The Group - Donau Chemie Group
The Group - Donau Chemie Group
The Group 02 AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP Consistent values. It is a considerable achievement when a company becomes more than 170 years old in times of radical change and transformation, and it is only possible with entrepreneurial conscientiousness, responsibility and committed employees. The fact that the Donau Chemie Group is a family enterprise makes carrying out this responsibility much more easy. “The clear ownership conditions permit long term thinking with flexibility and quick decision making at the same time“, as Donau Chemie owner Alain de Krassny puts it. Our value system cannot suddenly be removed by an anonymous decision by a group centre far away. Our vision is right at the heart of the company and has existed and was pioneered for many years. We maintain contact with our employees and suppliers as partners. We have an absolutely solid financial structure and pay great attention to quality and security in our daily actions, all of which makes us predictable and reliable. The Donau Chemie Group stands for consistent values even if markets and basic conditions dramatically change once again. More than ever, we meet the new challenges with the strength of innovation and flexibility. Our mission is clear: we use chemical base substances and develop and produce innovative products and services out of them for the benefit of business partners, employees and the environment. As we do this, we work intensively with our customers and partners. Never before was partnership as important as it is now. Excellent quality and optimisation of processes that ensure advantages on the market for our customers in times of change can only be created together. Our high investments in research and development and in the modernisation of plants secure our ability to compete and, at the same time, ensure that we can develop better, more environment friendly products using raw materials that protect resources. Our safety precautions are a role model throughout Europe, our goods are absolutely pure and precise in the desired quality. We are there, when we are needed and even deliver when others find themselves in bottlenecks. And, to serve our customers, we look out for ecological requirements and want to create as much ecological benefit as possible with the use of our products! A warm welcome to the world of the Donau Chemie Group, a world in which chemistry is used responsibly for the success of our customers and to protect human beings and the environment. GD Ing. Franz Geiger Chairman of the board of directors Bogdan Banaszczyk MBA MIM Board of directors Dipl.-Ing. James Schober Board of directors 03 A BO U T THE DONAU CH E MI E G RO UP Continuous learning, recognising, understanding and implementing for the benefit of customers and the group of companies. » If you want to realise dreams, you have to have the courage to change. « 04 Dipl.-Ing. Alain F. de Krassny, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Donau Chemie AG As a human being and entrepreneur, I would like to formulate a thought that is of considerable significance to me: Life, as it matures, is like a spiral pointing upwards, whose curves are always a result of the connection between learning, recognising, understanding and implementing. The process thus remains of the same type. The value scale, however, changes. AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP Let’s build our future together! Donau Chemie is… … an ecological role model. … a company rich in tradition … a conscientious employer Due to our company objective, we are committed to specific ecological responsibility. We aim at long term and sustainable economic success. Qualified, satisfied and responsible employees form our basis. We do not just want to fulfil the current legal requirements at a given time, but want to be an ecological role model and ensure the highest possible environmental protection in the entire value creation chain. We are convinced that sustainable ecological care contributes to sustainable economical success. We are not oriented towards short term profits, but long term continuance. This conscientious way of thinking is evident in our product and price development and in our solid financial situation. We are interested in long term customer relations. We are interested in satisfied employees who carry out their often sensitive tasks with pleasure and a sense of responsibility. This attitude of the company is expressed in a fair salary scheme, open discussion climate and respect for the