259. KEELAKATTLAI, senior citizens home, 3 times food, 2 times coffee, doctors attenders available, near bank, hospital, temple, food prepared by Brahmins, bedridden allowed, Rs. 6000 per month, attender needs Rs. 4000 per month. Ph: 98840 56233, 9884056203,22473586. SRI Maruthi Computers, Station Road, West Mambalam. Sales & service, laptop services, 2nd hand system, scrap item buying & selling, system upgrading, antivirus installation, networking and all types LADIES’ GYM ofcomputerneeds.Contact:R.Balaji, SHREE Fitness Centre & Beauty PACKERS & Ph:9840759761. Care (A/c), ladies only, near T. MOVERS ON-CALL service Rs. 100. Sales, Nagar, fully equipped gym, steam MAMBALAM Sri service,rental,upgradation,buyback, bath, baby massage for weight peripherals, UPS, AMC, laptops, reduction/relaxation,hygienicbeauty Thangam Packers & networking, printers, internet parlor, latest and advanced beauty Movers for shifting solutions, web solutions, software & treatment. Ph: 72992 89080, 98406 household, local hardware solutions. 10 years 66060. Chennai city, full experience. Sundays also. Contact: MATRIMONIAL truck, mini truck, SHYAMALA Catering Service FM Systems and Solutions. Ph: THINK of Brahmin sharing load. Door(West Mambalam). We undertake 9840130937,9965037419. alliance? Think of us. to-door Tamil Nadu, catering for marriage, seemantham, RAJAGOPAL - Computer Chennai Sai Sankara H y d e r a b a d , nichayathartham, ayushyahomam, software, hardware service, antivirus upanayanam, grahapravesam, installation, networking and all types Matrimonials, 7 (15/ Bangalore, Pune, th sashtiapthapoorthi, sathabishegam ofcomputerneeds.Ph:9840911763, 2), 9 Avenue, Ashok Mumbai, New Delhi, and birthday functions. Reasonable 8438427589. Nagar. Ph: 2471 all over India. Safe, charges. Quality maintained. Ph: 0% damage, reliable 6920, 98403 30531. 6567 1295, 93805 36735, 93823 EDUCATIONAL Web: www.ssmatri reasonable charge. 51712. HINDI coaching for beginners, .com. Astro servPh: 4212 0864, 2441 advanced classes and Hindi SRIVATSA CATERING. We ices, latest chart 4055, 98412 22437. undertake catering for birthdays, Prachara Sabha examinations are available. Thank you SHREE Lakshmi Packers & engagements, seemanthams, etc. undertaken at 46B, Mahadevan for making us No. 1. Movers, household goods, shifting, Meals and tiffin, minimum 20 Nos. Street, West Mambalam. Ph: 98402 18651. – Panchapakesan. all over India. Ph: 99414 12023. Door delivery. Ph: 95661 54339. ASHOK NAGAR, 2nd Street, Nethaji Nagar, near RTO / BSNL, behind Bhuvaneswari Temple, 3 bedroom, hall, kitchen, sitout, 1200 sq.ft,groundfloor,independenthouse, rent Rs. 18000 (negotiable), Brahmins / vegetarians only, brokers excuse.Ph:24897584,9841072037. WEST MAMBALAM, Sampangi Street, near Mambalam Railway Station & T. Nagar Bus Terminus, double bedroom, 720 sq.ft, 3 phase, WEST MAMBALAM, Lake View woodwork, Netlon, rent Rs. 12000, only vegetarians, Brahmins Road, 2 bedroom, 900 sq.ft, 2nd floor preferred. Ph: 2489 2185, 94446 flat, lift, car parking, rent Rs. 16000, Brahmins only. Appu Real Estates. 09417. Ph: 98414 67463, 89397 49462. WEST MAMBALAM, 55/26, K. K. NAGAR, Bharathidasan Murthy Street Extension, independenthouse,around1000sq.ft, Colony, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 600 ground floor, commercial office sq.ft, 2nd floor, rent Rs. 9000, WEST MAMBALAM, K. V. Colo- space. Kumaran. Ph: 98410 39515. vegetarians only. Ph: 98406 96582, ny, very near Ayodhya Mandapam & 9840372544. Arya Gowda Road, double bedroom, T. NAGAR, Murugesan Street, 802 sq.ft, 20 years old flat, only cash near New GRT showroom, parties. Ph: 98414 02222. individual house (Singapore