markus.a.wagner@g - University of Warwick


markus.a.wagner@g - University of Warwick
University of Warwick School of Law – Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
+1.305.812.0355 –
University of Warwick School of Law, Coventry
Associate Professor of Law
June 2016 – present
University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, Florida
January 2009 – May 2016
Associate Professor of Law
Courses: Constitutional Law, International Law, International Economic Law, Comparative Law, Miami-Leipzig
Seminar, Modern Technology and International Humanitarian Law Seminar.
Visiting professor / visiting scholar
Universidad Externado de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho, Bogota / Colombia
Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing / China
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Law, Hamburg / Germany
Universidad des Los Andes, Facultad de Derecho, Bogota / Colombia
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Direito, Sao Paulo / Brazil
Max Planck Institute for Public International Law, Heidelberg / Germany
University of New South Wales Law School, Sydney / Australia
University of Leipzig, Faculty of Law, Leipzig / Germany
Heidelberg Center Para America Latina, Santiago de Chile / Chile
2011 – present
2013 – present
May – August 2015
July 2014
May – July 2014
May – August 2013
July – August 2012
May – July 2011
November 2004 & June 2005
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, Brussels / Belgium
Legal Consultant
Supreme Court of Israel, Jerusalem / Israel
Law Clerk, President emeritus, Honorable Aharon Barak
January – July 2007
June – September 2006
Max Planck Institute for International Law, Heidelberg / Germany
July 2002 – July 2005
Research Fellow, International Economic Law, International Peace & Security & International Criminal Law
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations, New York / NY
May 2003
Legal Counsel
International Centre for Criminal Law Reform & Criminal Justice Policy, Vancouver / BC
Visiting Fellow
1998 – 1999
Law School, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
Doctoral candidate in International Economic Law
June 2012 – present
Stanford Law School, Stanford, California, Master of the Science of Law (JSM)
Scholarships: European Recovery Program and Lovells Exceptional Law Student Program
President, Advanced Degree Students Association
Law School, University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany
magister juris internationalis, with distinction
erstes juristisches Staatsexamen (J.D. equivalent), with distinction
Scholarship: German National Merit Foundation, 1996 – 2002
Law School, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Academic exchange program
Scholarship: German National Merit Foundation, 1998 – 1999
May 2006
2004 – 2005
1996 – 2002
August 1998 – May 1999
German (native speaker), English (bilingual), French (intermediate), Spanish (intermediate), Portuguese (beginner).
Cycling Without Borders, charity bike journey from Germany to China (March – December 2008),; bicycle touring; running; road & mountain biking; photography.
Journal of World Investment and Trade (JWIT), Associate Editor, 2014 – present
Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), Member of the Executive Council, 2012 – 2015; Secretary, 2015 –
International Journal of Law in Context, Member of the International Editorial Board, 2012 – present
American Society for International Law (ASIL), Member of the Membership Committee, 2012 – present; Vice Chair
of the ASIL International Law and Technology Interest Group, 2014 – present
Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, Member of the Scientific Committee, 2016 – present
University of Miami Abess Center for Ecosystem Science & Policy, External Member of doctoral dissertation
committee (May 2016 – present)
Völkerrechtsblog, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, 2014 – present
Göttingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL), Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, 2010 – present
American Society for Comparative Law (ASCL), Member of the Board of Editors, 2011 – 2016; Scholarship Advisory
Group, Younger Comparativists Committee, 2012 – 2013; Conference Chair, Younger Comparativists Committee
Conference, Washington, DC, April 20, 2012
Junior International Law Scholars Association (JILSA), Co-Chair, 2012 – 2014
We Robot, University of Miami School of Law, Member of the Conference Committee, 2012
University of Miami Faculty Senate, Member of the Administrative Services Committee, 2012 – 2016
University of Miami UBike Committee, Member, 2011 – 2016
Investment Law’s Uruguay Moment (draft).
Mapping the Discourse over Autonomous Weapon Systems (draft).