differences in people. » Where are we heading? » What are we here for? We are the indispensable link in your value creation chain. We use chemical base substances and develop innovative products and services out of them, responsibly and successfully for the benefit of business partners, employees and the environment. » Our code of conduct • • • • • • • • • • We look for proximity to our business partners We aim for win-win solutions in all relationships We implement consistently We continuously improve our processes We learn from our mistakes We evolve permanently – technically as well as personally We respect humans and the environment We promote new ideas and are innovative We live quality We react quickly and with competence Enthusiasm Donau Chemie Quality ∫ DC = E+Q*TR +P » Our values Passion We aim at quality. We assume responsibility for human beings, the environment and our actions. We trust each other and look into the future with enthusiasm and passion. Trust and Responsibility 05 A BO U T THE DONAU CH E MI E G RO UP Wir are We sindclose in Ihrer to you. Nähe. n nToruń BERLIN Donau Chemie AG – Headquarters n nPoznań Donau Chemie Donauchem PL D Donau Kanol Donau Carbon WARSAW nZgierz nFrankfurt/Main nJaworzno nNymburk n nStuttgart PRAGUE CZ n Prerov ˇ nSmolenice VIENNA n Munich n n Pischelsdorf Ried im Tulln Traunkreis n n 06 nAbsam nInnsbruck nLandeck A Brückl n Klagenfurt n Košice n SK BRATISLAVA n n Kazincbarcika BUDAPEST H nGuanzate nMilano RO Treviso n n BEOGRAD I BUKAREST n Lehliu Gara SRB n USA Atlanta NewNew Jersey n n York Springfield, NJ n n PHIL n El Salvador City Mindanao ROME n AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP DONAU CHEMIE – The Group. Business Unit DONAU CHEMIE Business Unit DONAU CARBON » Production of inorganic chemicals WATER TECHNOLOGY » Activated Carbon (sales & production) » Service/Filter » Reactivation » Disposal »Production of precipitants and flocculants »Water treatment 07 DONAU CHEMIE Aktiengesellschaft Business Unit DONAU KANOL »Consumer goods (cosmetics, household cleaners, liquid fertilisers, technical products) » Custom development and contract manufacturing Business Unit DONAUCHEM »Distribution of chemicals (commodities and special products) »Mixing & Blending »Packaging »Services A BO U T THE DONAU CH E MI E G RO UP We assume responsibility. As a chemical company, we have a specific responsibility towards our customers, employees and the environment. Our ecological responsibility 08 Safety, environment and quality Safety, environment and quality are the three foundations of our company. We comply with these premises by following the principle of responsible acting. In our facilities all over the world a consistent and general safety system ensures the necessary protection of humans and environment. Our quality connotation does not only cover products, but actions focused upon quality in all fields. Be it the respectful interpersonal dealings of our employees, the devices for safety and environmental protection or the information-culture in our entire company. Protection of resources through sustainable production processes We produce cycles of materials using recognised recycling processes for hazardous and non-hazardous waste. We thus combine ecological and economic advantages for the benefit of the environment and our customers. If rivers remain clean and dry regions obtain drinking water, chemistry has been used meaningfully. We always look for the meaningful correlation between expenditure and use in all our products. We are active in soil revitalisation and reclamation of contaminated sites. Environment friendly products We produce pure, inorganic product lines, such as iron and aluminium saline solutions, for example, for sewage and drinking water treatment. When producing activated carbon we use renewable raw materials such as coconut shells. This makes our production eco-friendly, sustainable and we do our part to save energy (“Green Production Technology”). In the area of brands, we produce high value natural cosmetics on the basis of pure plant substances. We have developed an extremely powerful and environment friendly household cleaner, “Eco Forte,“ the first household cleaner to receive the environment symbol in Austria and which also carries the ECO label. The focus of our research department is to continuously improve products to make them more environment friendly. Energy efficiency Accumulated thermal energy is converted into electricity and hot water in our plant in Pischelsdorf. We work completely CO2 neutral in the process. In our Brückl plant we operate a water