our annual report 2009
our annual report 2009
Annual Report 2009 AERTiCKET AG Zossener Straße 55 · 10961 Berlin Phone +49 (0)30-69 80 21 80 Fax +49 (0)30-69 80 21 78 eMail info@aer.de Internet www.aerticket.de Board of Directors: Rainer Klee (Chairman), Roland Kreling-Behmenburg, Uwe Zobel Chairman of Supervisory Board: Gerd Maßheimer HRG Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 82 693 ■ We have a solid financial basis. We have been managing the company with a focus on sustainability for years now and we pursue a consistent policy of building reserves, which clearly paid off in the crisis year 2009. Dear Reader, I would like to warmly thank all business The grave global economic crisis meant that the past business year 2009 was also a rather challenging year for AERTiCKET AG. partners, suppliers and customers who have accompanied our development so far. Your support and, above all, the loyalty of almost all However, with a certain degree of pride, we our customers in these difficult times is a can claim that our company has survived source of great motivation to us in our work. pretty much unscathed. Although the second half of the year in particular was characterized by uncertainties on the market and a decrease in the number of air traffic passengers, AER- I would also like to thank the Supervisory Board and the shareholders for their cooperation, which was as constructive and trustful as always. TiCKET AG achieved sales revenues amounting to 29 million euro and closed with a po- Finally, I would like to stress that our success sitive result. would not be possible without the personal commitment of our employees. I am very We are in a good strategic, operational and financial position: proud of their commitment and flexibility, because it is they who made it possible for our ■ Our strategic alignment is paying off. We are focusing on maintaining our core business, the wholesale of flight tickets, while at the same time expanding in the ethnic travel company to come through the crisis year 2009 intact. My colleagues and I hope that you enjoy reading the following report. field of business. ■ In addition to the organization and integration of our acquisitions in the consolidator and tour operator business realized in 2008, we focused on the preparation and operationalization of a new automation technology. Rainer Klee Chairman of the Management Board Contents Dear Reader 1 Business Activities 2009 3 Report by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board 5 Independence and Financial Solidity: AERTiCKET’s Shareholders 6 And Again – It is all about Content 7 Picasso Travel 11 Explorer Fernreisen 12 airtuerk Service GmbH 13 Personnel Policy and Corporate Culture 14 Contributing to a Human World 19 Balance Sheet 2009 20 Business Activities 2009 The air ticket wholesaler AERTiCKET AG is the largest independent company in the travel sector in Germany. We provide services and technologies for travel agencies and Internet portals. A total of more than 25 subsidiaries and associated companies belong to our company. In 2009, AERTiCKET AG’s business activities In the technology field of business AER- focused on expanding the consolidator busi- TiCKET AG has successfully worked on ness, internationalization and product diver- developing innovative and technical solutions sification. for the variety of requirements in the travel AERTiCKET AG succeeded in not only market and on extending its range of service maintaining but extending its market lea- tools for its customers. In addition to new dership in the core business of air ticket functions in the Fare Wizard and the order wholesaling in Germany. Independent travel assistant programs, a sales tool was provided agencies, chains and co-operations as well as together with, among others, our partner a growing number of Internet portals purchase LUTE, which enables sellers to book Luft- their flight tickets from AERTiCKET AG at net hansa at preferential prices with the usual and nego fares, thus benefitting from the AMADEUS entries without investing in further favorable purchase prices which we have training and technology. been able to negotiate with the airlines for our customers. AERTiCKET AG has been firmly In the fulfilment field of business, via its anchored for years in the crisis-proof and subsidiary FlightOne Reiseservice GmbH, therefore increasingly important ethnic travel AERTiCKET AG provides professional tele- field in phone customer service by trained travel achieving a considerable increase in sales in agents, as well as fulfilment services such as 2009. email processing, ticketing & invoicing, etc. of business, which succeeded Both the out-of-hours service and the optional 24 hours service are supplemented by the active sale of additional services such as hotels, rental cars and insurance, as well as charter and package bookings through our own tourist travel department. In order to extend the value creation chain – and in order to be able to offer more than “just” flights to its travel agency customers – AERTiCKET AG began three years ago to develop the hotel consolidator field of business. Our independently developed hotel IBE AERHoTELS provides accommodation in more than 230,000 hotels worldwide at the current daily price and also facilitates combinations of individual hotel and flight 3 services as part of a shopping cart system. A tributing considerably to the positive result of great advantage is the reduction