The SPS Agreement, Science and Regulatory Autonomy (draft)
1. International (Criminal) Law Aspects of Autonomous Weapon Systems (Völker(straf)rechtliche Überlegungen zu
autonomen Waffensystemen), in: Walter Gropp et al. (eds), Gießener Gedächtnisschrift für Günter Heine, 2016,
355 (forthcoming).
2. Autonomous Weapon Systems, in: Rüdiger Wolfrum (ed.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International
Law, Oxford University Press, 2016, available at
3. The Future of Combat? Autonomous Weapon Systems as a Challenge for International Law (Die Zukunft der
Kriegsführung? Autonome Waffensysteme als Herausforderung für das Völkerrecht), Vereinte Nationen
2/2016, 73, available at
4. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, in: Rüdiger Wolfrum (ed.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law,
Oxford University Press, 2015, available at
5. Regulatory Space in International Trade Law and International Investment Law, 36 University of Pennsylvania
Journal of International Law 1 (2014-2015), available at
6. The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law: Legal, Ethical and Political Implications of Autonomous
Weapon Systems, 47 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1371 (2014), available at
7. WTO Law and the Right to Regulate: China – Rare Earths, 18:10 ASIL Insight, 28 April 2014, available at =2431462.
8. Legal Perspectives and Regulatory Philosophies on Natural Monopolies in the United States and Germany, in:
Günther Schulz, Mathias Schmoeckel and William J. Hausman (eds), Regulation between Legal Norms and
Economic Reality – Intentions, Effects, and Adaption: The German and American Experiences (Rechtsordnung
und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, vol. 8), 2014, 53, available at
9. International Standards, in: Michael Trebilcock and Tracey Epps (eds), TBT Agreement, Edward Elgar Research
Handbook Series, 2013, 238, available at abstract =2238478.
10. Beyond the Drone Debate: Autonomy in Tomorrow’s Battlespace, American Society of International Law –
Confronting Complexity: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting 80 (2013).
11. Autonomy in the Battlespace: Independently Operating Weapon Systems and the Law of Armed Conflict, in: Dan
Saxon (ed.), International Humanitarian Law and the Changing Technology of War, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,
2013, 99, available at
12. Conceptualizing the Shapeshifting Nature of Investment Law(yers): A Response to Jason Yackee’s Controlling the
International Investment Law Agency, in 54 Harvard Journal of International Law online 38 (2012), available at =2193814.
13. Taking Interdependence Seriously: Reassessing the Precautionary Principle in International Trade Law, 20
Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 713 (2012), available at
14. Transnational Legal Communication: A Partial Legacy of Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, 46 Tulsa Law
Review 437 (2012), available at =2139053.
15. Non-State Actors, in: Rüdiger Wolfrum (ed.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford
University Press, 2012, Volume VII, 741, available at
16. Temple of Preah Vihear Case, in: Rüdiger Wolfrum (ed.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International
Law, Oxford University Press, 2012, Volume IX, 841, available at
Update subsequent to the indication of provisional measures by the International Court of Justice, October
2011 (January 2013).
17. Taking Humans Out of the Loop: Implications for International Humanitarian Law – A Response to Brendan
Gogarty and Meredith Hagger, 21 Journal of Law, Information and Science 155 (2011/2012), available at
18. Law Talk v. Science Talk: The Languages of Law and Science in WTO Proceedings, 35 Fordham International Law
Journal 151 (2011), available at
19. Book Review: Thomas Cottier, Olga Nartova & Sadeq Z. Bigdeli (eds.), International Trade Regulation and the
Mitigation of Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2009, in: 5 Global Trade and Customs Journal 205
(2010), available at =1591380.
20. Article XIX GATT, in: Rüdiger Wolfrum and Peter-Tobias Stoll (eds), Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade
Law – Trade in Goods, 2010 (with Jacques Bourgeois).
21. Articles 16 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, in: Rüdiger Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and
Michael Köbele (eds), Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law – Trade Remedies, 2008 (with Jacques
22. Articles 11 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, in: Rüdiger Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and
Michael Köbele (eds), Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law – Trade Remedies, 2008 (with Jacques
23. Report on Consultation, Prior Information and Environmental Impact Assessment, in: Ole-Kristian Fauchald and
Jacob Werksman (eds), 15 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 221 (2006).