power plant and innovative plants for thermal recycling of exhaust gases (recovery of the excess hydrogen). Contrary to comparable plants for hydrochloric acid synthesis, the reaction warmth is used with the help of a steam boiler integrated into the plant to create steam. This highly modern use of heat reduces the CO2 exhaust on site by 8,000 tons per year, which is the equivalent of a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions relevant to the climate of more than 30 per cent on site. The savings in use of heating oil as a result of this thus drastically reduce the sulphur dioxide emissions. At the Landeck plant, AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP the production of calcium carbide which uses a lot of electricity is supplied by our own water works with environment friendly energy, through which we save approx. 80,000t CO2 per year. The construction of a housing unit for unloading coal considerably reduces the dust emissions and contributes significantly to relief amongst the people living in the area. We could reduce the use of natural gas by more than 50,000 m3 per year and CO2 emissions by 120t through extensive investments in improving our plants for activated carbon coal reactivation. Responsible Care We participate in Responsible Care, a global initiative of the chemical industry ensuring the health and safety of employees, neighbours and customers as well as an environment worth living in. We are not just a member, but also one of the first tested and certified companies in Austria. We are certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485, GMP, HACCP as well as the ECO label and the Austrian Environment Symbol. Moving transportation away from the road Transporting is done by rail whenever possible. All our sites are connected by rail. Heavy vehicle traffic in Pischelsdorf was reduced by about 12,000 journeys through common investments with our partners into a three kilometre long transportation unit, which has led to considerable environmental relief and an increase in the quality of life for the neighbouring population. Waste disposal Ecological responsibility is evident when we think about the consequences of our actions. We therefore not only develop and sell, but also offer programmes for the disposal and recycling of used chemicals and products. We are glad to support our customers in the treatment of sewage, exhaust air and waste flows. 09 A BO U T THE DONAU CH E MI E G RO UP We assume responsibility. 10 Safety is everything Our social responsibility Production means the protection of human beings and the environment. In this respect, our sites are amongst the leading areas in Europe. Thanks to high investments in the continuous improvement of safety precautions, safety standards apply that are far above the average and ahead the legal requirements. We have access to a company fire brigade and continuously conduct training sessions for our customers to ensure the appropriate handling of chemicals. All our products comply with the requirements defined by REACH and have been registered in advance. Our extensive know-how with respect to the registration ordinance is also passed on to our customers. We are a member of Responsible Care, an ambitious, global initiative of the chemical industry which serves to do much more in production, transport and the use of chemical products than the legal requirements demand. The Austrian centre of the transport/accident/information and help system (TUIS) is at our site in Pischelsdorf. We call on our specialists for help in case of accidents. To avoid any accidents at all, we continuously pass on our know-how on avoiding accidents and the treatment of damages following accidents connected to chemicals, to the police and the fire brigade. Satisfied employees with a sense of responsibility who contribute with their service, ideas and commitments every day, are the pillars of our economic success. Since we expect responsible behaviour as employers, we first have to bring it to our employees and be a model to them. The protection of human beings is the top most priority and negligence, stress or aiming for profits cannot detract us from this goal. Industry specific risk potential and possible causes of accidents through negligence are continuously analysed in detail and safety standards are adapted. Our accident statistics clearly point towards “zero accidents.” Talent and potential at all sites is promoted in a modular training course at the Donau Chemie Academy. The multiple offers for basic and advanced training intensify the quality leadership and