in processing the AERTiCKET Group. costs thanks to innovative technologies. With Thanks to careful management, targeted these services we have been able to win over controlling and comprehensive cost saving an increasing number of travel agencies and measures as well as a high degree of Internet portals in 2009. AERHoTELS was automation and productivity, we succeeded in able to win a good third more customers and getting achieved an increase in sales of 35 % in 2009. through the year 2009 without dismissals and temporary unemployment or In September 2008 we successfully secured comparable drastic measures. In this past our entrance into the travel operator field of crisis year in particular, AERTiCKET managed business through an investment in Explorer to maintain a comparably good position: the Fernreisen GmbH & Co.KG. Against the company achieved sales revenues amounting market trend, Explorer Fernreisen achieved a to 29 million euro and closed with a positive very good annual result in 2009, thus con- result. 4 Report by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board operationalization of a new automation technology continued to be the focus of entrepreneurial activities. Ladies and Gentlemen, At this point I would like to emphasize, that for The year 2009 was a year of huge challenges many years now, AERTiCKET AG has also and important developments for AERTiCKET been making available the tour operator fares AG – and a business year which the company of the airlines in the company’s product concluded successfully despite the generally portfolio to smaller tour operators. Because of difficult economic situation. our independence as a consolidator – AERTiCKET AG is the only consolidator on In comparison to the overall development of German flight sales, which the German market that is independent of tour decreased operators – this service offers a significant throughout the industry by 14.9%, AER- added value, especially for the in-house TICKET AG was, however, also able to main- products of many travel agencies. tain its position in 2009 with a decrease in mediated sales of only 12.6%. The company The Supervisory Board thanks the Mana- was able to close the year 2009 again with a gement Board, and especially all members of positive result because of the cost reduction staff, for their great commitment in the past measures which were introduced in time, a business year. This was an essential pre- targeted control of distribution and a high requisite for the successful development of the degree in automation and productivity. company. The work of employees and management in 2009 focused on the extension and Berlin, September 2010 maintenance of the core wholesale business sector with flight tickets as well as the internationalization of the business transactions initiated in 2008 with the purchase of Picasso Travel and entry onto the US market. AERTiCKET AG also remained faithful to its technologically pioneering role in the industry Gerd Maßheimer in 2009. This meant that the preparation and Chairman of the Supervisory Board 5 Independence and Financal Solidity: Air Travel Reiseservice GmbH is a mediumsized, owner-managed, Berlin-based travel agency with eleven branches in Germany, AERTiCKET AG’s Shareholders nine of them in Berlin. Travel agencies, chains and portal operators STA Travel GmbH is the largest provider of are competitors on the market. However, as youth and student travel worldwide. shareholders of AERTiCKET AG they are united by the common interest of being part of Otto Freizeit und Touristik GmbH is re- a well-positioned consolidator which is able to presented in offline sales with around 370 provide an attractive range of services, a good travel agencies under the name “Reiseland“ price/performance ratio and a competent and is, together with the travel portals flug.de, service. In addition, each travel agency has travel-overland.de the opportunity of being an indirect co- among the leading German online travel shareholder of AERTiCKET AG by becoming agencies. and travelchannel.de, a member in AER e.V. Raiffeisen-Volksbank is one of the largest GerDue to the balanced distribution of shares in man cooperative banks. In 2008, Volksbank- AERTiCKET AG, any dominance of a sole Raiffeisenbank Altötting-Mühldorf eG, with provider / shareholder can be excluded – which AERTiCKET AG’s business has been which is an important prerequisite for the closely linked for years, acquired a share of company’s independence. 20.70 % in our company via a subsidiary. Who are our shareholders? The management shares have been held for years by the three members of the manage- AER Reisebüro Kooperation Verwaltungs ment board, Roland Kreling-Behmenburg, GmbH – briefly: AER Verwaltungs GmbH – is Uwe Zobel and Rainer Klee and by Annette the commercial branch of the AER co- Brandes who is, among other things, res- operation (AER e. V.), a cooperation of about ponsible for company strategy and invest- 720 travel agencies. ments at AERTiCKET AG. 6 And Again It is all about Content After having established a new central team which is responsible for the shopping, automation and fulfillment tools in 2008, AERTiCKET has made a lot of decisions in 2009 in the organizational and technical area which set the position of points for the future. Although we were in good shape in terms of technology and productivity, we knew that we would reach limits in terms of volume and functionality, especially