24. Commentary on Articles XIII of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, in: Rüdiger
Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and Karen Kaiser (eds), 2 Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law –
Institutions and Dispute Settlement, 2006 (with Armin von Bogdandy).
25. Commentary on Article III of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, in: Rüdiger
Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and Karen Kaiser (eds), 2 Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law –
Institutions and Dispute Settlement, 2006 (with Armin von Bogdandy).
26. Commentary on Article I of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, in: Rüdiger
Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and Karen Kaiser (eds), 2 Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law –
Institutions and Dispute Settlement, 2006 (with Armin von Bogdandy).
27. Commentary on report entitled “The Future of the WTO – Addressing Institutional Challenges in the New
Millennium”, 2 International Organizations Law Review 167 (2005) (with Armin von Bogdandy), available at
reprinted in: “The ‘Sutherland Report’ on WTO Reform – A Critical Appraisal”, 3 World Trade Review 439 (2005).
28. Report on Consultation, Prior Information and Environmental Impact Assessment, in: Geir Ulfstein and Jacob
Werksman (eds), 14 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 246 (2005).
29. Book Review: Sanford Levinson, Torture: A Collection, in: Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung
Newsletter 35 (1/2005), available at
30. There is no place for the State in the Bedroom of the Nation (Cont’d) – or: Same-sex Marriages in Canada
(German title: There is no place for the State in the Bedroom of the Nation, Die Fortsetzung – oder: Die
gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in Kanada), Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 143 (2004).
31. Country Report: Canada, in: Christian Walter/Silja Vöneky/Volker Röben/Frank Schorkopf (eds), Terrorism as a
Challenge for National and International Law: Security versus Liberty?, Berlin – Heidelberg, 2004, 173, available
32. Economic Sanctions Imposed by the Security Council in the Fight Against Terrorism (Wirtschaftliche Maßnahmen
zur Terrorismusbekämpfung durch den Sicherheitsrat), in: Marc Bungenberg/Karl M. Meessen (eds),
International Economic Law after September 11 (Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht im Schatten des 11.
September 2001), Stuttgart 2004, 183.
33. Crimes Under the ICC-Statute, in: Compendium for Participants, Seminar Series, Information and Ratification
Campaign on the International Criminal Court in Central Asian Countries and Mongolia, Cologne, 2004, 32.
34. The ICC and Its Jurisdiction – Myths, Misperceptions and Realities, in: Armin von Bogdandy and Rüdiger Wolfrum
(eds), 7 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law 409 (2004), available at
35. The Security Council’s Economic Measures in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001 from an International Law
Perspective – From Economic Sanctions to International Economic Law Making? (Die wirtschaftlichen
Maßnahmen des Sicherheitsrates nach dem 11. September 2001 im völkerrechtlichen Kontext – Von
Wirtschaftssanktionen zur Wirtschaftsgesetzgebung)?, 63 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und
36. The Justification of Torture. Some Remarks on Alan M. Dershowitz‘s Why Terrorism Works, 4 German Law
Journal 515 (2003), available at
37. reprinted in: 63 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht – Heidelberg Journal of
International Law 817 (2003).
38. Book Review: Helmut Volger, A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, Den Haag: Kluwer Law International,
2002, in: 62 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht – Heidelberg Journal of
International Law 1152 (2002).
39. Book Review: Christian Tomuschat, Völkerrecht, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2001, in: 62 Zeitschrift für ausländisches
öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht – Heidelberg Journal of International Law 1151 (2002).
40. Book Review: Lucius Caflisch/Torsten Stein/Christian Tomuschat, Eingriff in die inneren Angelegenheiten
fremder Staaten zum Zwecke des Menschenrechtsschutzes, Heidelberg: C.F. Müller, 2002, 62 Zeitschrift für
ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht – Heidelberg Journal of International Law 1142 (2002).
41. The Procedure before the International Criminal Court – With a View to the Rights and Obligations of the Parties
(Das Verfahren vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof unter Berücksichtigung der Rechte und Pflichten der
Verfahrensbeteiligten), in: The International Criminal Court – An Introduction (Der Internationale
Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) – Eine Einführung), Frankfurt, 2000, 82.
