Shah `Abbas: The Remaking of Iran


Shah `Abbas: The Remaking of Iran
Defining beauty: the body in ancient Greek art
The British Museum, 26 March to 5 July 2015
Sainsbury Exhibition Gallery, World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre, The British Museum, London WC1B 3DG UK
List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan).
Apoxyomenos (restored bronze statue of an athlete removing oil and sand from his body with
a strigil or scraper (now lost)), 1st-2nd century AD (Hellenistic), Ancient Greek, bronze
Height: 1920mm
Lent by: Jointly the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia of Runjaninova 2, 10 000
Zagreb, Croatia; and Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (Croatian Conservation Institute) of Nike
Grškovića 23, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Provenance: Found by a recreational diver in 1996 on the seabed off the islet of Vele Orjule,
near Lošinj, Croatia. Reported to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia in 1998.
Raised from the sea on 27 April 1999 and acquired by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Not applicable
M. Domijan, I. Karniš Hrvatski (ed.) Apoksiomen/The Croatian Apoxyomenos, exhibition
catalogue, Zagreb, 2006, second revised edition (2008)
Maurizio Michelucci (ed.) Apoxyomenos: The Athlete of Croatia/Apoxyomenos: l'Atleta della
Croazia, exhibition catalogue, Florence (2006), separate editions in Italian and English
Block from the Telephos frieze - Herakels Discovers his son Telephos, 2nd century BC, origin
modern day Turkey, marble
Height: 1270 x Width 750 x Depth 445mm
Lent by: Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer
Kulturbesitz, Stauffenbergstraße 41, Berlin 10785, Germany
Provenance: In 1874 a firman was granted by the German embassy to excavate at Pergamon
(venue of the Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin) which stipulated that onethird of the objects found belonged to the state, one-third to the finder, and one-third to the
owner of the land. The freize was discovered in 1878 and acquired by the Antikensammlung
der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin around 1884.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin
-Bernard Andreae: Datierung und Bedeutung des Telephosfrieses im Zusammenhang mit den
übrigen Stiftungen der Ataliden von Pergamon, in: Wolf-Dieter Heilmeyer (ed.):
Der Pergamonaltar. Die neue Präsentation nach Restaurierung des Telephosfrieses, Wasmuth,
Tübingen (1997)
-Volker Kästner: Antikensammlung II. Der Altar von Pergamon. Hellenistische und römische
Architektur, Henschelverlag, 2nd edition, Berlin (1990)
-Wolf-Dieter Heilmeyer: Der Pergamonaltar. Die neue Präsentation nach Restaurierung des
Telephosfrieses, Wasmuth, Tübingen (1997)
-Max Kunze: Der Pergamonaltar. Seine Geschichte, Entdeckung und Rekonstruktion. von
Zabern, Mainz (1995)
-Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Antikensammlung (ed.): Die
Antikensammlung im Pergamonmuseum und in Charlottenburg. Auch Antikensammlung Berlin,
von Zabern, Mainz (1992)
Block from the Telephos frieze - Carpenters build the boat in which Auge is cast out to sea,
2nd century BC, origin modern day Turkey, marble
T.I.10 and T.I.11
T.I.10 Height 1650 x Width 780 x Depth 445mm
T.I.11 Height 1760 x Width 760 x Depth 445mm
Lent by: Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer
Kulturbesitz, Stauffenbergstraße 41, Berlin 10785, Germany
Provenance: In 1874 a firman was granted by the German embassy to excavate at Pergamon
(venue of the Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin) which stipulated that onethird of the objects found belonged to the state, one-third to the finder, and one-third to the
owner of the land. The freize was discovered in 1878 and acquired by the Antikensammlung
der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin around 1884.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin
-Bernard Andreae: Datierung und Bedeutung des Telephosfrieses im Zusammenhang mit den
übrigen Stiftungen der Ataliden von Pergamon, in: Wolf-Dieter Heilmeyer (ed.):
Der Pergamonaltar. Die neue Präsentation nach Restaurierung des Telephosfrieses, Wasmuth,
Tübingen (1997)
-Volker Kästner: Antikensammlung II. Der Altar von Pergamon. Hellenistische und römische
Architektur. Henschelverlag, 2nd edition, Berlin (1990)
-Wolf-Dieter Heilmeyer: Der Pergamonaltar. Die neue Präsentation nach Restaurierung des
Telephosfrieses, Wasmuth, Tübingen (1997)
-Max Kunze: Der Pergamonaltar. Seine Geschichte, Entdeckung und Rekonstruktion. von
Zabern, Mainz (1995)
-Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Antikensammlung (ed.): Die
Antikensammlung im Pergamonmuseum und in Charlottenburg. Auch Antikensammlung Berlin,
von Zabern, Mainz (1992)
Reconstruction of statue of Athenia Lemnia, 1990s, Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike KochBrinkmann, German, plaster
Height: c.1980mm without the spear, c.2500mm with the spear, Width helmet to elbow c.