for our joint ventures and subsidiaries which only cover parts of ■ Expand international (e.g. in the US) consolidation (e.g. Visit Friends and Relatives Fares) or for new overseas members of the ■ Add other product lines to our portfolio (e.g. group (e.g. Picasso Travel). The time had hotel) come to design a future technology environment which includes internal and external These measures had a huge impact on our changes like Travel Industry evolution and its technology environment. First of all, the bigger impact on current business models. scale in volume was a challenge, but more important – other markets and products have At a very early stage we realized that the entire project touches the heart different requirements independent of the of stage of the whole lifecycle of a product and it AERTiCKET and we tried to integrate as many was quite difficult to add these additional different views (commercial, functional and requirements to our existing environment. technical) and opinions as possible. At the same time, we made some changes in Since AERTiCKET started business in 1993, the value chain of travel product. Suppliers many people have told us that the conso- going direct are the most obvious example, but lidation model is dead or at least will suffer we also saw changes in how they are going to from remarkable losses in sales. Up till now manage their products. Flight products will be this has not become reality. On the contrary, unbundled in various other products like seat we were able to expand our business year for assignment, lounge access, free baggage, year. However this is not to be regarded as a etc. The no-frills airlines showed how this can matter of course – AERTiCKET has always work. Other major carriers have adapted this provided best-in-class products to its cus- model to their own needs and have enhanced tomers supported by easy-to-use sales and it with loyalty programs – Air Canada is a good handling tools. example of this. A revenue stream slowly but However, this does not mean that we just relax surely became essential. Unfortunately these and do not think about future opportunities products are only available on airline websites and product lines. Since 2007 we have or at point of service. The further frag- therefore mentation of products and services with been implementing two main different models coming from different airlines strategies: 7 is not only inevitable but will appear very soon. And the relationship between carrier and The disintegration of the GDS ‘one-size fits distribution channel has to be intensified: everything model’ is evidenced in not only the Customized products and reduced time to products and technology-based solutions but market can be achieved much more easily in the commercial models. The different within a direct relationship which not only compensation models form airlines and GDSs includes are almost impossible to track. AERTicket technology and workflows. commercial models but also must have its own ability to define its relationship with its suppliers. The GDSs only Two major changes in the market have get in the way of that relationship. Once the recently signaled a radical change in the compensation model falls away or the cost of distribution doing business increases then its value falls acquisition of ITA Software and the launch of dramatically. Today we stand in very real the airlines’ Open Axis (XML Standards) danger of having to build our own customized group. GDS. of airline products. Google’s How will future travel technology evolve? Will How shall we overcome this challenge? Two we be able to develop these changes with our major requirements will support us: Future traditional partners be it a GDS or a travel technology environments must reduce dis- technology software provider? As a matter of tribution costs certainly not just for carriers. fact they are facing some challenges: appli- 8 we have found a partner who is very strong in interface development, we are still looking for a fare database solution, but we are not far from a decision. Every improvement on fare handling & distribution will not help, if we do not have an influence on the shopping tools. It is true that both shopping tools provided by AMADEUS and SABRE are great tools for fare search and cations and infrastructure must be renewed display for a wide range of customers. with reduced maintenance costs and software However, they are rooted in the old model and design must be open for data exchange in all we want, no need, more – we want to have an directions. Nobody will be able to deliver influence on the fares displayed, we want to everything and we will select experts for single display best fares in the market and of course parts within the distribution process. In we want to provide best suitable fares for our addition, we will not accept insufficient transfer customers’ businesses. Fares which usually files like STADAF anymore. In many cases we are only found by agents should be provided are seeing huge resistance among current within a shopping tool as well. From this point players to fulfilling these requirements, but of view it absolutely makes sense to use other companies with profound expertise in Everbread’s Haystack shopping tool. The best single areas have started knocking at the door fare management environment needs the best and we have begun to listen to them. controllable shopping tool. In the beginning of this redesign project we