42. The First Year of UNMIK (Das erste Jahr der UNMIK), 48 Vereinte Nationen 132 (2000).
43. Corporate Criminal Liability – National and International Responses, 25 Commonwealth Law Bulletin 600 (1999).
44. Associate Editor (with Armin von Bogdandy and J.H.H. Weiler), European Integration – The New German
45. Co-Editor (with Jan Clauss, Hans Born, Lothar Rieth, Marin Scheid und Wolfhart Saul), Compendium for
Participants, Seminar Series, Information and Ratification Campaign on the International Criminal Court in
Central Asian Countries and Mongolia, Cologne 2004.
Presentation, Investment Law’s Uruguay Moment: Transparency in International Trade and Investment Law, Civic
Advocacy, Representation and Participation in the Rethinking International Investment Law: International
Investment Regime, University of Warwick / UK, 3 May 2016.
Presentation, The International Law Response to Autonomous Weapon Systems: The Choice Between a Ban, Genuine
Regulation and Doing Nothing, Inaugural International Humanitarian Law / Law of Armed Conflict Workshop:
Autonomous Weapon Systems, University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, MN, 4 April 2015.
Presentation, International Investment Law and the Environment: Using the WTO Experience as a Lodestar, The
Present and Future Role of Investment Treaty Arbitration in Adjudicating Environmental Disputes, PluriCourts
Symposium, University of Oslo, Oslo / Norway, 5 November 2015.
Lecture, TTIP and Investor-State Dispute Settlement, University of Zurich International Business Law Colloquium,
Coral Gables, FL, 21 August 2015.
Presentation, Investor-State Dispute Settlement im Rahmen der Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
(Investor State Dispute Settlement in the Context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership),
Europa-Kolleg-Hamburg, Hamburg / Germany, 14 July 2015.
Lecture, Die Gefahr von 'Killer Robots': Zur Rechtslage von Autonomen Waffensystemen (Dangerous ‘Killer Robots’?:
The Legal Situation Concerning Autonomous Weapon Systems, Walther-Schücking-Institut, University of Kiel,
Kiel / Germany, 8 July 2015.
Lecture, Autonomous Weapon Systems: Legal and Political Challenges, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg /
Germany, 1 July 2015.
Discussant, paper by Ugo Pagallo and Massimo Durante, The Pros and Cons of Legal Automation and its Governance,
The Man and The Machine: When Systems Take Decisions Autonomously, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen /
Switzerland, 26 June 2015.
Presentation, Autonomous Weapon Systems Meet the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Giessen
Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law, University of Giessen, Giessen / Germany,
23 June 2015.
Lecture, From Drones to Autonomous Weapon Systems: Legal and Political Challenges, Faculty of Law, University of
Münster, Münster / Germany, 22 June 2015.
Lecture, Die Drohnen von Morgen: Die Debatte über Autonome Waffensysteme (Tomorrow’s Drones: The Debate
on Autonomous Weapon Systems), Bucerius Law School, Hamburg / Germany, 18 June 2015.
Lecture, Konvergenzen und Divergenzen im internationalen Handels- und Investitionsrecht (Convergence and
Divergence in International Trade and Investment Law), Institute for Economic Law, Martin Luther University
Halle-Wittenberg, Halle / Germany, 13 May 2015, available at
Commentator, Panel on Modes of Liability – From Individual to Corporate Criminal Responsibility and Sentencing
Penalties, International Criminal Law Expert Conference: The Potential Impact and Limits of the Criminal
Jurisdiction of the African Court of Justice and Peoples Rights, Florida International University College of Law,
Miami, FL, 20 March 2015.
Panelist, The Boundaries of Free Speech Beyond Borders: An Evaluation of Free Speech, University of Miami School
of Law, Coral Gables, FL, 26 February 2015.
Discussant, paper by Alain Zysset, The Right to Rule of the European Court of Human Rights: A Democratic Defense,
Junior International Law Scholars Association Annual Meeting, University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables,
FL, 23 January 2015.
