Presse- information


Presse- information
Kunstverein Hannover
Sophienstraße 2
D-30159 Hannover
T: +49(0)511.16 99 278 -12
F: +49(0)511.16 99 278 - 278
Eva Rothschild – Biografie
geboren 1971 in Dublin
lebt und arbeitet in London
1997–1999 MA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, London, England
1990–1993 BA Hons Fine Art, University of Ulster, Belfast, Irland
Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)
Hot Touch, Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Deutschland
Hot Touch, The Hepworth Wakefield, Wakefield, England
Empire, Public Art Fund, New York, USA
Cold Corners, Tate Britain Annual Duveens’ Commission, Tate Britain, London, England
La Conservera: Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Murcia, Spanien
Tate Britain, London, England
South London Gallery, London, England
Kunsthalle, Zürich, Schweiz
Artspace, Sydney, Australien
Heavy Cloud, The Modern Institute, Glasgow, Schottland
Project Art Centre, Dublin, Irland
Peacegarden, The Showroom, London, England
Peacegarden, Cornerhouse, Manchester, England
Els Hannape Underground, Athen, Griechenland
Eva Rothschild, Camden Arts Centre, London, England
Eva Rothschild, Titanik Galerie, Turku, Finnland
Great Wall / Black Hole, Iain Irving Projects, Aberdeenshire, England
Eva Rothschild, Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, Schottland
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)
Making is Thinking, Witte de With, Rotterdam, Niederlande
Breitseite – Im Fokus: Raum, Villa Merkel, Esslingen am Neckar, Deutschland
Big New Field, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas, USA
Highlights from the Collection, The Goss-Michael Foundation, Dallas, Texas, USA
Undone: making and un-making in contemporary sculpture, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, England
The Dark Monarch, Towner contemporary art museum, Eastbourne, England
The Dark Monarch, Tate St Ives, Cornwall, England
Geoplay (Part II), Pilar Parra & Romero, Madrid, Spanien
Drawing 2009 Biennal Fundraiser, The Drawing Room, London, England
Blasted Allegories – Werke aus der Sammlung Ringler, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Luzern, Schweiz
A Life of Their Own, curated by Richard Cork, Lismore Castle, Lismore, Co. Waterford, Irland
Un-monumental: Falling to Pieces in the 21st Century, curated by Richard Flood, Laura Hoptman and
Massimiliano Gioni, The New Museum, New York, USA
Dump, Postmodern Sculpture in the Dissolved Field, The Art Hall of Tullinlokka, Oslo, Norwegen
All Hawaii Entrées / Lunar Reggae, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Irland
How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San
Francisco, California, USA
This is Not For You, Diskurse der Skulptur, T – B A21, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Wien, Österreich
Defining the Contemporary, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, England
How to Improve the World: 60 Years of British Art, Arts Council Collection, Hayward Gallery, London, England
Kunstverein Hannover
Sophienstraße 2
D-30159 Hannover
T: +49(0)511.16 99 278 -12
F: +49(0)511.16 99 278 - 278
The Tate Triennial, Tate Britain, London, England
If it didn’t exist you’d have to invent it: a partial Showroom history, The Showroom, London, England
Strange Powers, curated by Laura Hoptman and Peter Eleey, Creative Time, New York, USA
The British Art Show, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, England
Extreme Abstraction, Albright Knox Museum, Buffalo, New York, USA
Le Voyage Interieur, Paris – London, Escape Foundation EDF, Paris, Frankreich
The Carnegie International, The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
ATOMKRIEG, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, Deutschland
Kunsthalle, Zürich, Schweiz
Plunder – Culture as material, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, Schottland
OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
This Was Tomorrow, New Art Centre Sculpture Park & Gallery, Sailsbury, England
Breathing the Water, Galerie Hauser & Wirth and Presenhuber, Zürich, Schweiz
Smart Project Space, Amsterdam, Niederlande
Tailsliding, Young and Upcoming British Art, Turku Art Museum, Turku, Finnland
Early one Morning, The Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, Tate Britain, London, England
My Head is on Fire But My Heart is Full of Love, Charlottenberg, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
Brown, The Approach, London, England
Tailsliding, British Council Touring Show
All That Is Solid…, London Print Studio, London, England
Kalam to Computer‚ Crafts Museum, New Delhi, Indien
Swenglish, IASPIS, London, England
Silhouettes and Cut-outs, Lenbachhaus, München, Deutschland
The seat with the clearest view..., Grey Matter, Sydney, Australien
Circles ° 4, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
Schattenrisse, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, München
Perfidy, Kettles Yard, Cambridge / Convent of La Tourette, Eveux, Frankreich
Zig-Zag, Thomas Cohn Gallery, São Paulo, Brasilien
Comes the Spirit, Jerwood Space, London, England
Proper, Centre for Contemporary Art, Vilnius, Litauen
Dream Machines, National Touring Exhibitions, England
Palace, Glassbox, Paris, Frankreich
Luftfarer, Riksutstillinger, Oslo, Norwegen
High Red Centre, Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, Schottland
Cluster Bomb, Morrisson / Judd, London, England
Seeing Hozomeen, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, Schottland
Excellent Dynamite, Palace Studios, Dublin, Irland
Bed and Workshop, Square Doyen, Milou Rennes, Frankreich
Habitat, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne / Sydney, Australien
Superstore, Norwich Gallery & The Tannery, London, England
European Couples, Transmisson Gallery, Glasgow, Schottland
If it wasn’t for the mist…, Grays School of Art, Aberdeen, Schottland
Performance Festival, Galleri Tommy Lund, Odense, Dänemark
Dialogue, W139, Amsterdam, Niederlande
World of Ponce, South Park, Glasgow, Schottland
Singled Out, Catalyst Arts, Belfast, Irland
City Limits, Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent, England
Sick Building, Globescope, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
EV + A, Limerick, Irland

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