Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.
Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.
Curriculum Vitae Technische Universität München Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Werner Lang M. Arch. II (UCLA) – Architect BYAK Education: University of California – Los Angeles Master of Architecture – M. Arch. II (UCLA),1990. Technische Universität München, Diploma 1988. Architectural Association, London, 1985 – 1986. Peter-Dörfler-Gymnasium Marktoberdorf, A-Levels 1980. Awards: Department of Civil Engineering and Surveilling Department of Architecture Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building Arcisstrasse 21 80333 Munich Germany Tel + Fax + Engineering Prize of the German Steel Association 2013 Category: bridge constructions. Bridge over the river Danube, Günzburg. Engineers: Jürgen Schmidt, Peter Radl, SSF Engineers AG, Munich. Architects: Lang Hugger Rampp GmbH Architects, Munich. Steel contractor: Bitschnau Steel GmbH, Nenzing, Austria. Client: State Building Authority Krumbach. st International Building Skin-Tech Award 2008 (1 Prize) for “Building systems for school buildings in hot climate’ together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog, Munich, Dr.-Ing. Kurt Stepan, Munich and Center for Advanced Energy Research (ZAE Bayern e.V.), Munich, Nov. 2008. Oskar von Miller Forum Oskar von Miller Ring 25 80333 Munich Germany Tel +49.89.1588338.0 Fax +49.89.1588338.29 Prize for 'Best Doctoral Thesis', awarded by the 'Bund der Freunde' of the Technische Universität München, Nov. 2000. 'Bayerischer Energiepreis 2000' by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology. Recognition Award. 'Holzkreativ-Preis 2000' for ‘Wooden Louvre System for Heat Conservation and Shading Purposes for Double-Skin Facades’. Recognition Award. Award for the Best Thesis M. Arch. II 1990 of the University of California – Los Angeles. Fulbright Scholarship, 1988 – 1990. st Hans Döllgast Prize (1 Prize) of the Technische Universität München, 1988. Professional Associations: Bavarian Chamber of Architects, member since Oct. 1993. Professional Background: Full Professor of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Planning and Design at the Technische Universität München, since Sept. 2010. Lang Hugger Rampp GmbH Domagkstrasse 1 80807 Munich Germany Tel +49.89.3090715.50 Fax +49.89.3090715.99 Director of the Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich, since June 2010. Associate Professor of Architecture and Sustainable Design at the University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture (UTSoA), Jan. 2008 – July 2010. Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture (UTSoA), Sept. 2009 - July 2010. Partner and Shareholder of Lang Hugger Rampp GmbH Architects, Munich, since 2006. Principal of the architectural office‚ ‘Architekturbüro Werner Lang‘, Munich, 2001 - 2007. Expertise: Research and teaching in the fields of: Energy-efficient and sustainable design and building Use of renewable energies in building Development of building components and building systems Design and building realization Conferences, trade shows and exhibitions Publications, lectures and workshops Collaboration: Prof. Dr. h.c. Kurt Ackermann und Partner, Munich, Oct. 1990 - March 1994. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Los Angeles, Jan. - June 1990. Urban Innovations Group – Charles Moore, Los Angeles, Jan. - March 1989. Von Werz, Ottow, Bachmann, Marx, Munich, Nov. 1986 - Jan. 1987. Richard Rogers & Partner, London, Sept. - Oct. 1986. Office for Metropolitan Architecture, O.M.A., London, Nov. 1985. Von Seidlein, Munich, Mar. - Apr. 1985. Teaching: Full Professor of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building at the Technische Universität München, since Sept. 2010. Professor of Architecture and Sustainable Design and Fellow of the Center for Sustainable Development, University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Jan. 2008 - July 2010. Lecturer for 'Special topics in facade design', Technische Universität München, Faculty of Architecture, 2001 - 2007. Lecturer for 'Building Materials Sciences', Technische Universität München, Faculty of Architecture, 2000 - 2001. Scientific assistant and assistant lecturer at the Chair for Building Technology, Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog, Technische Universität München, April 1994 - Feb. 2001. 06.04.2014 page 2 Guest Professor: Dr. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University (EKSTU), UstKamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. Three-day workshop 'Energy-Efficiency in the Building Sector and Urban Environments', Sept. 12 - 14, 2011. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, VR China, School of Architecture and Urban Planning: Short-term workshop and lecture series together with the ‘Eco-Design Group’ of the HUST, June 2004. Research and Development: Residential project ‘WagnisART’, realized by the housing cooperative wagnis eG, Munich. Development of an innovative and forward-thinking residential project in consideration of a holistic sustainability approach with an emphasis on minimizing the consumption of fossil fuels and the environmental footprint. Client: housing cooperative wagnis eG, supported by the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior. Project period: 03/2014 – 02/2015. ‘Facade elements for hybrid constructions. Prefabricated, integrated façade elements in timber for the construction of hybrid re-enforced concrete buildings.’ In collaboration with the Institute of Timber Structures and Building Construction / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter, and the Institute of Concrete Structures / Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. (Economics) Oliver Fischer. Supported by the Foundation Bavarian Construction Industry. Project period: 02/2014 - 08/2015. 'Zentrum Stadtnatur und Klimaanpassung'. Research project for developing strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting Bavarian cities to the climate change. Funding body: Bavarian Ministry for Environment and Health. Applicant: Institute ENPB together with the Chair for Strategy and Management of Landscape Development, Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit. Project period: 06/2013 – 05/2016. 'Energy-efficient Buildings for Education. Campus Information Modelling (HoEFF-CIM)'. Research project for the establishment and application of energy efficiency improvement measures for a college th campus. Funded through the 6 Energy Research Program of the federal government. Research focus 'Energy Optimizing Operations” (EnBop). Federal Ministry for Economy and Technology (BMWi). Application through the Institute ENPB together with the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Ebert Engineers Inc. Project period: 05/2013 – 04/2016. ‘A building like a Tree – a city like a Forest; a Roadmap for the Munich Built Environment and its connected Industries’. Research initiative in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart, EPEA International Umweltforschung GmbH, supported by the Institute of Advanced Studies and the Faculty for Architecture at the Technische Universität München. Project period: 04/2013 – 03/2016. 'Solar Thermal Glass Facades with Adjustable Transparency'. Research Project for detecting and presenting the potential of fluid glass façade elements in order to minimize the energy consumption and increase the comfort of buildings. Application during the FP7-ENERGY-2013, Tonic ENERGY.2013.4.1.1: Research and development of innovative solar thermal facades. Area Energy.4.1: Low/Medium Temperature Solar Thermal Energy. Application through Center for Sustainable Building (ZNB) together with 11 other research partners. Leading applicant: University of Liechtenstein. 