MMMP Newsletter - Father Fernando Suarez
MMMP Newsletter - Father Fernando Suarez
MMMP Newsletter MESSAGE FROM FR. FERNANDO SUAREZ The Day I was Embraced by the Pope Everyone, every priest wants to meet the Pope. Indeed. How much more when he hugs you! How much more when he embraces you! Not only that; He gives you his skull cap! It is euphoric! What an experience. What a feeling. What a blessing! When I first met Fr. Ricky Ignacio in Tarlac in 2007 through Mrs. Marion Mangio, I told him, “you will be my gate to Rome.” I did not know he is the pastor of Our Lady of Grace and Mercy in Ponte Galeria, outside of Rome, close to the airport. True enough, seven (7) years later he will become my gate to meet the Pope. According to Fr. Ricky, he has kept in touch with the Pope since the beginning of April because his parish was damaged by the storm last February. It was the Pope himself who called and helped him. At that meeting, Fr. Ricky showed him some pictures of our ministry to the poor in the Philippines. That got the latter’s attention. Pope Francis then inquired who the priest in the picture feeding and praying with the poor is. The Pope expressed interest to meet this priest, who happens to be me. Twenty (20) days after the meeting, I had the chance to celebrate Mass inside the Vatican’s Blessed Sacrament chapel together with some MMMP board of Directors. Then Fr. Ricky asked us to pray as he was thinking of bringing me to the Pope. . This was realized on April 24 at Santa Marta Chapel. I spent two hours with him during the Mass and prolonged silent prayer it. Then I greeted him, embraced him and asked for his blessing. Thanks to the following for our media apostolate: Ms. Yves Mendoza of Access Print, Ms. Beth Tagle, Ms. Deedee Sytanco, Ms. Remie Dillena, Mr. Ed Esmerio, MMMP Newsletter During the conversation he offered his skull cap saying, “This is for your seminary, the Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor. Then he told me in Italian, as interpreted by Fr. Ricky, “Go forth for the Kingdom of God.” The MMMP community pays respect to the skull cap given by Pope Francis His hug is so affirming, so consoling, so powerful. It is like God’s embrace. It healed me. It consoled me. It affirmed me. Indeed, it was a golden moment. That is the reality of it. When God embraces you, when you let Him so, he will give you that peace that you need.” As what Pope Francis said in the Evangelii Gaudium #3, “Save me once again, Lord, take me once more into your redeeming embrace,” I hope we do not deprive ourselves of the experience of God’s redeeming embrace. This is where the most authentic encounter with God will happen. Fr. Glenn Gomez, SVD, Mr. Paul Dizon and Chooga Juice. FROM THE BISHOP Excerpts from the Letter of Appointment As Vicar for the Indigenous Peoples REV. FR. FERNANDO M. SUAREZ, MMMP By virtue of this letter, I appoint you as Episcopal Vicar for Indigenous Peoples. With all the faculties, duties, rights and privileges attached to said office by the Code of Canon Law, the Statutes and the approved customs of the Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose. You will function as Episcopal Vicar for Indigenous Peoples effective April 1, 2014 until my successor’s revocation... With sentiments of deep Pastoral solicitude, I remain, “DUC IN ALTUM” (SGD)+ANTONIO P. PALANG, SVD, DD Apostolic Vicar of San Jose (SGD) FR. JOSE D. MIRABUENO, SVD, DD Chancellor Excerpts from the Official Statement on the Accusations Against Fr. Suarez April 15, 2014 Between March 5 and 9, 2014, a series of articles were printed in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. The articles alleged irregularities in the charitable foundation he founded called Mary Mother of the Poor. In addition, his healing ministry and lifestyle were so attacked. I certify that the accusations in these articles are unfounded and not true. Fr. Fernando Suarez, Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor, is a priest in good standing in the Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. With Fraternal Affection, I remain DUC IN ALTUM” (SGD)+ANTONIO P. PALANG, SVD, DD Apostolic Vicar of San Jose EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher: Advisers: Fr. Fernando Suarez Fr. Jeff Shannon, MMMP Ms. Luz Consuelo Consunji Moderator: Bro. Albert Damiao, MMMP Contributors: Bro. Polie Atienza, MMMP Bro. Alvin Cabria, MMMP Bro. Joseph Abah, MMMP Bro. Randy Orfiano, MMMP Bro. Mark Cabahug, MMMP RT Oliveros, PhD Ms. Rhorie Abalos Layout: Bro. Hjalmar Desquitado, MMMP INSIDE THIS ISSUE i. ii. iii. P01 P05 P07 P09 P16 P18 Message from Fr. Fernando Suarez Letter of Appointment as Vicar for the Indigenous Peoples How to Support Seminarians Pillars of MMMP Life Programs Special Features Activities Healing Stories Moringa Plantation PILLARS OF MMMP LIFE 1 Spiritual Life Spiritual Life As a missionary community, we constantly seek the Lord, encounter Him and strengthen our relationship with Him. In our MMMP formation houses, we have the 40-hour continuous adoration once a month and spend an hour everyday to draw ourselves closer to God. This is where we can find our strength , inspiration , guidance and nourishment in our missionary life. It is almost impossible to persevere in this life without this particular devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. In all these we continue to adore the Lord as we pray, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” (1Sam 3:9) “As MMMP, what is the point of becoming a priest or religious without becoming holy? We choose to be brave, to be heroes, to be saints.” “We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.” Thanks to the following for supporting our formation: National Sandigan Foundation, Otto Shoes, Executive Resources, Ms. Nena Prieto & family and Mr. Robert Almeida & family. Community Life Thanks to the following: Creative Travels, Supersonic Travels, Bayanihan Travels, Mr. Zaldy Co & family and Tita San Buenaventura. 2 3 Apostolic Life The foundation of our concern for the poor and the vulnerable is the attentiveness which considers the other as one with us. The worst discrimination which the poor suffers is the lack of spiritual care. (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 200). to find d e l l a c e r a We in the poor, Christ o their t e ic o v r u o d to len causes... But also to be their friends, to listen to them, to speak for them, and to embrace the mysterious wisdom which God wishes to share to us through them.(Evangelii Gaudium 198) Thanks to the following for supporting our 2nd Annual Community Days: Sonya’s Garden, Secosana Ladies Bags, Ms. Julie Ong, Ms. Nene Bartolome, Ms. Neneng Agreda, Mr. & Mrs. Jean Henri and Bea Lhuillier and Ms. Baby Ignacio. 4 Intellectual Life The task of evangelization operates within the limits of language and circumstances. A missionary heart realizes that it has to grow in its own understanding of the Gospel... ...yet it always does what good it can ...even if its shoes get soiled in the process (cf. EG,45). 5 Feeding Program n- co d n ts a 2 s e r inte .” EG, n ow poor s t i in he t p r u ght place fo u a s c s, no e m eco her t b o e r lif om for o i r nte er a ro i r u er o no long v e hen ere is W “ , th s n r ce om d. r f hem n islan t g Ili vin a n s i , g ren e doin d l i h he c t we ar t g din is wha e e f by his t y t d r ove . An p e g e t a t levia early s l a elp in the h s u tion Let i r t nu mal Thanks to the following for our feeding program: Andok’s, Kiwanis, Landmark , Ms. Tessie Cuaso, Ms. Amy Sebastian, Century Properties, Mr. Jimmy Gomez and Ms. Glenda Baretto. Scholarship Program Education is still the key to a brighter future. 6 As of now, all the high school graduates of Ilin island are taken cared of. They have now a place to go right after high school. They can now dream dreams and these dreams are now in their hand. Praise God! Thanks to the following for our scholarship program: National Sandigan Foundation National College of Science and Technology, Infotech, Central Colleges of the Philippines, Ka Kuen Chan and Dra. Evangeline Orozco (deceased). 