LUTE plays a very important role in this divided our entire software landscape into strategy, because their technology supports three main areas: direct access to carriers’ inventories. In addition, LUTE is able to aggregate content ■ Fare Handling & Distribution from direct assessed carriers. Some people ■ Access to supplier inventories might say that this is not an added value, but we do not want to maintain multiple links to ■ Fulfillment technology different carriers with different functionalities. Fare Handling & Distribution is probably the most complex area, because we want to keep our flexibility in future, but we have to reduce costs for loading and automation. Our focus therefore covers the evaluation of fare entry tools which have to be very productive; the fare database itself has to be very flexible and, last but not least, we have to integrate several interfaces for uploads into distribution channels (e.g. Nego Fares or MyFares) or downloads from our partners overseas. Whilst 9 This would boost our and the carriers’ process chart and we are well on the way to connectivity costs and makes absolutely no achieving our goals. sense. If you will, LUTE is a system aggregator, because they support AERTiCKET With all these projects and plans AERTiCKET in has placed itself at the forefront of European combining many fare sources and inventories technology for Airline products. From a purely with the right level of entry points into that technical point of view – we have started to world. The whole technology is designed for work closely with our partners and suppliers to open access according to the needs of the improve the quality of the access to fares and function. inventory in 2009. LUTE, Everbread and Last but not least, our fulfillment technology Rekult are building important corner stones of has to access all these different tools and has our new world. We will not use them to be designed for international usage. Multi- exclusively, but they will provide a remarkable currency is just a key word, in reality we have added value for parts of our business. As one to integrate different payment providers, of the largest suppliers of Air Travel products in different payment methods, different tax rules Europe, we must maintain our commercial and and different back-office applications. Even technical edge in a fiercely competitive the BSP world is not homogenous. We have market. We are very excited to be the first user also started to implement this part of the of this brand new technology environment. 10 Picasso Travel supported by all employees, have also formed the basis for the successful expansion of the Air Ticket Wholesaler International company to become the leading American consolidator. With the takeover of shares in the USAmerican consolidator Picasso Travel in 2008, Open-minded and cosmopolitan behavior is a AERTiCKET AG has taken an important step matter of course in a company where the towards the internationalization of its busi- employees come from all over the world and ness. The organization and integration of the speak more than 30 different languages – and US business serves to expand our core it is easily underestimated in this context that business – as a consolidator – and helps Picasso Travel provides intercultural transfer secure the vital position of AERTiCKET AG on services on a daily basis. It is a tribute to the the world-wide ‘ethnic travel’ market. flexibility, the identification with the company and the high level of motivation of the Every step towards internationalization offers colleagues at Picasso Travel that they saw the considerable growth and sales opportunities, changes and innovations initiated in 2009 as but is of course connected with challenges an opportunity from the start and made them and – especially for a medium-sized company their own business. like ours – far-reaching changes. Comprehensive, cross-functional far-reaching The exchange of German and American material changes are necessary for the colleagues from Los Angeles, New York and implementation of new strategies, structures, Berlin to coordinate working processes, systems, processes and forms of behavior in a expertise transfer and training has therefore company two been a complete success for both sides. We continents. On both sides of the Atlantic we jointly set up a new Internet presence offered knew this would be the case right from the by Picasso Travel, introduced a completely beginning. new intranet and, most importantly, began the that operates and offices on complex preparations which will lead to the The Management Board and employees of introduction of new booking and ticketing AERTiCKET AG in Germany have addressed technologies – just to mention a few of the new this challenge together with their colleagues at projects. Picasso Travel in the USA. They initiated the necessary processes of change and successfully began and implemented crucial projects in 2009. Germany can benefit for two reasons: on the one hand, change is perceived at AERTiCKET AG to be an integral part of the company culture – please read more about this on pages 14 to 18 and on the other hand, our entrepreneurial thinking and practices have focused on the optimization of internal processes and structures for several years now. In the 30 years of Picasso Travel’s company history, constant adjustments to the market and the associated structural and organizational changes, which were and are 11 