innovative forces. AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP Quality – Responsibility towards our business partners Our responsibility and our respect towards customers and suppliers are expressed in the flawless quality of our products and services. We supply perfectly pure products, following the exact formula at the desired quantity. We also offer delivery at weekends as we stay open for longer. We work together with our business partners on customised, future oriented service and logistics concepts. R&D – we provide solutions We don’t just provide chemical products, we provide solutions. Apart from our range of standard products, we develop the exact product together with our customers that makes a difference in their processes and applications as far as quality and safety are concerned. We ensure permanently optimised processes for our customers with perfect documentation and ability to follow up. We develop customised products in the areas of activated carbon, chemical compounds for commercial and industrial use, consumer products, water and paper technology. Special products for the treatment of drinking water and air purification in automobiles have been created by modifying activated carbons. These products have already been successfully used by our customers in practice for a long time. Through close cooperation with the aluminium industry, special mould release elements for die casting could be developed which fulfil the high demands of the automobile industry. In the area of (highly complex) paper manufacturing, intensive cooperation with our customers has led to innovative, customised solutions. The fixing agent Donau PAC papyro nil as a fixing agent for starch and glue has become highly significant in the industry. Our own research and development department is also aiming at developing increasingly ecologically sensitive products and environment friendly raw materials for our customers. They have succeeded in the area of consumer products in particular through the development of ecologically sustainable products with the Eco label. We continuously work on the creation of competitive advantages for our customers with investments in technology and know-how and aim at securing our common future. 11 A BO U T DONAU CHEM IE 12 We combine quality, trust and responsibility with enthusiasm to create mutual success. We excel in quick replies to requests and fast delivery as well as our products’ quality. AB O UT D O N AU C HEM IE Chemistry – Purity, speed, safety. We produce high quality inorganic products for different areas of application with the most modern plants in our three Austrian production facilities. Our motto is to deliver especially pure goods. Speedy replies to enquires and quick delivery guarantee basic supplies of process chemicals to the industry. To ensure this, we also deliver at weekends. We are extremely meticulous in the handling of our products. As a chemical company, we have our own company fire brigade and continuously conduct training in safety, which can be held externally as well upon request. High customer satisfaction confirms the success of our strategy. 13 Products: » Sulphuric acid » Chlorine, hydrochloric acid, caustic soda, sodium hypochlorite, caustic soda flakes » Calcium carbide for the gas and steel industry Pischelsdorf plant Brückl plant Landeck plant Production of sulphuric acid with the most modern double catalyst technology. Production of high quality electrolyte products free of mercury in accordance with the modern and environment friendly membrane process. Production of high quality calcium carbide for pig iron desulphurisation and acetylene gas production. Your Donau Chemie bonus: » perfect purity » speed » flexibility – delivery on Saturdays too » top safety in handling of products » safety training A BO U T DONAU C HEMIE 14 We ensure that life-giving water is available to people in a useful way. We guarantee – even in times of crisis – quality, effectiveness, safety in supplies and operations for our customers, supplemented by modern analytics, specialist consultancy and technical support. AB O UT D O N AU C HEM IE Water technology – Clean water is a matter of trust. We develop, produce and sell precipitants and flocculants for the treatment of water as well as products for special uses. Whether it is sewage cleaning, treatment of drinking water or swimming pool chemicals, we always ensure that life giving water is made available to people in a useful way. Our know how in these areas is a result of years of high investments in research and development and in an intensive