7 MMMP Newsletter A Golden Moment for the Church (Excerpts From Fr. Suarez’ homily to the seminarians by RT Oliveros, PhD) The papal embrace and the concelebration with Pope Francis is a highpoint in Fr. Fernando’s 12 years of priesthood. “This is a golden moment of the church. We, MMMP, should be contaminated by this contagious joy of the “Francis effect.” Fr. Fernando said in Taglish, “Kung hindi ka pa rin liligaya nang dahil kay Kristo, ewan ko na lang talaga” because true peace, joy and contentment can be found only in Jesus Christ. Thanks to the following for helping us in our formation: Msgr. Pedro Cañonero, Fr. Roland Tuason, CM, Fr. Orville Cajigal, Fr. Dexter Prudentiano, 8 Joy in the Mystery that Unfolds “Let us take time to enjoy our formation journey. Let us develop the richness of our hearts and be generous. This will make us effective evangelizers -communicators of God’s love and mercy.” Fr. Suarez exhorts. “Let us realize that God’s mystery exceeds our capacity to understand.” A Life lived in Between Masses The Eucharistic moment with the Pope inspired the founder to share about his life and the Eucharist. “After the Mass, my life is lived anticipating the next one. It is a life in between Masses.” 9 First Summer Youth Camp in Ilin Youth from different walks of life from the various Barangays of Ilin island and the Vicariate of San Jose converged at the Holy Trinity Chapel from March 28 to April 4, 2014 for the first-ever . The theme, “The Role of the Youth in the Church Today” was emphasized and the urgency of preaching the truth and the good news. The activities were made to discover their potentials and the power they carry within. Spearheaded by MMMP seminarian Alvin Cabria and the YES( Youth Evangelization Services) animators, the 7-day youth camp consisted of skills building which included acting, singing, dancing, decorating, landscaping and painting. It also challenged the youth’s athletic abilities in sports with cheering competition and a torch parade around Ilin proper that signified unity and sportsmanship. Thanks to the following: Mr. Wendyl Dy, Ms. Vicky Villarosa, Ms. Dorothy Violeta, Ms. Rhorie Abalos, Fr. Carl Dimaano, Dra. Zapanta, Ms. Charo Yu and Dodong Gulias. MMMP Newsletter 10 The sports played were volleyball, basketball, badminton, chess and table tennis. The culture night highlighted the talents of each participant with their painting & work of art using local seashell. Dancing, singing, drama and cheering ice-breakers were also showcased. They also did island hopping where in each stop; a reading from Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament) was done and reflected on. Two teenagers visiting from Downers Grove, Illinois, Connor Economou, 18 and Sean Economou, 16 (children of Watts of Love founders John and Nancy Economou who distributes solar lights in the island), participated in the Youth Camp and had nothing but good things to say about their experience which included a boodle fight where they ate laing and pakbet with rice in banana leaves using their fingers. Connor performed with the dancers and Sean painted the American and Philippine flags. 11 Sem. Mark Cabahug facilitates the medical-dental missions in the island. He takes care of the medical assistance for the rest of the year. MEDICAL-DENTAL MISSION We continue to give medical assistance for the island’s poor. We give them access to medical services. Thanks to the following for the valuable assistance: Dra. Ging Reyes, Dr. Lester Suntay, Ms. Lucy Consunji, Dra. Jinky Gianan, Dr. Zapanta, Dr. and Dra. Nueve, Dra. Judy Perez, Dra. Dulce Bismonte and the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart. TAKING PART IN YOLANDA REHABILITATION 12 The MMMP has tapped its collaborators to extend assistance to our the victims. We have distributed solar lights and have fumigated the whole town through our lay collaborators. Five seminarians went in haste to respond to the needs for relief of the typhoon Yolanda victims in Leyte. Seminarians Edel Amarante, Mark Cabahug, Nigel Murray from New Zealand and Joseph Abah from Nigeria represented the MMMP community in the relief assistance program. These seminarians joined the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Thanks to the following for partnering with us in the rehabilitation services: Watts of Love, Perry Alog & family, Ms. Ruby Roa and Mr. Greggy Araneta. 