06.04.2014 page 3 'Sustainable electro-mobility within the showcase electro-moblity in the smart-micro-grid. From single family houses to intelligent parking structures', sponsored by the BMU. Partners: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, München / SMA Solar Technology AG, Niestetal / Institute of Energy Economy and Applied Technology / Institute of Energy- Efficient and Sustainable Planning and Building (ENPB), TU München. 'Study on the energy efficiency potential of the Clinical Center Ingolstadt', funded by the Clinical Center Ingolstadt Inc., Ingolstadt. Project period: 04/2012 - 10/2013. ‘COST Action TU1104 - SMART ENERGY REGIONS’. COST Action of the European Commission for the investigation and presentation of the necessary strategies for long-term establishment of CO2-neutral regions in Europe with a focus on energy renovation, minimization of operating energy expenses, minimization and the use of embodied energy in the building sector and implementation of low-and plus-energy buildings. Project period: 03/2012 - 02/2016. ‚Hybrid Ventilation – Copenhagen/Munich/London’ in collaboration with the Fraunhofer-Institute for Building Physics (IPB), Holzkirchen. Project period: 12/2011 - 03/2012. 'Stadtlabor Nürnberger Weststadt', interdisciplinary research project on future-oriented concepts for urban renewal. In cooperation with the Centre ENPB and 4 other institutes of TUM. Sponsored by the City of Nuremberg. Project period: 12/2011 - 02/2013. 'Integrated concept for increasing the energy-efficiency of the building stock in Bavaria'. Centre for energy-efficient and sustainable Design and Building (ENPB), sponsored by the Bavarian Business Association (VBW), Munich. Project period: 11/ 2011 – 07/2012. 'Membrane Constructions for the thermal Improvement of existing Buildings (MESG)', sponsored by the ‘Project Management Jülich (PTJ)’ on behalf of the Federal Government of Germany. Principal investigator for ‘Lang Hugger Rampp GmbH’. Member of a team of 8 national partners from science and industry. Project period: 2008 - 2012. 'Re-Frame'. Research project for low-energy facade systems, sponsored by the European Commission. Principal investigator at the Chair for Building Technology, Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog, Technische Universität München, together with 7 international partners from science and industry. Project period: 2001 - 2006. 'Building Systems for Schools in hot Climates', together with Prof. Dr. (Univ. Rom) Thomas Herzog, Munich, Dr.-Ing. Kurt Stepan, Munich, and Center for Advanced Energy Research (ZAE Bayern e.V), Munich. Project period: 2001 - 2004. 'Sol-Arch-Data'. Research project for the European Commission DG XII. Principal investigator at the Chair for Building Technology, Prof. Dr. (Univ. Rom) Thomas Herzog Technische Universität München, together with Prof. Stefan Behling, London/Stuttgart and Nikolaus Kuhnert, Arch+, Berlin. Research work on the integration of the knowledge on solar energy into the education of architects. Project period: 1996 – 1997. 06.04.2014 page 4 Further Research Initiatives: ‘Project Platform Energy’. Created as part of the Center for Sustainable Building. Serving as a forum for the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of construction practice (Bavarian Construction Industry Association) as well as research and teaching (TUM). Project period: 02/2014 - 01/2017. Dissertation 'Typological and experimental Research with Regard to the Construction of Double-Skin-Facades for high Buildings with special Consideration of their Meaning for the Energy Consumption and the possible Usage of environmental Energies'. PhD thesis at the Technische Universität München, Chair for Building Technology, Prof. Dr. (Univ. Rom) Thomas Herzog, 1996 – 2000. Awarded ‘With Honors’. Patents: 'Modular Exhibition System'. Patent No. 101 29 189, Published May 8, 2003. 'Louvers for Daylight and Sun Control and Heat Conservation', Designpatent No. 4 99 06 950, published on Jul. 19, 1999. Patent No. 199 24 882, published on Feb. 15, 2001, publication number DE0019924882C1. Scientific Committees: Member of the Scientific Committee of the International conference ‘PLEA 2014’, Ahmedabad, India, 16. - 18. Dec. 2014. Member of the Scientific Committee of the ‘International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport: Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions’. Technische Universität München, mobil.TUM 2014. Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich, 19. - 20. May 2014. Member of the Scientific Committee of the international Conference ‚Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures. Structural Membranes 2013’. Technische Universität München, 9. - 11. Oct. 2013. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International conference 'sb 13 Graz - International Conference on Sustainable Buildings - Construction Products and Technologies’, Sept. 25. – 28., 2013. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International conference ‘PLEA 2013’, Munich, Germany, 10. - 12. Dec. 2014. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference 'sb 13 Munich – Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances', April 23 -26, 2013, Munich, Germany. Member of the Bavarian Academy for Rural Space, reg. soc., since April 2013. Member of the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning (DASL), since April 2013. Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), since 03/2013. Member of the Scientific Advisory Council for the research project ‚Aktifas Facade-Integrated Thermal Collectors: Baseline-Study and Development of future-oriented Concepts’, since Jan. 2013. 06.04.2014 page 5 Member of the Scientific Committee of the international PhD network and doctoral program ‘dokwerk. Bau und Immobilie im Lebenszyklus’ (, since Jan. 2013. Member of the ‘Standing Committee of Professors of Building Physics and Technical Building Services’, since Nov. 2012. Member of the Expert Group for the Research Initiative ‘Zukunft Bau’ of the Federal Institute for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), 07/2012 - 06/2014. Member of the Management Committee of the European Commission COST Action TU1104 ‘Smart Energy Regions’, since Dec. 2011. Member of the Scientific Committee 'WECOBIS', Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Space Research, Berlin, since Sept. 2011. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 'International Conference on Mobility and Transport: Making Sustainable Mobilities - Interdisciplinary Perspectives'. Technische Universität München, mobil.TUM 2011. Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich, April 7 - 8, 2011. Speaker for the area Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building (ENPB) of the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) at the Technische Universität München, since Sept. 2010. Member of TUM.Energy as part of the Munich School of Engineering at the Technische Universität München, since Sept. 2010. Member of the Management Committee of the COST Action of the European Commission ‘C23 - Strategies for a low Carbon built Environment', 2005 - 2009. Chairman of the International Scientific Committee of the Conference and Special Exhibition 'Intelligent Building Middle East 2005' in Manama, Bahrain, 2005. Deputy to Prof. Dr. (Univ. Rom) Thomas Herzog for the Scientific Committee ‘World Commission Urban 21’, 1998 – 2000. Jury Member: Urban development in Bavaria: Competition “Historische Stadtkerne – integriert denken und handeln”. Member of the selection committee, April 2013. Urban and landscape design competition for the area of the Paulaner Brewery in Munich. Consultant for energy-related issues. Nov. 2011 - June, 2013. Competition for the realization 'World of Living – Herzogenaurach'. Member of the jury, Nov. 2011 - Jan. 2012. Invited competition for the building of a nursery at Haidgraben in Ottobrunn. Member of the jury, Nov. 18, 2011. Urban idea and realisation competition of the former Quelle area in Nuremberg. Member of the jury, Nov. 9, 2011. 'GästePlusHaus'. Invited competition for a low-energy guesthouse in Murnau, Bavaria. Member of the jury, July 2011. 06.04.2014 page 6 German Architecture Prize 2011. Ministry for Traffic, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) and the Chamber of Architects. Member of the jury, June 2011. Architecture with Energy 2011. Ministry for Economy and Technology. President of the jury, May 2011. Student Competition 'Solar Buildings' of the European Commission DG XII, TU Stuttgart, Chair Prof. von Seidlein, Dec. 1996. Conference Committees: Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the international conference ‘PLEA 2013 Munich - Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future.’ Technische Universität München, Sept. 10 - 11, 2013. Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference ‘PLEA 2013 Munich - Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future’. Technische Universität München, Sept. 10 - 11, 2013. Facilitator of the Symposium „Stadtlabor Nürnberger Weststadt – Lebenswerte Quartiere: Strategien für einen zukunftsorientierten Stadtumbau“, Nuremberg, Nov. 19, 2012. nd Faciliator of the session 'Energy Efficiency’ as part of the 2 Colloquium ‘Energy Challenges Germany 2050' of the Munich School of Engineering, TUM. Institute for Advanced Studies.. Garching, June 28, 2012 'Energy Turn – What can Buildings and Cities contribute? ' Symposium of the Energy efficient and sustainable Design and Building of the Technische Universität München. Venue: Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich, Nov. 24, 2011. Faciliator of the session 'Energy Efficiency' of the '1st Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering -Sustainable Energy Supply of the Future'. Technische Universität München, July 18, 2011. Faciliator of the panel discussion 'Building of the Future – Climate-efficient and innovative' during the symposium 'Competence Center Germany. Mobility, Building, Communication – Networked Innovation for a new Growth'. Hosted by the Council of Economic Advisors Germany, Berlin, March 18, 2011. Faciliator for the Panel Discussion 'Light, Air and Sun - Have we gone too far?' at the Symposium ‘Clima-Design meets Visions of Glass' at the 'Bau 2007', Munich, Jan. 18, 2007. Concept development and organization of the International Conference 'Intelligent Building Middle East 2005' in Manama, Bahrain, 2005 – 2005. Exhibitions Concept development and organization of the exhibition 'Sustainable Design' at the Mebane Gallery in Goldsmith Hall at the UT Austin School of Architecture, 2008. Co-ordinator for the realization of the permanent exhibition for innovative facade systems as part of the Technical Center for the Faculty of Architecture of the Technische Universität München, 2006. 06.04.2014 page 7 Concept development and organization of the special exhibition for the international conference 'Intelligent Building Middle East 2005' in Manama, Bahrain, 2004 - 2005. Concept development and organization of the 'Special Exhibition on intelligent Building Skins' at the International trade fair 'BAU 2003', entrance east, Neue Messe München, Jan. 13 - 18, 2003. Concept development and organization of the international traveling exhibition 'Thomas Herzog: Architecture and Technology', German Architecture Museum Frankfurt, 2001 - 2002, followed by exhibitions in Rome, Beijing, Tokyo, Linz, Shanghai, Mexico City. Exhibitions of own work: 'Architectural Hightlights', County Hall Starnberg, Bavaria. Residence in Herrsching, Nov. 10 – 26, 2010. 'Innovation Center intelligent Building Skins'. Exhibition 'Intelligente Gebäudehüllen' at the trade fair 'Bau 2003', 'Neue Messe München', Jan. 13 - 18, 2003. 'Innovation Center intelligent Building Skins'. Exhibition 'Clima Design' at the trade fair 'Bau 2003', ICM Foyer, ‚Neue Messe München‘, Jan. 13 – 18, 2003. 'Wooden Louvres as Heat Conservation and Sun-Shading Devices for Double-Skin-Facades'. Exhibition 'Die Fassaden der Zukunft' of the trade fair 'fensterbau frontale 2000', Messe Nürnberg', Mar. 23 - 26, 2000 and 'fensterbaufrontale 2002', 'Messe Nürnberg', March 21 - 23, 2002. 'Wooden Louvres as Heat Conservation and Sun-Sha-ding Devices for Double-Skin-Facades'. Exhibition 'Thomas Herzog: Architektur und Technologie' at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt, Dec. 2001 March 2002. End of year exhibition at the Architectural Association, Projects Review 1985 – 1986. London, 1986. Exhibition of student’s work : ‘Green Building – Sustainable car dealerships world-wide’. Design studio at the Institute of Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building of the Technische Universität München (TUM). In co-operation with the Institute of Building Climatology and Building Services, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hausladen, TUM. BMW Headquarter Building, Munich. Sept. 2013. Publications: „A Systems Engineering Methodology for Designing and Planning the Built Environment – Results from the Urban Research Laboratory Nuremberg and their Integration in Education“. Philipp Geyer, Jochen Stopper, Werner Lang, Maximilian Thumfart. Systems – Open Access Journal. Special Issue: Systems Education for a Sustainable Planet. Edited by Prof. Dr. Ockie Bosch Dr. Robert Y. Cavana, Guest Editors. 2013. ‘Urban Laboratory Nuremberg West‘. Philipp Geyer, Werner Lang, Isabell Nemeth, Judith Schinabeck. Proceedings of the ‘3rd International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS3)’, Nisyros, Greece, July 9, 2013. 06.04.2014 page 8 'Life Cycle Assessment of Induced Impacts in Built Environment' John E. Anderson, Gebhard Wulfhorst, Werner Lang. Conference proceedings of 'sb13 munich – Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances”, Munich, April 24 - 26, 2013. 'Partial System Simulation for Long-term Sustainable Urban Development’. Philipp Geyer, Maximilian Thumfart, Werner Lang. Conference proceedings of 'sb13 munich – Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances”, Munich, April 24 - 26, 2013. 'Typological examination of (tensile) membrane structures in building exteriors using constructive considerations’. Werner Lang, Thomas Rampp, Jan Cremers. Conference proceedings 'sb13 munich – Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances’, Munich, April 24 - 26, 2013. 'Lightweight Envelopes for Energy Efficient Buildings: Energy Saving by Covering Courtyards with Membrane Systems’. Andreas Beck, Jan Cremers, Werner Lang, Thomas Rampp, Klaus Puchta, Mariacarla Arduini-Schuster, Hans-Peter Ebert, Jochen Manara. Conference proceedings 'sb13 munich – Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances’, Munich, April 24 - 26, 2013. 'The Pareto Principle for the Energy Assessment of Heterogeneous and Complex University Buildings – A Comparison’. René Regel, Werner Jensch, Werner Lang. Conference proceedings 'sb13 munich – Implementing Sustainability – Barriers and Chances’, Munich, April 24 - 26, 2013. 