Explorer Fernreisen Nepal, Bhutan” to take into account the growing importance of these destinations. A Successfully Underway in Faraway Places cooperation project with Miller Reisen was Also in 2009 established Explorer Fernreisen GmbH & Co. KG has Central and South America“ so that these been a member of the AERTiCKET Group products could be offered successfully in the since September 2008. Only one year later, short term. The North America program was Explorer Fernreisen is making a considerable added to by a skiing catalogue. contribution to the Group’s result. All new products could be launched on the The company, founded in 1970, was able to market very economically with the existing continue its successful path in the business product management. year 2009. Explorer Fernreisen achieved a The sales staff were trained extensively in the very good annual result and exceeded the past business year. The rather weaker booking budget expectations despite the financial times were filled with trips to the destination crisis and against the market trend. The past areas and training courses. An intensive year’s highlights at the Düsseldorf tour ope- training course was offered to all sales rator, which already has nine branches in the employees in March of last year. In addition to most important German cities, included the the extension of the product know-how, the opening of a further office and the continued focus here was also placed on intensive sales extension of its product range; furthermore, training. The primary goal was to increase the the company placed an even stronger focus share of the high-margin land programs. This on the profitable excursions. has proven to be successful, as current figures At the end of 2009, the tenth Explorer office show, and will also be continued in the new was opened in a top inner-city location in business year. Mannheim. The office, with its team of As far as marketing is concerned, a number of experienced Explorer employees and new new cooperation projects with tourist offices, colleagues, has started successfully. airlines and tourist service providers have The Explorer product portfolio was extended been established. The “unique visitors“ to the according to schedule. With a total of seven www.explorer.de website increased by around catalogues 40 %. To further increase the recognition factor and almost 1,800 catalogue the for the regions name ‘Explorer „Caribbean, pages, the world of long-distance travel can of Fernreisen’, the now be offered almost all over the globe. sponsoring activities (perimeter advertising Explorer Fernreisen has therefore become among other things) at the BVB Dortmund one of the most comprehensive long-distance football club was extended for a further travel providers in the German speaking area. season. Explorer Fernreisen GmbH & Co. KG has developed into a successfully operating tour operator with ten branches in Germany. Customers at Explorer are offered competent consultancy and individual travel options which are planned exactly to match their wishes and needs. The individual components of a journey, such as flight, rental car and/or Mauritius was included as new destination area in camper or hotel can be combined to a nearly the catalogue “Indian Ocean, Africa”. A separate unlimited extent according to the modular catalogue was created for the destinations “India, design principle. 12 airtuerk Service GmbH cessful negotiations, airtuerk has been able to gain exclusive purchase prices from Luft- Success in the Business hansa, Turkish Airlines, Sun Express, Condor, of Flights to Turkey Germanwings and Swiss and can pass on these advantages to its customers. The plan to establish a Turkish consolidator was devised early in 2004 by Güner Kizil and The benefits of these “visit friends and rela- Lars Holling thus the project „airtuerk“ came tives“ tickets which are exclusively available to into being. In October 2004 the project mana- the Turkish community, are normally an ger Ümit Tenekeci – one of the stockholders of extended validity of the tickets, lower or airtuerk Service GmbH today – started deve- gratuitous re-booking fees, a higher baggage lopping the operational side of the future allowance amount and less fees – the business. conditions vary from airline to airline. At the end of 2006, Güner Kizil and Ümit airtuerk attaches great value to the direct Tenekeci founded with the significant support contact of AERTiCKET AG the company airtuerk Individual customer service by personal Service GmbH. airtuerk was the first con- contact partners and competent consultancy solidator in Germany that specialized in the in the Turkish and German language are a trade with flights to Turkey from Germany and matter of course for the flight ticket seller in neighboring countries. Although more com- Frankfurt. petitors have emerged in the meantime, airtuerk offers its customers, of course, IBE airtuerk is still the clear market leader in and CRS training for their employees. 