Curriculum Vitae - Managing your personal researcher profile


Curriculum Vitae - Managing your personal researcher profile
Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name Mag. Laura Brandt Address work Medical University of Vienna, Center for Public Health Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone +43 (0) 1 40400 35000 E-­‐mail Nationality German Date of birth 28.03.1985 Education and Training 10/12 – present Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Science (PhD) – Mental Health Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria) Thesis: The Prevalence of Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders among Treatment-­‐seeking Problem Gamblers (Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr. Gabriele Fischer) 11/11 – 10/12 10/05 – 10/11 03/05 – 06/05 1995 -­‐ 2004 Clinical and health psychologist Gesellschaft kritischer Psychologen und Psychologinnen, Vienna (Austria) Clinical and health psychology (post graduate) Psychologist, Mag. rer.nat. University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria); Psychology / Clinical Psychology Thesis: Abnormalities in automatic information processing related to self and observer rated alexithymia (Supervisor: Dr. Ulrich Tran); Passed with distinction University of Heidelberg Studies in English and Chemistry Englisches Institut Heidelberg (highschool) Work experience 11/12 -­‐ present Research assistant, clinical psychologist Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria) Addiction research 10/15 – present External Lecturer & Bachelor Thesis Supervisor Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy, Vienna (Austria) Bachelor Seminar 03/14 – present External Lecturer Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy, Vienna (Austria) Seminar “Presentation and moderation techniques” 07/12 – 10/12 Psychologist Geriatriezentrum am Wienerwald, Vienna (Austria); Training as clinical and health psychologist 11/11 -­‐ 06/12 Psychologist Schweizer Haus Hadersdorf -­‐ Inpatient, semi-­‐inpatient and outpatient substance abuse therapy, Vienna (Austria); Training as clinical and health psychologist 10/11 – 09/13 External Lecturer Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy, Vienna (Austria) Seminar “Educational Psychology” 11/10 – 10/11 Consultant Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Vienna (Austria) Report on the national qualification framework (NQF), tertiary education. 03/09 – 08/11 Teacher’s assistant Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy, Vienna (Austria) Assistance in research projects and teacher's assistant for Complex Statistical Methods 09/08 -­‐ 02/09 Project collaborator Institute for children’s rights and parent education, Vienna (Austria) 07/07 -­‐ 08/07 Intern MOSAIK GmbH: Special needs education for autistic children 11/04 -­‐ 01/05 Trainee Department for Child and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University Heidelberg Clinical traineeship Awards/ Scholarships NIDA International Forum Travel Award (CPDD registration support), Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 12.-­‐15.06.2015. InWomen Conference Travel Award, International Women's and Children's Health and Gender Working Group Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 12.06.2015. Scholarship for the European Summer School “Illicit Drugs in Europe”, Lisbon, Portugal, 30.06.-­‐11.07.2014 CPDD Travel Award for Early Career Investigators, CPDD 76th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 14.-­‐19.06.2014 InWomen Conference Travel Award, International Women's and Children's Health and Gender Working Group Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13.06.2014 Reviewer Forensic Science International Plos One SUCHT Substance Abuse Membership Member In-­‐Training of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Regular Member Gesellschaft kritischer Psychologen und Psychologinnen, GkPP (professional association of psychologists) Publications Peer-­‐reviewed publications Unger, A., Brandt, L., Fischberger, S., Moser, L., Fischer, G., Jagsch, R. (2015). Neonatal abstinence syndrome after intra-­‐uterine opioid exposure: Ten years of progress in a specialized treatment facility. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems,
Published Ahead of Print:­‐