13 5TH FR. SUAREZ CUP “It is more expensive to be hospitalized than to play tennis.” ABCs of Tennis In tennis , we are born to serve. As priests, we were born to serve. A– Ace. When you serve do not expect anything in return. B– Be grounded. Keep feet always on the ground. E– Enjoy. “...that you may have life to the full.” D– Do not underestimate your opponent . Do not judge so you will not be judged. C– Be Consistent. Otherwise you are Erratic. Below: Bishop Palang, SVD, DD and Mr. Rommie Chan for the ceremonial serve. Jn. 10:10 Thanks to the following: Mr. Raymond Suarez, Mr. Rommie Chan, Mr. Roland So, Mr. Tonico Clement, Ms. Ruby Roa, Ms. Alice and Joel Dela Cruz & family, Ms. Ilynn Hupano, Mr. Chris Cuarto, Mr. Perry Alog & family, Dodong Sun and family and Alabang Country Club. KASALAN NG BAYAN The family is the seedbed of vocation and holiness. However, many couples are leaving in irregular situation and are not married in the Church. This year, more than 80 couples from Ilin are married in the Church during the Mass wedding sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Manny Sta Cruz. Thanks to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Manny Sta. Cruz, Mrs. Rose and Among Dy, Ms. Arlene Ong, Glory Tours and Travels and Watts of Love Foundation . 14 15 IS IT REALLY THE END OF MONTE MARIA? Excerpts from Ms. Rhorie H. Abalos I attended the first mass celebrated in Barangay Amuyong, Alfonso, Cavite. There was so much joy and celebration of the faithful. The young children were staring mesmerized at the cross on the altar, thinking it was a real person. This cross has been the source of miracles shared by visitors of the place these past years. Fast forward to April 20, 2014, Easter Sunday, this day marked the last mass held at MonteMaria. Is it really the end of MonteMaria? MonteMaria is not the place; it is the community of people believing in the real presence and power of God. MonteMaria will rise again wherever God wants it and whenever God wants it completed. For all the miracles witnessed in this place, may the grounds remain sacred for it has been God’s dwelling place for these past years and the place where the faithful found forgiveness, peace and healing of mind, body and soul. Thanks to the following: Atty. Lorna Kapunan, Ms. Caroline Tanchay, Mr. Tonyboy Florendo, Mr. Willie Ho, Ms. Jesusa Cao, Gilbert Dy, Sonya’s Garden, Dra. Vangie Orozco (+), Tersie (Stampita) and the MMMP Intercessors. People are attentively listening to Fr. Fernando’ homily. HEALING STORIES 16 May diabetes po ako nang mahabang panahon. Dahil dito na-damage po ang liver ko at kidney. Mameet ko po si Fr. Sa Italy at nalaman ko na meron pala siyang healing Mass sa Milano. Kaya sinabi ko sa kanya na gamutin niya ako kasi tumaba ako nang tumaba at nasira ang kidney at liver ko. Kapag nag-iinom ako sa hapon sinasabi ko , “tingnan natin kung saan ang mas malakas, si Fr. Suarez o ang champagne.” Pero ang nananalo ay si Fr. Suarez. Kaya ngayon wala na akong diabetes. Maraming salamat sa Diyos, at kay Fr. Suarez. - Theta Agustin, Belgium Kapag nag-iinom ako sa hapon sinasabi ko, “tingnan natin kung saan ang mas malakas, si Fr. Suarez o ang champagne.” I was googling Boy Abunda when I came across the interview of Father Suarez by the former. For some reason, I watched the interview with interest, and I watched the first of Father Suarez on Youtube. It was mentioned that even through the screen, the healing can transpire. Not that I have deep pain, but I have a nagging pain on my left arm, back, shoulder. It's the I-can-live-with pain daily, 24/7. During and after the mass, I started to feel lightness in my body, and it seems like there's less pain overall. Moreover, I like his down-to-earth sermons and the way he connects with the ordinary people. Maraming Salamat Fr. Suarez. - Magdalena De Guzman, San Francisco, California, USA During and after the mass, I started to feel lightness in my body... January 11, 2013 I was diagnosed with colon cancer! At 35 years old I wasn't expecting such a shocking diagnosis. I had surgery on January 18th and discovered that I had stage 4 colon cancer that had spread into the lining of my pelvis. I had 3 months of intravenous chemotherapy and then had another surgery at Mt Sinai Medical Center in NYC to remove the cells from my pelvis. They instilled Hot Chemotherapy into my