312 Germany and plans to extend this good employees from 236 agencies participated in position in Europe. the popular training course „we will make you The company based in Frankfurt has grown reservation-fit“ in 2009. considerably in the past four years. airtuerk Thanks to its cooperation with AERTiCKET, meanwhile employs 22 members of staff, airtuerk benefits from the company’s modern supplies 1,100 travel agencies in Germany and innovative technology and is able to offer and in six neighboring countries with flight its customers a clear additional value also in tickets, and was able to achieve a consider- this area. able increase in sales in the difficult business with the individual customers. In 2009, airtuerk started the ambitious project year 2009. “airbilet.de“, a new direct customer portal for airtuerk‘s business model is based on being the Turkish community in Germany. This able to offer its customer flights to Turkey from website is expected to turn into a cooperation various airlines at favorable conditions. Thanks among the Turkish travel agencies in Europe; to the company’s good contacts and suc- 200 agencies have participated so far. 13 Personnel Policy and Corporate Culture level. Personnel policy measures, such as temporary unemployment, could be avoided. The number of employees in 2009 amounted to 168, and the fluctuation rate continued to be Employees very low. AERTiCKET AG is a service company. The quality of the services rendered depends to a Trainees high degree on our employees, since their work – which is oriented towards our cus- For many years, AERTiCKET AG has placed a tomers and services – guarantees the growth great deal of attention on professional training and success of our company. in the area of travel, thus securing its need for qualified junior staff. On average, eight young Employee satisfaction, motivation and com- people start their professional training every mitment to the company are subjects that have year in our company. In 2009, AERTiCKET AG been the focus of AERTiCKET AG’s personnel employed a total of 27 trainees, five of them policy for many years. The crisis year 2009 has were offered a permanent position in our shown that our timely and sustainable company. concentration on these areas made it easier for both the company and its employees to In addition to the original training content, we cope during the difficult period and to use it as offer a large number of opportunities to obtain an opportunity to make changes. additional qualifications: our trainees can participate in demanding projects and gain an For some years now, AERTiCKET AG has insight into all areas of our company. used the services of external companies to Additional in-company training has been a carry out regular surveys of employee matter of course in our company for years. Our satisfaction. The result of one such inquiry in trainees are excellently prepared for the final 2009 shows that our employees think that their examination organized by the Chamber of job is save despite the crisis and the working Industry and Commerce as well as for their atmosphere and team atmosphere have future professional career. We also promote a further improved; they also perceived their combination of on-the-job training and study- work was challenging in a positive sense, saw ing at a university in different fields, by granting their career opportunities as being good, and financial support and by offering the students regarded the opportunities for further training the chance to work at our company as a to be very positive. In short, the overall working student. employee satisfaction has maintained a very This commitment has paid off: we were high level. represented in the examination and vocational AERTiCKET AG started already at the end of training 2008 to make the necessary adjustments as a examination session 2009 – in general, all our reasons. Thanks to this early reaction we have number of top trainee among all candidates in the winter was to avoid dismissals for operational the Chamber in tourism in 2009. One of our trainees was the reasonable personnel adjustments. The aim maintain the the award as best vocational training company the crisis, and began carrying out socially to of Commerce and Industry in 2009, and received reaction to the drop in sales expected during managed committee examination candidates achieve results well of above the Berlin average. employees as far as possible at a constant 14 Furthermore, AERTiCKET AG is the only AERTiCKET AG is therefore in the happy company exchange position of being able to send employees to program with Finnish trainees. These positive the USA or to invite the employees of our results have reinforced our plans to continue American with above-average qualified training in our become familiar with all work processes here company. in Germany. In addition to speaking skills, we participating in an partner company Picasso to provide training in intercultural communication skills and give our employees the opportunity Further training to practice unfamiliar work processes on the As a result of the internationalization of our job. company, the further training activities for our Conflicts are a part of everyday working life, in employees in 2009 focused on language particular in times of economic difficulties, courses. Some employees from various accompanied departments receive competition and the pressure to be efficient. language and conversation training – above all Conflicts should be dealt with and solved in Business English. where they arise: in teams, among colleagues received and still 15 by potentially increasing or between different departments. Mediation the strategic and visionary practices of the as a method for dealing with conflicts company. A facilitator is a person who efficiently provides helpful support to solve introduces, supports and promotes changes in problems before they