'Analyzing the influence on environmental performance from induced, th operational and embodied impacts buildings’. PLEA 2012 – 28 Conference. 'Opportunities, Limits & Needs towards an environmentally responsible Architecture', Lima, Peru, Nov. 7 - 9, 2012. 'New Envelopes for old Buildings – the Potential of using Membrane Systems for the thermal Retrofitting of existing Buildings’. Proceedings of the ‘Third International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering’, Hofburg, Vienna, Oct. 3 - 6, 2012. 'Sinnvolles Sanieren versus Abriss und Neubau'. RKW Informationen Bau-Rationalisierung (IBR), Publication of the 'RationalisierungsGemeinschaft Bauwesen'. Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., Heft Nr. 5/6, Dec. 2011, 40. Jg., pp. 3 5. 'New Skins for old Buildings. Membrane Constructions can contribute considerabley to the Energy Efficiency in existing Buildings.' Werner Lang, Thomas Rampp, Klaus Puchta, Jan Cremers, Andreas Beck, Markus Binder, Volker Fux, Jochen Manara, Maria-Carla Arduini-Schuster, Hans-Peter Ebert. Deutsches Ingenieur Blatt. Chamber of federal engineers (ed.). No. 11, Nov. 2011, pp. 18 - 25. 'Master for Energy-efficient and sustainable Building.' In: BDB News. Union of German Master-Builders, Munich, 3/2011, p. 17. 'Integration of Phase Change Materials in Buildings and their Performance in Applications for Temperature Control'. Christina V. Konstantinidou, Werner Lang, Atila Novoselac. Proceedings of 'The International Conference on Sustainable Systems and the Environment'. American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, March 23 - 24, 2011. 06.04.2014 page 9 'What can be changed when everything must stay the same? What are the specific Conflicts and Correlations between sustainable Design and historic Preservation in Croatia: To what Extent can sustainable Design Practices be applied to a historic Land-mark in Dubrovnik?'. Ida Polzer, Werner Lang. Proceedings of the '10th REHVA World Congress Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings' - CLIMA 2010, Antalya, Turkey, May 9 - 12, 2010. 'Integration of Phase Change Materials in lightweight Buildings in order to optimize the Conditions for thermal Comfort and to improve the Building Energy Performance'. Christine V. Konstantinidis, Werner Lang, Atila Novoselac. Proceedings of the '10th REHVA World Congress Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings' - CLIMA 2010, Antalya, Turkey, May 9 - 12, 2010. 'Membrane Constructions for the thermal Improvement of the Building Stock - MESG' (Membrankonstruktionen zur energetischen Sanierung von Gebäuden). Werner Lang, Thomas Rampp, Klaus Puchta, Jan Cremers, Jochen Manara, Maria-Carla Arduini-Schuster, Hans-Peter Ebert. In: Proceedings of the 'Statusseminar Forschung für Energieoptimiertes Bauen', June 30 - July 2, 2009, Wuerzburg, Germany, pp. 59 - 64. 'Membrane Construction for the Enhancement of the Energy Efficiency of Buildings'. Jochen Manara, Maria-Carla Arduini-Schuster, Oswald Frank, Volker Fux, Werner Lang, Thomas Rampp, Klaus Puchta, Jan Cremers. In: Proceedings of the 'Statusseminar Forschung für Energieoptimiertes Bauen', June 30 - July 2, 2009, Wuerzburg, Germany, pp. 47 - 57. 'Innovative Building Skins: Challenges and Chances'. In: Proceedings of the 'European Conference and Cooperation Exchange 2006: Sustainable Energy Systems for Buildings: Challenges and Chances. Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Vienna, Nov. 15 - 17, 2006, 7 pages. 'Glass as a Material for smart Building Envelopes: Sustainability & Architecture'. In: Intelligent Glass Solutions. Intelligent Publications Ltd., London, 10/2005, pp. 54 - 59. 'A Building System for School Buildings in hot and humid Climates'. In: Proceedings (CD-Rom) of the Conference 'Intelligent Building Middle East 2005', Dec. 5 - 7, 2005 in Manama, Bahrain, 10 pages. 'Energy and Urbanization: The Challenge of the 21st Century', with Thomas Herzog. In: Proceedings of the '23rd Arab Engineering Conference' (CD-ROM), Mar. 14 - 16, 2005, Manama, Bahrain. 'Glass for intelligent Buildings'. In: Proceedings of the 'International Symposium on the Application of Architectural Glass (ISAAG 2004)', University of the Armed Forces, Munich, Nov. 15 - 16, 2004, 7 pages. 'Innovation of today - integrated into a Building for tomorrow'. With Anja Sethi, ift Rosenheim. In: Proceedings of the 'Rosenheimer Fenstertage' 2003, Oct. 23 - 24, 2003, Institute for window technology, Rosenheim, pp. 81 - 87. 06.04.2014 page 10 'Innovative Facade Systems - current Developments in the Field of the Building Skin', with Helmut Hohenstein, ift Rosenheim. In: technopress Baumagazin, Fachmedien Verlag GmbH, Kloster Neuburg, Austria, 03/2003, pp. 4 - 12. 'Smart Building Envelopes: Sustainability and Architecture'. In: New Architecture, published by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan/China. No. 1/2003, Feb. 2003, pp. 9 - 11. 'The Building Skin of the Future - Tendencies and Realization'. In: Proceedings of the 'Rosenheimer Fenstertage 2002', Oct. 17 - 19, 2002, Institute for Window Technology, Rosenheim, pp. 161 -168. 'Double-Skin Facades - Advantages, Problems and Solutions', with Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog. In: Glass & Architecture, Japan, Winter 2001, pp. 38 – 50. 'Solar Energy in Architecture and urban Planning'. In: Proceedings of the symposium 'Solararchitektur’, Professional Forum ‘Solarstadt München', Feb. 2, 2001, pp. 17 - 24. 'What will the Building Shell of the Future look like?' In: The Shutters and Blinds Expert, 1/2001, Kleffmann Publishers, Bochum, p. 4. 'Using multiple Glass Skins to clad Buildings', with Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog. In: Architectural Record, New York, 07/2000. pp. 171 - 182. 'Adjustable Solar Shading and Heat Conservation Louvres for transparent, multi-layered Glass Facades'. With Thomas Herzog, Gerhard Hausladen, Kaja Kippenberg and Phillip Jones. In: Proceedings of 'Eurosun 2000', June 19 - 22, 2000, published on CD-ROM and online:, 7 pages. 'The Building Skin - the third Skin of Man'. In: Fassaden Profil. Special issue of the magazine 'VFA Profil, issued 5/1999, pp. 7 - 10. 'The Roof as Climate Modulator - The Role of the Roof as a Part of natural Ventilation Concepts'. In: Detail, 5/1999, pp. 859 - 865. 'Architecture and Technology - Working with the Building Skin'. In: Proceedings of the 'Rosenheimer Fenstertage 1998', Institute for Window Technology, Rosenheim, Oct. 15 - 16, 1998, pp. 79 - 89. 'Typology of multi-layered Glass Building Skins'. In: Proceedings of the 'architects' day' at the 'Fensterbau 98' in Nuremberg, Mar. 26, 1998. International trade fair for window and facade technologies, 34 pages. In: Detail, 7/1998, pp. 1225 - 1232. In: Arch+, no. 143, 10/1998, pp. 90 - 94. 'An Attempt to integrate the Knowledge of solar Building into Teaching at various Levels', (Herzog, Thomas; Krippner, Roland; Lang, Werner). In: Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference 'Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning', Berlin, Mar. 26 - 29, 1996, H.S. Stephens, Bedford 1996, pp. 197 – 200, and 06.04.2014 page 11 Proceedings of the ‘Florence International Conference for Teachers of Architecture’, Universita degli Studi di Firenzi, chapter 15.09, 6 pages, Sept. 28 – 30, 1995 'Sol-Arch-Data. Trying to integrate the Knowledge of environmental Energies into practical Architecture and architectural Education on different Levels'. With Thomas Herzog and Roland Krippner. In: Deutsche Bauzeitschrift (DBZ), 4/98, pp. 97 - 102. 