model), T. NAGAR, Abdul Aziz Street, 2 3 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 1000 sq.ft, bedroom, hall, kitchen, 725 sq.ft, 3rd 2nd floor, newly constructed, west floor, no lift, covered car park, 12 facing, residential locality, 100% years old. Ph: 98408 52996. Vaasthu, family / office / bachelors preferred. Ph: 97908 64980. T. NAGAR, Gandhi Street, near Muppathamman Temple, 500 sq.ft, WEST MAMBALAM, Mahaground floor flat, fully renovated, devan Street, near GRT School, 900 parking facility, good ventilation, price sq.ft, ground floor, 24 hours water, 3 Rs. 25 lakhs, cash parties, Ph: 94447 T. NAGAR, Habibullah Road, phase, rent Rs. 15000. Contact: nd 94065. 1400 sq.ft, 2 floor flat, commercial Kesavan.Ph:9841321499,45512952. purpose. Ph: 2527 2922 / 23, 94443 RENTAL WEST MAMBALAM, No. 11/6, 47020. Rajaji Street, near Station Road, T. NAGAR, near Padma WEST MAMBALAM, Shanthi single bedroom, 3rd floor, 24 hours Seshadri School / TCS / Hexaware / Gemini flyover, spacious 1 bedroom Appartments, No. 31, Reddykuppam water, rent Rs. 7500, vegetarians flat, hall, kitchen, air-conditioned, Road, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, only.Ph:9283180834,9042763416. balcony, for software employees, Brahmins/vegetariansonly.Contact: KODAMBAKKAM, Aziz Nagar, vegetarians only, brokers excuse. Krishna. Ph: 94440 09351, 99403 2 bedroom, spacious hall, kitchen, 16811. Ph: 2834 0871, 96770 50155. independent ground floor, 2-wheeler parking, rent Rs. 11000, Brahmins / WEST MAMBvegetarians only. Ph: 2472 7888. ALAM, Thambiah Road (Main Road), 600 sq.ft , house, commercial godown / office purpose, parking facility. Ph: 94444 62377. SIVAN Arts Academy, 5/11, Balakrishna Mudali Street, West WELL experienced patient Mambalam offers classes in vocal, attendants for day and night duty, violin, veena, mridangam, keyboard homely care for old aged, bedridden, (western too) and bharathanatyam paralysis afflicted. Ph: 96001 88406. by eminent teachers. Contact: Kalaimamani Dr. Rukmini Ramani, Ph: 6529 5949, 2472 2928, 98403 48638. INSURANCE WEST MAMBALAM, Jubilee Road, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 700 sq.ft, ground floor flat, furnished, woodwork in bedroom, western bath, geyser, 2-wheeler parking, rent Rs. 15000, Brahmins preferred, brokers excuse. Ph: 98841 70986. ASHOK NAGAR, 6th Avenue, opposite GRT School, 430 sq.ft, modular kitchen, price Rs. 25 lakhs. Ph: 2489 7691, 94448 30199. HOME SERVICE MEDICLAIM, Life Insurance Corporation of India policies, car policies, mutual funds. For immediate requirements contact R. Selvaraju. Ph: 94444 47379, 98410 14379. WEST MAMBALAM, Lakshmi Street, double bedroom, 2nd floor flat, lift, rent Rs. 12000, 2-wheeler parking only. Ph: 2471 5969, 98400 56295. KODAMBAKKAM, Varadappan Street, inside of R. N. Nambiyar Street, 750 sq.ft, ground floor, single bedroom, hall, kitchen, attached toilet, showcase, good ventilation, for lease Rs. 5 lakhs. Ph: 89391 77807. K. K. NAGAR, Munusamy Salai, near Padma Seshadri School, 3 bedroom flat, 1200 sq.ft, 2nd floor, lift, car park, wooden cupboards and fittings, brokers excuse, rent Rs. 19000.Ph:9884029545. WEST MAMBALAM, Thambiah Road, 2 bedroom, hall cum kitchen, 1 Indian toilet ,1 Western toilet attached,600sq.ft,1st floor,2separate verandah, no parking facility, rent Rs. 12000, advance 10 months, only vegetarians. Ph: 2474 1562, 98402 WEST MAMBALAM, Bala- 12230. krishna Street, next to Ayodhya T. NAGAR, Natesan Street, near Mandapam, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, T. Nagar Bus Terminus, deluxe ground floor, car parking, Brahmins room, 250 sq.ft, attached bathroom, / vegetarians only, rent Rs. 18000 spinsters or bachelors, rent Rs. 5000. (negotiable).Ph:9840298045,98401 Krishnan. Ph: 96771 19137. 