Discussant, conference entitled The Ethics of Autonomous Weapons Systems, Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law,
University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, PA, 21-22 November 2014.
Discussant, International Economic Law & Health, Reassessing International Economic Law and Development: New
Challenges for Law and Policy, American Society of International Law/International Economic Law Interest
Group (IEcLIG), Denver, CO, 15 November 2014.
Presentation, Investment Law’s Uruguay Moment, Reassessing International Economic Law and Development: New
Challenges for Law and Policy, American Society of International Law/International Economic Law Interest
Group (IEcLIG), Denver, CO, 14 November 2014.
Lecture, El Espacio Regulador Entre el Comercio Internacional y la Inversión Extranjera (Regulatory Space in
International Trade and Investment Law), Aproximaciones Críticas al Derecho Internacional de la Inversión
Extranjero: Desafíos para el Estado Regulador en América Latina (Critical Approaches to International
Investment Law: Challenges for the Regulatory State in Latin America), Universidad de los Andes, Bogota /
Colombia, 11 October 2014.
Lecture, El Caso de la Regulación de Tabaco en Australia (The Regulation of Tobacco in Australia), Aproximaciones
Críticas al Derecho Internacional de la Inversión Extranjero: Desafíos para el Estado Regulador en América Latina
(Critical Approaches to International Investment Law: Challenges for the Regulatory State in Latin America),
Universidad de los Andes, Bogota / Colombia, 10 October 2014.
Lecture, El Derecho de la Inversión Extranjera como Derecho Publico (Foreign Investment Law as Public Law),
Aproximaciones Críticas al Derecho Internacional de la Inversión Extranjero: Desafíos para el Estado Regulador
en América Latina (Critical Approaches to International Investment Law: Challenges for the Regulatory State in
Latin America), Universidad de los Andes, Bogota / Colombia, 9 October 2014.
Lecture, The Discipline of International Law in Germany and the United States, Faculdad de Derecho, Pontifica
Universidad Javeriana, Bogota / Colombia, 9 October 2014.
Presentation, Investment Law’s Uruguay Moment, Texas A&M University School of Law, Fort Worth, TX, 8 October
Expert Testimony, Drones and Targeted Killings: The Need to Uphold Human Rights (hearing title), Committee on
Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg / France, 30 September 2014.
Commentator and Moderator, Panel entitled Los derechos humanos: el individuo y la jurisdicción internacional
(Human Rights: The Individual and International Jurisdiction), Tercera Conferencia Bienal de la a Sociedad
Latinoamericana De Derecho Internacional (Sladi) (Third Biennial Conference of the Latin American Society of
international Law – LASIL), Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, 15 August 2014.
Presentation, Investment Law’s Uruguay Moment, Regulatory Challenges in International Economic Law:
Convergence or Divergence? 4th Biannual Conference of the Society of International Economic Law, Bern /
Switzerland, 11 July 2014.
Presentation, Private Standards and International Trade Law, Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao
Paulo / Brazil, 24 June 2014.
Presentation, Regulatory Space in International Trade Law and International Investment Law, Joint Research
Seminar of the Escuela de Direito, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Direito, Sao Paulo and Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Sao Paulo / Brazil, 10 June 2014.
Panelist, Autonomous Weaponry and Armed Conflict, 76th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association
and 108th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Washington, DC, 10 April 2014, video
available at
Discussant, paper by Andrew Woods, Inexpressive International Agreements, Junior International Law Scholars
Association Annual Meeting, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1 February 2014.
Keynote Speech, Legal Aspects of Autonomous Weapon Systems, Multinational Capability Development Campaign
(MCDC) Autonomous Systems (AxS) Seminar, Virginia Beach, VA, 29 January 2014.
Presentation, Stretching and Squeezing Like an Accordion: Policy Space in International Investment Law and
International Trade Law, American Society of International Law International Economic Law Interest Group
Research Forum, The Wharton School / Penn Law School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 22
November 2013.
Presentation, Stretching and Squeezing Like an Accordion: Policy Space in International Investment Law and
International Trade Law, American Society of International Law Midyear Meeting and Research Forum, New
York, NY, 2 November 2013.