'Sol-Arch-Data'. With Thomas Herzog, Isabell Hoerter, Roland Krippner. In: Proceedings of the European Conference and APASRENA Contractors Meeting on 'Renewable Energy Development', Venice, Italy, Nov. 22 - 25, 1995, pp. 396 - 401. 'Sol-Arch-Data. A Database for Architects'. With Thomas Herzog, Isabell Hoerter, Roland Krippner. In: Research Digest 7, March 1996, p. 7; Research Digest 8, Apr. 1997, p. 15. The European Commission Directorate-General XII for Science, Research and Development, Brussels. 'Itinerario: Rudolph Schindler'. In: DOMUS 2/1993, 6 pages. 'On Renovating the Schindler House 1990'. In: DOMUS, 2/1993, 2 pages. 'Neutral Simplicity. Richard Neutra's 100th birthday, 1892-1970'. In: Baumeister, 3/92, pp. 8 - 9. 'Itinerario: Richard Neutra'. In: DOMUS, 10/1991. 'News from L.A.' In: Baumeister, 10/1990, pp 36 - 41. 'Case Study Houses'. In: Baumeister, 4/1990, pp. 54 - 59. 'Itinerario: Case Study Program', Los Angeles. In: DOMUS, 12/1989. Publications on own work: ‚Saving energy under a tensile roof structure’ (Unterm Zeltdach Energie sparen). Report on the new Center for Applied Energy Research Bavaria (ZAE). Published in: Main Post Würzburg, Region Würzburg, 69th year, No. 141, 21.06.2013. ‘Real estate development and construction process management as integrated elements of sustainable construction’. Published in: Paper series of the Department of Construction Management and Real Estate Development at the Technische Universität München, Volume 33 - anniversary edition, commemorative of the 60th birthday of th Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Zimmermann and the 145 anniversary of the institute, pages C6-1 to C6-6. ‘Light Building Skins for old Buildings. Textile Membranes offer new Opportunities for the Building Stock’. Report published in: BINE Informationsdienst. Energieforschung für die Praxis, FIZ Karlsruhe GmbH, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, 8/2012, 4 pages. 'ICE-Werk Leipzig'. Report on maintenance facility for high-speed trains in Leipzig, Germany. Published in: Preis des Deutschen Stahlbaus 2010 / German Steel Building Award 2010, October 2010, Bauforum Stahl, Duesseldorf, p. 120. 06.04.2014 page 12 'Wohn-Idylle am See - Leben mit Freizeitwert'. Report on a singlefamily home in Breitbrunn/Ammersee, Germany. Designed and executed by Werner Lang / Lang Hugger Rampp Architects, Munich. In: smart homes, No. 2, July/August 2009, pp. 16 - 21. ‘Thermal Lab’. Report on the research facility at the School of Architecture at The University of Texas at Austin. In: ISSUE, vol. 005, UT Austin, May 2009, 2 pages. 'Building System for School Buildings in hot Climates'. In: XIA Intelligente Architektur, no. 01-03/09, pp. 18 - 19. 'Dubai Sports City, Tower Hotel, UAE' In: XIA Intelligente Architektur, no. 01-03/09, pp. 28 - 29. 'IBS Award 2008: And the Winner is...'. Report on the 1st prize for the 'Building System for School Buildings in hot Climates'. Together with Thomas Herzog, Munich. In: XIA International - smart Buildings, Materials, Technologies, no. 02/08, pp. 10 - 13. 'Hotel in Dubai'. In: Climate Skin - Building Skin Concepts that can do more with less Energy, Birkhaeuser, Basel 2006, pp. 50 – 51. 'Beauty as a Vision - Sustainable Architecture'. On the philosophy of the work of Lang Hugger Rampp GmbH Architects. In: Deutsche Bauzeitschrift (DBZ), Special Edition Middle East, Oct. 2006, p. 4. 'Das Litha-Konzept. Systemhaus mit Weitsicht'. Building System Development for single Family Houses made of Steel and Glass. In: smart homes, No. 5, Sep./Oct. 2006, p. 76. 'Innovation Centre ift Rosenheim'. In: Hausladen, Gerhard; de Saldahna, Michael; Sager, Christina; Liedl, Petra (Ed.): Clima Design, Callwey Publishers, Neue Messe Muenchen and 'BAU 2003', Jan. 13 18, 2003, pp. 44 - 45. 'Innovative Facade Systems and intelligent Building Skins'. With Helmut Hohenstein. Special publication of the Institute for Window Technology (ift) Rosenheim in conjunction with the exhibition 'Intelligente Gebaeudehuellen' at the trade fair 'Bau 2003', Jan. 13 18, 2003, Neue Messe Muenchen, pp. 1 - 24. 'Experimental Research on solar Shading and Heat Conservation Systems made of Wood in Double-Skin-Facades'. In: Hausladen, Gerhard; de Saldahna, Michael; Sager, Christina; Liedl, Petra (Ed.): Clima Design, TUM, Jan. 14, 2003, 2 pages. 'Innovation Centre Intelligent Building Skin of the ift Rosenheim'. Special publication of the Institute for Window Technology (ift) Rosenheim, Jan. 2003, 44 pages. 'Experimental Research on Heat Conservation and Sun Protection Systems made of Wood in Double-Skin-Facades'. In: Flagge, Ingeborg; Herzog-Loibl, Verena; Meseure, Anna (Ed.). Thomas Herzog - Architektur und Technologie. Prestel, Munich, London, New York 2001, pp. 188 - 189. 06.04.2014 page 13 'Wooden Heat Conservation and Sun Protection Systems for Double-Skin-Facades'. In: Detail, 3/2000, pp. 428 - 433. In: Proceedings of the 'Rosenheimer Fenstertage 2000, Oct. 19 - 20, 2000, Institute for Window Technology (ift) Rosenheim, pp. 55 - 67. In: Der Rolladen-Jalousiebauer, 3/2001, pp. 14 - 22. 'Head and Hand'. Catalogue on the students work at the Chair for Sculpture at the Technische Universität München', 1964 - 93, Prof. Fritz Koenig, 'Institut fuer Internationale Architekturdokumentation', Munich 1993, pp. 98 – 99. 'Crosscraper for Los Angeles'. In: Site Works, UCLA Architecture Journal, Volume III, 1992, pp. 48 - 49. Documentation of the urban Design Competition 'Rheinauhafen Neue City am Strom', City of Cologne (Ed.), 1991, pp. 94 - 95. Books and Book Chapters: Lang, Werner (Ed.): ‘PLEA 2013 Munich – Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future’. Book of Abstracts. Fraunhofer IRB Publishers, 2013, 265 pages. Lang, Werner: 'Experimental Research at the School of Architecture'. In: Cleary, Richard (Ed.): Traces & Trajectories: The University of Texas School of Architecture at 100. The University of Texas School of Architecture, Center for American Architecture and Design, 2010, pp. 130 - 132. Lang, Werner; Siebert, Geralt; Seel, Matthias: 'Strategies for a low Carbon urban built Environment: VI Germany'. In: European Carbon Atlas, edited by Jones, Phil; Pinho, Paulo; Patterson, Jo; Tweed, Chris. Low Carbon Urban Built Environment. The Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 2009, pp. 65 - 74. 'Facade Construction Manual'. Thomas Herzog, Roland Krippner, Werner Lang. Edition Detail. Institute for International Architecture Documentation GmbH, Munich, Jun. 2004, 320 pages. English Edition: Birkaeuser Verlag, 2004. Italian Edition: UTET Professionale s.r.l., 2005. Chinese Edition: Edition Detail, Institute for International Architecture Documentation GmbH, Munich 2006. French Edition: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2007. 'Innovative Building Skins'. In: Building for the Future – Architecture for Clients, Neue Messe Muenchen with Bavarian Chamber of Architects, Callwey Publishers, Munich 2003, pp. 6 - 11. 'Is it all just Facade? The functional, energetic and structural Aspects of the Building Skin'. In: Schittich, Christian (Ed.): Building Skins: Concepts, Layers, Materials, Edition Detail - Institute for international architecture documentation GmbH, Munich and Birkhaeuser Publishers, Basel, 2001, revised edition 2006, pp. 28-47. Media Features: 06.04.2014 ‘First Graduates of the Master of Sustainable Building (ENB) well prepared’. Report on first graduation ceremony held for the new Master's program, which had started in 2011. In: TUMcampus, 1/2014, pp. 26 - 27. page 14 ‘Oskar von Miller Forum. Setting impulses by excellence.’ Report on the activities of Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich. In: TUMcampus 1/2014 , pp. 52 - 53. ‘DAAD Prize for Hua Shan’. Report on student of the Master's program for energy efficient and sustainable building. In: TUMcampus 1/2014, p 77. ‘Strategies for urban nature’. Report on the newly founded ‘Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaption’. In: TUMcampus, 4/2013 , pp. 11-12 . ‘When the own home turns into a power source’. Report on the research project ‘Electric mobility as part of a smart micro-grid. From single family homes to intelligent car parks’, including a demonstration project for a plus-energy house. Peter Biene in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, No. 299 , Saturday / Sunday 28 - 29/12, 2013. ‘PLEA 2013 - Munich. International Conference concluded successfully to sustainable construction’. Deutsches Architektenblatt. DAB regional, 11/13, p.20. ‘Wake-up call to all architects: Congress ‘PLEA 2013’ in Munich. Report by Jakob Schoof. In: DETAIL - The Architecture Portal ., accessed on 11 Nov. 2013. ‘House provides Energy for the Car. Energy-Plus-Home for the town of Oberschleißheim’. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Oct. 28, 2013. ‘The Building envelope as the base for sustainable design’. Published in: fensterbau frontale india. Façade and Fenestration News for India. Sept. 2013, pp. 2 - 3. ‘A doctoral degree for students at Universities of Applied Sciences . More and more universities accept graduates from Universities of Applied Sciences for promotion – for some countries this is not enough.’ Report on the co-operation of the Technische Universität München with the University of Applied Sciences Munich regarding jointly supervised PhD students in the framework of the case-oriented co-operative graduate program ‚Building & energy efficiency.’ Johann Osel in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, No. 93, April 22nd, 2013. ‘Good for the Environment and your Wallet.’ Interview on the importance of the thermal retrofitting of buildings as part of the energyturn (Energiewende) in Germany. Published in the association magazine ‘Profil’ of the Cooperative Association Bavaria (Genossenschaftsverband Bayern), edition 11/2012, p. 26 – 27. ‘Why go beyond LEED?’. Report on the ‚Regenerative Design Symposium: Beyond LEED – how should we judge architecture in the future?’ of the University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture, Jan. 27. – 30, 2012. Magazine ‘Platform’, University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture. Fall 2012, pp. 8, 15, 16, 18, 25. 06.04.2014 page 15 ‘Revamping saves Money’. Report on the results of an interdisciplinary research project at the Center for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building, TUM on the energetic improvement of the building stock in Bavaria, Germany. Ralf Scharnitzky in: Süddeutsche th Zeitung, no. 158, Wedn., Jul. 11 , 2012, R17. 'Visions of Creativity: Architecture at the TU Muenchen'. Report on the project 'Zero Energy Therapy Center for Greenland' at the faculty for Energy Efficient Design and Building, Technische Universität München. BR alpha - campus, July 26, 2011. 'Campus Lab aids Energy Conservation Research', by Michael Moran. Daily Texan, Jan. 22, 2010. 'Thermal Lab open House'. E-News of the UT School of Architec-ture, Jan. 22, 2010. ‘Munich Students visit Austin'. E-News of the UT School of Architecture, Jan. 22, 2010. 'Fall 2009 School of Architecture Student Design Excellence Awards'. E-News of the UT School of Architecture, Jan. 22, 2010. http:// 'UT Report: Energy Efficient Living'. Fox 7 news. Dec. 8, 2009. 'UT Austin's new thermal Lab to study Building Efficiency'. News Report by Amy Johnston/KVUE News. Dec. 7, 2009. 'The Vision of a green Texas', by Axel Gerdau. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Nov. 28/29, 2009, p. 55. 'City launches Effort encouraging green Construction'. Newspaper article in The Daily Texan, published June 8, 2009. 'Architect Werner Lang on green building' Program #5753 of the Earth & Sky Radio Series, Austin. 03/2009. Source: 'Design with Climate: Building for a cooler Planet'. Webcast as part of the 'Hot Science - Cool Talks' Outreach Lecture Series organized by the Environmental Science Institute and the Jackson School of Geosciences, UT Austin, Feb. 27, 2009. Source: Viewer320TL.aspx?mode=Default&peid=30bca8df-f859-4a2e-a2427e9fb1d40d08&pid=b0a0d2eb-66f6-4743-a2ba75e925b2fdfa&playerType=SL1. 'Architecture School to construct outdoor thermal Laboratory'. Newspaper article in The Daily Texan, published Feb. 5, 2009. 'UT Students help design Texas Clean Energy Park'. News report on 'Fox 7 News Edge at 5', Dec. 23, 2008. 'UT Students unveil Designs for clean Energy Park'. News coverage on 'News 8 Austin", Dec. 12, 2008. 06.04.2014 page 16 'Sustainable Design becomes the Centre Point of Education'. Newspaper article in Austin Business Journal, Nov. 21 - 27, 2008, p. 16. Lectures and Presentations: ‘The building envelope as a base for energy efficient and sustainable design’. Presentation as part of the international symposium “Energy (Ex)change: Learning from each other. Munich and Austin as regional centers of sustainable Innovation, Topic 4: Envelope”. The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture, Oct. 9, 2013. ‘Sustainability as a Driver for a new Building Culture’. Presentation as part of the ‘Dean’s lecture series’ at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, Sept. 26, 2013. ‘Cradle to Cradle an der TUM’. Presentation as part of the symposium ‘Reduce – Reuse – Recycle’. Technische Universität München, Sept. 18, 2013. ‘Urban Laboratory Nuremberg West’. Presentation as part of the „3rd International Exergy. Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS3)“, Nisyros, Greece, July 7 - 9, 2013. ‘What are the Opportunities the Energy-Turn offers for the Building Industry?’ Presentation as part of the annual Board Meeting of the ‘Nürnberger Baugruppe’, Hersbruck, March 12, 2013. ‘Facade Technologies for energy efficient and sustainable Buildings’. Presentation as part of the conference ‘Envelopes for Green Buildings - Session 4: Solar Shading to reduce AC Consumption’ fensterbau/frontale india 2013, Mumbai, March 8, 2013. ‘Urban Laboratory Nuremberg West – Defining the path to a sustainable future of existing cities’. Presentation as part of the ‘Entrepreneur Trip London - Department of Foreign Trade and Location Marketing at the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology’, Forum ‘Urban Architecture and Mobility’. Topic 1: Urban Planning and Architecture – Focus on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, March 5, 2013. ‘The Green and Climate-Conscious City’. Presentation as part of the 3rd workshop of the ‘Bayerische Klima-Allianz’, Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Health, Kloster Irsee, Dec. 12, 2012. ‘Energy-efficient building stock in Bavaria – analysis and outlook’. Presentation as part of the symposium „Refurbishment and energyefficiency of existing Buildings“, Educational Training Center in Nuremberg-Wetzendorf of the Society for Building Research and Professional Training of the Association of the Bavarian Building Industry, Dec. 5, 2012. ‘Energy-related Retrofitting of Buildings’. Presentation as part of the ‘Parlamentarischer Abend’ of the Association of the Bavarian Industry and Commerce (Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft - vbw), Representation of the Free-State of Bavaria to the European Union in Brussels, Nov. 12, 2012. 06.04.2014 page 17 ‚Energy-turn and Education Policy in the Building Industry.’ Presentation as part of the ‘Strategy Day’ of the Society for Building Research and Professional Training of the Association of the Bavarian Building Industry, Wernberg, Oct. 12, 2012. ‘New Envelopes for old Buildings – the Potential of using Membrane Systems for the thermal Retrofitting of existing Buildings’. Presentation as part of the ‘Third International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering’, Hofburg, Wien, Oct. 3 - 6. 2012. 'Integrated Concept for the Improvement of the Energy-Efficiency of Buildings in Bavaria' (Integriertes Konzept zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden in Bayern). Presentation as part of the symposium 'Energetische Gebäudesanierung' of the ‚Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V’ (VBW), Munich, Jul. 9, 2012 'Sustainable Architecture and Information-Technolgy' ('Nachhaltige Architektur und Informationstechnik'). Presentation as part of the symposium 'Informatik & Nachhaltigkeit trotz Wandel: Wechselwirkungen einer vernetzten Gesellschaft'. Technische Universität München, Oskar von Miller Forum, Jul. 3, 2012. 'How are we going to live and dwell tomorrow? ' (Wie werden wir morgen leben und wohnen? Überlegungen für eine nachhaltige Gebäude- und Stadtplanung). Key-note presentation as part of the lecture series 'Fascination Research' (‘Faszination Forschung’), Technische Universität München, Apr. 26, 2012. 'Aspects of the Application of Innovative Building with Membranes' (Anwendungsbezogene Aspekte des innovativen Bauens mit Membranen). Presentation as part of the symposium 'Membrankonstruktionen zur energetischen Sanierung von Gebäuden' (MESG), Oskar von Miller Forum, Feb. 12, 2012. ‘Building: The Potential of positive Energy-Balances’. Symposium ‘Mobility and Buidlings – Exploring future Markets“. der vbw – Association of the Bavarian Industry, Kempinski Hotel Airport, Munich, Feb. 2, 2012. ‘Urban Laboratory Nuremberg West’. Symposium ‘Regenerative Design: Beyond LEED – how should we judge architecture in the future?” at The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture. Jan. 27 - 30, 2012. ‘Energy-efficient building as the key to a sustainable building culture”. 1st Scientific Congress of the German Humboldt Association Munich, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation, Munich. Jan. 25, 2012. 'The City as a Ressource - building the Future with the existing Building Stock.' Lecture during the symposium 'Energy-efficient and sustainable Urban Development' of the Supreme Building Authorities in the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior. Initiative 'Bavarian Inner Cities: Attractive liveable - unique' in the Germanic National Museum Nuremberg, Nov. 14, 2011. 'Examples for Energy-saving Building and Renovation in Bavaria - a Look into the Future'. Lecture during the congress 'Energy Turn - new Chances with the Building Industry', Center for the Building Industry in Nuremberg-Wetzendorf, Oct. 25, 2011. 06.04.2014 page 18 'Energy Turn and existing Building Stock - insurmountable Conflict or a Chance to improve the Building Culture?' Presentation for the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning as part of the symposium 'Energy Efficiency and Building Culture – Strategies for the existing Building Stock'. Oberste Baubehörde, Munich, Sept. 23, 2011. 'The City of the Future - what is E-Mobility?' Lecture during the Congress of the Bavarian Real Estate 2011. German Association of free Real Estate and Building Business Inc./National Association Bavaria Inc., Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich, July 13, 2011. 'The Building as a Power Plant - Designing with Energy'. Lecture during the lecture series 'Energy and Design by the BDA Trust Inc. Association of German Architects, Munich, July 5, 2011. 'New Challenges - How does Education have to react?' Lecture during the congress 'Assessing the Sustainability of Buildings in a national and international Context'. Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics and Technische Universität München. Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich, May 11, 2011. 'Sustainable Building as Key to a new Building Culture'. Presentation at the Congress 'Building for the Future – sustainable, energy efficient and innovative', organized by the Federal Ministry for Traffic, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) at the 'Bau 2011' in Munich, Jan. 17, 2011. 'Energy and Design - the Key to a sustainable Building Culture'. Presentation at the 10th Science Days Munich, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Oct. 24, 2010. 'New Envelopes for old Buildings – the Potential of current Membrane Technologies in the Area of Building Renovation'. Presentation at the 'International Conference on Building Performance in Berlin' (icbp), Federal Ministry for Economy and Technology, Berlin, Sep. 20, 2010. 'Sustainability in the Building Sector in the United States'. Presentation at the '4th IGSSE Forum 2010' of the Technische Universität München in the Raitenhaslach Monastery, Burghausen, June 17, 2010. 'Green Design'. Presentation as part of the 3-day course 'Energy Technology and Policy' at the AT&T Executive Education Conference Center, organized by Prof. Dr. Michael Webber, UT Austin, Jan. 14, 2010. 'Sustainable Architecture and urban Design in the USA'. Presentation at the Technische Universität München as part of the Master Course 'ClimateDesign', Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hausladen, Munich, Nov. 26, 2009. 'Building integrated Photovoltaics'. Presentation with Prof. Lawrence Speck, PageSoutherlandPage, and Nick Littleton, Solar Array Ventures, at the 70th Annual Convention of the Texas Society of Architects / AIA at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Oct. 24, 2009. 'Green Design'. Presentation as part of the 3-day course 'Energy Technology and Policy' at the AT&T Executive Education Conference Center, organized by Prof. Dr. Michael Webber, UT Austin, Aug. 18, 2009. 06.04.2014 page 19 'Architecture and Technology: Smart Design for Building the Future'. Presentation as part of the 'AIA Continuing Education' Courses at the Austin Center for Architecture, Apr. 14, 2009. 'Smart Building Design: Technologies, Systems and integrated Solutions for Future-oriented Building'. Presentation as part of the interdisciplinary seminar ME 397 'Energy,Technology & Policy' at the Cockrell School of Engineering at UT Austin, Apr. 14, 2009. 'Re-Building the Future: Sustainable Design for existing Buildings'. Presentation as part of the 'Research Seminar on Historic Preservation and Sustainability', UT Austin School of Architecture, Mar. 9, 2009. 'Design with Climate: Building for a cooler Planet'. Presentation as part of the 'Hot Science - Cool Talks', Outreach Lecture Series organized by the Environmental Science Institute and the Jackson School of Geosciences UT Austin, Feb. 27, 2009. 'From Climate to Design'. Presentation at the Department of History of Art and Architecture as part of the lecture series 'The Engineered World: Energy'. UT Austin, Cockrell School of Engineering, Nov. 13, 2008. 'Innovative Building Skins: Challenges and Chances'. Presentation at the 'European Conference and Cooperation Exchange 2006', Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Vienna, Nov. 15, 2006. 'A Building System for School Buildings in hot and humid Climates'. Presentation at the Conference 'Intelligent Building Middle East 2005', in Manama, Bahrain, Dec. 7, 2005. 'Architecture and Technology: Projects by Herzog + Partner Munich'. Presentation at the workshop 'Sol i Arkitekturen' of the Norwegian Chamber of Architects, Oslo, Nov. 4, 2005. 