2011 Fall Catalog.indb
2011 Fall Catalog.indb
Fall 2011 Anime Catalog TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to our Fall 2011 Product Catalog! As I write this, the leaves on the trees are already beginning to turn. It seems like only yesterday that the spring flowers were blooming. Now I wonder how long before the snow returns. Our production team has been busy this summer, finalizing all of the wonderful extras for Utena as we look to release the final set in December. Plus, the lovely angels are back with a new set of Dirty Pair coming just after the new year. This summer, we announced the acquisition of Martian Successor Nadesico as well as the mecha classic Gasaraki for release next year. All in all, we’ve got some exciting titles in production, and more are yet to come. Keep watching the website for details! Many companies talk about service, but at Right Stuf, it’s something we live by. Exceeding our customers’ expectations is one of our core values. We want to know what we’ve done well, and what we’ve done not so well. 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These coupons are redeemable by mail or online at www.rightstuf.com To redeem online, simply enter the coupon code into the “Coupon Code” box during your online check out. To redeem by mail, enter the discount amount in the “Coupon Code” box on the order form. Whether ordering online or by mail, only one coupon may be used per order. ARTICLE REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA GOT ANIME SAVINGS CLUB MEMBER PICKS - FALL 2011 DVD & BLU-RAY ANIME LIVE ACTION K-DRAMA FAQ ORDER FORM BOOKS JAPANESE MANGA OTHER ASIAN MANGA AMERIMANGA NOVELS ANIME & FILM GUIDES ART BOOKS DRAWING & CRAFTS CULTURE & HISTORY COOKING LEARNING JAPANESE TRAVEL WALL ART APPAREL BAGS MERCHANDISE 02 04 05 18 21 23 25 27 38 39 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 44 46 47 Canceling or revising an order may affect coupon eligibility. Items already heavily discounted (weekly specials, bargain bin items, closeout items, and specialty imports items) are excluded from coupon discounts. Orders which do not fulfill the terms of the submitted coupon will be returned or accepted with request for additional payment, at our option. If you have any questions about the use of a coupon, please email at info@rightstuf.com, or call us at 1-800-338-6827. rightstuf Front cover image: Revolutionary Girl Utena © 1997 BE-PAPAS/CHIHO SAITO/SHOGAKUKAN • SHOKAKU • @animetoday nozomient TV TOKYO. Back cover image: Dirty Pair OVA Series © Takachiho&Studio Nue • SUNRISE Catalog Design © 2011 Right Stuf. All rights reserved. Production and Design by Right Stuf, Inc. All images are copyright of their respective owners. Opinions expressed may not be those of Right Stuf. Right Stuf cannot be held responsible for typographical errors. For comments or questions about this publication, please email the company at info@rightstuf.com Visit us online at www.rightstuf.com For wholesale inquiries, contact resale@rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 www.rightstuf.com 1 a revolutionary remaster Revolutionary Girl Utena has gorgeous animation and memorable music, but it’s always been hampered by the limitations of the media it was released on. That is, until just recently. Now lavishly remastered, the video features a remarkable amount of clarity and color and the audio features new sound effects and the directionality of Dolby 5.1. Below is a brief excerpt from Nozomi Entertainment’s Revolutionary Girl Utena DVD Set 1 booklet, where members of the Japanese remastering staff detail some of the finer points of Utena’s remastering process. VIDEO REMASTERING Let’s start off by talking about the production process for HD remastering. Revolutionary Girl Utena (hereafter referred to as “Utena”) was originally done on 16mm film, wasn’t it? Ito: We convert that to the high-definition “HD” format, create new materials, and then process them to produce a new master. “HD remastering” means trying to raise the quality of the master by updating it to a new generation of media. Please tell us what your impressions of Utena were when you converted the first materials. Kaneda: The theatrical version of Utena was 35mm, and the TV version was 16mm. Given that this is an HD remaster, I think first off you can sense the difference in quality that comes from the difference in film type. Also, the old TV version was created for broadcast, so only about 90% of the cel art is visible after fitting it to the TV frame. So if the rest of the cell had stuff in it that shouldn’t be there, it didn’t matter because nobody would see it anyway. But now we have full-display TVs, like LCD TVs for example, and everything is 100% visible. That meant that when we were first recording the HD tape, how much of the frame to use became an issue. Ultimately, we ended up showing everything, since that was the director’s preference. And so the 10% that was never visible before got cleaned up and generally corrected, and now you can see the whole frame as it was originally drawn. Did he have requests about the coloring of the characters, too? Kaneda: As an example, Utena’s hair is pink, but there’s pink and then there’s pink. You have your reddish pinks, your yellowish pinks, and all that. For this project there was no color chart or other basis for color matching in the film, so we started by getting permission to examine actual cels of the main characters, and we decided to match those. The character that I especially felt had the most variation in her coloring was Anthy. Her skin was difficult. I think there were probably several different versions from the beginning. You see, it was a slightly different color each time. As we worked, we consciously worked to avoid letting those color variations make anything seem off within a given scene. For example, one part of a sequence of evening scenes abruptly had a more daylight sort of coloring, so we consulted the director: “Should we match this bit to the evening hues for continuity?” And then we adjusted the skin tones to fit the overall tonality. Are the colors any more vivid than when we watched the show on TV? Kaneda: None of the colors got drastically more vivid. After all, it’s not good to make them too far removed from the video you’ve seen up until now. They are sharper now, though. We’ve revised them to be clearer, so I think they’re easier on the eyes. I see. And after that, you need to clean up any defects in the frame, right? Takemura: In terms of order, first you have digital remastering, and then you set up filter parameters to do the denoising. You remove all of the noise and distortions in the frame. Then you bring this processed footage to the editing room and check it with the director. But when we watch anime on TV, we don’t really think “Look at all that noise!”, do we? Ito: Most of the anime shows made in recent times were produced digitally, so there isn’t any noise, but even though this Utena release is a “digital remaster,” I think there’s bound to be a certain amount of noise in it, because the original materials were film. Still, I think this is far and away cleaner than the previous DVD release. It’s not even comparable. You see, that was a seriously mad dash to the finish. Takemura: To start with, I did about 100 corrections per episode. Yamazaki: That was after my team cleaned up each cut, though. We’d remove the noise, cut and paste things from other places, and generally make it look clean. Ultimately, it’s almost like compositing work. Then we’d lay that back to tape again and check it with the director, at which point we’d receive additional corrections... (laughs) Ito: Yamazaki would input the tape media to a nonlinear machine and work on it, and then Takemura would edit it on tape media, and that would become the final master. Yamazaki: You were saying that to start with the director check would yield about 100 corrections, but how many did he give you on the second half of the work? Takemura: About 300. Because after we’d done one full pass on the show, more corrections would come up during rechecking. That sounds like a lot of revisions. Is that more than average? All: Oh, yes... (laughter) Takemura: Basically you’re doing frame-byframe recording of the cels, right? And when there’s lip flaps with layered cels, the noise you end up with ultimately stands out. That stays in the picture throughout. Could you all sense the director’s enthusiasm? Yamazaki: Absolutely! If he’s like this with a remaster, I wonder what he’d be like if he decided to do something new. Ito: His enthusiasm is amazing. Takemura: He’s a passionate person, isn’t he? We talked about various things in our spare moments on the job, and I can tell you one thing: he watches all kinds of stuff. I mean, if it’d been a week since you’d last gotten together, he’d tell you about this movie or that DVD that he’d seen in the meantime. I thought he must be trying to absorb into himself anything and everything good that might be out there. Ito: Yes, he was always watching things with curiosity: “How did that scene in that show come out?” AUDIO REMASTERING For this DVD box set, the sound has been redone in 5.1, the format where you get sound out of six different speakers. Could I ask you to tell us about that process? Yamada: In general, we didn’t re-record lines. Among other things, the actors’ voices will have changed after eleven years. The thing you’ll notice the most when you listen to the new audio mix is the sound quality. For example, in the sound sources of those days you got a lot of lip smacking and other mouth noises, so the first thing we did was a sort of cleanup to clear that stuff away phrase by phrase. And then we re-recorded just those lines where the nuance was off in the original. Places where the schedule constraints of the day meant that the actors had to record before the art was ready; things like that. I think the director felt frustration at the time, too. Other than that, since this is a 5.1 track, we needed sounds that could be heard out of the back speakers, not just the front. In terms of how we gave the mix a three-dimensional feel using this system, we added things like walla (crowd noises) to get sound with breadth. We did re-record those things. In 5.1, you can hear particularly clearly the sounds that give a sense of motion or positioning. What are these six speakers that are used in 5.1? Yamada: In front you have L, C, R (the leftfront speaker, the center, and the right), and then there’s Ls and Rs (the left and right-rear speakers), and finally there’s the subwoofer, which does the low frequency sounds. So, is the goal of switching to that format producing a “you’re right there with them” feeling? I know the sound in the duel scenes is more three-dimensional. Mii: To begin with we had instructions from the director to make all the whining sounds, like the swooshing of the swords, surround. The original audio that was always there comes from the front speakers, but new sounds we added in are coming from the rear as well. People with 5.1 setups at home will hear those new sounds coming from behind them. Those are newly recorded effects, but they appear in almost every episode. Then you made new recordings of the sound effect-type things for this release. Do you get a different sense of presence when the “swooshes” are layered like that? Yamada: Yes. It packs more punch, and since you get the vwoosh coming in from behind when the swords are drawn, you feel like you’re in the middle of the action. The director was very particular about the action scenes. Also, there were some things that we altered drastically: the sound of the bells that ring before each duel, and the sound of the Akio Car. We were acting on the director’s instructions for those changes, and they’re quite different now. What was the director’s image of the bells’ ringing like? Mii: He basically wanted to broaden it. He wanted the audience to hear weighty sounds coming from the front and back. To tell you the truth, the new sound doesn’t match the visuals at all. You only really see four or five bells, but we put a huge number of them in the soundscape... The low booming sort of ring doesn’t catch your ear right by itself, so we put in higher sounds as well. There’s all kind of bells ringing that aren’t at all like the ones on the screen. The choral songs start up in the duel scenes that follow, too, so that seems complex. Mii: When you have music and SFX (sound effects) together, the SFX can easily be overwhelmed so that you can’t hear them. When the director listened to the SFX by themselves he said they sounded great, but when we combined them with the music they weren’t audible, so that was a difficult issue. What’s more, there would even be dialogue on top of that sometimes. Yamada: What do you pull back? What do you bring out? And where? One constraint is that you really have to be able to hear the dialogue. In a situation where you want to bring out the dialogue and you also want people to hear the music, it becomes a matter of frequency. In terms of the duel scenes, the director was also particular about the part when the sword comes out of Anthy’s chest. audience feel the human presence not through people’s voices, but through the sounds of people moving. Yamada: After all, you generally don’t talk in libraries, right? So we express people through coughs and things. The TV broadcast ended up having walla (crowd noise) in it. Listening to you talk about it, it sounds like a newly reborn, definitive version of the show. Well, to wrap up the interview, could you tell us your impressions of Director Ikuhara? Mii: The director was more knowledgeable about audio than I expected. He has a 5.1 setup in his own home, and of course he watches all kinds of movies, so a lot of his instructions were very clear, which made things easy for us. He would tell us his vision: “I’d like to hear this sound from this direction in this way”; things like that. When we were doing the duel scenes we learned the director’s way of thinking, so after that we made everything accordingly. I’m very much looking forward to hearing the final audio. Yamada: Even on normal TV speakers, there will be more sound than before, the dialogue will sound cleaner than before, and the music will have a different sense of presence, so I think you’ll be able to enjoy it in stereo as well. Mii: But it’s even more awesome with a 5.1 setup, so I hope you’ll listen to it in 5.1 if possible. Mii: He had the image of the movie’s sworddrawing in his mind, and the movie was 5.1 in theaters, so the sound came in from back to front. But the TV series wasn’t made that way. It has SFX, but they’re almost entirely covered by the music and you can’t hear them. So, in the moment that the sword comes out of her chest, we’ve added a booming sound. There’s also light pouring forth in the video during that sequence, so we put in some “whoosh.” I hear the library scene in episode 4 really sounds like a library now. Mii: The director wanted to have the sounds of chairs and footsteps and such - in other words, to have sounds that conveyed human movements without anyone speaking. At first, we designed the sound with a certain amount of soft but present crowd noise, like people mumbling to each other. But the director said, “That’s not right.” He wanted to have the Takemura: Like, “That was beautiful, huh? How do you think they did it? Can we do that too?” be a part of the revolution! He’d talk about those things even in the studio with you, then. Takemura: When he does checks, he has his eyes glued to the screen the whole time, and I think he concentrates pretty intensely, so he probably gets worn out. He’d spend over three hours on one episode of Utena, so we’d usually take a break after each one. All 39 episodes available in three limited-edition sets! Each limited-edition Utena set features: digitally remastered video, all-new 5.1 Japanese audio, a book that includes extensive art galleries, staff interviews and commentaries, liner notes, and more! Set 3 also includes the Adolescence of Utena movie. Order all three Utena sets through rightstuf.com and receive an exclusive replica of Utena’s signet ring!* For more information, see page 17 or visit utena.rightstuf.com © 1997 BE-PAPAS/CHIHO SAITO/SHOGAKUKAN • SHOKAKU • TV TOKYO. *Available only while supplies last. ANIME AH! MY GODDESS TV SERIES the ability to ceive: ay prices, plus Members re off our everyd % 10 !* l ts na en tio ev • An addi lected sale e! scount on se nime.com sit stack your di rs-only GotA be most items) em m e th ys to return da 20 (1 • Access to s! ilege iv pr rn tu !** re • Extended printed catalog e most recent • A copy of th p card! hi rs be em m • Got Anime y! bership toda r form w) your mem on your orde and write it Order (or rene p hi rs be em ur m yo se oo ch Just t. other produc just like any newal: Re p: rshi nimerenew New Membe talog #: gota Ca e1 m tani go #: 0 log 2.0 ta Ca Cost: $1 Cost: $12.00 scount? re of your di r, and not su be em m e t Anim ms.* Already a Go all of your ite . e total cost of 0 e order form 1. Add up th 0.1 by st co nt” box on th at total Anime discou ot 2. Multiply th “G e th in amount e s, and magazin 3. Enter that s, gift certificate Keiichi Morisato is an engineering student and the top driver of his campus racing club. While calling for take out, a wrong number puts him in contact with the Goddess Hotline. One misplaced wish later, Keiichi finds himself blessed with Belldandy, the perfect girlfriend and a bonafide goddess. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have any idea of how act in the human world, and her presence quickly gets Keiichi kicked out of the dorms. Keiichi’s troubles have just begun! DVD Season 1 Complete Set Litebox 13+ • #AWDVD0946 • 650 mins • $33.74 DVD Season 2 Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #AR09813 • 600 mins • $22.49 CKS - FALL When his date stood him up on Christmas Eve two years ago, Junichi Tachibana felt a little piece inside him shrivel up and die. Now he distrusts the very idea of love, which is a shame because Karma is about to hit him back in a major way. Are you ready for a half-dozen or more romances, all at the same time? Neither is Junichi, so through the miracle of animation, you’re about to see how each of those individual romances would have played out if someone had done just the right thing at the right time. DVD Collection 1 (Eps. 1-12) 13+ • #SFAMG100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 DVD Collection 2 (Eps. 13-24) 13+ • #SFAMG200 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 ANGEL BEATS! On a world where the single massive continent has been literally cut in two by mountains and rivers since the dawn of time, the ongoing wars have continued for so long how they first started has been forgotten. But now, as the war between the alliances of Roxche and Sou Beil extends the conflict into its 130th year, a chance encounter and a hastily staged rescue attempt launches fighter pilot Allison and marksman and bibliophile Will on an incredible journey - a journey that could possibly end the wars once and for all! DVD Generation 1 (Eps. 1-13) 14+ • #SFAL100 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 girls with really big guns. 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DVD Season 1-2 Complete Collection 13+ • #SFNA300 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $44.99 ANTIQUE BAKERY STAFF PICK Jun Maeda series like Air, Kanon and Clannad have long been loved by fans for their unique combination of heart-opening melancholy and idiosyncratic humor. With Angel Beats, he brings us all that once again but adds frenetic, fast-paced action, fantastic music and, most importantly, cute Troubled by memories of the past that continue to invade his dreams in the present, Keiichiro Tachibana stuns everyone he knows by abruptly quitting his ordinary office job to open a bakery. He envisions a predominantly feminine clientele and a wait staff of cute girls - but instead, his employees include a playboy patissier who’s been fired from every job he’s ever had, an ex-boxer with an insatiable sweet tooth, and an absent-minded childhood friend and old family servant. DVD Complete Collection 16+ • #RSDVD1142 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 2011 n find bers: You ca em Got Anime M (and more the full results At the age of 15, Akari Mizunashi has left everything behind to travel to a sparkling planet covered in water, Aqua. More than anything, Akari wants to be an Undine - a female gondolier who navigates the canals of the Aquan city of Neo-Venezia. As she begins her training with the prestigious Aria Company, will she be up to the challenges that await her on the path to achieve her dream? DVD Season 1: The Animation Collection 13+ • #RSDVD0822 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 2: The Natural Collection Part 1 13+ • #RSDVD0903 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 2: The Natural Collection Part 2 13+ • #RSDVD0904 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 3: The Origination + Arietta OVA Collection 13+ • #RSDVD1011 • SUB ONLY • 430 mins • $37.49 ASTRO BOY TV SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Osamu Tezuka’s original 1963-1964 Astro Boy delighted children around the world with its touching stories and compelling characters. In a future where science fiction is reality, Dr. Boynton creates a super-robot named Astro Boy. With super strength, rocket-powered flight, a selfless heart and a kind demeanor, Astro Boy fights a neverending crusade against the forces of evil! This version features fully restored footage. DVD Ultra Box Set 1 Limited Edition (Eps. 1-52) ALL • #RSDVD2013 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $97.49 DVD Ultra Box Set 2 Limited Edition (Eps. 53-104) ALL • #RSDVD2014 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $97.49 BAKA AND TEST When a fight breaks out at Fumizuki Academy, nobody throws a single punch. Instead, the students utilize the school’s technology to summon Avatars, pint-sized stand-ins with battle powers based on academic ability. That “academic ability” part is bad news for Yoshii: he’s an idiot, stuck in lowly Class F with the slackers. If these misfits want to escape their dump of a classroom and earn some respect, they’ll have to fight their way up the ranks and take on Class A, the Academy’s brightest students. DVD/Blu-ray Season 1 Complete Set 14+ • #FUN01310ALT • 325 mins • $48.74 BAKUMAN e! Look abov t a member? OREIMO ! No gotanime.com ARIA Don’t let nobody tell you there’s no future in a life of crime, because some rackets can last forever. But we’ll get around to all that immortality jazz later. A mafia turf war is raging on the mean streets of the Big Apple, a place where regular joes bounce between backdoor booze joints and the breadline. But this caper ain’t about a simple gangland brawl. It’s about hoods who can’t seem to die proper after catching a bullet or five between the eyes. Blu-ray Box Limited Edition 17+ • #AOA0801 • 405 mins • $59.48 e-Action Top New Liv ovie) . Megalon (M vs illa dz 1. Go (Movie) ith No Name W ord Sw e 2. Th ovie) l Monsters (M Al oy str De 3. (K-drama) d (Movie) 4. City Hunter Vampire Islan : Escape From 5. Higanjima of Destroy to the release king forward d to see the “I’m really loo always wante ve ha I ce sin F. All Monsters, .” - Charles nese version original Japa recs) at www. Ko Ichinomiya’s family motto is “Never be indebted to anyone,” but after losing his pants and falling into the Arakawa River, he quickly finds himself in debt to his savior, the cutely insane Nino who happens to live under the bridge. To repay her, he vows to help her with her desire to “experience love.” Along the way he’ll meet the river’s other residents, including a hot-blooded kappa, a Sister in drag, and a literal rock star. DVD/Blu-ray Complete Season 1 Premium Edition 13+ • #813633011165 • SUB ONLY • 316 mins • $52.49 BACCANO! ime Top NEW An il 1. Fairy Ta ist 2. Blue Exorc 3. Oreimo 4. Squid Girl e Abyss looks like a 5. Tales of th Fairy Tail. It action the release of g mix of both g forward to on str kin a loo s ha lly it “I’m rea joy, since uld really en wo I t tha s serie - Jacob V. and comedy.” e -Blu-ray Anim g or New-to ng, Returnin ovie) Top Continui (M ya mi zu ruhi Su earance of Ha 1. The Disapp on 2 + OVAs an Black Seas 2. Darker Th le (Movie) dlands Rumb 3. Trigun: Ba ena Ut rl Gi y ar 4. Revolution 5. K-ON! in love with. e series I fell d the first anim rrator, I wante na y ark “Haruhi was sn a t, rs, a crazy plo P. ler Fun characte Ty w I’ll have it.” more, and no ARAKAWA UNDER THE BRIDGE PAGE 14 Top student Akito is willing to do anything to become a hit writer in the Japanese comics industry, including manipulating his unsure classmate Mashiro into becoming Oreimo © Tsukasa Fushimi/ASCII MEDIA WORKS/OIP. 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 5 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM MEMBER PI AMAGAMI SS ALLISON & LILLIA be ly imported item vily discounted cannot ludes special hea prices and exc ch are already ime.com or call everyday low products whi at www.gotan Bargain Bin lies only to our Anime Store Specials and discount app check the Got uts, Website can *Remember, seo their you Clo ess bt, ks, Prepac . If in dou U.S. can acc subscriptions. r membership s outside the ted using you s and member rnet member further discoun 1-800-338-6827. sletter. All inte at Inc. f, new care Stu er ted ht tom prin Rig a cus © bers receive ht Stuf Otaku der U.S. mem ime.com Rig **Only mail-or o www.gotan by logging ont newsletters out? ost excited ab es are you m vings Club the as le re o de vi ing e Sa Which upcom embers of our Got Anim y of your fall faves em us! Did an ld to We asked th ey th d n… an same questio lists? eir end up on th DVD Generation 2 (Eps. 14-26) 14+ • #SFAL200 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD & BLU-RAY g? in the catalo Like what’s u can save even more! yo w Here’s ho s Club IME? Saving The GOT AN DVD & BLU-RAY BOOGIEPOP PHANTOM A blood-borne plague races across Germany, giving life to mechanized monsters. Known as Demoniacs, these creatures have the ability to meld with technology and wield it as an extension of their uncontrollable rage. 