archives.php Brandt, L., Unger, A., Moser, L., Fischer, G., & Jagsch, R. (2015). Opioid maintenance treatment – A call for a joint European quality care approach. European Addiction Research, DOI: 10.1159/000432395 (online first). Brandt, L., & Fischer, G. (2015). Tobacco cessation – a guide for clinicians. European Urology Focus, 1, 47-­‐49. Brandt, L., Pintzinger, N.M., & Tran, U.S. (2015). Abnormalities in automatic processing of illness-­‐related stimuli in self-­‐rated alexithymia. Plos One 10(6): e0129905, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129905. Brandt, L., Fischberger, S., Unger, A., Jagsch, R., Moser, L., & Fischer, G. (2015). Neonatal abstinence syndrome after intrauterine opioid exposure: Standards, cost-­‐effectiveness of treatment and maternal rights. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 17(2-­‐3), 35-­‐44. Unger, A., Brandt, L., Matznetter, A., Zachbauer, C., Fischer, G. & Jagsch, R. (2015). Substanzmissbrauchsmuster von Universitätsstudierenden: Regionale und Geschlechtsdifferenzen [Substance Abuse Patterns among University Students: Regional and Gender Differences]. Suchttherapie, 16: 27-­‐35. Metz, V.E., Brandt, L., Unger, A. & Fischer, G. (2014). Substance abuse/dependence treatment: A European perspective. Substance Abuse, 35(3), 309-320. Koechl, B., Danner, S.M., Jagsch, R., Brandt, L. & Fischer, G. (2014). Health-­‐related and legal interventions: A comparison of allegedly delinquent and convicted opioid addicts in Austria. Drug Science, Policy and Law, 1, 1-­‐9. Doi:10.1177/2050324514528449 (shortlisted for the EMCDDA Scientific Paper Award 2015: Brandt, L., Swoboda, P., Fischer, G., & Unger, A. (submitted). Monitoring neonatal abstinence syndrome in buprenorphine-­‐exposed IVF twins: a case study. Substance Abuse. Book chapters Brandt, L., Moser, L., & Fischer, G. (in press). Pregnancy. In I. Crome & R. Williams (Eds.), Substance Misuse and Young People. Taylor and Francis Group. Brandt, L., Leifheit, A., Finnegan, L.P., & Fischer, G. (2014). Management of Substance Abuse in Pregnancy: Maternal and Neonatal Aspects. In M. Galbally, M. Snellen & A. Lewis (Eds.), Psychoharmacology and Pregnancy, pp-­‐169-­‐195. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg. Brandt, L., & Wöhr, A. (under preparation). Factors influencing treatment-­‐seeking behaviour in female pathological gamblers – results from Germany and Austria. In H. Bowden-­‐Jones & F. Prever (Eds.), Problem Gambling in Women: An International Perspective. Routledge. Other publications Brandt, L., & Fischer, G. (in press). Health consequences of cocaine use. In Coca, Cocaine and its Derivatives: Harm Reduction through Decriminalisation and Regulation – Report by the Beckley Foundation. Oxford: The Beckley Foundation. Brandt, L., & Moser, L. (2015). Suchtkranke PatientInnen und Kriminalität. [Patients with substance use disorders and delinquency.] Ärzte Woche, 39. Brandt, L., & Fischer, G. (2015). Kommentar: Qualitätsgesicherte und diversifizierte Behandlung von Alkoholkonsumstörungen. [Commentary: Quality assurance and diversification in the treatment of alcohol use disorders]. SUCHT, 61(3), 176-­‐177. Brandt, L., Fischer, G., & Fischer, M. (2014). Neue psychoaktive Substanzen (NPS) – wie groß ist die individuelle bzw. Public Health-­‐Gefahr? [New psychoactive substances (NPS) – what is the individual and public health risk?]. Neuropsychiatrie – spezial. Brandt, L., Moser, L. & Fischer, G. (2014). Schwangerschaft und Suchterkrankungen: Prävalenz, Folgen, Behandlung. [Pregnancy and Addiction: Prevalence, Consequences, Treatment.] GYN Aktiv, 2. Brandt, L., Moser, L. & Fischer, G. (2014). Behandlungsoptionen im Bereich der Suchterkrankungen – Ein Update. [Treatment Options for Substance Use Disorders – An Update.] Pharma Fokus ZNS 2014. Brandt, L. & Fischer, G. (2013). Schwangerschaft und Sucht. [Pregnancy and Addiction]. Psychopraxis. Neuropraxis, 16(6), 19-­‐24. Fischer, G., Brandt, L., & Konrad, U. (2013). ADHS: unterdiagnostiziert oder übertherapiert? [ADHD: underdiagnosed or overtreated?]. Österreichische Ärztezeitung, 11, 42-­‐44. Presentations Oral Presentations Brandt, L. (2015). Die hohe Rauch-­‐Rauchprävalenz Jugendlicher – Generelle Risikofaktoren und Besonderheiten in Österreich. [The high smoking prevalence among adolescents – general risk factors and special characteristics in Austria.] 8. Tabaksymposium zur psychologischen Behandlung der Tabakabhängigkeit, St. Veit, Austria, 03.10.2015. Brandt, L. (2015). Associations between ADHD, Gambling Disorder and Criminal Behaviour. XXXIVth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Vienna, Austria, 12.-­‐17.07.2015. Brandt, L. (2015). Factors influencing treatment-­‐seeking behavior in female pathological gamblers – A comparison of different treatment centers in Europe: Austria, Germany & Italy. Poker di Donne -­‐ L’azzardo al femminile esperienze europee a confronto, Milan, Italy, 05.06.2015. Brandt, L. (2015). Adulte ADHS und Abhängigkeitserkrankungen: Klinische Symptomatik, Diagnostik und Behandlung [Adult ADHD and substance use disorders: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment]. 20th Suchttherapietage, Hamburg, Germany, 26.05.-­‐