become real conflicts. It a company as a result of acting in an alert and aims at re-establishing the ability to work in a careful manner. In this respect, the company, resource-saving manner and to support the and above all the Chairman of the Manage- persons involved in developing and imple- ment Board Mr Rainer Klee, see change as an menting pragmatic agreements. Therefore, integral part of our corporate culture. two colleagues among our employee re- Corporate culture is considered by AER- presentatives have started a longer-term TiCKET AG as a culture of openness and the training course as mediators. Moreover, all six highest degree of transparency. This means, a employee representatives undertook further culture that not only allows but invites every training on the subjects labor law and cor- employee to bring new ideas into the porate co-determination in 2009. company. Corporate culture is not a skill or a way of thinking that can be bought from Since 2007, employees and managing staff consultants. It is the sum of many pieces of a have used the opportunity to be trained in the mosaic that represents a company. And it is area of coaching. In 2008, a number of based to a great extent on bringing to light the employees and management staff received skills of the employees, which are not always additional training to become facilitators. fully utilized in the everyday work. Employees ‘Facilitating change’ means to create more far- not only can but should be inquisitive, reaching change processes out of the hidden innovative and creative at their work places; potential of the employees of a company, to they should think from an entrepreneurial point activate the existing conscious or unconscious of view and take on responsibility. resources of colleagues and to align these to 16 Corporate values they have successfully participated in Berlin In the course of the abovementioned facilitator company runs on several occasions. Other training, a group of employees dealt in depth employees have organized evening team with the subject “AERTiCKET AG’s corporate events, joint screenings with subsequent values” as part of a target definition workshop discussions, regular language tables, joint in 2009. They found out that communication, cooking evenings or bike tours. Discussion and transparency, collegiality, information events as well as joint visits to community, tolerance and respect are target cinemas and museums for all employees have values that are important for both the company been regularly on offer since then. and the members of staff. Inspired by the work of the ‘value group’, the The project group asked the following question employees of AERTiCKET AG have had the during the value project based on the opportunity since 2009 of visiting other workshop: “What makes our working live departments meaningful, what makes it valuable and company as part of an “internal educational lively?” for leave” program. During these visits they were opportunities where these corporate values able to familiarize themselves with work can be experienced in the company and thus processes, further improve corporate culture. standing In diversification, this way, they looked and thus of branches deepening the overall within their the under- entrepreneurial process. In this process, a large variety of information was gathered and communicated, activities Furthermore, since 2009 the company has and projects were planned and implemented, been enriched by the in-house journal “Die suggestions new WERTE” [the VALUES]. This company journal processes were triggered off. In 2009, for is published by permanent editorial staff and example, a running club was formed by a changing guest reporters – all of whom are number of employees and, in the meantime, employees were discussed and 17 of different departments of AERTiCKET AG. The journal is published considerable contribution to communication, more or less four times a year, and meanwhile transparency, has a bilingual version. Subjects are, among within AERTiCKET AG as a company. collegiality and community other things, the presentation of associated companies and individual departments, the These numerous different description of work flows and processes and activities bring about a marked improvement information on planned common sports and in the corporate climate and make the cultural events. “Die WERTE” is a journal from employees of AERTiCKET AG work together employees for employees and makes a better. Our running club „AERRuNNER“ participated in the Berlin company run 2010 18 projects and Contributing to a Human World ration, founded in 1967, supports more than 450 aid projects for children in need in 29 countries of the world. To help the affected Innovative entrepreneurial policy does not only children, terre des hommes supports local mean the pursuit of exclusively economic initiatives that provide information and prac- goals for AERTiCKET AG. We would like to tical help for the young victims of natural assume responsibility for and render our own disasters, poverty or sexual exploitation. contribution to improving or preventing grievances. Therefore, under the present Three years ago, this support transformed into circumstances, a a partnership with terre des hommes. At that necessity and a matter of fact for our company. time, together with the child relief federation, social commitment is we set up the project „protecting children in As a company