Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images


Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images
Press Release
Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images
Special Exhibition, December 10, 2015 – May 1, 2016
Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen
In 1929 the Academy Award, symbolized by a trophy better known as “Oscar,”
was brought to life by Louis B. Mayer, the president of MGM Studios at the time.
“Best Actress” was among the award’s original categories. The Museum für Film
und Fernsehen will be showing the special exhibition Best Actress – Oscars®,
Roles and Images from December 10, 2015 to May 1, 2016, in tribute to the
Berlin, November 10, 2015
Deutsche Kinemathek Museum für Film und
Potsdamer Str. 2
10785 Berlin, Germany
73 prizewinners named since its inauguration.
T +49 (0)30300903-0
The exhibition accompanies the phenomenon that has grown up around female
movie stars through the decades, exploring this theme from a variety of aspects.
It is concerned with the great acting and versatility of the leading ladies, as well
F +49 (0)30300903-13
as with their significance as style icons and role models for generations of
women and men. One focus of the exhibition looks into the function of wardrobe
- whether film costumes or evening gowns – as well as the original designs made
for these fashions.
The special exhibition Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images begins with the
heyday of the Hollywood studio system from 1929 to 1949. It touches on the
Press Office
F +49 (0)30300903-820
subsequent internationalization of the film market up to 1969, on political and
social transformations, and on the competitiveness between film and television.
The awards ceremonies in the years between 1970 and 1989 reflected changes
in Western societies as a result of the student movements. Since 1990 they have
ultimately revealed new forms of international marketing and fan culture in the
digital age, and have demonstrated the plurality of roles on offer to women.
The exhibition traces the evolution of Academy Award media coverage through
the decades, from its inception as an industry-specific awards ceremony to a
telecast that has become a live media, mega event now watched by about one
The Deutsche Kinemathek
is supported by:
billion people around the globe.
Nearly 400 exhibits present aspects related to the history of film, society, culture
and fashion. They encompass photographs, posters and documents from the
collections of the Deutsche Kinemathek, as well as from 16 lenders from
Germany (including Theaterkunst and the Deutsches Filminstitut), Italy (Armani,
et al.), France (La Cinémathèque française, et al.), Great Britain (Angels The
Costumiers, et al.) and the USA (with well-known private collections from lenders
such as Susan Sarandon).
Final | 2015_12_04
by a resolution
of the German Bundestag
Press Release
Fifteen film costumes and gala evening gowns demonstrate the importance of
costume and fashion design, including an original gown worn by Vivien Leigh as
Scarlett O’Hara in GONE WITH THE WIND (USA, 1939) and the chorus line dress of
the only German prizewinner, Luise Rainer, from the film biography THE GREAT
Building on seven compilations portrayed in audiovisual installations – ranging
from the “Hurt Women” to “Performing Women” - the exhibition is the first to
illustrate those roles that were considered worthy of an Oscar at specific
moments in time.
The culmination of the exhibition is a media installation, which glamourously
gives the stage to the Best Actresses and their stellar performances.
The exhibition Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images is accompanied by a
film series at the Bundesplatz-Kino, Berlin.
The exhibition, conceived by Stephen Tapert and originally curated by Stephen
Tapert, Nicoletta Pacini and Tamara Sillo for the Museo Nazionale del Cinema in
Turin has been curated by Dr. Daniela Sannwald and Nils Warnecke for its
presentation at the Museum für Film und Fernsehen.
An exhibition in cooperation with the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Turin
The exhibition Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images is supported by:
The Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery
The Deutsche Kinemathek is supported with special funds of:
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Approved by a resolution of the German Bundestag
Cooperation partner: Theaterkunst
Media partners: Gala, Inforadio, Kulturradio
Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images: December 10, 2015 – May 1, 2016
Location: Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen, at the
Filmhaus on Potsdamer Platz, Potsdamer Straße 2, 10785 Berlin
Admission: Special exhibition Best Actress, 5 €, reduced 4 €
Day ticket Best Actress and the Permanent Exhibition, 7 €, reduced 4,50 €
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 10 – 6, Thursday, 10 – 8
Information:, T +49 (0)30 300 903-0
The Press Conference for the exhibition Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and
Images will take place on December 9, 2015, at 11 am. A separate invitation
will follow.
Press photos for the announcement of Best Actress – Oscars®, Roles and Images:
Final | 2015_12_04

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