Lecture, Challenges for the New Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), University of Miami School
of Law, Coral Gables, FL, 23 August 2013.
Presentation, Same Cloth, Different Clothes: Re-Integrating Trade Law and Investment Law, Legal Environment of
International Economic Governance: Present and Future, Southwestern University of Political Science and Law,
Chongqing / China, 19 June 2013.
Lecture, The SPS Agreement: Balancing the Rights of WTO Members with the Need for Positive Integration in
International Trade Law, Faculty of Law, Southwestern University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing /
China, 18 June 2013.
Discussant, Interdependent Public Goods and the WTO, Remarks on Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann’s “International
Economic Law in the 21st Century”, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid / Spain, 6
June 2013.
Panelist, New Technologies, Perfectly Fine Old Law? Autonomous Weapons and ius in bello, American Society of
International Law, International Law and Technology Interest Group Roundtable, Washington, DC, 8 April 2013.
Discussant, paper by Tendayi Achiume, Realizing the International Human Rights of Refugees: The Example of
Xenophobic Discrimination, Junior International Law Scholars Association Annual Meeting, New York Law
School, New York, NY, 1 February 2013.
Discussant, paper by Noah Novogrodsky, Somalia and the International Legal Imagination, Junior International Law
Scholars Association Annual Meeting, New York Law School, New York / NY, 1 February 2013.
Panelist, Beyond the State: Private Conduct and the Law of the World Trade Organization, Re-Conceptualizing
International Economic Law: Bridging the Public/Private Divide, American Society of International
Law/International Economic Law Interest Group (IEcLIG), Washington, DC, 1 December 2012.
Panelist, briefing for Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions on
Technological, Ethical, and Legal Issues in the Development and Deployment of Lethal Autonomous Robotics,
New York University School of Law – Global Justice Clinic, New York University School of Law, New York, NY, 21
October 2012.
Lecture, The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law: Legal, Ethical and Political Implications of
Autonomous Weapon Systems, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, Hobart / Australia, 9 August 2012.
Presentation, Communicating Differences? China and its Trading Partners at the WTO, Law and Regulation beyond
the WTO: China’s Role in the International Economic Order, University of New South Wales Law School, Sydney
/ Australia, 3 August 2012.
Lecture, Comparative Law Methodology, University of New South Wales Law School, Sydney / Australia, 31 July
Lecture, Military Robotics and International Humanitarian Law, Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law – Law and War
Seminar Series, Melbourne School of Law, University of Melbourne, Melbourne / Australia, 26 July 2012.
Panelist, Stretching and Squeezing Like an Accordion: Comparing the Requirement of Providing Policy Rationales in
International Trade Law and International Investment Law, Regulatory Review by Trade and Investment
Tribunals Panel, 3rd Biannual Conference of the Society of International Economic Law, Singapore, 14 July
Panelist, The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law: Legal, Ethical and Political Implications of
Autonomous Weapon Systems, We Robot 2012: Setting the Agenda, Miami, FL, 22 April 2012.
Panelist, The Legal and Ethical and Political Questions of the Use of Autonomous Weapon Systems, When Drones
Attack: The Legal and Political Implications of U.S. Policy, St. John’s University School of Law, New York, NY, 13
April 2012.
Panelist, The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law: Legal, Ethical and Political Implications of
Autonomous Weapon Systems, New Voices Panel, 106th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
International Law, Washington, DC, 29 March 2012.
Commentator on paper by Anna Spain, Contextual Sovereignty, Junior International Law Scholars Association
Annual Meeting, University of Georgia School of Law, Athens, GA, 10 February 2012.
Lecture, Autonome Waffensysteme: Rechtliche, ethische und politische Überlegungen (Autonomous Weapon
Systems: Legal, Ethical and Political Challenges), Vortragsreihe „Gegenwartsfragen des Völkerrechts“ (Lecture
Series, “Current Topics in International Law”), Faculty of Law, University of Freiburg, Freiburg / Germany,
available at, 5 December 2011.