65229. T. NAGAR, Ramanujam Street, 3 bedroom, 1200 sq.ft, 1st floor, car park, Brahmins only, rent Rs. 25000. Contact: Ramesh. Ph: 98417 81122, 9566189914. ASHOK NAGAR, Raghava Reddy Colony, self-contained, independenthouse,doublebedroom, spacious hall, kitchen, dining, 900 sq.ft, ground floor, rent Rs. 12K (negotiable), no brokers, Brahmins only. Ph: 99405 27099, 2489 5684. WEST MAMBALAM, 6/32, VasudevapuramStreet,independent house, 2 bedroom, hall, kitchen, 3 phase, Brahmins only. Ph: 088025 04997. Continued on next page MAMBALAM TIMES Ashok Nagar - K.K. Nagar Edition REAL ESTATE (SELLING) TAMBARAM, Mudichur Varadarajapuram, Gopal Nagar, 4 km. from Tambaram, 2 bedroom, hall, modular kitchen, 2 balcony, 1035 sq.ft, very luxurious & deluxe apartment, roadside, covered car parking, 1 year old, price Rs. 3400 per sq.ft (negotiable). Contact: Agent. Ph: 90427 72352, 81489 59362. Advertisement Rates MAMBALAM TIMES Editor BLACK & WHITE COLOUR K. S. Ramakrishnan Full Page: Rs.15,000 Full Page: Rs. 20,000 Half Page: Rs. 10,500 Ear Panel on Page 1: Rs. 750 Per Column Centimeter: Rs. 110 First Page: Rs. 140 Last Page: Rs. 120 Associate Editor Half Page: Rs. 8,000 Per Column Centimeter: Rs. 90 Third Page: Rs. 20% Extra B.R. Shivaji Asst. Advt. Manager E. Srinivasan Advt. Representative S. N. Kumar Reporter 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 3937, 2435 6475 S. Balachandar Email: P. Muralidharan Accountant May 13 - 19, 2012 MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition Spurt in demand for diesel due to power shutdown Guru Peyarchi celebrations on Wednesday, Thursday Sananjaya Trust has organized a special program on May 16 and 17 in Arulmigu Vada Thirunallar Sri Saneeswara Bhagawan Sri Panchamuga Anjaneyar Temple, 35, Venkatachalam Street, West Mambalam as part of Guru Peyarchi celebrations. The following are details: May 16: 8 a.m: Kadasthabanam arachana; 9.30 a.m: 12 raasi homam; 11.45 a.m: Poornahuthi. May 17: 5.30 p.m: Kadasthabanam; 6.30 p.m: Special abhishekam; 7.45 p.m: Alangaaram. All are welcome. More details can be had in telephone numbers 2474 2801/ 0712. RENTAL LADY staff knowing Excel, Word and typing with 1 or 2 years experience for office in T. Nagar, salary as per skills. Ph: 4353 3651 / 52. WANTED housekeeper cum office assistant, good salary, PF, ESI, and bonus. Ph: 98408 16042, 99403 67966. WANTED fresh / experienced lady receptionist and office assistant for reputed ayurvedic hospital, convenient timings, good salary offered, qualification degree or diploma or +2. Ph: 2481 5335,9840620246. WANTED lady staff, graduates with computer knowledge for part time clerical work (4.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m or full time 10 a.m to 6.30 p.m). Students also welcome. Contact: Chennai Sai Sankara Matrimonials (Brahmin), No. 7, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar. Ph: 98403 30531. WEST MAMBALAM, Velu Street, 2 bedroom, 535 sq.ft, ground floor flat, recently renovated, well ventilated, rent Rs. 8000, Brahmins only, brokers excuse. Ph: 99406 12466. ASHOKNAGAR,12th Avenue,singlebedroom, big hall, kitchen, 880 sq.ft, independent house, rent Rs. 10000 (negotiable), 2-wheeler parking. Contact: Vijay. Ph: 99401 31848. WEST MAMBALAM, Arya Gowda Road, 400 sq.ft, 1st floor, shop, office or commercial purpose. Ph:9443623461. WEST K. K. NAGAR, Jawahar Street, near Pondicherry Guest House, 2 bedroom, 1st floor, Brahmins only, brokers excuse. Ph: 99403 76414. SITUATION VACANT (GENERAL) WANTED graduates with accounts & Tally