abdomen during surgery and then after I had 4 months of intravenous chemotherapy. After my second surgery, Father Suarez came to St. Lukes in Westport, CT. My yoga instructor Susan Kiley, from the Cancer Center at St. Vincents where I received my chemo, invited me to go with her and her daughter. My mother and I attended with her. I was skeptical about what was to go on but was raised in a pentecostal church as a child and was no stranger to the movement of God’s Spirit so I was trying to keep an open mind. I had just had my first intravenous chemotherapy treatment post surgery and wasn't feeling all that well on this particular Thursday. 17 HEALING STORIES I remember standing up at the alter waiting for Father Suarez to come around and all I could think about was that I was hungry. Then I suddenly realized that if God was going to do anything for me this night then I must clear my mind of any negativity and be open to receive what he had for me. When Father Suarez came to me he asked me what I was there for and I told him. His face was perplexed at such a terrible thing I was facing. He placed his hand on my head and the other on my abdomen and started to pray. He motioned for the girl on the stage to bring him a bottled water from the platform. He took a drink from the water and then gave me the bottle and told me he wanted me to drink the water in it's entirety. I replied \"yes sir\". He asked me my age and again put his hand on my forehead and I felt such a warm feeling and a sweet peace come over my body. I knew that God's spirit was there. Father Suarez was wearing a bracelet made of wooden beads and he took it off of his wrist and placed it on mine and told me he wanted me to wear it and to pray. I haven't taken the bracelet off since (only to shower). I thought out of all the people here tonight he chose me to give the bracelet to. I closed my eyes and continued to pray and receive my healing. When I opened my eyes I saw a sight that I hadn't expected. My mother and Susan\'s daughter were lying on the floor. I had seen my mother on the floor in God's spirit before but not for a long time and this time was different. She and Billie were lying exactly the same way on the floor. Their dresses were perfectly placed in a modest way and their hair was not out of place. They both had their hands folded upon their abdomen. They looked peaceful. When my mother opened her eyes and arose I asked her what had happened. She said that she felt Fr Suarez touch her forehead and she felt herself floating backwards as if she were on a cloud. I am now finished with treatments and my first scans have been NEGATIVE!! Praise God!! She didn’t feel herself on the floor for quite some time. She said that she felt like she was in an encounter with just her and God and that no one else was around. She said it was different from the other times she had experienced God\'s presence. She said it was a peaceful fulfilling feeling. She said she knew that I was going to be okay and she wasn't worried. Billie described her experience exactly like my mother had. It was amazing to have had this experience with God's touch through Fr. Suarez. It has been a scary time for me but I am now finished with treatments and my first scans have been NEGATIVE!! Praise God!! I am back in Graduate School and enjoying life! I am so glad I accepted the invitation from my Yoga instructor and friend Susan Kiley. Had I not I would never have had the wonderful experience that I did.... Thank you Fr Suarez for allowing God to use you as his healing instrument! May God continue to bless you and your ministry. - Pablo Valadez, Milford, CT, USA MORINGA PLANTATION 18 Plant and be inspied! The MMMP has purchased 9 hectares of land and turned it into a moringa plantation hoping that this will become a sustainable income– generating project in Ilin to help and generate jobs for the poor people of the island. Seminarians are working and planting together to start the moringa plantation in our mission site in Ilin And they are inspired while planting because it reflects their life as seminarians. For events please call Ms. Charo Garcia-Yu Nos. (smart) 09083888988or (globe)0927-736-8138 or (sun)09228988138 Email: or Website: