Burnham`s Celestial Handbook
Burnham`s Celestial Handbook
Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Who hasn’t had this experience: somewhere within the ‘Burnham', one remembers, is a name of a person, but you do not know where. Exactly this was my situation a while ago and I saw: an Index to Person Names is needed. Although it was a long lasting project, it bore fruit and is now a useful tool. A brief look into the index is sufficient to find the page where the composer Richard Wagner is mentioned: page 2107. This Index (V1.0e) with 900 entries is based on the Paperback Edition in three volumes, ISBN 0-486-23673-0. If this Index is suitable for other editions as well must be verified. Some names are listed twice, when a definite identification was not possible. So the name Bayer is once listed with the first name Johann, and again without. If one is looking for a person, the additional time and effort to look up two names in ‘Burnham’s Celestial Handbook’ is acceptable. If ‘the Herschels’ are mentioned, the entry will be found with ‘Herschel, William’. When Burnham wrote about himself as ‘the Author’, this entry was omitted. Therefore he is only mentioned once, on page 1415. In addition, names of mythological origin, Greek, Roman and other gods and goddesses, were omitted. I tried to stick to these guidelines as close as possible. This work wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance of Arndt Latusseck, who was a great help. All remaining errors, typos and omissions are my sole responsibility. Comments and hints are welcome, please send to e-mail 100277.1136@compuserve.com Christof Plicht, Mai 2003 1 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Abell, G.O.; 1176 Aben Ezra; 1655; 1807 Abetti; 899 Abney, W.; 1683 Abt, H.A.; 1146; 1148; 1712; 1884 Achilles; 391; 392 Adams, B.; 1012 Adams, J.C.; 455 Adams, W.; 399 Adams, W.S.; 1441 Adams; 1241 (Mt.Wilson) Ahmad ibn Yusuf; 1658 Airy, Miss; 1874 Aitken, R.G.; 252; 637; 865; 916; 1017; 1300; 1950; 1959 Al Biruni; 1630; 1678; 1945 Al Friuzabadi; 1955 Al Kazwini; 1955 Al Sufi; 129; 393 Albrecht, S.; 435; 583 Alcaino, G.; 1703 Alcock, G.E.D.; 828 Alden, H.L.;206 Alexander, J.B.; 244 Ali ibn Ridwan; 1117 Allen, C.W.; 196 Allen, Richard H.; 113; 129; 144; 260; 304; 345; 359; 390; 391; 392; 437; 549; 671; 685; 751; 754; 820; 824; 865; 889; 916; 1057; 1061; 1066; 1067; 1090; 1105; 1281; 1289; 1305; 1308; 1309; 1370; 1373; 1407; 1409; 1485; 1559; 1620; 1628; 1629; 1657; 1673; 1676; 1686; 1764; 1765; 1807; 1816; 1817; 1821; 1828; 1866; 1868; 1871; 1884; 1906; 1910; 1937; 1940; 1945; 1950; 1951; 1953; 1955; 1956; 1959; 1960; 1963; 1966; 2010; 2012; 2035; 2066; 2069 Aller, L.H.; 1170; 2000 Altobelli; 1249 Ambartsumian, V.; 722 Ames, A.; 566 Amr al Kais; 1866 Anaxagoras; 1620 Anderson, J.A.; 261 Anderson, T.D.; 275; 1427 Andrews, A.D.; 290 Appelquist, N.L.; 1710 Aratus; 345; 392; 960; 961; 1137; 1559; 1620; 1655; 2065 Archer, S.; 116; 117; Argelander; 268; 486; 596; 1256; 1978 Arion; 824 Aristotle; 442; 799; 1633; 1937 Arnold, Matthew; 1631 Arp, H.;150; 153; 188; 367; 533; 561; 901; 939; 940; 995; 1387; 1783; 2096; 2108; 2109 Arthur, King; 1628; 2021 2 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Ashbrook, J.; 311; 1205 Asimov, Isaac; 390; 1485; 1778; 1780 Astbury, T.H.; 278; Augustus, Emperor; 1850 Aurier, Albert; 1787 Auwers, A.; 450; 1719; 1720 Baade, Walter; 139; 179; 411; 569; 650; 1031; 112; 1190; 1249; 1448; 1579; 1599; 1642; 1846; 1853; 1858; 2094 Babcock, H.; 360; 611 Backhouse; T.W.; 1880 Bacon, Francis; 1633 Bailey, S.I.; 565; 1155; 1156; 1385; 1440; 1598; 1680; 1715 Bailey; 936¸ Baily; 862; 889 Baize, (P.); 700; 968; 1684; 1959 Baize; 308 Baker, N.; 589; Balasoglo, V.; 596 Ball, Sir Robert; 1427 Bancroft, George; 1937 Barker, Thomas; 392 Barkhatova, K.A.; 936; 1445 Barnard, E.; 111; 157; 158; 213; 266; 278; 1251; 1267; 1268; 1300; 1317; 1328; 1341; 1441; 1616; 1635; 1636; 1674; 1684; 1752; 1774; 1784; 1832; 1883 Barnes, J.V.; 1416 Barns, C.E.;293; 442; 862; 106; 1194; 1320; 1421; 1447; 1471; 1576; 1593; 1601; 1672; 1674; 1765; 1896; 1953; 2068 Baum, W.; 367; 995 Baxendell, Joseph; 311; 1720; 1830 Bayer, Johann; 862; 1355; 1910 Bayer; 345; 437; 558; 631; 751; 762; 1807; 1821; 1940; 1944; 1955; 1956; 1963; 2065 Beardsley, W.R.; 1955 Becker, W.; 1445 Becklin, E.E.; 1640 Becvar; 1516; 1709; 2119 Beljawsky, S.; 1974 Bell, J.; 411; 518; 1858 Bell, R.A.; 426 Belopolsky, A.; 360; 1831 Belton, M.J.S.; 1147 Bennett, J.C.; 1026; 1319 Berman, L.; 94; 1164 Bernhard, H.J.; 1319 Bertiau, F.C.; 1670 Bessel, F.W.; 394; 549; 768; 769 Bessell, M.S.; 1542 Bevis, John; 936; 1843 Bianchini, A.; 1902 Bidelman, W.P.; 1445; 1568 3 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Bierce, Ambrose; 2108 Binnendijk, L.; 1380 Birmingham; 1019; 1956 Birt; 486 Blaauw, A.; 1424; 1445; 1670 Blaeuw, Willem; 772 Blanco, V.M.; 1443 Bode, J.E.; 359; 673; 677; 980; 993; 106; 1194; 1261; 1385; 1606; 1844; 1897; 1982; 1985; 1987 Bode; 1701 Bok, B.J.; 471; 1199; 1644 Bolton, J.G.; 1122; 2094 Bond; 387; 451; 1328; 1331; 1953 Borgman, J.; 1445 Boss, Lewis; 1822 Bowen, I.S.; 1167 Boyarchuk, A.A.; 1383; 1542 Bradley, J.; 915 Bradley; 862; 1954; 2068 Brahe, see Tycho Brahe Breger, M.; 595 Brown, H.; 146 Brown, R.H.; 616; 807 Brown, Robert jr.; 1281 Brunowski; 1249 Bryant; 1940; 2012 Buchanan, R.W.; 1940 Budge, E.W.A.; 1118; 1657 Buffham; 306; 1385; 1958 Burbidge, E.M. and G.R.; 371; 373; 377; 568; 722; 1387; 1389; 1739 Burbidge, E.M.; 533 Burbidge, G.R.; 1698 Burd, S.; 360 Burg, Prof.; 1664 Burnham jr., R.; 1415 Burnham, S.W.; 114; 115; 118; 171; 207; 249; 272; 306; 450; 486; 492; 582; 594; 595; 598; 758; 807; 820; 864; 867; 868; 923; 1062; 1090; 1233; 1300; 1306; 1310; 1373; 1374; 1376; 1377; 1473; 1499; 1564; 1591; 1609; 1672; 1682; 1683; 1686; 1713; 1810; 1832; 1880; 1950; 1957; 1963; 2009; 2069 Burns, K.; 1372 Burritt, E.H.; 1031; 1057; 1910 Byron, Lord; 1659 Caesar, Julius; 1630; 1850 Caesius, Philip; 1658; 1906 Cameron, R.C.; 752; 1299 Campbell, L.(Leon?); 1571; 1748; 1769; 1968; 2070 Campbell, W.W.; 115; 272; 276; 1373 Cannon, A.J.; 1381; 1769 Canova, Antonio; 1407 Capra; 1249 4 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Carlyle, Thomas; 2076 Carrington; 1874 Cassini, G.D.; 91; 1194; 2068 Catchpole, R.M.; 1524 Catullus; 670 Cellini, Benvenuto; 1407 Ceraski, L.; 280; 327; 1533; 1836; 1838; 1973 Ceraski, W.; 605 Cesco, C.U.; 209 Chacornac, J.; 1719 Chandler, S.C.; 774; 1019; 1378 Chandler; 486 Chandrasekhar; 406; 515 Chang Te-hsinag; 1849 Charles I., King of England; 359; 1944 Charles II., King of England; 359; 1944 Chaucer; 824; 1807; 1868; 1943 Chou K’o-ming; 1121 Christy, R.F.; 1160 Churms, J.; 1687 Chytraeus; 505 Cicero; 392; 1945 Clark, Alvan G.; 395; 489; 761; 1150; 1328 Clarke, Athur C.; 2001 Clavius; 1249 Clerke, Agnes; 359; 361; 498; 550; 754; 762; 971; 1019; 1059; 1077; 1095; 1236; 1471; 1579; 1603; 1682; 1719; 1869; 1874; 1883; 1910; 1952; 1954; 1956; 1957; 1962; 1978; 2035 Cocke, W.J.; 1859 Coleridge; 1850 Columella; 392 Confutius; 2023 Conon; 670 Conrad J.R.; 1816 Copeland, Dr.; 1019; 1206; 2035 Copeland, L. S.; 2080; 2083 Couderc, P.; 1430 Couteau, P.; 969 Cowley, A.P.; 1092; 1699 Cox, A.N.; 442 Cragg, T.A.; 1096 Crampin, D.J.; 1387 Crampton, D.; 1699 Crossley, E.; 1666 Cudworth, K.L:; 2121 Cudworth, K.M:; 2000 Cuffey, J.; 939; 940; 1196; 1508; 1546 Cuppy, Will; 1938 Curtis, H.D.; 566; 870; 1748; 2094 Cysatus; 1320 5 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen D’Agelet; 1769 D’Angos, Chevalier; 1514 D’Arrest; 677; 685; 1077; 1443; 1479; 1508; 1752; 1988; 2002; 2092; 2096; 2097; 2119 Dali, Salvador; 1625 Daniel; 311; Danielson, R.E.; 597; Danjon, A.; 701 