Leitfaden_MA+EFN_E-Mail Zustellung_GB_2012
Leitfaden_MA+EFN_E-Mail Zustellung_GB_2012
GUIDE TO HANDLING E-MAILED TOLL STATEMENTS AND ITEMISED JOURNEY LISTS The following information is intended to make the management of data files regarding your toll invoice and vehicle log as easy as possible. Your inbox capacity The file size of the itemised journey list depends on the number of journeys and the file delivery format (PDF or CSV file). We expect a size of around 12 KB per vehicle per month, i.e. for a fleet of 15 vehicles; the file size would be 180 KB. If you have more vehicles, the file size will increase correspondingly. Please take this into account in setting the capacity of your inbox. Due to the less detailed information, the toll statement file is not as big. In exceptional circumstances, delivery can nevertheless be influenced by insufficient inbox capacity. Attitude of your Firewall To ensure that E-Mail attachments also arrive safely whilst a firewall is active, you should enter the forwarding address of the E-Mail in your firewall settings (bws.protokoll@toll-collect.de). E-Mails from this address should then be delivered with attachments without any problems. When using a credit card as your payment method, you should enter the sender’s address in your firewall as TC_Fulfillment_Maut@toll-collect.de. We recommend that you also enter the forwarding address in the address book of your E-Mail program (e.g. ® ® Outlook , Lotus Notes ). Entry of a new contact in Outlook® You can enter a new address contact in ® Outlook by selecting “Neu (New)“ and then “Kontakt (Contact)” in the “Datei (File)” column. Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 1 of 8 When the new contact appears, enter the relevant forwarding address in the “E-Mail“ field bws.protokoll@toll-collect.de or TC_Fulfillment_Maut@toll-collect.de. The name will be automatically displayed in the “Anzeigen als (Show as)” field. Confirm the entry by clicking on “Speichern und schließen (Save and Close)”. The address is ® then saved in your Outlook address book. Entry of a new contact in Lotus Notes® ® To manually enter a contact in Lotus Notes , please proceed as follows. Open your address book and select “Action - New - Contact“. Enter a chosen name in the “First Name” and “Surname” fields (for example, “Toll Collect“). Under “E-Mail Address” enter the relevant forwarding address bws.protokoll@toll-collect.de or TC_Fulfillment_Maut@toll-collect.de. To save the new contact click on “Save and Close“. Should you wish to enter extra information regarding the contact (telephone numbers, firm name etc), please use the fields headed “Business” or “Private”. Opening attachments with WinZip® ® For security reasons all attachments are compressed and encrypted using the widely used program WinZip . Should you not possess this program then it can be downloaded from the Internet site of the manufacturer (www.WinZip.de). ® When you open the file, WinZip prompts you to enter a password. Your “Kennwort (password)” is comprised as follows: TC*invoice number* You can find your invoice number in the subject field of the E-Mail. To ensure that your entry is correct, remove the tick from the field “Kennwort verbergen (Hide password)“. You can then see the exact password you have entered. The file is now unzipped, and you can save the PDF or CSV file – depending on the format you requested – on your computer. To avoid damage to the file we recommend you first save the file on your hard drive instead of opening it ® through WinZip . Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 2 of 8 Opening PDF files PDF files can be opened automatically and printed using the program Acrobat Reader® von Adobe. Should you not have this program then it can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet site of the manufacturer (www.adobe.de). Opening csv files - Microsoft Excel® The individual values of a CSV file are seperated using commas (CSV = Comma Separated Values). This ® provides the possibility of opening the file in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel in order to manage the data more easily. We recommend that you follow these guidelines step by step in order to ensure a correct reproduction of your vehicle log: ® Start Excel and open an empty document by clicking on “Neu (New)“ under the column “Datei (File)“. Under the column “Daten (Data)“, go to “Externe Daten importieren (Import External Data)“ and then “Daten importieren (Import Data)“. Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 3 of 8 In the following window select the folder where you have saved the csv file. Select the file, then click on “Öffnen (Open)”. In the following window you will be guided through the three steps of the Text Conversion Assistent. First choose the file type “Getrennt (Seperated)” and click on “Weiter (Next)”. In the next step you will be asked to choose the values which seperate the individual data records. Tick the field “Semikolon (Semicolon)” and remove the tick from “Tabstopp (Tab Stop)”. Then click on “Weiter (Next)“. Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 4 of 8 In step three, mark the second column of the table where “Buchungsnummer (booking number)“ is listed in the first line. When this column is highlighted choose the option “Text (text)” in the box “Bestehendes Arbeitsblatt (Column Data Format)”. You can now close the assistant by clicking on “Fertig stellen (Finish)”. When the following window opens confirm with “OK“. ® You can now format the data in Excel as you wish, and can also save the data in another format and under another name of your choice. Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 5 of 8 Opening csv files - Microsoft Access® The following example shows the basic steps required to import a CSV file into a Microsoft Access database. You can use additional steps to adapt the data to your accounting system. ® Save the file you receive from Toll Collect under a new name. Ensure that the filename does not include spaces (e.g.: EFN20040713.csv). This ist important because some programs do not recognise spaces in the filename. ® Start the Microsoft Access program and open your database. Clicking on the menu “Datei – Externe Daten – Importieren (File – External data – Import)” opens a dialogue box where you can select the file. The file type is “Textdateien (text)”. Choose the file and click on “Importieren (Import)”. This automatically takes you to a text link or text import assistant. Select the item “mit Trennzeichen (with separators)”. Click on “Weiter (Continue)” Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 6 of 8 In this dialogue box ■ Select “Semikolon (Semicolon)” as separator ■ Click on the box “Erste Zeile enthält Feldnamen (First line contains field name)” Click on “Weiter (Continue)” In this window of the text import assistant select the following for the log-on number: ■ File type “Text (text)” ■ Indexing “Ja (Duplikate möglich) (Yes (duplicates possible))”. Click on “Weitere (Continue)” Define the log-on number as an additional text field and confirm this with “OK”. Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 7 of 8 For the last step in the text import assistant select “Kein Primärschlüssel (No Primary Key)”. Click on “Fertig stellen (Finish)”. The CSV file will be imported. The following shows an imported itemised journey list: Toll Collect GmbH, Berlin, V 2.1, GB - as at 11/2012 page 8 of 8