Lent by: The State of Hesse, represented by the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Schloss
Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel 34131, Germany
Provenance: Polychrome cast of original statue Athenia Lemnia made in the 1990s by Vinzenz
Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, representing the Stiftung Archaeologie.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Not applicable
Vinzenz Brinkmann und Andreas Scholl (eds.), Bunte Götter : die Farbigkeit antiker
Skulptur (2010)
Vincenz Brinkmann und Raimund Wünsche (eds.), Gods in color : painted sculpture of
classical antiquity (2008)
Cast with reconstructed paint of Persian archer from the West Pediment of the Aphaia temple at
Aegina (original: Munich, Aegina pediment W2, figure W 11), 1990s, Vinzenz Brinkmann and
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, German, artificial marble and natural pigment
Height: 990 x Width 860 x Depth 480mm plus base: Height 890 x Width 800 x Depth 600mm
Lent by: The Free State of Bavaria, represented by Staatliche Antikensammlungen und
Glyptothek, Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10, Munich 80333, Germany
Provenance: Polychrome cast of original Archer from the West Pediment of the Aphaia Temple
made in the 1990s by Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, representing the Stiftung
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Not applicable
Vinzenz Brinkmann und Andreas Scholl (eds.), Bunte Götter : die Farbigkeit antiker
Skulptur (2010)
Vincenz Brinkmann und Raimund Wünsche (eds.), Gods in color : painted sculpture of
classical antiquity (2008)
Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art, 26 March 2015- 5 July 2015, British Museum
List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan)
Cast with reconstructed paint of Athena from the West Pediment of the Aphaia temple at Aegina,
1990s, Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, German, artificial marble and natural
Height: 1800 x Width 850 x Depth 75mm plus base: Height 880 x Width 640 x Depth 420mm
Lent by: The Free State of Bavaria, represented by Staatliche Antikensammlungen und
Glyptothek, Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10, Munich 80333, Germany
Provenance: Polychrome cast of original Athena from the West Pediment of the Aphaia Temple
made in the 1990s by Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, representing the Stiftung
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Not applicable
Vinzenz Brinkmann und Andreas Scholl (eds.), Bunte Götter : die Farbigkeit antiker
Skulptur (2010)
Vincenz Brinkmann und Raimund Wünsche (eds.), Gods in color : painted sculpture of
classical antiquity (2008)
Cast with reconstructed paint of Aristion stele from the West Pediment of the Aphaia temple at
Aegina, 1990s, Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, German, artificial marble and
natural pigment
Height: 1840 x Width 450 x Depth 60mm plus base: Height 250 x Width 645 x Depth 300mm
Lent by: The Free State of Bavaria, represented by Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek,
Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10, Munich 80333, Germany
Provenance: Polychrome cast of original Aristion stele from the West Pediment of the Aphaia
Temple made in the 1990s by Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, representing the
Stiftung Archaeologie.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Not applicable
Vinzenz Brinkmann und Andreas Scholl (eds.), Bunte Götter : die Farbigkeit antiker
Skulptur (2010)
Vincenz Brinkmann und Raimund Wünsche (eds.), Gods in color : painted sculpture of
classical antiquity (2008)