Dante; 391; 1630; 2012 Danziger, I.J.; 1574 Darquier, Antoine; 1161; 2119 Davidson, K.; 1698 Davies, John; 1944 Davies, R.D.; 1209 Dawes, W.; 1666; 1874 Dawes; 972; 1306 Dawson, Bernhard; 1505 Day, C.A:; 1720 de Caro, E.; 768 de Cheseaux; 936; 1383; 1544; 1576; 1584; 1604; 1701; 1705; 1784 de Groff, Kent; 531; 1438; 1584 De Sitter, A.; 1702 de Vaucouleurs, G.; 649; 788; 1734; 1739; 2074; 2076; 2085 Dee, John; 2021 Dembowski; 359; 1965 Demers, S.; 327 Democritus; 1633 Denning, W.F.; 334 Denning; 1874 Derham, W.; 1709; 1752; 1982 Dershem, E.; 209 Deutsch, A.J.; 1161 Dieterlen, G.; 415 Digges, Leonard; 449 Diodorus of Sicily; 1633 Diodorus; 1283 Disney, M.J.; 1859 Doig, P.; 799; 1516; 1606 Doolittle, E.; 1236 Draper, Henry; 1319; 1322 Drayton, Michael; 1945 Dreyer, J.L.; 334 Dreyer; 1019 Duncan, J.C.; 116; 1172; 1251; 1579; 1598; 1784; 1846 Duner; 1019 Dunlop, J.; 1355 Duyvendak, J.J.; 1846 Ebbinghausen, E.G.; 150; 799; 876; 1143 Eddington, Sir Arthur; 400; 589; 1142; 2107 Edgecomb, D.W.; 1666 6 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Edkins, Joseph; 1809 Eggen, O.J.; 349; 416; 426; 427; 429; 430; 431; 434; 550; 1150; 1158; 1426; 1456; 1500; 1524; 1573; 1745; 1746; 1980 Einstein, A.; 410; 2104 Eiseley, Loren; 2107 Ekai; 1624 Eliot, T.S.; 2014 Ellis, William; 1871 Elvey; 1680 Elvius, A.; 1988 Emberson, R.M.; 116, Emerson; 1780 Epps, E.; 244 Erasthostenes; 671; 1620 Eratosthenes; 1105 Espin, T.E.; 320; 499; 1237; 1443; 1474; 1971 Euainetos; 824 Evans, Arthur; 1814 Evans, D.S.; 1739 Evans, Joan; 1412 Fabricius, David; 631 Fantoli, A.; 866 Faraggiana, R.; 1110 Fath, E.A.; 1143; 1744 Faulkner, D.J.; 1542 Feast, M.W.; 1573; 1574 Feige, J.; 416 Feltz jr., K.A.; 1530 Fernie, J.D.; 327; 1240 Fessenkov, V.G.; 807 Fields, W.C.; 943 Finsen; 555; 1301; 1565 Fitch, W.S.; 1744 Flaccus, Valerius; 1863 Flammarion; 1235; 1601; 1604; 1612; 1615; 1706; 1945; 2097 Flamsteed; 1576 Fleming, Miss; 571 Fleming, W.; 1154; 1381; 1569; 1693; 1841 Fleming; 826 Fletcher; 451 Flinders Petrie, W.M.;1286 Fowler, W.A.; 2106 Fox, Philip; 395 Franklin, K.L.; 263 Franz, O. Dr.; 173 Frazer, Sir James; 2014 Fredrick, L. Dr.; 611 Fritsch, K.; 268 Frolov, M.S.; 1745; 1746 Frost, E.B.; 435; 582; 1636; 1954 7 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Fujiwara; 1121 Galileo, G.; 347; 1319; 1320; 1634; 2025 Galle, J.; 455 Gamow, G. 223; 411; 512; 1858 Gaposchkin, C.P.; 223; 224; 276; 772; 1314; 1460; 1508; 1533; 1692; 1774 Gaposchkin, S.; 144; 473; 782; 836; 843; 1379; 1504; 1566; 1567; 1568; 1680; 1771; 1892 Gardner, F.F.; 1122 Garrison, R.F.; 1408 Garstang, R.H.; 1196 Gasteyer, C.; 345 Gaustad, J.E.; 597 Geminus; 391 Gemma, Cornelius; 505 Gennaro, A.; 309 Giacconi, R.; 1697 Gibson, J.; 1146; 1148 Giclas, Henry; 11; 408; 416 Gill, W.W.; 1680 Gingerich, O.; 681 Glasby, J.S.; 360; 1571; 1750 Gledhill, J.; 1666 Gliese, W.; 229 Gluck; 1138 Goldstein, Bernhard R.; 1117 Gonzales, G.; 1722 Goodricke, John; 207; 583; 1144; 1413 Gore, J.E.; 799; 82; 1194; 1310; 1612; 1715; 2119 Gothard; 1077 Gottlieb, E.W.; 1699 Gould, B.A.; 557; 893; 1237; 1501; 1766 Grant; 1664 Greenbaum, I.; 242 Greenstein, J.L.; 115; 402; 408; 410; 416; 426; 427; 429; 430; 431; 432; 434; 1537; 1568; 1692; 1702; 1703 Griaule, M.; 415 Grondal, Florence A.; 982 Gully, L.; 144; Gum, C.S.; 241 Guntzel-Lingner; 1152 Guthnick, P.; 116; 360; 583; 1143; 2026 Gutierrez-Moreno, A.; 1670 Gutman, F.; 1955 Gwydyon; 1629 Haase, V.E.; 1886 Hack, M.; 271; 1569; 1773 Hadrian; 1850 Haefner, R.; 1456 Haffner, H.; 667 Hafiz of Persia; 1864 8 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Haggard, H. Rider; 1411 Haintzel; 505 Haldane, J. B. S.; 2107 Hall, A.; 144; Hall, John S., Dr.; 11; 1988 Hall, R. C.; 1206 Hall, R. G.; 868; 1377; 1378 Halley, E.; 303; 359; 389; 466; 558; 978; 980; 1255; 1256; 1752; 1813 Halliburton, Richard; 2019 Hamilton, Edith; 