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After ages of hearing about what girls have to say about relationships, Boys Be... steps forward to reveal the flip side of love: what’s really going on from a guy’s point of view! Meet Kyoichi, Makoto and Yoshihiko - three normal high school guys with just one thing on their minds: girls. DVD Box Set (Thinpak) (Eps. 1-13) 13+ • #RSDVD0807 • 325 mins • $22.49 TV SERIES For as long as he can remember, Ichigo Kurosaki has been able to see ghosts. But when he meets Rukia, a Soul Reaper who battles evil spirits known as Hollows, he finds his life is changed forever. Now, with a newfound wealth of spiritual energy, Ichigo discovers his true calling: to protect the living and the dead from evil. And when he vows to defend Rukia from the ruthless justice of the Soul Society, he and his friends must cross over and do battle in the spirit world... DVD Box Set 1: The Substitute (Eps. 1-20) 13+ • #DBHBS001 • 500 mins • $37.46 DVD Box Set 9 (Eps. 146-156) 13+ • #782009241539 • 275 mins • $37.46 DVD Box Set 10 (Eps. 157-167) 13+ • #782009241546 • 275 mins • $37.46 DVD Box Set 11 (Eps. 168-179) Released 12/13/11 13+ • #782009242147 • 300 mins • $37.46 More volumes also available! MOVIE PAGE 13 his illustrator. Before long the pair have their backs up against the wall, fighting for a chance to get noticed in the intense world of manga publishing. Get ready for a compelling race through the world of publishing, not limited to mere glimpses into the industry, but instead all-out panoramic views packed with insider details! DVD Part 1 Released 11/29/11 13+ • #AWDVD1117 • 175 mins • $18.74 with a secret. Under the cover of darkness, this dream girl becomes a bad guy’s worst nightmare. Birdy dons her crime-fighting costume and hits the streets as a lethal, interstellar federation agent charged with nailing the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy. There’s just one big problem: she’s got a nasty habit of going berserk. DVD Complete Series Released 12/6/11 17+ • #FUN06723 • 650 mins • $52.49 BAMBOO BLADE BLACK BLOOD BROTHERS It didn’t take long for pint-sized Tamaki’s lightning reflexes to catch the eye of starving Kendo instructor Toraji. This second-rate sensei is an embarrassment to the sport, and his Kendo club is running out of members. His only hope for redemption is to get Tamaki to sign on as his star pupil. Unfortunately, this sword-wielding prodigy is a serious anime addict, so it’ll be a challenge to get her to step away from the television and into the dojo. DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #FUN09843 • 650 mins • $22.49 BEYBLADE TV SERIES METAL FUSION The battle between good and evil is more intense and dangerous than ever as our hero Gingka faces an evil villain and his plot to unleash a long forbidden Beyblade in his quest to take over the world - and only Gingka can stop him! DVD Vol. 1 ALL • #883476029436 • DUB ONLY • 154 mins • $13.47 DVD Vol. 4 ALL • #883476031972 • DUB ONLY • 154 mins • $13.47 More volumes also available! BIRDY THE MIGHTY TV SERIES DECODE Birdy is a jaw-dropping pin-up sensation Jiro is traveling with his younger brother Kotaro to the Special Zone, a place where vampires live freely in peace alongside humans. But the brothers find themselves in the midst of a battle between human soldiers, vampiric refugees, and the reemergence of the Kowloon Children. Assisted by Mimiko, a negotiator between their species, Jiro will try to make sense of the chaos which surrounds them before they are caught up in it and destroyed. Blu-ray Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition 17+ • #FUN05911 • 300 mins • $18.74 DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition 17+ • #FUN05910 • 300 mins • $14.99 BLACK JACK TV SERIES RAY Raised to be harvested for parts, Ray had already lost her eyes when renegade surgeon Black Jack rescued her. Now, ten years later, she has grown up to be a surgeon herself thanks to the unique artificial eyes she received as replacements. But unknown to any but a select few, her surgical endeavors are only part of a greater mission: to discover what happened to the other children she was raised with, and to find the men who stole the eyes she was born with and to bring them to justice. DVD Complete Collection 14+ • #MJ0127 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 MOVIE 3: FADE TO BLACK A mysterious figure has broken into Mayuri Kurotsuchi’s laboratory in the Seireitei. Rukia witnesses this catastrophe, and the intruders abduct Rukia as she feels something inside of her fade away. Meanwhile, in the World of the Living, Ichigo and Kon experience a strange disturbance and investigate. What awaits Ichigo in the devastated Seireitei are Soul Reapers who seem to have lost all memory related to both him and Rukia. Ichigo must find out what happened to Rukia and try to save her before the two are forced to part ways forever! Blu-ray Released 11/15/11 13+ • #782009241812 • 90 mins • $18.74 DVD Released 11/15/11 13+ • #782009241805 • 90 mins • $14.99 BOYS BE... BUBBLEGUM CRISIS TV SERIES TOKYO 2040 Tokyo has become the epicenter of advanced technology, but at a dangerous price: its workforce is riddled with humanoid robots that tend to go on destructive killing sprees. That’s when four young women gear up in cybernetic suits to crush the defective droids. They are the Knight Sabers: heavymetal heroines battling an evil corporation’s bionic pawns while its grip on the city threatens to strangle humanity. DVD Complete Series Anime Classics Released 11/29/11 14+ • #FUN05870 • 650 mins • $37.49 BURST ANGEL A new law and a dark underground syndicate have delivered devastating chaos to Tokyo. The city’s only chance for survival is a fearless mercenary, her dangerously beautiful comrades, and a massively armed and armored mech. In this land where war has spread like a disease, they will have to put their very existence on the line and fight to be the cure. Blu-ray Complete Series Anime Classics 14+ • #FUN07742 • 750 mins • $33.74 DVD Complete Series Anime Classics 14+ • #FUN07741 • 750 mins • $29.99 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA DVD & BLU-RAY BLASSREITER CASSHERN SINS BLUE EXORCIST STAFF PICK When unexpected events reveal Rin, a goodhearted brawler, is actually the son of Satan, all heck breaks loose, and the teen is left with one of two choices: become an exorcist or be killed. A-1 Pictures’ vibrant anime adaptation retains the humor and heart of Kazue Kato’s Blue Exorcist manga, while its accomplished animation brings the source material’s world to life and truly keeps you on the edge of your seat during battles. If you’re a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, this is one to watch. - Staff DVD Vol. 1 (Eps. 1-7) 13+ • #AOA1801 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $29.98 DVD Vol. 2 (Eps. 8-13) Released 1/24/12 13+ • #AOA1802 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $29.98 Casshern, a cybernetic assassin with no memory of his past, awakens in a corrosive wasteland. A plague known as the Ruin sweeps across this once-vibrant world, reducing everything in its path to rubble and scattering any chance for salvation. Robots and humans alike seek vengeance against Casshern for the life he took and the role he played in their Ruin. A machine built to kill, Casshern murdered the last hope for this world, but now he will fight to save the dying. DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series 17+ • #FUN07924 • 600 mins • $56.24 CHAOS;HEAD Takumi is an anime-obsessed recluse with a fetish for two-dimensional girls. His dirty little cyber secrets land him in real-life trouble after a chat room encounter with the mysterious General leads him to the scene of a gruesome murder. In the blink of an eye, Takumi goes from a caffeine-addicted gamer to a paranoid murder suspect caught up in something called the New Generation madness. DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series Set Released 11/29/11 14+ • #FUN05881ALT • 300 mins • $48.74 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya © 2009 Nagaru Tanigawa • Noizi Ito / a member of SOS. 6 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 7 DVD & BLU-RAY Got Anime members save an extra 10% OFF our everyday prices, studio sales & more! CLANNAD TV SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Alienated from his abusive father, Tomoya has been spiraling into delinquency since the death of his mother. Nagisa’s curse is her fragile health, which has forced her to repeat a year of high school. But when Tomoya impulsively agrees to help Nagisa restart the school’s disbanded Drama Club, a new mechanism for change is created, acting like a magnet for other girls with equally tragic stories. Blu-ray Complete Collection 13+ • #SFBCL500 • 600 mins • $67.49 COFFEE SAMURAI / HOSHIZORA KISEKI COICENT / FIVE NUMBERS Coicent: It’s a quick time jump to the 26th century where a school trip to a rebuilt 21st century city turns into a wild adventure for teenaged Shinichi. It’s a mad dash through a city of the past as two young people discover a chance at a new future. Five Numbers: Four people awaken to find themselves in the ultimate prison: an exsoldier, a beautiful woman, an average Joe and a young computer hacker. Why are they there? The answer seems to lie with the fifth prisoner, an old man who knows far more than he is telling... Blu-ray Released 11/22/11 13+ • #SFBCOIFN • 60 mins • $29.99 DVD Released 11/22/11 13+ • #SFCOIFN • 60 mins • $22.49 CORPSE PRINCESS Makina Hoshino burned to death along with her entire family in a fire started by freaks that wouldn’t stay buried. Makina knows she doesn’t belong among the living, but that won’t stop her from unleashing the full fury of her twin MAC-11 machine guns on the rotting remains of those who refuse to die. Makina is a Shikabane Hime - a Corpse Princess - and it’s her job to finish off the undead leftovers haunting the dark corners of a city that used to be safe. DVD Complete Series 17+ • #FUN09672 • 600 mins • $52.49 CRAYON SHINCHAN SEE SHINCHAN DANCE IN THE VAMPIRE BUND When Mina Tepes, Queen of the Vampires, suddenly appears in Japan to establish a colony for her blood-sucking brethren, Akira Kaburagi’s world will never be the same. As a boy, Akira vowed to serve the ruler of the night, and now he must fulfill his destiny by protecting Mina from those who would dethrone her! DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series 17+ • #FUN01301ALT • 300 mins • $48.74 DARKER THAN BLACK A new, deadly breed of covert agent walks the streets. Known as Contractors, these assassins and spies wield bizarre supernatural powers. They thrive in the underworld, between rumor and reality, their loyalties always in question. One of these operatives is more mysterious than the rest: BK201, the Black Reaper. His path weaves through the shadows and alleys of Tokyo, and blood is spilled on both sides of the law. DVD Complete Season 1 Anime Classics 17+ • #FUN07459 • 625 mins • $37.49 DVD/Blu-ray Season 2 + OVAs Complete Set 17+ • #FUN07461ALT • 400 mins • $44.99 DEMON CITY SHINJUKU In the near future, the glittering skyline of Tokyo lies crumbling under the weight of an oppressive evil: the tyrannical Rebi Rah. Rah has transformed Shinjuku, the heart of Tokyo, into a city of demons. Desperate to rescue her father, who was taken captive by Rah and his monstrous minions, the beautiful Sayaka Rama enlists the help of Kyoya, a streetwise Tokyo teenager. But even if Sayaka and Kyoya manage to defeat Rah’s army of monsters, will they be able to destroy the dark sorcerer? DVD N/R • #ES028 • 82 mins • $18.71 Darkness is moving in, and young exorcist LEVEL SETS These sets present DBZ in unparalleled picture quality. The classic 4:3 format is captured in true 1080p HD with the original, director-approved color scheme! Blu-ray Level 1.1 (Eps. 1-17) 13+ • #FUN08930 • 425 mins • $26.24 Blu-ray Level 1.2 Released 12/13/11 13+ • #FUN08931 • 410 mins • $26.24 STAFF PICK TV SERIES Kei and Yuri are operatives dispatched by the for-profit World Welfare Works Association to resolve crises throughout the universe. Their preferred codename may be “Lovely Angels,” but their on-the-job effectiveness rivaled only by the path of destruction left in their wake - has earned them a very public, very unwanted nickname: the “Dirty Pair.” DVD Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) 13+ • #RSDVD1027 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Collection 2 (Eps. 14-26) 13+ • #RSDVD1028 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 OVA SERIES More classic Dirty Pair is on the way! This 10-episode OVA series picks up where the TV series left off, giving us all another round of the beautiful Yuri and the trigger-happy Kei as they fly across the universe tracking down all sorts of oddball criminals. And just like the TV series before it, this OVA set is fully remastered, and features all-new liner notes and a more accurate translation, making it the definitive version to have. - Staff DVD Collection (Eps. 1-10) 13+ • #RSDVD1262 • 250 mins • $26.24 DNANGEL High School hottie Risa has two suitors: shy Daisuke and the magical thief Dark. But the twist is that Daisuke and Dark share the same body, and it’s Daisuke’s love for Risa that allows Dark to take over! The only way to resolve this romantic disaster is for Daisuke to win the heart of his true love but since she’s only got eyes for Dark, that’s not happening anytime soon! DVD Complete Series 13+ • #ES027 • 650 mins • $37.46 DRAGON BALL Z TV SERIES DRAGON BOX DEMON KING DAIMAO After enrolling at the Constant Magic Academy, Akuto Sai discovers he’s not just a gifted student with magical powers, he’s destined to become the Demon King. Though he’s not that crazy about the idea, it drives the girls wild! From the sexy school girls in his class to the skin-obsessed android who’s programmed to seduce him, Akuto has no shortage of wacky girl trouble. How much temptation can a demon king take? DVD Complete Collection 17+ • #SFDKD100 • 300 mins • $44.99 DEVIL MAY CRY D.GRAY-MAN DIRTY PAIR Half demon and half human, Dante is charged with ridding the world of the For the first time in history, experience the legendary Z as the master intended with this manga-centric, fresh take on Akira Toriyama’s original vision! Blu-ray Season 1 (Eps. 1-26) 13+ • #FUN08893 • 625 mins • $41.24 DVD Season 1 (Eps. 1-26) 13+ • #FUN08892 • 625 mins • $37.49 Blu-ray Part 6 (Eps. 66-77) 13+ • #FUN08791 • 290 mins • $26.24 DVD Part 6 (Eps. 66-77) 13+ • #FUN08790 • 290 mins • $22.49 More volumes also available! The last survivors of a ruthless warrior race have carved a path of destruction across the galaxy, and now they’ve set their sights on Earth! They will stop at nothing until they have the wish-granting powers of the seven magic Dragon Balls for their very own. With the fate of the entire human race hanging in the balance, Goku, Earth’s greatest hero, must rise to meet the approaching threat. This archival version features episodes remastered and restored frame by frame by the original Japanese production studio, rendering the legendary action in pristine clarity. DVD Set 1 (Eps. 1-42) 13+ • #FUN02240 • 1000 mins • $44.99 DVD Set 7 (Eps. 251-291) 13+ • #FUN02270 • 1025 mins • $44.99 More volumes also available! this innocent-looking girl harbors! DVD Complete Collection Released 12/20/11 17+ • #DELF200 • 325 mins • $26.24 EMMA: A VICTORIAN ROMANCE In 19th-century London, class lines are sharply drawn, and the social standing to which one is born dictates the path his or her life will likely follow. But when Emma, an honest and hardworking young maid, and William, an earnest member of the gentry, fall for each other, can love truly conquer all? DVD Complete Series Seasons 1-2 Bundle Limited Edition 13+ • #RSDVD1101 • SUB ONLY • 625 mins • $52.49 FAIRY TAIL EDEN OF THE EAST TV SERIES Akira wakes up naked outside the White House with no memories. He’s got a gun in one hand and a cell phone in the other. He doesn’t remember that the phone gives him instant access to ten billion yen and a woman who can make his most outlandish requests a reality. He doesn’t even remember he’s supposed to save Japan and will be murdered if he fails. Whatever it is he’s tangled up in, Takizawa’s definitely in deep. DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series Released 12/27/11 17+ • #FUN08838 • 275 mins • $37.49 TV SERIES It’s fast and furious deadly martial arts action pushed to the limits and beyond. Never before have so many been killed by just one man. Ken’s quest to save the post-nuclear world from his arch-rival Shin will have you on the edge of your seat. Enter the deadly world of Hokuto No Ken and witness a place where violence isn’t the problem, it’s the solution! DVD Complete Series Collection 1 (Eps. 1-36) 16+ • #ES012 • 800 mins • $44.96 DVD Complete Series Collection 3 (Eps. 73-109) 16+ • #ES024 • SUB ONLY • 820 mins • $44.96 DVD Complete Series Collection 4 (Eps. 110-152) 16+ • #ES029 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $48.71 More volumes also available! FRUITS BASKET MOVIES Pack 1 contains Dead Zone, The World’s Strongest, The Tree of Might, Lord Slug, and Cooler’s Revenge. Pack 2 contains Return of Cooler, Super Andriod 13, The Legendary Super Saiyan, and Bojack Unbound. DVD Pack 1 (Movies 1-5) 13+ • #FUN08886 • 287 mins • $22.49 DVD Pack 2 (Movies 6-9) Released 12/6/11 13+ • #FUN08887 • 240 mins • $22.49 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR STAFF PICK In a land where magic is a practical skill, Lucy is a young wizard in search of a guild… but the guild that’s her first pick, Fairy Tail, isn’t quite what she expects it to be. Reminiscent of favorite anime series like The Slayers and One Piece, Fairy Tail features a cast of very likable characters and is action-packed, fast-paced and genuinely funny. Plus, if you’re a fan of creator Hiro Mashima’s Rave Master, keep your eyes out for cameos by its characters! - Staff DVD/Blu-ray Part 1 (Eps. 1-12) Released 11/22/11 14+ • #FUN08762 • 300 mins • $41.24 DVD/Blu-ray Part 2 Released 12/27/11 14+ • #FUN08764 • 300 mins • $41.24 The Sohmas are a family cursed; a curse which has led to their isolation for generations. When a member of the family is embraced by a person of the opposite gender, they transform into an animal from the Chinese Zodiac! The Sohmas have managed to keep this embarrassing little secret hidden for many, many years... until young Tohru stumbles into their life. Inspiring some and infuriating others, Tohru manages to turn life in this most unusual household upside down as Zodiac rivals clash. DVD Complete Series Collector’s Edition 13+ • #FUN03106 • 580 mins • $44.99 FULL METAL PANIC! TV SERIES On the surface, Kaname Chidori appears to be a normal, popular high school student. The problem is, she doesn’t realize just how popular she is. Unbeknownst to her, a group of terrorists believe she possesses the special powers of “The Whispered,” and they’re out to kidnap her. Blu-ray Season 1 Complete Collection Remastered 13+ • #FUN08543 • 600 mins • $41.24 DVD Season 1 Complete Collection Remastered 13+ • #FUN08544 • 600 mins • $37.49 Blu-ray Season 2 Complete Series Anime Classics 14+ • #FUN08539 • 325 mins • $26.24 DVD Season 2 Complete Series Anime Classics 14+ • #FUN08538 • 325 mins • $26.24 More volumes also available! GALAXY EXPRESS 999 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST TV SERIES BROTHERHOOD Edward and Alphonse Elric’s reckless disregard for alchemy’s fundamental laws ripped half of Ed’s limbs from his body and left Al’s soul clinging to a cold suit of armor. To restore what was lost, the brothers scour a war-torn land for the Philosopher’s Stone, a fabled relic which grants the ability to perform alchemy in impossible ways. But the corrupt State Military is also eager to harness the artifact’s power, as are the strange Homunculi and their shadowy creator. Blu-ray Part 1 (Eps. 1-13) 14+ • #FUN08380 • 320 mins • $41.24 DVD Part 1 (Eps. 1-13) 14+ • #FUN08262 • 320 mins • $37.49 Blu-ray Part 5 (Eps. 53-64) 14+ • #FUN08384 • 300 mins • $41.24 DVD Part 5 (Eps. 53-64) 14+ • #FUN08266 • 300 mins • $37.49 More volumes also available! GAKUEN ALICE Mikan and Hotaru are best friends! ...Well, according to Mikan, anyway. Hotaru doesn’t seem to care. But one day, Hotaru is escorted away in a fancy black car, apparently scouted by a school in Tokyo called “Alice Academy.” Crushed at the loss of her favorite pal, Mikan scurries after her, determined to enroll too! But can Mikan tough it out in a school where explosions, superpowers, giant baby chicks and axewielding teddy bears are the norm? DVD Collection 13+ • #RSDVD1160 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $29.99 STAFF PICK MOVIES ORIGINAL MOVIE Galaxy Express 999 is a classic anime by Leiji Matsumoto, the creator of Star Blazers (Space Battleship Yamato), Captain Harlock, Galaxy Railways, and several other wonderful sci-fi stories. For so long now, Galaxy Express 999 has been out of print. Seeing it finally released on DVD makes me feel like I’ve come full-circle. While the animation and artwork are a little rough compared to newer titles, the story is a timeless one full of humor and heart. Titles like Galaxy Express 999 are the reason I love anime. - Staff DVD N/R • #ES022 • 128 mins • $14.96 ADIEU GALAXY EXPRESS 999 Two years after the events of Galaxy Express 999, Earth has become a battlefield, and Tetsuro is summoned to board the ThreeNine once more. DVD N/R • #ES023 • 135 mins • $14.96 GHOST IN THE SHELL MOVIES SAC: THE LAUGHING MAN The entire first season of Stand Alone Complex as a 2-hour film. The year is 2030 and six years have passed since a criminal FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM CoMix Wave returns to the twin themes of love and human relationships with a startling new pair of stories! Hoshizora Kiseki: Kozue, a young girl who loves astronomy, encounters Ginga, a boy with a mysterious ability to understand the stars that is being exploited by others. Coffee Samurai: Hemi is in love with a coffee vending machine! Of course, it all makes perfect sense once you realize that he’s actually an ancient Samurai who wished to be reborn into an indestructible steel body. DVD 14+ • #SFCFSHZK • SUB ONLY • 60 mins • $14.99 Allen Walker is humanity’s greatest hope against the wicked forces conspiring to bring civilization to its knees. Akuma - cruel spirits born of tragedy and lost souls - lurk in every shadow, willing and eager to do the bidding of their leader, the dread Millennium Earl. With an eye cursed to see evil in its truest form and blessed with an arm to slay soul-devouring demons, Allen stands ready to confront the gathering storm. DVD Season 1 Complete Set S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/27/11 14+ • #FUN06928 • 600 mins • $22.49 KAI MOVIE MOVIE 2: PARADISE LOST Accused of terrorism and feeling the heat, Saki’s high-tech crew is in the crosshairs. Meanwhile, the shroud of mystery covering Takizawa is lifted as he and his fellow Selecao make their final moves. Every game must come to an end. For those playing Mr. Outside’s twisted game of conspiracy thrills, the end comes now. DVD/Blu-ray 17+ • #FUN08839 • 85 mins • $26.24 EL HAZARD TV SERIES THE WANDERERS Makoto always upstages Jinnai without trying, which only aggravates the delusional rivalry that Jinnai has concocted within his own mind. However, when Jinnai attempts to sabotage Makoto’s newest invention, the machine creates a dimensional rift and throws Makoto, Jinnai, and several others from their school into a strange, new world that is filled with amazing creatures, beautiful sights, and dangerous enemies. If they ever want to get home, it’s going to take wits, courage, and a lot of luck! DVD Complete Collection 13+ • #RSDVD1031 • 650 mins • $29.99 ELFEN LIED Imprisoned under tight military security, Lucy, a genetically altered human known as a Diclonius, escapes her confines in a wave of bloody violence. Now lost, alone, and stricken with amnesia, she wanders into a kindly family that takes her under their care, oblivious to the latent destructive power that FAIRY TAIL PAGE 9 Fairy Tail © Hiro Mashima • KODANSHA/Fairy Tail Guild • TV TOKYO. 8 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 DVD & BLU-RAY demons that plague it... for the right price. The doors to his business, Devil May Cry, are always open to those with money, and occasionally to some without. Dante is approached to deliver a young heiress, Patty, to her inheritance. He thinks it’s not worth his time - until a group of demons intent on killing Patty crash the party. Blu-ray Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/6/11 17+ • #FUN09956 • 300 mins • $26.24 DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/6/11 17+ • #FUN09957 • 300 mins • $22.49 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 9 DVD & BLU-RAY a civil war, arrive, Guin knows what he must do, but the journey to save the children means he must battle magical desert tribes, assemble forces that have fought each other for hundreds of years, and divine a mysterious plan that he is central to. DVD Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) 14+ • #SFGS100 • 325 mins • $44.99 DVD Collection 2 (Eps. 14-26) 14+ • #SFGS200 • 325 mins • $44.99 SAC: 2ND GIG: INDIVIDUAL 11 GUNDAM, MOBILE SUIT The entire second season of Stand Alone Complex as a 2-hour film. The year is 2030, and an influx of refuges have effortlessly transformed themselves into a terrorist organization known as the “Individual Eleven.” With a sadistic intent of mass destruction, will they triumph in victory or discover the gloomy pitfalls of defeat? Blu-ray 13+ • #ME25162 • 161 mins • $26.24 TV SERIES SAC: SOLID STATE SOCIETY A.D. 2034. Togusa is now the new leader of the team that has considerably increased its personnel. The expanded new Section 9 confronts a rash of complicated incidents, and investigations reveal that an ultrawizard hacker nicknamed the “Puppeteer” is behind the entire series of events. Blu-ray 13+ • #ME25177 • 109 mins • $26.24 Akiha Shishido still hasn’t figured out what she wants to do in life, which is perfectly normal for a high school girl - unless you’re a daughter of the powerful and influential Shishido Foundation. Then one day, a mysterious brain colony controlled by the A.I. Leopard appears out of hyperspace. Akiha’s life is turned upside down and she is forced to search for parts to repair Leopard. DVD Vol. 1 (Eps. 1-7) 13+ • #AV20023 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $22.49 DVD Vol. 2 (Eps. 8-14) 13+ • #AV20024 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $22.49 DVD Vol. 3 (Eps. 15-20) 13+ • #AV20025 • SUB ONLY • 150 mins • $22.49 GLASS MAIDEN Shu’s a detective; the brooding, enigmatic type with an eye for the ladies. Together with his kid brother Akira and “the girls”, Manami and Ayaka, he runs an investigative agency that takes on the odd case here and there. Okay, odder than usual, given that their main broker is a cross-dresser and their closest associate’s a doctor with a “thing” about cosplay. Then the oddest case of all comes through: a “package” intended for “delivery” that turns out to be a lot more trouble than expected. DVD Complete Collection 14+ • #MJ0161 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 GRAVITATION All Shuichi ever dreamed about was following in the footsteps of his pop idol. He’s even managed to land a contract with a major recording label! Unfortunately, deadlines are looming, and Shuichi still doesn’t have his songs finished. Walking through the park, his latest lyrics flutter away and land at the feet of the stunningly cool Eiri Yuki, who completely crushes Shuichi by telling him he has “zero talent.” Now, Shuichi’s so annoyed that he’ll finish his song just so he can confront Eiri Yuki once again. DVD Complete Collection (TV+OVA) 16+ • #RSDVD1038 • 385 mins • $44.99 GUIN SAGA He awakens in the dark forest of a mythical land with some type of leopard mask that he cannot remove. The only thing he remembers is his name - Guin - and that he is a warrior of unimaginable power. When the two twins of Parros, innocent victims of Universal Century 0079. The rebel space colonies of the Principality of Zeon launch a war of independence against the Earth Federation, using humanoid fighting vehicles called mobile suits. Months later, the Federation has finally developed its own prototype mobile suits at a remote space colony. But when the colony suffers a Zeon surprise attack, these new weapons fall into the hands of a motley crew, and fate places a youth named Amuro Ray at the controls of the white mobile suit Gundam... DVD Complete Collection 1 Anime Legends 13+ • #AV20049 • 525 mins • $37.49 According to rumor, a mysterious message board exists, accessible only at midnight. Those who find the site have the ability to post a grudge they harbor against someone, and the Jigoku Shojo (Hell Girl) will carry out the revenge and then transport that person’s soul to hell. Of course, vengeance comes with a hefty price. Those who seek revenge must accept the fact that when they die, their souls will also be taken to hell... DVD Season 1 Complete Collection S.A.V.E. Edition 17+ • #FUN08609 • 520 mins • $22.49 DVD Season 2: Two Mirrors Complete Collection 14+ • #SFHG200 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $52.49 More volumes also available! HERO: 108 Long ago in The Hidden Kingdom, animals and humans lived together in peace... until the evil HighRoller tricked the animals into believing that the humans were their enemies. Most humans gave up all hope for better days - until Commander ApeTrully created a base of strategic operations, calling upon rebel humans and animals to fight the villainous HighRoller. Together they face off against all manner of fierce creatures, like fire-breathing Ligers and magic lantern-wielding Zebras! Season 1 DVD Vol. 1 ALL • #782009242017 • DUB ONLY • 130 mins • $11.23 Season 1 DVD Vol. 2 ALL • #782009242024 • DUB ONLY • 150 mins • $11.23 Season 1 DVD Vol. 3 ALL • #782009242031 • DUB ONLY • 130 mins • $7.48 Season 1 DVD Vol. 4 Released 12/6/11 ALL • #782009242048 • DUB ONLY • 150 mins • $7.48 HEROIC AGE Long ago, the advanced Tribe of Gold vanished from the vast universe. In the void left by their departure, the tyrannical Tribe of Silver ascended to rule, forcing mankind - the Iron Tribe - to the brink of extinction. Now humanity wanders the cosmos in search of a savior. Prophecy has foretold of one who will labor for their freedoms, and HETALIA AXIS POWERS MOVIE PAINT IT, WHITE The Pictorians have arrived from deep in space. They also have dangly glow-balls on their heads, which is kinda cool, but still. The freaky aliens are using use their crazy rainbow-beam-thingy to paint everything on Earth the same color: white! See, now the title of the movie makes more sense, right? Anyway, if the Pictorians are to be stopped, the Allied guys and the Axis boys - plus some new characters, too - must set aside their differences, unite against their common foe, and save the world! DVD Released 11/22/11 15+ • #FUN07925ALT • 90 mins • $18.74 HIDAMARI SKETCH For years, Yuno’s dreamed of attending Yamabuki Arts High School, but now that she’s been accepted, it means the scary prospect of moving away from her home and family for the first time! Fortunately, Yuno quickly