29.05.2015. Brandt, L., Unger, A., Moser, L., Fischer, G., & Jagsch, R. (2015). Limitations to participation in Opioid Maintenance Treatment in Europe. 18th conference of the European Association of Substance Abuse Research (EASAR), Bangor, Wales, UK, 07.05.-­‐
10.07.2015. Brandt, L. (2015). Grundlagen der Sucht [Addiction – The basics]. Brain Awareness Week 2015, Vienna, Austria, 16.-­‐20.03.2015 Brandt, L. (2015). Suchtkranke Patienten & Kriminalität – Evaluationsergebnisse der Gerichtsentscheidungen. [Substance use disorders and delinquency – Results from an evaluation of legal decisions.] 5th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Grundlsee, Austria, 06.-­‐07.03.2015 Brandt, L. (2014). Sucht – Sehnsucht. [Addiction – Longing.] TelefonSeelsorge Rhein-­‐
Neckar, seminar, Mannheim, Germany, 25.10.2014. Brandt, L., Wöhr, A., & Prever, F. (2014). Factors influencing treatment-­‐seeking behavior in female pathological gamblers – A comparison of different treatment centers in Europe: Austria, Germany & Italy. 10th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues, Helsinki, Finland, 9.-­‐12.09.2014. Brandt, L., Fischberger, S., Jagsch, R., & Fischer, G. (2014). Effects of maternal opioid maintenance therapy on neonatal outcomes: methadone vs. buprenorphine. CPDD 76th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 14.-­‐19.06.2014. Brandt, L., Unger, A., Matznetter, A., Zachbauer, C., Fischer, G. & Jagsch, R. (2014). Substance abuse patterns among university students: Regional and gender differences. 17th conference of the European Association of Substance Abuse Research (EASAR), Lüneburg, Germany, 15.-­‐18.05.2014. Brandt, L. (2014). Chair: Special Therapy Offers for Women. Working Conference: Gender Issues in Gambling, Hohenheim, Germany, 31.03.2014. Brandt, L. (2014). Glücksspielsucht. [Gambling Addiction.] Brain Awareness Week 2014, Vienna, Austria, 10.-­‐14.03.2014 Brandt, L. (2014). Pathologisches Glücksspiel – Problemstellungen dieser Suchterkrankung. [Pathological Gambling – Problems related to this addictive disorder.] 4th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Grundlsee, Austria, 07.-­‐
08.03.2014 Poster Presentations Brandt, L., Unger, A., Moser, L., Fischer, G., & Jagsch, R. (2015). Limitations to participation in Opioid Maintenance Treatment in Europe. CPDD 77th Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 13.-­‐18.06.2015. Brandt, L., Unger, A., Moser, L., Fischer, G., & Jagsch, R. (2015). Limitations to participation in Opioid Maintenance Treatment in Europe. 2015 NIDA International Forum, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 12.-­‐15.06.2015. Brandt, L., Wöhr, A., & Prever, F. (2015). Factors influencing treatment-­‐seeking behavior in female pathological gamblers. International Women's and Children's Health and Gender Working Group Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 12.06.2015. Brandt, L., Unger, A., Moser, L. Fischer, G., Jagsch, R. (2015). Limitations to participation in Opioid Maintenance Treatment in Europe. 23rd European Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, 28.-­‐31.03.2015. Brandt, L., Fischberger, S., Aschauer, C., Jagsch, R., & Fischer, G. (2014). Effects of maternal opioid maintenance therapy on neonatal outcomes: methadone vs. buprenorphine. Winter Conference of Brain Research (WCBR), Big Sky, Montana, United States, 24.-­‐29.01.2015. Unger, A., Brandt, L., Matznetter, A., Zachbauer, C., Fischer, G. & Jagsch, R. (2014). Substance abuse patterns among university students: regional and gender differences. LBG Meeting for Health Sciences 2014, Vienna, Austria, 08.-­‐09.12.2014. Brandt, L., Fischberger, S., Aschauer, C., Jagsch, R., & Fischer, G. (2014). Effects of maternal opioid maintenance therapy on neonatal outcomes: methadone vs. buprenorphine. 2014 NIDA International Forum, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13.-­‐16.06.2014. Brandt, L., Fischberger, S., Aschauer, C., Jagsch, R., & Fischer, G. (2014). Effects of maternal opioid maintenance therapy on neonatal outcomes: methadone vs. buprenorphine. International Women's and Children's Health and Gender Working Group Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13.06.2014. Unger, A., Brandt, L., Matznetter, A., Zachbauer, C., Fischer, G. & Jagsch, R. (2013). Substance abuse patterns among university students: regional and gender differences. 26th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 05.-­‐09.10.2013 Brandt, L., Pintzinger, N., & Tran, U.S. (2013). Abnormalities in automatic information processing related to self and observer rated alexithymia. 9th YSA PhD Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 19.-­‐20.06.2013. Vienna, November 2015