Cast of Kouros from Tenea, 2015, Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, German,
artificial marble and natural pigment
Height: 1530mm
Lent by: Stiftung Archäologie, Wilhelm-Hale-Straße 50, 80639 München, Germany
Provenance: Cast of original Kouros from Tenea made in 2015 by Vinzenz Brinkmann and
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, representing the Stiftung Archaeologie.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Not applicable
Unpublished at present – new construction
Bronze reconstruction of spear-bearer (Doryphoros), 1920-21, Georg Römer, German, bronze
Height: 2120 mm
Lent by: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Munich, Germany
Provenance: Commissioned by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität for their WWI memorial in
1920; completed and acquired in 1921.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
Rolf Michael Schneider, Verehrt – verdrängt – vergessen? Der ‘Speerträger’ der Münchner
Universtität, in Aviso. Zeitschrift fürWissenschaft und Kunst in Bayern (2004) p.10-17
Warren G. Moon (ed.), Polykleitos, the Doryphoros, and Tradition (1995), p.247
Martin Kemp (ed.), The Oxford History of Western Art (2000), p.17
Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art, 26 March 2015- 5 July 2015, British Museum
List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan)
Marcia Furnilla as Venus (statue of a nude female figure with a Trajanic hairstyle), 1st century
AD, origin Rome, marble
Height: 1910mm (2040mm including plinth and filling material in the gap between the sculpture
and the plinth), Width 670mm, Depth 442mm
Lent by: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Dantes Plads 7, Copenhagen DK-1556, Denmark
Provenance: Sculpture was allegedly found in ‘The Flavians’ Villa’ near Frattocchia below Albano.
It was acquired by the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek from Casa Vitali in Marino in 1891.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
F. Poulsen (1951); V. Poulsen (1974), Cat. 14; M.Bergmann, Gnomon 53 (1981) 178; D.E.E.
Kleiner, Roman Sculpture (1992) 178, fig. 146; F. Johansen, Catalogue Roman Portraits II NY
Carlsberg Glyptotek (1995), cat.14
Statuette of Attis, wearing an oriental costume with a modern head and right hand (probably
added before 1684), 1st -2nd century AD, bronze copper and silver inlays
No. 64 Br 35
Height: 542 x Width 250 x Depth 150mm
Lent by: Musée du Louvre, Paris 75058, France
Provenance: Formerly in the Crown Collection - according to the general inventory of the Royal
Furniture Repository, where it appears as no. 64, this bronze statuette entered the Crown
collection before 1684. It has therefore remained in the collection of the Musée du Louvre since
at least 1684 onwards.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Musée du Louvre
Collectif; Les bronzes de la Couronne, Musée du Louvre, Paris (1999) n 64, p. 92-93
Belvedere torso (unrestored fragment of a seated heroic figure), 1st century BC, Apollonios,
Ancient Greek, marble
Inv 1192
Height: 1565 x Width 875 x Depth 880mm
Lent by: Musei Vaticani, V-00120 Città del Vaticano, Italy
Provenance: Acquired between 1530 and 1536 by Papal authority – statue has remain in
collection of Vatican Museums since.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Vatican Museums
Francis Haskell and Nicholas Penny, Taste and the Antique, Yale (1981)
Walther Amerlung, Skulpturen des Vatikanischen Museums, (1908), Vol. II, no. 3, pl.2
Cesnola Kouros (Cypriot male figure in Egyptian dress), mid-6th century B.C., Cypriot,
Height: 1048mm
Lent by: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York 10028, U.S.A.