learns that even if her new neighbors at the eclectic Hidamari Apartments aren’t technically family, at least the majority share the bond of being fellow art students. DVD Season 1 Collection 13+ • #SFHS100 • SUB ONLY • 350 mins • $29.99 DVD Season 2: X 365 Complete Collection 13+ • #SFHS200 • SUB ONLY • 400 mins • $29.99 DVD Season 3: X Hoshimittsu Complete Collection 13+ • #SFHS300 • SUB ONLY • 350 mins • $37.49 OVA UC (UNICORN) The year is U.C. 0096. Three years have passed since the end of the Second Neo Zeon War. It’s said that the Vist Foundation manipulates the Earth Federation and Anaheim Electronics from behind the scenes. Hoping to create a new world, the Foundation attempts to hand over a certain secret to the Neo Zeon remnants. The exchange is to take place at colony Industrial 7, the home of Banagher Links, who rescues a girl. The girl is Audrey Burne, and she wants to prevent a war, spurring Banagher to step into the conflict. DVD Part 1 (Eps. 1-2) 13+ • #AV20056 • 120 mins • $22.49 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD MOVIE It began without warning. It continues without mercy. Now a band of high schoolers join forces with guns, swords, baseball bats and anything else they can get their hands on to battle a bloodthirsty, flesh-hungry zombie apocalypse! Blu-ray Complete Collection 17+ • #SFBHSD100 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD Complete Collection 17+ • #SFHSD100 • 300 mins • $44.99 00: AWAKENING OF THE TRAILBLAZER 2314 A.D. The new government of the Earth Sphere Federation is carrying out a program of peaceful reconciliation, but the return of a derelict Jupiter exploration ship marks the beginning of an unprecedented crisis. What are the alien entities known as Extraterrestrial Living-metal Shape-shifters? What do they want? And will Setsuna F. Seiei and his fellow Gundam Meisters be able to answer these questions before humanity is wiped out? Blu-ray 13+ • #AV80451 • 120 mins • $26.24 DVD 13+ • #AV80449 • 120 mins • $18.74 DVD/Blu-ray 13+ • #AV80452 • 120 mins • $29.99 HIMAWARI! Ever since being rescued by a ninja when she was younger, Himawari’s greatest ambition has been to become one herself. Now she’s got the opportunity to study at Shinobi Gakuen, the elite academy where kunoichi are trained. Unfortunately, on her very first day she ends up being saved by one of her teachers! To add to the embarrassment, the person who rescued her isn’t even a ninja. He’s Hayato Marikoji, and his duty is to teach the ninja how to act like a normal person like himself. DVD Season 1 Complete Collection 13+ • #MJ0141 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 2: Too! Complete Collection Released 12/27/11 13+ • #MJ0128 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 GUNGRAVE For Brandon Heat, death doesn’t matter. Driven by his need for revenge, he returns from beyond the grave to cripple Millennion, a huge mafia organization which uses undead monsters as its enforcers. His ultimate goal is to destroy Harry MacDowel, the leader of Millennion and, at one time, Brandon’s best friend... Blu-ray Complete Series Anime Classics 16+ • #FUN08848 • 650 mins • $41.24 HIS AND HER CIRCUMSTANCES GUYVER While investigating a mysterious explosion near his school, Sho Fukamachi happens upon the Chronos Corporation’s greatest weapon: a techno organic suit of bio armor known as the “Guyver.” Sho soon finds himself relentlessly pursued by an army of horrific bio-monsters. With nowhere to run, Sho is forced to call upon the fearsome power of the Guyver and rip his opponents limb from limb in a desperate struggle for survival. DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/27/11 17+ • #FUN09755 • 625 mins • $22.49 on a planet of ruin, a champion is found. A feral boy named Age holds the destiny of their species in his hands and the untold power of the Tribe of Hero within. DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/27/11 13+ • #FUN08685 • 630 mins • $22.49 ARAKAWA UNDER THE BRIDGE PAGE 5 Like a drug, Yukino Miyazawa was addicted to admiration and praise from those around her. She worked hard to become the perfect student - the perfect girl. But that was before... him. Souichirou Arima. The instant she met him, she hated him. Without even trying, he snatched the very glory from her hands. To take back what is rightully hers, Yukino is putting all her efforts into plotting her revenge - but was love part of the plan? DVD Complete Collection Anime Value 13+ • #RSDVD0924 • 780 mins • $29.99 ICE Some strange virus has wiped out most of the population. The survivors? Beautiful women. Faced with the possible extinction of their entire race, some of these new Amazons have decided to live out their final days in the pursuit only of fleshly pleasures. Others choose to use their beauty, their might, and their minds to fight back and reclaim the planet once more. DVD Complete Collection Released 11/15/11 13+ • #SFICE100 • 90 mins • $22.49 IKKI-TOUSEN TV SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Once again blood flows in the streets of Kanto. The eternal fate that has been handed down for over 1800 years is now being fought by ancient warriors who have been reincarnated into the students of the seven top schools. Hakufu Sonsaku arrives on the scene and is rumored to be the legendary warrior Shou-Haou. But can this blonde airhead with overly endowed assets actually be the legendary Shou-Haou? DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/13/11 17+ • #FUN06948 • 325 mins • $14.99 INITIAL D When Keisuke Takahashi of the infamous Red Suns racing team accidentally witnesses normal, everyday tofu delivery boy Takumi Fujiwara’s expert drift technique, Takumi’s life shifts into high gear. Keisuke challenges him to a racing battle and the race results in Takumi plunging headlights first into the white-knuckle, adrenalinerushing world of underground mountainpass street racing. DVD Stage 1 Complete Collection S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #FUN08828 • 650 mins • $22.49 DVD Stages 2-3 + OVA Extra Stage Collection S.A.V.E. Edition 14+ • #FUN08829 • 425 mins • $22.49 DVD Stage 4 Complete Collection S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/20/11 14+ • #FUN08827 • 560 mins • $22.49 Blu-ray Vol. 3 (Eps. 9-11) 13+ • #AV20037 • 75 mins • $22.49 DVD Vol. 3 (Eps. 9-11) 13+ • #AV20033 • 75 mins • $18.74 Blu-ray Vol. 4 Released 11/22/11 13+ • #AV20038 • 75 mins • $22.49 DVD Vol. 4 Released 11/22/11 13+ • #AV20034 • 75 mins • $18.74 KANOKON: THE GIRL WHO CRIED FOX OVA With the arrival of summer and the school break, Chizuru, Kota, and the rest of their friends are lazily enjoying the warm weather. Chizuru flirts with Kota, Kota gets embarrassed, and Nozomu gets in the way. Tayura pines after Akane, and Akane rebuffs Tayura. The status quo isn’t quite the same since the fox snared her prey, but the timeless boy-meets-girl tale lingers on. DVD Collection 16+ • #AWDVD1105 • 60 mins • $22.49 K-ON! When Yui Hirasawa enters high school, she wants to join a club but can’t decide which one is right for her. Fortunately, the Light Music Club is desperate to find another member! With the enticement of delicious snacks and assurances that no musical experience is necessary, Yui joins up, becoming the guitarist in this all-girl high school rock band. Together with Mio Akiyama on bass, Tsumugi Kotobuki on keyboard, and Ritsu Tainaka on drums, they’re going to rock the school and someday make it to the Budokan! Blu-ray Vol. 1 (Eps. 1-4) 13+ • #AV20035 • 100 mins • $26.24 DVD Vol. 1 (Eps. 1-4) 13+ • #AV20031 • 100 mins • $22.49 Blu-ray Vol. 2 (Eps. 5-8) 13+ • #AV20036 • 100 mins • $26.24 DVD Vol. 2 (Eps. 5-8) 13+ • #AV20032 • 100 mins • $22.49 TV SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Kimba’s enchanting adventures of friendship, jungle survival and harmony return! Join Kimba along with his pals, Pauly the Parrot and Daniel Baboon, as he follows in the footsteps of his late father, the great lion king, making the jungle a safer, better place for everyone to live. First aired in 1965, Kimba is known worldwide as one of Osamu Tezuka’s greatest masterpieces. Each episode is restored and presented in order according to Osamu Tezuka’s original storyline. DVD Ultra Box Set Limited Edition (Eps. 1-52) ALL • #RSDVD2012 • DUB ONLY • 1345 mins • $97.49 KIMI NI TODOKE -FROM ME TO YOU- KATANAGATARI Legend has it the unrivaled blacksmith Shikizaki Kiki’s masterpieces, the 12 Klesha Bringers, led the Sengoku Period of Japan. The “Land of the Rising Sun” was unified as one nation under one man. However, this man, the Old Shogun, feared a rebellion and enacted a notorious policy known as Katana Hunting, collecting the katanas Shikizaki forged. Yasuri Shichika, the seventh-generation master of the sword art Kyoto Ryu, lives on the isolated Fusho Island. One day, a Shogunate official dispatched to collect the Klesha Bringers pays a visit to the island... DVD/Blu-ray Box Set 1 Premium Edition (Eps. 1-6) 13+ • #813633011189 • SUB ONLY • 316 mins • $52.49 DVD/Blu-ray Box Set 2 Premium Edition (Eps. 7-12) 13+ • #813633011486 • SUB ONLY • 308 mins • $52.49 KEKKAISHI STAFF PICK Sawako Kuronuma is sweet, earnest and more than a little naïve, but she’s also decidedly odd (her nickname is “Sadako” after the famous horror movie character), which keeps her from ever being saccharine. Her strangely charming personality drives this romantic series beyond the average shoujo tale and leaves viewers rooting for her everyday triumphs (building friendships with classmates, gaining self-confidence, keeping other students from running away in fear of her non-existent supernatural powers, etc.) from the very first episode. - Staff DVD/Blu-ray Box Set 1 Premium Edition (Eps. 1-12) Released 11/10/11 7+ • #813633011462 • SUB ONLY • 273 mins • $51.99 KINO’S JOURNEY JUNJO ROMANTICA Three very different couples caught up in a storm of pure romance! Romantica: Misaki’s struggling to prepare for his entrance exams, so his brother arranges for a tutor. But his nightmare is just beginning when his tutor comes on to him! Egoist: Just when Kamijou’s life is at its lowest, he has a chance meeting with a man who never lets anything hold him back. Terrorist: Miyagi always seems to shrug off the cares of the world, but even he has problems. Foremost is Shinobu, who’s adamant that they’re destined to be together. DVD Season 1 Collection 17+ • #RSDVD1018 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 2 Collection 17+ • #RSDVD1140 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 KIMBA, THE WHITE LION STAFF PICK Fourteen-year-old Yoshimori would rather sleep in, but as the 22nd Kekkaishi of the Sumimura clan, fate’s got other plans for him: namely, spending his nights using his barrier powers to protect the sacred grounds his school just happened to be built on. Kekkaishi is shonen anime at its best: the plot deftly balances adventure with character development, the cast is likable and varied, and the unique fighting style keeps the action engaging all the way to the end. - Staff DVD Set 1 (Eps. 1-13) 13+ • #782009242055 • 325 mins • $37.46 DVD Set 2 (Eps. 14-26) 13+ • #782009242062 • 320 mins • $37.46 DVD Set 3 (Eps. 27-39) Released 12/13/11 13+ • #782009242079 • N/A mins • $37.46 KENICHI: THE MIGHTIEST DISCIPLE Kenichi’s a total wimp. He’s always getting picked on and doesn’t have a lot of friends to stick up for him. The guy needs motivation if he hopes to graduate in one piece. Well, Miu’s the perfect motivation. She’s hot, she accepts him, and she just so happens to live at a dojo with six martial arts masters. You could say fate has led Kenichi to their door, or you could say he was just following the hottie. Either way, he’s about to get whipped into serious shape. DVD Season 1 Complete Set Anime Classics 13+ • #FUN08284 • 600 mins • $37.49 Kino is a traveler with a heavy past. Going from country to country, Kino explores what each has to offer; however, the world is not well suited to travelers. Each country has its own customs, some of which can be unusual, some amusing... and some even horrifying. Kino’s only companion is a motorcycle named Hermes who seems to be alive. What awaits them out in the mysterious, beautiful, and dangerous world? DVD Complete Collection Released 12/13/11 13+ • #DKJ200 • 325 mins • $26.24 KITE OVA LIBERATOR Teenage assassin Sawa has discovered that the man behind her parents’ deaths was her foster father, police detective Akai. Now, the story of a new killer has begun to circulate around the city. Called the Angel of Death, she eliminates her targets with grace and precision, and then vanishes without a trace into the darkness. DVD Special Edition 16+ • #AWDVD1110 • 60 mins • $18.74 KOBATO To ease all the pain and suffering in this world is no simple task, but young Kobato earnestly believes that she has the talent and ability to do just that! However, the halfhuman creature known as Ioryogi doubts whether the strange girl with the mysterious past is truly ready to receive the mystical flask Kobato needs to achieve her goal, a special bottle gifted with the ability to capture the pain and sorrow of a broken heart. DVD Collection 1 (Eps. 1-12) 13+ • #SFKB100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 Arakawa Under the Bridge © Hikaru Nakanura / SQUARE ENIX, ArakawaUB Project. 10 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 11 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM GIRL WHO LEAPT THROUGH SPACE 0079 HELL GIRL DVD & BLU-RAY known only as The Laughing Man swept through top medical nanotechnology firms. New information is revealed to Japan’s top homeland security force, drawing Major Kusanagi and Section 9 into the hunt for a suspect capable of hacking the eyes of every operative, obscuring all details of his appearance and leaving behind a trail of copycats and hacked cyborg citizens. Blu-ray 13+ • #ME25161 • 106 mins • $26.24 “This was, without a doubt, the best customer service I have received in a long time...” -Edward F. DVD & BLU-RAY LA CORDA D’ORO After Kahoko Hino encounters a tiny fairy named Lili, she’s shocked to find herself entered in a competition for the elite music program! That might be wonderful, except Hino doesn’t even play an instrument. Lili has a solution for that, and attempts to give her a magic violin. Hino refuses at first, but weakens, perhaps noticing how many good-looking boys seem to be in the program. Now she’s competing against a host of talented students, and she really can’t play a note! DVD Season 1 ~ Primo Passo ~ Complete Collection 13+ • #SFLCD300 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $52.49 LEGEND OF THE MILLENNIUM DRAGON An unwilling young hero undertakes a spectacular journey into a mysterious past full of monsters, dragons, and strange hidden powers. Through a series of out of this world battles and adventures, Jun, a shy middle school boy, is transformed into a hero destined to battle evil and ensure harmony and tranquility in the world. DVD/Blu-ray N/R • #043396387829 • 93 mins • $41.39 LITTLE NEMO: ADVENTURES IN SLUMBERLAND FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM LOST UNIVERSE Millie Nocturne has one goal in life: to be the best in the universe - at everything! But when she tries her hand at being the “best detective,” she ends up an unwilling partner to two people who will change her life forever: Kain Blueriver, the psiblade-wielding master of the starship Swordbreaker, and Canal, the smart-mouthed ship’s computer. Join them as they hurtle through space facing off against intergalactic crime lords, rogue starships, and hijackers dressed as chickens... and that’s just the tip of the asteroid! DVD Box Set (Thinpak) (Eps. 1-26) 13+ • #RSDVD0722 • 650 mins • $29.99 LOUPS=GAROUS After a virus claims millions, most live in the safety of a closed-off world, relegating themselves to an on-line existence. But when a young girl decides to brave life outside the virtual world, she finds a group of friends - and a killer. Someone is hunting and violently murdering children. Who? Why? And is she the next target? Blu-ray Released 11/29/11 14+ • #SFBLG001 • 98 mins • $29.99 DVD Released 11/29/11 14+ • #SFLG001 • 98 mins • $22.49 LOVE HINA Attempting to fulfill a promise to his childhood sweetheart, Keitaro Urashima is determined to enter Tokyo University. After being rejected twice, he decides to leave home and stay MAGICAL WITCH PUNIE-CHAN On the outside, Punie-chan looks like your average magical girl. She’s a cheery princess from another land, she’s attending school on Earth for the year, and she has an adorable animal sidekick - but cross her and prepare to pay the price! This sweet young lady becomes a merciless force of destruction, leaving bodies in her righteous wake, utterly broken by her signature submission holds. DVD Special Edition 13+ • #AWDVD1107 • 120 mins • $22.49 MATCHLESS RAIJIN-OH When the legendary Guardian Eldoran is badly wounded by the fifth-dimensional invaders of the Jaku Empire, he has no choice but to leave the Earth’s only salvation - the mighty robot Raijin-Oh - in the hands of the first people he can find... which happens to be a classroom of 5th Graders. DVD Vol. 1 (Eps. 1-5) 13+ • #AM001 • 130 mins • $17.99 DVD Vol. 3 (Eps. 11-15) 13+ • #AM003 • 130 mins • $17.99 More volumes also available! OVA SKL Above Japan waits Remuria, a colossal floating island leftover from the last world war. It’s a lawless wasteland of robot superweapons from a forgotten age of military might. Receiving word that the unstable island’s reactors might explode and vaporize Japan at any time, the Japanese government awakens the most destructive force ever devised: MazinKaiser! Blu-ray Released 12/6/11 16+ • #AWBD1120 • 75 mins • $18.74 MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA MOVIE DISAPPEARANCE OF HARUHI Ten days before Christmas, it seemed like just another ordinary day for the SOS Brigade; Haruhi came up with another one of her crazy ideas to hold a Christmas party MAID SAMA Getting sent to Seika High School is scary enough if you’re a guy, but now the notorious former boys’ school has gone coed. Into this untamed and testosteronefilled wilderness comes a girl on a mission, a girl who’s not afraid of any male and is willing to take them on in that most deadly of all arenas: the Student Council! As Seika’s first-ever female president, Misaki Ayuzawa talks the talk and walks the walk, but after school hours she morphs into something rather different... a waitress at a maid cafe! DVD Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) 14+ • #SFMS100 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Collection 2 (Eps. 14-26) 14+ • #SFMS200 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 MARDOCK SCRAMBLE MOVIE FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM On one unforgettable night, Nemo falls asleep Soon, with the help of his flying pet squirrel Icarus and his friend Professor Genius, they journey together into Slumberland. Nemo is lovingly embraced by the people of Slumberland, particularly the King, who adopts Nemo and makes him heir to the throne. He is entrusted with two very special possessions: the prized Royal Scepter, and a mysterious key that unlocks all sorts of dark and dangerous secrets. DVD ALL • #ES026 • 95 mins • $11.21 at his grandmother’s apartment complex to study. But when he arrives, his grandmother is gone, and he finds himself under attack by the all-female residents. DVD Complete Series Anime Classics Released 11/15/11 14+ • #FUN09617 • 600 mins • $29.99 MAZINKAISER THE FIRST COMPRESSION To stop the unstoppable you need the irresistible. To kill the unkillable, you need someone for whom death no longer has a meaning. And to catch the perfect serial killer, you need the one person who knows his methods the best... his last victim! Murdered and reborn, the female cyborg Balot exists for only one reason: to track down the man who killed her and bring him to justice. But can even the ultimate hybrid between ghost and machine take down a monster who wipes his own memory? DVD 17+ • #SFMDS001 • 60 mins • $22.49 MARIA WATCHES OVER US When Yumi Fukuzawa entered the Lillian Girls’ Academy, a prestigious all-girls Catholic school in Tokyo, she never imagined she would catch the eye of beautiful and demure Sachiko Ogasawara, one of the school’s most popular students. Now Sachiko has offered to be Yumi’s soeur - her “sister” - and guide for all her years at the academy. The whole idea has Yumi completely flustered - after all, they hardly know each other! DVD Season 1 Collection 13+ • #RSDVD0815 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 2: Printemps Collection 13+ • #RSDVD0816 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 3 Collection 13+ • #RSDVD0901 • SUB ONLY • 255 mins • $29.99 DVD Season 4 Collection 13+ • #RSDVD1022 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 MASTER OF MARTIAL HEARTS HIMAWARI! PAGE 11 Aya Iseshima’s carefree existence takes Himawari! © Himawari! Production Committee. 12 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 DVD & BLU-RAY DVD Collection 2 (Eps. 13-24) 13+ • #SFKB200 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 a bone-crushingly violent turn when she wanders into the midst of a sadistic, girlon-girl martial arts tournament. Her freshly pressed school uniform doesn’t stand a chance of surviving this pugilistic peep show, but Aya’s out to prove that she can take a pounding just as well as the other knock-outs in this clandestine competition. DVD Complete Set Anime Classics Released 12/6/11 17+ • #FUN08846 • 110 mins • $18.74 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 13 DVD & BLU-RAY OVA SERIES MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI-CHAN SUZUMIYA & NYORON! CHURUYA-SAN! In these animated short episodes based on the Haruhi-chan 4-koma manga, Haruhi is even more outrageous with her twisted understanding of Valentine’s Day and Halloween, Mikuru is just as clueless as ever, and Yuki is... an ero-game addict?! Nyoron! Churuya-san: Follow the whimsical adventures of Churuya-san (based on the character Tsuruya-san) on her quest for her favorite food, smoked cheese. DVD Part 1 (Eps. 1-13) 13+ • #AV20854 • 66 mins • $18.74 DVD Part 2 (Eps. 14-25) 13+ • #AV20855 • 66 mins • $18.74 MODERN MAGIC MADE SIMPLE Life hasn’t been fair to Koyomi. She’s in high school, but she’s so short that everyone assumes she’s in grade school. Fortunately, salvation arrives in the form of master mage Misa, who takes Koyomi under her wing in a new style of magic, which breaks enchantment down into code sequences. Unfortunately, Koyomi’s talent so far seems to consist of making washbasins randomly fall out of the sky. But if it was easy, it wouldn’t be magic, would it? DVD Complete Collection Released 12/20/11 17+ • #SFYGM100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 There are twisted tales and twisted tales, but few are as twisted as poor Sado’s, who’s just realized that he actually likes being made miserable. Of course, knowing that only makes him more miserable, which in turn... well, you get the idea. Desperate to break the cycle, Sado volunteers for a special club where he hopes he can work through his issues only to discover that the other members have equally... complex... issues to deal with. DVD Complete Collection 17+ • #SFMM100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 MOON PHASE While a photographer is investigating a mysterious castle, he discovers a captivating young vampire girl who’s been trapped there. Unknowingly, he frees her and ensnares them both in a struggle for love, power, and authority among the undead and other dark forces. DVD Box Set S.A.V.E. Edition Released 12/20/11 13+ • #FUN08399 • 650 mins • $22.49 MUSHI-SHI Between this world and the next, there is a point where it becomes impossible to distinguish between plant and animal, between life and death. This is where you will find the mushi. Neither good nor evil, they are life in its purest form. An unseen river reshaping the path of man, through their very presence we are changed. Vulgar and strange, they have inspired fear in humans since the dawn of time and have come to be known as “mushi.” DVD Complete Collection S.A.V.E. Edition 14+ • #FUN05114 • 625 mins • $22.49 MOVIE ONE PIECE TV SERIES UNCUT As the Pirate King Gold Roger was executed, he revealed that his treasure, known as “One Piece,” was hidden somewhere on the Grand Line. Monkey D. Luffy dreams of finding the legendary treasure and becoming the Pirate King, and after eating the devil’s fruit, he gains the power to do so. But first, he must find a crew. DVD Collection 1 (Eps. 1-26) 14+ • #FUN09469 • 650 mins • $26.24 DVD Collection 2 (Eps. 27-53) 14+ • #FUN09470 • 650 mins • $26.24 DVD Collection 3 (Eps. 54-78) Released 11/29/11 14+ • #FUN09471 • 650 mins • $26.24 More volumes also available! SHIPPUDEN MOVIE 2: BONDS A group of mysterious flying ninja have arrived from overseas to launch a sudden attack against the Hidden Leaf Village, leaving behind a wake of destruction. The group is revealed to be the “Sky Ninja” from the Land of Sky, a nation thought to have been destroyed by the Hidden Leaf Village long ago. To save their village, Naruto and his friends set out to stop this new threat. During the course of the mission, Naruto crosses paths with Sasuke, his friend who has parted ways from the Leaf Village. Blu-ray 13+ • #782009241836 • 90 mins • $18.74 DVD 13+ • #782009241829 • 90 mins • $14.99 NEGIMA TV SERIES NEGIMA!? Wizard Negi Springfield may be a boy, but he has a man-sized job to do! Fresh from the Academy of Magic, Negi continues his training as an instructor at Mahora Academy in Japan. But before he can get his Master’s in magic, the 31 schoolgirls of Class 3-A are gonna keep him up all night cramming for a final exam in will power. Temptation aside, Negi has more on his syllabus than flirting and spells. Darkness is closing in, and Negi is gonna need help from his student bodies to drive the ghouls from their school. DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition 17+ • #FUN07778 • 650 mins • $22.49 OREIMO relationship slowly develops through Kirino’s insistence that Kyosuke help her secretly pursue her love for moe anime and dating sim games, it’s interesting to see how fuzzy the boundaries between hatred and love can be. - Staff DVD Complete Box Limited Edition 13+ • #AOA1001 • SUB ONLY • 400 mins • $59.99 OTOBOKU: MAIDENS ARE FALLING FOR ME Mizuho can’t believe his ears when Grandpa’s will is read. His final wish was for Mizuho to attend the same academy as Mizuho’s mother. The catch is, it’s an allgirls school. With the help of friend Mariya, however, he gets a makeover good enough to fool everyone. DVD Complete Collection Litebox 13+ • #AWDVD1112 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $14.99 PEACEMAKER STAFF PICK On the one hand, this series quickly became for me My Little Sister’s Friend Kuroneko. Kuroneko’s character stands out as the quirkiest and yet displays the most depth as her home life is artfully revealed to be in stark contrast to her public persona. On the other hand, the complex relationship between Kyosuke and his otaku sister Kirino swings wildly between brutal violence and guarded tenderness, and it’s this dynamic that makes the pair so fun. As their After the horrific murder of his parents, young Tetsu embarks on a quest for vengeance that threatens to consume his soul. His journey leads him to the inner sanctum of the Shinsengumi, a prestigious order of swordsmen at war with the very villains who cut down his mother and father. Tetsu’s samurai training gives him the strength to seek revenge, but it also opens his eyes to a painful truth: his new allies are responsible for just as much bloodshed as his sworn enemies. DVD Complete Series Anime Classics 13+ • #FUN05930 • 600 mins • $37.49 PIANO: THE MELODY OF A YOUNG GIRL’S HEART Miu Nomura once loved to play the piano. As a little girl, the music made her heart soar. Now an intorverted teenager, Miu has SHIPPUDEN TV SERIES What strange and dangerous powers are afoot in Crown City? Why did Celebi suddenly return after vanishing for twenty years? And why is the mighty Zoroark unleashing its fury upon the town? The quest for these answers leads down an uncertain path filled with peril. Can Ash and his companions find enough courage, strength, and friendship to unearth the mystery in time to save Crown City? DVD ALL • #782009242215 • DUB ONLY • 95 mins • $14.98 NIGHT RAID 1931 1931, Shanghai. Ten years before America will enter World War II, the hydra’s teeth planted by the first great global conflict are beginning to germinate. Hatching like spiders, they weave the complex web of plots and conspiracies destined to inevitably draw entire nations to the brink of destruction. Desperately seeking to separate lies from truth is “Sakurai Kikan,” an ultra-secret intelligence