964 Hansford, S. Howard; 2024; 2025 Harding, K.L.; 1769; 2070 Harding; 174 Haro, (G.); 428; 1876 Harris, D.E.; 1886; 1888 Harris, D.L.; 1947; 1948 Hartmann, F.; 1505 Hartung, E.J.; 456; 475; 889; 1060; 1091; 1095; 1117; 114; 1189; 1235; 1305; 1309; 1355; 1371; 1421; 1501; 1562; 1564; 1609; 1615; 1661; 1666; 1672; 1674; 1682; 1686; 1687; 1713; 1716; 1722; 1766; 1810; 1896; 1916; 2035; 2037; 2041; 2068; 2089 Hartwick, F.D.A.; 1614 Hartwig, E.; 144; 311; 899; 1533; 1836 Harvey; 1320 Hayashi, C.; 752; 1299 Hayne, W.H.; 1630 Hazard, C.; 146; 616 Head, Barclay V.; 670; 671 Healy, David; 753; 937; 1343; 1575; 1749 Heckmann, O.; 1408 Heff, J.S.; 1582 Heintz, W.D.; 549; 1310; 1667 Heintz; 494 Heis; 268 Hencke; 603 Henderson; 549 Henize, K. G.; 848; 1541 Henroteau, F.; 435; 1687 Henry, Paul and Prosper; 1880 Hepidannus; 1118 Herbig, G.H.; 287; 428; 1205; 1534; 1542; 1836 Herschel, Caroline; 533; 1736 Herschel, John; 156; 171; 188; 211; 239; 359; 369; 456; 467; 475; 486; 520; 533; 553; 566; 673;718; 888; 898; 940; 972; 980; 1090; 1117; 112; 116; 1194; 1236; 1237; 1263; 1264; 1290; 1322; 1328; 1342; 1376; 1479; 1508; 1510; 1545; 1576; 1591; 1596; 1599; 1606; 1609; 1610; 1613; 1672; 1686; 1713; 1715; 1718; 1736; 1764; 1778; 1784; 1844; 1884; 1897; 1957; 1958; 1996; 2034; 2068; 2086; 2117 Herschel, William; 111; 117; 172; 189; 190; 194; 265; 308; 342; 363; 387; 456; 486; 492; 596; 673; 675; 682; 686; 760; 801; 866; 890; 916; 922; 924; 940; 964; 966; 968; 969; 972; 980; 982; 1031; 1062; 1063; 1077; 1099; 1107; 1128; 9 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen 1142; 1151; 115; 116; 116; 1189; 1202; 1235; 1258; 1261; 1262; 1264; 1305; 1317; 1319; 1322; 1328; 1372; 1374; 1385; 1443; 1470; 1471; 1510; 1560; 1562; 1576; 1584; 1587; 1591; 1596; 1599; 1609; 1612; 1614; 1615; 1616; 1634; 1668; 1684; 1715; 1718; 1752; 1776; 1896; 1897; 1962; 1964; 1998; 2000; 2009; 2098; 2117 Hertzsprung, E.; 565; 2039 Hesiot; 1285 Hevelius; 387; 633; 862; 1015; 1709; 1982; 1983 Hewish, A.; 411; 518; 1858 Hewitt, J.F.; 1872; 1943 Higgins, Captain; 972 Hill, Abraham; 1596 Hill, G.; 1416 Hills, J.G.; 1720 Hiltner, W.A.; 79; 1193; 1199; 1209; 1408; 1441; 1443; 1446; 1582 Hilton, James; 2022 Hind, J.R.; 596; 925; 1069; 1093; 1095; 1831 Hipparchus; 345; 960; 1059; 1440; 1659 Hjellming, R.M.; 1418; 1664 Hoag, A.A:; 1710; 1712; 1792 Hoffmeister, Cuno; 184; 1541 Hogg, H.B.S.; 456; 1598; 1604; 1609; 1610; 1612; 1613; 1614; 1616; 1709; 1715; 1718; 1780; 1912 Hogg, H.S.; 189; 1516; 1588 Holden, Dr. F.; 638; 1090 Holden, E.S. (I.S.??); 1959 Holetschek; 899 Holmberg, E.; 371; 678; 680; 681; 682; 685; 1078; 1237; 1480; 1900; 1987; 1996; 2002; 2086; 2088; 2091; 2092; 2094; 2096; 2097; 2098 Holmes, Sherlock; 394 Holst; 1281; 1290 Homer; 390; 394; 1819; 1937 Hood, Thomas; 1939 Hooke, Robert; 249; 1875 Hopmann, J.; 870; 922; 1667 Hopmann; 129 Horace; 392; 1285; 1940 Hough, G.W.; 640; 1017 Houston, Walter Scott; 189; 1342; 1434; 1512; 1514; 1699; 1752; 1780; 1882; 1899 Howells, William Dean; 2107 Hoyle, F.; 223; 224; 445; 512; 1199; 1419; 1789; 1849; 2106 Hsuan, Ouyang and Toktaga; 1119 Huang, S.; 272; 1149 Hubble, E.; 135; 143; 179; 334; 471; 566; 593; 616; 695;714; 1202; 1616; 1618; 1900; 2089 Huggins, William; 872; 1322; 1584; 1947 Huggins;709 Hui-tsung; 2022 Humason, M.L.; 154; 218; 334; 416; 430; 682; 1522; 1618; 1734; 1902; 2002; 2076; 2088; 2094 10 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Humboldt; 1319; 1912 Hussey, W. J.; 1239; 1300 Hutchings, J.B.; 1416 Huygens; 1322 Hyde, Thomas; 1283; 1373; 2065 Hyginus; 1281 Ihle, Abraham; 1596 Innes, R.T.; 396; 468; 551; 555; 898; 2037; 2038 Irwin, J.B.; 415; 1606 J.H. (Herschel??); 1985 (line 8) Jacchia, L.; 1571; 1748 Jackson, C.; 1121 Jackson; 759 Jacob, W.S; 1236 Jacobs,; 1683 James I, King; 1867; 1944 Jansky, K.G.; 1640 Jaschek, M. and C.; 1726 