Provenance: Found c.1870 in sanctuary of Golgoi–Ayios Photios Larnaca , Cyprus. Purchased
by subscription 1874–76 by the Metropolitan Museum of Art as part of the Cesnola Collection
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
John L. Myres, Handbook of the Cesnola Collection of Antiquities from Cyprus. no. 1356,
New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1914)
Antoine and Joan R. Mertens Hermary, The Cesnola Collection: Stone Sculpture. no. 59, Myres
1356, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2013)
Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art, 26 March 2015- 5 July 2015, British Museum
List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan)
Baker Dancer (statuette of a veiled and masked dancer), 3rd–2nd century B.C., Ancient Greek,
Height: 205mm
Lent by: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York 10028, U.S.A.
Provenance: Said to be from Alexandria – find date unknown. It came into the collection of art
collector Joseph Brummer (1883 - 14 April 1947) and remained in his collection until 1948. It was
then purchased by Walter C. Baker from the estate of Joseph Brummer on 14 Sept. 1948. It
remained in his collection until the Metropolitan Museum of Art acquired the statuette on 23 June
1972 as a part of the bequest by Walter C. Baker.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: The collection of Joseph Brummer, U.S.A.
Dietrich and René d'Harnoncourt von Bothmer, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities: An
Exhibition from the Collection of Walter Cummings Baker, Esq. no. 46, p. 9, pl. 12, New York:
Walter Cummings Baker (1950)
Dietrich von Bothmer, Ancient Art from New York Private Collections: Catalogue of an Exhibition
Held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, December, 17, 1959-February 28, 1960 no. 144, pp. 3738, pls. 44, 50-51, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1961)
Martin Robertson and Cambridge University Press A History of Greek Art, Vols. 1 and 2.
p. 564, pl. 179c, Cambridge, England (1975)
Dietrich von Bothmer, The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Notable Acquisitions, 1965-1975, :
p. 120 (1975)
Carlos A. Picón, Recent Acquisitions, A Selection: 1991-1992, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bulletin, 50(2): no. 237, pp. 202-3 (1992)
Philippe De Montebello, Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide: Works of Art Selected by Philippe
De Montebello. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1994)
Musée du Petit Palais. La Gloire d'Alexandrie. no. 206, p. 265, Paris: Musée du Petit Palais
Carlos A. Picón, Art of the Classical World in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greece, Cyprus,
Etruria, Rome no. 237, pp. 202-3, 451, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2007)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide. p. 72, New York:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2012)
Statue of Wounded Amazon signed by Sosikles, 2 century AD, Roman, marble
MC 651 /S
Height: 2020mm
Lent by: Musei Capitolini, Piazza del Campidoglio 1, Rome 00186, Italy
Provenance: Acquired in 1733 by Clement XII from his nephew Cardinal Albani then deposited, in
in the Musei Capitolini in the same year, forming part of the Albani collection
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Musei Capitolini
Hans von Steuben, Die Amazone des Polyklet, in: Polykletforschungen, ed. by Herbert Beck
and Dieter Bol, Berlin, pp. 73-102 (1993)
Hans von Steuben, Der Kanon des Polyklet : Doryphoros und Amazone p.59, pl.40-43
LIMC, Vol. 1, p.625, no. 602 (1973)
Marble statue of a reclining Hermaphrodite (Sleeping Hermaphroditus), Roman 1-2nd century
(head, mattress and sheets sculpted by Bergondi in mid 18th century), marble
Inv 749
Height: c.890 x Width c.1690mm
Lent by: Galleria Borghese, Villa Borghese Piazzale del Museo Borghese 5, Rome 00197, Italy
Provenance: Acquired by Galleria Borghese before 1764 and it has remained in the collection
ever since then.
Ownership between 1933 – 1945: Galleria Borghese, Italy
- Francis Haskell and Nicholas Penny, Taste and the Antique: The Lure of Classical Sculpture
1500-1900, Yale University Press, p 235 (1991)
-Helbig 4II, no. 1978
Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art, 26 March 2015- 5 July 2015, British Museum
List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan)

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