agency staffed by extraordinarily talented individuals with abilities far beyond those of normal humans. Blu-ray Complete Collection 17+ • #SFBNGR100 • 400 mins • $52.49 DVD Complete Collection 17+ • #SFNGR100 • 400 mins • $44.99 Non-stop excitement awaits in the Sinnoh region as Ash’s quest for a Gym Badge lands him in a shocking encounter with Rotom and a family feud between father and son Gym Leaders! Then, our heroes witness the power of Aura when they join forces with Riley and Lucario to protect an island full of Pokemon from Team Galactic, but Aura won’t help Pikachu and Piplup when they wind up lost on a deserted island. DVD Box Set 1 (Vol. 1-2) ALL • #782009240860 • DUB ONLY • 350 mins • $18.69 DVD Vol. 5 ALL • #782009241898 • DUB ONLY • 150 mins • $11.23 DVD Vol. 6 ALL • #782009241904 • DUB ONLY • 150 mins • $11.23 DVD Box Set 3 (Vol. 5-6) ALL • #782009241850 • DUB ONLY • 300 mins • $18.69 DVD Vol. 7 Released 11/22/11 ALL • #782009241911 • DUB ONLY • 150 mins • $11.23 DVD Vol. 8 Released 11/22/11 ALL • #782009241928 • DUB ONLY • 175 mins • $11.23 DVD Box Set 4 (Vol. 7-8) Released 11/22/11 ALL • #782009241867 • DUB ONLY • 325 mins • $18.69 More volumes also available! MOVIES MOVIE 4: POKEMON 4EVER In order to escape a greedy Pokemon hunter, Celebi must use the last of its energy to travel through time to the present day. Celebi brings along Sammy, a boy who had been trying to protect it. Along with Ash, Pikachu, and the rest of the gang, Sammy and Celebi encounter an enemy far more advanced than the hunter. DVD ALL • #096009757595 • DUB ONLY • 75 mins • $6.29 MOVIE 6: JIRACHI WISH MAKER Only once every thousand years, when the Millennium Comet is visible in the night sky, does Jirachi awaken from his slumber. When he awakens this time at a traveling circus, he’s got a whole new set of friends by his side: Ash, Pikachu, Max and the whole gang. But soon, they must rescue Jirachi from the clutches of an evil magician and former scientist named Butler who wants to harness Jirachi’s incredible energy to bring life to one of the most legendary and powerful Pokemon of all! DVD ALL • #096009759797 • DUB ONLY • 81 mins • $6.29 NINJA NONSENSE Take one totally cute (and naive) ninjagirl trainee and a ninja horde under the weirdest headmaster ever - a strange, yellow, spherical, pudgy... creature... named Onsokumaru - and you get the craziest, most hilarious anime show ever invented! DVD Collection (Thinpak) 15+ • #RSDVD1025 • 325 mins • $37.49 MOVIE 7: DESTINY DEOXYS K-ON! PAGE 11 After two and a half years of training on the “Great prices and an amazing group of people who do the best to accommodate the customer’s needs. I couldn’t possibly ask for a better shopping experience.” - Stephanie A. Blu-ray Season 2: The Evil Eye Complete Series 17+ • #AWBD1113 • 300 mins • $44.99 DVD Season 2: The Evil Eye Part 1 (Eps. 1-6) 16+ • #AWDVD1104 • 150 mins • $18.74 DVD Season 2: The Evil Eye Part 2 (Eps. 7-12) 16+ • #AWDVD1109 • 150 mins • $18.74 PRINCESS TUTU A girl named Duck falls in love with a prince. One day, a bizarre old man emerges and gives her a magical pendant that transforms her into the waltzing Princess Tutu. Now she must choose - for those who accept their fate find happiness, those who defy it, glory. DVD Complete Collection 14+ • #DPTT300 • 625 mins • $29.99 PROFESSOR LAYTON MOVIE PROFESSOR LAYTON AND THE ETERNAL DIVA Professor Layton, true English gentleman and the world’s greatest amateur super sleuth, embarks on his most daring adventure yet when he receives a letter from his old student, the famous opera diva Janice Quatlane. Meanwhile, a spate of disappearances hits London. The Professor suspects they’re related to the mysterious occurrences at the theatre. The Professor and his loyal assistant Luke travel to the Opera House to solve their toughest puzzle yet, the mystery of Eternal Life! DVD N/R • #782009242222 • 95 mins • $14.98 PROJECT A-KO In high-tech Larousse City, secrets are revealed as Ash, Pikachu and the gang meet Tory, a new friend who is afraid of Pokemon and their trainers. New fears surface when a mysterious aurora appears over the city along with Deoxys: a Pokemon unlike any seen before. When a spectacular battle between Deoxys and Rayquaza begins, more than just Ash and Pikachu will be needed to stop it - it will take everyone. DVD ALL • #096009759698 • DUB ONLY • 98 mins • $6.29 STAFF PICK MOVIE A-ko lives again! Eastern Star has put tireless effort into remastering A-ko, and it certainly shows in the new release. The colors are crisp and vibrant, the frame shaking has had corrections, and a lot of the dirt and scratches that were visible in the original release are gone! The Central Park Media release of Project A-ko has been out of print for years, so it’s a relief to see this classic anime title available once again. If you don’t own a copy of A-ko yet, I suggest you pick up this release, its finest representation yet! - Staff DVD N/R • #ES021 • 86 mins • $14.96 QUEEN’S BLADE TV SERIES In a land where the queen is chosen every few years solely by winning a tournament, there can be no short supply of formidable opponents. For one woman warrior however, an early defeat clearly shows her that she is lacking in experience, though she may be bountiful in body. Fortunately, her life is saved by a powerful stranger. Unfortunately for this savior, less-than-pure motives and shrewd family members mean her reward is a prison cell. Blu-ray Season 1: The Exiled Virgin Complete Series 17+ • #AWBD1051 • 300 mins • $44.99 DVD Season 1: The Exiled Virgin Complete Series 17+ • #AWDVD1049 • 300 mins • $37.49 and lead a rebellion against the villainous tyrant whose hands are stained by the blood of her ancestors. DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #FUN01168 • 580 mins • $22.49 ROSARIO+VAMPIRE DIAMOND AND PEARL: GALACTIC BATTLES In a magical water city of canals and mazes, Ash, Pikachu and the rest of the gang face off against a slick pair of thieves who plan to steal an awesome and dangerous jewel guarded by Latios and Latias. To save the city from total destruction, our heroes must defeat the evil duo and overcome impossible obstacles - but time is running out. DVD ALL • #096009757694 • DUB ONLY • 80 mins • $6.29 NEO ANGELIQUE ABYSS SEE ANGELIQUE OH! MY GODDESS SEE AH! MY GODDESS! POKEMON MOVIE 13: ZOROARK MASTER OF ILLUSIONS MOVIE 5: POKEMON HEROES NARUTO TV SERIES UNCUT become too shy to express herself - even through her music. When Miu develops a crush on a classmate, her piano teacher, the moody Mr. Shirakawa, notices a sudden and remarkable change in her playing. Can he help her rediscover the courage to share her heart once more? DVD Bundle Collection (Eps. 1-10) 7+ • #RSDVD1010 • 240 mins • $14.99 RAY SEE BLACK JACK RENTAL MAGICA Destroying supernatural monsters and dispelling dark magic is all in a day’s work for the mages of Astral! However, after the mysterious disappearance of the company president, they’re left in a lurch. His son, Itsuki Iba, begrudgingly fills in, but Itsuki’s unfamilarity with magic could spell bad news for Astral - especially with their rival Goetia vying for the very same contracts. As the jobs grow ever more dangerous, they soon find that staying in business is the least of their worries. DVD Collection 1 (Eps. 1-12) 13+ • #RSDVD0919 • SUB ONLY • 525 mins • $37.49 DVD Collection 2 (Eps. 13-24) 13+ • #RSDVD1009 • SUB ONLY • 400 mins • $37.49 REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA SEE UTENA Tsukune looks to be a typical high school student but his grades are bad to the bone. Rejected by school after school, he finally gets accepted by an academy that’s more than a little out of his neighborhood. Unfortunately, it’s a school for monsters and Tsukune is the lone human! While forced to hide his secret, along comes a cute - but hungry - vampire girl named Moka. Beneath her cute and clumsy exterior, she too is not exactly as she seems... DVD Complete Series Released 12/20/11 13+ • #FUN09681ALT • 325 mins • $44.99 ROZEN MAIDEN OVA OUVERTURE Prequel to the TV series. Journey back to 19th century London and the birth of the Rozen Maidens to witness the cruel and tragic origin of Rozen’s first doll, and how, even when left abandoned and unfinished, she still fought her own way to the Rosa Mystica and the Alice Game! But leave what you think you know behind, for this is Souseiseki’s story, and what she has to say may surprise you. DVD Released 12/6/11 14+ • #SFRZM200 • 50 mins • $22.49 RIDEBACK TV SERIES After an injury forces Rin to trade her stage career for college life, she finds new thrills as a member of the RideBack Club. When she discovers an unusual connection with one machine in particular - Fuego - she is forced into the middle of a revolution. The tyrannical new government rules with an iron fist and Rin is reluctant to take them on, but as her dearest friends suffer and the insurgency struggles to topple the increasingly powerful regime, Rin may have no choice. DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series 14+ • #FUN01245ALT • 300 mins • $48.74 One young boy who couldn’t get along with his classmates. One exquisite doll who wished to become a normal human girl. These are their adventures as they strive to help each other overcome their fears and the very real dangers of the Alice Game. However, they must first overcome their distrust of each other. DVD Complete Collection (Seasons 1-2 + OVA) Released 12/6/11 14+ • #SFRZM100 • 650 mins • $37.49 ROBOTECH TRUST & BETRAYAL TV SERIES Journey into Kenshin’s past as a young orphan in nineteenth century Japan, where he learns his fighting skills from the great swordsman Hiko. Witness his beginnings, as he turns from an idealistic youth to a cold-hearted assassin in a land torn by warfare and rebellion. Amidst all the killing and betrayal, Kenshin’s world is thrown into further confusion by the arrival of a mysterious woman named Tomoe. Blu-ray Limited Edition 17+ • #ANSX3935 • 124 mins • $64.98 Robotech is a sweeping science-fiction anime epic of humans defending their home world against alien domination. The saga is told through the eyes of characters caught up in a series of wars that erupts when a mysterious spacecraft crash-lands on Earth at the turn of the millennium. The secrets of alien knowledge aboard this vessel were unlocked, leading to the development of “Robotechnology” and the creation of a vast arsenal of robotic “mecha” to defend the Earth against the alien threats. DVD Season 1: First Robotech War Collection N/R • #733961252279 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $35.96 DVD Season 2: Second Robotech War Collection N/R • #733961252286 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $35.96 DVD Season 3: Third Robotech War Collection N/R • #733961252293 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $35.96 DVD Complete Series N/R • #733961249026 • DUB ONLY • 1950 mins • $89.96 ROMEO X JULIET For most of her young life, Juliet was forced to live a tortuous lie. Disguised as a boy, she lurked in the shadows of Neo Verona. She escapes from the monotony of a life in hiding disguised as the Crimson Whirlwind a masked crusader determined to right the wrongs of a heinous regime. But now, as her people’s suffering reaches unspeakable levels, Juliet prepares to raise her sword RUROUNI KENSHIN OVAS REFLECTION Kenshin’s history of death and destruction has made him known throughout all of Japan as the sword-bearing master assassin. Seeking retribution for his past, Kenshin wanders further away to a place he can call home. Although creating a time of peace through his actions, Kenshin continues to distance himself from the ones he loves, while Kenshin’s wife, Kaoru, anxiously waits for the moment of his return. Blu-ray Limited Edition 17+ • #ANSX3936 • 95 mins • $54.98 MOVIE The war against the Tokugawa Shogunate ended years ago, but there are those who are not pleased with the outcome. Shigure Takimi witnessed his family and friends being slain in the name of freedom and prosperity. Holding a cold, hard grudge inside, Shigure K-ON! © kakifly • Houbunsha/Sakura High Band. 14 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 15 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM MM! road, Naruto is back in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and he’s ready to show off his new skills. He and Sakura team up to take on their old master Kakashi, who’s pretty impressed with their progress. They’ll have plenty of opportunity to put it into action when news arrives from the Sand Village that Gaara, Naruto’s former rival and now Kazekage of the Sand, has been kidnapped! DVD Box Set 1 (Eps. 1-13) 16+ • #782009239956 • 325 mins • $37.46 DVD Box Set 7 (Eps. 78-88) 16+ • #782009241744 • 275 mins • $37.46 DVD Box Set 8 (Eps. 89-100) 16+ • #782009241751 • 300 mins • $37.46 More volumes also available! DVD & BLU-RAY in the club room. But things got weirder from there... The next day Kyon woke up to a world in which Haruhi didn’t exist and no one besides him had any memory of her. How can someone like Haruhi Suzumiya, who’s supposed to be center of the universe, just vanish? DVD 13+ • #AV20857 • 164 mins • $22.49 DVD/Blu-ray 13+ • #AV20858 • 164 mins • $29.99 SAMURAI GIRLS Muneakiru Yagyu is a gifted student of the samurai way, but until he arrived at his dojo, he never knew just how gifted he truly was. There, beautiful girl Jubei falls naked from the sky and right into his arms, and when they kiss, he magically transforms her into a powerful master samurai. So, naturally, every beautiful girl at the dojo can’t wait to kiss him now! And some, like the sexy Gisen, want to do even more... Blu-ray Complete Collection 17+ • #SFBSMG100 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD Complete Collection 17+ • #SFSMG100 • 300 mins • $44.99 SGT. FROG Keroro is Sgt. Frog, the leader of a platoon of warriors sent to conquer planet Earth. But when the amphibious invaders discovered how much humans enjoy dissecting their comrades, the troops were scattered, the mission was aborted, and Keroro was abandoned. Now, this once-proud soldier spends more time wielding a vacuum than he does the weapons of war. But though the invasion may have slowed to a hop, Sgt. Frog still occasionally yearns to overcome his karaoke addiction and reassemble his troops. DVD Season 1 Collection (Eps. 1-26) 13+ • #AR09994 • 650 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 3 Part 1 (Eps. 52-65) 13+ • #FUN09996 • 325 mins • $29.99 DVD Season 3 Part 2 (Eps. 66-78) 13+ • #FUN09997 • 300 mins • $29.99 More volumes also available! SLAYERS SQUID GIRL It is a world of fantasy, where magic rules and monsters lurk around every corner. A world of dragons, knights, and wizards. A world populated with heroes and villains. A world where the fate of the world rests in Lina’s hands... (and now we know we’re in trouble!) DVD Seasons 1-3 Set 13+ • #FUN05973 • 1725 mins • $44.99 DVD/Blu-ray Seasons 4-5 Set Released 12/27/11 13+ • #FUN05979 • 650 mins • $52.49 SORA NO WOTO SEE SOUND OF THE SKY SOUL EATER Maka is a Meister and Soul is her Weapon. As students at the Grim Reaper’s Death Weapon Meister Academy, their study habits couldn’t be more different. But in battle against the supernatural forces of evil, they’re a lethal team. Soul transforms - literally - into a razor-sharp scythe, and every defeated wicked soul he sucks down makes him more deadly. Maka unleashes the merciless slayer within, wielding her partner and dropping monsters. They and their fellow classmates are the world’s last line of defense against evil. Blu-ray Meister Collection (Eps. 1-26) 14+ • #FUN01177 • 635 mins • $52.49 DVD Meister Collection (Eps. 1-26) 14+ • #FUN01176 • 635 mins • $52.49 Blu-ray Weapon Collection (Eps. 27-51) 14+ • #FUN01179 • 650 mins • $52.49 DVD Weapon Collection (Eps. 27-51) 14+ • #FUN01178 • 650 mins • $52.49 More volumes also available! SOUND OF THE SKY SHINGU: SECRET OF THE STELLAR WARS Life is rather quiet for Hajime Murata, but when Kyoichi Moriguchi challenges a mysterious new transfer student to a fight, Hajime arrives just in time to see a simple brawl turn into a display of psychic powers! Hajime is determined to figure out the truth about the world he thought he knew. This is his story; a tale of aliens and humans, starships and spies, and friends who are often more than they appear to be. DVD Complete Collection (Thinpak) 7+ • #RSDVD1146 • 650 mins • $22.49 SHUFFLE! Meet Rin, a normal high school guy who is the envy of every other man in town. You see, he’s lucky enough to live with and be pampered by the sweet, beautiful Kaede. It’s just a day like any other when two new transfer students show up in class: Sia, Princess of the Gods, and Nerine, Princess of the Demons. Now Rin’s luck is about to change, for he has been chosen to take one of their hands in marriage! Talk about envy! DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition Released 11/15/11 17+ • #FUN01509 • 600 mins • $22.49 STAFF PICK On the surface, Squid Girl seems like one of those uniquely Japanese comedies where an earnest invader arrives to punish humans for their misdeeds but never quite gets around to it. Instead, Squid Girl discovers that being human can mean having fun with family and friends, enjoying life’s little misadventures and even the joy of fighting and making up. That she does all of this with a combination of gleeful mischief and baffled naivete makes me happy to let her invade my DVD collection. - Staff DVD Part 1 (Eps. 1-6) 7+ • #AWDVD1114 • 150 mins • $18.74 DVD Part 2 (Eps. 7-12) Released 11/15/11 7+ • #AWDVD1118 • 150 mins • $18.74 STAR DRIVER Far beneath the surface of the quiet island of Southern Cross lies an ancient secret that lays dormant until Takuto Tsunashi washes ashore one night... Takuto and his friends become embroiled in a conflict with a clandestine society to control giant machines, called Cybodies, whose powers are bound by special shrine maidens. How will Takuto deal with the obstacles that lie ahead of him? This struggle will threaten to tear apart the entire island! Blu-ray Part 1 (Eps. 1-13) Released 11/22/11 13+ • #AV20073 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 DVD Part 1 (Eps. 1-13) Released 11/22/11 13+ • #AV20071 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 STRIKE WITCHES STAFF PICK Don’t be fooled – Sound of the Sky may look like someone took the girls of K-On! and dressed them up in army uniforms, but this show is an entirely different beast. Set in a meticulously-detailed war-torn world, Sound of the Sky asks what life might be like if mankind was on the edge of extinction, and the answers are sometimes sad, sometimes beautiful. The excellent soundtrack by Yuki Kajiura (of .hack//SIGN and Noir fame) is just icing on the cake for this heartwarming series. - Staff DVD Complete Set Limited Edition 16+ • #RSDVD1144 • SUB ONLY • 355 mins • $37.49 SPICE AND WOLF Lawrence, a traveling merchant searching for profit, finds a naked girl with the ears and tail of a wolf asleep in his cart. Her name is Holo - a harvest goddess with an untamed beast lurking inside who longs to return to her beloved northern home. Armed with his street smarts and her animal instincts, they begin a journey through the wild countryside. Along their path, the riches of happiness shall be reaped, even as the bankruptcy that dwells in the human heart is exposed. Blu-ray Season 1 Complete Set 14+ • #FUN01184 • 312 mins • $37.49 DVD/Blu-ray Season 2 Complete Set 14+ • #FUN01182ALT • 325 mins • $48.74 Meet the girls of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, better known as the Strike Witches! These darlings of the great blue yonder may not have standard-issue uniforms, but they do have all the right stuff. Where the average flyboy falters, these dolls blast aliens to bits in the bat of an eyelash. With a little magic and a whole lot of leg, the girls of the 501st are winning the war on pants and aliens! DVD Complete Collection 17+ • #FUN01192 • 300 mins • $37.49 SUPER GALS Sporting designer clothes, designer makeup, and designer nails, Ran Kotobuki is the very picture of a trendy Shibuya girl, but don’t let her outer appearance fool you. This girl comes from a family of cops, and she’s ready to lay you out flat if you even think about causing trouble in her town! At least, she will... when she’s not distracted by karaoke, shopping, and dodging her homework. Join Ran and her friends as they defend the streets of Shibuya and attempt to shop their way into the history books as the most famous Gals ever! DVD Complete Collection (Seasons 1-2) 13+ • #RSDVD1033 • 1300 mins • $44.99 Got Anime members save an extra 10% OFF our everyday prices, studio sales & more! Luke fon Fabre, a son of a noble family who has been confined in his father’s palace for years, feels impatient and defiant like any teenage boy. When a beautiful young lady named Tear suddenly intrudes into his training session and attacks General Van, who he respects as a master swordsman, the spoiled kid is spirited away and forced into a series of great adventures through this alternate-reality world of swords and sorcery. DVD Part 1 13+ • #AV20051 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $22.49 TEKKEN MOVIE BLOOD VENGEANCE Anna Williams and the G Corporation set a trap for her sister, who works for Jin Kazama, head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Both Jin and his father, Kazuya, seek to possess and control the M Cell that will unlock the destructive supernatural powers buried within the Mishima bloodline. Kazuya dispatches Ling Xiaoyu to spy on Shin Kamiya, a victim of secret genetic experiments who may hold the key to the M Cell. The final battle explodes in a three way battle. Who will claim the M Cell and unlock the full power of the Devil Gene?! DVD Part 1 Released 11/22/11 13+ • #AV20008 • 92 mins • $14.99 TENCHI MUYO OVA SERIES RYO OHKI Tenchi seeks answers from his past while Ryoko faces the present head on, but the gang’s world gets turned upside-down when they receive a strange visitor. It’s not Tenchi’s mother, but a long-lost sister who has come to inform him of his arranged marriage and, more importantly, his new fiancee, Noike. DVD Complete Collection Anime Classics 13+ • #FUN06792 • 225 mins • $14.99 THE THIRD: THE GIRL WITH THE BLUE EYE In the post-apocalyptic world, humans have settled along the desert frontier, battling giant, man-eating insects and living under the watchful eye of The Third, an organization that polices the use of technology. In this world, mercenaries like Honoka and her powerful AI tank, Bogie, will take on any job no matter how dangerous. But when Honoka rescues a mysterious young man from certain death, she suddenly becomes the target of The Third’s watchful eyes. DVD Collection (Thinpak) 15+ • #RSDVD1036 • 600 mins • $37.49 TO FILM COLLECTION Elliptical Orbit: Fifteen years after its last contact with our world, a space freighter known as the Flying Dutchman requests permission to dock at a remote moon base. This mysterious ship carries liquid protons: a power source essential to the survival of Earth’s population. Symbiotic Planet: Against a backdrop of peculiar alien life forms, Aon and Elena - star-crossed lovers from rival countries - struggle to build a life together despite the objections of their superiors. DVD/Blu-ray 14+ • #FUN09500 • 85 mins • $26.24 TO LOVE RU Rito had no idea the planet Develuke even existed when their Princess Lala teleported naked into his bathtub, let alone that touching a girl’s chest is how they propose marriage! Given that he was in the tub when she appeared and slippery soap suds being what they are, Rito’s now engaged to a beautiful girl with a pointed tail. Worse, various aliens are showing up on missions of varying hostile intent, and the girl who Rito really loves is still completely unaware of his feelings. DVD Complete Collection 14+ • #SFTLR300 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $52.49 TORADORA! Due to his frightening appearance, Ryuji lives a rather unfortunate life. On the first day of his junior year of high school, he meets a strange girl named Taiga - better known as the Palm-top Tiger! Despite looking small and cute, she’s extremely short-tempered, and nobody can stop her once she starts throwing punches. However, Ryuji learns a secret about Taiga that nobody else knows... DVD Set 1 (Eps. 1-13) 13+ • #813633011424 • SUB ONLY • 307 mins • $33.74 DVD Set 2 (Eps. 14-25) 13+ • #813633011431 • SUB ONLY • 307 mins • $33.74 TOWARD THE TERRA MOVIE In the future, mankind has created a seemingly utopian society strictly controlled by the government, where anything that threatens to disrupt the status quo is ruthlessly suppressed. When 14-yearold Jomy begins to question the way the society is run, he suddenly becomes a target for both the government and the Mu, an outcast race with extra-sensory abilities who have been fighting against the government for generations. Now each is determined to hunt him down - one to kill him and the other to save him. Remastered edition. DVD 13+ • #RSDVD0824 • SUB ONLY • 128 mins • $14.99 TSUBASA, RESERVOIR CHRONICLE TV SERIES The fates shine upon young archeologist Syaoran and his life-long love, the Princess Sakura. One night, the princess is drawn to some ancient ruins and her latent powers stir, awakening an ability to cross dimensions. But the process is interrupted as unseen forces conspire to claim this magic as their own. Sakura’s soul is sent adrift across the universe. Now Syaoran must track down the remnants of her soul with fellow travelers Kurogane and Fai. Blu-ray Season 1 Complete S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #FUN02305 • 625 mins • $26.24 DVD Season 1 Complete S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #FUN02309 • 625 mins • $22.49 Blu-ray Season 2 Complete S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #FUN02310 • 625 mins • $26.24 DVD Season 2 Complete S.A.V.E. Edition 13+ • #FUN02311 • 625 mins • $22.49 Blu-ray Part 2 (Eps. 15-33) 13+ • #AWBD1115 • 475 mins • $44.99 Blu-ray Part 3 (Eps. 34-45) Released 12/13/11 13+ • #AWBD1121 • 300 mins • $33.74 UTENA, REVOLUTIONARY GIRL TYLOR, IRRESPONSIBLE CAPTAIN TV SERIES Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned out: join the military, get a cushy desk job, and retire with a fat pension check. The perfect plan... until he somehow managed to save an admiral! Now Tylor - a man who wouldn’t know what discipline was if it bit him on the backside - has been made Captain of the space cruiser Soyokaze. The crew of this run-down ship is the craziest rag-tag team of misfits you’re ever seen, but they’d better learn to work together because they’re about to go head to head with the Raalgon Empire! Remastered edition. DVD Collection (Remastered) 15+ • #RSDVD0906 • 650 mins • $37.49 TWELVE KINGDOMS OVA SERIES Our story begins with the everyday life of Youko Nakajima, a Japanese girl who covers her beautiful red hair to keep from standing out. Upon being confronted by a mysterious stranger, she is pulled into another world and abandoned on foreign shores. Her epic journey continues to the Kingdom of Kei on a perilous road of espionage, terror, and betrayal. The mystic world of The Twelve Kingdoms assails her with one savage challenge after another. Will Youko have the courage to embrace her destiny? Blu-ray Part 1 (Eps. 1-14) 13+ • #AWBD1108 • 350 mins • $37.49 Six long months have passed. The Raalgon Empire has developed a horrible new type of weapon, and Tylor has been charged with the duty of intercepting it. But when all that could go wrong does go wrong, the crew members of the Soyokaze find themselves at the mercy of their enemies. As the hours tick down toward their execution, the crew wonders: has their irresponsible captain misled them? Or is this all a part of some greater strategy? Remastered edtion. DVD Collection Remastered 13+ • #RSDVD0908 • 450 mins • $29.99 STAFF PICK Drama, action, comedy, fantasy... Utena has a little bit of everything and something for everyone. What starts out as a seemingly simple story of a chivalrous girl defending a girl’s right to personal freedom quickly expands to show a deeper psychology. The characters are richly developed and the story is perfectly balanced between lighthearted fairytale and dark fantasy. And now, being given a gorgeous remaster, an extensive amount of supplemental extras, and an allnew 5.1 Dolby audio track, Utena’s never looked or sounded better! - Staff DVD Set 1: Student Council Saga Limited Edition 16+ • #RSDVD1154 • 300 mins • $37.49 DVD Set 2: Black Rose Saga Limited Edition 16+ • #RSDVD1156 • 300 mins • $37.49 DVD Set 3: Apocalypse Saga Limited Edition Released 12/6/11 16+ • #RSDVD1158 • 460 mins • $59.99 VAMPIRE KNIGHT At prestigious Cross Academy, there are two sessions of classes: the Day Class and FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM SHINCHAN He’s rude, he’s crude, and adults tremble whenever he’s around. His inappropriate comments and obsession with body parts and bodily functions make life stressful for his struggling parents. No one is safe from Shinchan’s verbal outbursts... and now, neither are you! DVD Season 1 Complete Set (Eps. 1-26) 17+ • #FUN04225 • DUB ONLY • 625 mins • $37.49 DVD Season 3 Part 1 (Eps. 53-65) 17+ • #FUN04227 • DUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 DVD Season 3 Part 2 (Eps. 66-78) 17+ • #FUN04228 • DUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 More volumes also available! TALES OF THE ABYSS TV SERIES TRANSFORMERS TV SERIES HEADMASTERS Season 4 may have marked the end of the American series of Transformers [G1], but Japan had many more stories to tell! Transformers: Headmasters replaces the Gen One fourth season and begins one year after the end of Season 3. Optimus Prime lives again, the energy of the Matrix has been released, and peace reigns on Cybertron... but all that is about to change with the startling arrival of the newest bread of Transformers warrior - the Headmasters! DVD The Japanese Collection 10+ • #826663126044 • SUB ONLY • 765 mins • $26.99 TRIGUN MOVIE BADLANDS RUMBLE In a town surrounded by quicksand, an outlaw from Vash the Stampede’s past has resurfaced after twenty years. His name is Gasback - and he’s looking to cause a little trouble. It seems Gasback has a serious beef with the town’s mayor, who’s paying dozens of bounty hunters to protect his turf. One of those hired guns is a beautiful woman with a vendetta against Gasback. Will she get a shot at revenge? Maybe, if she can get through Gasback’s bodyguard, Wolfwood. And what’s Vash got to do with this mess? Blu-ray 14+ • #FUN09782 • 120 mins • $26.24 DVD 14+ • #FUN09779 • 120 mins • $22.49 SOUND OF THE SKY PAGE 16 Sound of the Sky © Paradores/Aniplex/1121. 