interplay bet ween external services, R&D department and our customers. In the area of paper production in particular, the close cooperation with our customers has ensured customised solutions. Our consultancy standard in these areas is so high because we also produce. As the only iron salt and PAC producer in Austria, we are also glad to offer a view behind the curtains. Many customers have visited us at our Brückl plant to see how a chlorine product is made out of the raw materials salt, water and energy through electrolysis. Subsequently a product for water treatment is created. Products: »Sewage treatment »Drinking water treatment »Swimming pool chemicals »Treatment of canal smell and corrosion problems »Bio-gas process optimisation »Special solutions for the paper industry »Treatment of process water Your water technology bonus: »Competitive advantages for our customers through high investments in R&D and inclusion of the customer in research projects. »Highest degree of supply safety and highest consultancy quality through own production »Laboratory analyses »Safety and application specific training sessions »2 plants in Austria and Hungary imply security of supply 15 16 We guarantee quick and flexible supply of chemical raw materials and blends for industry, trade and local authorities. Service, quality and speed are the central themes of our range of services in Central and Eastern Europe. AB O UT D O N AUC HEM Donauchem – Proximity to customers as a matter of course. As an important distributor of chemicals in Central and Eastern Europe, we support our customers in maximising their success with our service through the range of offers, quality and speed of our service spectrum. We are distributors of chemical raw materials and products in the areas of commodities, specialties, mixing and blending with subsidiaries in Italy, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia and Romania. Our areawide network of distribution centers ensures quick supply of various industrybranches such as food and pharma-industry, cosmetic industry, textile- and metal treatment industry, household chemicals, paints and laquers, printing industry and so on. Our own modern terminals comply with the highest standards in the fields of quality, safety and environmental sustainability. By this we guarantee exceptional quality for storage and confection of chemical substances and blends for a vast variety of applications. Our customers and partners benefit from being embedded in our production by sharing our broad know-how, our high safety standards and technological competence. Due to our own research and development department, we can produce compounds for the highest requirements together with our customers or upon our customers’ requests. We are partners of national and international manufacturers because we provide an efficient as well as profitable partnership. Products: »Full service provider for commodities »Specialties »Mixing & Blending »Packaging Your Donauchem bonus: »Outstanding quality assurance »R&D Department »Leading role in specialities and compounds »Areawide distribution network in Central and Eastern Europe »State-of-the-art terminals 17 A BO U T DONAU CARB O N 18 High quality activated carbon qualities and innovative application solutions to the advantage of our customers. We help our customers practise environmental protection worldwide. AB O UT D O N AU C AR B O N Donau Carbon – Active environmental protection with activated carbon. If you use activated carbon in application processes, we are the right people for you. Our products and services concerning activated carbon open up customer specific uses for the benefit of the environment and our customers. In the area of water and gas purification we have a large number of activated carbons and the possibility of an environment friendly and cost effective reactivation in their own plants for our customers. We sell activated carbons made as per our customers’ requirements worldwide for industrial production processes in the food, pharmaceutical and filter area on different raw material bases as well as special, impregnated types. We ensure the quality of our own products in accordance with ISO 9001 in our own laboratories and develop innovative, economically advantageous solutions for our customers. We proudly look back upon nearly 100 years of experience in the area of activated carbon. Besides our own complete solutions for water and gas treatment in mobile and stationary filter systems, we´ve been producing activated carbon from coconut shells for various fields of application