knowledge, excellent communication skills for reputed office in Kodambakkam (near Samiyar Madam). Ph: 93614 88809, 94447 99380. WANTED sales executives, mechanics and helpers for Hero Motor Corp showroom in West Mambalam. Contact: Navas Automobiles. Ph: 42072223,9841098471. By Our Staff Reporter Offer on hearing aids for Mother’s Day CLASSIFIEDS Continued from previous page Hanuman Jayanthi celebrations on Tuesday Sanjeevini Peetam (16/45, BRP 1st Street, West Mambalam) has organized ‘Pushpa yagam’ for Lord Anjaneya from 9 a.m to 11 a.m on Tuesday, May 15 in V.M.A. Hall, 34/12, Srinivasa Iyer Street, West Mambalam as part of 27th Sri Hanuman Jayanthi celebrations. K. S. Venugopal (Managing Trustee) told Mambalam Times that Mathaji (Founder) By Our Staff Reporter WANTED duty doctors, lab/X ray technicians, ANM, office assistant, front office executive, echo technician for Olivegreen Medical Centre, North UsmanRoad.Ph:9445695237,42694209/19/29 / 39. Email: WEIGHT LOSS LOSE weight 8 – 20 kg. within 20 sittings, belly / thigh / hand reduction, vacuum therapy, doctor consultation free, face-lifting removes wrinkles & double chin. Weight loss gurantee. For ladies & gents. Rishitha’s Slim Caare, Ph: 2433 2838, 9444413224. YOGA ATMA Gnana Yoga course, 10 days, from 14.05.12 to 23.05.12, program: Praanayama, food habits and meditation to get rid of respiratory, sinus, wheezing, asthma, migraine, BP, sugar and depression, and to lead a tension-free harmonious life. Fee Rs. 300. Mrs. Devaki. Ph: 24893109,9840257303,9840218851. Hi Tone Hearing (19/2, Indira Colony, 1st Street, Ashok Nagar) is extending a ‘Mother’s Day 2-in-1 offer’ (‘Good Hearing’ & ‘Good Health’) till May 20. The offer includes free hearing aid check and trial, and discount of 20% on hearing aids. Those who purchase a hearing aid can undergo a free wellness By Our Staff Reporter A petrol/diesel outlet on checkup. More details can be had in Govindan Road, West Mambalam has put up a no- phones 4305 4040/4090. tice saying a minimum of Rs. 100 worth diesel should be purchased. A worker told Mambalam Times that diesel sale has risen following increase in use of generators during the daily power shutdown. The aim is to prevent people buying diesel in bottles and other containers, he added. Generators can be seen outside a number of hotels and shops. Talk on Vallalar on Thursday By Our Staff Reporter Under the auspices of Vallalar Thondu Niruvanam (165/8, 10 th Street, Annai Sathya Nagar, Nesapakkam), Kolapakkam K. Santhanam will give a talk on ‘Thiru Arutpa – Thiruvarul Muraiyeedu’ at 6 p.m on Thursday, May 17. All are welcome. More details can be had in phone 94453 43706. Page 3 will perform the yagam with12 varieties of divine flowers. There will be chanting of Sri Hanuman chalisa. All are welcome. More details can be had in phones 98403 64567 and 90435 68941. MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition Page 4 By Our Staff Reporter S. Maharajan (Sub-Inspector, Mambalam Railway Protection Force) was presented ‘Head of the Department Award’ for ‘Best Performer’ on April 10 during 57th Railway Week celebrations. The award was presented by R. Sekar (Additional Director General of Police, Southern Railway). V. K. Dhaka (Chief Security Commissioner, Southern Railway) was present. Maharajan joined as a constable in Jolarpet Station in 1980 and was promoted as SubInspector in New Headquarters Company Station in 2005. He took charge as Sub-Inspector in Mambalam Railway Protection in 2011. Since then, he has arrested 40 miscreants for stoning trains, traced and handed over to parents 3 runaway children, seized Rs. 24 lakhs worth ganja from 2 women and booked more than 20 persons for defacing noticeboards in the station. He has also conducted programs to discourage crossing of tracks and deployed police- Special program on Vallalar By Our Staff Reporter Chennai K. K. Nagar Samarasa Sutha Sanmarga Sathiya Sangam has organized a special program on Sunday, May 13 in Sakthi Vinayagar Temple, P. T. Rajan Salai, K. K. Nagar. The following is the program: 7 a.m: Agaval paarayanam by G. Ramasubramaniam. 