16 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 DVD & BLU-RAY DVD & BLU-RAY Takimi and a band of misguided rebels have sworn to exact revenge. There is only one man who stands between them and their goal: Himura Kenshin. Blu-ray Limited Edition 17+ • #ANSX3937 • 100 mins • $54.98 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 17 DVD & BLU-RAY VANDREAD The battle of the sexes may seem bad on Earth, but in a space colony far, far away, things are even worse. Men and women haven’t seen each other for decades, so they don’t just argue in the future - they go straight for each other’s throats. Enter lowly Hibiki, a little guy with big dreams of adventure who finds himself in the middle of a firefight after stowing away in a topsecret mech designed to purge the galaxy of estrogen! DVD Ultimate Collection (Seasons 1-2 + OVAs) 14+ • #FUN01152 • 766 mins • $29.99 WAGNARIA!! The family restaurant Wagnaria stands by itself in Hokkaido. One day, Sota Takanashi, who loves all things small, meets tiny little Popura, who offers him a job working part time at the restaurant. Attracted by her petite stature, Sota accepts her offer. To his surprise, the restaurant is filled with eccentric characters. Get ready to dish up some wacky comedy together with Sota and his coworkers! DVD Complete Series 13+ • #813633011448 • SUB ONLY • 312 mins • $37.49 WITCHBLADE Sought by the greed of Men since the dawn of Humankind, but only bestowed upon the woman whose fate it forever scars: the Witchblade. Is it the Righteous Sword of God, or the Hand of the Devil Himself? Now a new bearer has been chosen, and she must discover the answers for herself. As she stands on the brink of destiny, she is forced to seek the balance between ecstasy and ruin... Blu-ray Complete Series Anime Classics 17+ • #FUN08734 • 600 mins • $33.74 DVD Complete Series Anime Classics 17+ • #FUN08733 • 600 mins • $29.99 XENOSAGA 4,000 years after abandoning the Earth, the fate of humanity now hangs on the actions of a tiny few! Under attack by a merciless enemy from another dimension, the crew of the spaceship Woglinde must fight not only to save their own lives, but also to keep a mysterious monolith with unknown powers out of the claws of mankind’s most fearsome enemy. Enter KOS-MOS, a robotic weapon as dangerous and misunderstood as she is beautiful. DVD Complete Series S.A.V.E. Edition 14+ • #AR09743 • 282 mins • $14.99 YOU’RE UNDER ARREST TV SERIES FULL THROTTLE The ladies of Bokuto Police Station are back, but there have been some big changes! Miyuki’s been in the U.S., studying American police techniques, while Natsumi’s been serving in the military! So have these experiences had any effect on how everyone’s favorite girls carry out their duties protecting the Japanese public? If anything, they may be even wilder and less cautious than before! DVD Complete Collection 13+ • #SFYUA300 • SUB ONLY • 600 mins • $44.99 YU YU HAKUSHO TV SERIES From cutting classes to brawling in the streets, Yusuke Urameshi is not your typical role model. In fact, this kid’s nothing more than a fourteen-year-old delinquent with a talent for trouble. But in a single selfless act, Yusuke dies while saving another. For such a noble sacrifice, he is given a second chance at life, but it’s to be a life far different than the one left behind. Blu-ray Season 1 Complete Set Anime Classics 13+ • #FUN05988 • 620 mins • $33.74 Blu-ray Season 2 Complete Set Anime Classics 13+ • #FUN05989 • 620 mins • $33.74 Blu-ray Season 3 Complete Set Anime Classics 13+ • #FUN05990 • 620 mins • $33.74 Blu-ray Season 4 Complete Set Anime Classics Released 11/29/11 13+ • #FUN05991 • 620 mins • $33.74 MOVIE + EIZOU HAKUSHO Catch up with your favorite characters, feast your eyes on brand-new animation sequences, and get the lowdown on this shonen classic from the actors themselves in Eizou Hakusho! Features a highlight reel of the greatest fight scenes in the history of the series - and a horrifying journey into the nightmares that keep these brawlers up at night. DVD Set Released 11/29/11 13+ • #FUN06004 • 170 mins • $22.49 LIVE ACTION 13 ASSASSINS FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM ADAUCHI SEE REVENGE ALL’S WELL END’S WELL 2011 In this latest installment of All’s Well End’s Well, Cecillia Cheung plays a worker in a cosmetic company who is adored by her boss. However, she has another suitor who happens to be wealthy stirring up many comedic situations among the three. Meanwhile, Keung, a new addition to the company, is romantically linked to Tai, who is an author. DVD N/R • #112122065017 • SUB ONLY • 103 mins • $11.21 AQUARIAN AGE: JUVENILE ORION When several high school guys discover that they have inherited the ability to sprout wings on their backs, they soon find themselves caught up in an unending battle, with each representing one of several different factions: the Darklores, The E.G.O., and the Erasers. DVD N/R • #ES018 • SUB ONLY • 83 mins • $14.96 SUNGKYUNKWAN SCANDAL PAGE 21 Six classmates receive an e-mail from Asuka, whom they thought had committed suicide, asking them to meet up later that night. But when a person wearing a bloody rat mask surprises them and begins a ferocious attack, the students realize that someone is out for revenge! DVD N/R • #TSDVD1112 • SUB ONLY • 76 mins • $14.99 BLADES OF BLOOD During a turbulent time, political upheaval, rebellion, and invasion come to a head in a clash between two swordsmen caught up in a violent and bloody struggle to seize control of the country they love. With their allied army standing behind them, they will meet for the most important battle of their lives. Swords will be drawn while many lives are lost, and only one swordsman will walk away the new king of the land. DVD 17+ • #031398142294 • 108 mins • $24.28 bestowed with superhuman strength, Sunny finally has the power to master his father’s technique and defend the city against his fellow horribly-disfigured mutants! DVD/Blu-ray Released 12/27/11 14+ • #FUN01340 • 110 mins • $22.49 CLONE RETURNS HOME An astronaut dies on a mission, but never fear - he’s got a clone, which has been imprinted with his memories. Unfortunately, the clone malfunctions, and fixates on a tragic memory from the dead astronaut’s youth. The clone runs away to find answers and solace from his burdensome memories, much to the dismay of his wife and the clone company. DVD N/R • #ANMDV1489 • SUB ONLY • 110 mins • $18.74 DEAD OR ALIVE BODYGUARDS & ASSASSINS Hong Kong, 1905. The revolutionary movement has spread throughout China, but the corrupt Qing dynasty will do anything to hold on to its power. As Sun Yat-Sen prepares for a historic meeting which will shape the future of the country, a motley crew of men and women are entrusted to protect him from a group of deadly assassins who will stop at nothing to kill him. DVD N/R • #883476032634 • 139 mins • $17.97 BRAVE ARCHER II This martial arts saga picks up where the original classic left off: with our hero Kuo Tsing winning the hand of fair maiden Huang Yung. Almost immediately, however, clan rivalries in the “Martial Art World” result in Kuo being wounded and an arch rival being named new leader of the Beggar Clan! DVD Released 11/29/11 N/R • #TSDVD1125 • SUB ONLY • 92 mins • $14.99 CALAMARI WRESTLER This tentacled tackler is the hottest story in the Japanese sports press. The president of the Cho-Nippon wrestling team proposes a fixed match as a publicity stunt, but the honorable Calamari Wrestler will hear nothing of it. Wrongfully banned from the sport, he retreats to the Monhonji Temple to train and meditate. But the squid’s problems are just beginning - treacherous businessmen, unrequited love, and the wrestling-ring menace of the Octopus Wrestler and the insectoid Squilla Boxer await! DVD N/R • #ES025 • SUB ONLY • 90 mins • $11.21 CHILD’S EYE A group of friends find themselves stranded in Thailand after unexpected airport closures, and the Chung Tai Hotel, an old run-down building, is the only place to reside. As they uncover the history beneath the walls, they’re slowly drawn into its horrific past. The more sinister, unusual things they discover, the more their minds and bodies are taken over by the hotel’s permanent residents, making it harder to get out alive. DVD 17+ • #031398144557 • 97 mins • $24.28 CITY UNDER SIEGE Sunny, a lowly circus clown, dreams of following in his father’s footsteps by perfecting lethal Flying Dagger technique. That dream seemingly dies the night a group of bullies force Sunny into a mysterious cave, here an abandoned military experiment turns them all into mutants! Suddenly STAFF PICK Dead or Alive is a highly engaging Yakuza crime story, but with Takashi Miike as the director, you just know that it can’t be taken at face value alone. What starts as a violent game of cat-and-mouse eventually explodes with action and will leave you laughing in amazement and wonder. Dead or Alive is, by far, one of my favorite Takashi Miike films next to Audition and Full Metal Yakuza. If you love ridiculous, schlock-style films similar to something you’d expect from David Lynch, check this one out! - Staff DVD N/R • #ES020 • SUB ONLY • 95 mins • $14.96 DEATH BELL: BLOODY CAMP After the school swim star is found murdered, Cha Se-hui and her elite summer session class find themselves locked in the school with an ultimatum: find the murderer among you, or everyone dies. Their only clue is a message scrawled on the blackboard. “When an innocent mother is killed, what son would not avenge her death?” DVD N/R • #TSDVD1121 • SUB ONLY • 84 mins • $14.99 DESTROY ALL MONSTERS The year is 1999, and all of Earth’s monsters have been captured and detained at Ogasawara Island. All is well in the solar system - until one day, a race of alien women brainwashes the monsters and releases them, causing havoc around the world. Godzilla attacks New York City, Rodan invades Moscow, Mothra lays waste to Beijing, Gorosaurus destroys Paris, and Manda attacks London! Blu-ray + CD Soundtrack N/R • #TSBD1124 • 85 mins • $22.49 DVD N/R • #TSDVD1122 • 85 mins • $14.99 DROP Drawn to the hardcore life of a delinquent, Hiroshi drops out of his upscale private school and enrolls in a gritty public school. On his first day he gets his ass kicked by Tatsuya, the son of an ex-yakuza and the leader of a pack of unruly thugs. Hiroshi sucks at fighting, but he hits it off with the crew. Can he still hang when a rivalry with a nasty biker gang turns into countless facebreaking brawls? DVD N/R • #FUN09505 • 120 mins • $14.99 DUKE OF THE MOUNT DEER TV SERIES Wai Siu Po grew up in a brothel in Yang Zhou with his mother. One day, he is caught by an old eunuch and sent to the palace for helping the Universal Clan. There he gets to know the emperor, Hong Hei, and the two become good friends. Po helps Hei stamp out a treacherous minister and becomes an extremely highly regarded official. The leader of the Universal Clan is so impressed by Po that he takes him on as his secret follower. But when Po is asked to kill Hei, he is put in a dilemma. DVD (Eps. 1-40) N/R • #212701135015 • SUB ONLY • 1800 mins • $29.96 EATRIP To eat is indeed to live. Life is just an “eating trip” (eatrip). Eatrip is the directorial debut of food coordinator, creator, and teacher Yuri Nomura. The film explores the interpersonal relationships that food nurtures. To eat is a universal experience and this documentary takes the audience on a journey throughout Japan, looking at how life can be led richly through the daily ritual of eating. DVD N/R • #896911001317 • SUB ONLY • 80 mins • $18.69 EMPIRE OF ASSASSINS One man is out for revenge after a lifealtering event destroys his family. After years of preparation, he seeks out his justice - while unaware of their relation - on his brother. As these two brothers seek to destroy each other, certain memories are triggered. Although many trusted allies will be dishonest and misleading, neither one will stop until they know the truth. DVD 17+ • #031398136989 • 93 mins • $24.28 FIVE ELEMENT NINJAS When a quintet of nasty ninjas - hell-bent on world domination - nearly massacres an entire clan, its lone survivor must take the path of revenge. He meets up with an old master well-versed in the ways of the ninja. Now armed with secret knowledge and newfound friends, he must battle the awesome power of the Five Element Ninjas. Blu-ray Released 12/13/11 N/R • #TSBD1132 • 105 mins • $14.99 GALLANTS Two martial artists run the village teahouse; a teahouse that was once the kung-fu school of their teacher Master Law, who lies unconscious in a three decades-long coma. The middle-aged pair’s skills have diminished in the 30 years they have waited for their master to return - but then a real estate agent accidentally awakens the comatose Law just in time for the master to train all three in preparation for a martial-arts tournament that will decide everyone’s fate! DVD 16+ • #TSDVD1114 • SUB ONLY • 98 mins • $14.99 GANTZ Kei Kurono and his childhood friend Masaru Kato attempt to save a man who has fallen onto the train tracks but are run down by an oncoming train. However, rather than finding themselves dead, they are transported to a strange apartment in which they find a mysterious black orb known as “GANTZ.” Along with others there, they are provided weaponry and sent on missions to battle alien beings. Is this world, which tests your will to survive, a game or reality? DVD/Blu-ray 17+ • #896911001331 • 128 mins • $22.49 DVD 17+ • #896911001324 • 128 mins • $18.69 GODZILLA VS. MEGALON The undersea kingdom of Seatroplis is threatened when Japan starts atomic testing near Tokyo, and they fear for the survival of their civilization. The angry Seatopians send their secret weapon Megalon to destroy Tokyo and eliminate the human race. But earth still has a chance when the sleeping Godzilla is rudely awakened! It becomes a titanic tag team of apocalyptic dimensions as Godzilla and robot superhero Jet Jaguar fight Megalon and Gigan in an all-out rubber suit rumble to determine Earth’s fate. Blu-ray Released 11/29/11 N/R • #TSBD1128 • 81 mins • $22.49 DVD Released 11/29/11 N/R • #TSDVD1127 • 81 mins • $14.99 HARIMAYA BRIDGE Daniel Holder is a grieving father struggling to come to terms with the sudden loss of his estranged son Mickey. Driven by a desperate desire to hold on to what little remains of his son, Daniel travels into the heart of a culture he does not understand on a mission to collect a series of paintings left behind by Mickey. His journey - fueled by bitterness and regret - quickly uncovers shocking truths that bring an already-broken man to his knees. DVD/Blu-ray 14+ • #FUN05873 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $18.74 HIGANJIMA: ESCAPE FROM VAMPIRE ISLAND After learning that his missing brother might be somewhere on the island, Akira leads his friends on a chilling adventure that takes them from Higanjima’s highest volcanic peaks to the subterranean chambers of the island’s ancient ruins. They’ll face entire villages of sword-wielding vampires while racing to stay a step ahead of winged shebeasts and giant gargoyles. Worst of all, the gang will encounter the deadly master of the island’s monsters: the pale, blood-sucking freakshow known as Miyabi. DVD/Blu-ray 17+ • #FUN08420 • 122 mins • $22.49 I LOVE HONG KONG Ng Shun returns with his wife Shun-Soh and three children to celebrate Ng Kin’s 60th birthday. Unknown to Kin, his son has gotten into trouble and is plotting for him to take the rap. At the same time, Long, a swindler who conned money from the neighbors 30 years ago, is now a property tycoon. He promises to pay each of the 30 neighbors HK$100 million in compensation - as long as a representative of each household returns to the estate on Lunar New Year’s Eve. A mad rush ensues. DVD N/R • #112122066014 • SUB ONLY • 104 mins • $11.21 I SAW THE DEVIL The embodiment of pure evil, Kyung-chul is a psychopath who kills for pleasure. His latest victim was not only the daughter of a retired police chief, but also the pregnant fiancee of elite special agent Soo-hyun. Obsessed with revenge, Soo-hyun is determined to track down the murderer, even if doing so means becoming a monster himself. Blu-ray N/R • #876964003902 • 141 mins • $26.98 DVD N/R • #876964003896 • 141 mins • $24.28 JU-ON WHITE GHOST / BLACK GHOST This release includes two new films in the Ju-On (The Grudge) franchise, made in cooperation with the original films’ creator, Takashi Shimizu. Ju-On: White Ghost tells the story of senior high school student Arkane, whose strong ESP power induces him into seeing Mirai, the tragic ghost of an old school friend. Ju-On: Black Ghost tells the chilling story of a young woman called Fukie who discovers that she’s carrying an unborn “grudge,” which vengefully curses all those around her. Blu-ray N/R • #WGU01221B • SUB ONLY • 121 mins • $20.24 DVD N/R • #WGU01220D • SUB ONLY • 121 mins • $14.99 JUSTICE BAO TV SERIES Justice “Bao Zheng” is an upright official in the Kaifeng district during the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty. Admired by many, this justice holds law with the utmost integrity, honesty, and justice for all in his courtroom. He is assisted by poor scholar Ce, a man of great talent with a wealth of knowledge, and Chan Chao, who is excellent in martial arts skills, dedicated, and loyal beyond all boundaries. Join them in their journey of righteousness and the fight to uphold law in the many interesting cases encountered! DVD (Eps. 1-40) N/R • #312722206012 • SUB ONLY • 1680 mins • $44.96 KUNG FU DUNK Orphaned from birth, Fang Shijie is raised in a martial arts school and becomes a prodigious master in kung fu. When he is expelled for getting into a fight and destroying a night club, he quickly learns that lightning-fast reflexes are good for more than just fighting - he agrees to play for a college basketball team in hopes of finding his long-lost family. Blu-ray N/R • #WGU01213B • 100 mins • $20.24 DVD N/R • #WGU01212D • 100 mins • $18.74 LADY FAN TV SERIES General Fan has arranged a marriage for his daughter, Fa, with another general, Yeung Fan. The day before the marriage, Fa runs away from home to look for her ultimate lover, the White-Gowned Warrior. DVD (Eps. 1-20) N/R • #212714980015 • SUB ONLY • 900 mins • $26.21 LADY NINJA KAEDE It is the era of the samurai and the ninja. Many villages are outwardly peaceful, but a twisted sexual underbelly exists. Kaede and her sister are unfortunately victims of this when the elder is raped and commits suicide shortly thereafter. Kaede seeks vengeance, and a lady ninja nun who hears of the events aids her in the search. There is more to the story, however, and the lies and secrets are slowly revealed behind a trail of clothing, sweat, and blood. Contains Lady Ninja Kaede 1-2. Complete Collection Released 12/6/11 N/R • #TSDVD1131 • SUB ONLY • 143 mins • $18.74 IP MAN THE LEGEND IS BORN LEGEND OF THE FIST The Legend is Born follows Ip Man as he grows from a promising young pupil into an unstoppable force. When political corruption threatens his temple, his friends, and his honor, Man single-handedly challenges a swarm of shinobi in an ultimate showdown. DVD/Blu-ray Released 12/13/11 17+ • #FUN08926 • 100 mins • $22.49 DVD Released 12/13/11 17+ • #FUN08925 • 100 mins • $18.74 RETURN OF CHEN ZHEN Playing the hero first portrayed by Bruce Lee in Fist of Fury, Donnie Yen reprises his own performance as Chen Zhen in this breakneck kung fu thriller set in Shanghai during its occupation by the Japanese during World War I. Seven years after his supposed death, legendary fighter Chen Zhen resurfaces in the city in disguise. He immediately begins settling old scores - with both the Japanese and the Chinese mafia Sungkyunkwan Scandal © 2011 YA Entertainment. 18 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 19 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM Cult director Takashi Miike (Ichi the Killer, Audition) delivers a bravaru period action film set at the end of Japan’s feudal era in which a group of unemployed samurai are enlisted to bring down a sadistic lord and prevent him from ascending to the throne and plunging the country into a wartorn future. Blu-ray 17+ • #876964003940 • 125 mins • $26.98 DVD 17+ • #876964003933 • 125 mins • $24.28 BLACK RAT DVD & BLU-RAY the Night Class. As the school’s Disciplinary Committee, Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu keep watch over the Day Class students, who are all infatuated with the beautiful, elite Night Class students. As Guardians, Yuki and Zero must also protect the secret of the Night Class - they’re all vampires! DVD Season 1 Complete Series 16+ • #782009241621 • 312 mins • $37.46 DVD Season 2: Guilty Complete Series 16+ • #782009241638 • 312 mins • $37.46 final confrontation that will leave the sandy soil soaked with blood. DVD N/R • #ANMDV1479 • SUB ONLY • 104 mins • $18.74 DVD & BLU-RAY A practitioner of the mystical kung-fu style known as Qigong, Ricky is invincible, has superhuman strength, and can virtually withstand all pain. He uses his martial arts skills to clean up the system after being incarcerated in a prison run by corrupt officials. This leads to ill-fated attempts by others to subdue him, which end up being extremely gory and over-the-top. Blu-ray 17+ • #TSBD1119 • 90 mins • $18.74 DVD 17+ • #TSDVD1120 • 90 mins • $11.24 49 DAYS who’ve been cooperating with them. Blu-ray Collector’s Edition N/R • #WGU01217B • 106 mins • $24.74 DVD/Blu-ray N/R • #WGU01215B • 106 mins • $22.49 DVD Collector’s Edition N/R • #WGU01216D • 106 mins • $22.49 DVD N/R • #WGU01214D • 106 mins • $18.74 LION VS LION LITTLE BIG SOLDIER Jackie Chan plays a soldier from Liang, who ultimately survives the war by playing dead. Lee Hom Wang plays a general from Wei, who is wounded fighting for his country. A painful yet comical journey commences when the soldier decides to kidnap the general and bring him back to his state in the high hopes of collecting a reward. When the unlikely duo is confronted by danger, they quickly learn that they must join forces in order to survive! DVD/Blu-ray N/R • #WGU01219B • 96 mins • $22.49 DVD N/R • #WGU01218D • 96 mins • $18.74 MAGNIFICENT RUFFIANS One of the Five Venoms’ more comedic outings, The Magnificent Ruffians (1979) trades up the straight-faced heroics of the previous year’s Five Deadly Venoms for some kung-fu shenanigans in the best Jackie Chan tradition. This tale of martial arts draws inspiration from Chan’s 1978 breakout hits Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow and Drunken Master, but under the watchful eye of legendary Shaw Brothers director Chang Cheh the film rises above mere imitation. DVD N/R • #TSDVD1117 • SUB ONLY • 101 mins • $14.99 MAKIOKA SISTERS Revolving around the changing of the seasons, The Makioka Sisters follows the lives of four sisters who have taken on their family’s kimono manufacturing business, over the course of a number of years leading up to the Pacific War. The two oldest have been married for some time, but according to tradition, the rebellious youngest sister MEMOIRS OF A LADY NINJA 2 To protect Ieyasu Tokugawa’s life, the kunoichi Kaede is sent to keep an eye on him as he travels through the mountains of Iga. Hiding in plain sight at a boxwood inn, she discovers that a skilled killer and his crew are already gathering in the area. Will a single lady ninja be able to complete her mission in the face of so many armed and dangerous men? DVD N/R • #TSDVD1116 • SUB ONLY • 81 mins • $14.99 MUAY THAI FIGHTER Lifelong friends learn the traditional techniques of Muay Thai fighting. The fighting in the ring reflects the fight for their lives. When a highly anticipated fight proves to be their biggest challenge, they’re prepared to die for one another. DVD 17+ • #031398133841 • 116 mins • $24.28 MY SASSY GIRL II Jianyu attempted suicide after being dumped by his girlfriend, only to be saved by the beautiful Shangzhen. Shangzhen then seeks Jianyu’s help to sabotage her ex-boyfriend Yang Guo’s wedding. As Shangzhen slowly reveals her sadistic and domineering nature, turning Jianyu’s life into a living hell, he understands her emotional hurt and begins to fall for her... DVD N/R • #112122101012 • SUB ONLY • 103 mins • $11.21 this breakthrough gangster romance from Masahiro Shinoda announced an idiosyncratic major filmmaking talent. Blu-ray N/R • #CC2012BD • SUB ONLY • 96 mins • $35.96 DVD N/R • #CC2013DDVD • SUB ONLY • 96 mins • $26.96 POETRY Mija is a beautiful woman in her sixties who moves gracefully through life. On a whim, Mija enrolls in a poetry class at the local cultural centre. However, she is plagued by the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, and struggles with new vocabulary and the challenges of the creative process. When her world is turned upside down by the discovery of a monstrous crime, it is Mija’s poetry that allows her to defy the weight of shame and distance herself from a painful proximity to violence. Blu-ray N/R • #738329076122 • SUB ONLY • 139 mins • $31.46 DVD N/R • #738329071028 • SUB ONLY • 139 mins • $26.96 PRIEST A legendary warrior priest from the last Vampire War now lives in obscurity among the other downtrodden human inhabitants in walled-in dystopian cities ruled by the Church. When his niece is abducted by a murderous pack of vampires, Priest breaks his sacred vows to venture out on an obsessive quest to find her before they turn her into one of them. Blu-ray (Unrated) N/R • #043396384231 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $32.39 Blu-ray 3-D (Unrated) N/R • #043396384286 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $41.39 DVD 13+ • #043396384309 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $27.89 PRINCESS BLADE If a ninja’s greatest weapon is to be unseen, prepare to meet three ladies who need some serious remedial ninja education. By the time this over-the-top (and out-of-theirtops) trilogy of Kunoichi films is finished, there’ll be very little of them that the entire nation of Japan HASN’T seen. Contains Ninja She-Devil, I Was a Teenage Ninja, and Ninjaken: The Naked Sword. DVD Triple Feature Released 11/15/11 17+ • #SWB2227 • SUB ONLY • 225 mins • $14.99 Born and bred an assassin, Yuki is a lethal beauty with a deadly sword. When her life is ripped from her in a horrific act of betrayal, she must run for her life from the ruthless killers she once considered family. As her former comrades close in, her only ally is Takashi, a member of a terrorist organization who has dedicated his life to the destruction of everything Yuki once stood for. Bloodshed reigns as Yuki tries to carve a delicate future out of her tumultuous past. DVD Special Edition N/R • #ES019 • 95 mins • $14.96 PALE FLOWER REVENGE A yakuza, fresh out of prison, becomes entangled with a beautiful yet enigmatic gambling addict, but what at first seems like a redemptive relationship ends up leading him further down the criminal path. Bewitchingly shot and edited and laced with a fever-dream-like score by Toru