in our own ISO9001 and ISO14001-certified facility in the Philipines since 2011. Products: »Activated carbon sale, production and impregnation »Sale and rental of activated carbon filters »Reactivation of used activated carbon »Disposal of spent carbon Your Donau Carbon bonus: »Integrative supply and services programme »Innovative products »Perfectly equipped in-house laboratories »Application specific consultancy »Development competence with nearly 100 years of experience 19 A BO U T DONAU KANOL 20 From the product idea to the product ready for the shelf – we accompany our customers on this path. We stand for quality, innovative products, longstanding development know-how and state-of-the-art production facilities. AB O UT D O N AU K AN O L Donau Kanol – From vision to product. From the product idea to the product ready for the shelf – we accompany our customers on this path. As Austria’s largest chemical development and contract manufacturing company we produce liquid and pastuous consumer goods in the areas of cosmetics, household, automobiles and garden. In close cooperation with our efficient R&D department and quality assurance, products are developped according to your wishes. As a highly qualified contract manufacturer we are specialized in producing a customised range of products based on market requirements and offer a broad range of services such as the development of high-quality recipies, individual packaging solutions and graphic design of your products. Prestigious international brands trust in our quality, our longstanding development know-how, our flexibility and reliability. Our optimal price-performance-relationship recommends us as your ideal partner for small, medium and large lots. Products: »Fine and liquid cosmetics: active ingredient and natural cosmetics »Medical devices: liquid and pastuous »Household: standard and special cleaners, ecological cleaners »Winter chemicals for automobiles »Liquid fertiliser: care & protection for plants Your Donau Kanol bonus: »Your product (brand or private label) with optimal “time to market“ implementation »Periodical product innovations due to our own R&D laboratory »Special products and powder-drumming »Competent contract-manufacturer and brand-producer with highest standards of quality, know-how, reliability and flexibility »Products with certified quality in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 13485, GMP, BDIH, AISE, ÖNORM, eco-labelling and Eco Flower 21 A BO U T THE DONAU CH E MI E G RO UP 22 We have a shipping area on the Danube with the most modern infrastructure and other service facilities. Donau Chemie offers its customers and partners a wide range of services and implements technical and logistical customer requests. AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP Service proposal, industrial park Pischelsdorf – The centrally located industrial site. It is our objective to use our know-how for optimal customer solutions and to make a broad range of services available. Our industrial premises in Pischelsdorf are in an area with a high potential for development and a unique infrastructure. There are many good reasons to locate a company here. We render extensive technical and logistical services for our partners. A technical office offers planning and construction services for machine construction and process technology. Our workshops take care of electrical and mechanical requirements, whether it is control systems, automation, drive technology or construction management and maintenance of machines. More than 5,000 items are presently being managed in a materials storage unit for our partners, whereby any halt in production due to repairs can be reduced to a minimum. The logistics department ensures that information and goods flow smoothly. More than 1,5 million tons of goods are moved annually with our three locomotives on our own railway network. Our shipping area on the Danube with the most modern infrastructure is ready if waterways are used. There are generous spaces for expansion and open storage surrounding this area. Our company fire brigade guarantees the highest degree of safety. Our partners: Services: »Road, rail and ship connections »Technology (planning office, workshops, materials management) »Logistics (procurement, distribution, transportation, storage logistics) »Open areas for business settlements »Highest safety through company fire brigade 23 A BO U T THE DONAU CH E MI E G RO UP The future needs tradition and innovation. In times of rapid change and transformation, Donau Chemie has become more than 170 years old, thanks to entrepreneurial conscientiousness, responsibility and committed employees. 