10 a.m: Discourses on ‘Yendrum Vallalar’ by Mu. Pa. Babu, Thuriyan, Arulmozhi and Padapai Balakrishnan. 11 a.m: Patti Mandram. 1.15 p.m: Annadhanam. Music concerts: 2.45 p.m: S. Sangeetha; 3 p.m: Lalitha Ramasubramaniam; 4 p.m: Vallivalam Venkataraman. 5 p.m: Talk on Vallalar by Chinnappa, K. K. Chandrase- kar, Rajavelu, Sundaram. 7.15 p.m: Arutpa concert by Mazhiyur Sadhasivam. 8.30 p.m: Jothi darshan. All are welcome. Spiritual program for kids from tomorrow By Our Staff Reporter Bramha Kumaris Rajayoga Meditation Center (2nd floor, Ashtalakshmi Apartments, 6/ 21, Mahalakshmi Street, T. Nagar) has organized a free ‘Spiritual program on values’ for children in the 6-15 age group from 9 a.m to 11 a.m from May 14 to 18. More details can be had in phones 97910 92461 and 99400 38396. ISKCON programs in neighbourhood By Our Staff Reporter International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) conducts programs Maharajan (left) receiving the award in the following venues: men in moving trains to pre- than 25 awards including ‘Best Award’ in 2001and 2010, and Residence of Priya (1075, vent eve teasing and other in- Constable Award’ from ‘SDSC Commendation Certifi- Munuswamy Naidu Salai, K. cidents. During his 32 years of Mylapore Academy in 1985, cate’ for ‘Best Maintained Out- K. Nagar, Ph: 94440 63643): 7 service he has received more ‘Divisional Railway Manager post’ in March this year. p.m to 9 p.m on Mondays: Special ‘alangaaram’ for Chitra Pournami Sizes of new coins reflect their truncated value ‘Bhakti Vriksha’; 8.30 a.m to 9.30 a.m from Monday to Saturday: Srimad Bhagavadham classes. Residence of S. Sowjanya (A6, Ashok Vihar Apartments, 21/20, 11th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Ph: 94452 12281): 7 p.m to 9 p.m on Tuesdays: ‘Bhakti Vriksha’. Residence of Venkataraman (D-1, Mangala Flats, 1st Floor, 5, 43rd Street, Ashok Nagar, Ph: 96770 97338): 7 p.m to 9 p.m on Thursdays: ‘Bhakti Vriksha’. All are welcome. Free Veda classes thrice a week By Our Staff Reporter By Our Staff Reporter The sizes of the new 50 paise, 1 rupee and 2 rupee coins released recently by the Central Government reflect the steep fall in their purchasing power. The new 50 paise coin is of the same size as the old 25 paise coin which was demonetized about a year ago. The new 1 rupee coin is of the same size as the old 50 paise coin, and the new 2 rupee coin is of the same size as the old 1 rupee coin. Calling volunteers for free service in Tirumala Kurichi Lakshminarasimhachariar (resident of 8, 2nd Main Road, CIT Nagar East, Nandanam) conducts free Veda and Suktham classes from 9 a.m to 10 a.m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. More details can be had in phone 98406 40705. Plea to remove bee hive from tree By Our Staff Reporter By Our Staff Reporter There was special ‘alangaaram’ for the presiding deity of Sri Nagathamman Temple (S. V. Lingam Salai–P. T. Rajan Salai– Kamarajar Salai junction, Ashok Nagar) on May 5 (Chitra Pournami). Free Veda classes on Sundays By Our Staff Reporter Sri Sai Seva Chakra (15, Bharathi Street, West Mambalam) conducts free Veda classes from 6.30 a.m to 7.30 a.m on Sundays in Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Maharajapuram