Takemitsu, A minor quarrel escalates into a duel. A death creates a debt of honor. The demands of honor outweigh the demands of justice, forcing friends to spill each other’s blood. And the need for victory requires the sacrifice of honor. One simple argument spawns death, madness, and a NINJA SHAOLIN In a young Republic of China, where greedy warlords fuel a period of war and strife, Hou Jie (Andy Lau) arrogantly shows no mercy to his enemies seeking refuge with the benign and compassionate Shaolin monks. After unscrupulously killing a wounded enemy, Hou Jie pays a terrible price for his actions and is forced to seek refuge in the same Shaolin Monastery he blatantly disrespected. Blu-ray Collector’s Edition N/R • #WGU01245B • 131 mins • $24.74 DVD Collector’s Edition N/R • #WGU01244D • 131 mins • $22.49 Blu-ray N/R • #WGU01243B • 131 mins • $22.49 DVD N/R • #WGU01242D • 131 mins • $18.74 SILENT NARUSE From the outset of his career, with his silent films of the early thirties, Mikio Naruse zeroed in on the lives of the kinds of people geisha, housewives, waitresses - who would continue to fascinate him for the next three decades. Though he made two dozen silent films, only five remain in existence. These works - poignant, dazzlingly made dramas all - are collected here, newly restored and on DVD for the first time, and featuring optional new scores by noted musicians Robin Holcomb and Wayne Horvitz. DVD N/R • #ECL120DVD • SUB ONLY • 20 mins • $40.46 STILL WALKING Still Walking is the most personal work to date from contemporary Japanese master Hirokazu Kore-eda. Fashioned as a tribute to his parents, the film depicts one day in the life of the Yokoyamas, gathered together for a celebratory ritual that only gradually makes itself clear. Rather than focus on big dramatic moments, Kore-eda relies on simple gestures and domestic routines (especially cooking) to evoke a family’s entire life, its deep regrets and its daily joys. Blu-ray N/R • #CC1975BD • SUB ONLY • 114 mins • $35.96 DVD N/R • #CC1976DDVD • SUB ONLY • 114 mins • $26.96 STOOL PIGEON Police Detective Don Lee makes a bad call, causing a close informant to be injured. A year later, he must locate a new man to go undercover inside a jewel-theft ring. Ghost, Jr. doesn’t want to do it, but Lee can offer deals and apply pressure that makes it hard to say no. Lee makes decisions based on the progress of his case, but not always at the benefit of his informant. Ghost must play a role, but can’t decline the chance to do what’s right. DVD/Blu-ray N/R • #WGU01241B • 113 mins • $22.49 DVD N/R • #WGU01240D • 113 mins • $18.74 SYLVIAN EXPERIMENTS A neuron scientist and her husband discover a black-and-white 16mm film in the basement of a dilapidated hospital. The film documents underground experiments on a part of the human brain called the sylvian fissure in an attempt to gain insight into the “forbidden territory” - an invisible reality achieved through neither life nor death. Obsessed with this surreal concept, the surgeon tries to reconstruct what she saw by recreating the experiment... starting with her own daughters! DVD 17+ • #031398144588 • 95 mins • $17.98 TAJOMARU: AVENGING BLADE Naomitsu is a nobleman forced to flee the capital by conspirators embroiled in jealousy. In a desperate struggle with the nefarious king of criminals, Tajomaru, Naomitsu loses the love of his life but gains a new title and the coveted blade The Cutting Wave. As he wages war on his betrayers in furious battles - and even braves the depths of the Pit of Hell - bodies will fall and vengeance will be served by the great bandit king. DVD/Blu-ray 17+ • #FUN01320 • 130 mins • $22.49 the desert. Chased down by the shadowy Sandstorm Legion and challenged by countless greedy, bloodthirsty foes, Qiaofei faces danger at every turn to find the tomb but some treasures aren’t meant to be found. Blu-ray Released 11/15/11 14+ • #FUN01329 • 106 mins • $18.74 DVD Released 11/15/11 14+ • #FUN01328 • 106 mins • $14.99 Hunter Rika. DVD Triple Feature 17+ • #SWB7819 • SUB ONLY • 242 mins • $14.99 TRUE LEGEND Right before her wedding, Ji-hyun falls into a coma. The Grim Reaper gives her a chance to return to life. Borrowing the body of Yikyung, she has 49 days to collect genuine teardrops from three people who truly love her. This should be a piece of cake since everyone loves Ji-hyun... or so she thought. As the days tick down, Ji-hyun learns that the people around her are not as they seem. DVD Box Set (Eps. 1-20) N/R • #880604001319 • SUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $52.49 Su Can’s respectable life is obliterated when his vengeful brother, Yuan, returns from war armed with the deadly Five Venom Fists. Weakened but not destroyed, Su Can learns a never-before-seen form of martial arts: the Drunken Fist. Armed with this new power, he returns home to honor his family through retribution by taking on his brother in a battle to become the ultimate warrior. DVD 17+ • #883476059808 • 116 mins • $17.97 Blu-ray 17+ • #883476059815 • 116 mins • $26.96 VAN VON HUNTER This shocking, true story follows the exploits of an unknown, unemployed vanquisher of evil from his home in Dikay, through an illfated gig in Hollywood, to his surprising ascent to super-stardom in Japan and his equally baffling disappearance. DVD N/R • #TP85538 • DUB ONLY • 102 mins • $11.24 VIRTUAL RECALL At the luxurious Yee Low Mental Sanatorium, psychiatrist Xiao Tingqin is assigned the case of “special” patient Sum Liu-sheung, who claims to live both in the real world and 12 parallel universes and appears to have special powers. As soon as they meet, Sum starts playing mindgames with Xiao, whose one-year-old marriage to independently wealthy policeman Zhen Zhanlin is already under serious strain, due to her workaholic nature and aversion to being touched by him. DVD N/R • #112122471016 • SUB ONLY • 95 mins • $14.96 TEKKEN The year is 2039 and the world wars have destroyed everything and territories are run by corporations, the mightiest of which is TEKKEN. In the midst of the ruined society, a young man with street smarts and raw fighting skills is driven by vengeance to defeat the world’s most elite fighters in the greatest tournament ever known and become the “King of Iron Fist.” DVD/Blu-ray/Digital 17+ • #AF23461 • DUB ONLY • 91 mins • $29.99 DVD 17+ • #AF22083 • DUB ONLY • 91 mins • $20.24 TETSUO THE BULLET MAN Calm office worker Anthony, son of an American father and a Japanese mother, lives in Tokyo with his wife Yuriko and their little son Tom. Walking home one day, Tom is killed in a hit and run before Anthony’s eyes. Violent emotions trigger in Anthony, whose body begins to transform. Little by little, his cells turn into iron. When the driver who killed Tom reappears and Anthony learns the truth, he mutates into a mass of metal - a human weapon fuelled by an uncontrollable rage. DVD 17+ • #030306978697 • DUB ONLY • 72 mins • $22.48 TREASURE HUNTER: DANGER LURKS BENEATH THE DUNES Qiaofei is a relic expert with a gritty past. When his mentor’s daughter is held hostage over a map with a deadly history, the rugged warrior whips into action! Chaos erupts as he swoops in to the rescue and scours the sands for legendary riches buried deep in X CROSS Shiyori, a young lady trying to mend her broken heart after the end of a recent relationship, is off to the hot springs for a therapeutic soak. Aiko, doing what best friends do, joins Shiyori on the trip - a decision she will forever regret. The quiet country village turns out to be home to a cult of psychopaths with strange fetishes, and when the two friends are separated, the cell phones that keep them connected only serve to create more panic and terror. Blu-ray 17+ • #TSBD1118 • 90 mins • $14.99 K-DRAMA 49 DAYS BAKER KING TV SERIES Kim Tak Goo is the eldest son of Goo In Jong, the president of Samhwa Enterprise and a legend in the baking industry. Although he is an extremely talented baker and seems destined to succeed his father as president, Goo In Jong’s family plots to rob him of his inheritance because he was born to In Jong’s mistress. Tak Goo’s determination to become number one in the baking industry drives him to rebuild his career from scratch despite the many trials he faces. DVD (Eps. 1-30) N/R • #652722100010 • SUB ONLY • 1800 mins • $37.46 BECOMING A BILLIONAIRE TV SERIES Seok-bong believes he is the son of a billionaire. The problem is, his father doesn’t know the existence of his son, nor does Seok-bong know who his father is! Working as a bellboy at a luxury hotel, Seok-bong practices to be a billionaire’s heir for the day when he meets his birth father. However, one day Seok-bong’s doctor tells him that he has testicular cancer, which only has a 50% survival rate. Now, finding his biological father is Seok-bong’s only hope. DVD (Eps. 1-20) N/R • #652722237013 • SUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $29.96 MARRY ME, MARY! ZEBRAMAN MOVIE 2: ATTACK ON ZEBRA CITY The Queen has stolen Zebraman’s powers and instituted Zebra Time: ten horrifying minutes each day when murder is legal! Without his super strength, Zebraman is just a guy with a mane - a broken-down hero unable to stop the onslaught of evil. Before he can take a bite out of the bad guys, Zebraman must find the young girl who holds the secret to regaining his asskicking powers and prove, once and for all, that a hero never changes his stripes! DVD/Blu-ray Set Released 11/29/11 14+ • #FUN01334 • 106 mins • $22.49 ZOMBIE Get ready for a wild, insane, and incredibly over-the-top zombie fest ever as all three feature films in the infamous “Nihombie” saga come together in a single collection that could raise the dead - if they weren’t already running around Japan like frat boys at an all-you-can-drink kegger! Contains Attack Girls’ Swim Team vs The Undead, Japanese Self-Defense Force, and Zombie STAFF PICK TV SERIES The quirky plot with its fake marriages and forced (chaste) cohabitation is far more like something out of a screwball romantic comedy from the 30s or 40s, but for those in the mood for something a little lighter than the standard drama, it definitely hits the spot. Moon Geun-Young and Jang Geun-Suk are the epitome of adorable as down-on-her-luck Mary and emotionally distant musician Mu-Gyul, and when fate throws the duo together time after time, it’s impossible not to smile and root for what seems like a match made in heaven. - Staff DVD (Eps. 1-16) N/R • #652722357018 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $29.96 MASTER OF STUDY former bike gang member who takes a position to revive the third-rate Byeong-Mun High School. He takes students who have bad scores and guides them to improve not only their scores but their outlook on life. One such student is Hwang Baek-Hyeon, a defiant and headstrong student who reminds Kang Seok-Ho of himself. Their strong personalities cause them to have clashes, but gradually Hwang Baek-Hyeon opens up to Seok-Ho’s teaching methods. DVD (Eps. 1-16) N/R • #652721972014 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $29.96 MISCHIEVOUS KISS Spunky high school student Hani isn’t all that smart, but she’s true to her heart and full of dreams... and she happens to be head over heels in love with her school’s top student, the handsome genius Seungjo. Hani gathers up the courage to confess her love, but heartless Seungjo flatly rejects her in front of the whole school. As if that wasn’t enough, a string of unfortunate events forces Hani and her family to move in with her father’s old childhood friend - who is none other than Seungjo’s father! DVD Box Set (Eps. 1-16) N/R • #880604001265 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $67.49 MY FAIR LADY TV SERIES Kang Hye-na, the only successor of the Kang-san Group, is the owner of the “Lady Castle” and lives a princess-like life with her servants. Hye-na’s parents died in a plane accident and her grandfather brought her up. Hye-na is strong-headed and selfish, and her world revolves around her because she could not experience the warmth of a family whilst growing up. Then one day... DVD (Eps. 1-16) N/R • #652722246015 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $29.96 SECRET GARDEN STAFF PICK Stunt women. Body swaps. Sparkly jumpsuits. Secret Garden is far from the average K-drama, which is clear from the very first episode. While the initial relationship between the two main characters isn’t all that unusual (they come from polar opposite backgrounds – he’s rich, she’s not), their personalities and the events that transpire throughout the series are unique. The wellbalanced blend of drama and humor, along with the spot-on performances from the entire cast, make this 20-episode show fly by in no time. - Staff DVD Box Set (Eps. 1-20) N/R • #880604001302 • SUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $44.99 SUNGKYUNKWAN SCANDAL Sungkyunkwan, 18th-century Korea’s most prestigious school, has its own set of rigid rules (e.g. no girls!) that even the king can’t touch - but that’s about to change! Kim Yoon-hee helps support her grief-stricken family by posing as a boy to earn money from lazy scholars by doing their homework. One thing leads to another and she finds herself being accepted to Sungkyunkwan! But will she be able to hide her true identity (and avoid the punishment of death)? DVD Box Set (Eps. 1-20) N/R • #880604001296 • SUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $44.99 TV SERIES Kang Seok-Ho is an ordinary lawyer and 49 Days © 2011 YA Entertainment. 20 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 21 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM A teacher comes across a secret list of antiChing rebel names and quickly becomes a target for Ching loyalists. Five Venoms actor Lo Meng teams up with kung fu comedic actor Wong Yue as an ex-police officer and a coffin maker/con man to return a lost package to a mysterious woman. Meng and Yue get further caught up in the situation after winning a lion dance contest in which the prize contains the list they are after! DVD N/R • #TSDVD1113 • SUB ONLY • 104 mins • $14.99 cannot wed until the third, conservative and terribly shy, finds a husband. Blu-ray N/R • #CC2019BD • SUB ONLY • 140 mins • $26.96 DVD N/R • #CC2020DDVD • SUB ONLY • 140 mins • $17.96 PAGE 21 The Joseon Dynasty’s legendary Empress Myseongseong is a cherished ruler who fought courageously to modernize Korea. Forced to marry a king she does not love and embroiled in a brutal struggle between rival world powers, the Empress draws her strength from a dashing rogue; a nameless headhunter who would do anything to be near her. When a traitor within the royal family plans an assassination, only this anonymous swordsman proves willing to spill his own blood in defense of the noble beauty. DVD/Blu-ray 17+ • #FUN01324 • 120 mins • $22.49 DVD 17+ • #FUN01325 • 120 mins • $14.99 DVD & BLU-RAY RIKI OH - STORY OF RICKY SWORD WITH NO NAME ITEM LISTINGS Ratings System To benefit our customers, we have implemented a rating system for many of our products based on the manufacturer’s suggested rating for each title. DVD & BLU-RAY N/R Not yet rated. ALL, 7+, 10+ Generally acceptable for children. No nudity. Possible mild violence. 12+, 13+, 14+ Parental discretion advised. May contain violence, brief nudity, mature themes, and/or mild language. May suggest sexual situations, but no such situations are shown. 15+, 16+, 17+ Strong violence and explicit language. Nudity may be prevalent. Mild sexual situations may be shown. 18+ Extreme violence, and/or explicit nudity. May contain sexually explicit material. Absolutely not for anyone under 18 years of age. You may notice volume gaps in our printed catalog listings. This is not necessarily because the products aren’t available, but merely because we couldn’t fit every item into the printed catalog. If you are looking for a certain volume, please feel free to contact Customer Care or check our online store. Although DVDs and Blu-ray discs allow for the possibility of multiple languages, it’s not always possible to license a title for dual-language, or hybrid (HYB), release. So, you end up with manufacturers releasing discs that are Subtitled Only (SUB ONLY) or English Dubbed Only (DUB ONLY). Subtitled discs display the dialogue on the bottom of the screen while the actual voices are still in Japanese. Dubbed means the music is (probably) intact, but the voices have been redone in English. In our online store, subtitled items are represented by (S), dubbed items are represented by (D), and dual-language, or hybrids, represented by (HYB). Release Dates If an item has not yet been released at the time of this catalog’s printing, you may see a release date listed. However, manufacturers can (and often do) change these dates due to production delays. If you are preordering an item and are concerned whether it’s on schedule, please feel free to check the release date on our online store, or feel free to contact our friendly Customer Care representatives. OVA (OAV) OVA stands for Original Video Animation. Basically, this means it is a direct-to-video release. Special Collections Certain DVD and Blu-ray items are marked with names such as “Viridian Collection,” “S.A.V.E. Edition,” etc. These are re-releases of the original discs, at lower prices. However, these editions may or may not include all of the features that were found Why isn’t (title here) available in the U.S.? Will a Blu-ray disc play in my regular DVD player? Why don’t you carry many imports? Just as CDs and DVDs require different types of players, so do DVDs and Blu-ray discs. In order to play a Blu-ray disc, you must have a Blu-ray player or a Playstation 3. Limited availability of imports and lack of timely distribution of such overseas items make it difficult to provide quality imports on a timely basis. As such, these items are only listed on our online store, so if you’re looking for a particular item, please check our online store or contact Customer Care. Will a DVD play in my Blu-ray player? Region coding is a geographical restriction for DVDs and Blu-ray discs. Since players are region specific, you need to make sure that the item you purchase is coded for the same region as your player. All DVDs and Blu-ray discs we sell are region coded for the United States. DUB ONLY? SUB ONLY? HYB? If you can give us enough information, someone can usually identify the program. Please understand, though, that if you ask us about something where “there’s a girl who’s a magic user, a guy with a sword, and a villain who wants to take over the universe,” there’s a problem. This describes about half the films ever made. Also, knowing what a series or movie is doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s available in the U.S. as a licensed product, but it could be. It depends on the DVD. There have been instances of some DVDs having difficulty playing in certain players. While the vast majority of DVDs will work just fine, we cannot guarantee all DVDs will play correctly on your Playstation, Xbox, or personal computer. Can my DVD play in a Playstation / Xbox / personal computer? Runtime / Page Count Although many fans screech in horror at the very thought of altering the original Japanese version of a show, for a series to make it to American TV (or even into some retail stores), it is often edited. This can mean that scenes containing nudity, excessive violence, blood, and foul language are altered or even totally removed. Anime purists may want the original in all its glory, but parents of young TV viewers do not. Manufacturers recognize this and sometimes release both the Edited (TV) and the Uncut (original) versions of the show. I saw this show that I think might have been anime. Do you have it? You might be surprised to find out how much anime is available in the U.S. Of the few titles that remain unlicensed, some titles have their rights disputed, some licensors want more money than a title can possibly generate in this market, and of course, some are currently in negotiation. With the exception of a few TV series (which are a different matter entirely, due to their length), this just about covers it. We do not sell bootlegged products. DVD/BLU-RAY SPECIFIC While some Blu-ray players will also read DVDs, not all do. We cannot guarantee that all DVDs will play in your Blu-ray player. Edited / Uncut FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM Missing Volumes Please note: Right Stuf does not set ratings and is not responsible for errors, omissions, or inaccurate ratings. These ratings are guidelines only and are subject to change. The listing for each item contains information detailing its approximate length. Depending on the manufacturer, this may or may not include extra bonus features, such as previews or forwards. An N/A indicates that the manufacturer has not provided this information at this time. 22 on the original releases. If you are concerned that the item you are considering may not contain the features that you want, please feel free to contact Customer Care or check the item’s listing through our online store. What is Region Coding? What region is my player? If you purchased your player from a retail outlet in the U.S., it should be Region 1 for DVD players or Region A for Blu-ray players. You can check the region coding on your player by looking for the region code symbol on the player’s packaging. DVD Region Codes: 0 Region Free 1 United States and Canada 2 Europe, Egypt, Arabia, Japan and South Africa 3 Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo and Indonesia 4 Australia and New Zealand, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America 5 India, Africa, Russia and former USSR countries 6 People’s Republic of China Blu-ray Region Codes: A The Americas, Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia B Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand C Russia, India, China and the rest of world Why don’t you have (title here) audio soundtrack from Japan? See previous question. You also might want to check our online store, since some titles are available domestically. I really want to learn Japanese. What resources do you have? We have many products to help our customers learn about Japan and the Japanese language! Whether you’re just starting out or you’re ready to move onto the next level, we carry the latest items to help you learn the Japanese language. These items are available on our online store, including everything from videos and textbooks to memory aids and intermediate readers. Can I special order items that are not on the online store? Simply put: If it isn’t on our online store, we can’t get it at the moment. Do you carry adult products? Since the catalog is delivered to anime fans of all ages, we’ve taken special precautions to ensure younger fans are not exposed to listings for products that contain adult situations or sexual content. Products of this nature have been placed in a special adult insert, and you will only receive it if you have ordered these products in the past. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the adult section, you can send a written request to: Right Stuf Adult Catalog Request PO Box 680 Grimes, IA 50111-0680 A free downloadable version is also available on our website at: http://catalog.rightstuf.com GENERAL What’s this “Got Anime” thing? It’s an easy way to get an additional discount on your favorite anime items. For a small yearly membership fee, you get additional discounts, newsletters, and members-only specials! Read more about the Got Anime Savings Club on page 4. Please note that international members of the club no longer receive print mailings, due to postage costs, but the same newsletters are available online. Memberships are non-transferable and are linked to the billing address of your account. If you move, please make sure to contact us with your new address so that we can update your membership information. video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 23 CUSTOMER CARE PAYMENT METHODS How can I contact you? Do you take VISA / MasterCard / Discover / American Express? What happens if my country will not allow me to have this sort of item? / My order was seized by customs? Our friendly Customer Care representatives can be reached by phone from 8AM to 5PM Central Standard Time (CST), Monday through Friday: Yes to all. 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Minako Aino Berserk © 1989 Kentaro Miura. 34 books.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com 35 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM Taiga just wants a part-time job and a cute girlfriend. When he spies a “help wanted” sign outside an office and a hot girl inside, he takes the job, no questions asked. Everything goes well, prompting him to steel his courage and ask Yuiko out on date. When she asks him if it’s okay that she’s a “fujoshi,” he tells her it’s fine out of sheer excitement, but poor Taiga has no idea what’s he’s just gotten himself into! Vol. 1 16+ • #9780759531734 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 4 16+ • #9780316178228 • 160 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 5 Released 12/13/11 16+ • #9780316178259 • 160 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! MY GIRLFRIEND’S A GEEK Ninja are the ultimate power - and in the village of Konohagakure live the stealthiest ninja in the world. 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Omnibus 1 (Vol. 1-3) 16+ • #9781935429623 • 576 pgs • $14.99 Omnibus 2 16+ • #9781935429630 • 592 pgs • $14.99 Omnibus 3 Released 12/6/11 16+ • #9781935429647 • N/A pgs • $14.99 Vol. 31 16+ • #9781935429586 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 32 Released 11/22/11 16+ • #9781935429593 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 33 Released 1/17/12 16+ • #9781612621159 • 208 pgs • $8.24 More volumes also available! NARUTO BERSERK Vol. 10 Released 12/6/11 ALL • #9781421539393 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 11 Released 2/7/12 ALL • #9781421541228 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! BOOKS action-packed adventures! First, Mega Man travels to outer space to tangle with Dr. Wily’s Robot Masters as well as the mysterious Break Man! Then, it’s the ultimate race! Mega Man, Bass, Roll, Proto Man, Ice Man, Guts Man, and even Dr. Wily himself go head-to-head in a race that spans halfway across the globe! Vol. 1 ALL • #9781926778235 • 224 pgs • $9.71 Vol. 2 ALL • #9781926778273 • 224 pgs • $9.71 Vol. 3 16+ • #9781926778310 • 224 pgs • $10.46 BOOKS ORIGINAL SERIES Usagi and the rest of the gang are finally back in print in Kodansha’s new, unflipped edition of Naoko Takeuchi’s Sailor Moon. The first volume is packed with character introductions, magical transformations, and enough antics to make your head spin, along with just enough hints for what’s to come to have readers clamoring for the next installment. Whether you’re a long-time fan or totally new to the series, this release is a must read! - Staff Vol. 1 13+ • #9781935429746 • 240 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 Released 11/15/11 13+ • #9781935429753 • 244 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 3 Released 1/17/12 13+ • #9781935429760 • 256 pgs • $8.24 Princess Sakura has been engaged to Prince Oura since birth. Aoba, an emissary from the court, has come to accompany her move to the capital for her upcoming nuptials. Taking a dislike to Aoba and wanting to escape a life arranged by others, Sakura runs away and finds her true destiny as granddaughter of the moon princess, who slew demons with her Blood Cherry Blossom sword, has caught up to her. Vol. 1 13+ • #9781421538822 • 184 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 4 13+ • #9781421538853 • 184 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 5 Released 12/6/11 13+ • #9781421539362 • 184 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 6 Released 2/7/12 13+ • #9781421540245 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! SATURN APARTMENTS SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY THE FILM COMIC Arrietty isn’t your ordinary fourteen-year-old girl - she’s small enough to make her home under the floorboards of a typical house, “borrowing” what she and her family needs from the giants in whose shadows they live. A young boy named Sho befriends Arrietty, but when adults discover the Borrowers, Arrittey and Sho must work together to save her family. Vol. 1 (Color) Released 1/3/12 ALL • #9781421541167 • 272 pgs • $12.74 Vol. 2 (Color) Released 1/3/12 ALL • #9781421541174 • 336 pgs • $12.74 SEIHO BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL Remote, lonely, and surrounded by the ocean. This isn’t Alcatraz we’re talking about, it’s Seiho Boys’ High School, where the student body is rife with sexually frustrated hunks! When a pretty girl shows up on campus, the whole school is sent into a frenzy. It’s not often these sheltered youths get a real living and breathing female within their midst. The boys want to help her out, but are they in way over their heads? Vol. 1 16+ • #9781421537313 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 8 16+ • #9781421539478 • 192 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! SHUGO CHARA! ORIGINAL SERIES Far in the future, humans reside in a gigantic structure that rings the earth. The society of the Ring System is highly stratified: the higher the floor, the greater the status. Mitsu, the lowly son of a window washer, has just graduated junior high. Five years after his father disappeared, Mitsu must take on his father’s occupation. As he struggles with the transition to working life, Mitsu’s job treats him to an outsider’s view into the living-room dioramas of the Saturn Apartments. Vol. 1 13+ • #9781421533643 • 192 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 4 Released 11/15/11 13+ • #9781421533759 • 192 pgs • $9.74 More volumes also available! Everybody at Seiyo Elementary thinks that stylish and super-cool Amu has it all - but nobody knows the real Amu, a shy girl who wishes she had the courage to truly be herself. Changing Amu’s life is going to take more than wishes and dreams - it’ll take a little magic! One morning, Amu finds three strange little eggs. Each contains a Guardian Character, a being who can give her the power to be someone new. Vol. 1 13+ • #9780345497451 • 208 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 12 13+ • #9781935429845 • 176 pgs • $8.24 More volumes also available! SAYONARA, ZETSUBOU-SENSEI Amu’s guardians get their own books in this new Shugo Chara series! Written in the vertical 4-koma (4-panel) comic strip format. Vol. 1 Released 11/22/11 13+ • #9781935429951 • 176 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 Released 1/10/12 13+ • #9781935429975 • 144 pgs • $8.24 SHUGO CHARA-CHAN! SKIP BEAT! STAFF PICK Nozomu Itoshiki is not the kind of teacher you’d hope to have. He’s unbelievably negative, pessimistic, and prone to suicidal Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to Tokyo to support him while he made it big as an idol, but he’s casting her out now that he’s famous! Kyoko won’t suffer in silence - she’s going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz! Vol. 1 13+ • #VIZ1421505851 • 184 pgs • $6.74 Vol. 25 13+ • #9781421539232 • 184 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 26 Released 1/3/12 13+ • #9781421539997 • 184 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! SLAM DUNK Hanamichi Sakuragi’s got no game with girls - none at all! 