1920 1828 Founding year of the first Take over of Wagenmann, Seybel & Co. AG by “Skoda-Wetzler AG“ 1895 Founding of the Société Chimique des Usines du Rhône, which becomes the Rhône-Poulenc Company in 1928. antecedents of our company, Braun and Wagenmann in Liesing. 1938 The three company antecedents are merged into Donau Chemie and become a part of IG Farben (IG Paints). 24 1830 1840 1850 1870 1910 1930 1902 1838 The company now signs under Wagenmann & Seybel and starts with the production of chemicals. 1950 1924 The Continentale Society for Applied Electricals, a further antecedent of Donau Chemie establishes the carbide plant. A modern sulphuric acid plant and a super phosphate plant are established on the premises of the former Pulverfabrik Moosbierbaum (Pischelsdorf). 1917 1908 The third company antecedent, Elektrobosna, builds an electrolysis plant for the production of chlorine and caustic soda at Brückl (Carinthia). The actual parent company of Donau Chemie, the Pulverfabrik Skodawerke-Wetzler AG, is entered in the trade register. 1945 End of the Second World War – the majority of plants in Pischelsdorf are destroyed. Donau Chemie is now publicly managed. AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP 1958 2002 2008 2011 Re-privatisation of Donau Chemie – Shareholders: Nobugil Group, Montana, Creditanstalt. Start up of a new, closed, arc furnace for carbide manufacturing in Landeck. Establishment of Donauchem Poland. Starting up of the activated carbon reactivation plant of Donau Carbon in Pischelsdorf (Lower Austria). Donau Chemie Landeck celebrates its centenary. Opening of the newly established production building in the industrial park Pischelsdorf. Donau Chemie Brückl celebrates its centenary. Donauchem Romania establishes a new production- and management-site in Lehliu Gara. 1960 Re-construction in Pischelsdorf: establishment of a sulphuric acid plant. 1992 2004 Plants for chlorine solvents are brought to a standstill at the Brückl plant and the Iron III chloride plant is started. Transfer from organic to inorganic chlorine chemicals. Investments at Donau Chemie amounting to about 6 million euros in a PAC unit in Brückl and in a condensation turbine in Pischelsdorf. 2005 Donau Chemie receives the environment protection prize of Carinthia for its exemplary soil remediation programme. Establishment of Donauchem d.o.o. in Serbia. 2009 Donauchem acquires a majority share in an important chemicals distributor in the Czech Republic. Donau Chemie sells its fertiliser branch to the Roullier Group. 1995 2015 Dipl.-Ing. Alain de Krassny hands over the management to Ing. Franz Geiger. Start up of a new hydrochloric acid furnace with heat recovery in Brückl. 2014 Donauchem Poland opens a new production site in Toruń/Gluchowo. Investment of Donau Chemie accounting to about 7 Mio. Euro in the extension of the electrolysis in Brückl. 25 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2006 1997 1972 Donau Chemie acquires Chemo Droga – now Business Unit Donauchem. Dipl.-Ing. Alain F. de Krassny takes over the Donau Chemie of Rhone-Poulenc and Creditanstalt through a management buy out. 1973 1998 Start up of the sulphuric acid plant 2 and a gypsum plaster boards production in Pischelsdorf. Merging of Donauchem Österreich & Franz Aigner, Establishment of Donauchem Italy. 2000 Acquisition of Lurgi Aktivkohle GmbH in Germany and foundation of Donau Carbon Corp. - now Business Unit Donau Carbon. Donauchem Hungary opens a new administrative and production site. Donau Chemie Pischelsdorf celebrates its centenary. 2007 Donauchem acquires a majority share in S.C.-ValueChem Romania Srl in Romania. Donau Chemie takes over Kanol GesmbH & Co KG – now the Business Unit Donau Kanol. 1999 Investments of 15 million euros in a modern membrane electrolysis plant at the Brückl plant. 2016 Re-establishment of the Wiesberg power plant, which was very badly destroyed due to floods. 2010 Donauchem Poland opens a new administrative and production site in Poznan. 2011 Opening of Donau Carbon Philippines Production Plant. 2012 Donauchem Slovakia sets up a new distribution warehouse near Trnava. 