Jastrzebski, T.; 760; 1376 Jeans, James; 1194 Jeffers, H.M.; 1146; 1148 Jerzykiewicz, M.; 1372 Johnson, Ben; 1940 Johnson, H.L.; 151; 293; 349; 445; 799; 1435; 1441; 1443; 1446; 1754; 1792; 1876 Johnson, H.M.; 1698 Jones, Albert; 1522 Jones, K.G.; 189; 675; 68; 1169; 1262; 1264; 1317; 1479; 1516; 1601; 1604; 1615; 1709; 1715; 1998; 2000; 2086; 2089; 2097; 2119 Jones, S.; 115;; 1910 Jordan, F.C.; 209 Joy, A.H.; 129; 182; 637; 1241; 1522; 1530; 1534; 1610; 1770; 1771; 1834; 1841; 1843 Kaliniak, A.A; 1640 Kapteyn; 1256; 1460; 1569; 1634; 1670 Keenan, P.C.; 493 Kempf, P.; 1968 Kepler; 146; 220; 505; 508; 519; 1249; 1874; 1910 Kimon; 824 Kinman, T.D.; 1261; 1546; 1610; 1614; 1615 Kippenhahn, Rudolf; 589 Kirch, Gottfried; 762; 764; 1750; 1776 Kirch, Marie Margarethe; 1776 Klein, H.J.; 1950 Knipe, G.F.; 1376 Koch, J.A.; 1069 Koehler, J.G.; 1544; 2088 Koelbloed, D.; 1710 Kohoutek, L.; 175; 196; 943; 102; 1170; 1437; 1998; 2041; 2119 Kopal, Z.; 1380 Kopff; 1234 11 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Kovesligethy, M.; 1950 Kowal, C.T.; 571 Kraft, R.P.; 127; 712; 934; 1380; 1432; 1508; 1540; 1544; 1974 Kreimer, Evered; 938; 983; 1074; 1901 Kremser, T.R.; 1105 Kron, G.E.; 1916 Krueger, A.; 598 Krzeminski, W.; 127; 779; 926; 928; 932; 1539; 1540 Kuhns, James L.; 752 Kuiper, G.; 264; 269; 1950 Kukarin, B.V.; 779 Kung, S.M.; 263 Kunowsky; 1305 Kunz, George F.; 1658 Lacaille, Abbe de; 1910 Lacaille, M. de; 241; 549; 862; 1024; 1612; 1613; 1701; 1705; 1709; 1722 LaFara, R.; 1380 Lalande; 603; 1404; 1485; 1510 Lampland, C.O.; 177; 179; 1026; 1031; 1128; 1202; 1205; 1580; 1846 Lampman, A.; 1872 Land, G.; 1981 Landau, L.; 411; 1858 Landolt, A.U.; 415; 1524; 1606 Lao Tzu; 1631 Laplace; 369; 413; 794 Lassel; 936 Lassell; 1844 Le Gentil; 149; 290; 295; 799; 1574; 1576; 1591; 1752; 1756 Leavitt, Henrietta; 590; 607; 847; 1918 Lee, Sherman E.; 2017 Lee, T.A.; 1568 Leverrier, U.J.; 455 Lewis, B.M.; 1734; 1739 Lewis, T.; 1236; 1375 Li Ho; 1623 Li Po; 1140; 1141 Lieh-I; 1941 Liller, W.H. and W.; 75; 1164; 1699 Li-Lung; 1941 Lindenblad, I.W.; 395 Lindsay; 847 Lippincott, S.; 1982 Lissner, Ivar; 1141 Littrow, Carl von; 1874 Lockyer, Sir Norman; 391; 1601; 2065 Longfellow; 1137; 1283; 1627; 1630 Lorre, J.; 2096 Lovas, M.; 2002 Lovecraft, Howard P.; 1141; 1289; 1787; 1822; 2022 Lovell, B.; 644 12 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Low, F. J.; 1206 Lowell, James R.; 751; 1137; 1939 Lowell, Percival; 863; 864 Lubeck, K.; 1408 Ludendorff, H.; 249; 268; 360 Ludwig V. (King); 1955 Luyten, W.J.; 127; 154; 229; 285; 400; 401; 402; 407; 408; 409; 410; 416; 427; 428; 432; 434; 641; 695; 779; 876; 934; 1143; 1256; 1375; 1380; 1487; 1524; 1876; 1978 Lynds, C.R.; 1773; 1988 Mackey, M.B.; 1122 Madler; 1236 Maedler, J.H.; 1880 Maedler; 1064 Maestlin; 1874 Magellan, Ferdinand; 837 Mallas, J. H.; 677; 759; 1060; 1609; 1699 Maltwood, K.; 2021 Manilius; 1141; 1630; 1863 Maraldi; 186; 1015; 1383; 1413 Maran, Stephen P.; 393 Marius; 1249 Markwick, E.E.; 1569 Marlowe; 2010 Martin, Martha E.; 389; 1485; 1661; 1809; 1950 Maskelyne, Nevil; 966 Materne, J.; 154 Mather, L.; 244 Maupertius; 1982 Maurolycus; 505 Maury, A.; 264; 272; 1682 Maury, A.C.; 1680 Mayall, N.U.; 154; 682; 2076 Mayer, C.; 172; 1682 Mayer, J.T.; 113; Mayer, T. ??; 342; 1256 Mazaeus; 1059 McCall, W.; 597; 1164; 1988 McClure, Alan; 812; 1329; 1343 McKellar, A.; 361 McKready, K.; 1062; 1471; 1666; 1764; 1765 McLaughlin, D.B.; 276; 609; 1420; 1460; 1506; 1748; 1831 McLean, I.S.; 788 McNamara, D.H.; 436; 1372; 1530 McNamara, J.B.; 1752 Mechain, M.; 189; 373; 377; 523; 678; 681; 685; 686; 1073; 1099; 1339; 1435; 1479; 1615; 1716 Mechain, P.; 1078; 1545; 1996; 2000; 2097 Melotte; 668 Meltzer, A.S.; 1416 13 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Mencken, H.L.; 2107 Mendoza, E.E.; 1205 Menon, T. K.; 1199 Menzel, Donald H.; 