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TALES OF THE ABYSS ASCH THE BLOODY Asch is the lost prince of a country torn asunder by prophecy. Cloned and replaced by a new prince, Asch finds himself among the ranks of God-Generals, fighting to destroy the very prophecy for peace that his clone will fulfill. War, magic, and science clash, but at their heart stands Asch the Bloody. Vol. 1 13+ • #9781604962987 • 170 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 Released 11/30/11 13+ • #9781604962994 • 192 pgs • $8.99 JADE’S SECRET MEMORIES A side-story of the video game told from the point of view of Jade the Necromancer. Vol. 1 N/R • #9781604963007 • 180 pgs • $8.24 TANK TANKURO STARGAZING DOG Oto-san is down and out. Life has conspired against him, nothing coming together the way he wished, so he sets out with his car to just get away from it all. All people around him have abandoned him in indifference, but as we discover along with him, the one he can count on utterly and completely is a dog he just adopted who follows him blindly, faithfully and completely to the end, lightening up his new adventure into the unknown. N/R • #9781561636129 • 128 pgs • $8.99 STORY OF SAIUNKOKU Shurei, destitute but of noble birth, has always dreamed of working as a civil servant in the imperial court of Saiunkoku, but women are barred from holding office. Meanwhile, Emperor Ryuki refuses to take command, leaving everything to his advisors. Shurei is asked to become a consort to the emperor to persuade the ne’er-do-well ruler to govern. Now she must think of a way to stop the emperor from shirking his responsibilities, but Shurei will have to find him first! Vol. 1 13+ • #9781421538341 • 176 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 5 13+ • #9781421538426 • 176 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 6 Released 2/7/12 13+ • #9781421541792 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! PREWAR WORKS 1934-35 Discover the roots of Astro Boy! First published in 1934, Tank Tankuro was one of the most famous manga characters of the era. He and his villain, Kuro Kabuto, famous among Japanese SF fans for his resembalance to Darth Vader, laid the foundation for such manga greats as Tezuka, Sugiura, and Fujiko. Presented in full colour with a deluxe hardcover and slipcase format! Hardcover (Color) N/R • #9784903090245 • 256 pgs • $22.46 TEGAMI BACHI: LETTER BEE delivered by the dedicated Letter Bee corps – and in every bullet they use to destroy the monstrous Gaichuu that make travel from city to city too dangerous for the average person. Twilight vistas form striking backdrops in this tale of unwavering determination in the face of evils both obvious and long hidden.- Staff Vol. 1 13+ • #9781421529134 • 200 pgs • $5.96 Vol. 7 13+ • #9781421536040 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 8 Released 2/7/12 13+ • #9781421538204 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! 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Released 11/15/11 N/R • #9781421532233 • 248 pgs • $9.74 TOKYO MEW MEW Ichigo is out on a date with her “crush” when suddenly she’s involved in an odd incident in which her DNA is merged with the DNA of an almost-extinct wildcat. When four other girls’ DNA are merged with the DNA of four other almost-extinct animals, it’s apparent that they’re part of a much bigger plan. Ichigo and her friends have been chosen to become a part of a secret project called the “Mew Project.” Their mission: to protect the planet from aliens who are using animals to attack humans! Omnibus 1 7+ • #9781935429876 • 368 pgs • $11.24 Omnibus 2 Released 12/13/11 7+ • #9781935429883 • N/A pgs • $11.24 TORADORA! Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making new friends, let alone getting a girlfriend, next to zero. To top it off, he unwittingly crosses the most feared girl in school, Taiga Aisaku, making her his arch enemy - and she’s moved in right next door to Ryuji and happens to be his crush Minori’s best friend! Vol. 1 16+ • #9781934876947 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 3 Released 11/30/11 16+ • #9781935934059 • 192 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! TORIKO STAFF PICK In a land of perpetual night, Heart is the glue that keeps society from falling apart MadMax style. It’s what’s found in every letter This is the great era of gourmet food! Only Toriko can hunt down the ferocious ingredients that supply the world’s best restaurants. As a gourmet hunter, Toriko tracks and defeats the tastiest and most dangerous animals with his bare hands, but has he met his match with an eight-legged alligator the size of a tank? Vol. 1 13+ • #9781421535098 • 208 pgs • $7.49 GUNSLINGER GIRL Vol. 6 13+ • #9781421536941 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 7 Released 12/6/11 13+ • #9781421537986 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! TWIN SPICA In a Tokyo in the not-too-distant future, a young girl studies diligently with ambitions of soon attending space academy. Yet, there is a sense of melancholy in her heart... but she is not alone. A young man wearing a lion mask is always beside her, and speaks of the constellations as if he they were home. Now in spirit he will forever be with Asumi, guiding her on her path to space where she hopes to be reunited with the spirit of the mother she lost more than ten years ago. Vol. 1 13+ • #9781934287842 • 192 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 9 13+ • #9781935654230 • 272 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 10 13+ • #9781935654247 • 272 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 11 Released 1/10/12 13+ • #9781935654339 • 400 pgs • $10.46 More volumes also available! ULTIMO High above Farmless City, citizens are stunned by the sudden appearance of two floating figures. Are they human boys, monolithic robots, or something much more strange? As the battle ensues between them, destruction and devastation falls on the hapless city. One figure is Vice, who seems to be as evil as his name implies. The other is Ultimo, intent on trying to stop Vice from wreaking more havoc. Vol. 1 16+ • #9781421531328 • 216 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 5 16+ • #9781421539539 • 200 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 6 16+ • #9781421541211 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! UNTIL THE FULL MOON ORIGINAL SERIES Marlo has a problem. On the night of the full moon, this half-werewolf, half-vampire undergoes a mysterious and terrifying transformation: he turns into a girl. Desperate for a cure, his parents call on Doctor Vincent, a long-time family friend. But Marlo wants to keep his condition secret from Vincent’s son, the vampire playboy David. Unfortunately, the secret gets out, and a new problem surfaces: David is interested in Marlo’s female form! Vol. 1 16+ • #9781935429890 • 240 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 16+ • #9781935429906 • 224 pgs • $8.24 @FULL MOON Sequel to Until the Full Moon. After ten years apart, aristocratic vampires and childhood friends Marlo and David are back together - as fiances! Being half werewolf and half vampire, Marlo undergoes a peculiar transformation, becoming a woman rather than a beast under the full moon. So there’s no problem for a wedding and David’s womanizing fangs... right? Vol. 1 Released 11/22/11 16+ • #9781935429203 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 Released 1/24/12 16+ • #9781935429210 • 208 pgs • $8.24 VAMPIRE HUNTER D The year is 12,090 A.D., and what little is left of humanity has finally crawled out from the ashes of war and destruction. From the darkness of fallout, the Nobility, a race of vampires, have spawned. They rule the PAGE 31 weak with no remorse. Villagers cower in fear, hoping and praying for a savior to rid them of their undying nightmare. All they have to battle this danger is a different kind danger: a vampire hunter. Vol. 1 16+ • #9781569708279 • 200 pgs • $9.71 Vol. 6 Released 11/23/11 16+ • #9781569707913 • 240 pgs • $10.46 More volumes also available! VAMPIRE KNIGHT Yuki Cross has no memory of her past prior to being saved from a vampire attack 10 years ago. She was adopted by the headmaster of Cross Academy and now works alongside Zero to guard the Academy’s secret. Yuki believes that vampires and humans can coexist peacefully, but her partner has different ideas... Vol. 1 16+ • #VIZ1421508222 • 200 pgs • $6.74 Vol. 13 16+ • #9781421540818 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! VELVETEEN & MANDALA The world is a dystopia. Tokyo, where the youth used to waste their time searching for answers, is now barren. For Velveteen and Mandala, a pair of teens who still live along the outskirts of town, Tokyo is a nightmare that can only compare to the nightmare that is slowly tring to take over the metropolis. Armed with a fully operational tank, the pair must fight off the zombie hordes while they catfight each other for food, entertainment, and maybe even the affection and attention of the opposite sex. 17+ • #9781935654308 • 344 pgs • $12.71 Gunslinger Girl © Yu Aida 2002-2004. 36 books.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com 37 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM SAKURA HIME: THE LEGEND OF PRINCESS SAKURA theatrics. Amazingly, he seems rather normal compared to some of the girls in his classroom and his morose nature is the perfect counter-balance to their eccentricities. Reminiscent of Azumanga Daioh with its observations on the goofiness of society, “Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei” is at times cute, other times witty, and will have you grinning wildly with every page. - Staff Vol. 1 16+ • #9780345508935 • 192 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 11 16+ • #9781935429814 • 176 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 12 Released 12/13/11 16+ • #9781935429821 • N/A pgs • $8.24 More volumes also available! BOOKS is a 13-year-old middle school student whose calm, normal life changes when she encounters a talking white cat with a crescent moon on its forehead. The cat introduces himself as Artemis and claims that Minako has the power to transform into the hero Sailor V! Vol. 1 13+ • #9781935429777 • 272 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 Released 11/15/11 13+ • #9781935429784 • 296 pgs • $8.24 STAFF PICK Having been introduced to the Venus Vangard crew by the anime series, I picked up the collection 1 omnibus with not a little trepidation since I often prefer the anime version of a story over the manga. However, in this case, I found myself pleasantly surprised. The characters, especially Lucia, are nuanced and multi-faceted with sharper edges than in the anime. The story has enough layers to carry the drama and enough action interludes to keep the pace exciting and fun. In addition, the quality of the art and Seven Seas’ English translation is very high. Little extras like artist’s sketches and a one-shot story rounded out what I found to be an excellent purchase. - Staff Omnibus Collection 1 (Vol. 1-3) 16+ • #9781934876770 • 544 pgs • $11.24 Omnibus Collection 2 (Vol. 4-6) 16+ • #9781935934011 • 544 pgs • $11.24 On a distant Blue Star, Mel, Jim, Naomi, and Doug - friends obsessed with their garage band - don’t seem that different from any of the other 12-year-old skateboarders at Union Middle School. But everything changes when Mel is kidnapped and imprisoned in a world called the Turtle Realm. As her friends rush to save her, guided by the magical squelp Satorin, they find a land whose villagers’ only hope is an ancient prophecy foretelling the arrival of four heroes. Vol. 1: Quest for the Silver Tiger 8+ • #9780763645540 • 208 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 5: The Warrior’s Trial 8+ • #9780763656102 • 208 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! WALLFLOWER It’s a gorgeous mansion, and four friends get to live in it for free! There’s only one hitch: they must transform the owner’s wallflower niece into a lady within three years! How hard can it be? Enter Sunako Nakahara, the horror-movie-loving, pockmark-faced, frizzy-haired, fashion-illiterate recluse who tends to break into explosive nosebleeds whenever she sees anyone attractive. This project is going to take more than our heroes ever expected: it needs a miracle! 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There’s one catch, though: the cafe staff are all former yakuza, and the only thing more dangerous than their tempers is their horrible tea! Shinri becomes their new waiter and soon finds he has a new “bodyguard” of sorts: the intense and loyal ex-henchman Mikado. But one night, when Shinri touches the tattoo on Mikado’s back, he unleashes the passion of a “dragon”... 16+ • #9781569702406 • 200 pgs • $9.71 YOTSUBA&! Hello! This is Koiwai Yotsuba, Yotsuba YUGIOH! GX Considered a slacker by his peers, Jaden battles teachers and students alike to make his mark in the Duel World. Can he bring his low-level dorm, Slifer Red, to the top of the deck? Or will the champions in the Obelisk Blue dorm hang onto their winning hand? Vol. 1 ALL • #VIZ1421513781 • 224 pgs • $5.99 Vol. 8 Released 1/3/12 ALL • #9781421539966 • 208 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! 5D’S A high-speed Turbo Duel through the streets of Satellite brings Yusei Fudo and his friend Sect face-to-face with an urban legend incarnate! Will Yusei lose Sect to the Skeleton Knight? And what sinister plans does Jack Atlas, master of New Domino City, have in store for Yusei? Vol. 1 13+ • #9781421539638 • 208 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 2 Released 2/7/12 13+ • #9781421540887 • 200 pgs • $7.49 ZELDA, LEGEND OF In the mystical land of Hyrule, three spiritual stones hold the key to the Triforce, and whoever holds them will control the world. A boy named Link sets out on a quest to deliver the Emerald, the spiritual stone of the forest, to Zelda, Princess of the land of Hyrule. The journey will be long and perilous, and Link will need all his skill and courage to defeat evil. Box Set (Vol. 1-10) ALL • #9781421542423 • 2000 pgs • $52.49 ZOMBIE-LOAN One day, Michiru Kita notices mysterious markings around the necks of two of her classmates - two boys who miraculously survived a horrible accident six months ago. Michiru, possessing the rare ability to see these rings, knows that they warn of impending death. Thinking that perhaps she can do something to save her classmates’ lives, she approaches them, but it seems the boys have already made a different kind of deal and garnered themselves a heavy debt... Vol. 1 16+ • #9780759523531 • 208 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 12 16+ • #9780316178006 • 176 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 13 Released 1/24/12 16+ • #9780316204682 • 176 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! ZOO IN WINTER Kyoto, 1966. Young Hamaguchi works for a textile manufacturer while dreaming of becoming an artist until an incident at the zoo forces his hand. Invited to Tokyo by an old school friend, Hamagushi interviews at the studios of the famous mangaka Shiro Kondo, where he discovers the long hours of meeting deadlines along with the nightlife of the capital. N/R • #9781908007049 • 232 pgs • $17.24 OTHER ASIAN MANGA MARCH STORY he learns that there are worse things than being turned into a vampire - like being turned into a girl?! Vol. 1-2 Omnibus 13+ • #9781935934110 • 320 pgs • $11.99 13TH BOY RAIDERS Hee-So’s gone through 12 boyfriends trying to find “the one.” She thought Won-Jun was finally the boy she’d been waiting for, so she confessed her feelings on live TV! But even after all that, she still got dumped! Is this the end of the line for Hee-So? Or will 13 be the lucky number her quest for love? Vol. 1 13+ • #9780759529946 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 9 Released 11/22/11 13+ • #9780316190732 • 192 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 10 Released 1/24/12 13+ • #9780316190817 • 192 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! Ariel works as an archaeologist’s assistant. When she sneaks into a church to find the holy grail, she discovers a vial containing the blood of Christ that will grant immortality to the one who drinks it. But such a precious item is in high demand, and she soon finds herself pursued by mysterious and deadly creatures. With her very life in danger, Ariel must decide whether to drink it or die. Vol. 1 16+ • #9780759530492 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 7 16+ • #9780316183550 • 176 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! BLACK GOD One evening at a ramen stand, master moocher Keita Ibuki surrenders his meal to a manic girl who, unbeknownst to him, is a Mototsumitama, a guardian of the coexistence equilibrium. When she’s attacked, Keita gets caught in the crossfire. Awakening later, he finds himself back in his apartment! But how? Asking the strange girl raiding his refrigerator reveals only that his life has become much more complicated. Vol. 1 16+ • #9780759523494 • 224 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 14 16+ • #9780316189613 • 192 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 15 Released 1/24/12 16+ • #9780316189620 • 208 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! BRIDE OF THE WATER GOD STAFF PICK Kim Hyung-Min and Yang Kyung-Il’s beautifully drawn world of fantasy and horror unfolds rapidly in the first volume of March Story, where readers are immediately dropped into a violent exchange between hunter March and an Il (a creature that lurks in curious objects and then possesses unsuspecting humans). Each interaction with an Il is surrounded by brutality, but also with a hint of melancholy that can be strangely touching and thoroughly entrancing. - Staff Vol. 1 17+ • #9781421537559 • 192 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 3 17+ • #9781421540795 • 200 pgs • $9.74 More volumes also available! MY BOYFRIEND IS A VAMPIRE Being beautiful is never easy, especially if you’re an eighteen-year-old boy like Gene who is constantly mistaken for a girl because of his delicate good looks - and he’s quick to beat the living daylights out of anyone who even hints that he resembles a girl. When Gene stumbles upon strange happenings in the forest, he gets sucked into a world of vampire intrigue and sinister romance that he never knew existed. And AMERIMANGA AMAZING AGENT LUNA AMAZING AGENT JENNIFER Prequel to the original series! Before Luna’s hard-as-nails boss known simply as “Control” ever became a control agent, Jennifer Kajiwara was once a rookie herself. From Jennifer’s first year in the Agency, through her struggles with her parents and her grueling training, to her first dangerous mission, being a young secret agent is never easy. Jennifer must learn the hard way how to play deadly games as she becomes embroiled in a secret war full of intrigue, betrayal and deadly consequences. Vol. 1 13+ • #9781934876855 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Rejoin Aang and friends for exciting new adventures, beginning with a faceoff against the Fire Nation that threatens to throw the world into another war, testing all of Aang’s powers and ingenuity! Vol. 1: The Promise Part 1 (Color) Released 1/25/12 10+ • #9781595828118 • 80 pgs • $8.24 Laddertop Academy. It is an honor few students will achieve. Robbi and Azure, two eleven-year-old girls who are the best of friends, are candidates for entrance into the Academy. They will become entangled in a dangerous mystery that may help them solve the riddle of the Givers... if it doesn’t destroy the Earth first! Vol. 1 ALL • #9780765324603 • 200 pgs • $8.24 DELTORA QUEST LIBERTY VOCATIONAL The peaceful Deltora Kingdom is in peril due to the machinations of the Shadow King. Three brave adventurers set out on an epic quest to recover seven lost stones critical to saving Deltora from the Shadow King. Vol. 1 13+ • #9781935429289 • 208 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 13+ • #9781935429296 • 208 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 3 Released 11/22/11 13+ • #9781935429302 • 208 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 4 Released 1/17/12 13+ • #9781935429319 • 208 pgs • $8.24 As universities go, Liberty Vocational is the private college of choice for budding superheroes learning to master their extraordinary powers for the good of humankind. But for sixteen-year-old Leah Taymore, just making her way through classes without incident is shaping up to be a superhuman task. Vol. 1: Will Supervillains Be on the Final? N/R • #9780345516565 • 192 pgs • $8.24 AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER MEGATOKYO DRACULA EVERLASTING Nicholas Harker is an average teen who has just lost his parents in a tragic accident. But when he learns he is the sole heir to a vast estate from a mysterious ancestor he never knew he had, his life will never be average again. Together with his new friend, Jill Hawthorne, who has relocated from London, Nicholas discovers that he is a direct descendant of Lord Dracula, and what’s worse, Dracula’s spirit is beginning to exert control over him. Vol. 1 16+ • #9781935934035 • 192 pgs • $8.24 LADDERTOP Competition is fierce to enter space-based STAFF PICK Since I started reading Megatokyo in 2001, I’ve always considered it my “Dom’s Cool Thing.” The characters are shiny. The story has all sorts of moving parts, and Fred Gallagher does things with them, cool things. Over the years, it’s been enjoyable watching both the art and the story evolve to be more When Soah’s impoverished village decides to sacrifice her to the Water God Habaek to end a long drought, they believe that drowning her will bring much-needed rain. Instead of dying, however, Soah is surprised to be rescued by the Water God and welcomed as a guest in Habaek’s magical kingdom! Even more surprising is the Water God himself... and how very different he is from the monster Soah imagined. Vol. 1 12+ • #9781593078492 • 184 pgs • $7.46 Vol. 9 12+ • #9781595826886 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 10 Released 1/18/12 12+ • #9781595828736 • 184 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM VERMONIA going to handle the latest crisis. Some manga prod you to think, highlighting a side of life you might have previously ignored or dismissed. Wandering Son effortlessly does both, telling a simple story of two fifth-grade friends, one a boy who likes to dress as a girl, and the other a girl who wants to be a boy. - Staff Vol. 1 (Hardcover) N/R • #9781606994160 • 192 pgs • $14.99 Vol. 2 (Hardcover) N/R • #9781606994566 • 200 pgs • $14.99 BOOKS BOOKS VENUS VERSUS VIRUS GOONG The monarchy ended long ago in Korea, but what if the country had continued monarchism? What if all the beautiful palaces were actually filled with people? Welcome to a world where Korea still has the royal family, and high school girl CheKyung has to marry the prince - who apparently is a total bastard! Vol. 1 13+ • #895274487X • 200 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 12 13+ • #9780759531567 • 384 pgs • $14.24 More volumes also available! INNOCENT Wrongly executed for crimes he didn’t commit, a former detective is given a second chance at life. To earn that chance the man now known as Ash must use the supernatural abilities with which he has been infused to prevent the deaths of other innocents. But is Ash willing to dedicate himself to helping others, or is his thirst for vengeance against those who destroyed his life and his loved ones too powerful to ignore? Released 11/22/11 16+ • #9780316201032 • 224 pgs • $8.99 800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com 39 BOOKS STREET FIGHTER LEGENDS It’s the entire Street Fighter Legends series in a gorgeous, oversized format to catch every detail! Collecting the complete Sakura, Chun-li, and Ibuki comic series, this ultimate collection shows why the lovely ladies of Street Fighter deserve to be called Legends! Plus, appearances from Ryu, Sagat, Dan, M.Bison, Karin, Makoto, Elena, and more! Ultimate Edition (Color) 16+ • #9781926778228 • 350 pgs • $44.99 VAMPIRE CHEERLEADERS/ PARANORMAL MYSTERY SQUAD VAMPIRE KISSES: GRAVEYARD GAMES Things might finally be back to normal for Raven and Alexander - or as normal as they can be for a goth teen in a small town and her dreamy vampire boyfriend! But the secretive couple soon discovers Alexander’s now full-blooded vampire cousin Claude and his friends are still lingering in Dullsville. When they all become involved in the same local production of Cinderella that Raven is pushed into costume designing, their worlds collide once again. 