Panelist, Rechtsstaatliches Selbstverständnis des Völkerrechts? – Insbesondere gezielte Tötungen (Rule of Law-based
Self-understanding of Public International Law – With Special Regard to Targeted Killings), Deutschösterreichisches Kolloquium: Gerechte Gewalt ohne Staat? – Das transnationale Schicksal des Rechtsstaats
(German-Austrian Colloquium: Just Force Outside the Context of the State? – The Transnational Fate of the Rule
of Law), Faculty of Law, University of Leipzig, Leipzig / Germany, 2 December 2011.
Lecture, Law Talk v. Science Talk: The Languages of Law and Science in WTO Proceedings, Buchmann Faculty of Law,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv / Israel, 30 November 2011.
Panelist, Autonomous Weapon Systems: The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law, New
Technologies, Old Law: Applying International Humanitarian Law in a New Technological Age, Minerva Center
of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & The International Committee of the
Red Cross, Jerusalem / Israel, 29 November 2011.
Lecture, Militärische Drohnen und humanitäres Völkerrecht: Herausforderungen der fortschreitenden
Autonomisierung von Waffensystemen (Military Drones and Humanitarian Law: The Challenges Posed by the
Increasing Autonomy of Weapon Systems), Faculty of Law, University of Göttingen, Göttingen / Germany, 14
July 2011.
Lecture, International Law Discourses over Targeted Killings in Germany and the US: The Death of Osama bin Laden,
Faculty of Law, University of Leipzig, Leipzig / Germany, 13 July 2011.
Panelist, First Amendment und Artikel 5 GG: Wie frei ist die Presse in Deutschland und den USA? (First Amendment
and Article 5 Basic Law: Freedom of the Press in Germany and the US), University of Leipzig, Leipzig / Germany,
4 July 2011.
Presentation, Legal Perspectives and Regulatory Philosophies on Natural Monopolies in the United States and
Germany, Regulation between Legal Norms and Economic Reality: Intentions, Effects, and Adaptation: The
German and American Experiences, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, 29 April 2011.
Presentation, Transnational Legal Communication 2.0: The Legacy of Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, Tulsa
Law Review Symposium Honoring the Work of The Honorable Aharon Barak, University of Tulsa College of Law,
Tulsa, OK, 26 March 2011.
Panelist, Law Talk v. Science Talk: The Languages of Law and Science in WTO Proceedings, Yale Journal of
International Law Young Scholars Conference & Junior International Law Scholars Association Annual Meeting,
Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, 25 February 2011.
Presentation, Thinking Beyond the State: Private Conduct and the Law of the World Trade Organization,
International Law Seminar Series Spring / Summer 2011, International Law Association – British Branch, London
/ United Kingdom, 16 February 2011.
Lecture, The Battlefield from Afar: Independently Operating Weapons System and the Law of Armed Conflict, Oxford
Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC) & Changing Character of the War Programme, Oxford /
United Kindgom, 15 February 2011.
Presentation, Oklahoma v. “The Citizen of the World”: The Constitutional Amendment in Oklahoma regarding
“Sharia Law” and International Law, Appreciating and Engaging William Twining, Coral Gables, FL, 21 January
Presentation, WTO Law, the Precautionary Principle and Scientific Evidence, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad
Externado de Colombia, Bogota / Colombia, 14 December 2010.
Presentation, Law Talk v. Science Talk: The Languages of Law and Science in WTO Proceedings, International
Economic Law in a Time of Change: Reassessing Legal Theory, Doctrine, Methodology and Policy Prescriptions,
American Society of International Law International Economic Law Interest Group (IEcLIG), Minneapolis, MN,
20 November 2010.
Presentation, Legal Aspects of Cooperatives in Comparative Perspective, Organização das Cooperativas do Estado
de São Paulo, Cooperatives: Legal Aspects, Miami, FL, 25 October 2010.
Presentation, Situating the Private within a Transformative Public, Private Law Theory – A Workshop, XVIIIth
International Congress of Comparative Law, Washington, DC, 28 July 2010.
Presentation, Tales of International Law in Canada and the US: Seen Through the Eyes of Two Supreme Courts,
Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, 1 August 2010.