359; 1516 Merrill, P.W.; 123; 177; 213; 1240; 1246; 1247; 1382 Merritt, A.; 1411 Messier, Charles; 149; 186; 189; 190; 293; 363; 369; 456; 520; 523; 673; 677; 678; 680; 681; 682; 685; 686; 799; 934; 936; 978; 980; 993; 1024; 1073; 1078; 109; 116; 116; 1194; 1258; 1261; 1262; 1263; 1339; 1383; 1385; 1432; 1435; 1440; 1479; 1508; 1514; 1516; 1545; 1576; 1584; 1587; 1588; 1591; 1594; 1599; 1603; 1604; 1609; 1610; 1612; 1613; 1614; 1615; 1616; 1701; 1705; 1709; 1716; 1718; 1752; 1756; 1776; 1784; 1843; 1897; 1982; 1985; 2000; 2086; 2088; 2089; 2091; 2092; 2096; 2097; 2117; 2119 Meyer, W.F.; 435 Michell, John; 916 Michelson; 1292 Mihira, Varaha; 1947 Miller, W.C.; 805; 1323; 1848 Millis, R.L.; 489 Mills, B.Y.; 1734; 1739 Milne, D.K.; 1122 Milton, (John); 1285; 1627; 1630; 1864; 1868; 1940; 1945 Minkowski, R.; 508; 569; 807; 112; 116; 1170; 1199; 1448; 1797; 1856; 1993 Miraldi; 437 Mitchel, O.M.; 1664; 1682 Mitchell, R.I.; 1876 Molnar, M.R.; 1421 Montanari, Geminiano; 437; 1413 Moore, J.H.; 363; 2010 Moreno, H.; 1670 Morgan, W.W.; 263; 293; 1193; 1199; 1209; 1408; 1443; 1582; 1722 Morin; 304 Morrison, P.; 509 Moussorgsky; 1868 Mullaney,J.; 597; 1164; 1988 Muller, G.; 501; 1968 Muller, P.; 113; 119; 916 Myers, G.W; 1378 Nariai, K.; 1568 Nather, R.E.; 1687 Needham, Joseph; 2025 Nelson, B.; 408 Nero; 392 Neugebauer, G.; 1640 Newton, I.;10 Norton; 8; 290; 561; 609 Oda, M.; 1697 O'Dell, C.R.; 157; 192; 196; 872; 943; 102; 1176; 1437; 1438; 1510; 1582; 1593; 1790; 1998; 2000; 2041; 2119 Olbers; 764 14 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Olcott, W.T.; 936; 1063; 1105; 1305; 1309; 1317; 1438; 1471; 1618; 1666; 1672; 1686; 1765; 1766; 1866; 1883; 1938; 1953 Oort, J.H.; 1856 Oosterhoff, P.T.; 1444; 1445 Oppenheimer, J. Robert; 411 Oriani, B.; 2089 Osara, Kentaro; 782 Osterbrock, D.E.; 649; 1169 Osvalds, V.; 558 Ovid; 392; 824; 1281; 1559; 1620; 1817; 1938; 1940 Pacini, F.; 1698 Paczynski, B.; 1534 Palitzsch; 1413 Palmer, H.K.; 557 Paraskevopoulos, J.S.; 566 Parenago, P.P.; 779; 1976 Parker, R.A.R.; 649 Pasinetti, L.E.; 1569 Pavel, F.; 667 Payne, Robert; 1620 Pearce, J.A.; 111; 116; 117; 503; 1308; 1416; 1670 Pease, F.F.; 1385 Peery, B.F., Dr.; 610 Peiresc, Nicholas; 1320 Peltier, Leslie C.; 213; 1069; 1342; 1874; 1897 Penrose, F.C.; 1658 Perek, L.; , 1170 Peters, C.H.F.; 394 Petrie, R.M.; 249; 1950 Pettit, Edison; 1505; 1506 Phaeton; 1630; 1655 Piazzi; 609; 768; 820; 1256 Picasso; 1289 Pickering, E.C.; 1378; 1471 Pickering, W.H.; 311; 400; 475; 972; 1251; 1339 Pickering; 1954 Pigott, E.; 1747 Pigott; 207; 702; 862 Pindar; 1281 Plaskett, J.S.; 1670 Plaskett; 446; 503; 1193 Pliny, 345; 392; 1057; 1285; 1658; 1819; 1821 Plutarch; 390 Poe, Edgar Allan; 1411; 1866 Pogo, A.; 446 Pogson, N.; 496; 1689; 1719; 1720; 1966 Polybius; 1285 Pompeius Festus, S.; 392 Pope-Hennessy, Una, Dame; 1659 Popertius; 1940 15 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Popper, D.M.; 1504 Poss, H.L.; 1105 Pound; 2068 Prager, R.;116; 360; 1143 Prendergast, K.H.; 377; 1387; 1698 Prentice, J.P.; 973 Preston, G.W.; 1534 Priam, King; 391 Proctor, Mary; 965; 980; 1141; 1320; 1407; 1485; 1666; 1672; 1778; 2068 Proctor, R. A.; 1319; 1947 Ptolemy; 261; 389; 392; 393; 394; 558; 754; 862; 889; 1105; 1370; 1440; 1663; 1705; 1709; 1807; 1952 Raab, S.; 475; 936 Rabe, E.; 759 Rabe, W.; 870; 916; 1470; 1964 Rakos, K.; 393 Rakowiecki, T.; 1963 Rasmusen, N.H.; 1670 Rayet, G.; 2035 Redman, R. O.; 774 Reeves, John; 1828; 1966 Regling, K.; 671 Reglund, Burt; 1943 Reuyl, D.; 1237 Rexroth, Kenneth; 1140; 1627 Riccioli; 261; 449; 754; 824; 1062; 1289; 1370; 1485; 1655; 1807; 1910; 1956; 2026; 2065 Ricciolus; 2119 Rice, H. S.; 1319 Richardson, E.H.; 361 Richaud, Father; 549 Riegel, K.; 596 Risley, A.M.; 558 Ritchey, G.; 616 Roberts, Dr.; 1077 Roberts, Isaac; 156; 995; 107; 1194; 1263; 1440; 1479; 1501; 1545; 1584; 