'Energy and Urbanization: The Challenge of the 21st Century'. Presentation at the '23rd Arab Engineering Conference', Manama, Bahrain, Mar. 15, 2005. 'Glass for intelligent Buildings'. Presentation at the 'International Symposium on the Application of Architectural Glass (ISAAG 2004)', University of the Armed Forces, Munich, Nov. 15, 2004. 'Architecture and Energy: Challenges and Solutions'. Presentation at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, VR China, School of Architecture and Urban Planning. June 3, 2004. 'Energy and Architecture. Challenges and Chances'. Presentation at the Bavarian Centre for Applied Energy Research (ZAE): 'Energy Conservation in the Building Stock', Oct. 8 - 9, 2003. 'Innovative Buildings Skins - Tendencies and Realization'. Symposium 'Future-oriented building' at the trade fair 'BAU 2003', Munich, Jan. 14 - 15, 2003. 'The Building Skin of the Future'. Symposium of the 'Rosenheimer Fenstertage 2002', Institute for Window Technology, Rosenheim, Oct. 17 19, 2002. 06.04.2014 page 20 'Adjustable Solar Shading and Heat Conservation Louvers for double Skin Facades'. Symposium 'Building Envelopes', organized by the Harvard Center for Design Informatics and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Munich, Oct. 12, 2001. 'Facades: Aesthetics and Building Design'. Seminar together with Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kuckelkorn for the 'Eurowindoor Academy' at the Institute for Window Technology in Rosenheim, Apr. 2, 2001 and Nov. 16, 2000. 'Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning'. Symposium 'Solar architecture' of the initiative 'Solarstadt München', organized by the City of Munich, Feb. 2, 2001. 'Functional, constructive and Design Aspects of the energetic Renovation of Facades'. ZAE-Symposium on the research project 'ISOTEG' at the congress 'Energie Innovativ 2000', Nuremberg, Nov. 29, 2000. 'Heating and solar Shading Devices made of Wood for Double-SkinFacades', 'Rosenheimer Fenstertage', Oct. 19, 2000. 'Energy and Urbanization - the Challenge of the 21st Century'. Lecture during the world conference 'Urban 21', Symposium 10: 'Solar Cities of the Future', Berlin, July 4 - 6, 2000. 'Adjustable Solar Shading and Heat Conservation 'Louvers for transparent, multi-layered Glass Facades'. Symposium 'Eurosun 2000' in Copenhagen, June 19 - 22, 2000. ‘Innovative heat-conservation and sun-protection Systems for Double Skin Facades’. Symposium ‘Facades of the Future“, ‘fensterbau frontale 2000’. Nuremberg, March 24 - 25, 2000. 'Agenda for Architecture'. Workshop with Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog and Dr.Ing. Thomas Kuckelkorn at the 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang, M. Arch.II (UCLA), Mar. 1999. ‘Solar Energy Use in Building’. International Symposium ‘Chances of Solar Technologies and the Turn of the Millenium’, Bayerische Staatsregierung, Thüringer Landesregierung, European Commission. Coburg, Nov. 8 - 9, 1998. 'Architecture und Technology - Working with the Building Skin' Symposium 'Rosenheimer Fenstertage 1998, Institute for Window Technology Rosenheim, Oct. 15 - 16, 1998. 'The historical Development of multi-layered Building-Skins made of Glass'. 10th spring academy of the TU Budapest und TU München, Munich, Apr. 22, 1998. 'Typology for multi-layered Building Skins made of Glass'. Architects' day at the 'Fensterbau 98' in Nuremberg, international trade fair for window and facade technologies, March 26, 1998. 'Energy - Basics for designing the Future'. Symposium of the TU Budapest, Chamber of Engineers - Hungaria, Balatonfuered/Hungaria, Apr. 24 - 26, 1997. 'Integration of solar Energy Use in architectural Concepts'. ZAESymposium '96: 'Energiesparende Gebäudekonzepte: 'Warmth-Light-Air', Wuerzburg, Nov. 18, 1996. 06.04.2014 page 21 'European Charter for Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning', 43rd IFHP World Congress: 'Habitation for the Future. Concepts, Processes, Products', Sendai/Japan, Oct. 14 - 17, 1996. 'Integration of Principles concerning solar Energy Use in architectural Concepts of Buildings'. Symposium 'Low-Energy-Building', organized by 'renergie Allgaeu e.V.', Kempten, Aug. 12, 1996. 'An Attempt to integrate the Knowledge of solar Building into Teaching at various Levels'. 4th European Conference 'Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning', Berlin, 'Haus der Kulturen der Welt'. March 26 - 29, 1996. 'An Attempt to integrate the Knowledge of solar Building into Teaching at various Levels'. Florence International Conference for Teachers of Architecture, Florence, Universita' degli studi di Firenze, Sept. 28 - 30, 1995. Panel Discussions: ‘Ecological Chemistry and Building’, panel discussion as part of the symposium ‘Ecological Chemistry and Building’ in honor of Prof. Friedhelm Korte, founder of the research field ‘Environmental Chemistry’. Institute for Advanced Studies, Technische Universität München, Feb. 13, 2014. ‘Industry goes Green’ – ‘Moderne Infrastruktur als Voraussetzung für den Erfolg der Energiewende in Deutschland?’. Panel discussion organized by UBS Deutschland AG. Neue Börse München, Jun. 14, 2012. 'Definitions of sustainable Mobilites'. Panel discussion in conjunction with the 'International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport: Making Sustainable Mobilities – Interdisciplinary Perspectives'. Technische Universität München, mobil.TUM 2011. Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich, , April 7 – 8, 2011. Panelist at the 2010 UT Austin Climate Change Studies Symposium. Hosted by the Environmental Science Institute, The Unversity of Texas at Austin, Avaya Auditorium in the ACES, Feb. 22, 2010. Panelist at the '2010 UT Sustainable Business Summit Panel IV: Sustainable Product Labeling and Marketing', Hosted by Net Impact McCombs. The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Union Ballroom, Feb. 5, 2010. Panelist at the '2010 Climate Protection Conference & Expo'. Session topic: 'Taking Green Buildings To Zero Energy, The Next Ten Years'. Hosted by Austin Energy. Palmer Events Center, Austin, Jan. 15, 2010. Supervisor doctoral thesis: John E. Anderson: Life-cycle assessment of induced impact in the built environment. Co-advisor: Prof. Gebhard Wulfhorst. Susanne Bodach: Climate responsive building design strategies of vernacular architecture in Nepal. Co-advisor: Prof. Johannes Hamhaber, ITT Köln. Andika Citraningrum: The effect of vertical greenery systems on energy consumption of buildings. Co-advisor: TBD. 06.04.2014 page 22 Wonjae Lee: Potential for improving the thermal performance of the building stock in South Korea. Co-advisor: TBD. Wael Ahmed Yousuf Mousa: An Evolutionary Approach to the Role of Heritage-Inspired Solutions in Hot and Arid Climate. The Case of Egypt. Co-advisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tina Wolf, TUM. Rene Regel: Differenzierbare Energiekennwerte zur energetischen Planung, Sanierung und Betriebsoptimierung von Gebäuden. Leopoldo L. Saavedra Arévalo: Das Gebäude als Organismus. Bionische Ansätze für gebaute Systeme. Co-advisor: TBD. Asma Shakeel: Impact assessment of residential building energy codes for energy saving in Pakistan and their effect on GHG reduction. Co-advisor: TBD. Yunming Shao: A systematic approach to energy efficiency retrofit solutions for existing buildings. Co-advisor: TBD. Markus Weißenberger: Lebenszyklusanalyse und kumulierter Energieverbrauch bei Niedrigstenergiegebäude. Co-advisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Jensch, HS München. 06.04.2014 page 23