operating in the travel business holiday countries“. This project funds relief we see our responsibility above all to the projects in Thailand, Cambodia, India and people who live in tourist areas. Regions such Chile to provide new life perspectives to the as South East Asia and Latin America are very victims of sexual violence. But the projects popular destinations because of the beauty also address the public worldwide giving them and diversity of their nature and culture. a clear message to intervene and avoid Unfortunately, the children of these countries offences against children. are very alluring for some of the tourists. Therefore, it is sad to say that the risk of girls and boys becoming victims of sexual violence Donate with a mouse click – a feature that is increasing along with the growing number of is well accepted journeys to these regions. We do not accept Every customer can simply donate one euro to that the beauty of their homeland can become terre des hommes with a mouse click when their downfall. they book a flight via an integrated module on Together with our shareholders and business the websites of our partners. We add a further partners euro to each donated euro. – AER Reisebüro Kooperation Verwaltungs GmbH, ATR GmbH and Travel- We were surprised and pleased about how viva AG – we support the international child many customers made use of „click to donate“ relief federation terre des hommes that in 2009 despite the economic crisis. concentrates on children’s’ rights. This fede- 19 Balance Sheet 2009 In the business year, AERTiCKET AG achieved sales revenues amounting to 29 million euro. The company closed with a positive result. The balance sheet total stood at 27.9 million euro and showed 1.8 million euro less than in the previous year. AERTiCKET AG’s costs could be kept stable and/or reduced by measures which were introduced at the right time. The average number of staff decreased by seven employees. Mediated sales dropped by 12.6 %, a percentage which was below the market trend. A positive result could be achieved by targeted steering and a high degree in automation and productivity, even if a clear reduction can be seen in comparison to the previous years due to the economic crisis. Financial Situation 31.12.2008 T€ Assets Fixed assets Intangible assets Tangible assets Financial assets Total assets % 31.12.2009 T€ % Diff. + / – T€ 281 453 6,854 7,588 0.9 1.5 23.0 25.4 180 434 5,592 6,206 0.6 1.6 20.0 22.2 -101 -19 -1,262 -1,382 Current assets Accounts receivable Due from affiliated companies Other accounts receivable (incl. prepay./accr. income) Liquid funds Total current assets 3,778 5,525 12.7 18.5 1,398 3,819 5 13.7 -2,380 -1,706 4,367 8,530 22,200 14.8 28.6 74.6 2,425 14,091 21,733 8.7 50.4 77.8 -1,942 5,561 -467 Total assets 29,788 100.0 27,939 100.0 -1,849 500 3,862 1.7 13.0 525 4,837 1.9 17.3 25 975 2,533 6,895 8.5 23.2 1,659 7,021 5.9 25.1 -874 126 167 14 5,864 13,351 2,635 0.6 0.0 19.7 44.8 8.8 76 97 7,928 8,639 3,351 0.3 0.3 28.4 30.9 12.0 -91 83 2.064 -4,712 716 862 22,893 22,893 2.9 76.8 76.8 827 20,918 20,918 3.0 74.9 74.9 -35 -1,975 -1,975 29,788 100.0 27,939 100.0 -1,849 Capital stock and debts Capital stock Share capital Reserves Profit (annual surplus and profit carried forward) Total capital stock Debts Short-term debts Due to banks Provisions for taxation Other provisions Accounts payable Due to affiliated companies Other liabilities (incl. deferred income) Total short-term debts Total debts Total capital stock and debts 20 We had prepared ourselves for the worse. A more detailed analysis shows, however, that the fact that we have been focusing on loyal customers for years, also generated both increases in productivity and savings. Ever more processes could be optimized together. We were able to pass on considerable steering incentives once again to those of our customers who actively supported us in a targeted manner. Overall conclusions: We managed to survive relatively unscathed. This was also thanks to the fact that we took enough precautionary measures over the previous years by creating sufficient provisions. We are especially happy that the number of our customers who had to give up their business in 2009 also remained low. It was not the first crisis in the touristic sector and it would appear that we were not the only ones who reacted circumspectly in the run-up, calculated carefully and avoided excessive dividends. Earnings situation 2008 T€ % 2009 T€ % +/T€ Sales Other income Total operating performance 26,945 3,446 30,391 88.7 11.3 100.0 28,989 2,931 31,920 90.8 9.2 100.0 2,044 -515 1,529 Personnel expenses Occupancy costs Insurances and contributions Commissions, incentives Vehicle costs Advertising and travel costs Other expenses Total expenses 6,897 574 219 14,490 83 497 7,471 30,231 22.7 1.9 0.7 47.7 0.3 1.6 24.6 99.5 6,859 570 181 14,600 80 330 7,415 30,035 21.5 1.8 0.6 45.7 0.3 1.0 23.2 94.1 -38 -4 -38 110 -3 -167 -56 -196 160 364 0.5 1.3 1,885 303 5.9 0.9 1,725 -61 1,415 1,211 4.8 4.0 1,156 2,738 3.6 8.6 -259 1,527 Operating result before depr. and interests Depreciations Financial result (interests and investments) Operating result Extraordinary result Other neut. result / result not rel. to accounting period Result before taxes on income Taxes on income 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1,456 2,667 604 4.8 8.8 2.0 -1,385 1,353 749 -4.4 4.2 2.3 -2,841 -1,314 145 Results for the year 2,063 6.8 604 1.9 -1,459