DZT-Pressereise USA 2012 Discover the taste of SouthWest


DZT-Pressereise USA 2012 Discover the taste of SouthWest
DZT-Pressereise USA 2012
Discover the taste of SouthWest Germany
In the HeilbronnerLand leaps the heart of Wuerttemberg’s viticulture
Rieslings which already delighted the english queen, Trollinger and Lemberger
which melt in one’s mouth, top locations like Katzenbeißer and Himmelreich:
Vacation in a wine-growing region rich in tradition like the HeilbronnerLand
promises delight for the senses.
Even the names of some of Wuerttemberg’s wine-treasures let gourmet-hearts
leap and make curious as to the countryside, in which they flourish. So why
not getting onto the fine juice of the vine – for instance on a Tour de Wine?
Through the sun-kissed countryside in the heart of Baden-Wuerttemberg
( also leads the “Burgenstraße” (castle-road). Down
from the heights between Neckartal and Heuchelberg, the witnesses of past
lordships are greeting. Many of the time-honoured masonries have been made
into hotels.
Wine-paradise with outdoor-plus
In wine-growing region stretching from the Neckartal and Heilbronn to the
north of the Heuchelberg, not only wine connoisseurs indulge in diversity.
Due to the fact that the variety of the countrysides even surpasses the variety
of the locations, the region abundant in natural beauty and sights in the heart
of Baden-Wuerttemberg is a Eldorado for nature lovers.
No matter if comfortable and with view on mostly impressing terracevineyards through the Neckartal or easy tours in the vineyards of the foothills
of the nature preserve Stromberg-Heuchelberg and Schwäbisch-Fränkischer
Wald: all roads lead to wine, because there are typical swabian cosy wine-bars
and other places to take a breath at a “Viertele” (a glass of wine).
There is to choose from a lot of amusing, worth knowing and culinary
delights: from an entertaining wine-walk with different topics, the possibility
to take a look behind the scenes at a cellar-tour with culinary wine-tasting, to
the all year round wine-festivals.
Special experience-packages are waiting for romantics, wellness-fans and
HeilbronnerLand e.V.
Lerchenstraße 40 · 74072 Heilbronn
Telefon 07131 994-1390
Telefax 07131 994-1391
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September 2012
Ihr Ansprechpartner:
Tanja Seegelke
DZT-Pressereise USA 2012
Discover the taste of SouthWest Germany
In Baden-Wuerttemberg there are two of the largest german wine-regions. The
HeilbronnerLand is part of Wuerttemberg, the forth important wine-growing area in
Germany. More than the half of the Wuerttemberg’s vines grow and flourish in the
HeilbronnerLand – 4 of the 7 vine-growing areas in Wuerttemberg are part of the
HeilbronnerLand e.V.
Lerchenstraße 40 · 74072 Heilbronn
Telefon 07131 994-1390
Telefax 07131 994-1391
HeilbronnerLand. The viticulture in Wuerttemberg is marked by cooperative
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wineries (viticulturist-cooperations) which cultivate ca. 85% of the grape-harvest.
September 2012
History of Wuerttembergs charateristical cooperative wineries:
Since 1552 in Wuerttemberg the „ Realerbteilung” is valid. These distribution of an
estatet means, that all children inherit equal shares of asset. Like this even more smallsized family wineries come into existence. These ones benefit notably from the ideas
of cooperative winery at the beginning of 19th century.
Since the start of the 19th century, growers` cooperatives have dealt with viticulture,
quality und marketing. Today in no other wine-growing region are so many growers
members of kooperatives. Heute sind in keinem anderen Anbaugebiet Deutschlands
sind so viele Weingärtner Mitglied einer Genossenschaft wie in Württemberg.
Wine-growing districts belong to HeilbronnerLand:
the tributaries of the Neckar, the Kocher and the Jagst, have cut deep and created
an impressive wine-countryside. It’s marked by steep vineyards along the winding
rivers, accompanied with meadows and fruit trees.
Weinsberger Tal – part of nature preserve Schwäbisch-Fränkischer Wald:
A wide valley, increasing lightly at the foothills and growing steeper at the tops,
show the vines of Trollinger and Riesling – the typical structure of the vineyards.
Buttes like the cone of the ruines of Weibertreu in Weinsberg are also typical for
this region.
Unteres Neckartal:
The Neckar is the main vein of the wine-growing region, marked by sun-kissed
steep vineyards basing on Muschelkalk (shellbearing limestone) in which
Trollinger and Schwarzriesling ripen.
Heuchelberg – part of nature preserve Stromberg-Heuchelberg:
The Heuchelberg shoves like a vine-mountain range into the wide valley of the
Neckartal. Here the Heuchelberger Warte marks the past border of
Wuerttemberg. The most popular Lemberger, which already Theodor Heuss,
the first German President adored, are flourishing here.
Stromberg & Enztal:
Only a small part of the Stromberg belongs to the HeilbronnerLand.
Ihr Ansprechpartner:
Tanja Seegelke