1784; 1880; 1985; 2039 Robinson, B.J.; 1739 Robinson, T.R.; 1998 Rodgers, A.W.; 242 Roemer, E.; 2010 Rohlfs, K.; 1707 Roman, N.G.; 153;; 1530; 1947; 1948 Romer, Ole; 1256 Rosino, L.; 1902 Ross, F.E.; 226; 228; 401; 410; 416; 1189; 1256 Rosse, Lord; 156; 190; 192; 293; 363; 369; 456; 520; 677; 680; 685; 688; 936; 940; 980; 982; 995; 1077; 112; 1164; 1258; 1261; 1262; 1328; 1339; 1435; 1437; 1443; 1479; 1510; 1778; 1783; 1844; 1897; 1988; 1996; 2002; 2089; 2119 Rossetti, Christina; 2012 16 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Rossi, B.; 1697 Rossiter, R.A.; 554; 556 Roxburgh, I.W.; 416 Rubens; 1370; 1412 Rubin, V.C.; 1387 Russell, H. C.; 2038 Russell, H. N.; 400 Rustnick; 1680 Ryves, P.M.; 1533 Sadi; 1863 Sadler; 1965 Sahade, J.; 441; 1146; 114; 1193; 1773 Salpeter, E.E.; 1698 Sandage, Alan R.; 137; 154; 333; 349; 367; 371; 471; 533; 615; 682; 686; 995; 1146; 114; 1161; 1387; 1479; 1480; 1606; 1614; 1618; 1698; 1736; 1754; 1900; 1983; 1985; 1987; 1988; 2002; 2076; 2098 Sanders, W.L.; 1752 Sanford, R.F; 1506 Sargent, L.W.L.; 496 Sartori, L.; 509 Savary, M.; 1962; 2068 Sawyer, H.B.; 188; 242; 365; 1161; 1258; 1261; 1262; 1263; 1264; 1268; 1385 Sawyer; 995 Scarborough, Sir Charles; 359 Schaeberle, J.M.; 450 Schatzmann; 223; 410; 416 Schiaparelli; 1012 Schickard; 1062; 1370; 1485; 1486; 1807; 2065 Schild, R.E.; 1445; 1447 Schjellerup; 361 Schmidt, H.; 117 Schmidt, J.; 695; 922; 923; 1606; 1720 Schmidt, M.; 1634 Schmidt, Maarten; 2102 Schmidt; 268; 1093; 1106; 1202 Schmidt-Kaler, T.; 1512 Schoenfeld; 311 Schonfeld, E. (Prof.); 2072 Schrick, K.W.; 1707 Schuler, W.; 503 Schwab, F.; 1528 Schwarzschild, K.; 413; 794 Searle, L.; 242 Secchi, Father; 361; 490; 972; 1163; 1603; 2069 See, T.J.J.; 392; 456; 555; 1236; 1486; 1562; 1676; 1677; 1713; 1726; 2038 Seneca; 392; 1863 Sersic, J.L.; 568; 571; 1734; 1739; 1983 Serviss, G.P.; 668; 1319 Seyfert, C.K.; 156; 646 Seyffert, O.; 914 17 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Shajn, G.A.; 1886 Shakespeare; 1370; 1944; 2014 Shapley, Harlow; 143; 189; 295; 475; 552; 566; 592; 681; 722; 831; 847; 851; 936; 989; 112; 1161; 1261; 1264; 1379; 1385; 1387; 1441; 1516; 1546; 1598; 1609; 1634; 1715; 1783; 1912; 1920; 1971; 2089 Sharpless, S.; 596 Shelley; 1411 Shi Huang Ti; 2022 Shields, Wendell; 942 Shklovsky, I.S.; 196; 943; 1169; 1437; 1698; 1856; 1888; 2000; 2041; 2119 Sibelius, Jean; 1587 Silbernagel, E.; 283 Simon Marius; 131 Siodorus; 1945 Slettebak, A.; 117; 493; 1092; 1683; 1766 Slipher, V.M.; 141; 646; 1205; 1684; 1880; 2083; 2098 Smak, J.; 1534 Smart, W.M.; 936 Smith, B. J.; 1206 Smith, Graham F.; 1861 Smith, H. J.; 186; 1158 Smyth, Admiral; 190; 293; 302; 304; 377; 451; 456; 520; 523; 675; 677; 680; 682; 686; 799; 862; 872; 969; 972; 980; 1063; 1077; 1078; 1091; 1099; 1151; 1152; 1235; 1258; 1261; 1262; 1264; 1328; 1339; 1385; 1432; 1443; 1485; 1508; 1512; 1514; 1584; 1588; 1591; 1594; 1596; 1601; 1603; 1604; 1606; 1616; 1661; 1701; 1715; 1752; 1756; 1766; 1778; 1784; 1821; 1844; 1896; 1955; 1985; 1988; 1998; 2000; 2086; 2089; 2119 Smyth, Piazzi; 972; 972 Snowden, M.S.; 1710; 1712 Socrates; 1633 Solomon, L.H.; 644 Sophokles; 1940 South, J.¸718; 825; 1672 South; 972 Spencer Jones, H.; 1460 Spenser, Edmund; 1807; 1945 Stebbins, J.; 115; 209; 265; 435; 1640; 1831 Stephenson, C.B.; 1697 Stock, J.; 1456; 1707 Stoney, Johnstone; 940 Strand, K. A. Dr.; 173; 269; 309; 450; 492; 701; 771; 779; 916; 1236; 1237; 1323; 1328 Stravinsky; 1138 Stromgren, B.; 269 Struve (1831, 1836); 1151; 1305; 1765; 1896 Struve 'the elder'; 921 Struve, F.G.W.; 111; 113; 119; 120; 205; 249; 252; 306; 307; 309; 359; 494; 582; 594; 598; 630; 667; 700; 701; 754; 758; 768; 825; 868; 869; 877; 967; 971; 1012; 106; 1189; 1300; 1308; 1327; 1421; 1684; 1685; 1686; 1764; 1883; 1964; 1965; 2068 18 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Struve, Otto; 