Presentation, Taking Interdependence Seriously: Reassessing the Precautionary Principle in International Trade Law,
American Society of International Law International Economic Law Interest Group (IEcLIG) Research Forum,
Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, 5 December 2009.
Presentation, WTO Members and 'Private Regulation': Attributing Private Conduct in the Framework of the WTO,
Faculty Workshop, University of Auckland, Auckland / New Zealand, 30 October 2009.
Presentation and Panelist, Taking Interdependence Seriously: Reassessing the Precautionary Principle in
International Trade Law, New Zealand Centre for International Economic Law: Trade Agreements: Where Do
We Go From Here?, Wellington / New Zealand, 23 October 2009.
Presentation and Panelist, The Second Largest Force: State Responsibility and the Use of Private Military Firms,
Cardozo School of Law: Obligation, Delegation and the Sovereign, New York, NY, 1 May 2009.
Presentation, Of Walls and Barriers, Suicide Attacks and … Trying to Find a Way Out – The Conflict in the Middle East
(Mauern und Barrieren, Selbstmordattentätern und der Versuch einer Lösung - Der Konflikt im Nahen Osten),
Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Frankfurt / Germany, 1 September 2007.
Presentation, How Courts Look at International Human Rights Law: Comparing Canada, Germany and the United
States, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, 5 May 2006.
Presentation, The Danish Caricatures and the Islamic World: Is there Room for Dialogue?, Advanced Degree Students
Association, Stanford Law School, Stanford, 14 March 2006.
Presentation and Panelist, The Daschner Case and Torture – Legality and Legitimacy under the German Constitution
and International Law, European Law Students Association, Passau / Germany, 2 June 2005.
Presentation and Panelist, The Debate on Torture in Germany and the United States, En Temps Réel, Paris / France,
26 May 2005.
Presentation and Panelist, Ausnahmen vom Folterverbot im Rechtsstaat? Die Diskussion in den USA, (Torture – On
the Question of Exceptions to the Prohibition of Torture under US Law), German American Lawyers’ Association,
Mainz / Germany, 29 September 2004.
Presentation and Panelist, conferences and roundtables during the project Information and Ratification Campaign
on the International Criminal Court in Central Asian Countries and Mongolia; organization and preparation of
the material (conferences in Ukraine – 2000; Kyrgyzstan – 2004, Tajikistan – 2004; Uzbekistan – 2004;
Kazakhstan – 2004; Moldova – 2004; Mongolia – 2004).
Presentation and Panelist, New World Order – A New Role for the United Nations Security Council? (Neue
Weltordnung - neue Rolle des Sicherheitsrates?), “Between the Hindukush and the Persian Gulf: The
Background and Current Developments of the Conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq” (Zwischen Hindukusch und
Golf: Hintergründe und aktuelle Entwicklung der Konflikte in Afghanistan und Irak“), Hessische Landeszentrale
für politische Bildung, Wiesbaden / Germany, 5 March 2004.
Presentation and Panelist, September 11 and Its Aftermath: The UN and International Law in the Fight Against
Terrorism (Der 11. September und die Folgen: Die UNO und die völkerrechtlichen Aspekte des Kampfes gegen
den internationalen Terrorismus), “Between the Hindukush and the Persian Gulf: The Background and Current
Developments of the Conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq” (Zwischen Hindukusch und Golf: Hintergründe und
aktuelle Entwicklung der Konflikte in Afghanistan und Irak“), Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung,
Wiesbaden / Germany, 3 March 2004.
Presentation and Panelist, International Legal Problems Concerning the Middle East Conflict (Völkerrechtliche
Aspekte des Nahostkonfliktes), Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Frankfurt / Germany, 4 October
Presentation and Panelist, Economic Sanctions in the Fight Against Terrorism (Wirtschaftssanktionen zur
Terrorismusbekämpfung), Conference on International Economic Law and Global Terrorism, Jena / Germany, 4
– 6 July 2003.
Presentation, The Role of the United Nations in Times of Crisis and Conflict (Rolle der Vereinten Nationen in Krisenund Konfliktfällen), Annual Meeting of the Max Planck Society, Hamburg / Germany, 2 – 5 June 2003.