2013 Donauchem Hungary stablishes a facility for products related with water technic. Donau Carbon doubles the output of activated carbon in the Philippines. A BO U T THE DONAU CH E MI E G RO UP DONAU CHEMIE Aktiengesellschaft DONAU KANOL GMBH & Co. KG DONAU CARBON GMBH HEAD OFFICE EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT PLANTS/SITES SITE SITES PISCHELSDORF AUSTRIA Donau Chemie AG Am Heumarkt 10 A-1030 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 71147-0 Fax: +43 1 71147-5 e-Mail: PISCHELSDORF Donau Chemie AG Industriepark Pischelsdorf A-3435 Zwentendorf/Donau Tel.: +43 2277 90500-0 Fax: +43 2277 90500-284 e-mail: 26 BRÜCKL Donau Chemie AG Klagenfurter Straße 17 A-9371 Brückl Tel.: +43 4214 2326-0 Fax: +43 4214 2326-10 e-mail: LANDECK Donau Chemie AG Jubiläumsstraße 3 A-6500 Landeck Tel.: +43 5442 64211-0 Fax: +43 5442 64211-18 e-mail: DONAU KANOL GmbH & Co. KG Großendorf 65 A-4551 Ried/Traunkreis Tel.: +43 7588 7282-0 Fax: +43 7588 7282-17 e-mail: ITALY DONAUCHEM ITALIA S.R.L. Via Madonna 17 I-22070 Guanzate (CO) Tel.: +39 031 35 29 225/227 Fax: +39 031 89 93 66 e-mail: DONAU AQUAE S.R.L. Via Silvio Pellico 37 I-35020 Albignasego (PD) Tel.: +39 049 731 32 91 Fax: +39 049 862 97 14 e-mail: DONAU KANOL GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark Pischelsdorf A-3435 Zwentendorf Tel.: +43 2277 90500-0 Fax: +43 2277 90500-326 e-mail: DONAU CARBON GmbH Gwinnerstraße 27–33 D-60388 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 69 40 11-650 Fax: +49 69 40 11-659 e-mail: DONAU CHEMIE AG Reaktivierungs- und Produktionsanlagen Pischelsdorf A-3435 Zwentendorf Tel.: +43 2277 90500-0 Fax: +43 2277 90500-303 e-mail: USA DONAU CARBON CORPORATION 2204 Morris Avenue USA-Union, New Jersey 07083 Tel.: +1 973 379 51 03 Fax: +1 973 379 51 02 e-mail: PHILIPPINES DONAU CARBON PHILIPPINES CORP. PHIL-Zone 1, Sitio Tagbak Bo. Cogon, El Salvador City Misamis Oriental, Mindanao, Philippines e-mail: AB O UT T HE D O N AU C HEM IE G R O UP DONAUCHEM GmbH EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT DONAUCHEM GmbH Lisztstraße 4 A-1030 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 71148-0 Fax: +43 1 71148-5 e-mail: SITES AUSTRIA DONAUCHEM GmbH Lobgrundstraße 3/Shellgelände A-1221 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 2853161 Fax: +43 1 2853161-10 e-mail: DONAUCHEM GmbH Industrial park Pischelsdorf A-3435 Zwentendorf/Donau Tel.: +43 2277 90500-0 Fax: +43 2277 90500-326 e-mail: DONAUCHEM GmbH Klagenfurter Straße 17 A-9371 Brückl Tel.: +43 4214 2606-0 Fax: +43 4214 2606-92 e-mail: DONAUCHEM GmbH Daniel-Swarovski-Straße 72 A-6067 Absam Tel.: +43 5223 56535-0 Fax: +43 5223 56535 -20 e-mail: SERBIA DONAUCHEM d.o.o. Beograd Milutina Milankovica 9 ž 11.070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 441 45 57 Fax: +381 11 441 45 01 e-mail: ROMANIA POLAND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT DONAUCHEM POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Topolowa 15 PL-62-090 Rokietnica k/Poznania Tel.: +48 61 842 93 49 Fax: +48 61 842 93 48 e-mail: DONAUCHEM POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Wałbrzyska 11B/254 PL-02-739 Warszawa Tel.: +48 22 549 92 11 Fax: +48 22 549 92 10 e-mail: DONAUCHEM POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Puławska 38/40 PL-05-500 Piaseczno Tel.: +48 22 737 79 00 Fax: +48 22 737 79 01 e-mail: DONAUCHEM POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Gluchowo 25A PL-87-140 Chelmza Tel.: +48 56 692 79 00 Fax: +48 56 692 79 09 e-mail: DONAUCHEM POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul. Sadowa 6/14 PL-95-100 Zgierz Tel.: +48 42 717 15 25 Fax: +48 42 717 15 34 e-mail: DONAUCHEM POLSKA SP. Z O.O. ul.Chopina 94 PL-43-600 Jaworzno Tel.: +48 32 615 03 21 Fax: +48 32 616 64 43 e-mail: EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT S.C – DONAUCHEM ROMANIA S.R.L 61st Competrolului RO-915300 Lehliu Gara, Calarasi +40 242 64 09 07 / 09 / 10 +40 242 64 09 00 e-mail: SLOVAKIA EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT DONAUCHEM S.R.O. Trnavska cesta 82/A SK-82102 Bratislava Tel.: +421 2 4920 6501 Fax: +421 2 4920 6500 e-mail: DONAUCHEM S.R.O. Továrenská 7 SK-919 04 Smolenice Tel.: +421 46 5461 324 Fax: +421 46 5461 315 e-mail: CZECH REPUBLIC EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT DONAUCHEM S.R.O. Za Žoskou 377 CZ-288 02 Nymburk Tel.: +420 317 070 220 Fax: +420 317 070 230 e-mail: DONAUCHEM S.R.O. Dvořákova 1 CZ-750 02 P řerov Tel.: +420 581 217 729 Fax: +420 581 219 196 GSM: +420 737 239 659 e-mail: HUNGARY EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT DONAUCHEM VEGYIANYAG KERESKEDELMI KFT. Bányalég utca 37-43 H-1225 Budapest Tel.: +361 207 8000 Fax: +361 207 27 67 e-mail: DONAUCHEM VEGYIANYAG KERESKEDELMI KFT. Bolyai tér 1 H-3700 Kazincbarcika Tel.: +361 207 8000 Fax: +361 207 27 67 e-mail: 27 IMPRINT: Proprietors, Publishers: Donau Chemie AG, Am Heumarkt 10, A-1030 Vienna. Status May 2016.
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