13+ • #9780062026729 • 192 pgs • $9.99 WITCH & WIZARD Imagine waking up to find that the world around you has changed in an instant. Whit and his sister, Wisty, are just your average teenagers - until they are rudely awakened one morning by helicopters on their lawn and a unit of armed policemen hauling them out of bed. Just how different they and their newfound magical powers are is beginning to come to light as they and other young people rise up against the tyranny of the New Order. Vol. 1 13+ • #9780316119894 • 336 pgs • $9.74 NOVELS DEVOTION OF SUSPECT X A GURU IS BORN Having lost his job and his girlfriend, Kazuo becomes a member of a religious sect after seeing the Guru heal an old woman in a wheelchair. He soon discovers the secrets of success in the sect are much the same as the business world, the power of suggestion playing a larger role than faith. When the Guru unexpectedly dies, Kazuo is nominated to continue the sect as the new Guru. N/R • #9781934287316 • 208 pgs • $10.46 B0DY B0dy is a collection of horror stories, all thematically linked to people’s perception of their bodies and the consequences of vanity and low self-esteem. In the vein of the psychological suspense of the Twilight Zone, each story ends with a shock, leaving the reader unsettled with the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for,” echoing in their bones. Released 2/14/12 N/R • #9781934287378 • 208 pgs • $10.46 BOOK GIRL For Tohko Amano, self-styled “book girl,” being the head of the literary club is more than just an extracurricular activity. It’s her bread and butter... literally! Tohko is actually a literature-gobbling demon who can be found at all hours of the day munching on tornout pages. For Tohko, the real delicacies are hand-written stories, but when a student comes knocking on the literary club door for advice on writing love letters, will Touko discover a new kind of delicacy? Vol. 1: Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime N/R • #9780316076906 • 192 pgs • $6.74 Vol. 4 Released 1/24/12 N/R • #9780316076944 • 208 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! BOOK OF HEROES When her brother Hiroki disappears after a violent altercation with school bullies, the young Yukiro finds a magical book in his room. The book leads her to another world where she learns that Hiroki has been possessed b a spirit from the Book of Heroes. She visits the magical Nameless Land, where she is told how to save her brother, and is sent back to Earth. Yuri has to piece together the mystery of Horiko, and has a library of powerful magic books at her disposal to do so! Paperback Released 11/15/11 N/R • #9781421540832 • 350 pgs • $11.24 CAGE OF ZEUS The “rounds” are humans with the sex organs of both genders. Artificially created to test the limits of the human body in space, they are now a despised minority. Aboard Zeus I, a space station orbiting the planet Jupiter, the “rounds” have created their own society. Security chief Shirosaki keeps the peace between the “rounds” and the typically gendered “mono,” but when a terrorist strike hits the station, an entire people is targeted for genocide. N/R • #9781421540030 • 300 pgs • $11.24 1Q84 CITY OF REFUGE The year is 1984 and the city is Tokyo. A young woman named Aomame follows a taxi driver’s enigmatic suggestion and begins to notice puzzling discrepancies in the world around her. She has entered, she realizes, a parallel existence, which she calls 1Q84 - “Q is for ‘question mark.’” Meanwhile, an aspiring writer named Tengo He killed two gangsters for the woman he loves, Makiko. The sensation of the murder on Koji’s hands is still fresh. Now he’s running from the police as well as the mob. But unlike your ordinary hero, Koji kidnaps a boy during his getaway, and on his trail is “the Old Dog” Detective Takagi. Released 12/13/11 N/R • #9781934287125 • 240 pgs • $11.21 STAFF PICK A tragic instance of domestic violence turns into a battle of wits between the prime suspect’s neighbor and a physicist, who has been dubbed “Detective Galileo” by the police for his contributions with solving difficult cases. If you’re a fan of procedurals, you’ll find a lot to like as you progress through the investigation’s twists and turns. However, author Keigo Higashino places equal importance on developing fully realized characters, which intensifies the emotional stakes of the story and makes it a compelling, suspenseful read. - Staff Hardcover N/R • #9780312375065 • 304 pgs • $18.74 EDGE The comedic fears of California someday tumbling into the sea suddenly become real with a massive and catastrophic shifting of the San Andreas fault. But even the terror resulting from this catastrophe pales in comparison to the understanding behind its happening, a cataclysm extending beyond mankind’s understanding of horror as it had previously been known. The world is falling apart because things are out of joint at the quantum level. Hardcover N/R • #9781934287385 • 320 pgs • $18.71 homeroom and the only boy Haruhi has ever opened up to. Meet the S.O.S. Brigade - an after-school club organized by Haruhi with a mission to seek out the extraordinary. Their second mission? Keeping Haruhi happy... because even though she doesn’t know it, Haruhi has the power to destroy the universe. Seriously. Vol. 1 (Paperback) 16+ • #9780316039024 • 224 pgs • $6.74 Vol. 6: Wavering of Haruhi (Hardcover) 16+ • #9780316038911 • 208 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 6: Wavering of Haruhi (Paperback) 16+ • #9780316038928 • 208 pgs • $6.74 More volumes also available! MM9 Japan is beset by natural disasters all the time: typhoons, earthquakes, and... giant monster attacks. A special anti-monster unit called the Meteorological Agency Counter Anomalous Organism Unit (MCU) has been formed to deal with natural disasters of high “monster magnitude.” The work is challenging, the public is hostile, and the monsters are hungry, but the MCU crew has science and teamwork on their side. Together, they can save Japan. Released 1/17/12 N/R • #9781421540894 • 285 pgs • $11.24 PRO BONO When Kiriko Yanagida first came to Ginzo Otsuka’s law offices, she had only a familial conviction of her brother’s innocence despite his confessing to the murder. To the lawyer, this small-town girl’s belief was nothing more than naive hope. The next day, young news reporter Tetsuro Abe overhears Kiriko making a last ditch attempt to enlist the lawyer. He immediately becomes consumed with helping her, not least because it will make an interesting story. N/R • #9781934287026 • 288 pgs • $11.21 KIELI SPICE AND WOLF Kieli, a lonely girl with the power to see ghosts, encounters a man named Harvey, who happens to be one of the legendary Undying. The Undying were soldiers made from recycled corpses who were trained to be immortal killing machines in a violent war 80 years ago. She follows Harvey on his journey to return the ghost of a soldier, who died in that war and has since been possessing a radio, to his grave. Vol. 1 16+ • #9780759529298 • 240 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 5 16+ • #9780759529335 • 272 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! The life of a traveling merchant is a lonely one, a fact with which Kraft Lawrence is well acquainted. Wandering from town to town with just his horse, cart, and wares, the peddler has settled into his routine that is, until he finds a wolf goddess Holo asleep in his cart. Holo strikes up a bargain with the merchant to increase his profits in exchange for taking her along on his travels. Lawrence soon learns, however, that having a goddess as a traveling companion can be a bit of a mixed blessing. Will this wolf girl turn out to be too wild to tame? Vol. 1 16+ • #9780759531048 • 240 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 5 Released 12/13/11 16+ • #9780759531109 • 208 pgs • $8.99 LAKE A young woman moves to Tokyo after the death of her mother, hoping to get over her grief and start a career as a graphic artist. She finds herself spending too much time staring out her window... until she realizes she’s gotten used to seeing a young man across the street staring out his window, too. Visiting two of his friends who live a monastic life beside a beautiful lake, she begins to piece together a series of clues that lead her to suspect his experience may have had something to do with a bizarre secret from his past. Hardcover N/R • #9781933633770 • 192 pgs • $17.96 MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA Meet Haruhi - a cute, determined girl starting high school in a city where absolutely no one understands her. Meet Kyon - the sarcastic guy who sits behind Haruhi in TEN BILLION DAYS AND ONE-HUNDRED BILLION NIGHTS Ten billion days - that is how long it will take the philosopher Plato to determine the true systems of the world. One hundred billion nights - that is how far into the future he and Christ and Siddhartha Gautama will travel into the future to witness the end of the world - and also its fiery birth. Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights is an epic eons in the making. Hardcover Released 11/15/11 N/R • #9781421539041 • 360 pgs • $19.49 VAMPIRE HUNTER D 12,090 A.D. It is a dark time for the world. Humanity is crawling out from under threehundred years of domination by the race of vampires known as the Nobility. The war “I just wanted to say your company is simply awesome! You cater to your customers and your staff is very considerate and helpful.” - Anthony against the vampires has taken its toll: cities lie in ruin and the countryside is fragmented into small villages struggling against nightly raids. Every village wants a Hunter - warriors who have pledged their guns and swords to the eradication of the Nobility. But some Hunters are better than others, and some bring their own kind of danger... Vol. 1 17+ • #DHGN1595820124 • 300 pgs • $6.71 Vol. 17: Tyrant’s Stars 3-4 17+ • #9781595828200 • 300 pgs • $11.24 More volumes also available! D.GRAY-MAN ILLUSTRATIONS: NOCHE SENGOKU BASARA SAMURAI HEROES Enter the fictional 19th-century world of D.Gray-man with lavish color artwork from its creator, Katsura Hoshino, showcasing graphic novel covers, magazine covers and more. Plus, interviews with Hoshino and Death Note artist Takeshi Obata and Kochikame artist Osamu Akimoto. Color Released 12/6/11 16+ • #9781421541242 • 102 pgs • $16.49 Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes: Official Complete Works collects the unique artwork behind the latest game in this Capcom series. Included in this collection are character designs, rough sketches, promotional art, and an exclusive interview with the creators behind Sengoku Basara. Official Complete Works (Color) Released 11/29/11 N/R • #9781926778372 • 152 pgs • $29.99 MEGA MAN SHIGENORI SOEJIMA VILLAIN N/R • #9780307454942 • 304 pgs • $11.96 DREAMLAND JAPAN: WRITINGS ON MODERN MANGA This landmark book, first published at the height of the manga boom, is offered in a hardcover collector’s edition with a new foreword and afterword. Frederik L. Schodt looks at the classic publications and artists who created modern manga, including the magazines Big Comics and Morning, and artists like Suehiro Maruo and Shigeru Mizuki; an entire chapter is devoted to Osamu Tezuka. Gift Edition N/R • #9781933330952 • 360 pgs • $22.46 DRAWING & CRAFTS Featuring the elegant artwork of Persona video game artist Shigenori Soejima, this beautiful art book features Soejima’s best work from the various Persona games, other projects such as Stella Deus and Momoiro Taisen Pairon, and an exclusive interview with the artist himself. Art Works 2004-2010 (Color) N/R • #9781926778327 • 160 pgs • $29.99 A woman is killed at a ghostly mountain pass in southern Japan and the local police quickly pinpoint a suspect. But as the puzzle pieces of the crime slowly click into place, new questions arise. Is a villain simply the person who commits a crime, or are those who feel no remorse for malicious behavior just as guilty? ANIME & FILM GUIDES as the king of all fighting games. Collected in this volume is all of the spectacular artwork behind the ultimate fighting game, including character designs, development sketches, promotional art, story boards, creator commentary, and more! Color N/R • #9781926778259 • 176 pgs • $29.99 STAFF PICK STREET FIGHTER IV / SUPER STREET FIGHTER OFFICIAL COMPLETE WORKS TRIBUTE The Mega Man Tribute is a different kind of art book; it’s 300 pages of beautiful, full-color pictures drawn entirely by fans! In early 2011, Udon sent out the call for artists everywhere to submit their drawings, and what made it into the final book is the best of the best. A bunch of famous artists are represented here, like Hitoshi Ariga, Long Vo, Sean Galloway, and more, with works spanning the Original, X, Zero, ZX, and Legends timelines. If you love Mega Man and/or high-quality fan art, this book is an absolute must-have! - Staff Color N/R • #9781926778303 • 300 pgs • $29.99 The Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV games rejuvenated the fighting game genre and solidified Street Fighter once again A THOUSAND CRANES: ORIGAMI PROJECTS FOR PEACE AND HAPPINESS Making a strand of one thousand origami cranes has become an international movement for peace, happiness, and health. This book is an update of the Heian classic, with new photographs and projects plus 48 tear-out sheets of colorful chiyogami to get you started. Included is the story of Sadako in Hiroshima and suggestions for how cranes can be used at schools and hospitals, as wedding gifts, and by ONE PIECE NARUTO FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM Vampire Cheerleaders: The Bakertown High School cheerleading squad has a secret: behind all their pretty makeup and short skirts are five hungry vampires who sure know how to show their school spirit! Paranormal Mystery Squad: Goth girl Stephanie Kane, her bratty sister Katie, and best friend Charlotte have made a name for themselves hunting down all manner of supernatural beasties. That is, until the People for the Ethical Treatment of Monsters slaps them with a boatload of new regulations and places a court-appointed PETM liaison on their all-girl team. Vol. 1 16+ • #9781934876848 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 2 Released 12/31/11 16+ • #9781935934066 • 192 pgs • $8.24 takes on a suspect ghostwriting project. He becomes so wrapped up with the work and its unusual author that his previously placid life soon begins to come unraveled. Hardcover N/R • #9780307593313 • 928 pgs • $22.88 OFFICIAL CHARACTER BOOK It’s Shippuden homework time! Study up with this book and you’ll pass the test for “most knowledgeable shinobi of all time (at least till the next update)!” This handy, huge guide covers all the way to volume 43! Released 1/10/12 13+ • #9781421541259 • 360 pgs • $11.24 ART BOOKS APPLE SELECTION The creators of the Apple anthology/artbook series are back with an all-new volume of gorgeous pin-up artwork! Apple Selection features dozens of Korea’s top illustrators creating brand new pin-up work of cute summer girls, seductive nurses, jamming punk rockettes, and more. Vol. 1: Summer (Color) 17+ • #9781926778297 • 200 pgs • $29.99 Vol. 2: Autumn (Color) 17+ • #9781926778365 • 160 pgs • $29.99 AR TONELICO VISUAL BOOK Showcasing the inspiring artwork of the Ar Tonelico RPG video game series, Ar Tonelico Visual Book collects the beautiful pin-up artwork of all three games in the series, including the all-new “Ar Tonelico Qugo” for the PS3. Plus, character profiles, creator interviews, in-game event scenes, and more! Color N/R • #9781926778266 • 192 pgs • $29.99 STAFF PICK COLOR WALK This art book includes original color images from the popular manga One Piece. See King-of-the-Pirates wannabe Luffy and his crew - thief Nami, swordsman Zolo, liar Usopp and chef Sanji - and the enemies they encounter on their quest amid the high seas - Buggy the Clown, Captain Kuro, Don Krieg, Mihawk, Arlong and more! Vol. 2 13+ • #9781421541136 • 110 pgs • $14.99 PIXIV ALMANAC PIXIV is Japan’s ultimate online art community. The PIXIV Almanac collects artwork from some of the community’s most talented members, showcasing a variety of colorful anime, manga, and CG art styles. Vol. 1 (Color) Released 11/29/11 N/R • #9781926778358 • 258 pgs • $29.99 SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY Follow The Secret World of Arrietty from initial concept to the silver screen with hundreds of sketches, concept drawings, and animation cels, plus in-depth interviews with the creators. The Art of (Color) Released 1/3/12 N/R • #9781421541181 • 200 pgs • $26.24 DRIFTERS PAGE 30 Drifters © 2010 by Kohta Hirano. 40 books.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 BOOKS sophisticated, complex and polished. The omnibus collection is exciting because it’s a look back at the simpler 4-koma days when Megatokyo was a more raw and meandering journey through otaku culture (and sometimes sub-sub-culture) and its ability to have a laugh at its own expense. - Staff Vol. 1-3 Omnibus 13+ • #9781595828231 • 670 pgs • $14.99 800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com 41 BOOKS people everywhere to demonstrate their commitment to world peace. GRAFFITI JAPAN Japanese graffiti replicates the calligraphic intricacies of the Japanese language with spray paint, depicting how anime and manga characters, national pride, as well as foreign influences, are integral parts of the country’s scene. From sprawling, legally sanctioned murals to illegal throwups hidden in alleyways, this work could not exist in any other country. Features photographs and artist interviews with KRESS, BELX2, FATE, TENGA, EMAR, SUIKO, QP, and many more. N/R • #9780893469993 • 120 pgs • $9.00 ORIGRAFIX FUN: HOP, MOVE, FLY, PLAY Preprinted tear-out papers with colorful popart designs on the front and folding lines on the back turn into 3D objects for play and display. OriGrafix Fun showcases designs to play with - airplanes, sumo wrestlers, tops, pinwheels, butterflies, cameras, and more. Features 20 projects, 60 different sheets of folding paper, and 4 sheets of backgrounds for staging your creations. N/R • #9781935613305 • 144 pgs • $16.46 GREEN TEA LIVING: A JAPAN-INSPIRED GUIDE TO ECO-FRIENDLY HABITS N/R • #9781611720037 • 128 pgs • $12.71 JAPAN: TRADITIONAL DESIGNS Japan: Traditional Designs includes 20 designs, 60 all-different sheets of folding paper, and 4 sheets of backgrounds for staging your creations. You can make a cicada, turtle, crane, frog, little prince, Daruma, goldfish, and many more! Starting with the notion that some traditions - like drinking green tea for health and mental acuity - embody timeless wisdom for living, this book offers dozens of wise, old Japanese ways for improving how you look and feel while respecting nature and the environment. Carry your own pair of chopsticks, wear five-toe socks, eat salty plums, use rice water as floor wax... By leading a “green tea life,” you’ll help yourself and the planet. N/R • #9780893469528 • 128 pgs • $12.71 The Young Artists Draw series focuses on subjects that kids love to draw. The first in the series, Young Artists Draw Manga, shows budding artists how to draw all the wonderful characters of manga, from pretty shoujo girls and moody bishounen boys to the hilarious, super-cute chibis. N/R • #9781933330846 • 160 pgs • $11.21 VIEWED SIDEWAYS: WRITINGS ON CULTURE & STYLE IN CONTEMPORARY JAPAN N/R • #9780823026579 • 144 pgs • $11.24 This collection of essays ranges from Kyogen drama to the sex shows of Shinjuku, from film and Buddhism to Butoh and retro rock ‘n’ roll, from wasei eigo (Japanese/English) to mizushobai, the fine art of pleasing. Spanning some fifty years, these thirtyseven essays - most never anthologized before - offer cross-sections of Japan’s enormous cultural power. They reflect the unique perspective of a man attempting to understand his adopted home. CULTURE & HISTORY FUZZ AND FUR: JAPAN’S COSTUMED CHARACTERS Edward and John Harrison delve into another bizarre and cute niche of Japanese popular culture by interviewing and photographing the men and women who create a niche in the phenomenon of kigurumi, which roughly means “dressing up as a stuffed toy.” While adoration for mythical creatures and popular anime characters is nothing new in Japan, this pastime has created a new marketing tool for local government institutions: yuru-kyara. Hardcover N/R • #9781935613121 • 144 pgs • $12.71 N/R • #9781933330983 • 264 pgs • $12.71 COOKING ASIAN DUMPLINGS: MASTERING GYOZA, SPRING ROLLS, SAMOSAS & MORE GEEKY-GIRLY INNOVATION: JAPANESE SUBCULTURALIST’S GUIDE TO TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN The Japanese have leveraged the childlike, feminine, cute aspects of their otaku culture into top-tier products for world markets. What does this mean for the human/object interface? How can we personalize and pleasurize design? The answers may lie in our entertainments, innocence, and obsessions. Released 11/30/11 N/R • #9781611720020 • 296 pgs • $20.21 42 books.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 Plump pot stickers, spicy samosas, and tender bao (stuffed buns) are enjoyed by the million every day worldwide. Wrapped, rolled, or filled; steamed, fried, or baked Asian dumplings are also surprisingly easy to prepare. Organized according to type, Asian Dumplings encompasses Eastern, Southeastern, and Southern Asia, with recipes from China, Japan, Korea, India, and more. ALL • #9781580089753 • 240 pgs • $22.50 GLUTEN-FREE ASIAN KITCHEN Asian food poses unique challenges to the gluten-free cook because of its heavy JAPANESE GRILL: FROM CLASSIC YAKITORI TO STEAK, SEAFOOD & VEGETABLES Packed with fast-and-easy recipes, versatile marinades, and step-by-step techniques, The Japanese Grill will have you grilling amazing steaks, pork chops, salmon, tomatoes, and whole chicken as well as traditional favorites like yakitori, yaki onigiri, and whole salt-packed fish. Includes menu suggestions for sophisticated entertaining in addition to quick-grilling choices for healthy weekday meals, plus a slew of delectable sides. ALL • #9781580087377 • 192 pgs • $18.75 ALL • #0976998173 • 90 pgs • $9.71 JAPANESE KANJI POWER A WORKBOOK FOR MASTERING JAPANESE CHARACTERS Japanese Kanji Power helps beginning and intermediate Japanese language learners to master 464 of the most important kanji. The presentation of each kanji incorporates many key features, such as sample sentences; a list of frequently-used compounds and phrases; stroke count and a stroke-order diagram; and numerous exercises and frequent reviews. Bleach Dragon Ball Z Durarara!! Durarara!! Durarara!! Eden of the East Gundam 00 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Ichigo, Rukia, Toshiro & Rangiku #GE5875WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (24” X 66”): Super Saiyan Goku #GE5396WS $22.46 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Line-up #GE5849WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Shizuo & Izaya #GE5859WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Shizuo & Izaya Glaring #GE5853WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Carousel #GE5850WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Wang Liu Mei #GE5297WS $14.96 Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers Highschool of the Dead Mega Man 10 Flag: America #GE4111 $16.49 Flag: England #GE4117 $16.49 Flag: Russia #GE4119 $16.49 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Let’s Sing! #GE5847WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Mochi Party #GE5846WS $14.96 Lithograph Limited Edition #RSM8092 $37.49 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Group in Space #GE5883WS $14.96 ALL • #9784805308592 • 320 pgs • $24.26 PICT-O-GRAPHIX KANA This compact book is a visual guide to the two basic kana syllabaries used in Japanese. Combining clever drawings and text memory aids, it teaches the beginning student the shapes and pronunciations of these essential written characters. ALL • #9781880656181 • 72 pgs • $4.50 YUM-YUM BENTO BOX KANJI These yummy, healthy lunches are all the rage in Japan, where mothers create them as expressions of love for their children. Learn how to craft your favorite foods into a variety of shapes, from caterpillars, cars, and puppy dogs to pretty flowers, princesses, and kitty cats. Also includes a handy shopping guide, easy recipes for mini snacks, general tips and tricks, and more. Japanese characters (kanji) blend form and line to convey words and ideas in pictographs. Here are 150 of the most basic kanji (school grades 1–4) in a completely reimagined and fanciful format to make memorization and recognition fun. Included are readings, meanings, and visual and text mnemonics. The Dragon Book emphasizes kanji related to power and spirit. N/R • #9781594744471 • 144 pgs • $12.71 ALL • #9781611720006 • 80 pgs • $7.46 LEARNING JAPANESE 1000 JAPANESE WORDS This reference book introduces 1,000 familiar words for everyday situations. In the style of Richard Scarry, 27 colorful scenes illustrate the words in context and will delight children and parents alike. 2nd Edition N/R • #9781780042282 • 64 pgs • $11.99 BERLITZ JAPANESE POCKET DICTIONARY This brand new dictionary contains around 17,000 fully up-to-date entries, including a wealth of modern and idiomatic phrases not normally found in a dictionary of this size. Referencing is quick and easy using the bold, blue headwords and a long-lasting vinyl cover ensures durability. 2nd Edition N/R • #9789812689686 • 672 pgs • $7.99 HIDE THIS JAPANESE PHRASE BOOK Travelers will be able to speak like locals using vocabulary that is really used and not what is taught in schools. This book includes conversation starters, ATM and bank info, hostel expressions, fun entertainment options, making friends with the locals, and more. Also included is a dictionary featuring slang, and cultural tips to help users fit in with the locals. N/R • #9789812685834 • 128 pgs • $7.99 HIRAGANA FROM ZERO Hiragana from Zero uses a fun, innovative, and integrated approach to learning hiragana created by professional Japanese interpreters and developed for over 10 years in live classes by Japanese professors. Using up-to-date teaching techniques and concepts, the Japanese From Zero! series SORA AND THE CLOUD A growing boy enjoys the ultimate daydream - to soar like a cloud! Once a crawling baby, now Sora can climb a tree. There a friendly cloud awaits! Birds, kites, and fireworks whirl by as these friends share an adventure in the sky. This wonderful flight of fancy encourages learning with colorfully expressive illustrations and bilingual Japanese translation. Bilingual Storybook (Color) ALL • #9781597020275 • 36 pgs • $15.95 Mega Man X Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Group #GE5884WS $14.96 Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Beach Trio #GE5826WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Recruiting #GE5825WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Yukata Haruhi #GE5824WS $14.96 Naruto: Shippuden One Piece One Piece Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Jinchuriki #GE5881WS $14.96 Flag: Marines #GE4157 $16.49 Flag: Red Hair Pirates #GE6469 $16.49 TRAVEL KYOTO MACHIYA RESTAURANT GUIDE: AFFORDABLE DINING IN ELEGANT TOWNHOUSE SPACES Machiya, or townhouses, are traditional wooden dwellings in Kyoto that evoke the elegance and culture of Japan’s old capital with their architectural details, beautiful gardens, and intimate rooms. Many have been converted into restaurants to create unforgettable dining experiences. Here are 130 restaurant listings (food, decor, hours, addresses, prices, maps, and index) and a photographic guide to machiya architecture, culture, and aesthetics One Piece One Piece One Piece One Piece Flag: Roger Pirates #GE4159 $16.49 Flag: Strawhat Pirates #GE6468 $16.49 Flag: Whitebeard Pirates #GE4158 $16.49 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Nami’s Wanted Poster #GE5813WS $14.96 Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne Spice and Wolf Spice and Wolf Super Street Fighter IV Super Street Fighter IV Vocaloid Vocaloid xxxHOLiC Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Holo in Bed #GE5851WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Holo in Cart with Apples #GE5862WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Ken #GE5880WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Ryu #GE5885WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Hatsune Miku #GE5890WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Kagamine Rin & Len #GE5893WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Yuko & Watakunki with Peacock Feathers #GE5820WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Group #GE5827WS $14.96 Sailor Moon Soul Eater Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Princess Serenity and Inner Senshi #GE5889WS $14.96 Wall Scroll (31” x 43”): Black Star and Tsubaki #GE5322WS $14.96 N/R • #9781611720013 • 184 pgs • $11.21 TENRYUJI: LIFE AND SPIRIT OF A KYOTO GARDEN This illustrated study of Tenryuji, ranked number one among the five great Zen temples of Kyoto and a major destination for tourism and worship, weaves together history, design, culture, and personal reflection to reveal the inner workings of a great spiritual institution. Released 12/13/11 N/R • #9781611720044 • 320 pgs • $29.96 800.338.6827 art.rightstuf.com 43 FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM FIND MORE ITEMS AT RIGHTSTUF.COM YOUNG ARTISTS DRAW MANGA ALL • #9781587611353 • 208 pgs • $17.24 is perfect for current students of Japanese as well as absolute beginners. WALL ART Got Anime members save an extra 10% OFF our everyday prices, studio sales & more! reliance on kitchen staples such as noodles, soy sauce, and oyster sauce that typically contain wheat. But with culinary know-how and ingredient awareness, any home cook can quickly and simply turn out full-flavored dishes such as Korean Green Onion Pancakes, Sticky Rice Dumplings, Chilled Tangy Soba Noodles, Tempura, and Banana and Sweet Potato Fritters. APPAREL S M L XL S M L XL T-Shirt: Goku’s Gi Top #GE88761 $18.74 #GE88762 $18.74 #GE88763 $20.24 #GE88764 $20.24 Burst Angel Claymore Body Pillow (13 x 42”): Jo and Meg #GE2875 $29.99 Baseball Cap: Teresa’s Symbol #GE2311 $13.49 Durarara!! Durarara!! 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