196; 205; 209; 263; 266; 269; 275; 342; 435; 436; 446; 450; 503; 876; 890; 971; 1146; 1314; 1378; 1379; 1686; 1773; 1874;1879; 2026; 2040 Struve; 972; 1152 Sturch, C.R.; 1703 Su T’ung-Po; 1624 Svolopoulos, S.N.; 1594 Swift, Lewis; 1880 Swift; 1630 Swope, H.; 242 Tai T'ung; 11 Taipa, S.; 1456 Tammann, G.; 2076 Tao Yuan Ming; 1624; 1626 Taras; 824 Taylor, B.F.; 1947 Taylor, D.J.; 1859 Tempel, W.; 1880 Temple, Robert K.; 415 Tennyson; 1283; 1303; 1319; 1787; 1789; 1819; 1862; 1866; 1945 Terzian, Y.; 1790; 1792 Thackeray, A.D.; 471; 1893 Thayer, W.R.; 1809 Theodomir; 1629 Theodor, Pieter; 1906 Thomas, Edith; 1628 Thomas, H.L.; 1691 Thomas, N.G.; 408; 416; 787 Thutmose III., Pharaoh; 391 Tolkien, J.R.R.; 1281; 1289; 1596; 1868 Tombaugh; 1031 Topelius, Zachris; 1629 Trimble, Virginia; 1850 Trumpler, R.J.; 446; 671; 799; 936; 1445; 1516; 1546; 1710; 1754 Tu Fu; 1140; 1626 Turner, B.E.; 1644 Tutankhamon; 1815 Tycho; 146; 220; 226; 412; 505; 508; 509; 671; 862; 1057; 1255; 1952 Ulug Beg; 862; 1066; 1705; 1709 Ulugh Beigh, see Ulug Beg Underhill, A.B.; 1110 van Biesbroeck; 226; 228; 761; 1091; 1233; 1301; 1376 van Bueren, H.G.; 1825 van de Kamp, P.; 641; 771; 889; 1252; 1419; 1980 van den Bergh, S.; 615; 1026; 1480; 1618; 1734; 1739; 1740; 1983 van den Bos; 395; 553; 869; 877; 890; 898; 923; 1015; 1107; 1300; 1563 van Gent, H.; 565; 1504 Van Gogh, Vincent; 1787; 1942; 1943 van Hoof, A.; 1687 van Maanen, A.; 196; 400; 401; 402; 405; 425; 1206; 1441; 1474 Vasilevskis, S.; 1210; 1335 19 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index der Personennamen Veca, G.; 768 Venator, Nicholas; 820 Veronese; 1813 Virgil; 391; 1285; 1940 Vogel, H.C.; 249; 972; 1414; 2066 von Hagen, V.W.; 1658 von Hahn, F.; 1164 Voroncov-Vel’jaminov, B.A.; 1438; 2000 Wachmann, A. A.; 1314 Wachmann, A.; 181 Wade, C.M.; 1418; 1664 Wagner, Richard; 2107 Walker, E.C.; 116; Walker, M.F.; 182; 278; 646; 975; 1206; 1210; 1210; 1580; 1790; 1792 Wallenquist, A.; 520; 523; 1196; 1434; 1510; 1514; 1516; 1594; 1601; 1606; 1706; 1710 Wallerstein, G.; 188 Walraven, T.; 1856; 2041 Walsh, D.; 807 Wang Wei; 1625 Warner, Deborah J.; 359 Watson, R.; 1460 Weaver, H.F.; 799 Webb, T.W.; 7; 113; 119; 293; 295; 306; 347; 359; 387; 455; 475; 533; 667; 670; 673; 678; 702; 799; 870; 872; 940; 968; 969; 980; 1071; 1077; 1091; 1099; 1105; 1141; 1144; 115; 116; 116; 1194; 1306; 1309; 1319; 1328; 1385; 1421; 1432; 1435; 1443; 1447; 1471; 1474; 1508; 1512; 1514; 1545; 1576; 1594; 1596; 1603; 1606; 1661; 1672; 1686; 1766; 1778; 1784; 1897; 1897; 1953; 1955; 1958; 1965; 1965; 1985; 2086; 2089; 2117 Wegner, W.; 1963 Wehinger, P.A.; 495 Wells, L. D.; 774 Wendell, O.C.; 1379; 1474 Weng Ying; 1119 West, F.R.; 295 Whipple, F.L.; 943 Whitford, A.E.; 1640 Whitman, Walt; 1623 Whitney, W.D.; 1943 Widing, K.G.; 1092 Wierzbinski, S.; 1965 Wild, P.A.; 1687 Willetts, William; 2023 Williams, A.D.; 1372 Williams, A.S.; 125; 1502 Williams, I.P.; 416 Williams, J.O.; 596 Williams, T.B.; 1797 Wilson, A.G.; 1061 Wilson, H.C.; 1880 20 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook Index to Person Names Wilson, J.M.; 1666 Wilson, John A.; 863 Wilson, O.C.; 782 Wilson, R.; 213 Wilson, R.E.; 252; 557; 1567; 1568; 1968 Winlock; 1060; 1563 Winnecke; 311; 1982 Wolf, C.; 2035 Wolf, M.; 226; 228; 400; 401; 402; 410; 416; 807; 1071; 1256; 1429; 1774; 1875; 1987; 2002 Wooley, R.; 244 Woolf, N.J.; 597; 1147; 1148 Woolley; 898 Wordsworth, William; 1630; 2014 Worley, C.E.; 263; 264; 550; 594 Wright, E.L.; 1699 Wright, K.O.; 263 Wright, Thomas, of Durham; 1634 Wu Tao Tzu; 1941 Wylie, C.; 209 Wyller, A.A.; 1378 Young, A.; 408 Young, C.A:; 1682 Young, Edward; 1630 Zach, Baron von (de); 862 Zebergs, V.; 1378 Zellner, B.; 1206 Zhevakin, S.A.; 589 Zinner, E.; 182; 311 Zuckermann, B.; 1644 Zwicky, F.; 371; 411; 416; 430; 471; 510; 519; 691; 1506; 1858 21