Santhanam Salai, T. Nagar. Veda classes are conducted from 3.30 p.m to 4.30 p.m on Sundays in Sai Seva Chakra’s premises. All are welcome. More details can be had in phone 98843 05676. Sevas (Plot No. 103, 10th Main Road, Vijaya Nagar, Velachery) sends volunteers for week-long service to pilgrims in Tirumala starting on Mondays and ending on Sundays. Men and women who are physically fit and are willing to stay in Tirumala for a week are welcome to offer their services for 6 hours everyday. The work will be of supervisory nature. Accommodation, lunch and dinner will be provided free of cost. They can have special darshan of Lord Venkateswara. Travelling expense and the cost of breakfast must be borne By Our Staff Reporter by the volunteers. A. Kirthivasan (8/7, Baroda 2nd Street, West Mambalam) has appealed to the Fire & Rescue Those interested can contact P. Sundaram (Ph: 98417 Service to remove a bee hive on the branch of an avenue tree which overhangs his residence. If no action is taken he intends asking the Corporation to cut the branch. 26695). CM YK Award for Sub-Inspector in Mambalam Railway Station May 13 - 19, 2012 MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition May 13 - 19, 2012 Page 5 CM YK Auto topples over, 2 women hurt By Our Staff Reporter Two women travelling in an autorickshaw (TN 09 BE 1539) escaped with minor injuries when the vehicle toppled over when the driver took a rash turn at the junction of P.T. Rajan Salai and Rajamannar Salai in K. K. Nagar at 2 p.m on May 10. The women were thrown out of the vehicle and the front portion of the vehicle was damaged. The driver was unhurt. Some motorists and pedestrians helped the passengers recover. No sweet ride this By Our Staff Reporter A man transporting honey combs on his moped carries his wife and baby also on the vehicle in this photograph snapped on Anna Main Road, K. K. Nagar on May 12. The newspaper with the largest readership in Ashok Nagar & K.K. Nagar? Mambalam Times! Page 6 MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition May 13 - 19, 2012 ‘Sun observation event’ today By Our Staff Reporter Ashok Nagar Friends Ball Badminton Club and Chennai Amateur Astronomers have organized a ‘Sun observation event’ from 2 p.m to 4 p.m on Sunday, May 13 on Corporation Playground, 47th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar. Anyone can have a close look at the hot surface of the sun using a Coronado Personal Solar Telescope (PST) and spot sun spots, solar prominences, filaments and view the hot surface of Sun. Sunspots are dark, planetsized regions that appear on the surface of the sun. Sunspots are ‘dark’ because they are colder than the areas around them. Solar prominences are loops and flares of gas extending outward from the surface of the sun. They are bright when backed by dark space. When a prominence is in front of the sun’s disk they resemble dark threads and feathers. This is because, while hot, they are cooler and darker than the sun’s surface. D. Vijayakumar (Amateur Astronomer) told Mambalam Times that the sun is earth’s nearest star and is brighter than 85% of stars in the Milky Way. All life on earth depends on the sun and its light and energy. A team of amateur astronomers headed by Vijayakumar recently won the 2012 ‘Jon Wood Outreach Award’ for their efforts in promoting solar astronomy among students in Tamilnadu. The award was presented by the Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project USA, a worldwide solar astronomy outreach program. Vijayakumar can be contacted in phone 9382870662. Sold ‘nungus’ to pay for diploma course By Our Staff Reporter C. Pandian (22) (resident of 16, Thandalam, Cheyyur Taluk), who has completed a diploma course in Electronic & Communication Engineering in Meenakshmi Krishna Polytechnic, Pammal, has been selling ‘nungus’ on the pavement outside MCN School, Habibullah Road, T. Nagar during the season for the past 3 years. He proudly told Mambalam Times that he himself paid the annual fee of Rs. 30,000 for 2 years with profits from the sale of ‘nungus’. Pandian said that he has employed 5 persons to cut ‘nungus’ from trees he has taken on lease in Melumaravathur. He sleeps at night near his shop on the pavement. Pandian said that he is waiting for his final year exam result after which he will either join a degree course in engineering or start a business. He said that while studying he would tend to work on his farm after college. Pandian can be contacted in phone 97862 66781. May 13 - 19, 2012 Page 7 MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K. Nagar Edition NO HOLDS BARRED ASHOK NAGAR - K.K. NAGAR BAZAAR By M. A. SADANAND This column is intended to help small businesses in Ashok Nagar and K.K. Nagar to have a cost-effective advertisement medium. Advertisement in this section will be in standard panel sizes of 4 cm. x 1 column (costing only Rs. 250) and 4 cm. x 2 column (costing Rs. 500) Vedantham Srinivasan, as was his wont, could not refuse the urgent celestial call over the mobile in the distressed voice of God’s plaintive request for his presence there to resolve a dispute among the residents of Hades and Heaven that might entail tsunamic consequences and perhaps destroy everything up there including the heavenly arbitrators. “Dear God, how can I come when my tenure on earth has not ended and I have no visa yet for Your place? I am still healthy at 82 and, if you can adjourn your celestial war by a few years (until Jayalalitha unfists the ten lakh rupee retirement purse for lawyers), or persuade the warriors there to cool off until I wind up a few important cases, I will certainly appear in the Court of Eternal Peace” “It’s a deal”, God said . This happened a few days after Vedantham’s super speech at the Y.M.C.A. Hall where, at the instance of Norton & Grant, a firm of lawyers comprising my friends P.N.Prakash and Vedantham, the tallest among them and dearest to me, celebrated the 150 year festivities of the existence of the Madras High Court in January 2012. Vedantham’s word-cataract amazed everyone of the legal profession as well as the Editor of The Hindu, Siddharth Varadarajan, who was a special guest who also spoke beautifully. God has planted spy cells everywhere and the special spy must have contacted God by mobile and told Him/Her that He/She could not afford to let Vedantham waste his energy on mundane things like celebratory speeches on the earth when the best brains and tongues were needed Upstairs to quell the imminent war. “I suggest an immediate cerebral softening of this man”, the spy told God. This smart Aleck, who was a former KGB minion, gathered his colony of cancer cells and let a few of them enter poor Vedantham’s body to work up to his brain. “But he does not appear for mere case-bundle carriers as the ‘Designated Super Counsel!”, my friend said. “I know, but those fancy dress wearers can’t hold a candle to his knowledge and oratory. Do you know why? The petty gang of fancy dress wearers try to hide their ignorance in mor yards of black, while pocketing seniors’ fees, while the true drones like Vedantham use their brains and their felicity of expression and true exposition of law in search of truth. I know another guy who used to appear for the government unbothered about the shape and cut of the gown, but his fault was that the discovery of truth was his only mission. My spies tell me that, before a Division Bench, he said, “If this is how the government treats its counsel, let the government go to Hell”. A snake in the grass the got him out of that post. So this is nothing new in the muddied precincts of any court.” The crab did its duty and brought to an end a truthful lawyer’s life through subterfuge. Vedantham has left a true family of brothers, sisters, friends, admirers, book sellers and cricket enthusiasts who have heard that, when young, he was a fast bowler in the mould of Keith Miller of Australia. I never cry, but here is one tear as a token of my admiration for the departed soul! ASHOK NAGAR - K.K. NAGAR BAZAAR POLYWOOD This space costs Rs. 500 only! Loft cover, Pooja Shelf, Cupboard, Showcase, Modern Kitchen, False Ceiling, Painting 5% - 10 % Discount upto May 19 VISWA ENTERPRISES VADAPALANI 98400 18492, 6537 9721 Vivekananda 150th birth anniversary celebrated By Our Staff Reporter More than 1000 devotees participated in the Swami Vivekananda 150th birth anniversary celebrations organized by Swami Brahmayogananda (Founder, Yoga Shanthi Gurukulam, West Mambalam) on May 6 in Krishna Gana Sabha, T. Nagar. An audio CD of Swami Brahmayogananda’s classes on Bhagawad Gita (Chapter 4) was released on the occasion. Swami Yadhunathananda Maharaj (Ramakrishna Mission Ashram, T. Nagar), Sthanumalayan (Kshetra Pracharak, Dakshina Bharath, RSS), Dr. T. S. Shridhar (Additional Chief Secretary to Tamilnadu Government), Dr. Pappu Venugopal Rao (Secretary, Music Academy), Pinaki Banerjee (Vice President, Madras Kali Bari) and others spoke on Swami Vivekananda. The CD is priced at Rs.100 and can had by contacting 98408 32624. Swami Brahmayogananda conducts Gita classes at 7 p.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Sankara Mutt, Easwaran Koil Street, West Mambalam. All are welcome. The most cost-effective advertisement medium for reaching residents of Ashok Nagar & K. K. Nagar? Mambalam Times! Page 8 DYFI workers protest alleging attack by SI By Our Staff Reporter Party workers of CPM and members of Democratic Youth Federation of India staged a demonstration outside R-10 MGR Nagar Police Station at 8.30 p.m on May 9 demanding action against Inspector (Law & Order) and SubInspector for allegedly beating up D. Lenin (22) (resident of 5, Venkatesan Salai, Sanjay Gandhi Colony, Choolaipalam, MGR Nagar and Secretary of DYFI, Virugambakkam Division). The Asst. Commissioner of Police, Ashok Nagar Range visited the spot and assured the demonstrators that action will be taken after the incident May 13 - 19, 2012 Now the T. Nagar - Mambalam edition of Mambalam Times can be accessed in is investigated. They then dispersed. A petition given by Lenin to the Asst. Commissioner said that he and his friend were having tea in a shop on Amman Koil Street, MGR Nagar at 6.30 p.m on May 9. The petition said that the Sub-Inspector, who was on patrol, abused Lenin and asked him why they were standing on the street. The petition said that Lenin told the Sub-Inspector that he is an office-bearer of the DYFI but the Sub-Inspector beat him with a lathi and took him to the police station where the Inspector also abused him and beat him up. Edited & Published by K.S. Ramakrishnan. Office: 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 17. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 39 37. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan Street, Aminijikarai, Chennai 29. CM YK MAMBALAM TIMES: Ashok Nagar - K.K.Nagar Edition
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